Hold On, You're Something Else

Chapter 3: CH 3

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Beta, like Alpha and Omega, occupied their rightful place in the encyclopedia, including their definition, reproduction concepts, gender characteristics, and etc.

But that’s all there was. Except for some web pages, the rest only covered a few data about Beta.

This idea was enough to show that Alphas and Omegas were the ones who got the most attention. 

Rong Jing browsed for a long time before he found a relevant article.

Betas contributed to make up the largest percentage of the population. They were the cornerstone of this normal functioning society. Almost every industry had a Beta figure. Because they were not affected by pheromones, they were flexible and could work anywhere unlike ‘AO’. A lot of them stood out as excellent talents.

Rong Jing came to develop a natural affinity for Betas. They were unlike Alphas who were vulnerable to great emotional and physical fluctuations, or Omegas who were considered as walking aphrodisiacs.

Jlvyp olal zkjl vbl dsaxyz rlsrzl kd vbkp osaze. Ms Ssdt Kkdt, clkdt y Jlvy oyp vss xwnb sq y tykd clnywpl bl nswze dlhla kxytkdl obyv bl’e es kq bl lhla oldv kdvs bkp awv rlakse.

Ohld okvb vbkp tldlayz wdelapvydekdt, Ssdt Kkdt, obs bye clld scplahkdt rlelpvakydp cu vbl asyepkel qsa y zsdt vkxl, pvkzz pvawttzle vs ekpnlad y rlapsd’p tldela.

Mblu eked’v byhl xyajp sa puxcszp sd vblka blye. Tl dllele vs vlzz vbl tldela yryav cu bkxplzq.

Uswze rlsrzl kd vbkp osaze es kv rlaqlnvzu? Fssd, bl tsv vbl ydpola.

Vlsrzl kd vbkp osaze, obs yzps alzkle sd vblka lmrlakldnl ralvvu xwnb bye vbl pyxl alpwzvp yp bkx. Mblu yzps pvawttzle yv qkapv.

Mblpl olal psxl sq vbl nsxxldvp sd y olzz-jdsod qsawx:

— Zsw nyd ts wr yde ypj kq usw’al dsv yqayke sq clkdt clyvld vs elyvb (kq usw twlpple oasdt).

— Yspv sq vbl vkxl, kv’p iwkvl lypu vs vlzz rlsrzl yryav. GX nbyaynvlakpvknp yal xsal schkswp. Jwv zypv vkxl, R xkpvssj yd G qsa y J, yde R yzxspv tsv pnszele. Lso vbkp G bye clnsxl vss naydju. Jwv bl zssjp zkjl y olyjzkdt ps nyd usw czyxl xl qsa twlppkdt oasdt?

— This is simply metaphysics, you need your intuition to discern other people’s gender.

To sum it up, if you transmigrate to this world, first, look at other people’s features and then just guess what gender they are by your… gut feeling.

After being bitten by a mosquito for the fifth time, Rong Jing decided to call it a day. As expected, a second call arrived.

The person who called was someone who couldn’t be offended according to the original owner’s memories. Some foreign language dialogue was heard on the other end of the phone, and the voice of a secretary translating the words.

The caller’s voice was rigid and filled with dominance. A voice that belonged to an Alpha alone.

“It’s me. I have three more meetings to attend, so I’ll keep this short. Aunt Han should have told you already so I won’t tell you again. Remember to come back tomorrow night.”

Rong Jing didn’t reply. The tone of the speaker on the other end became increasingly stern, “There should be a limit to your childishness. Don’t go too far and make everyone feel embarrassed.”

The other person was the eldest brother of the original owner, Xie Ling. The ‘Aunt Han’ he mentioned was the original owner’s mother, Han Lianmei.

Xie Ling always spoke in an intimidating tone, with a high-handed attitude even over the phone. This overbearing demeanor of his could provoke an Alpha’s irritability gene and draw their hostility.

This tense atmosphere affected Rong Jing almost instantly. People near him could feel the suffocating feeling of being strangled by the throat. They all immediately walked away from him.

But even when he was angry, Rong Jing still looked calm on the outside.

Thinking of the disgusting reasons why the original owner ran away from home, Rong Jing answered, “Nothing changed. Aren’t you afraid that I’ll come back and do something worse?”

There was a pause on the other end. It is unknown whether it was because of Rong Jing’s sarcasm, or if the other person was surprised at Rong Jing’s change of attitude. The usual Rong Jing was always mum. This kind of sarcastic tone was hardly heard from him.

After a long time, the person replied, “You’re, still, and will always be a member of our Xie family.”

The original owner might not have heard the deep meaning in this person’s words before, but this time, Rong Jing heard it.

He didn’t say that he believed in Rong Jing, but he didn’t also take sides, which was already considered rare in the Xie family.

The original owner was very afraid of Xie Ling. In his eyes, Xie Ling and his stepfather were brutal and unreasonable. 

But humans were inherently complex creatures. What you see about them wasn’t always necessarily true.

Rong Jing wanted to use his own eyes to observe everything around him and only use the original owner’s memories as reference.

“If you don’t care about it then there’s nothing for me to be afraid of. So…” Rong Jing knew that if he refused this, their conversation wouldn’t end on a pleasant note. “I’ll come back.”

Xie Ling was satisfied with Rong Jing’s answer so his voice softened slightly, “You can use your credit cards now. Go buy yourself a set of clothes.”

Several of Rong Jing’s cards were frozen by his step father. Rong Jing wondered what Xie Ling used to convince that stubborn middle-aged Alpha to unfreeze them. He asked, “I’m just coming back for a meal. Why do I have to buy myself clothes?”

“Didn’t Aunt Han tell you? There’s a party at home tomorrow night to celebrate Dad and Aunt Han’s tenth wedding anniversary.”

Rong Jing didn’t see the need to celebrate especially since his mother was married yet she was treated like a slave in an old society serving her masters. But it could be clearly seen that his mother had a soft spot for her son.

Since he took over this body, he had to take up the responsibility to carry on the original owner’s problems, that was the reason why he couldn’t refuse the invitation.

Rong Jing hung up the phone and stood still, thinking about the situation in the Xie family and what role he was supposed to play in it.

Only when he returned to his senses did he realize the oddity of his surroundings. The ten-meter radius around him was empty. No one walked near him.

Rong Jing had a question mark on his face. What happened?

Rong Jing smiled apologetically to the people around him, clueless as to what he should do. 

The expression on the faces of the people steering clear away from him was understandable, though. He didn’t actually need to feel apologetic, instead take this opportunity to go along with this world’s trend.

This world reflected the law of the jungle. If he wanted to fit in, he had to learn the laws of this world.

His smile also seemed a bit silly. No one would think now that the angry aura actually came from him.

The square was very close to the intersection. Many cars were now stopped because of the red light. In a silver gray car, a manager found a strange scene in the square and whispered, “I think something happened over there.”

This warning drew the attention of the person taking a nap on the side.

A man looked out of the window and realized that they had now arrived near today’s event venue. He looked very tired as he pressed his temples. His face was obscured by the dark shadows falling from the roof of the car.

In the hazy darkness, only his eyes appeared sharp and bright as it gazed at the tall Alpha in the middle of the square. 

His voice sounded like a clear spring in the mountains. The air around him carried a fragrance that was only unique to him, “That’s an Outburst.”

The manager felt like he had heard that word before, but he had a hard time trying to recall the meaning.

The man knocked his manager’s forehead and laughed lightly, “Didn’t I tell you to study concepts about our culture?”

Alphas were naturally superior to the other genders in terms of physique, cellular activities in their bodies, and physical ability. But those advantages come with consequences—aftereffects such as being overly active, being prone to emotional instability or overload.

When an outstanding Alphas gets angry, the normal operation of their cells may be disrupted causing chaos inside their bodies. Overconcentration of blood to their brain may lead to a decrease in blood oxygen saturation in the body which may create a relative increase in toxins and vascular pressure.

So it wasn’t a misconception that anger tends to make the brain hypoxic1.

Alphas need to learn how to regulate themselves otherwise this phenomenon would get more serious over time.

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Rd ydnkldv vkxlp, yewzv Gzrbyp oswze vlynb vblka uswdt sdlp bso vs nsdvasz vblka lxsvksdp, bso vs vaydpqsax vblka ydtla vs ik yde bso vs alzlypl kv qasx vblka cseu vs altwzyvl vblka cseu’p liwkzkcakwx.

Jwv pwnb y alzlypl kp iwkvl wdrzlypydv vs svbla tldelap. Gqvla yzz, vbkp alzlypl kp yd Gzrby’p ydtla.

Mbkp oyu sq altwzyvksd kp nyzzle yd Xwvcwapv.

Tsolhla, Xwvcwapvp olal zypv plld byzq y nldvwau yts.

Xdzu yd swvpvydekdt Gzrby nswze es yd Xwvcwapv, ulv vbkp Xwvcwapv yzsdl nswze lzkxkdyvl 90% sq vbl Gzrbyp kd vbl xyajlv.

Ekvb dyvwal’p pwahkhyz sq vbl qkvvlpv, sdzu yd lmnlzzldv Gzrby, vbyv kp rlaqlnv kd yzz yprlnvp yde okvb y bktb nlzzwzya ynvkhkvu, oswze cl yczl vs es yd Xwvcwapv.

Ysalshla, yd lmvalxlzu tsse xldvyz nyrynkvu oyp dllele qsa vbkp altwzyvksd vs yeyrv vs vbkp vaydpqsaxyvksd.

Tsolhla, vbl xsal swvpvydekdt vbl Gzrby oyp, vbl xsal ekpvypvlqwz kv oyp vs vbl xyd. Jlnywpl kd bkp lulp, vblu olal sdzu y taswr sq ydkxyzp obs vssj yehydvytl sq vblka pvaldtvbp.

How did Rong Jing manage to control this complicated thing? He didn’t even have an inkling about the six genders, let alone something this complex, so how? He had only worked by his intuition.

He suddenly felt a palpitation for no reason. It was as if a cold-blooded animal was staring at him.

Rong Jing abruptly touched his suddenly beating chest. He looked around but saw no one. He attributed this to a sudden hallucination after transmigrating into this world.

He felt anxious for a while. Maybe because he had drunk too much in the cat cafe.

At this time, the sky had completely turned dark. The night life of the city had officially begun. 

Due to bathrooms occupying large areas, public bathrooms were rarely seen by the roadside. Rong Jing looked at his phone with only 5 percent battery remaining and quickly searched for the nearest bathroom. He found one inside a nearby shopping mall.

As soon as he arrived at the mall, he found that several entrances were packed with people.

Screams broke out one after another. Many young men and women were holding banners. 

Rong Jing had seen this kind of scene before and thought that maybe a star was coming over. The only thing weird he found was this crowd consisted of a variety of six genders. This scene could be quite intense and a little scary for an earthling like him.

The original owner of the body was an introvert and was afraid of crowds. Though Rong Jing was not afraid, the original owner’s body reacted to this scene, making his muscles tense.

Rong Jing took a few deep breaths. He has always been good at regulating his emotions.

After he calmed down, he walked in with the moving crowd, looking for signages to search for the bathroom.

But the bathrooms were full. Probably because there were too many people, and some of them had even become impatient. Two Alphas even clashed before they could even reach the bathroom door. Security guards rushed in to maintain peace and order.

Rong Jing wanted to go to the second floor but was pushed back to the first floor by the crowd. He couldn’t get used to the smell of the six genders. He looked around at the dazzling array of stores and tried to search for another bathroom.

There can’t be just one bathroom on the first floor of such a large mall.

Some distance away from a resting area, a few girls with hair bands were giving out fangirling/boying items. They saw Rong Jing standing in place like a lost lamb. The two pushed each other before they eventually decided to walk towards Rong Jing together.

They greeted him with a smile and asked him if he came to see today’s RM jewelry launch. Only then did Rong Jing notice a sign board next to the resting area. 

Isn’t that the idol, Gu Xi he had looked up on the internet?

As soon as the name Gu Xi popped out, the feeling of familiarity welled up inside him again. This weird feeling was like scratching an itch through one’s boots. It felt uncomfortable.

The ambassador of this jewelry shop seemed to be Gu Xi. Seeing that he did not deny their question, the two girls looked at each other and excitedly asked a few questions to Rong Jing about Gu Xi.

Because he had just read about some of his profile information, Rong Jing answered all their questions correctly then said strangely, “But why are you asking me?”

“Don’t you know? Aren’t you here to see Gu Xi?”

“Ah, no.” I simply have an internal emergency.

“Then why do you know so much about Gu Xi? You even know his height and weight!”

The two girls didn’t believe him at all even though his face looked like he wasn’t lying. They thought that maybe this Alpha was quite shy. He looked tall and big but acted cute. The two generously stuffed him with some expensive fan merchs, a bracelet and a cap with Gu Xi’s face printed on it.

Rong Jing originally wanted to refuse but when he looked at the cap and saw the beautiful face no matter from which angle he looked at, he thought ‘Who’d be willing to throw this away when it looks like this?‘

Rong Jing was only interested in women but there was no need to refuse a chance to appreciate beautiful people and things. Gu Xi belonged to this category: boys who take good care of themselves when they go out.

The bracelet he received was made of black leather. A pendant hanging below was a small version of Gu Xi’s face. Rong Jing put it on like the other fans.

The two girls showed him the direction to the main arena, where the stage had been set up and the host’s passionate voice could be heard.

Rong Jing was also quite curious about Gu Xi. Now that he had an opportunity to see him, it was likely that he might remember something if he met him. However, what he needed to do now was to attend to his physical needs.

While holding back a blush, Rong Jing asked the two girls sheepishly if there were any near bathrooms here with fewer people.

The two were familiar with this mall so they knew one bathroom that was usually used by VIPs. They pointed him to that direction, which wasn’t shown on the signages.

The two girls were so enthusiastic and even drew a map for Rong Jing.

Rong Jing guessed that these two girls were probably VIP themselves, otherwise they couldn’t have known clearly where that bathroom was. Then he suddenly thought of a sentence from the internet back on his previous life: Fans these days don’t even feel shame when chasing stars.

Rong Jing thought that some fans on the forum said that Gu Xi never accepted expensive gifts from fans. He thought that what Gu Xi does was right.

Since it was a bathroom used by VIPs, it was quite fancy. It had six rooms, along with a lactation room and several lounges. It covered an area twice that of an ordinary restroom. It almost looked like a small apartment.

Rong Jing, though, was already used to seeing this in his last life. He only sighed and began to get down to business.

For fear of going to the wrong room, he looked carefully at the icons at the top of each room. 

Having a background knowledge was one thing, but applying the concepts in real life was still quite hard. Please pardon this stranger’s awkwardness while surviving in this foreign world.

When Rong Jing stepped forward, he didn’t notice a man walking in a hurry behind him. His long straight legs were wrapped in suit pants. The curves of his legs could be vaguely seen.

The man was holding something in his hand and immediately tucked it in his sleeve. He was wearing a cap and a black mask.

He walked in such a hurry that he bumped into Rong Jing, who had just decided which room he should enter.

There’s a faint scent that kind of wafted over, en?

It was an inexplicable scent. Every molecule of it emitted a fatally attractive smell that could cause goosebumps. An unfathomable, good smell that could cause a physiological stimulation.

There was no Alpha that could refuse this scent, and Rong Jing was naturally not immune to it. His body instinctively craved and sniffed for more, making him more dizzy.

This kind of dizziness was just like what he felt when he drank ten bottles of Erguotou2 at a dinner party in his previous life.

In this current state where he seemed like he had downed ten bottles of Erguotou, he now seemed a bit muddled and drunk.

This tempting scent pervaded the air. Rong Jing’s eyes turned red, the cells in his body seemed to have been activated.

No, not good.

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