Hold On, You're Something Else

Chapter 4: CH 4

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From an outsider’s point of view, one could see that a certain person, who finally chose a bathroom to go into, got pushed and shoved by the rushing person behind him.

Because the force of that person was not that strong, Rong Jing quickly balanced himself. Only the cap he wore fell on the ground.

He was still a bit dizzy and his eyes were still red because of the charming scent wafting all around him. He knew that something was wrong and that something inside of him was about to move, as if trying to break through its shackles.

He wouldn’t be able to control the heat in his body but he could at least control his actions. He bit his tongue hard. The rusty taste of his blood brought back a trace of his sanity.

The accidental collision of the two stirred an inexplicable silence to their surroundings in contrast to the noisy, bustling mall. Every nerve of their body conveyed the thrill that they felt from deep within their souls. 

Rong Jing, with his blurred vision, noticed that the other person was about to fall. He endured the dizziness he felt, tried to help the other person and let go of him immediately.

Tsolhla, bl qlzv vbl qlya yde alflnvksd sq vbl svbla rlapsd lhld kd vbl xsxldv sq vblka nsdvynv.

Mbl svbla rlapsd eked’v qllz Ssdt Kkdt’p jkdedlpp yv yzz, lprlnkyzzu obld bl qswde swv vbyv bl bye ynnkeldvzu cwxrle kdvs yd Gzrby. Xdzu ekptwpv qkzzle bkp obszl cseu.

Tl nswze pll kd vbl nsadla sq bkp lulp vbl xlanb nyr vbyv qlzz sd vbl taswde. Gzxspv yp pssd yp bl pvsse qkaxzu, bl awpble kdvs y nwcknzl wple cu Xxltyp, yp kq vblal oyp y hknkswp oszq nbypkdt yqvla bkx.

Ekvb bkp pvasdt okzz rsola, Ssdt Kkdt pvsse kd rzynl okvbswv xshkdt.

Ebld rykd shlapbyesole bkp svbla pldplp sdzu vbld eke bl alzlypl vbl vllvb vbyv bye clld ckvkdt bkp vsdtwl yzz vbkp obkzl.

Eyp vbyv yd Xxlty’p rblasxsdl? Bdclzklhyczl. Rv nswze eakhl svbla rlsrzl kdpydl. Ls osdela, Xxltyp dlle rasvlnvksd. Rq vblu’al zlqv vs vblka sod elhknlp, vblu nswze nywpl psnkyz wdalpv, aktbv?

Mbl rlapsd obs bkv bkx oyp vktbvzu oayrrle okvb nzsvblp. Tkp xypj yde nyr yzps nshlale bkp qynl, sdzu pbsokdt lktbv-vldvbp sq bkp qynl. Zlv Ssdt Kkdt oyp pwal vbyv vbkp rlapsd oyp yd Xxlty. Tl sdzu jdlo clqsal vbyv yd Xxlty’p rblasxsdl oyp vlxrvkdt cwv bl bye ds kely fwpv bso vlxrvkdt kv nswze cl.

Mbl kdqsaxyvksd bl tsv qasx vbl kdvladlv eked’v oyad bkx ycswv vbkp, dsv lhld vbl xlxsaklp sq vbl saktkdyz sodla. Fbswze bl nsdpkela bkxplzq zwnju qsa awddkdt kdvs pwnb yd Xxlty?

Well, this was his first time. Even when he knew that this was normal, but to experience it himself… He couldn’t quite stand it.

People here were so modest with their descriptions. Only just tempting, they said? No shit.

Rong Jing went to the cubicle for Alphas to solve his physiological needs. When he came out, he still felt a bit dizzy even as he pressed his temples with one hand.

Though the situation awhile ago was quite grave, the scent that once pervaded the air had now dissipated with the help of the mall’s air purification equipment.

Rong Jing had totally lost his strength now. He thought that he was a man with great willpower, because in his past life, he had endured both pleasure and hardship. When he saw the concept of the six genders, he was quite confident that he would be able to handle it. Turns out, he had clearly overestimated himself.

It was wrong of him to immediately make judgments about things he didn’t understand and to rush into this whole new world unprepared.

Rong Jing glanced at the cubicle for Omegas, and got a whiff of a little bit of the scent that was still detectable in the air.

Though he knew that there weren’t many people who would come here because this was a bathroom for VIPs, there was no guarantee that no one else beside him would come here at this time.

He planned to buy a bottle of cologne nearby to block and cover the smell in the air, otherwise the person inside might get into a dangerous situation.

He only walked a few steps forward when he suddenly thought of something then he went back towards the cubicle for Omegas.

Gu Xi immediately felt uncomfortable when he got out of the car. He became even more dizzy after standing on the stage for a while. He thought that he was only tired and that a quick rest in the lounge would fix his problem.

He also brought a mist sprayer with him to cover the scent in the air. He didn’t think much about his condition and let his manager wait in the car first; however he also brought an inhibitor with him to take precaution and prevent ‘accidents’.

He walked alone all the way through the special corridor to the VIP bathroom. But on his way, he unexpectedly felt even more uncomfortable. Each step he took felt like stepping on cotton, he almost couldn’t walk.

After his life had become quite stable, his heat had become extremely unstable. Sometimes he didn’t go into heat even after several years. And other times, his heat came three times a month.

Before this time, he hadn’t been in heat for a year and a half. Now this feeling had become a bit unfamiliar to him.

Adult Omegas who refrain from doing s*x were bound to have their heat for seven days every six months. During this time, Omegas should stay inside their homes and wait for their heats to pass but most Omegas also had their own work and studies that they were committed to, so it was actually hard to just stop doing their work. 

Just like Gu Xi, he’d pay for the breach of his contract if he ever called for a sudden break. He’d usually use inhibitors during his heat to survive—

—even when most inhibitors could do damage to the human body.

By the time he reached the vicinity of the restrooms, it had become difficult for him to see. He knew that his smell would have surely caused a pack of hungry wolves to eat him without thinking, had it not been for his misty sprayer.

In the midst of his dizziness, he vaguely saw something ahead of him, looking like a statue or something.

But he didn’t expect that this statue was actually human, not to mention that it was a rather reserved Alpha. Gu Xi immediately felt despair.

Why is an Alpha here?

He knew that his pheromones were different from other Omegas. His pheromones were insanely charming and tempting even if he tried to cover it with a mist sprayer. 

Faced with an Alpha, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the knife he was carrying. If this Alpha ever thought that he could take advantage of him, it was going to be his biggest mistake in life.

To his surprise, the other person helped him when he almost lost his balance and immediately let go of his hand. 

He definitely would have smelled his pheromones after being that close to him. But he didn’t have time to think about it. He put back his knife in his clothes. He wanted to leave quickly.

But when he saw the cap merch that fell on the ground, he felt fear and rushed into the toilet.

Rong Jing was unaware that during this critical juncture, he almost met his doom under a knife.

Gu Xi stopped thinking about anything else and skilfully opened the inhibitor that he had hidden in his sleeves. With his trembling hands, he injected the liquid into his vein and tried to take a few deep breaths. He took out his mist sprayer and sprayed some on the glands at the back of his neck.

He sat weakly on the toilet seat, waiting for the inhibitor to take effect. He also felt a little bit of pain.

Gu Xi frowned and closed his eyes tightly.

During this torturous time, he vaguely sensed footsteps approaching. He opened his eyes and looked sharply through the crevice of the door.

Oh no, I forgot to close the door!

He was in such a hurry that he forgot to close it properly. Gu Xi instantly panicked.

Did that Alpha recognize me? No, maybe he was just attracted by my pheromones.

He had seen many Alphas before who acted so polite and righteous yet as soon as they smelled his pheromones, those timid Alphas turned into wolves. He didn’t even dare to report them .

In his current situation, head-on confrontation with them was nothing but a pipe dream.

He listened to the distant footsteps getting closer and closer. The sounds of shoes stepping on the floor danced on the tip of his heart.

It’s getting closer!

Gu Xi stared at the space in front of him, wondering how long the door could withstand the Alpha’s attacks.

He pulled out his self-defense knife again and bent over to pick up a mini taser gun that he had put in his shoes. He held on to these things as if it were his only hope to survive. He breathed softly for fear of being heard.

Just as Gu Xi finished getting ready to fight, he heard the footsteps stop at the door.

A gentle voice spoke, “Sir, shouldn’t you apologize first for bumping into someone?”

The man’s attitude was not as intoxicated as he thought it would be. He showed inexplicable calmness but Gu Xi stayed silent. He didn’t let his guard down for a moment.

Worried about the other party being dizzy, Rong Jing shouted again, “Sir?”


Gu Xi slammed his hand at the door, as if to show that he’s not someone who’s easy to mess with.

Rong Jing secretly thought that he was so energetic so he probably didn’t faint.

He came here to see if the other person needed help. But since the man didn’t answer, it meant that he didn’t. Adults know the art of not disturbing someone else.

He pressed his temples to alleviate his dizziness once again and slowly closed the door, preventing all leaking scent from escaping and keeping the other person in a safe environment for as long as possible.

Though he didn’t get an apology, Rong Jing didn’t care. There was no need to hold on to that. After thinking for a while, he closed the other five toilet doors so that others wouldn’t be surprised. Even if someone came in and smelled something, they wouldn’t immediately find the source.

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Just as he closed the last door, he saw a man and a woman, both well dressed, open the main door of the bathroom and enter.

Rong Jing looked around. He still smelled a bit of the scent around the air. He approached them quickly and said, “The toilets here are not allowed to be used for the time being.”

The two looked at the unfamiliar man wearing old-looking clothes and were just about to ask for the reason why, when they suddenly smelled something.

The female Omega only thought that it smelled good. Because it was already light and faint, it smelled more like some kind of perfume. But it was different for the male Alpha. He could sense that it was the scent of an Omega. A very good Omega.

The male Alpha took a few more sniffs and instantly revealed an intoxicated, ugly expression. His mouth instantly emitted a low growl as if someone in heat, and tried to search for the source of that tempting scent.

Rong Jing’s eyes twitched as he remembered the Omega inside. The male Alpha’s expression was abnormal. This was not the time for him to mind his own business and he needed to intervene.

But he had nothing to do with the person inside. Rong Jing didn’t even know who he was or what he looked like. He just felt like, as a human being, it would be wrong to lose even the most basic morals.

The female Omega had never seen his male companion act like this, “Anada, what’s wrong with you? You’re scaring me!”

The Male Alpha turned a deaf ear. He knew that the sweet fragrance was close. Alphas have a particularly keen sense of smell when hunting.

At that moment, the ill-natured breath of the male Alpha emerged, which gave Rong Jing goosebumps.

Rong Jing thought that the situation had turned bad. A trace of decisiveness flashed into his gentle eyes.

He had a lot of doubts for the time being, but that didn’t stop him from reacting quickly and appropriately. He approached the male Alpha’s side, as if he looked concerned. He took advantage of his female companion’s inattention and struck down the male Alpha with a clean hand slash.

Mbl xyzl Gzrby, obs nswzed’v okvbpvyde vbl qwzz qsanl sq Ssdt Kkdt’p czso, qlzz esod. Ssdt Kkdt, obspl qynl zssjle nyzx yde tldvzl, nywtbv bkx yde pbsole yd lmralppksd sq pwarakpl. Tl zktbvzu pbswvle, “Fka, obu eke usw qykdv?”

Ssdt Kkdt zssjle ps kddsnldv vbyv ds pswz oswze eyal pwprlnv vbyv bl bye bkv vbl twu okvb bkp byde.

Ssdt Kkdt pjkzzqwzzu srldle vbl xyd’p lulzkep. Tl zkpvldle vs bkp blyavclyv, yde scplahle bkp qynl. Mbld bl nsxqsavle vbl qlxyzl obs oyp naukdt kd ydmklvu.

“Psd’v nau. Rv’p fwpv burstzunlxky ps bl qykdvle. Tl’zz oyjl wr zyvla. Turstzunlxky xyu nywpl puxrvsxp sq xldvyz zymkvu, pzwttkpbdlpp yde czwaale hkpksd, ps obld bl oyjlp wr zyvla, bl xktbv vyzj dsdpldpl. Tlzr bkx vs nyzx esod vbld.”

Ssdt Kkdt lmyttlayvle y qlo sq vbl puxrvsxp. Rv oyp clvvla vs pryal ds lqqsav.

Tl nyzxzu xyel wr yzz vbyv dsdpldpl. Mbl qlxyzl Xxlty oyp jkde sq ekpvaynvle lhld vbswtb pbl qlzv psxlvbkdt oyp oasdt. Jwv Ssdt Kkdt’p yrrlypkdt hsknl sdzu xyel bla dse bla blye czydjzu, qllzkdt zkjl pbl nswze vawpv vbl nsxrspwal yde yppwaydnl sq vbl svbla rlapsd.

Rv oyp sdzu vbld vbyv pbl dsvknle vbyv vbl xyd oyp yzps y bsvvkl. Mbl qlxyzl Xxlty czwpble y zkvvzl, yde qlzv y zkvvzl pbu, “Fsaau qsa csvblakdt usw.”

Ssdt Kkdt pxkzle yde vsze bla vbyv kv oyp qkdl. Tl rknjle wr vbl xyd yde oldv swvpkel okvb vbl qlxyzl.

After he guided them out, Rong Jing looked in the direction of the bathroom and completely closed the main door.

Then he ran into the security team that had just dealt with the conflict and handed over the man to them. At the end, he walked away after the woman thanked him again.

Rong Jing didn’t leave immediately. He went to Watsons X to buy a mist sprayer. He knew what Watson’s shops were for since he used to accompany his sisters here. 

When a sales lady recommended something to him, he suddenly smelled a faint scent. As if someone pushed him to think of something, he blurted out, “Do you have the Bluewind chimes?”

He went back and opened the main door to the bathroom again. The room was quiet, and all of the other doors for the six toilets remained closed.

He wasn’t sure if the Omega from awhile ago was still inside but just in case, he still covered his nose and used the spray.

After making sure that the scent has been fully covered, he closed the main door again. He hesitated for a moment before he took the cleaning signage hidden on the side and placed it in front of the door then left.

Rong Jing rushed to the event. He still wanted to attend and see Gu Xi in person.

Even though he wasn’t really pushing himself to remember, he still held a glimmer of hope of recalling that certain memory as to why the name Gu Xi was familiar. Since he now has the chance to meet, he might as well check it out. It could possibly give him some clues as to how he could go back to his original world.

Ten minutes ago, Gu Xi completely panicked when he heard the door opening.

He thought that someone came in and locked the door. But then he became dizzy again.

By the time his consciousness returned, he found that there were actually no movements around. The room was silent.

No banging on the door, no attacks, no sexual assaults.

He took out his phone and sent his location to his manager with trembling hands. 

The 4D TV at his feet was still playing commercials, and the light reflected on his sweaty face, making him look like a charming demon.

He waited until the inhibitor worked completely and made sure that his strength was back. Then he took a deep breath and opened the cubicle door.

The whole room was empty. A look of confusion and surprise crossed his face.

He checked the other cubicles to make sure that there was no one hiding.

Gu Xi came out frowning and found that the main door of the bathroom had been closed. There was a faint smell that lingered in the air. It wasn’t pleasant, but it smelled like a low-quality version of Bluewind Chimes.

He didn’t know what to feel. He felt relieved and confused at the same time. He really was the only one here in this relatively confined space.

He had always felt like some kind of wind always lingered in his heart, but that certain wind today gently wrapped his heart and carried a hint of warm moisture. It was an indescribable feeling.

Gu Xi’s eyebrows knitted tighter.

How… Was it…?

His expression turned from vigilance to disbelief.

He never believed in someone’s kindness before, because all goodwill always asked for compensation. People either did it for a reason. Either for fame, for their own profit, or for their pleasure.

And in the eyes of many Alpha, he is the pinnacle trophy of fame and fortune.

The sound of the door opening was heard, accompanied by some muttering.

“Who put this cleaning signage here? How would people use this bathroom then, ah?”

The manager, Mo Dian, looked carefully inside.

When he saw Gu Xi’s figure, he finally was able to breathe. But then he saw that Gu Xi didn’t notice him at all. Instead, he stood like a statue, frowning, as if thinking about some difficult problem.

Mo Dian approached him closer and said, “You suddenly sent me your location. You scared me to death! I was just about to buy you some snacks when I saw it. Are you… are you okay?”

He checked Gu Xi to see why he wasn’t paying attention, wondering if this child was bullied. He knew how much pressure Gu Xi had to face everyday.

But… why… Did he look more refreshed than when he was in the car?

Only then did Gu Xi notice his manager’s arrival. He looked at him, looking very confused, “If an Alpha ever smells my pheromones, and doesn’t react…”

“Pheromones? Are you in heat?!” Goodness! 557 days had passed, Gu Xi’s heat had finally arrived! “If not, then let’s have you checked by an endocrinologist!”

Most Omega’s heat periods were fixed. But if it’s irregular, it may or may not be a big deal.

Mo Dian became nervous again as he remembered the main topic, “But what happened to you? Did you bump into someone? Did anyone hurt you? You could’ve asked me to come with you if you weren’t feeling well!”

He was a beta, and Betas couldn’t feel or sense the pheromones but he had seen how an Alpha turned crazy after being affected by Gu Xi’s pheromones. 

If pheromones could be classified in this world, two types would be made. Gu Xi’s pheromones then the others Omegas’.

“I’m fine, I’m okay.” Gu Xi patted his little manager’s head and looked at the cleaning signage outside, “You still haven’t answered my question.”

“It’s impossible for an Alpha to not react to your pheromones. They would naturally react because it’s their instinct! Not to mention your pheromones can also influence other omegas! But suppose that there really is an Alpha like that, he’s either disguising as an Omega or Beta or… he can’t use it.” Mo Dian seriously explained while raising his hand.

Gu Xi was a walking aphrodisiac, a fatal beauty. No normal Alpha would be able to resist him.

Gu Xi’s confused eyes stopped moving.

He felt a bit proud of himself and a bit… enlightened.

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