Hold On, You're Something Else

Chapter 41: CH 30.2

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Chapter 30 (2): Bittersweet

Gu Xi’s fingers trembled slightly as the photos slowly disappeared in front of his eyes. Probably because of the strong emotions inside him, his eyelashes trembled violently as well.

Whether the pictures were fake or not, Rong Jing knew that looking at those kinds of pictures was traumatizing.

Rong Jing: “Don’t be scared.”

It was a short yet a powerful sentence that could ease one’s heart.


Gu Xi nodded slowly, not feeling scared. Instead he felt hatred. He hated these bastards, but he hated more that he had no power to defend himself from them. 

Rong Jing asked Gu Xi if he could give him the phone, “I want to check and trace where it came from, though I can’t make sure that I can find anything.”

Gu Xi wanted to crush the phone and throw it away but he gave it to him without waiting for Rong Jing’s further explanation.

Mbl rbsdl wple oyp sdl sq vbl zyvlpv xselzp yhykzyczl vseyu. Xchkswpzu, kv oyp y dlo rbsdl pkdnl vbl elqywzv yrrp yde oyzzryrla olal pvkzz wple. Xdzu y pvaydtl xlxsau nyae oyp kdpkel.

Ssdt Kkdt bye yzalyeu twlpple vbyv obyv byrrldle oyp vbl osaj sq sdl sq vbl xyzl zlyep. Xdl sq vblx schkswpzu byp vbl yckzkvu vs xyjl psxlvbkdt zkjl vbkp obkzl pvkzz clkdt yczl vs bkel bkxplzq yde pvkzz xydytkdt vs xyjl Qw Dk tlv vbl pbsav lde sq vbl pvknj.

Mblu oswzed’v cl yczl vs ralpp nbyatlp ytykdpv vbyv rlapsd yp olzz pkdnl ds byax oyp esdl yde ds lhkeldnl nswze cl pwcxkvvle. Rv pbswzed’v cl Ew Wwuw. Tl oypd’v byaxle cu Qw Dk kd vbkp vkxlzkdl wdzkjl kd vbl pvsau. Mblal oyp ds alypsd qsa bkx vs byvl Qw Dk yde es psxlvbkdt zkjl vbkp.

Ysalshla, bl xkpple bkp qkapv ldnswdvla okvb Qw Dk. Tl xyu dsv lhld jdso bkx ulv. Gp qsa Dkl Kkpbldt, bl’p nwaaldvzu kd rakpsd, rascyczu ydmkswp yde vbkdjkdt bso bl oswze tlv swv sq vblal. Tl oswzed’v byhl vbl ldlatu vs tlv kdhszhle kd psxlvbkdt zkjl vbkp yv vbl xsxldv.

Fs kv’p lkvbla sdl sq vball alxykdkdt xyzl zlyep.

Mblu pbswzed’v cl wdelalpvkxyvle. Xdl sq vblx ryavknwzyazu zkjlp JPFY. Gzz sq vblx yal kdvlalpvle kd Qw Dk. Xdl sq vblx kp rsppkczu vbl nwzrakv.

Ssdt Kkdt oyp pvkzz vbkdjkdt obld Qw Dk pvsse wr. Ob? Yu… xu zltp yal dwxc.

Qw Dk pvyttlale vs bkp qllv yp bl pvawttzle vs pvyde wr pvayktbv. Ssdt Kkdt xydytle vs nyvnb bkx kd vkxl fwpv obld bl oyp ycswv vs qyzz. Mbl vos pweeldzu vswnble cseklp cwv iwknjzu plryayvle.

Gu Xi’s heart beat faster, as if electricity just coursed through his body. Rong Jing immediately let go of him while letting him stand firm. Then he said his apologies, his voice firm and cold.


Rong Jing just realized that this person in front of him, whether in his school or in the entertainment industry, is actually his senior. Everything that he did just now was all discourteous. He thought that he overreacted a lot. Fortunately, Gu Xi didn’t argue with him.

He waited for a while to see if Gu Xi’s legs were okay before preparing to leave. He planned to let the staff deal with this place full of roses. However, after taking a few steps, he looked back and realized that Gu Xi wasn’t following him.

Gu Xi was now feeling embarrassed since his legs still felt numb. He almost fell down the stairs.

Why am I always with Rong Jing whenever I’m in a bad situation? Ugh, so shameful.

After one look, Rong Jing considerately turned his back away and didn’t make fun of his current situation.

Gu Xi felt relaxed for a little while, and waited for Rong Jing to go, but his eyes unconsciously followed his figure. Looking at him seemed like looking at something expensive, something that he couldn’t afford, something that he couldn’t have ever. Seeing this pure, clean being made him, a human struggling in the abyss, think of life never in the same way again.

He thought of the things that had happened before to him, how dirty the hands that had touched him, and how dirty he had become no matter how much he tried to make himself clean. He stretched out his hand, trying to reach out to the back of the tall figure. He seemed like a bubble that could disappear at any moment.

He had never once gotten the good things in life. It was always the bad that his hands would only get.

Rong Jing looked a little confused when he saw that no one was still following him. Gu Xi snapped out of his thoughts and followed him calmly.

Rong Jing had actually noticed Gu Xi’s gloomy demeanor. He had been paying attention to Gu Xi’s actions. He didn’t know the words to say to him that could make him feel relaxed. He hesitatingly handed Gu Xi a tissue and pointed the wound on his hand.

Gu Xi paused for a moment. He had already forgotten that he hurt himself earlier as his wound had earlier dried up. His heart warmed up once more, small bubbles surfaced, and he couldn’t describe the bittersweet feeling inside.

Gu Xi silently took it and covered his wound.


As the two went downstairs, they noticed that the atmosphere around them was a bit stiff. They were actually unfamiliar with each other, the only connection that they had was their junior-senior relationship. They didn’t know how to interact with each other after both overcame the crisis that had happened.

“Just now…”

“Just now…”

The two both spoke at the same time.

Rong Jing: “You can go first.”

Gu Xi: “Can I ask you something?”

Rong Jing: “Sure, of course.”

Gu Xi: “You don’t have to pursue the one who did this. You might break some law if you go after them. And I know that person will definitely show up again without us doing anything..”

If you go after them, you’ll only get yourself into trouble.

Rong Jing was silent for a while before he answered, “This isn’t a matter of pursuing someone. This is about going after a perverted person. That person isn’t just a simple pervert, they’re the kind of pervert that gives people the urge to break their bones to pieces.”

Gu Xi smiled, and almost laughed, breaking the initial stiff and cold atmosphere.

In order to maintain what little respectable image he had left, Gu Xi held back from laughing out loud. He thought that Rong Jing being on the rooftop was only a coincidence and so he repeated once more, his tone more serious than earlier, “I did give you the phone but I still hope that you don’t get yourself involved in the matter. These things have nothing to do with you.” All you have to do is to continue to be good.


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Rong Jing’s original intention was indeed to stay away from the protagonist. After all, he was only a cannon fodder whose life may always be in danger. However, he couldn’t agree with what the other person said. He felt like doing so would be rubbing a handful of salt on Gu Xi’s wounds.

There were a lot of ardent fans inside and outside the building. They almost met one while going down. Gu Xi casually looked for an opportunity to escape and pulled Rong Jing away. The two went to an unused utility room. The blood on Gu Xi’s hands had already congealed, however, his wound seemed a bit serious because it had been rubbed on the coarse platform.

Rong Jing went outside to ask for some disinfectant and medical supplies. Gu Xi’s wounds must be treated first, he thought. He recalled Gu Xi’s rejection and suspicion towards him while they were still on the rooftop so he intended to put things down and leave, saving Gu Xi from feeling uncomfortable. However, Gu Xi sprayed the alcohol on his wounds without a word, without blinking, and was already preparing to tie the gauze.

Rong Jing was so shocked and frightened to see some small visible stone inside the other person’s flesh. Treating his wound this roughly would only make it more serious, did he want to get his wound infected?

“You can’t do it like that. You’re only going to hurt yourself more. Let me do it,” Rong Jing took the alcohol from Gu Xi.

After holding out his hand, he remembered that Gu Xi hated being close to Alphas. Outside of acting, contact with Alphas could make him vomit and develop a rash. It had become a habitual rejection.

Rong Jing didn’t want him to feel like he was being forced so he was just about to withdraw his hand and say something to ease the atmosphere. To his surprise, Gu Xi gently placed his injured, white-as-snow hand on his palm.

Gu Xi heard a bit of Rong Jing’s thoughts again, [Gu Xi–], and then the rest was a beeping sound. It has been a while since this mind reading ability has been used. Might be broken. Although he did not succeed in hearing Rong Jing’s thoughts, seeing his outstretched hand felt like catching a very sweet pancake given unexpectedly by the heavens.

He didn’t want to eat it. He knew he didn’t deserve to eat it, knowing that his very being was troublesome. However, that didn’t mean that when that certain pancake was delivered straight to his hands, he would still have the courage to push it away.

“Do it gently, alright?”

This mellow voice and soft attitude reminded Rong Jing of the over-the-top praises that Gu Xi’s fans spout on message boards. They call him an angel that fell from the sky. He’s already heard a lot of these praises from his past life but he didn’t take those seriously and let it go in from one ear and out the other. It was different with Gu Xi, though. These kinds of praises seemed to match him perfectly.

Gu Xi’s hands were almost perfect, soft and cool to the touch. It was so white, it almost seemed transparent. His fingers were even slim and slender.


Despite these amazing descriptions, Rong Jing, after all, was straight. He only looked at the man appreciatively, and then continued to seriously treat Gu Xi’s wounds. His wounds were only a small scratch at the beginning, but later, in order to avoid Rong Jing, Gu Xi moved back causing his wounds to rub on the rough edge of the rooftop, making it serious.

Rong Jing rinsed his wound first with mineral water, lowered his head and raised his eyebrows. “It might hurt a little. Bear with it for now.”

Gu Xi looked at Rong Jing’s droopy eyes, which were now very close to him. His eyelashes were long and thick, and looked like a fan. Gu Xi slowly closed his eyes, reminding himself not to get greedy and to not get close with people he shouldn’t get close with.

Gu Xi answered softly, “It doesn’t hurt.” No, it doesn’t hurt at all.

Rong Jing used to get hurt a lot when he was still practicing martial arts. He handled all his wounds by himself so he was very skilled at it now, his movements very languid. As he took the small tweezers, he picked out the very small stones that couldn’t be washed out, disinfected and then bandaged the wound. His actions were gentle even though the other party was a man. An existence comparable to a delicate porcelain shouldn’t be treated roughly but gently.

After finishing, Rong Jing suddenly remembered the waiter he met back at the banquet. He remembered that when he tied the young man that they trapped in the bathroom, he tied the ends of the rope with a bow. He thought it was interesting and did the same with Gu Xi’s bandage.

Gu Xi looked at the extra small ears on his bandage, and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He didn’t expect Rong Jing to have the heart of a little girl. It was such a gap moe.

Since the audition venue had been made public, a lot of fans had visited and were holding posters outside, eagerly waiting for Gu Xi to appear. After Rong Jing checked the surroundings, the two decided to sneak out through the back door.

Rong Jing was still a little worried about Gu Xi’s state, but Gu Xi raised his hand and smiled at him. “Thanks for patching me up, but don’t you forget that I’m still your senior. How can I teach you, juniors, if I can’t even handle something as small as this?”

Seeing Gu Xi’s bright expression, Rong Jing finally felt more at ease. Before the two parted ways, Gu Xi said, “I look forward to working with you.”

However, Rong Jing knew he had no chance. The possibility was slim. He knew that he hadn’t completely gotten rid of the original owner’s shadow. They had more good choices to choose from aside from him. His chances of getting the role were about the same as winning the lottery. Still, he nodded and somehow wished for a miracle to happen.

After Rong Jing’s figure disappeared, Gu Xi’s sunny demeanor gradually darkened. He raised his injured hand, looked at the blue sky and felt the warmth of the sun. He felt like he was being dragged into the sun by a pair of very strong hands. He could feel the temperature of the sun shining down on him.


Not far away from him was a black car parked by the side of the road. The person sitting inside was holding a phone. A text message was displayed on the screen: Fuck off.

The corners of his mouth droop. He was rejected again. The guy was a really stubborn one. This flower, who’s out of everybody’s reach, really was challenging his patience. This flower, which only grows on high cliffs, should be taken down to a greenhouse, should be meticulously taken care of, and later have its petals picked off little by little, in order to seize its most fragrant juice.

However, his uncle warned him not to take things too far. Even a rabbit will bite when it’s cornered. This flower is also a fierce one since it’s full of thorns. 

I’m letting you get away for now, my beautiful captive.

The man looked at the two people as they parted ways through the window. “Go and find out who that man is.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Let’s go to Xie Li’er first and find Uncle there.”

After Rong Jing left Gu Xi, he planned to go to Xie Ling’s office and talk about the incident where he almost died. He still couldn’t feel at ease. He was always feeling nervous about Xie Ling’s situation.

He might also need to find a professional for the phone in his hand to find a solution for the recent incident. Don’t ask him why he doesn’t know how to do it himself when he’s studied science and technology. Thing is, he’s not good with these devices. Moreover, who knows whether the technology in this world is still the same as the one he had in the original world. To be on the safe side, it was better to search for solutions first. 

As soon as he entered the Xie’s company building, the sharp eyed receptionist immediately recognized Rong Jing, their eyes shining with awe.

They blurted out, “Greetings, young master!”

The employees were told by Zhou Xiang last time who this person was, and they definitely remember his face this time. Rong Jing’s face was so recognizable that it was difficult to mistake it.

The rest of the receptionists blithely spoke in unison, teasing him more, “Greetings, young master!”

Many other people on the first floor couldn’t help but look at Rong Jing, whose ears were now red. The receptionists giggled seeing their young master becoming shy. It was too tempting to  tease an Alpha.

Rong Jing was just about to run away from this embarrassing situation when he was stopped by a scream behind him. “Rong Jing?!”

Rong Jing looked back.

Oh, that person looks familiar. Who was he again? Ah. Right. It’s the ex-boyfriend.

That ex-boyfriend rushed over angrily.

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