Holiday to remember

Chapter 1: 1

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The rounded nose of the classic van my dad drove edged into the box hedge beside the house, he hauled on the hand brake. I looked up from my psp as the vibrations of the old car ended and I became aware that we had stopped. As I looked out the window over the top of the hedge that separated the house from the car-park, I heard a scream in one ear as the character I was playing was bitten by a zombie, in my other ear the thrash metal I was listening to droned on. My dad leaned over and shook mums shoulder gently.

“We're here hon'.” He murmured softly. She was awake instantly, raising her head from the window where she'd been resting it. Her long auburn hair stuck to her face and dad softly swept it back behind her ear as they leant together and kissed as they seemed to do at every excuse. I flicked the power button on the psp, annoyed that I'd died in the game just when I was almost at the end of the level. My youngest sister leaned across my shoulder from the seat behind me and stared at the red brick building infront of us. As she brushed past me, the wire of my earphone caught on her shoulder and the ear-bud popped out.

“We're really here?” she enthused “At last; can we get out now?”

“Doesn't look much like a farm.” My other sister commented beside me, “You'd have thought that there would be at least one cow or something.” Dad laughed and mum turned to look at us over her shoulder.

“Just a moment,” She cautioned, “I know you're all disappointed that Jamie and Irene are joining us but can we please remind you to look after your cousins for them?” Although she was talking to all of us, she was watching me. Sometimes I hated being the eldest, I am always expected to be the responsible one, even when it's not convenient to me. Needless to say I wasn't too pleased about having to supervise my cousins. I had hoped for a quiet holiday just listening to music and playing my guitar, at least my sisters, who were younger than the twins, could be trusted to look after themselves, who knew what these two girls would be like? “I hate asking, but unless we can tell Irene and Jamie that someone is keeping an eye on the twins we'll never get anywhere.” I grimaced.

“They aren't going to be too stuck up are they?” I asked for what must have been approaching the hundredth time since I'd found out they were coming with us.

“They weren't last time, it's only a couple of years since you saw them last.” She smiled knowing that although I wasn't happy about it, I would do my bit for family solidarity.

“Ok, I'll keep an eye on them but I want some time to myself too.” I snarled, pretending I was more upset about it than I really was.

“I know my love, we'll give you as much time as we can.” Mum promised and twisted to stroke my cheek softly.


Dad opened his door and climbed out of the van, his knees cracking loudly as he straightened them. He broke mums tender touch by opening the door beside us, almost spilling Skye out as she leant on it. Summer followed her out, slithering over the back of the seat as I stuffed my psp and mp3 player into my bag. I crawled across the bench seat and was about to lurch out of the van myself when dad held me back and took a quick look at my sisters to make sure they weren't looking.


“Here.” he said quietly handing me a small pouch “I know you'll need some alone time, that will just help you bear the other times. Don't let the girls see it though or they'll want some too.” I glanced at the soft leather pouch and recognised it as one of his spare tobacco pouches. He had never parted with such an amount before though we had all tried his blunts when he was in the mood to share. I was kind of impressed that he was treating me like a grown up and trusting me not to waste his precious leaves.

“Thanks.” I mumbled and crashed out of the van past him to take my first look at the farm house the family had rented.


The building wasn't as small as the working farms I'd seen, it had obviously been extended and made suitable for tourists which annoyed me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mud grubber like my mum or an animal hugger like my dad, it's just if you want to call something a farm it should at least look like one in my opinion. I breathed deep and couldn't smell anything of the city for a change which I was at least pleased about. I cast an eye over the building, it's red bricks and glaring white windows obviously made as farm and cottage like as anyone could want but somehow just that tiny bit fake. The prim little hedge that dad had buried the nose of the van into was a little out of place and didn't seem right for a farm, what farmer in their right mind would use privet as a hedge? Or have the time to keep it box cut? The path up to the front door was made of shingle which I cursed, I knew it would make it that much harder to sneak out at night if I wanted to, not that there was much to sneak out for, then again, who knew when I'd get a chance to sneak off for a toke on my own?


Beyond the house was a line of trees between which I could just make out an empty paddock and what could have been another building, maybe a barn or stables I guessed. I made up my mind that I'd have to go and explore there as soon as I could, maybe it would be a good place to hide from the girls when I wanted to get away. I was about to go in when I heard another car scrunch its way across the car-park and pull up sharply, sending a small shower of gravel into the hedge. I could hear Sky and Summer shouting excitedly from inside the house as they came running towards the door to greet the interlopers on our holiday.


I waited by the front door, I wasn't as eager as my two sisters to see our relatives, I wanted them to know I wasn't happy about them coming too. My aunt was the first one I saw, she tottered along the gravel path, wearing a bright pink sweat suit and shiny high heels. I guessed that she was already drunk. I'd known for years that my mothers sister was a little too fond of alcohol, I'd seen my own parents drunk more than once so it didn't bother me but even I was a little disgusted that she was drunk by one in the afternoon.


“Kenny, it's been too long since I've seen you. C'mere and gimmie some sugar.” She half slurred and half screeched as she swayed along the path, dangerously close to falling over.

“Ken.” I corrected her caustically and put out a hand to steady her. She laughed, clouding me in the stench of her alcoholic breath and put her carmine lips together for me to kiss. Trying not to gag, I leaned forward and pecked her on the cheek with what I intended as a frosty glower.

“Aww, c'mon, you aren't still at that awkward stage are you?” She giggled to herself as I was pulling away again. Even though her make up was thick enough to plaster a house, at that range, I could see the purplish mark on her cheek it was intended to hide. I mumbled something and quickly escaped into the house to claim a room I could retreat to.


I found a room on the upper floor which made up for being nearly completely filled by the double bed by having a small balcony that jutted out over the rear yard. I thought if I was careful, I could jump from this balcony and make a get away without anyone noticing I was out. I staked my claim by dumping my bag on the bed, shedding my hoody on the floor and kicking off my trainers. The room was obviously intended for a couple, the frills and lace were not what I considered at all suitable, the only reason a guy would put them in a room would be to impress a girl but I wanted the bed in the room and there was a tv anchored to the wall beside the door out onto the balcony so at least I didn't have to look at it too much. Skye’s head popped round the door for a moment as she glanced in the room. She reappeared with my bag of clothes and dumped it on the bed.

“Did I see dad give you some herb?” She demanded, holding my bag so I couldn't get it away from her.

“Yea, what of it?” I snapped back, feeling annoyed that she would already be after some of the stash that he'd entrusted to me.

“Nothing, just good to know when I wanna relax, those two are going to be work.” She quipped, jerking her head back, making her hair swing so that it brushed her bare shoulders.

“Yea?” I gave her a monosyllabic answer as I jerked the bag out of her grasp so I could unpack it, hoping she would go away. Instead she perched herself on the edge of the bed and snatched the bag back, opening it and unpacking it, handing my clothes to me. I stuffed them in the draws by the bed only half listening to her as she prattled on.

“Yea, designer this, designer that, all the gadgets and everything. Attitudes to match too, you'd think they'd never left their street before the way they complain.”

“Packet types?” I queried absently using our private term for the kind of people we thought were unable to appreciate the world around them like we had been brought up to.

“Exactly. Not a hair out of place, I'll bet they're real stuck up too.” She sneered.

“Careful, next year you will be too. They are only a year older than you.” I snipped back.

“Fah.” she snorted “I can choose my own room without my dad.” She handed me a stack of my boxers without it worrying her, most of the girls at school would have been all twittery giggly creatures if they had to touch a guys kegs and I was kinda proud that my sister wasn't one of the silly girls that seemed to flutter and twitter like birds whenever I was around at school. Part of me wondered what she would have been like if she had seen the thong that someone had stuffed in my gym bag the day before we'd left school for the holidays.

“You shouldn't judge, like mum said, they're different, that's all.” I muttered, my mind more absorbed with the thought of who's thong it was than really what she was saying.

“Yea anyway then an elephant ran the car over as it played god save the queen in farts.” She continued, not missing a beat and knowing that I wasn't really paying attention.

“What?” I demanded as her words hit the thinking part of my brain. I turned back from the draws and looked at her, the light of mirth dancing in her eyes.

“I knew you weren't listening.” She laughed. I lunged across the bed and tried to tickle her in just that spot that she couldn't bear being tickled in. She snatched up the pouch dad had given me and held it up as though she would throw it away if I tickled her.

“You are so gonna get it.” I growled at her as she slid off the bed and scrambled away. I took off after her and chased her down the stairs, brushing past my uncle as I skidded on the tiles in the hallway.

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I skidded into the kitchen after her and found I couldn't stop, my socks not gripping the floor, I slid straight into the dining table and landed heavily on my butt. Skye stood there laughing her arse off at me as I picked myself up and looked around. Peering over the breakfast unit were two girls, their light brown hair streaked with vivid colour from their crown to the bottom of their ponytail, their blue eyes large with surprise but sparkling with amusement at my misfortune. They both laughed and turned back to their mobile phones as though the real world was of less interest to them than trying to get a signal. Skye was obviously fascinated by the technology, mum and dad had said that she didn't need a mobile phone because they managed without one when they were growing up so we could too. I took advantage of her trying to see what they were doing and made a grab for the pouch while she wasn't looking. She tried to stuff it down her front but the low neckline and thin straps of her top didn't provide much room to hide it so I wrestled her to the ground and sent a hand after the pouch as I tickled her with the other hand.


I guess that she thought that I'd be too embarrassed to put a hand down her top to retrieve the pouch but she quickly learnt that I wasn't as easily embarrassed as the guys at school. Feeling cloth beneath my palm I closed my hand and found my fingers wrapped around one of her breasts. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't the first boob I'd ever felt or anything so once I had it in my hand I knew what I had but it was the first time I'd ever touched a member of my family like that, somehow from the way that the teachers had talked at school I kind of had the impression that it would feel wrong somehow and that I would be sent straight to hell. Needless to say, nothing like that happened, infact for a moment nothing at all seemed to happen apart from my sister stiffening a little before pressing her body more into my arm. Not at all the kind of reaction I expected, she glanced up to look at my cousins again but they only had attention for their phones as they waved them around trying to find a signal, without taking her eyes off them, she lifted her hand up and closed it over mine through her top squeezing slightly so that my hand squeezed the firm mound of flesh. Like most guys I'm not immune to the appeal of a pair of knockers but I've never really understood the fascination that most men seem to have with huge jugs so I was quite pleased to realise that my sister wasn't huge, I mean it wasn't like she had flea bites either, just ones that were just right for her, just a nice palm full. I squeezed her breast again softly without her encouragement and she leapt away from me as though I'd burned her, the pouch from my dad fell out of her top and I dived for it, scooping it up and making a dash for my room again before she said anything.


I was quite confused by my sisters reaction and by mine. I was half scared she'd tell someone and I'd end up in trouble for molesting her but at the same time it made me horny as hell. Getting to my room I kicked my trainers on, dug a lighter out of my bag and gripping the pouch tightly made a run for it before any trouble could catch up to me.


Squirming my way through the hedge and fence at the side of the house I ran across the field and made my way to the buildings on the other side. I wasn't sure if my breathing was difficult because I was afraid, because I was excited or because I had run further than I thought. I stopped and let my breathing calm a little more before I peered round the edge of the buildings to make sure I wouldn't be disturbed there. The buildings were set round an old cobbled yard that obviously sometimes had a tractor parked in it but at that moment was empty. I turned the corner and found a door in the wall which I tried, to my surprise it swung open easily onto a flight of stone steps, I followed them up and found myself in a long room under the eaves. The floor was covered in straw and hay where they had obviously been stored up there, a few bales even remained stacked in odd places through the room. A space had been cleared round one of the bales and beside it stood a bucket that was half filled with sand and a few dog ends where someone else had obviously hidden up for a private smoke.


I sat there, rolled myself a joint and tried to think clearly which wasn't an easy task with my hormones raging. The smoke curled from my joint and pretty soon my head was a little swimmy and I felt calm again, the paranoia was still there but right at that moment I didn't care. Realising that I didn't want to get too high and knowing that I'd be sleepy once the buzz wore off I carefully flicked out the remaining half of the joint and stowed it back in the pouch with the rest.


When I started coming down again I made my way back to the holiday house, got myself something to eat and dragged myself back to my room, falling onto the bed and sleeping soundly until the next morning.


My eyes and my mind were equally bleary when I woke up, the sun streaming in the french doors and dazzling me. After I had stumbled from my bedroom to the bathroom and back again I changed into fresh jeans and went in search of food.


As I entered the kitchen my dad was leaning against the worktop with my mum kneeling in front of him. I had often seen similar morning rituals so I tried to ignore her as she gave him a morning blowjob. As normal, I only watched from the corner of my eye as I went about filling a bowl with cereal and dropping bread into the toaster. Somehow, since I'd lost my own virginity a few months earlier, it was harder and harder to ignore my parents when they were at it. I watched as her auburn hair swung back and forth, her head bobbing in and out of his crotch. It had taken me a long time to realise that not every couple was so open about their sex lives, especially in-front of their children. It had gained me much respect from my peers at school that I knew so much about sex so was able to put them right on some things they thought about the subject. Now though mostly I wished they would be a little more discrete because I felt a slowly rising tide of jealousy which I was trying hard to keep under control. I seated myself at the table I had crashed into the day before, hoping that neither of my parents would say anything about the tent I had in my jeans.


She stopped sucking him for a moment, pulling his dick from her mouth and pumping her fist expertly up and down it as she held it up and sucked his balls into her mouth one by one, swirling her tongue around them as though they were the most delicious candies. She let them pop from her lips, licked the length of his cock and let it push slowly back into her mouth. This time his thrusts were much more urgent and he put a hand on the back of her head as he fucked her throat, I heard her slurping on him and him groan as he held her face close against him as he came.


He released her as Summer walked in followed moments later by our other sister. I'm not sure if mum and dad knew but Summer and I exchanged a glance and she winked at me confirming that Skye had been watching our parents before she entered the kitchen. I smiled at Skye and slowly licked my lips, teasing her, the tops of her cheeks coloured slightly in what for her was a deep blush, her eyes darted to my lap and as though she hadn't meant to look at me she turned her back and made a show of making a pot of tea.


Mum leant a hand on my back and leaned over me to kiss my cheek, I smelt the stick of gum, I'd just seen her pop in her mouth, on her breath.

“Good morning.” Mum said cheerfully “What is your plan for the day then?”

“Guess I'm going to have to take the girls exploring or something.” I mumbled round a mouthful of cereal. “You coming too or are you going to spend the rest of the day sneaking around the house?” I asked Skye as she sat down on the opposite side of the table.

“I wasn't sneaking around.” She snapped back. I smiled widely, knowing that my jibe had struck home but that my parents would miss the barb in my comment.

“I didn't say you were.” I replied as I rolled my eyes heavenward in an exaggerated expression of hurt. Mum and Dad carefully ignored us though Skye gave me a swift kick under the table, her bare toes just scraping my shin.

“Jess and Amelia won't be going exploring here today, they want to go into the nearest town.” We all turned to the door where the new voice came from.


Jamie was huge, I mean my first thoughts were of the blob from the xmen when I saw him standing there. I hastily bit into my toast and looked away incase my thoughts showed on my face. His worn tshirt did nothing to hide the way his belly hung over the waist of his jogging pants, which I was sure needed a rope to hold that girth in rather than the usual string that came with them.

“We talked about this Jamie.” My dads tone was grim. “You spoil those girls. It won't hurt them to go without their phones for a few weeks. You don't need to buy their love.”

“Who said anything about buying their love, they love me for being their daddy.” Jamie sneered as he dumped the fifth spoon of sugar into the mug of tea he had drained Skyes teapot for, I’d almost expected him to wring the pot out with his pudgy fingers by the way he’d held it over the mug getting the last drips from it.

“Then tell them no town and see what happens.” Mum added.

“You can shut your yap too Willow.” He snapped, glaring at her round the mug as he slurped noisily from it.

“This should be good.” Summer murmured in my ear but I ignored her, I could sense drama coming and I wanted no part of it so I went to get a shower.


The door to the bathroom seemed a little stiff so I shoved it harder and it swung open. I shut it again quickly as the sight of my nude cousin greeted my eyes, sitting there on the toilet lid, apparently shaving her leg.

“Fucking idiot, can't you tell when a door is locked?” She shouted at me. “You made me cut myself.”

“What you want me to do about it? Come kiss it better?” I demanded, reverting to the same sarcasm I used with the girls at school. There was a long silence and then I heard her tell me to go and get her sister, hearing the note of distress in her voice though, I opened the door and went in, closing it quickly behind me.


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