Holiday to remember

Chapter 2: Chapter two

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Chapter two.


Sitting on the toilet lid, naked as the day she was born was the twin with the blue stripe in her hair I'd seen the day before. With one of her heels perched on the edge of the toilet so her knee was up near her head, there was nothing left to my imagination, I tried to casually ignore the thatch of curly browns between her legs and focus just on the blood that was running down her leg as she blew on it to try and dry it.


“Getting a good look stupid?” she demanded, sparing a glance at me out of the corner of her eye, whilst trying to carefully ease the straight razor blade away from my sight “I told you to go and get Jess.”


“I'm not your servant.” I snapped back. “let me have a look.” I started to peel her fingers away from the site of the cut so I could see how bad it was.


“What? Getting a cheap thrill? Never seen a pussy before?” She demanded angrily, I ignored her and looked at the cut. My fingertips brushed the soft skin of her leg as I peeled her fingers away from the cut, I thought she would hit me as I felt a shift in my jeans though I hadn't meant to touch her leg. As her fingers came away from the cut, I saw a web of thin scars on her thigh near it. I looked up sharply and found her nose only inches from mine. I didn't know what to say but I knew what the scars meant, so I tried to play it cool.


“Just holding it won't stop it you know.” I told her.


“What do you know about anything?” She replied, her face coloured by a deep blush.


“I used to cut myself with the razor all the time.” I commented looking away from her again. I pulled a few squares of toilet paper from the roll beside the toilet and folded them up into a pad which I then pressed against the cut. The blood stopped instantly, soaking into the tissue rather than dribbling down her leg. I knelt on the floor and let her fingers go, getting another pad of tissue I gently dabbed at some of the blood around the other pad so that I could see if it really had stopped bleeding or not. Without really thinking about it, I followed the trail of blood along her inner thigh with the pad of tissue, when I realised that my hand was almost touching her pussy, I recoiled as though I'd been bitten.


“Umm, I didn't mean to...” I began.


“Shut up pervert.” she snarled, and I thought I really would get hit this time.


“But I...” She cut me off again, slapping a hand over my mouth.


“I said shut up.” She hissed at me.


“You going to be much longer in there Am?” My aunt’s voice came through the door and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Amelia glared at me and held a finger up to her lips for a moment telling me to be quiet.


“No I'll be out in a bit, want me to call you when I come out?” My cousin called back happily as though there was nothing wrong.


“It’s ok, just bring some of my pills with you when you come out, I’ve got a splitting headache again.” We both held our breath as we waited for my aunt to walk away.


“Wouldn't she be better dealing with...” Again Amelia cut me off with a glare.


“No.” She snapped quietly. I could tell that she was worried about something.


“You worried she'd find me in here with you?” I demanded, quite surprised that she'd be so worried about something that could be explained innocently enough.


“You really are thick aren't you?” She smiled at me for the first time. “It's ok though, I'll let you off this time.” I was totally confused.


“You don't want her to know how you got a cut there?” I asked, trying to make sense of how she was acting.


“I don't want her to know, no.” Thinking I had found the answer I stood up again and prepared to leave.


“You should tell her about those scars though.” I said nonchalantly, turning towards the door. Her hand shot out and grabbed my wrist stopping me.


“You tell anyone about them and I'll tell daddy you tried to cop a feel.” she snapped, a hard edge to her voice. I stared at her with incredulity.


“I told you I didn't mean...” She was getting good at cutting me off when I was talking

“Yea but not even your parents will believe you're that innocent will they?”


“You tell a lie like that and I'll come back at you with one just as good.”


“Yea? Like what?” She demanded. I had to think quickly.


“Like you came on to me.” I snapped back. The blush that coloured her cheeks again would have been comical if I'd noticed it but I didn't, I was half angry at her and half wanting to get away from her.


“Look, no one but Jess knows about the cutting ok? I can't help that you saw the scars but I don't want anyone to fuss about it ok? Please don't tell anyone.” Somehow even through my irritation I could sense that she was actually telling the truth.


“Ok. I understand, but why we had to get to that with threats I don't know, couldn't you just have asked nice like that in the first place?” I relented. She smiled a little shyly.


“Well some habits are hard to break you know? And it's not like I enjoy being stuck here with them. Daddy said he'd take us to town today anyway.”


“Not sure that's going to happen.” I answered her “I think that my parents are trying to sort your parents out so they want to keep them here.”


“How the hell are we going to get away from them for a bit then? I hate being with them all the time.”


“I'm supposed to teach you to enjoy the countryside, god knows how though.”


“I suppose we can at least go for a walk or something. You better piss off before my mum comes back, I'll get Jess and you can take us out somewhere, maybe we can find somewhere with a goddamn phone signal at least, I'll come and find you in twenty minutes ok?” I left the room as quick as I could and it wasn't until I was pulling on a t-shirt that I realised she'd never actually thanked me for stopping the bleeding or for not calling out when her mother was there.



When I got back to the kitchen Jessica was shouting at my dad, trying to argue him into letting Jamie take them into town. I'd never seen my dad so stern before and for a moment I stood and watched the fight.


“You don't need to go into town, young lady, neither do you need to phone your friends.” My dad was calm and rational but he was using a tone even I knew meant he wasn't going to change his mind.


“You can't fucking keep us here in this shit hole, there's not a fucking thing to do.” She screamed at him. “It's not like you fucking understand what it’s like being out of contact, I can't fucking check Facebook or anything. I suppose you want us to die of boredom here.” she turned to her father and her tone changed as though she'd thrown a switch. “Daddy, tell him he can't stop us and that we'll go anyway.” she wheedled.


“He made the decision, not me, I'd take you if I could but the bitch gave him the keys last night and he's hidden them up so I can't.” I was used to how people talk so Jessica's swearing didn't bother me but I was surprised that Jamie talked about his own wife so disrespectfully to their daughter. She stamped her foot and spun back to glare at my dad so fast that the cerise stripe in her hair seemed to blur.


“You fucking cunt.” she snarled. “When I get a signal on my phone I'm calling the police to tell them you're fucking keeping me, prisoner, here.” With another spin on her heel, she flounced out, pushing past me as she stormed out of the room.


“If she does call the police you'll be in for it.” Jamie growled and made to go after her. My dad stopped him with a raised hand.


“Just let her cool off, she'll be fine.” He smiled. I poured myself a glass of water and drank it trying not to be noticed as Jamie glowered at dad. I could see that Skye was doing something in the cupboards and carefully ignoring everyone, so I drifted out of the room again, remembering why I'd left in the first place. Checking that I'd got a lighter and the precious pouch from my dad I waited for the girls outside the front door. I didn't really think I'd get a chance to smoke anything but I felt tense after all the arguing which I wasn't used to.



Don't get me wrong, my family isn't perfect, we have disagreements and so on like everyone else but my parents are believers in the moto “make love not war” so I've never actually heard them fight about anything and they have always tried to teach us, kids, not to argue but to try and work out what's wrong peacefully. For all I claimed to dislike a lot of things about my family, at that moment I was more than grateful for my parent’s ideals.



I hate hanging around and waiting so as the day was getting hot without a breeze to make it feel cooler it didn't take long for me to start getting irritated. I was just considering taking off through the fence for a quiet smoke in the hay loft again when Skye appeared at the front door. She was wearing a thin summer dress that she had made and wearing an old straw hat she'd found somewhere in mum’s cupboard. If it weren't for the plastic frames on her sunglasses, I could have believed that she'd just stepped out of the 60s or something, while making her quite definitely feminine it wasn't at all revealing as most of the girls at school would have been. She swung a backpack up and let it thud into my crotch.


“You can carry that.” She ordered as it slid down and she hefted it to hit me again until I took it.


“Thanks so much.” I sneered and took the bag from her, slinging it onto my back by one strap. I was about to ask what it was when Summer came out the door pulling Jessica along and followed by Amelia.


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“I thought you were going to wait in your room.” Amelia started as soon as she saw me. I shrugged but it was Summer that answered her.


“Who cares? We found him so let’s go before there's any more drama, come on.” She started tugging Jessica forward again.


“Where are we going then?” I demanded of my little sister who was obviously even more anxious to get away from the adults than I was.


“Somewhere cool.”


“What about the rest of you?” I asked, “Where do you want to go?”

“Cool sounds good” Amelia agreed, obviously more willing to go with the flow than I had expected.


“Somewhere I can get a fucking signal on my phone.” Jess grumbled over the top of Skye who said she thought that she knew a good place.


“Where do you think you know a place?” I demanded of Skye.


“Back along the road a bit there were some trees that we passed, it should be cooler there.”

“Tree huggers” I muttered quietly, Summer heard me and grinned so I quickly added in a louder voice that Skye better lead the way if she knew where she was going.



We followed the road for half an hour or so with Jess trying her mobile every few seconds to see if she had a signal yet. Near the trees, we climbed the fence that separated the road from the fields and we were all treated to a flash of Skye's plain white knickers as she held her dress up so it didn't snag on the barbed wire that ran across the top of the fence. Jess openly laughed at the style Skye was wearing but Summer just shushed her while Amelia pretended not to notice. Skye was obviously upset by our cousins’ derision and was quiet as she led us all across the field and into the trees where I expected her to stop. Instead, she turned and followed the strip of trees as it began to climb the side of the hill, I suspected that she was punishing Jess without letting it be obvious. As the climb got steeper we came across a small, fast-running river, and Skye led us along it until the riverbed opened out and we found ourselves in a large glen with a pool in the middle where a tree had fallen into the river and formed a natural dam.



On one side of the pool, a series of small waterfalls cascaded down over a pile of rocks into it making a happy splashing sound. Moss covered many of the rocks and ferns and trees took over where the moss left off as it climbed the banks of the pool. The air was cold and damp on our hot foreheads as we took turns standing beside one of the waterfalls to cup our hands in the chill water to catch some and drink it.


“Why is there no fucking signal in this fucking place?” Jess burst out as she tried her phone again.

“Who cares? Can't you just enjoy the place for a few minutes?” Amelia demanded finally having had enough of her complaining twin.


“Well, it's not like there's anything to do or whatever. It's all trees and plants, I've seen ones like them before.


“Well, I'm going to paddle anyway.” Summer announced as she shed her pumps and socks, sitting to wriggle her toes in the cold water.


“You'd think that there would be a shop where I could get something to eat though.” Jess changed track on her complaints.


“Then you should be more grateful to me for thinking of you before we came out.” Skye smiled and snatched the bag off me. “If it's food you wish, then food you shall have.” She continued as she opened the bag and began taking packets out and laying them on the rocks around her.


“Yay.” Summer exclaimed as she saw Skye pull a huge packet of marshmallows from the bag. “Ken can light a fire and we can toast them, I love doing that.”


“Who says I can light a fire?” I was annoyed, I would have liked the place but Jess' complaints had ruined it for me, I would much rather have come here without any of the girls. Part of me would have liked to be myself and make a den there but I knew I couldn't while the twins were there, I knew they would laugh and think I was childish.


“Please Ken?” Summer begged “Jess will help collect some wood and she won't complain any more I'll make sure of it.” She looked at me with the big puppy dog look in her brown eyes that she knew I couldn't resist. Then she glared at Jess with a warning in her eyes that was unmistakable. For a moment I thought that Jess was going to argue so I ignored her and spoke directly to my little sister.


“Ok, I'll light a fire, you show Jess what we need. If she complains any more though, I'll push her in the river ok?”


“You wouldn't dare.” Jess snapped.


“I wouldn't bet on it.” Summer giggled “But please feel free to complain, I'd love to see him do it.” I was surprised that Summer was so spiteful, but I guessed that she'd just had enough of Jess complaining.


“You have taken it a bit far.” Amelia added, earning a surprised stare from her sister. “I told you, he's not that bad.” She added. Jess subsided and shut her mouth with a snap.

“Ok, what am I looking for?” She asked quietly.



I lit a fire and the air filled with laughter as Summer and Skye taught our cousins how to toast their marshmallows on the fire as I sat back and watched feeling a little gloomy that this was likely to be all our holiday was about. I was idly watching the girls as they sat round the fire and it took me a moment to realise that I was watching Jess as she stood up and walked off to find more wood for the fire. I watched her arse as it wiggled away in front of me, her tight jeans showing it off nicely, I watched as she bent over to pick up some wood and then nearly had a heart attack as she looked back at the rest of us and her eyes met mine.


“I said I think that the pool is deep enough to swim in.” Summer repeated louder so that Jess could hear “You going to swim too?”


“I can't, I haven't got a swimming costume.” Jess shouted back and Skye laughed


“Who needs one? Not like anyone's going to tell.” She called.


“You mean go in with our clothes on?” Amelia demanded quite surprised. “They'll get ruined.”


“Don't be silly.” Summer smirked, “Just leave them on the side.”


“You mean skinny dipping?” Jess asked as she came back with the wood.


“Sure.” Skye agreed. “It feels great.”


“I don't think I could do that.” Jess decided.


“Why not?” Summer asked as she was already shucking her jeans, revealing that she wasn't wearing any panties.


“Not in front of him.” Jess gulped and pointed at me.


“Why not? He won't mind.” Summer pranced across behind her cousin, “afraid to show him these?” She demanded, pulling Jess' top up and showing us all her breasts as they stood proud, cupped in her black lacy bra.


“You haven't got anything he hasn't seen before.” Skye added as she began to pull her dress up over her head, showing off her slim body and revealing that her knickers weren't as plain as everyone had thought, they were decorated with a little pink bow on the front.


“What do you say Amelia?” She demanded as she shook her dress out and laid it neatly on a rock. Amelia considered for a moment and then nodded.


“You're right, I've got nothing he hasn't seen so I might as well. Come on Jess.” My sisters obviously thought that Amelia was just assuming I'd seen breasts before but Jess picked up on the comment.


“How do you know what he's seen and what he hasn't?” She demanded, still wrestling with Summer who was still holding her top up. Even though it was my sister and my cousin, seeing a nude girl wrestling to undress another was quite distracting.


“Just accept it Jess, he's seen tits before. So yours won't be a surprise.” She said avoiding the question.


“Yea but what if he tells dad?” Jess yelped as Summer switched her grip to the lacy bra and tried to yank it up too.


“Because he's coming in too.” Amelia smiled at me with a grin like I'd seen on Summer’s face before... I knew I was done for. “Besides, look at his boner. He's enjoying it too much.”


“Oh you can do that to him any time, he always gets one of them when he's watching a woman, he even gets one when mum and dad are having sex.” Summer added in with a laugh.


“Ok, you've seen what I've got, show us what you've got in there.” Amelia dropped her bra on the pile of her clothes as she spoke and slowly walked towards me as her sister stared at her and my sisters looked at each other.

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