Holiday to remember

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I’d bought my computer off a friend at school when he got a new one so it was quite a few years old and took its sweet time starting up. I threw myself, face first, onto my bed while I waited for it, acutely aware that my guitar stand had nothing on it. I could hear mum downstairs as she moved around her workroom, I guessed that she was mixing pot-puri and essential oils for the twins as the scents drifted up into my room.


Beyond the hallway at one end of my room I could hear the twins and dad moving stuff about in the spare room. Although we called it a spare room, and it had to be cleared up when mum and dad had anyone stay over, it had always mostly been used as a playroom when my sisters were younger. Now it tended to be more of our private lounge though Summer still had some toys in there. Skye and Summer used it more than I did, they liked having friends over to watch things and do whatever girls do when they are together. I didn’t often have friends over unless we were studying together for something, somehow my friends and my schedules rarely matched these days. I heard the springs on the big old sofa-bed in the room protest as dad pulled it out to make the bed for the twins.


When it went quiet in the other room I dragged myself off my bed and sat at the computer starting up some music and having a look at what games I’d already got installed. I was dithering between two games when someone tapped quietly on the other door to my room, almost next to where I was sitting.


“You ok Ken?” Summer called softly from beyond the door, clearly trying to be quiet.


“Yea, what do you want?” I answered her more brusquely than I intended. She opened the door and peered round it.


“Can I come in? What you up to?” She asked.


“Bit pointless asking if you can come in, you’re already in.” I grumbled, seeing my solitude go out the window. “Nothing much.” I didn’t even look at her as I watched the loading screen of one of the games.


“The twins are trying on clothes with Skye.” I raised my eyebrows and prompted her to go on.




“They don’t really know if I’m there or not so I thought maybe I’d see if you were doing something fun.” She smirked as she said the word “fun” so I knew that she was looking for a specific kind of fun. I was saved from having to make any kind of decision about her “fun” by mum calling me from the spare room. When I yelled to ask mum what she wanted she told me not to shout but to go there and help her so I reluctantly got off the chair and opened the door that Summer wasn’t standing in.


The door opened into a dark little landing with another door opposite mine that led into what would now be the twins room, on my right the stairs led down to the rest of the house and on my left the big cupboard that had been built at the end of the hallway between the two rooms stood with its doors wide open for easy access. The twins door was propped open with a pile of stuff that mum had obviously put there to go in the cupboard.


“I know you need some time to yourself my love but if you could help me get some of this stuff put in the big cupboard so Jessica and Amelia can start to make the room their own.” Mum turned to look at me as she spoke. She clearly saw Summer standing there and told her to come help too. Summer grumbled but she came through my room and started putting things into the cupboard as Mum handed them to her.


Clearing out the room seemed to take forever as mum continued to find things that needed to be moved, tidied or cleaned. I guess that she needed something to busy herself with so that she didn’t dwell on her loss but I resented having to help. Summer and I couldn’t get away again until mum decided that she needed to go cook dinner by which time I wasn’t in the mood to spend time with anyone. Summer disappeared somewhere and I was finally left alone. My computer had long since put itself to sleep and I couldn’t be bothered to start it up just to shut it down so I ignored it and moved towards my bed.


My foot caught in the strap of my school bag and I tripped on it, sending books and gym stuff across the floor of my room. Scrambling to save myself from falling and trying not to step on any of my books, I just succeeded in spreading everything further. Sighing heavily, I sat on the edge of my bed leaning over to pick everything up with the intention of cramming it back into my bag, I remembered sadly that I still had homework to do before school started again. Summer crashed into the room through the door near the twins room as I reached to pick up the lacy red thong that had somehow ended up spread in the middle of the floor as though displaying itself for someone to see.


“I’ll have to remember that’s your preference. Can’t be too comfortable on your junk though.” She quipped as I hurried to try and snatch the flimsy scrap of cloth out of sight.


“What are you after?” I growled at her.


“Don’t hide ‘em up, I wanna see ‘em. Whose are they anyway? Don’t tell me you’re stealing the twins underwear already? Or do you really prefer wearing girly panties?” She laughed holding her hand out for me to give them to her.


“Not mine, cow.” I sneered. “Someone stuffed them in my bag when we broke up from school.” I explained, annoyed at myself for explaining anything to her and at her jibe.


“Oooohhh. Who?” She demanded coming closer and trying to grab the panties away from me I flipped them out of her reach and then realised that I didn’t really care, it was more annoying than embarrassing so I let her take them.


“No idea. Probably one of the guys trying to wind me up.” I grumbled dismissively as she examined them and I reached to get the last of my books off the floor.


“You haven’t, you know, jerked off in them have you?” She asked, as she sat down beside me, closely examining them.


“Eww, no way.” I squeaked, more surprised that she would ask that than at the actual idea.


“I doubt that some guy put them there then.” She said slowly, lifting them to her nose and sniffing them.


“Summer!” I complained, wondering what she was thinking.


“No, these have been worn.” She declared with a self-assured note in her voice. “What?” she continued, noticing the way I was staring at her.


“How could you possibly know that?” I asked.


“It is a popular thing at school. You wear them for a few days, if you’re really daring, you cum in them, and then stuff them in the bag of the guy you like without him seeing. It’s supposed to let him know you’re horny for him. The rumour is that if he works out who they belong to by the end of the big holiday, he’ll be your boyfriend next school year.” She explained in a rather bored tone.


“Bloody schoolgirls. What will they come up with next?” I asked rhetorically, completely missing the irony.


“Besides, it’s a bit stale now but you can still smell the girl cum on them.” Summer added as though I hadn’t said anything. All I could do was stare at her in shock again.


“And you know what that smells like how?” I finally managed to ask quietly though I was already pretty sure I had an idea of what she was going to say, she just seemed to be waiting for me to ask.


“You remember, what? Um, two months ago Jimmy had a birthday party with loads of us at his house?”


“Yes.” I encouraged her to go on with the single word though she had already confirmed my suspicion and I didn’t really need her to go on.


“Dave Morrison brought his girlfriend and while everyone was busy, he and Jimmy both fucked her, he said it was Jimmys birthday present. Jimmy made me, you know, clean them all up when they had finished.”


“You mean he made you lick her too?”


“Yeah. Was kinda weird but not the worst thing.”


“So she knows about you and Jimmy?” I asked, chalking up another punch I owed our neighbour in my head.


“I don’t think she does, she doesn’t seem to remember anything about it, she was pissed as a fart that night so Dave didn’t want her parents see her like that and made her stay over. I don’t really know if she’s just pretending or what but that’s how it is.” She shrugged and turned the thong over in her hands and looked quite sad. “What are you gona do with these?” She added after a brief pause, apparently changing her mood in a split second.


“No idea, probably toss em in the rubbish, no good to me.” I answered as I once again played through scenarios in my head that saw me breaking every bone in Jimmies body.


“Not worried about whose they are?” She seemed determinedly disinterested as she asked.


“Not really, I’ve got enough to deal with without the complications of a girlfriend. Besides, not that long till I finish school, don’t wanna be going out with someone and they decide to go off to university without me.” Summer snorted a laugh.


“I would have thought that you’d be more worried about missing out on the pussy.”


“Not particularly worried about that.” I lied. I’m pretty sure that she knew I was lying too but she didn’t pick me up on it.


“If you’re going to toss ‘em out anyway, can I have ‘em?” She asked nonchalantly as though it was the last thing in the world she could care about. I recognised the signs that meant she really wanted them but didn’t want me to know, I couldn’t resist teasing her though.


“What in the world do you want with a dirty pair of someone else’s knickers? Think it will be a bit kinky cos someone else has cum in them?” I teased in a way I intended to be mild but for a moment a look of surprise crossed her face before she managed to put her mask back in place.


“Oh, you know, just wanna be sexy for my bro when he decides his balls are too blue. Apparently, he’s the one that thinks it’s kinky.” She sniped back as though it was one of her friends she was talking to, all the time grinning her head off. I was surprised by her way of telling me that she was available if I wanted.


As I was struggling to find a reply that was better than hers Mum called up the stairs that dinner was ready and we all needed to go down for it. Amid the general stampede down the stairs I didn’t see what Summer did with the thong.

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Later that evening we all lounged on the twins bed watching a film on Netflix. Jess huddled up in a corner apparently trying not to even touch her sister who sat between her and me, on my other side Summer cuddled up to me, pulling my arm round her as though it were a blanket. Skye lay on the bed with her head nearer the TV and her feet up near the pillows of the bed, giving me a nice view of her butt, which was barely covered in an old pair of cut-off jeans she didn’t often wear and were clearly a little tight.


The girls had chosen a film I’d seen before, I didn’t find it that interesting the first time around. Some sappy romantic comedy that didn’t really have that many laughs in it but it was better than sitting in my room or worse yet, sitting with mum and dad to watch something.



By the time we were halfway through the film, Amelia and Summer were both asleep on me. Skye and Jessica both seemed to enjoy the film though Jess spent more time looking at her phone than at the screen. From time to time she had a little smile that made me wonder if she was texting a boyfriend or someone but I didn’t ask and she didn’t offer any information. I wasn’t really sure what to do when the film finished, I really didn’t want to wake the two that were sleeping on me but I also couldn’t stay there all night. Skye looked back at us and laughed softly.


“They look so comfy like that.” She spoke softly so she didn’t wake them up and Jess took notice for the first time, she stretched her arm out with her phone and snapped a picture of the three of us. The flash woke Amelia, making her jump and open her eyes blearily. She opened her mouth to say something and Skye shushed her.


“Shhhh, Summers still asleep.” Skye hissed, making Amelia lean forward and take a look at the girl sleeping on my opposite side. Summer lay with her cheek on my shoulder, her eyes closed and her mouth open.


“Completely sparko.” Amelia smiled. “I kinda wish life was still that easy.”


“Funny how looks can be deceiving you mean.” Skye corrected her.


“What do you mean?” Amelia demanded, keeping her voice down so as not to disturb Summer.


“She’s not exactly had it easy, we’ve got to do something about payback for what Jimmy did to her.”


“I’ve got it in mind but I’ve got to find a way of doing it without mum and dad getting wind of it.”


“I don’t think I’ve ever known you be in a fight, you think you can take him?” Skye asked seriously


“Yea I should be able to, he’s a couple of years younger than me and I’m taller so I think it will be ok.”


“Do you actually even know how to punch someone?” Amelia countered


“Course I do, I’ve seen it enough times.” I was defensive and thinking to myself that it couldn’t really be that hard. “I’m going to put Summer in her bed.” I added feeling that I had to change the subject.


Getting off the bed and carrying Summer through to her own room without waking her was easier than I thought it should have been. Laying her own bed and covering her with her duvet, I realised she was quite cute really, not just the bratty little sister I’d always seen her as.


When I got to my room I remembered that my computer was only sleeping and as dad always made a thing about making sure it was turned off properly I started it up again. Finding that my game was still active I sat down thinking I’d just collect the freebies for the day before I went to bed. One of my friends from school was signed into the same game and messaged me to ask if I wanted to join him a raid quickly sucking me into the game with chat as though we hadn’t spoken for months. By the time my friend signed out of the game again and I realised how long I’d been playing, it was past one in the morning.


I wasn’t particularly sleepy but I didn’t really want to do anything much. I still felt tense from everything that had happened and although killing bad guys on the computer had relieved some stress I thought that a shower might just help make me relaxed enough to sleep. I left my room by the door Summer had been using earlier in the day, crossed the hallway by the stairs that led up to the loft and entered the bathroom that the three of us would now have to share with the twins. Mum and dad had an ensuite in their room so they rarely came into our bathroom.


I stumbled across the room in the dark to make sure that the door on the girls side of the bathroom was locked before I put the light on. Although the bath was large, none of us had used it in years so it was usually just something we hung wet towels over to dry after we’d been in the separate shower. Having done it a million times in my life, I fell into my normal routine, shedding clothes and reaching for my towel at the same time in what I think probably started as an attempt to save a few seconds but had long since become habit.


With my tee shirt half over my head, the cloth that my fingers closed on was not towel, it was tiny and decidedly damp. Once I could see again I looked at it and saw the same thong that had been in my bag. It wasn’t often that the girls washed their underwear in the bathroom but they had done it before so I wasn’t completely unused to it. The agreement had always been though that they hung them on their own rail so I didn’t have to touch them. Summer had obviously pushed my towel aside and hung them on my rail as a way of teasing me that she could pass off as an accident if I complained about it. I was more irritated than amused.


The warm water cascaded over me, stinging and pummelling my skin where I set it on the highest power setting, easing the tension out of my back as I leaned my head against the wall in the big cubicle. I tried to let my mind go blank in the way that mum always said would help us meditate but thoughts kept popping up, visions of the girls, memories of things that had happened, guilts and confusions. I almost jumped out of my skin when the shower door opened suddenly and Summer slid in quickly.


“What the fuck Summer?” I demanded more angrily than I intended. I was sure I’d locked the door on the girls side of the bathroom so I knew that she had to have come through the twins room or right through the house to get to my room and come into the bathroom that way. Summer just grinned at me and shut the door as quietly as she could.


“Thought it would be you in here when I heard the shower.” She said in a quiet voice that I could only just hear over the sound of the shower. I couldn’t take my eyes off her short, slender, form. Although she was four years younger than me and about average height for her age, the top of her head only came level with my chest. My eyes ranged over her, starting at the top of her black hair, past her brown eyes and on over her small boobs all the way down past her slim belly which still showed just a hint of puppy fat, down her long thin legs to her toes.


“What are you up to Summer Hughes?” I finally managed to make a connection between my mouth and my brain. I used her full name on purpose, trying to sound irritated with her but we both knew I wasn’t really.


“Well originally I was planning on wearing that thong tomorrow and winding you up all day with it so you wouldn’t be able to resist when I offered to let you screw me. Now? I thought maybe I’d see if you wanted to now.”


“What makes you think I want to?” I asked, desperately hoping she hadn’t noticed I was already half hard.


“I know you were hard most of the way home in the van and it looks like it wouldn’t take much to make you hard enough now.”


“While everyone else is right near us?”


“That didn’t bother you too much the other night.”


“We didn’t fuck though. What if one of them wants to use the toilet?”


“We could have, we’d just have to be quiet. Would you rather I asked the boys at school to sort it for me? Ken, I’m just as horny as you are, I need it and I thought I could rely on my big brother.” She knew what she was doing as she deliberately put on her cutest look and her chest out while at the same time threatening to become the school slut. It took all my strength to tear my gaze away from her and shake my head.


“Not while mum and dad are just down the hall, you know how light a sleeper dad is, he might catch us.”


“What about when they aren’t here?” She demanded, squinting at me.


“I’ll think about it.” Was the best I could offer.


“Ok, I’ll take that.” She reached out and took hold of my dick. “For now though, I’ll just help you out.” In a single movement she was crouched down, worshipping my prick, one hand stroking it softly, the other fondling my balls and my tip disappearing into her mouth. Beginning slowly and taking her time she gave me an expert blowjob, at one point pushing me into her throat and making a swallowing motion with her muscles. The sensation was incredible, making my knees weak and causing me to lean back against the wall of the shower, she finished me quickly after that, massaging my nuts, suctioning my shaft like a vacuum cleaner and swallowing everything I had. The tension relief and good feelings that flooded my soul at that moment, had me sliding to the floor of the shower and sitting there in a semi stupor. Summer leaned back and waited for me to recover.


Squatting between my legs there on the floor of the shower and smiling happily at me with  the water cascading down on her while I tried to regain my strength and wits was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen in my life. I knew then that no matter how much of brat she could be, I’d never be able to say no to her again. Time didn’t seem to mean anything as we both sat there, there was no sound other than the harsh rasp of me trying to catch my breath and the regular thrumming of the water falling from the shower head.


“Thanks.” I finally found my voice, realising it was one of the dumbest things I’d ever said in my life as I spoke. She just giggled a little and told me I was welcome though.


“I thought you’d be off again by now.” I supplied the first thought to her in an attempt to cover my idiocy.


“You’re not going to get all weird again tomorrow are you?” She asked with some concern in her eyes. I shook my head again.


“I’ll try not to.” I reassured her.


“Can I ask you to help me with something else that might be a bit weird then?” She was suddenly a bit shy and wouldn’t look straight at me.


“I doubt it would be weirder than wanting to screw your own brother so go on.”


“Well I was thinking that as I’m here I would ask you to help me to um, shave.” I could see that she was embarrassed and shy about asking but I was slow and really couldn’t think what she meant.




“I don’t really like having hair there, it’s just weird, seems a bit unhygienic to me and I’ve heard that guys like it when there’s no hair there. I kinda want to feel a bit sexy when I’m wearing a thong too. I was gonna get Skye to help me, I know she trims hers so it doesn’t show round her swimming costume, but I got scared she’d think it was weird I wanted to take it all off.” Her words ran down like a tape player running out of battery, lapsing into silence and looking up at me shyly as she waited to see what kind of response I’d have. I considered for a moment before I shrugged and agreed it was her body so if she was sure she wanted me to help then I didn’t mind helping her out.



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