Holiday to remember

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


It took time for us to find the things that we needed as most of my shaving things had been left at the farmhouse. We managed to find an old can of shaving foam, I assume it was Skye that was keeping the stash of pink disposable razors in the back of the cupboard under the sink that we found, we pinched one of them, hoping that she wouldn’t notice. It was also hard to work out how it was best for Summer to stand, I’d kind of assumed that it would work best if we were in the shower again, Summer thought that might be more awkward. We settled on her sitting on the toilet lid in the end where I could reach her and the sink to rinse the blade.


I wasn’t at all embarrassed about helping her until I’d sprayed the foam onto my hand and was about to spread it on her, it suddenly hit me what I was doing and I froze. Summer sat there patiently watching me with a wry smile on her face, her legs spread wide and her butt forward on the toilet lid, leaving nothing at all to my imagination. After a moment she softly reached out and pulled my hand down until I was pressing it against her, the foam slowly bowing to gravity and heading down towards the lid. Her movement broke my hesitation and I had to clear my throat as I tried to get my wits together.


Trying to act as though this was the kind of thing I did every day I smoothed the foam into place and knelt before her to start pulling the razor over her skin. Shaving her was completely different to shaving my face, I’ve never grown a beard so when I shave, the hair is short and stiff, and the blade glides smoothly through the foam without clogging. Her hairs were longer, softer, constantly clogging the blades of the razor, her curves were different and her skin more delicate. In some ways, it was easier shaving her because I could see what I was doing without having to look out the corner of my eye in a mirror. In some ways, it was harder as I had to tell her how to move so I could get to an area and I was more afraid of accidentally cutting her. I worked out pretty quickly that it was better to use smaller strokes with the razor and rinse it off more often, occasionally wiping everything away with a washcloth and putting new foam on so I could see clearly what was still attached and what wasn’t.


The stokes of the razor clearly tickled and Summer had difficulty keeping from giggling though she often let out soft moans of pleasure, especially when I was wiping her with the cloth. Finishing wiping her down for the last time I sat back and examined my handy work.


“What do you think? Does it look better?” She asked as I was wondering if I’d missed any hairs.


“Looks, I dunno, cute.” I shrugged.


“Not quite what I was hoping for.” She smiled, running her fingers over the freshly shaved area to see how different it felt and clearly enjoying it as she ran a finger through her pussy. “Feels much better though, hopefully, it won’t get as messy either.” She yawned widely and I couldn’t help but laugh a bit. My younger sister sat there, completely exposed to me and talking all grown up but still like a child, not used to staying up late.


“It’s getting late, I’m going to bed." I was so turned on seeing her like that, it was hard not to just grab her and fuck her brains out but I was still wary of our parents hearing us so I deliberately phrased it as though I needed sleep in the hope that she wouldn’t think I was turning her advances down or ordering her to bed, I knew that would just make her try to stay up later and then she’d be grouchy the next day.


“How come you’re showering so late anyway?” She asked innocently “Trouble sleeping? I could help you get sleepy.” The slight smile she had told me that she was deliberately ignoring my suggestion.


“I was gaming and Mark was online so we were chatting too.”


“Which one is Mark?”


“The gamer, obviously.”


“All your friends are into gaming in one way or another so that doesn’t really help.” She yawned again and leaned her head against the cistern on the toilet.


“No, they aren’t. Mark is the one who always has the bootleg films, always brags about being able to get whatever film or software you want.”


“Oh, him. He’s a bit of a nerd but he’s ok. Did he say anything worth hearing?”


“He asked if we were going to the festival opening tomorrow. I’d forgotten it was on because we were going to be away. Says his dad is filming the parade this year so to let him know if I want to be on tv.”


“That’s cool, maybe you should. Would make the girls at school pay more attention.” She offered, touching my leg with her toes in a rather distracting way, though she tried, she couldn’t quite reach my dick.


“I don’t need attention. Come on, I need sleep and you look like you do too.” I stood up this time and held out a hand to help her up. When she’d struggled to her feet I pushed her gently towards the door. I expected her to protest but she didn’t until she got to the door where she suddenly turned, stood on her tiptoes, and gave me a very unsisterly kiss, full on the mouth.


“See you in the morning.” She breathed, giggling a little to herself, before she quietly unlocked the door and slipped out towards her room.


By the time I got up in the morning, dad was already out in his greenhouse, mum was in her workroom and the rest of us were left to gather round the table in the dining room as we woke. As I dragged myself into the room, a box of cereal in my hand, I could hear Amelia talking.


“… there to do around here?”


“We can get the bus into town and look round the shops if you like, it’s only twenty minutes or so.” Skye offered from behind her mug of tea. I grabbed the milk bottle from beside her teapot and slopped some onto the cereal in my bowl, partially missing and splashing it on the table at the same time as I slid into a seat.


“What’s there? It’s not super lame is it?”


“It’s quite a big town, got a shopping centre and cinema and everything.” Skye seemed quite defensive as though she thought Amelia was maligning her personal property.


“Feft.” I mumbled through a mouthful of cereal.


“Huh?” Amelia seemed confused.


“He means the local festival; I thought that was next week.” Skye offered, carefully placing her mug in the exact centre of the coaster before her and snatching a napkin out of the holder in the middle of the table, she began dabbing at the milk by my bowl.


“Mark was telling me last night, his dad is filming the parade for tv.” I noticed Amelia’s face light up with interest before it fell again with worry.


“It’s not like super lame, all kids rides and shit is it?”


“Depends what you mean by lame.” Summer spoke up for the first time, her mouth full of toast that had peanut butter spread so thick on it, I was surprised she could even open her mouth. “There’s rides, music stuff, food and there’s the parade, there’s fireworks once it’s dark. There’s no theme park scary rides but it’s pretty fun. Our school usually has a couple of parts in the parade and I heard some of the teachers are on one of the floats this year.”


“What do you think Jess?” Amelia turned to her twin whose attention seemed wholly taken up with her phone. It occurred to me that I hadn’t noticed Amelia using her phone so much since she’d been spending time with us but I couldn’t be sure.


“Whatever.” Jess spoke the word in a bored tone, ceding control of the days activities to her sister while she continued scrolling through something with rapt attention.


“Think your parents will want to take us though?” Amelia looked at me as she asked the question though I thought she was probably asking everyone.


“Huh?” Skye made the questioning sound as though she didn’t really understand.


“I doubt they’ll mind us going without them, they might come and join us later though.” I added, somewhat confused by her reaction.


“Really? I mean aren’t they worried about what might happen if we go without them?” Amelia was surprised and Jess even looked up from her phone.


“I guess they might worry but we normally go on our own.” Skye explained. “Last couple of years they even made us take Summer without them, they just came and joined us for the fireworks. Why wouldn’t they?”


“Daddy always thought that we would meet up with some boys or do stupid things.” Jess said as though it explained everything.


“Doing stupid things is what being young is all about, of course we worry that you’ll be safe but we trust you all.” Mum commented from the doorway that led to her workroom. We all jumped, not realising she was there and listening. “You and Jessica both have mobile phones so you can always call us if you need us. I’ll give Ken my mobile phone so you can call him if you get lost. If you want to go have a look then have fun.”


“You really don’t think that you have to supervise us?” Amelia seemed shocked.

You are reading story Holiday to remember at


“Heck no, what do you want me around for? Go and have fun. David and I might meet you all at the park for the fireworks this evening, they’re usually around 10. I haven’t got any cash I can give you today but I’ll send some money to Ken’s bank then he can get food or whatever you need. Ok?” Amelia and Jessica couldn’t have been more shocked, they seemed frozen for a moment before they ran for the stairs to get ready. Skye was just behind them yelling that they had better not pick clothes she wanted to wear from her wardrobe. Leaving her mug of tea abandoned in the general melee. Mum came into the room and sat in Jess’ seat, helping herself to a slice of toast and the remains of Skye’s tea. She seemed tired and I could see that she’d been crying again. Summer looked at me and hastily hid behind her cereal bowl, clearly not knowing what to say to mum.


“Um. You managing?” I somehow asked mum, trying to appear as though I wasn’t really concerned.


“I will my love. I hope it’s nothing that you have to face; you kind of never expect your younger sister to die first. And such a violent death too. The best I can do for her now though is look after her daughters and make sure that man doesn’t get near them again, I can’t imagine what life was like with him, it must have been awful.”


“Sounds as though it was rough.” Summer commented before realising that she’d been staying out of the conversation and hiding behind her bowl again, pretending to drink the milk from it though I’d already seen it was empty.


“Can you ask dad to stop asking how they are doing?” I asked a little cautiously, the memory of my conversation with Amelia the morning before coming back to me. “I think it’s making it harder for them.”


“I’ll tell him, I think he’s not really sure how to deal with it, he’s never lost anyone close to him.” Mum smiled a little thinly. “Do you think they are doing ok?”


“I’ll tell you if things go bad but they are coping with it in their own way I think.”


“That’s good, I’ve ordered them some crystals to put in their room that will help cleanse their auras. I’m sure that will help. Anyway, when are you planning on leaving? You’ve probably missed the eleven am bus but you should be able to get the next one. Oh have you got any cash for the fares?” Mum deliberately changed the subject and became the organising mum again as though she were anxious for us to get out of her hair.


“My pass doesn’t run out till September, I’m not sure about Skye and Summers but they should be around then too so we only need fare for the twins. Assuming of course you haven’t lost it again Summer.” I accused, glaring at my youngest sister who smiled back at me with big innocent brown eyes that I knew she was faking.


“Would I dare?” She replied sweetly. “I should go get dressed if we are going out.” She pushed her chair back quickly and left the room. Mum and I both knew that she was going to go and search for her bus pass because she didn’t know where it was. I caught myself watching her as she walked away and I swear she knew. Mum asked if I’d still got any of the money she’d given me when we went to the shopping centre on holiday, bringing my attention back to her. I shrugged, not remembering what money was whose in my wallet.


“Think I’ve got enough cash for bus fare though,” I added quickly when I saw mum bite her lip as she was clearly concerned about the twins’ bus fare.


“I’ll make sure I put a bit extra in to pay you back then.” She smiled “There’s so much to sort out, you know, I don’t even know if those poor girls have their own bank accounts. They should do by now but Irene always said that Jamie liked to keep the purse strings tight.” I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by the herd of girls that ran noisily down the stairs.


Mum saw us all off, making sure that I’d got her phone safe and that the girls had everything they could need. The day was already hot and bright as we all walked down the lane to the bus stop. Jess and Amelia were wearing the short skirts and cropped tops they had worn to the shopping centre which seemed like days ago. I couldn’t help noticing that Skye was also wearing a skirt and she had rolled the waistband over a couple of times to make it shorter than she would have usually worn, complementing it with a white strappy top which I was sure would turn out to be a mistake once she spilt something on it.


Summer wore a pair of figure-hugging bike or yoga shorts that seemed like a second skin and showed off her butt and made it easy to see that she was wearing the thong she’d taken from my bag the day before. She had contrasted the black of the shorts with a violent red, blue and yellow tie-dyed t-shirt that I thought she’d thrown out for being too small the year before, it was tight on her and made it easy to see that although she had boobs, she wasn’t wearing a bra. I was a bit surprised that mum had let her leave the house like that, knowing mum’s usual conservative tastes but I guessed that mum was trying not to make a fuss and trying to allow the girls to experiment and express themselves.


The girls all walked together, chattering about the things that would be at the festival, Amelia joining in with a mixture of curiosity and excitement as she learned about it. Although they walked in front of me I tried not to watch their arses as they walked though I’m sure that Summer was deliberately trying to wiggle her butt as she tried to imitate the others.


The bus seemed to take ages to arrive and I wished that I’d had the foresight to bring my headphones with me rather than having to listen to the girls. I slowly began to realise that it was mostly Summer, Skye and Amelia actually talking. Jess seemed to be taking part in the conversation but actually spent most of her time with her eyes glued to her phone. I didn’t think that she was actually texting anyone as she didn’t seem to be typing much but more using it to distance herself from the others as though she didn’t really want to be part of the group.


We spent the day wandering around between stalls, watching the parade and drifting between the stages that were showcasing local bands. The bigger stages where the popular bands performed were in a separate area that was all cordoned off with the gates guarded by thick-set men with walkie-talkies that were checking people’s tickets and controlling what they took in with them. I hadn’t got the money to get gate tickets for everyone so we couldn’t go through but we could still hear some of the music in quieter times between local acts.


Towards evening we all drifted into the fun fair, the bright lights, loud music from the rides and tantalising wafts of burger-scented air, drawing us like moths. I enjoyed paying out for the girls to try whatever rides and amusements they wanted, feeling as though I were treating them all. Jessica had finally emerged from her phone when the battery ran out and seemed to be having a good time with the others, laughing and screaming on the rides, cussing and whining with them when they didn’t win something they wanted at one of the stalls.


When Amelia announced that she needed to pee, none of us thought anything of directing her to the portable toilets that had been set up at one side of the field, we knew the queues would be quite long, they always were, so we didn’t want to hang around and wait for her to get through them. We agreed that she and Summer would head over there and then meet us back by the gate when they were done then we could all find a good place to watch the fireworks together.


We’d been waiting half an hour already when we tried ringing Amelia’s phone but when she didn’t pick up we started getting worried. Skye suggested that we go and look for them, thinking that perhaps the queues had been longer than we thought. I wasn’t completely convinced that was a great idea for us all to go, thinking it was probably better to stay where we were until they joined us, but I liked the idea of Skye and Jessica going missing too even less.


As we walked back through the fair I scanned the crowds for any sign of Amelia and Summer. When I finally saw them near one of the food stalls, they had their backs to us and it was difficult to see what they were doing. The skinny boy with them, just an inch or so taller than Amelia was clearly lit by the bright lights and not a welcome sight to me.


“Jimmy!” I greeted him sourly as we got close enough to be heard over the loud beat of a nearby band. His gaze shifted from Amelia’s breasts to my face and I saw his expression change as he recognised me.


“Ken.  How’s it hangin’?” He tried for a bright cheery tone but I could still see the annoyance in his face while all I could think of was how much I wanted to punch him.


“Piss off shit head!” I ordered, no longer even trying to remain civil with him. “Come on, all the good places for the fireworks will be gone, they are going to start soon.” I grumbled to the girls, gripping Summer’s elbow to reassure her I was there and cutting Jimmy out of the conversation.


“Ooooh, who’s got your balls in a bunch? I was talking to these two fine ladies.” Jimmy complained, stepping round Amelia as though to stop her coming with the rest of us. I gave Amelia a look that I hoped conveyed that I didn’t want her to argue with me and stepped forward so I could reach past Jimmy and take her hand. She must have gotten my meaning as she shifted her drink to her other hand and lightly gripped my fingers.


“Now’s not the time Jimmy, but I know what you did so watch your back.” I growled as I was near Jimmy, sure that he would hear but not really caring if he didn’t. I knew he had heard when he turned his face to me and I caught a glimpse of amusement on his face before he hid it again.


“What? What have I done?” He feigned innocence loudly “I was just talking to my friend and the beautiful lady with her. Isn’t that right Summer?” He went on, clearly hoping that she wouldn’t dare to disagree.


“Annoying us more like” She squeaked, gripping my arm tightly for moral support. Jimmy took a step back in his surprise that she spoke out against him and I took the chance to pull Amelia closer so that he couldn’t get between us again.


“Awwww, come on, I was just being nice. I even got her a replacement drink for the one I spilt. I’m hurt Summer, I’m a nice guy.” He made the picture of hurt innocence, and people began to notice our little group. I wanted to punch his lights out, but I swallowed my anger and turned away from him, pulling Summer with me and making Amelia move quickly so I didn’t trip her up. I could hear him laughing to himself before he decided to throw a few insults, thinking that he had won something.


“That’s right run away you limp dicked wuss, you can’t bully me. I have every right to talk to any pretty woman I want to, you can’t stop me.” He yelled as he followed us. I stopped in my tracks and looked over my shoulder, wanting to give him the fight he seemed to be looking for. Skye glared at me, obviously guessing what I was thinking. She seemed ready to leap to stop me if I did start something. In a moment of strange clarity, I heard someone ask what was going on and someone else nearby answered that they weren’t sure, they thought there was going to be a fight. I wanted to beat Jimmy until the little prick begged for mercy but I didn’t want to ruin the day for the girls by causing a scene so I resumed walking away, leaving him to look like an idiot, yelling insults after me.


We found a place to watch the fireworks and waited for them to start, Amelia had already drunk half her drink when she shared some with Summer who made a comment about it tasting soapy and wondered whether they had just cleaned the machine when they made the drink. I didn’t think much about it at the time but the comment about it tasting soapy tickled at something in my memory. Knowing that the fireworks were going to start any moment, Summer moved to sit beside me, snuggling up close. She never liked the sound of thunder and always claimed that the sound of the fireworks reminded her of it. I’d never understood why she wanted to watch them if the sound scared her so but she always wanted to so long as she could snuggle someone and feel safe at the same time.


I put an arm around her for comfort as the first firework screamed its way up into the sky to detonate with a deafening boom and a crackling shower of colours against the black night. At first, I thought that summer was just fidgeting from the shocks of the fireworks but when she gripped my hand to her small breast and began to massage herself with it, I was totally taken by surprise. I lowered my head so I could put my mouth near her ear.


“Seriously Summer? Here?”


“I can’t help it, I’m so fucking horny right now, it just came over me.” She replied breathlessly in a rather dreamy tone which alarmed me. Her own hand was already down between her legs as she pressed against the crotch of her shorts and tried to rub herself discreetly. I quickly looked around to see if any of the others had noticed.


Amelia was clapping and excitedly bouncing up and down like a child as Jessica stared at her. I was surprised at my cousin’s actions too, not really having expected her to be quite so enthusiastic about the fireworks. Skye leaned closer to our sister and asked if she was alright. The young girl managed to say that she was fine but I could see that Skye didn’t believe her as her eyes met mine.


“I know boys always trying to cop a feel and that everyone else is kinda looking elsewhere but you sure you wanna risk getting caught doing that here?” She demanded of me, disproval in her voice and glare.


“Not my idea! Somethings wrong I think.” I hissed back at her, making a show of trying to take my arm away from Summer but she wouldn’t let me, holding tighter as she massaged her own boob with my hand. I glanced back at Amelia and added “You think she’s normally like that either?”


“Look at that one mum!” Amelia shouted pointing to where a huge flower of fire was breaking into smaller stars in a slew of smaller explosions. She turned as though she was looking for her mum’s response and suddenly started looking around as though she’d lost someone. “Where are mum and dad?” I heard her ask Jess before she looked around again, even more confused, and starting to panic as if she didn’t recognise where she was.


I was on my feet in an instant, ripping my hand out of Summers’ grip, already moving towards Amelia as I ordered Skye to deal with our sister. I no longer cared if I was disturbing everyone, I knew Jimmy had to have done something to the drink he had given Amelia.


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