Holiday to remember

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


All three of us lay on my bed, naked as the day we were born, as we recovered and caught our breath. My sisters snuggled limply on either side of me, one head on each shoulder, so I couldn’t move much as I hugged them close. Their naked skin touching mine felt amazing as they each had a leg over mine, effectively pinning me in place. I could feel our cum sticking Skye and I together as it dried and I loved the feeling of having a pair of breasts pressed into me from both sides, Summer’s firm little cones on one side and Skyes bigger ones on the other side.


I felt that Summer would have been happy to go on but even as she played with my soft dick I knew I didn’t have the energy to get it up again. She looked up into my eyes, and smiled a little, she was relaxed and I could see a little of the dreamy look in her eyes I’d seen the night before. She stretched her neck slightly and kissed me softly on the lips before she snuggled her head on my shoulder again.


“I didn’t mean you to get beaten up by him you know.” She said softly.


“Yea well I didn’t mean to get beaten up by him either. What I don’t know though is what happens next.”


“What do you mean?”


“How are we going to make him pay for what he’s done? How are we going to make him stop? How are we going to stop him from doing it to anyone else? He obviously has something on Dave Morrison and his girlfriend, he said he owned her.” Summer shrugged.


“He’ll be pissed I told too.”


“You know you could go to the police about it and tell them.”


“Fuck no! then I’d be in trouble.”


“You really wouldn’t. I’ll come with you if you want.” Skye chimed in for the first time.


“I thought you were asleep.” I commented as I looked at her, my neck at an odd angle and no doubt looking quite unlovely as it bunched under my chin.


“I can hear your voice in your chest.” She smiled “But it’s Summer we need to be concerned with.”


“I think it’s probably better to just let it go. I’ll just try and pretend it never happened.” Summer sighed. “Can we change the subject though? I don’t wanna worry about things right now.”


“Like there’s nothing else to worry about.” Skye huffed with a wry smile.


“What do you mean?” I asked taken by surprise at her, I knew she was the sensible one and the one that tended to worry about things more but I wasn’t aware that she had serious worries about anything.


“What I mean is that there’s enough to worry about with the three of us messing around like this. Summer might not have to worry about it yet but someone has to, we’re both young and having sex with our brother.” She snorted.


“And?” Summer prompted, as clueless as I was as to what our sister was worrying about.


“Well leaving aside the whole incest and unnatural relationship thing, we don’t exactly live alone, there are others in the house so it’s all too easy for us to get caught like I caught you two last night.” Skye had clearly been thinking about it and I felt that she was working up to cancelling everything on us.


“I guess we’ll just have to be a bit more careful then.” Summer shrugged, “It’s not that difficult, not like anyone noticed when I was sneaking out to see Jimmy or anything.”


“The twin’s room is just through there!” Skye indicated the door opposite the window. “You’re not exactly quiet you know, they’ll catch on pretty quick and they might tell mum and dad.”


“They’ll probably just think he’s watching porn but I’ll be quieter when they are around. You’re not exactly quiet either.” Skye’s cheeks flushed a little as though she were too warm but I could feel she wasn’t.


“Well, I have no intention of doing it when they might hear. That’s not even the biggest problem though.” Summer and I looked at each other then back at our sister.


“What is then?” I asked, expecting Skye to end everything with her next comment.


“What if we get pregnant?” She dropped her bombshell.


“I’ve read that people who smoke dope can’t get anyone pregnant. So it’s ok.” I offered. Skye propped herself up on her elbow and glared at Summer and I.


“You are a complete idiot, you know that right? Smoking weed might lower your count a bit but it’s still possible and I’ll bet you haven’t even thought of pulling out or anything, despite how much they’ve gone on about it at school. You really can’t keep just cumming inside us you know?”


“What you want him to stop fucking us then?” Summer squeaked in horror. “No fucking way, now I’ve got him to start, I’m not letting him stop and I love the feeling of a guy cumming inside. Na-uh I’m not letting him stop!”


“But there’s like two weeks a month you can’t do it or you’ll get pregnant and how will you explain that to mum and dad?”


“Huh?” I was completely confused


“A woman is at her most fertile the week before her period and the week after. So two weeks out of four you have to avoid it if you want to avoid getting pregnant.” Skye was almost desperate in her explanation.


“I don’t even get them so I’ll be ok.” Summer grinned, appearing to be relieved that she didn’t have to worry about it.


“Yet, I started around your age so they could start any time for you. What if it was going to start and you already got pregnant but can’t tell yet?” Summer’s face blanched and then she laughed and shrugged.


“It will work out.” She chirruped as though it wasn’t anything to worry about. “Guess I’d just have to tell on Jimmy then.” Skye rolled her eyes in exasperation. She’d started me thinking though.


“I guess I could get some rubbers. Even if we only use them around then. You’d have to tell me when it was due though, wouldn’t that be a bit embarrassing?” I offered.


“I think that Summer might be able to get away with asking to go on the pill to help regulate things, it’s usually a bit irregular when it starts. Has its own problems and I really don’t wanna be part of that conversation with mum but it’s possible I think, I’d have to look up what’s best. I know the doctor talked about it when I first started but I didn’t take them.”


“I will, sounds like an easy solution.” Summer announced, “Why don’t you get it too? They keep telling us that it’s okay, the doctor doesn’t need permission from your parents at your age, I guess they kinda assume that you’ll be messing around with guys by then and know it’s an embarrassing conversation to have with parents.”


“I can’t do that. Mum will know in no time, you know what she’s like about us taking unnecessary medicine.”


“What if you tell her that you wanna be safe if you get a boyfriend this year then?”


“Jeez Summer, not everything is as simple as it seems in your little world, you know mum would start worrying then.”


“I’m sure that we can work something out.”


“Isn’t there a thing that they can inject you with that lasts a while? I remember Louise saying something about how good it was.” I tried adding my meager knowledge to the conversation.


“I’ll have to look it up. Can I use your computer? Kinda don’t want mum seeing the search on her machine.”


“Yea, just clear the history before you finish, she doesn’t usually look on my machine but sometimes dad does if something is wrong.”


“Ok.” Skye peeled herself away from me and rolled off the bed to sit at my computer, still naked as she booted it up.


“I’m not moving, I like it here.” Summer grumbled. “I know guys don’t like snuggling afterward but I do.”


“Jimmy doesn’t represent all guys.” I replied, pulling her a little closer to me with the arm that was trapped underneath her and wrapping my now free arm around her. Her face was close to mine and I felt a sudden urge to kiss her cute nose.


The phone rang just as Skye got the internet search up and for a moment I considered letting it just ring. Summer pushed me hard, caching one of my bruises and making me yell in pain.


“Stop being a wuss and go answer it, it might be mum telling us they are on the way home.” She laughed at me. I had to dash through the house without any clothes on to get to the phone in mum and dads room before they rang off.


“Hello?” I picked up the phone, sitting on the bed and pressing the answer button at the same time. Uncomfortably aware of the cool covers on my nuts and butt as I did so.


“Ken?” I heard mums voice.




“Took you long enough to answer the phone, what were you up to?”


“Just in my room.” I half lied.


“We are on our way home but there’s a hold up on the road so we’ll be later than we intended, be a dear and make some dinner for everyone for when we get back, we’ll probably only be a couple of hours more.”


“Ok, anything specific you want me to do?”

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“Just look in the big freezer, there should be something in there you can cook, don’t forget the vegetables again though.” I could hear the speech brackets in mums voice as she said forget. I’d clearly used the excuse too many times and she knew it was on purpose.


“Alright, I’ll see what I can find. How was Grandpa?” I thought I should take some kind of interest in how things had gone though I suspected that we’d all hear about it again later when they got back.


“He’s fine. I had a bit of a weird call from Genette though, she says you put Jimmy in the hospital, apparently you and he got into a fight. What happened?” I suddenly felt cold and a thrill of fear ran down my spine.


“Yea we got into a bit of a scuffle but I swear he was ok apart from a few bruises when I left him with his friends.”


“Ok, we’ll talk about it properly when we get back but you’re already grounded. Ok? I’m very disappointed, make sure that you don’t go out before we get back.”


“He started it.” I grumbled without thinking.


“That doesn’t matter young man, you know better than to get into a fight.” I knew that I wasn’t going to get away with it even though I could hear dad in the background telling mum she should be calm about it because fights happen with boys sometimes. I made up my mind that I would have to appeal more to dad than to mum when the time came and that I’d better have a good story.


“Whatever.” The word slipped out before I could stop it. I could sense mums irritation from the phone though she didn’t actually say anything, just hung up as though to underline the conversation was over and emphasize I was already in her bad books. I hung up and went back to the girls in my room, suddenly feeling the impact of what mum had said, I couldn’t think what it was about the fight that had put Jimmy in the hospital.


I sat on my bed and held my head between my hands as I rested my elbows on my knees. Summer immediately draped herself over my back in a hug, making my bruised muscles uncomfortable but I couldn’t throw her off, somehow I needed the comfort.


“Who was it on the phone? You look like shit.” She chirruped in my ear with a playful giggle.


“Mum, they’re on their way back but they are stuck in traffic and want me to do dinner.” I mumbled.


“I guess that means we can’t have any more sex today but you make it seem like the end of the world, I didn’t know you were into me that much.” She teased, sticking her tongue out at me so I knew she was playing.


“It’s not that. Jimmies in hospital. Mrs Edwards says I put him there with the fight.” I heard Skye draw her breath in sharply and before I was finished she was starting.


“You idiot! Why did you put him in the hospital? My god Ken, I told you to talk to him! What are we going to do now? We’re going to have to tell them everything and the police are going to get involved in that too, mum and dad are going to be furious!”


“I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t trying to.” I moaned in an attempt to defend myself but realized that I was just the worst kind of person. I could see it in my mind’s eye that the police were going to get involved, the whole story would have to be told and then I’d end up with just the same kind of life that Jamie had, a useless piece of human crap that used his fists to say whatever crossed his ameboid, terminally alcohol rotted, brain. Once again I felt the instinct to run and not stop until I’d made it to another country and could become someone new.


The warmth of Summer’s skin again my back and the harsh pressure of her hugging me tight halted my gloomy thoughts. Skye must have realized the kind of things I was thinking as she had been telling me off. She left the chair and squatted in front of me. I hated myself more for noticing her carefully trimmed and shaped patch of red hair between her legs as she knelt, her butt resting on her heels. She joined in the hug, holding me as tightly as Summer was.


“I know you didn’t mean to but you did, that’s why you have to talk not fight.” She couldn’t help adding in my ear.


“Really Skye?” I was irritated by the comment but couldn’t shrug her off or I’d have to shrug Summer off too and Summer hadn’t really done anything apart from try to comfort me.


“I’m just saying for next time. I guess we’re going to have to tell mum and dad everything though.”


“No. You can’t tell them about me and Jimmy.” Summer squealed. “He’s already going to be pissed with me and he’s probably going to come after you again Ken, he won’t like it that you beat him either.” Skye and I looked at her in surprise.


“I figured you wouldn’t want them to know. What do we say caused the fight then?”


“What about just telling them about the drugs in the drink lastnight?” Skye asked.


“I guess that might work, if I say I went to ask him if he put something in the drink and he took a swipe at me?”


“Is that what happened? Mum will know if you’re lying.” Summer chipped in.


“Well it is, kinda, just not all of it.”




“We’ll probably all get in trouble for not telling them anyway.” Skye said a little glumly.


“I’ll deal with it.” I offered nonchalantly though I had no idea how I was going to take all the blame for everything and protect the girls. A quiet developed and somehow I felt calm about my impending doom as I sat there being hugged by my sisters as the sun streamed in through the window. I wanted the moment to last longer and not come to an end but I also knew that I had to be the one who made them move. I let the moment last a little and then began peeling them off me, knowing that there were things that we had to do before our parents got back.


“Let’s get dressed and sorted before mum and dad get back.” I took a deep breath and announced as I squared my shoulders and made my mind up to accept all that was coming my way like a man.


“Do we have to?” Summer whined, “I’m too comfortable, I don’t want to move.” Skye sat back and looked at me.


“I know you didn’t mean to hurt him that much.” She offered, looking into my face as though she were trying to convey the intensity of her belief. I again noticed the freckles across her nose and almost reached out to draw her in and kiss her again as it occurred to me anew just how cute she looked.


“Thanks.” Was the only thing I could think of to say as she broke our eye contact and started looking around for her clothes.


I don’t know if it’s a bloke thing or not. Getting dressed isn’t something I ever think about much, it’s just kinda automatic. Watching my sisters getting dressed that day though seemed like something new and exciting, the way they slipped into their bras, their panties, even the way they shimmied into their jeans and tops seemed to make me want to watch them do it over and over again though at the same time I was eager to see their naked bodies again.


Summer stripped my bed, bundling all the sheets and covers together and heading downstairs with them to the washing machine while I opened the window to air the room out incase there was a smell that might tip off my parents to what we had been doing. Skye dug new sheets and covers out of the airing cupboard in the twins’ room and made my bed after she cleared up all the first aid things. I dressed in loose clothes and went to see what I could find in the freezer that I could cook for everyone without having to put any effort into it.


By the time dads van pulled up to the front door, we were pretty sure that everything looked normal in the house, Summer had even used the tumble dryer to dry my bed stuff so that mum wouldn’t even know it had been freshly washed. We all ate together at the dining table while mum and the girls chattered about their day. I could tell that dad was tired from driving and would have loved nothing better than to just relax, he was quiet and ate mechanically as though he were a robot programmed to shovel the food into his mouth, one dainty bite at a time. I hoped it would mean he didn’t want to talk about the fight tonight and I’d get a reprieve until the next day.


Of course, mum and dad were too tired to clear up after dinner so the rest of us had to do the dishes and clean the kitchen before we then hauled all the twins things from the van to their room. While the girls were all sorting out the pile of stuff the Twins had retrieved, I had to face my fate in the lounge with mum and dad.


“Son, what happened? What possessed you to pick a fight with Jimmy? Haven’t you seen enough people’s lives get damaged?” Dad started the moment I sat down in an armchair. I could see he was disappointed in me and it just added to the air of tiredness and sadness that hung around him like a cloud.


“I didn’t pick a fight with him, I went to ask him about something and he hit me first. I just hit back enough to get away.” I sulked, I didn’t like that I was being made the bad guy in the scenario but I knew I’d have to take it all and live with it.


“He’s always been such a nice boy, you must have made him very angry to hit you like that.” Mum accused.


“What did you need to ask him so suddenly? Everything was fine when we left.” Dads voice was more reasonable than mums but I knew this would be the start of an interrogation I didn’t want. Mentally shaking myself I looked dad in the eye and started at the beginning.


“When we were out last night, I think someone put something in the drink that Amelia and Summer were sharing, I wanted to talk to you about it this morning but you were already gone by the time I got up. I went to ask Jimmy if he noticed anything and he punched me in the stomach, his mate kicked me over and I had to fight them both till I could get away. Skye says I’ve even got footprints on my back.” Annoyance crept into my voice as I spoke, though I was trying to keep it out and stay calm. Mum heard about the prints and immediately switched into her concerned mother mode.


“Oh you poor thing, let me have a look, have you taken any arnica yet? I’ve got some essential oils that will help too, take off your top and let me have a look before I go get them.” Mum squawked lurching from her seat on the sofa. I had to fight hard to keep my face straight as I realized that she’d been sitting on the cushion Summer had flipped the night before. I hid whatever movement my face wanted to make by standing up and pulling my top over my head, revealing the bruises for them both to see. Mum tutted and hissed over the bruises as she examined them closely, peeling back the coverings Skye had put over the worst ones and finally telling me to stay where I was as she disappeared towards her workroom.


“Is that all that happened?” Dad asked as mum left.


“I swear.” I replied as earnestly as I could.


“Those are some pretty nasty bruises, I don’t like the look of the one over your kidneys, perhaps we should take you to the hospital and get a doctor to look at them. I guess that Genette couldn’t complain so much if you went to the hospital too.” Dad mused. “You really went too far putting him in the hospital though, why did you do that? That was more than you needed to do to just get away from him.”


“There were two of them dad, I couldn’t look at everything and I swear to you on grandmas life, he chased me down the driveway so he was fine when I left him.”


“What about the other guy? You said there were two of them.” I noticed that he made sure that mum was out of earshot when he added in a quiet tone “He look as bad as you?”


“At least.” I answered and dads smile told me that he was actually proud that I’d been able to defend myself. He hid his smile and turned serious again as he saw mum coming back.


“You shouldn’t fight, you know that. You should have walked away when he threw the first punch.” He said as though he’d been telling me off all the time mum was gone.


“I’ve put some cypress and frankincense oil together with some coconut oil, that should help those bruises heal quickly.” She said as she shook the little bottle of oils she held, making sure they were thoroughly mixed before she started smoothing the oils onto the bruises with a gentle touch. I mumbled my thanks and let her carry on though I thought it was stupid, the bruises would go away on their own.


“Why didn’t you come and tell us about the girls last night?” mum asked as she moved on to a new bruise. The question took me a little by surprise and I had to think fast.


“I wasn’t sure about it and I um thought that you might not wanna be disturbed for nothing.” I spoke before really thinking about the words. Mum laughed.


“I remember when you were younger you used to lead your sisters in a charge into the room when we were making love, you thought that the noise was because we were playing and you wanted to help me against dad.” I couldn’t see her as she delicately rubbed the oil in but I could hear the amusement in her voice. I don’t think I blushed at her memories of my innocence but I was embarrassed to remember it. The memory of dads annoyed face as we burst into the bedroom, the way mum had been sitting on him, the way it had taken dad a moment to respond to the girls jumping on the bed and trying to tickle him as he lay there, all flashed through my mind. I remembered how mum and dad had eventually explained to the three of us what they were doing and why we shouldn’t rush in like that, I think dad had been embarrassed to start with but he’d gotten into it as they demonstrated things, explained them and did their best to answer our childish questions.


I pushed the thoughts aside and tried to focus on other moments that wouldn’t be as embarrassing. The memory of my sisters and I making love flitted through my mind, part of me wondered what mum and dad would have made of it if they knew but I was in no hurry to tell them.


I eventually got away from mum and dad to retreat to my room. I could hear the girls all chattering and laughing in the twins room. I felt a little envious of their carefree happiness, half wishing I could join in but feeling like an outsider and figuring that none of them would want me around for a while.

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