Holiday to remember

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


“What you gonna see him for? Gona beat him up for me?” Summer smiled as I leaned past her to rinse my hands.


“Gotta find out his side of the story.” I grumbled, watching her closely to see how she reacted.


“You know he’s probably gonna lie about it don’t you?” She replied in a carefully bored tone that I interpreted as her trying to feign disinterest. I dried my hands on the towel as I tried to decide if she was trying to manipulate me or not.


“And how am I going to be able to tell what’s lies and what isn’t?” I asked her, my voice harder than I intended it. I looked into her brown eyes searching for some kind of answer but she gave me none, suddenly seeming to turn coy.


“Don’t stare like that.” She giggled shyly casting her gaze lower so I couldn’t look at her. I mumbled an apology to her and headed back to my room to get dressed. I wasn’t overly surprised when Summer followed me, arranging herself to lounge on my bed as I looked for clothes to wear in the built-in cupboard that ran from the door by the bathroom to the opposite side of the front window to my bed.


“Enjoying yourself there?” I asked her, unsure if I should just leave her to it or chase her out before I got dressed.


“Yeah. Carry on.” She quipped back making herself more comfortable. Realizing she wasn’t going to leave on her own I decided that it wasn’t as though it would be the first time she’d seen me naked I left her to it and shed my house coat to get dressed.


“Was there something else you wanted?” I asked her as I stepped into a clean pair of boxers while looking at her out of the corner of my eye. It felt a little strange knowing that she was watching so intently as I dressed, some of the guilt that I had building up in my mind coming to the fore as it crossed my mind that I was a pervert and should stop her.


“Apart from your dick in me? I’m a bit curious about what you’re gonna talk to Jimmy about.” She smiled shyly and wouldn’t meet my eye as though she knew she was being more open than usual.


“Just about what happened with you, what happened last night and shit like that. Why? Got something on your mind?” I was pulling on a t-shirt as I spoke so I couldn’t see any reaction on her face.


“No, I’m just worried about what will happen. You were worried I’d tell about us and I’ve already told you about him, he’s gonna be mad at me.”


“Is he gonna have a reason to be mad Summer? Honestly, if I go over there and accuse him of raping you, am I gonna look like a total idiot?” I was careful to make my voice softer so it didn’t sound so much like an accusation but I knew she would see through to the real question of whether she was lying about it or not.


“Why would you look like an idiot? I think it’s nice that you’d do something like that for me.” She replied as innocently as she could. “You’re the one that said it was his fault.”


“So help me, Summer, if I confront him and look like an idiot, I’m going to be mad and I’m not going to trust another word you say.”


“Why would you think I lied? Why would you be such a fucking jerk?” Her temper flared, and I knew I’d pushed her too far. She flounced out of the room, slamming every door behind her as she went to hide in her room. I was confused, she didn’t seem to be acting but at the same time Skye’s doubts had infected me and I needed to know the truth. I didn’t want to waste time but I was also hungry and thought I should eat before I faced Jimmy.



By the time I was standing on the doorstep I hadn’t come up with any tactful way of asking what had happened and I was still confused.


“Is Jimmy around?” I asked when his mum opened the door, she was an average woman though I had to look up at her from the bottom step which felt intimidating.


“Sure, come through, he’s out the back with some friends.” She smiled as she stood aside so I could enter. “You want something to drink while you’re here?” She showed me through the house as she asked.


“No thanks Mrs Edwards, I just need to talk to Jimmy for a few minutes.” I ducked out the back door as quick as I could, she always made me nervous because I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. The ground by the pool was dark with water that had been splashed out of the pool where Jimmy and his friends were messing around.


“Jimmy. Ken’s here. I’m going out shopping now so keep an ear out for the door.” His mum called and turned back into the house, not even waiting to see if Jimmy heard her and responded. Everyone looked to see what Mrs Edwards was shouting about and I looked for Jimmy. He was in the middle of the pool, apparently in the middle of ducking someone. I saw his expression flicker annoyance for a moment when he saw me but he quickly forced a smile.


“Hey Ken, how’s it hangin’?” He shouted “Wanna join us? You can get your swimming stuff if you want.” I took in the scene, identifying Dave Morrison, his girlfriend, and some other lads I had seen around school but didn’t specifically know, I guessed they were probably from Jimmy’s class.


“We need to talk.” I tried knowing it sounded lame in front of the others there. Jimmy made some kind of signal to one of the lads I didn’t know, he was even skinnier than Jimmy and had big yellow pimples that clustered around his nose like bubbles at the edge of a washing-up bowl. He ran off inside the house and returned a moment later announcing that the car had gone, I assumed that he was talking about Mrs Edwards’ car.


“What did you want?” Jimmy dropped the pretence of politeness. “You’re so desperate to talk, so talk or are you still being a wuss?” He laughed, reminding me of his insults the day before.


“Privately.” I stated, hoping that if I could get him, on his own I’d have more chance of getting the truth out of him.


“Oooh, private? Get you. Wanna confess your gay crush on me?” He laughed at his own joke but there was no real laughter on his face. I heard the others smother giggles. “Just spit it out I got nothing to hide from my mates.” I sighed and resigned myself to having to face him with everyone else listening.


“I know you put something in the girl’s drink last night.” I started, expecting him to decide it was better to talk privately than to let them all hear about what he was doing.


“So?” His simple answer surprised me, making me unsure of what to say next.


“Why? What were you thinking?” I asked a little lamely.


“None of your fucking business arse wipe.”


“You made it my business when you drugged my sister and my cousin.” I exploded, angry with his nonchalant insults and apparent lack of remorse.


“Oh, that who she is? What of it? I was just helping them have a good time. Not my fault you came along and ruined it for them.”


“You weren’t giving them a choice Jimmy, they have a right to say no.”


“Please, have you looked at that smoking hot piece of arse? If you’re too much of a limp faggot to see that she was begging for it, I guess you are as gay as you sound. I was just cutting to the chase and giving her what she wanted. Come on, why else would a girl dress like that unless she wanted to be thrown to the ground and fucked hard in every hole! I’ll bet you’ve even jerked a few off thinking about her.”


“I don’t need to.” I ground out, desperately trying to think of a comeback that wouldn’t sound bad. “And what about my sister?”


“I didn’t know she’d share but I don’t mind sharing the goodness.  You should see that little sister of yours go at another cunt, almost as ravenous for it as a cock!” He leered while the other boys all laughed, I noticed that Dave Morrisons’ girlfriend looked uncomfortable and wouldn’t meet my eye.


“She was underage and you forced her.” I snarled, my temper getting the better of me.


“Stupid cunt finally told someone did she?” Jimmy laughed again. “Shoulda guessed that’s what was up. So what? You here to defend her honour?” He sneered. “Did you see what she was wearing yesterday? Shit! That slut was just gagging for it.”


“Don’t talk about my sister that way.”


“Or what?” He demanded, a serious look in his eye.


“Or I’ll have to beat some kinda sense into you.” I snarled in reply. Jimmy laughed, amusement sparkling in his eye.


“You thrash me over a cum dump like her? Listen, she’s just a slut like this one,” he hiked a thumb over his shoulder at Dave Morrisons girlfriend. “I own her cunt too, how about I let you have a go on  her a couple of times and we call it even? I know you like sluts that will let you do anything you can think of, you’re just like me, I’ve seen you looking at her while you’ve been here. I’ll tell her to let you cum in her too, how’s that for an offer?” He smiled, obviously satisfied with himself that he was offering a good deal. I looked at him for a long moment, unable to believe what he was saying.


“I’m nothing like you.” I shouted, knowing that I was being a complete hypocrite.


“Of course you are. I saw you imagining her on your cock.” He got out of the pool and stood in front of me, his nose inches from mine so I caught the strong scent of chlorine from the pool as he dripped.


“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. I’m not like you at all.” I tried to keep my voice calm but I know it wasn’t as calm as I wanted it to be, I had completely lost control of the situation and knew I couldn’t get it back.


“If I didn’t know about you and Louise, I’d think you were fucking queer.” He giggled and I wondered how he knew about Louise, she hadn’t bragged about me that I knew of, it had been a surprise that she hadn’t because of the way she usually bragged about guys she’d been with.


“Don’t even think about coming after my family again or else.” I looked him in the eye, speaking with as much menace as I could gather. I didn’t see the blow coming till it was too late, Jimmy’s fist was already burying itself in my stomach as I heard him laughing.


“Or else what? You’re nothing but a weak mother-fucking-queer. Maybe I’ll go after your other sister next? Can you imagine the sight of her screaming on my cock while I destroy her tight virgin cunt? I’ll have any of them if I want them and there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it prick.” He was enjoying himself as he threatened the girls and hit me. I had no chance to gather my breath after his first punch, having to try and block the hail of blows as I tried to gather enough breath to fight back. Someone else swept my legs out from under me and I hit the ground, trying to protect myself as the other person kicked me and Jimmy sat on me, pummelling me with both fists. I managed to grab the leg of the one kicking me and make him fall into the heap we’d become on the ground, giving me enough time to strike back at Jimmy, smacking his head against the concrete round the pool.


I ached all over, my body felt like one big bruise as I made my way home. I felt I’d given as good as I’d gotten from Jimmy but the spotty kid joining in hadn’t made it easy for me. I spat the blood from my split lip out before I got to the door, hoping that it wouldn’t be too obvious. I crept in, trying to avoid my sisters and having to admit my defeat after all my talk about knowing I could beat him.


I made it to my room before I saw anyone. Summer must have heard me, she came rushing into my room as I gingerly lay down on my bed. I knew I must be quite a sight but I didn’t think it was worthy of all the fuss she made, screaming for Skye as though I were about to die. Skye took charge of the situation being much more practical, she sent Summer to get the first aid kit from the bathroom.


“What the fuck happened to talk?” Her disapproval came across plainly as she spoke.


“He wasn’t interested.” I managed to mumble as Skye pulled me into sitting and closely examined my face, digging her fingers in and moving my skin around, making sure that no bones were broken and there was no chunks of anything stuck in the wound. My annoyance at losing the fight was turning into more anger towards Jimmy and Skye’s fussing seemed to just make me more irritated. I wanted to sulk and hide away until I felt better.


“The state of you though. This is why it’s better to talk than to fight.” She lectured me as Summer returned with the box and Skye rummaged in it looking for cotton wool and disinfectant.


“It’s just a split lip and a few bruises.” I grumbled flexing my fingers because my knuckles began to feel stiff as they swelled.


“Your eye is probably going to swell too, the skin is all broken, you’ve split the skin on your knuckles and if you say there’s a few bruises then I expect there’s more I haven’t seen elsewhere.” She snapped, twisting the cap off the disinfectant bottle and tearing off some of the cotton wool quite savagely.


“It’s nothing much.” My sulking turned to a moan of complaint as Skye dabbed the disinfectant near my eye and it stung the cut.


“Stop being such a baby.” She ordered just like mum had when I was little and grazed my knee or something. “This is what you get for being such a stupid… Boy.” Summer sat on the end of my bed worrying a thumbnail between her teeth and looking scared but she laughed a little at the lameness of Skye’s insult as words failed her.


Skye was the picture of cold efficiency as she disinfected my split skin, not caring how much I complained about the stinging. After she had disinfected everything to her satisfaction she rummaged in the box for plasters and proceeded to tape me up as best she could.


“There. That’s everything I can see at the moment,” Skye said pressing the last plaster firmly in place. “Now I need to see the bruises.”


“You don’t need to, they’re just bruises.” I complained.

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“I’m going to check them whether you like it or not, either you strip and show me or Summer and I will strip you and post pictures of your stupidity to Facebook.” Summer outright laughed at the idea, thinking that Skye must be joking but I could see from her face that she meant it and if I pushed the issue, she’d spread my defeat everywhere until I was a laughingstock. I shrugged and gave in, trying to keep the tattered remains of my dignity intact. Easing myself to my feet and pulling my top over my head. Summer let out a little yelp as she saw the bruises that were already darkening my skin. Skye made a noise of disapproval and concern as she leaned close to examine them in greater detail.


“There’s a shoeprint on your back.” Her voice was a little deeper as she spoke. “Right across your kidneys, we’ll have to watch that.” Her fingers traced the outline of the footprint and I got the impression that she was more concerned about it than I was. She began meticulously dousing all the bruises with witch hazel from the first aid box, dabbing it on them with a large pad of cotton wool.


“It’s just a bruise. Kinda happens in a fight.” I grumbled, feeling daft as I stood there, half-dressed with my sisters examining me. One of them outlined something else on my back and I heard Summer ask what it was.


“Fist print I think, there’s a couple of them see” Skye replied, pointing them out.


“Ouch.” Summer sounded concerned and impressed at the same time. Finishing with my back, Skye turned me round to look at my front in the light coming through the bedroom window.


“Hmmm, I don’t think I need to send you to the doctor unless you start having pain in your kidneys or blood in your piss.” Skye pronounced her verdict. “What about down below?”


“How do you know about all this?” Summer demanded at the same time as I said it was fine.


“First aid class at school. Let me have a look, I’ll tell you if you’re all right.” Skye answered us both with barely a breath between the thoughts.


“Why? I thought it was just emergency stuff like saving people from drowning and stuff like that.”


“Our teacher wanted to be practical, give us stuff we might come across that might save people we knew. Knowing boys get in fights all the time she taught us what would be dangerous injuries.” Skye answered absently as she waited for me to undo my jeans though I wasn’t in any hurry to do so.


“I’m not taking my jeans off.” I glanced meaningfully at Summer so that Skye could see my reasoning without me having to say it.


“The way you two were fucking last night I’m surprised you’re worried about her seeing anything.” Skye grumbled making my heart stop beating in panic. She clapped a hand to her mouth, with a panicked look that told me she hadn’t intended to let on she knew anything about it.


“Huh?” Summer sounded confused, looking from one to the other of us. I just stared at Skye trying to find the words to reply.


“Oh come on. It’s not like you were exactly being discreet you know.” She added defensively.


“We fucked last night?” Summer asked at the same time. “I wasn’t sure if we did or if I dreamed it. Your t-shirt in my room suggested we did but then you didn’t say anything earlier so I was confused.”


“You were on the stairs.” I accused Skye, narrowing my eyes and crossing my arms as I looked into her face, looking for some kind of remorse. I noticed the cute trail of freckles across her face that I usually took for granted and had to steel myself not to just melt under her gaze. She looked away first and nodded.


“Why did you pretend it was that bloody cat then? You could have said something.” I was angry and scared that she might tell our parents or worse, hold it over us as blackmail. At the same time though I felt it was hot knowing that she had been watching us.


“I don’t know. I was jealous, pissed off, scared, embarrassed… you name it. I just couldn’t at the time.” She yelled, seemingly feeling as though we were attacking her. I sat down on the bed again with a whoosh of air escaping my lungs. I wriggled to lean my back against the headboard and looked at them both, trying to decide how this new situation was going to work out and what I was going to do about it.


“So you were gonna spy on us and not say anything?” Summer demanded, clearly angry at our sister but I could also see the cogs turning in her head as she thought about it.


“I didn’t… don’t know how to feel or what to say, It’s all too confusing.” Skye growled and I could see tears beginning to well in her eyes, she turned to run out of the room. I grabbed her wrist and wouldn’t let her go, pulling her closer to me and forcing her to lean over awkwardly as I tried to hug her. My abused muscles and bruises screamed in pain at the sudden movement and the pressure of her leaning on me. I didn’t dare let her see how it hurt in case she went into first aid mode again and we lost the chance to work things out.


“Let’s all sit down and talk.” I ordered softly, though I was trying for a tone similar to the one dad used when he was in his commanding mode. Skye bent suddenly, the stiffness going out of her body as she sat on the edge of the bed beside me. I waved my free hand, beckoning Summer to crawl up the bed on the other side of me. She happily snuggled up beside me and drew my arm around her shoulders as she made herself comfortable. I encouraged Skye to sit similarly and waited for her to make herself comfortable before I started the conversation again.


“You usually advocate talking Skye. What’s going on in that head of yours?” I asked her as I hugged them both. Skye shrugged.


“I don’t know, I just saw you both last night and… I don’t know, it just didn’t feel right to say anything at the time and then it was even harder to say something.”


“So you threw the cat down the stairs and came to wait in my room? How was that going to help?” I asked, adding details that Summer clearly didn’t know, she looked at Skye sharply for a moment before snuggling closer into me and deciding not to add anything but wait till Skye had finished before she gave her own opinion.


“I don’t know, I was annoyed with Summer for being such a slut, I was annoyed with you for giving in to her, I was annoyed with myself because I didn’t stop you, I just watched like I do with mum and dad. I somehow thought that maybe if I waited in your bed you might want me too but you didn’t. We talked for a bit and then you kicked me out. Do you love her more than me? I thought maybe I was special to you. Is she that much better at it than me?” I wished I could hold my head but hugging my sisters meant I couldn’t. I looked at Summer, remembering how she’d used almost the same words the night before and wondered if she remembered. She was looking up at me from my shoulder as she snuggled and I guessed that even if she didn’t remember, Skye’s words resonated with her.


“Look, I love both of you, you’re my sisters how can I not? You’re both gorgeous, you’re both sexy, both special to me and I like both of you, it’s not about who’s better at anything or loving either of you more than the other. I love both of you, I don’t know how I can get you to understand just how much I love you both. I don’t know how we’re going to work this out though. I didn’t realise that you even wanted to.” I looked at Skye again and softly kissed her forehead as she and Summer looked at each other, rolled their eyes and simultaneously sighed “boys” before laughing their heads off.


“Now I’ve gotten him to give in I’m not gonna let him stop.” Summer announced when they had finished laughing “It’s not like I can exactly just date a boy from class without everyone saying things anyway but I don’t mind sharing him with you. At least that way you will know how to keep him happy when you do get a boyfriend.” Skye seemed to consider the idea for a long moment while Summer kept me quiet with a hand over my mouth when I opened it to protest.


“Won’t it be kinda weird knowing that he’s screwing the other one sometimes though?” Skye asked tentatively.


“I don’t care who he fucks so long as I get some too.”


“Why?” I managed to move my mouth away from her hand enough to get the word out. Before she covered it again.


“Shush, I’m talking to Skye.” She scolded me and looked at our sister. “How far will you go to make him happy?” She challenged and even I saw Skye stiffen a little at the challenge.


“I don’t know.” Skye finally admitted. “It’s not just about making him happy though.”


“I guess not, it’s about us being happy and scratching that itch. It’s not going to last forever, I know, eventually, he’s going to go away, he’s going to find someone he wants to be with and he’s probably going to have our nieces and nephews but I want to make it so that he never forgets me and how much I love him. This thing with aunty Irene makes me realise that life is too short, anything can happen at any time and if it does, I don’t want those around me to forget me. I want to show him how much I love him and how much I want him to be happy. Either you can join in and share or you need to keep our secret.” Summer presented her final ultimatum.


“Ok. No fights over him though.” Skye made up her mind, holding out her hand to Summer to agree. They shook solemnly as I stared at them.


“Don’t I get any say in this?” I demanded. They both turned to me and put looks of puppy dog innocence on their faces.


“Why would you complain? At least this way we know who you’re with and that you’re not going to give us anything.” Skye said so matter-of-factly my breath was taken away. I would have expected such a line from our youngest sister rather than her but I guessed she’d made up her mind and decided to commit to the idea.


“You’ll be getting more than most guys you’ll ever know without the hassle of a relationship.” Summer added. “Everyone wins.”


“What if someone wants a relationship though? Skye might meet someone or I might, then what?”


“I guess we’ll have to talk about it when that happens.” Summer said a little glumly. “In the meantime, it’s just a beneficial arrangement for everyone. We all get something out of it and we all get to prove our love.”


“Not where I saw today going.” I said wryly as I wondered how this new arrangement was going to work. “What are we going to do now though?” I saw the spark in Summer’s eye as she grinned up at me.


“Fuck of course.” She quipped.


“Hey, you had him last night, shouldn’t I get to go first?” Skye grumbled, I couldn’t see clearly but I was fairly sure that she was toying with Summer.


“Well, I didn’t say you couldn’t but I have got an idea.” Summer laughed. “As I see it, I owe him something for getting beaten by Jimmy and you owe both of us for peeking and not saying anything so I wondered if maybe we should both do him right now.” As she spoke she sat up and was undressing.


“A threesome?” I squeaked, almost as shocked as I guessed Skye was.


“Yea why not? It will be fun.” Summer laughed happily as she emerged from her top, revealing her small boobs to both of us.


“Isn’t that going to be a bit difficult though? I mean, two girls one penis, what do we do? Take turns on it?” Skye was obviously rather confused as she asked our sister how it was even possible.


“Get undressed and I’ll show you, it’s not weird at all.” Summer laughed, swinging round and lifting a leg over mine so she could straddle my legs as she pulled at my belt to start undoing it. Skye seemed a bit stunned at how forward Summer was so I reminded her it was ok and that she didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to. Skye responded by lurching up to kiss me on the lips, twisting in my arm so that she was laying more on her side. I could tell that Skye was still unsure but open to the idea as we kissed and I undressed her an inch at a time, slowly exposing her skin to my fingers.


Summer was impatient as she undressed me, almost anxious to get to my dick. She didn’t waste time encouraging me to lift my butt off the bed so she could pull my jeans and boxers down with a single swift movement. Skye came out of a kiss for air and looked at our sister as she tugged my jeans and shorts to my ankles, not bothering to try and fight the bunched material over my feet. She shimmied out of the same yoga shorts she’d been wearing the day before, leaving her standing there in just the thong she’d taken from my bag.


“Hurry up Skye, you can let him undress you another time. You do know how to give a good blow job don’t you?” Summer was a little breathless as though she’d been running and I realised that she was very excited. Skye blushed a little at our sister’s hurry and shook her head.


“I’ve never given one.” She confessed.


“Jesus Skye, guys love that the best, I’ll teach you, look like this.” Summer lay on the bed beside me, her head at my hip and picked up my already half-hard dick, holding it with one hand she looked up at me, opened her mouth wide and licked it like she was licking the best ice cream in the world. She licked it from base to tip a couple of times before pulling my foreskin back a little and using the tip of her tongue to tease the hole in the end then she swallowed the whole thing, bobbing her head up and down on it, all the while looking up at Skye’s and my face, meeting our eyes and communicating her enjoyment of what she was doing.


“Isn’t it a bit dirty doing that? I mean he pees out of there.” Skye asked quietly in an awed voice. Summer slurped her way up my shaft and let it pop from her mouth before she replied.


“Doesn’t matter, boys like it, Jimmy pissed on me while his friend was fucking me from behind a couple of times, it’s not that bad. Come on, come and try it, I’m sure he’ll love it.”


“You want me to pee on you?” Skye squeaked, confused by the demand.


“No, get down here and lick him duh!” Summer laughed between teases with her tongue on my cock and nuts. Skye looked at me as though she wanted me to give her permission. I tried to encourage her but not make it as though she thought she had to with a smile, truth was I couldn’t have made words if I had tried, and I’m pretty sure she knew. She leaned down to where Summer was and tentatively stuck out her tongue to dab it at the tip of my cock.


It wasn’t long before Skye and Summer were trading my cock back and forth between their mouths, teasing me by licking up each side at the same time or one mouthing my cock while the other tongued my balls, both vying to outdo the other.


Although I was certainly distracted and enjoying the sensations they were causing, I quickly realised that if I didn’t do something I was going to finish way before them and they were going to end up disappointed. Summer didn’t miss a beat as I fumbled at her, trying to pull the tight wedge of material of the thong aside. She shifted so I could pull them to her knees without her tongue missing a millimetre of my cock, moaning loud encouragement and lewd sounds as I probed her most intimate parts, sinking a finger as deep into her as I could and wiggling my thumb between her lips till it found her clit.


Skye was reluctant to shed her jeans for a while as I started teasing her through them but Summer wouldn’t leave her alone about it, badgering her and making darting movements to undo them for her till she gave in and stood beside the bed, letting them fall to the floor where she could step out of them. For a moment she stood there in her underwear a little self-consciously, apparently unsure if she should cover herself or run away. Her bra was a plain white one with little pink bows printed on that matched her panties, I’d half expected her to wear some kind of thong like Summer but she was back to the kind of panties she’d had on when we first climbed over the fence on holiday, the kind of briefs I’d seen mum dress the girls in when they were little. Not particularly sexy, just functional.


I reached out and ran a hand across the front of them, teasing her, the patch over her pussy wasn’t just damp but wet making me realise just how turned on she was. Skye hummed her pleasure and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the teasing. Summer swallowed my cock and wormed her tongue against the underside of it as she also reached out a finger and began to tease our sister, going straight for her clit and pushing the cloth in to rasp against it. Skye squeaked in surprise, her eyes flying open again and her knees giving way as she felt both hands on her. Summer grinned round my dick, her eyes flashing with excitement and mischief.

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