Holiday to remember

Chapter 4: Chapter four

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Chapter four.


If I’d been shocked when Summer came in, I was struck dumb now. I knew that I should say something, that I should probably throw her out of the room for being a tease. I even knew that if anyone found out I'd even considered doing something like that with my sister I'd be the worst kind of pervert and probably spend the rest of my life in prison but somehow, somewhere, some part of me didn't believe she was being serious.



As the thoughts ran through my head like a runaway freight train and I worried about what to do, my dick didn't worry. To my embarrassment, at the gentle touch of my sister’s fingers, my dick drained all the blood it could from my body and stood proudly to attention. I guess there wasn't a lot of blood left to go round my brain and my dick was doing the thinking really because I didn't stop her as she slowly pumped her fist up and down it. I looked at her and she smiled nervously again

“This is what guys all want isn’t it?”


“You. You really mus... m-m-must-mustn't...” I managed to stammer out through a mouth that was suddenly as arid as the Sahara. Summer giggled.


“Why not?” She demanded, obviously enjoying having found a new way to wind me up as her hand never missed a beat.


“Y-y-y-you s-s-s-said it was wr-r-wrong earlier. And, and… and, you… you don't k-k-k-know about it.” It took all my strength of will to think straight let alone try stopping her. I must admit, she was driving me insane.


“Please, I fucked Jimmy at least once a day for three months till he ditched me.” She sneered her usual irritating grin and I was stunned anew that my youngest sister was telling me she'd had regular sex already.



I knew that she'd been friends with the kid next door forever, although he was a couple of years older than her, now that I thought about it, they hadn't done much together in the last few weeks. I'd had my own things to deal with, so I hadn't really noticed but neither had I suspected there was anything other than normal life stuff to the growing distance between them.



While I was thinking, Summer shimmied under the covers and leaned across me to delicately lick the tip of my dick where a bead of clear pre-cum was growing. The sensation was completely new to me, like a bolt of lightning through a warm sponge. My senses reeled, completely de-railing any thoughts I had of stopping her. The best I could do was make a kind of strangled grunt which she took as approval, sliding her tongue around on the head of my dick. All the while her hand continued stroking up and down.



When she had finished licking my dick all over, she slowly lowered her mouth over it and guided it into her throat as she buried her nose in my nuts. I swear, I felt her tonsils slide over the tip of my dick and I was captivated as her throat convulsed around it as she made herself gag slightly before easing my meat back out again. She repeated the motions, fondling my nuts softly and with precision, she knew what would turn a guy on and just where to stimulate his needs. Pumping her own face back and forth on my cock, she swirled her tongue, slurped at my pole and slid her fist up and down it. I couldn’t help myself, I had to throw the cover back, put my hand on her head and softly guide her as I’d seen my dad do when mum was blowing him. I was cautious not to force her any further than she wanted to go but I did make her go faster.



The end came in a rush, or rather I did, spraying my spunk into her mouth as she clamped her lips round my shaft and swallowed as though she would never get enough. She milked my cock to get every last drop and then looked up at me as I lay there panting.


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“You sure it’s wrong?” she asked coyly as she smiled wickedly at me, she had me and she knew it. “If a girl can’t ask her brother for help when she needs it, who can she ask?” She finished, the light of triumph in her eye.


“Ok, Yea, I liked it.” I gasped, attempting to regain some composure. “You’re pretty good at that.”

“Thanks.” She smiled devilishly again “I am glad I got all that practice then.”


“You know that you can’t tell anyone else about it though don’t you?” I asked turning serious. “I mean if anyone heard about you screwing around with Jimmy or blowing me, they will take mum and dad away, lock them up and throw away the key. You will be taken into care and none of us would ever see each other again. You really can’t let on about it.”


“I know, I know.” She pouted, “It’s not as though they haven’t already had a go at us at school about how wrong it is to let guys do stuff to you and how if they want to touch you down there it’s wrong and we should tell someone we trust, especially if it’s a family member. Jeez, you think I’m stupid?” She hissed. “I tried to do something nice and you are just worried about yourself.” She pinched my leg and I could see tears beginning to well in her eyes.


“Wait a moment, I’m not telling you off, I’m just making sure you know. Look, don’t cry, I’m not being mean…” I paused for a moment, a little unsure and looking for some way to hug her or something to show I wasn’t mad with her. My eyes traced over her body, not wanting to seem like a pervert by accidentally grabbing since we were both naked. As my eyes trailed over her lower half I admired her feminine figure for the first time as she lay there on her side looking at me with her eyes seemingly huge in the dim light. I paused when I saw her pussy, the idea had no sooner popped into my head than I was leaning over and kissing it. I hoped it would make her realise that I cared about her. She stiffened and stopped sniffing as my lips softly caressed her lower ones. It wasn’t a long kiss, barely more than I would have given my aunt or my gran on their cheek but I did taste something on my lips and smelt the scent of her sex. I realised she’d been frigging herself before she came into my room.


“What if I do something for you too?” I whispered into the still silence that had fallen on the room.


“You know, just to show that I don’t think you’re stupid and its ok like?”


“What?” She snapped, still shocked but at least listening. “You going to fuck me till you get your rocks off again? Tell me it’s for my own good, like Jimmy did?” She snarled in an angry tone that was somewhat louder than I would have liked. I filed that information away, I would deal with the little shit next door another time.

“No, something for you.” I whispered. “You have needs too right? You were trying to get yourself off before you came in here, I can smell it, what if I finish you off?” She quirked an eyebrow at me and flicked my limp dick with a finger. I winced but didn’t tell her off.


“There are other ways.” I said softly, wishing I hadn’t started and seriously considering just throwing her out the room. Without giving her any time to think, I put my hands on her butt and pulled her closer to my mouth, letting my lips and tongue caress her pussy. As she wriggled a little, apparently unsure if she liked it or not, I wormed my tongue deeper into her folds and after a moment of probing to find it, I lapped at her clit as I’d read about on the internet. She seemed to melt as I flicked my tongue back and forth over it and I felt her bury her face in the covers before she let out a long low moan.



I don’t think I was anywhere near being an expert as I’d never licked a girl before, but she seemed to like what I was doing as she ground her hips against my face, forcing my tongue onto her harder and made little whimpering sounds that she tried to stifle in the covers. I’m not sure if it was spit or her juices but she seemed really wet and slippery, the taste of her getting stronger as I carried on. As I guided her bum and tried to control her thrusts, my finger slipped and went into her butt hole but that just seemed to make her even more wild. So I left it there and pressed forward, making her tunnel smaller as I licked her as deeply as I could. She kept muttering “oh yes” and “oh god” as I flicked her clit with my tongue, trying to emulate some of the things she’d done to my cock with her tongue. She got tenser and tenser until she buried her face in the covers again and made a strange noise. Worried, I stopped licking and looked down at her as she just lay there. After a moment she started to move again so I returned my tongue to her clit and started again but she pushed me away. She caught her breath and then wriggled round to lay beside me with a shy smile.


“That was sooooo good.” She murmured softly and kissed my still wet lips. “Thanks. Would you, would you let me cuddle up with you for a while?” I smiled hesitantly back and put an arm round her as she pulled the covers up over us. She snuggled into my shoulder and softly stroked my chest.


“I know guys don’t like cuddling afterwards, but I want to.” She whispered in a more vulnerable tone than I’d heard her use for a long time.

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