Holiday to remember

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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Chapter three.


As far as I could see, I had two choices. I could run like hell and be laughed at for the rest of my life or I could go with it and hope to whatever deity there might be that the water was cold enough to make it less obvious just how much I appreciated the view. I guess really I should say that I did the honourable thing and left them to it but I didn't so it would be a lie. To be honest, I don't remember that there was really all that much thought about it. I looked at each of the girls in turn, trying to look cool and collected but inside feeling like I was going to have a heart attack.



Amelia advanced on me, her hips swaying slightly as she walked. I thought that she'd be more self-conscious, but she made no attempt to cover herself. My eyes flicked to the cut I'd seen earlier that morning and I was stunned to see that it wasn't there, the thin scars were also missing. I looked up at her face again though my eyes wanted to linger on the bush of hair between her thighs.


“Did you two swap places?” I asked quietly so that only she could hear me and her eyes shone with amusement.


“Come on Jess, take them off, he thinks we swapped places.” She called back over her shoulder and Jess laughed as she gave in, letting Summer pull her top over her head as she fiddled with the button on her jeans.


“What would possibly make him think that?” The girl with the pink stripe in her hair demanded as Summer lost interest in making her undress now that she was doing it for herself.


“Last one in the water is a rotten chicken” She called out as she leapt away from our cousin heading for the water. Skye beat her to it but I wasn't looking, although it was a bit of a childish thing, I was not going to be beaten by a bunch of girls. I shed my tshirt and jeans like an eel and raced Jessica towards the water.



She only just beat me to the water and we all laughed about it while I pretended I wasn't bothered to have been beaten by a girl even if she did have a head start. For a while Jess and Amelia kept to themselves a little whispering back and forth and stealing glances at my sisters and I who made no attempt to avoid looking at each other or to not look at each other. As much as anything else, they were my sisters and although nudity wasn't common at home, flashes of flesh weren't uncommon either. We were all encouraged to be proud of our bodies rather than look to magazines and models to define what we “should” be.



I swam for a bit and then mostly lounged at the edge of the pool when Summer wasn't being annoying. She seemed to be trying to annoy me by either standing over me and dropping bits of dirt on my face or swimming up without me noticing and trying to dunk me. I finally had enough and knowing that I was doing exactly what she wanted, chased after her.  She squealed with laughter and tried to get away but because I was stronger and faster I caught her easily, putting an arm around her middle and hauling her out of the water. As she wriggled and tried to get away I put my other hand on her to steady her and swung her up over my head. As my other hand gripped the nearest, most convenient part of her she stopped wriggling and squirming, freezing still as though she knew she'd gone too far. It took me a moment to realize that in swinging her up over my head, I had one hand firmly placed on her pussy and the other firmly gripping her tiny breast.



I almost dropped her as I realized where my hands were, I turned and threw her into the deepest part of the pool. The wave that resulted swamped Jessica who was floating on her back with her eyes closed. When they both surfaced again a water fight started and for a moment I worried it might turn vicious but both girls continued laughing as they turned on me. Soon I was trying to fight off four girls, all apparently intent on drowning me. I did the only sensible thing I could think of and made a hasty retreat to the shore.



After a while the girls began to join me by the fire, Jess seemed a little fidgety and when Skye commented on it she announced that she thought it was time we headed back.


“Why do you want to go back?” Summer demanded, I could see her contempt beginning to rise again.


“I kinda need to pee ok?” Jess shot back and Summer laughed at her. I shot Summer a quelling look and told Jessica to just pick a spot and go as she'd never get back to the farmhouse if she needed it that bad.


“I can't just go out in the open” She squeaked.


“Why not? Afraid we'll see?” Summer apparently couldn't resist throwing into the conversation. I gave her a half-hearted push to warn her and was about to try soothing Jessica when Summer chimed in

“It's not that hard...  look.” Right in front of everyone she squatted down, spread her knees apart and parted her pussy lips with two fingers, then let a golden stream splash down before her.


“Summer you really are the weirdest little freak.” I chided her in the hope that she wouldn't realise how arousing I found the sight.


“I couldn't do that in front of everyone.” Jess yelped, apparently horrified by the thought.


“You don't have to do anything in front of anyone, find a bush to hide behind.” I tried to calm her.


“No it's ok, I'll wait.” she said with a note of finality in her voice.


“As you wish but I don't think anyone's ready to go back yet.” I shrugged.



We ate and sat round the fire, trying not to look at each other as we all dried off in the warmth of the day. It was Skye who broke the silence that was beginning to grow oppressive.


“This is ridiculous. We're all here, we've all been naked together for the last few hours so someone say something, there shouldn't be any awkwardness left now.” She looked at the faces around her and when no one would meet her eye she tutted and reached over to the pile of clothes nearest her. It took me a moment or two to realise that it was my jeans she was rummaging through the pockets of until she found the pouch that dad had entrusted to me. With nimble fingers she helped herself to a paper and rolled a joint with more skill than I'd realised she had, using a rolled up piece of the card from the papers as a filter. Lighting it from the fire she inhaled a large lungful of the smoke and held it out to Amelia. Summer intercepted it and took a large pull on the cigarette before she handed it to Amelia who looked at it as though it might bite her.


“I don't smoke thank you.” She said primly and pushed it away.


“Go on, it's just what the doctor ordered.” Skye said with a croak in her voice as she expelled the smoke she'd been holding in her lungs. Summer smiled broadly and breathed out the smoke she'd been holding too.


“Aren't you afraid of getting caught with that?” Jess demanded sniffing the smoke carefully as it wafted past her.


“Why should we be afraid? It's not dangerous and our parents let us have it anyway.” Summer drawled.


“Daddy would kill us if we started smoking. You know what he did to Jonny Miller, Amelia” Jess said in a quiet voice as she watched with wide eyes as Summer took another long hit from the cigarette.


“This isn't really smoking, it's just to help us relax.” Skye took the cigarette from our sister and took a shorter pull on it before handing it to me so that Summer didn't take it again. I took a long pull on it and held the smoke in as I thought about it. When I let the smoke out in two long streams from my nose I had the answer, I looked Amelia in the eye and asked her to trust me, when she agreed, I called her closer, took another long pull at the cigarette and then leaned over to her and softly kissed her lips, making her part them slightly as I kissed her I gently let the smoke out of my lungs into her mouth. Skye and Summer whistled and jeered as I kissed our cousin but we both ignored them as I held the kiss until I thought she'd had enough of a shot.



I eased back, breaking the kiss, while Amelia still crouched there for a moment with her eyes closed and a strange look on her face. Then she suddenly seemed to realise that the kiss was over and she sat back breathing out the smoke in her lungs in a short burst.


“Oh my god.” She said convulsively with a huge smile.


“I don't care what you say.” Jess started, cutting her sister off “that was still smoke, not a chance I'm trying that. Breathing smoke in is dangerous.” She finished as though she were telling us all off.

“Yea but the kiss way takes out most of the harmful stuff for the receiver though.” Summer supplied knowledgeably as I was trying to think of a way to put it.


“No it doesn't, otherwise secondary smoking wouldn't be so bad for people.” Jess countered with an obviously well-rehearsed argument.


“Well if you are smoking all the time for years of course it is but the occasional bit like this isn't dangerous.” Summer shot back. I was surprised that she was so vehement but I supposed that she'd thought more about it than I had. A silence descended for a long moment as Jess considered her next argument but I didn't let it get that far.


“What if we filter out the heavier and harder things so there's less dangerous stuff in there?” I asked her.”


“Well I'll try it if you can but I'll bet you can't, no ones invented a filter that can do that or they'd have made billions.”


“Actually the answer is older than cigarettes if we've got all the bits we need.” I said and started turning out Skyes bag. I found the parts I needed and with a bit of ingenuity I managed to put them together to create a small bong that we could use rather than just smoking the spliff directly.



By the time that Jess had forgotten her objections to the smoke she was quite relaxed and Amelia was quite giggly, judging that they were both far more stoned than the rest of us I put the bong down as it came round and hid it up so that they all forgot it was there. As we ate the supplies that Skye had brought she suggested the idea of playing some kind of game, there were several suggestions that were rejected but it didn't take long for us to settle on a round of truth or dare, a game that seems to be regularly played wherever there is a group of teenagers. As usual the questions started out mild and innocuous but quickly got more and more personal. Although I pretended that I thought the whole idea was a bit childish and beneath me, I was actually enjoying the game and learning little tidbits I didn't know about the four naked girls around me. Of course I had my own share of embarrassing questions, especially when Summer managed to aim truth questions at me, she seemed determined to make both Skye and I squirm infront of our cousins.



I never quite knew who Amelia was trying to embarrass but it was clear that Summer thought she'd get away with not choosing a dare when Skye or I were making them but choosing it with our cousins.


“Alright.” Amelia paused for a moment as though she were thinking but I saw the glint in her eye as she looked my sister straight in the eye “I dare you to blow your brother for two minutes then.” She delivered her challenge.


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“What?” Summer demanded in surprise.


“You heard, suck your brothers dick for two minutes.” Amelia was patient while Skye and Jess laughed at the shock on Summers face.


“No, I can't do that, it's not right, you can't make me.” Summer argued trying to get out of the dare.


“Why not you too chicken?” Skye laughed as she threw in her own comment and Amelia continued to watch Summer.


“You have a choice you can either, suck him for two minutes, lick Skyes cunt for two minutes or you can pay the forfeit if you would rather.” Amelia said slowly watching her cousin out of the corner of her eye while still holding Summers look. Skye squeaked in shock at herself being named as a choice which made Amelia smile.


“Ok, I'll take the forfeit.” Summer snapped sulkily, her face burning red.


“Are you sure?” Amelia demanded and waited while Summer nodded. “Ok, your forfeit is to walk home without any of your clothes and tonight you have to let us all watch you finger yourself before you go to bed.” Jess and Skye were laughing themselves silly but I was a bit concerned. Don't get me wrong, Summer is a real brat and often a little bitch so I kind of thought she deserved it but at the end of everything she's still my little sister.


“It's me you were humiliating Amelia so why should you have all the fun? When she fingers herself before bed, I'm the only one that she has to show.” I said before I'd even really thought about what I was saying though I had some idea that I'd let her in my room but not make her do anything so she could tell them that she'd done it. All four girls stared at me.


“No, I think we should all decide this together, she's been a little shit to us all so we're all going to decide what happens to her.” Skye ordered. “I like the idea of it being a two-part punishment but she's got to suffer and I know you Ken, you'll let her get away with it.” My sister knew me too well.

“First things first.” Skye added as though she were calling a meeting to attention “I think that she should have to wear a dress when we go to the shops next. What do you think Jess?” Jess considered for a moment before she answered, a wicked grin spreading across her face.


“Make it a skirt, I brought a miniskirt she can wear.” Jess chipped in her part and I felt it was up to me to bring things back to earth again as I still tried to protect my youngest sister.


“Mum and dad will ask her why she's wearing it and where she got it.” I reminded them.


“That's easy.” Amelia spoke up again. “She can just tell them that she saw it and asked if she could try it.”


“Ok but what if she doesn't tell them that and tells them that you made her wear it?” I knew just what a sly little thing Summer could be. The others considered for a long time.


“If she does that, we'll think of something.” Jess giggled. “But if anyone tells what we've done or talked about amongst us then there'll be revenge.” she added, I guessed that she was beginning to feel a little of the paranoia that people sometimes get from smoking pot.


“Whoever tells any of the parents anything won't be trusted by the rest of us again and won’t be included when we go off and do things, they'll get left at the farmhouse with the parents right?” I decreed, trying to get the message through to everyone but looking pointedly at Summer.


“You don't have to be so mean.” She mumbled, obviously sulking, but everyone ignored her.


“I'm not being mean, I was talking about any of us.” I reminded her.


“Yea but you were looking at me as though I was the one that would.” I could tell that she was upset by the tone in her voice and I half wondered if she would tell our parents everything just out of spite for an imagined insult.


“Well don't then and it will be ok.” I reassured her as I yawned, “You have to admit that sometimes you do seem as though you hate us all.” I don't really know why I said it, it just occurred to me and popped out my mouth without any thought really being involved. She didn't reply but she didn't look happy either, silence fell for a moment then Jess announced that she was hungry and the conversation turned to food and everyone seemed to forget about the fact that we'd been trying to think of a suitable forfeit for Summer.



I felt relaxed and stuffing a jumper between my back and the rough bark of a nearby tree I made myself comfortable. I think I must have drifted off to sleep so I'm not sure what the girls did though they were all sleeping when I woke slowly.



I looked around and unashamedly took in the view of the four naked girls. Summer was sprawled on her back, one arm down so her hand was between her legs, resting across her pussy, the other draped across her, leaving her hand on her breast. I half entertained the fantasy that she'd been masturbating when she'd fallen asleep and wished I had a camera with me so I could use the photo to tease her later. Skye lay curled on her side, her arms pillowing her cheek and her knees drawn up towards her chest, the same way she slept at night. Jess and Amelia were curled up together in a way that reminded me of a pair of kittens, though I have to admit I don't remember kittens ever being such a sexy sight. With Jess curled around Amelia’s back as though they were spooning it was difficult to see which limbs belonged to which girl.



It was at that moment that it hit me how I'd missed the cut on Amelia’s leg. Amelia’s and Jess's legs were slightly different colours, not a huge amount different, Amelia’s were just that subtle shade of fake when seen beside her sisters. She'd used makeup to hide the scars, something I assumed she did regularly to keep them hidden from everyone and why she wasn't worried about letting people see her legs.



I vowed to myself that I'd never forget the sight of the girls all sleeping like that so that I didn't have to pretend I wasn't looking. I knew it would be something that would live my fantasies for many years to come, I just wished that it would have been possible to relieve the pressure in my balls.



Unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy the sight for long, I was just easing my dick into a more comfortable position when I suddenly saw Summer watching me.


“You know you could have had me help you out with that.” She said quietly. I was dumbfounded, I tried to find words but none came before I saw the sly grin she had which told me that she was baiting me again.


“You are a bitch you know. I swear, it’s the last time I try and help you. You just can’t resist pissing about can you?” She just smirked as I thought of what to say next but I never actually got to say anything as Jessica moved her foot too close to the fire and woke herself up.



Jess made a fuss about how much it hurt though it turned out to not be bad at all, we managed to get her back to the farmhouse and mum treated Jess’ ankle with ice and some antibacterial gel while the rest of us all found things to do so we stayed out of the adults way. I was playing something on my psp while listening to music on my headphones late in the night when Summer appeared beside my bed.



With the light from my psp as the only light in the room and her face suddenly looming into the sphere of light it cast, I nearly jumped out of my skin. I hadn't heard her enter the room. I popped an earphone out and glared at her.


“What the fuck?” I hissed, trying not to make much noise so no one else heard in the house. She smiled a little, not her usual sly smile but one I'd never really seen before and gave the impression of bashfulness.


“I wanted to talk to you.” She whispered back.


“Ok, but did you have to sneak up on me?”


“I didn't. I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes. I'm cold.” I saw her shiver and considered for a moment before I threw back the edge of the cover for her to climb in. It was the first time Summer had ever come in to talk to me, so I wasn't sure what to expect.


“I know Skye’s usually the one that comes to talk to you but I wanted to talk without any of the others hearing.” She whispered as she slid into the bed and snuggled herself up, I turned off the mp3 player and put my psp down so I could concentrate on what she wanted.



She took a deep breath and looked at me. Her dark hair making her face a ghostly cloud in the dim light that still shone from my psp screen.


“So what you want then?” I asked her.


“Um, I wanted to thank you for sticking up for me earlier.” She said quietly with a nervous little note in her voice.


“Seriously you came in here in the middle of the night just for that?” I almost forgot to whisper.


“No, not just that. I um, I don’t hate you and I wanna prove it while I show you how grateful I am.”


“What do you mean?” I was completely confused, she wasn't acting at all like she normally did. She sighed, snuggled close to me and then I felt her hand move over my leg and softly grip my dick.


“I saw your thing earlier and I wanna blow it for you like mum does for dad every morning.”

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