Holiday to remember

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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Chapter seven


Naked women were climbing on the stage to get to me as I struck the final power chord of the song, classic rock pose, the audience were screaming my name, fireworks were going and it felt good to be on top of the world. The women dodged bouncers who were trying to grab them and literally throw them back into the crowd as I made rock symbols with both my hands, holding them in the air and soaking in the adoration from the crowd. The last of the women who had climbed onto the stage, slipped past the last bouncer, grabbed me by the shoulder and clung to me as they came for her…


Someone shook my shoulder again, more roughly, and the dream broke. I opened my eyes and rolled to try and see who was there.


“Wha? Ya?” I grumbled, smacking my lips and trying to make my brain work.


“Ken, wake up.” Someone hissed at me. I moved and groped for the clock by the bed, I slapped the button and it projected the time in big red numbers on the ceiling.


“What the hell? It’s bloody three in the morning what do you want?” I growled as my brain began to kick in.


“I can’t sleep, I want to talk.” My sister said quietly, her face close to mine.


“Jeezus Skye? Can’t it wait till the morning?”


“Shhh. No, I want to talk now.” She whispered.


“Arite, what do you need?” I yawned, scrubbing sleep from my eyes and resigning myself to my fate. I wriggled until I could prop myself up on an elbow and face her silhouette. I could sense more than see that she was kneeling on the bed beside me.


“Have I been too harsh on Summer?” She asked.


“Really? You want to bloody well talk about that now?”


“Have I?” I could tell by the whine in her voice that she wasn’t going to let it go.


“Yes you have been a right bitch to her. Happy now? That what you wanted to hear?” I agreed with a sigh. She paused for a moment before she spoke again and I got the impression that she was trying not to cry.


“I didn’t know.” She said softly.


“I think that’s the point, none of us did.” I grumbled. She paused again, I was about to ask he if it was all she wanted to talk about when she suddenly started talking again.


“I know that the first time is supposed to be all amazing and romantic and stuff like that. It’s supposed to be special, it must be weird to have that taken away.” She almost whispered, I wasn’t sure if she was talking to herself or to me.


“Huh? What have you been reading? It really isn’t all that.”


“What do you mean?”


“I think it’s usually awkward and I’m pretty sure that its painful for most girls when their cherry gets popped.”


“But if its with someone you love its different right? They will be careful and try not to hurt right?”


“If you’re lucky yea but most likely neither of you will know what you’re doing.”


“Do you?” I could vaguely see her eyes in the gloom but I couldn’t see enough to know if she was making fun of me or being serious.


“What does that matter?” I demanded, deciding she was probably making fun of me.


“So you are a cherry boy. Nice to know I’m not the only virgin in the family.” I could hear the laughter in her voice.


“If you must know, no I’m not. You are the only virgin in the family. Well I don’t know about the twins but definitely in our family.” I snapped at her although I didn’t really mean to.


“Keep it down.” She hissed as she pouted. “You don’t have to wake the whole house and tell them you know. Its not like there are all that many good guys in my year at school anyway and most of them go after the popular girls anyway. Who did you loose it to?”


“Does it matter?”


“Yes, I wanna know.”


“Louise Harrison.” I mumbled, not really wanting to tell her but knowing that she wouldn’t let me go back to sleep till she had finished what was on her mind. I heard my sister smother a laugh.


“I didn’t know that you were that close to her, how come you chose her?”


“We were doing that biology project together at hers and it just kinda happened.” Perhaps I was still a little paranoid from all the weed I’d smoked but I found myself trying to justify it to my sister although logically I knew I didn’t really have to explain anything to her about my life.


“I heard she was planning to go after you. She and her friends had a bet on who could get you first.”


“And you didn’t think to tell me that before?” I feel I was understandably a bit annoyed that she hadn’t shared the information with me before but I wasn’t too upset, I hadn’t been expecting a relationship or anything with Louise. I saw Skye shrug in the dark.


“What’s it like?” She asked


“What’s what like?” I was a bit confused by the sudden change in the conversation.


“I’m the only one that hasn’t tried it I’m kinda curious, I wanna know if it’s better than; you know, fiddling?” Skye was suddenly bashful, and I could almost feel the heat from the pink tinge that I was sure would be on her cheeks though I couldn’t see it.


“You mean sex?”


“Yea. Mum and dad seem to do it a lot and every one’s always going on about it. Summer seems to think it doesn’t mean anything and you’ve already had a go. I’m being left behind. Then there was this morning…” She spoke in a rush as though she wanted to get the words out quick but then she broke off as though she hadn’t meant to say that but it piqued my interest.


“What about this morning?” I prompted. “Spit it out Skye, you’ve come this far.”


“When you smacked me.” She whispered, her head down so I could hardly hear her.


“What about it?” I tried again.


“I know I’m weird but I liked it.” She moaned, her hands flying to her face.


“What do you mean you liked it?”


“I liked it, it; you know, it made me; horny.” I imagined she peeked between her fingers at me slightly. “I know I’m weird but it’s true and now I’m worried I’m not going to, that I’ll never find someone who wants to because I’m so weird.” She sniffed, it took me a moment to realise that she was starting to cry again.


“Come here, you’re not weird at all.” I comforted her and pulled her into a hug. Although I was pretty sure that her face was scarlet, her arms were chilly and I could feel the goose bumps that covered them as I held her.


“Half the girls at school talk about nothing but their boyfriends. Why haven’t I found one yet? I wanna enjoy sex too and I don’t wanna be left behind anymore but if things like that get me hot, no one’s going to want me.” She mumbled against my chest as I held her.


“You’ll find someone when the time is right.” I tried to comfort her, tiredly I laid my cheek on her head in an awkward, sleepy hug. I don’t really know if I dozed or not but I think I must have because the next thing I knew I was leaning back against the headboard and Skye was carefully pulling the cover up over both of us.


“What are you doing?” I mumbled at her.


“You seemed sleepy so I was covering you up” She whispered snuggling herself into me again.


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“You can’t stay here though, you’ve got your own bed.” I complained but didn’t actually move to push her away.


“Why not? You’re warm and comfy. Besides you let Summer stay.” She answered a little defensively as she snuggled closer.


“Whatever.” I was too tired to fight with her. She wriggled getting herself comfortable and I felt her breath on my chest and I felt her smile. A moment later I was sure I felt her kiss me softly, I wasn’t sure so I ignored it and tried to drift back to sleep again though I was very aware of her being there and the scent of her shampoo just under my nose. She shifted her head a little and kissed me again, moving slowly to trail small kisses up my chest and neck.


“Did you just kiss me?” I asked before realising it was one of the most stupid things I’d ever asked in my life, I knew damn well she’d kissed me.


“Um, yea, I thought you were asleep. Um, isn’t it normal to kiss someone you care about gnight?”


“Well if you do it properly I suppose.” I moved lazily, bringing my hand up to tip her chin up before kissing her softly on the lips for a moment. Before I knew what was happening she was responding and kissing me back harder, her enthusiasm overflowing as she shifted to be able to reach better. I could feel her trying out different places to put her hand, clearly unsure what she was supposed to do with it. She ended up putting it in my lap and I had the obvious reaction. I expected her to recoil and run from the room but although it took her a moment or two to realise and she stopped kissing me, she didn’t recoil, she seemed to come to a decision. Her fingers slowly began to explore my hardness, moving awkwardly at first, trying to make it seem more accidental than purposeful, she trailed her fingertips over my dick, testing it, stroking the softness of the skin and the contrast of the thick hair at the base.



I probably should have stopped her, but I can’t say that I did. I used one hand to guide her fingers around my shaft and softly encourage her to start pumping it. I can’t really describe the thrill it was, I mean, it was only the third time someone other than myself had played with my cock, I was totally taken with it, it was so much better than tossing one off on my own, to be honest, since I’d had sex the first time, I’d been somewhat disappointed with having to please myself and since Summer had sucked me the night before, I admit, I was anxious for the attention. Skye seemed fascinated by the feeling but didn’t say anything, returning to kissing me with even more vigour as I slowly slid my fingers under her nightie, aiming straight for her boobs, at first just cupping one in my hand and massaging it gently in time with her fist. She stopped moving, seeming unsure of whether she wanted to be touched there. Then she made a pleased noise into my mouth as she kissed me harder so I switched from massaging her boob to rubbing my thumb back and forth across her nipple, circling it and occasionally pulling on it gently, she forgot what she was doing and sat there with her hand round my cock as I teased her nipple and kissed her, I tweaked her nipple hard to remind her and she flinched a little then mmmm’ed into our kiss again. She started moving her hand again, after getting a better grip and yanking a little too enthusiastically, I doubled over trying to silently cuss at the pain.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She whispered, repeating it over and over until I could breathe again.


“It’s ok. Just try not to smash a guys balls like that, they’re delicate.”


“I’m sorry, I guess I’m just not good at it, I should go back to bed.” She murmured softly, I could hear the disappointment in her voice and I was aware of her moving to leave.


“No…” I forgot to be quiet and spoke in a normal voice as I tried to stop her. We both froze to listen and see if I had disturbed anyone.


“No, let’s just try something else. I’m not mad at you.” I whispered hurriedly as I held onto her nightie to stop her leaving. She relaxed back onto the bed and sat there, waiting for me to say something though I was waiting for her to say something.




“What…” We both tried to start talking at once as the quiet began to become oppressive.


“Go on.” I smiled, forgetting that she couldn’t see it in the dark.


“Summer said that you made her, um; you know… when you licked her… Is, is it really that good?” She asked hesitantly after a little pause.


“She looked like it was. You want to try it?” She made an affirmative noise, so I re-positioned myself between her legs and began to explore her by touch, trying to find where her panties were in the dark. I was surprised that she wasn’t wearing any, somehow, I’d thought it was only guys that didn’t like wearing underwear in bed. I trailed my fingertips through her soft hair down there, with my nose so close to it, I could smell her sex already, I tried to be careful, making sure I didn’t startle her as I trailed my fingertips over her, orienting myself before I softly began to tease her lips with my tongue and let my fingers probe a little deeper into her folds. I could taste the slight tang of piss on her lips but I didn’t permit myself to be put off by it as I wriggled my tongue around in her folds, seeking the perfect spot that had driven Summer crazy the night before.



When I found her clit I circled it with my tongue and bit gently on it, letting it slowly draw between my teeth before I went back to flicking it back and forth with my tongue. Everything I did seemed to surprise Skye as I licked her and stroked her lips with my fingers, slowly letting my index finger sneak between her lips a little. She writhed and squirmed so that it was hard to keep my tongue in contact with her, I felt her muscles tense as she panted and I thought she climaxed as she bit on her wrist and moaned, her other hand holding my head tight to her snatch as I continued to lap at it. Then she was pushing me away and I thought that it was over. I sat back and waited for her to catch her breath. Gasping in lungfulls of air she also sat up, kissed me hard on the lips and started pulling at my shoulder.


“More, I need more.” She gasped in my ear as she pulled me down and pushed on my other shoulder so I got the idea she wanted me to lay back where she had been a moment before. In a rush and without warning she swung her leg over me, fumbled over my belly till she found my cock and lined it up with her pussy. I grabbed her hand and asked her if she was sure that was what she wanted.


“God yes, just fuck me.” She replied with a breathless whisper at the same time, thrusting her hips forward and letting my dick slide into her wet folds. It didn’t go far, her muscles resisting the invasion and she moaned in frustration. Rising up a little she dropped her full weight on my cock, trying to ram it home. It hurt but a little more went in. She tried again and squealed as my cock pushed past her barrier and sank deep inside her. She rested with our hips touching, her hands on my chest and I felt a splash on my chest as tears fell from her eyes.


I guess I should have stopped things there and told her that it was ok, she should wait for another time before trying again but I didn’t. I stroked her face, wiping her tears away with my thumbs as I felt them.


“You ok?” I asked quietly, I’d heard it hurt but I’d not experienced it before, I mean it was only the second time I’d had a girl impaled on my cock and it was well known around school that the other girl I’d been with was quite easy. Skye leaned down so she could rest more and whisper quietly to me.


“Yea, it just hurt, do you think I woke anyone?” she barely whispered, her mouth near my ear so she didn’t make any more noise than she needed to. I paused and listened but couldn’t hear anything so I whispered back that I didn’t think she had. I felt her smile weakly by my ear before she kissed it gently. Laying there with her on top of me I could feel her body warmth through her nighty and slowly I moved my hands to stoke her legs and move her nighty up so I could stroke her bare back trying to comfort her.


“Ok, now you better make that pain worth it and fuck me like there’s no tomorrow.” She whispered in my ear with a big shuddery breath as she experimentally moved her butt, allowing my cock to move inside her a little. She sat up and I wasn’t sure what she was doing for a moment before I saw her throw something away and realised she must have removed her nighty. Feeling for them, she found my hands and guided them to her breasts before she put her hands on my shoulders and slowly started to raise and lower her hips, just a little at a time at first as though she were getting comfortable. Once she was sure she was ok with it she moved faster and further until she was fully riding my cock. As she got into it she got more enthusiastic and accidently rose up too far, letting my cock slip right out of her, she crashed her hips down and my dick missed her hole, sliding up towards her belly. I felt as though it was going to snap in half and struggled to stifle a groan of pain, shock written all across my face. I knew she hadn’t meant to do it, but there were tears in my eyes.


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She repeated over and over as I gasped for breath. I shook my head and then remembered she wouldn’t be able to see so I pulled her head down to mine, her hair hanging round my face as I silenced her with a long kiss.


“Its ok. You can carry on, it didn’t hurt that much.” I lied. “It’s the first time so sometimes things go wrong, like everything it will get better with practice.” I reassured her.


“You sure its ok?” She queried and I could tell that she was scared.


“I’m fine.” I lied again and rolled my hips to prove it, making my dick move against her. She sat up and rose up slowly, fondling my dick before she lined it up and sank onto it again. She moved slower and after a few minutes collapsed on my chest again.


“I can’t do any more.” She said to me in a low voice that was filled with sadness and regret. I let her rest for a moment before I told her to roll over. She rolled to be beside me and I softly pushed her back so she was laying there.


“You want to finish again? Or have you had enough?” I asked softly with my mouth close to her ear, allowing my breath to wash over her face before I kissed it lightly.


“I want to but it’s gone.” She hissed back at me.


“Ok, want me to try something? If you don’t like it, you can tell me and we’ll just go to sleep ok?” I felt her nod her head and I moved over her, using one hand to feel her leg and the other to grip my slippery cock. Giving it a few tugs to make sure it was still in one piece I felt for her opening, making her open her legs and give me access like I had when I was licking her. Leaning forward I slowly lined my cock up with her and entered her again, going slow and as gentle as I could, I raised my body over her and trailed kisses up her body till I got to her boobs. I kissed one then the other, alternating between her nipples as I licked and swirled my tongue round them, sucking them into peaks. I remembered that she said she’d liked it when I spanked her, but I thought that would be too noisy so I bit her nipple instead hoping it would suggest the same kind of dominance. She gasped and began to respond to me, raising her hips to meet my slow thrusts.


As the sensation of climax began to crawl back through her, she responded more, telling me to go faster and then harder until I was fucking her with all my strength, our bodies slapping together and making lewd wet sounds. I knew I couldn’t last much longer and I prayed that I would last long enough to make it good enough for her. Although my head was next to hers, she wrapped an arm round it, holding on and twining her fingers in my hair as she held it in place, her other hand slid up my side and I felt her push her wrist in her mouth again as she began to make a noise that seemed to take its time travelling up from her toes. The final sound burst from her like a train from a tunnel and I felt her body go rigid under me, her inner muscles tensing and gripping my cock like it was being shrink wrapped. The extra tightness pushed me over the edge and I slammed my hips into hers jerkily as I came.



Although her wrist had muffled some of her yell, it felt like she’d shouted at the top of her lungs and we both stayed dead still, listening to see if anyone would come to find out what the noise was about. No one did but I heard the bed creak in the next room and knew that she had at least woken someone. We both froze for the longest time as my cock shrank inside Skye, fear making us even more aware of our surroundings.


Finally hearing no other sounds I rolled to the side and we both caught our breath as I held her close, more so that when I could breathe enough to, I could whisper in her ear but I’m pretty sure she thought we were snuggling. She sighed contentedly and snuggled back into me, pulling one of my arms round her.


“How do you feel now?” I asked as quietly as I could while still catching my breath.


“Mmmm.” She murmured “Kinda floaty and comfortable but a bit weird inside.”


“Good that you are happy.” I was suddenly feeling tired again, and having trouble keeping my eyes open. “You gona stay here for a bit or you going back to your room?” I yawned.


“Is it ok if I stay here? I’m not sure I can move much just yet.” She half giggled.


“Yea, I might fall asleep though.”


“That’s ok, um, before you do though, um, thanks.” She turned over so she could kiss me and pulled the cover up over us. Her body was so warm and it felt so right with her snuggled into me, her head tucked under my chin, her arm round me and our legs tangled. I probably should have been thinking I had done something wrong about then but I have to admit, I didn’t, I just felt satisfied and sleepy.


When I woke, it was eight thirty and Skye was already awake, she had her hand wrapped round my morning hardness and was playing with it softly.


“Having fun there?” I asked groggily


“I didn’t know it would wake you up, it’s the first one I’ve gotten to look at. And it did such interesting things last night.” She smirked at me. I was trying to think of a good come back when Summer dashed into the room. She stopped just inside the door and stared at us as we sat there frozen by the interruption.



It occurred to me that the scene was probably not the best one for my youngest sister to have walked in on and it was certainly not one I was keen on her standing with the door wide open for every one to see as the guilt started to rise up like a tsunami in my brain. There I was splayed out on the bed naked as the day I was born with my other sister clearly in the middle of jacking me.


“Jeezus Summer, shut the fucking door.” I hissed at her, trying not to be so loud as to alert anyone nearby but loud enough to get through to her. Summer grinned mischievously and stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.


“So?” She asked expectantly. Skye was blushing scarlet and snatched her hand away from me as though my cock was red hot while it shrank hastily in response to my own embarrassment.


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