Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 155: Job Change Quest

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Half an hour ago.

Kouro together with Higokumaru and Sakura were walking while eliminating several Honkai Beasts on the way.

Of course, the person who eliminated all the Honkai Beasts was Kouro, Sakura and Higokumaru just followed him and watched his fight against the monsters.

Actually, Higokumaru and Sakura wanted to help him, but were stopped by Kouro himself, he said something strange, that if they helped him, the 'exp' he earned would be reduced.

Higokumaru kind of knew what 'exp' was, that designation was usually used in the game, but for Sakura... As someone who used to live in a remote village in medieval times, she had never heard of that designation.

Of course, as someone who had lived a long time and had explored the world from time to time, she still knew that the designation was usually used for something called a 'game'.

But why would Kouro say that? Did he think that this world was a game?

Higokumaru and Sakura didn't think too much, maybe Kouro used some terms in the game to explain how he became stronger more easily.

After all, young people today are very fond of games, so Kouro is also probably someone like that too.

After twenty minutes had passed, Kouro had eliminated almost a thousand more Honkai Beasts, and he had finally advanced one more level, not only that, but on their way, they also met Bronya, Himeko, and Susannah.

Kouro and the others could see a little girl who is badly injured and being carried by Bronya's robot.

The three of them seemed to be looking for Kouro to heal this little girl.

Kouro greeted them first and introduced Higokumaru and Sakura to them before unceremoniously healing the little girl using [Death and Life] authority.

In Kouro's arms, the little girl's eyelids seemed to tremble before opening slowly.

"How do you feel? Does anything still hurt?" asked Kouro with a smile as he looked into the little girl's eyes.

Kouro felt familiar with this little girl's face, but where had he seen her before?

He unconsciously brought his face closer to the little girl's face.

The little girl's eyes stared at Kouro's face without blinking.

(E/D: FBI! OPEN UP! Kouro Hanagami you are being arrested for lewding a Loli!)

In her eyes, Kouro looked like a handsome prince on horseback who was illuminated by the rays of sunlight like she had read in a fairy tale book.

The girl looked so flushed that her head emitted smoke before fainting again.

"Eh? Why did she faint again?" said Kouro in confusion.


Himeko hit his head before shouting, "Are you stupid? Of course, it's because of you!"

Kouro was seen stroking his head with a confused expression, "What's my fault?"

Seeing Kouro who didn't seem to realize the reason why the little girl fainted, made Himeko and even the others sigh.

"Here, let me carry her." Himeko said before carrying the little girl.

A few minutes later, the little girl woke up from her stupor.

Seeing the girl wake up, Himeko then asked her gently.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"My-my name is Chen Tianwen... " after saying that shyly, Tianwen's expression suddenly changed as if remembering something before being seen grasping Himeko's shirt with a worried and frightened expression.

"Mama, and Papa! They're still there in the ruins! Big brother too! Please save brother and Mama, Papa!"

"Calm down, Tianwen-chan... We'll definitely save your parents and your brother." Himeko said gently while stroking Tianwen's head. 

Susannah and Bronya's expressions changed slightly when they heard this.

Kouro who noticed the change in their expressions then came up to them and asked in a whisper.

"What's wrong?"

Susannah and Bronya looked at each other for a moment before nodding and whispering.

They both said that, earlier when they rescued Tianwen who was crushed by the ruins, they also found several people who were also crushed nearby.

And one of them was a pair of men and women who seemed to be husband and wife who were very close to Tianwen's location.

They were both injured more severely than Tianwen, Himeko and Bronya had done first aid to both of them, but if they were not taken to the hospital immediately, their lives would have been...

Kouro's expression worsened when he heard this, he turned to look at Tianwen who was in Himeko's arms.

He now finally remembered why he felt familiar with Tianwen.

Tianwen was the younger sister of the person called Tianwu and the person who in the future would become the 'Herrscher of Star', If he was not mistaken in the original plot Tianwen along with her parents had died from being crushed by the ruins.

He couldn't immediately remember because Tianwen was only briefly brought up.

Kouro who thought of this then seemed to have a thoughtful expression before turning to look at Higokumaru.

"Higokumaru, are you able to sense a horde of Honkai Beasts or a rather strong Honkai around here?"

If the plot was still the same, then Ana and Tianwu would most likely have met by now...

Hearing his question, Higokumaru then seemed to close her eyes for a moment before opening them again and pointing in a certain direction, "I can sense that there's a rather powerful Honkai Beast in that direction, about 2 kilometers away. That Honkai Beast is moving at super-fast speed right now."

"That way, is it? Thank you, Higokumaru. " Kouro murmured, he then turned to look at Tianwen and smiled, "Don't worry, Tianwen-chan, I'll save your brother in a moment."

"Eh?" Tianwen put on a confused expression.

Kouro then turned to look at the others, "You guys wait here, I'll be back in a bit."

After saying that, he then turned around and ran in the direction Higokumaru had pointed.


He ran at the speed of sound in addition to [Sprint] making his speed even faster until their eyes could not see him clearly.

"... He has improved a lot." Sakura said after seeing Kouro's running speed.


In the present time.

"Did I miss something?" asked Kouro looking at Ana and Tianwu.

Seeing Kouro, Ana let out a sigh of relief, she then helped Tianwu up before finally approaching him.

"Thank goodness Captain, you're finally here. Can you cure him?" Ana said with a relieved smile.

With the Captain here, Tianwu's wound could finally heal completely.

'Captain? Is this man Ana's Captain?' Tianwu thought as he looked at Kouro.

Honestly, this was the first time he had seen a man who could kill a fifteen-meter-plus creature.

Before he was knocked away for a moment, he could see Kouro, who at high speed, had only one kick to kill the Templar.

'What a strong guy!' Tianwu thought in awe.

Kouro nodded and then approached Tianwu before using his [Death and Life] authority.

Tianwu's body wounds miraculously regenerated at a speed that the eye could see, even his broken bones had returned to their original state, no, they became stronger.

Seeing his injuries miraculously heal like using magic, there was only one thought in Tianwu's mind, 'Is he a Healer?'

Was this world more mysterious than he thought? There was a disaster that gave rise to strange Animals and zombies... And now there was a 'Healer' in front of him.

Does this world have magic? A wild imagination then flashed through Tianwu's mind.

"How do you feel?" asked Kouro.

Tianwu moved both of his hands, all of his wounds had completely healed and even became stronger, his panda-like eye bags had also completely disappeared.

"Thank you, I have fully healed."

"Good, by the way, my name is Hanagami Kouro, you can call me Kouro."

"Ah. My name is Chen Tianwu, once again, I want to thank you for healing and saving me." Tianwu bowed his head to him.

"It's okay."

Tianwu then raised his head, he looked at Kouro while scratching his hair before finally asking without being able to hide his curiosity, "That... Kouro-san, does that magic exist?"

Well... It was no surprise that Tianwu would ask this, after all, he had experienced extraordinary events let alone seeing Kouro who could do something similar to the 'Healer' in the game.

Kouro could only laugh at his question, he then patted Tianwu's shoulder before saying with a serious expression, "What are you saying? There is no magic in this world, you have to believe in science."

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

Ana who saw this then asked him, "Captain seeing your actions earlier, it seems like you have figured out our location?"

Kouro nodded and replied, "Yes. With the help of an old friend, I was able to track you guys down quickly."

"Old friend?"

"Yes. By the way... " he turned his head again to look at Tianwu "Your sister, asked me to save you."

"Tianwen?! How's she doing?" Tianwu said while holding Kouro's shoulder.

"Calm down, she's fine, but as for your parents..."

Tianwu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his sister was fine but when he heard Kouro's last words...

"...Are they..." Tianwu said with trembling.

He was actually separated from his sister and parents because of family matters, but if he had known that there would be a disaster like this... He definitely wouldn't have split up.

He regretted it, especially when he knew that his sister was worried about him.

"Kouro-san, can you take me to my sister?" asked Tianwu.

"Of course, follow me." said Kouro before turning around and walking while being followed by Tianwu.

Tianwu suddenly stopped and turned to look at Ana, "For that bet, you don't need to be too burdened with it, I can wait for your answer anytime."

Although he said that, he already knew the answer Ana would give when he saw Kouro.

Moreover, he and Ana had just met and didn't really know each other, unlike Kouro who had been together with Ana for a long time.

He said that just to calm his heart and not to be too disappointed.

After saying that, Tianwu turned around without looking at Ana's expression who looked complicated when she heard his words.

Ana was silent for a moment before finally following them.


A few minutes later.

"Big brother!"


Tianwu and Tianwen hugged each other with happy expressions.

Kouro and the others smiled when they saw this moment of happiness.

Kouro then turned to look at Himeko, "Himeko, can you escort Tianwu and his sister to safety?"

"Sure, but aren't you coming with us?" Himeko asked.

He seemed to be staring in a certain direction where the place had a high concentration of Honkai energy, there was a possibility of that place giving rise to an Emperor-type Honkai Beast or even a Templar.

"No, there are still things I need to do."

Seeing the place Kouro was staring at, Himeko immediately put on an understanding expression.

"In that case, take care of yourself Kouro." Himeko said and she along with Ana and the others went to the evacuation site.

"Thank you, handsome brother!" Tianwen waved her hand while hiding behind Tianwu.

Kouro waved back before turning to look at Sakura and Higokumaru who did not follow Himeko, "You two are not following Himeko?"

"No need, we are more suited to fight Honkai, rather than hiding in a safe place." Sakura with lightning speed instantly cut off the zombies approaching her before sheathing her katana again.

"Fine, then let's go!" said Kouro before running away followed by Sakura and Higokumaru.

And as expected in the next few minutes when they had reached their destination Kouro and the two of them were immediately visited by a horde of Honkai Beasts.

The number of Honkai Beasts was very large around tens of thousands.

Looking at the damaged highway that had been filled with a horde of Honkai Beasts of various types, whether it was Chariot, Templar, Seraph, or even some Emperors.

Three against tens of thousands.

Normally, such a small number of people against an army of tens of thousands would definitely lose.

But Kouro only wore a calm expression, no, he was now overjoyed inwardly.

He thought that with that many people, maybe he could level up a few times.

As for Sakura and Higokumaru, they both had serious expressions when they saw the tens of thousands of Honkai Beasts.

Seeing the Honkai Beast horde getting closer, Kouro then set up an attack position, the two Xuanyuan swords in his hands seemed to be enveloped in blazing blue flames.

"I'm a little curious about the taste of Honkai Beast meat?" said Kouro suddenly seeing the Honkai Beast horde getting closer.

"Why are you thinking about that now?!"x2 Sakura and Higokumaru shouted.

Kouro then swung his two swords covered in blue flames towards the Honkai Beast horde.



Not only a thousand, but Kouro was also able to eliminate thousands of Honkai Beasts in an instant using the Xuanyuan sword.

"No matter how I look at it... That attack was really amazing." muttered Sakura.

Kouro didn't care about her comments, because he was currently laughing happily(manically) because he heard the system notifications.

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

Seeing the system giving successive notifications, Kouro laughed like crazy.

This is how Kouro's status is now.

Name: Hanagami Kouro

Level: 44

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer [+]

Authority: Death and Life.

[HP: 40,000/41,600]

[SP: 10,628/12,800]

Fatigue: 0

Strength: 278

Agility: 199

Vitality: 208

Senses: 177

Intelligence: 208

Honkai: 208

Point(s): 40

*Ding! *

"[The {User} has reached the required level]"

'Required level?' Kouro raised his eyebrows at the system notification in front of his eyes.

"[{Job Change Quest} has been given to the User, will you accept it?]"

"What is this?" muttered Kouro.

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