Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 156: Go to the Evacuation Center

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Kouro stared at this Quest with a surprised look before glancing at his empty 'Job' status interface.

He rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression.

From what he knew, usually in RPG games when you reach a certain level, you will be given a 'job', and by having a 'job', you will usually have special abilities that match the 'job' you have.

For example, a 'wizard job' will give you magic-based abilities and a 'healer job' will give you healing-based abilities, and so on.

If the 'jobs' in the system have the same premise as RPG games, then...

Kouro thought of the cool 'jobs' he had seen in the game.

The job of a 'Dragon slayer', a 'Death Knight', a 'Summoner', a 'Paladin', and so on.

Thinking about this, his eyes look lit up, after all, what guy wouldn't like to have a cool job?

If the system can give such a 'job', wouldn't he become even more stronger?

Kouro nodded his head happily when thinking about this, he then looked at the {Quest Change Job} for a long time before finally closing the status interface with a sigh.

Unfortunately, now was not the right time to accept this Quest.

"... Kouro... Are you okay?" asked Sakura, when she saw his changing expression.

"Yes! I'm fine." replied Kouro quickly.

He then thrust the Xuanyuan sword that had been enveloped in an extremely cold aura into the ground.

It only took a moment for the ground around them to freeze until it obliterated the remaining blue flames.

After doing this, Kouro sighed and then used his enhanced senses to search for the 'Fish that escaped the net'.

He didn't sense any Honkai Beast or Zombie aura around him, so Kouro then turned his head to Higokumaru.

"Do you feel the aura of Honkai Beasts or zombies nearby?"

Higokumaru looked around before looking at him, "No, I didn't feel anything, it seems that all the monsters have disappeared because of your previous slash."

"Hmm... What about other places?" asked Kouro.

Higokumaru stared in a certain direction with a thoughtful expression before answering, "Hmm... For the other places, I feel the aura of Honkai Beasts and Zombies slowly diminishing."

"Really? Then that's good."

It seemed that the Valkyries had begun to eradicate the Honkai Beasts and Zombies slowly but surely.

Suddenly Sakura's ears stood upright, and then she looked in a certain direction, and at the same time as Higokumaru who was looking in the opposite direction.

"Mm? What is this? The Honkai Beast's aura is rapidly disappearing one by one?!" x2

Not only with the two places they saw, but they also felt the same thing in certain places, the aura of Honkai Beasts and Zombies decreased at a rapid rate.

Hearing their words, Kouro also stared in a certain direction, although he couldn't feel someone's aura as well as Higokumaru and Sakura, he could still feel someone's aura not far from him.

He seemed to have a calm expression before his expression turned a little strange.

'This aura... Kiana? But... The aura she's emitting is a bit strange...'

He momentarily felt fluctuations in the aura that was vaguely different from the aura he was used to getting from Kiana.

'Could it be just me?' Kouro thought.

He then turned his head in another direction again, not far from Kiana's aura, he also felt Ayame and Susannah's aura, it seemed like the places they were in were close together.

Kouro felt Kiana and Ayame's aura stop, before moving at a high speed toward him.

It seemed like they sensed his aura as well.

Sakura seemed to sense this as well and was putting on a serious expression with her hand already on the hilt of her sword.

Seeing this, Kouro quickly calmed her down, "Calm down, they are all my friends. You also know one of them."

Sakura's hand loosened when she heard Kouro's words, she ended up with Higokumaru standing beside her to wait for their arrival.

Not long after, Kouro saw Kiana who jumped from the relatively intact building towards him with a happy expression.

"Kouro~ Mm!?"

Once near him, Kiana then stopped in front of him, she looked Kouro up and down several times before asking.

"Are you getting stronger again?"

"Hoh~? Can you feel it?" Kouro had a surprised expression, even Higokumaru who was the Herrscher of Corruption could not feel the increase in his strength, but Kiana could feel it.

It seemed like Kiana had grown stronger very quickly.

"By the way Kouro, who are those two people beside you?" Kiana looked at Higokumaru and Sakura.

Her eyes were more focused on Higokumaru because this was the second time she had seen someone who had a small body, let alone being able to fly.

Yes. Higokumaru was currently hovering beside Kouro.

Fortunately, Kiana didn't think too much about it, she was currently thinking about her aunt who had a body like a child, and Kallen who also had the same body.

"Let me introduce these two, this girl who looks like a samurai is Sakura, while this little girl who is flying is Higokumaru."

After saying that Kouro then introduced Kiana to the two of them.

"Higokumaru, Sakura. This white-haired girl is Kiana Kaslana, she is a rather clumsy and stubborn girl, so I hope you can tolerate her."

"Mou Kouro! Why are you introducing me like that?" Kiana puffed out her cheeks and pinched Kouro's waist.

Kouro just smiled facing Sakura and Higokumaru, ignoring the pain from Kiana's pinch.

"By the way, Kiana, I don't see any survivors near you, have you taken them to a safe place?" Kouro asked.

Hearing his question, Kiana stopped pouting and pinching him before answering, "Yes. I was focused on bringing many survivors to safety. And also after bringing them all to safety, I didn't find any more survivors, so I ended up focusing on eliminating the Honkai Beast and Zombies."

Not long after she said that they heard the sound of footsteps approaching them from behind them. 

They turned their heads, to see Ayame, Ragna, and Susannah walking toward them.

No, Ayame was running, and when she saw Kouro she put on a cute smile and opened her arms wide as if to hug him.

"Kouro~!" Ayame jumped towards him.

Seeing Ayame who was getting closer to him, Kouro only put on a flat expression before side-stepping away from her.

The jumping Ayame fell to the ground, "Ouch!"

She looked at Kouro with a speechless expression, before sitting on the ground in a dramatic pose and wearing a pitiful expression.

"You cruel Kouro! Why are you avoiding me?"

Seeing this, Kouro still wore a flat expression.

"Don't think you can fool me, quickly hand over body control to the real Ayame."

"Kyah~ Kouro-kun is unforgiving... But I like that." said 'Ayame' holding her flushed face.

Sakura and Higokumaru blinked their eyes several times, they didn't understand why Ayame's personality was different from what they remembered.

Didn't Ayame use to be a shy and somewhat tomboyish girl? Why did she become like this now?

The eyes of the two of them then darted toward Kiana and the others.

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

It seemed that Kiana and the others including Kouro had flat expressions in response to 'Ayame's' words.

Actually, this was not his first time facing Herrscher Ayame's personality like this, previously a few months ago too, Herrscher Ayame's personality also did the same thing to him.

Ragna and the others at that time were shocked at Ayame's sudden personality change.

Kouro, Kiana, and the others could only say that Ayame had DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder).

A disease that makes a person have multiple personalities.

Fortunately, at that time they believed his words, Mei's Herrscher personality also came out sometimes, but not as aggressively as Ayame's Herrscher personality.

Sometimes Kouro who was sleeping alone in his room when he opened his eyes would feel someone sleeping with him, he was surprised at first because the door to his room had been locked very firmly, so there shouldn't be any intruders!

Kouro initially wanted to teach this intruder a lesson.

But when he saw that the intruder who holding his body like a bolster very tightly was Mei...

Kouro immediately dismissed his thoughts of teaching the intruder a lesson.

Especially when he saw that the Mei who opened her eyes had purple-colored eyes.

He could only surrender, after all even though he now had the strength to face Herrscher Mei, he would not fight her just because of this and also for various other reasons.

He was afraid... If he fought her, Schicksal, the battleground, would be destroyed by Herrscher Mei's thunder.

He could imagine Otto ranting at him for destroying Schicksal's headquarters.

But there was something strange... Why wasn't Mei upset or angry about it?

After all, when your body is controlled by someone without your permission to do something shameful, shouldn't you be angry?

Hmm... Perhaps Mei was actually angry, but could only surrender because she could not control her Herrscher personality.

Well... If only Kouro knew the truth... He probably wouldn't think that way.

Maybe being 'Dense' has its advantages too.

(E/D: You're god damn wrong... Did anybody get the reference.)

Actually, if it was Mei's Herrscher personality alone, Kouro wouldn't have thought too much about it, the problem was that Ayame's Herrscher personality was also doing the same thing to him.

Kouro didn't realize it, but every night, 'Ayame' and 'Mei' would always seem to be inside his room and stare at him who was fast asleep with their eyes shining brightly in the darkness.

Kouro didn't know what the two of them were doing at that time, but certainly, sometimes Herrscher Mei was in his bedroom hugging him, and sometimes there was Herrscher Ayame who was also doing the same thing but more... Erotic.

'Ayame' would only wear underwear or even something like "Lingerie".

And also... There was one time when 'Ayame' didn't wear a single piece of clothing and hugged him tightly while he slept.

Honestly, when he opened his eyes and felt something soft... He felt comfortable, but... When he saw 'Ayame' who was not wearing a single piece of clothing, Kouro's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

His eyes almost bulged from the 'beautiful sight' at that moment.

Unfortunately... For whatever reason, Mei came knocking on the door of his room at the right time.

Although it was unfortunate, Kouro was relieved, if Mei did not come on time... Perhaps the incident of the reason why the men's and women's rooms were separated would have been repeated.

Ayame was also feeling very ashamed of what her Herrscher personality had done with her body to Kouro, making her unable to look Kouro in the face for several weeks.

Kouro also sometimes smelled a nice odor from his room, even though he didn't have an air freshener installed...

Kouro was probably just overthinking it, but he felt like the two of them were doing it as if they wanted to tell the others that he belonged to them.

Well... Maybe he was just overthinking it.

It was just, why was it that now their Herrscher personalities were becoming more and more open?

That question always popped up in Kouro's mind.

Unfortunately, he could only lock this question inside his mind.

Because... Kouro still remembered the expression Kiana wore when she saw him embraced by her upon waking from sleep.

Honestly, just thinking about it made him feel goosebumps.

Kouro who was thinking about all these things was still staring at 'Ayame' with a flat expression.

Seeing his gaze, 'Ayame' just sighed, "Fine... I'll return the body control to the coward."

After saying this, Ayame blinked her eyes a few times in confusion for a moment before putting on a sober expression.

"Damn it! She took control of my body again without my permission." Ayame said with a frown.

Kouro then helped Ayame up.

"Thank you."

"By the way, how was your mission? Did it go well?" asked Kouro looking at Ragna and Susannah.

"Yes, we have rescued all the survivors and have evacuated them all to a safe place, right now we are focusing on eliminating the Honkai Beast." Ragna replied.

She and Susannah then looked at Sakura and Higokumaru with interested gazes.

Kouro quickly introduced the two of them to Ragna and Susannah.

After a brief introduction, Higokumaru then said to him with an amazed expression.

"~Amazing... I felt all the Honkai Beast and Zombie Auras around this town were quickly eliminated one by one."

The speed of eradicating Honkai Beasts and Zombies was really fast, as expected of Schicksal Valkyrie.

She then continued, "So, Kouro? Are you going to continue your hunt? Or go to the evacuation center?"

They were all silent as they listened to Kouro's decision.

Kouro had a thoughtful expression, the Honkai Beasts and zombies he could find were getting fewer and fewer along with the 'exp' he got when eliminating them.

With his current level, raising one level probably required tens of thousands of Honkai Beasts.

And that much Honkai Beast is really quite rare to find, especially from what Higokumaru said, it looks like this Eruption will end soon.

The possibility of searching for Honkai Beasts clustered like before had completely diminished and even if he found them using Higokumaru's ability, the locations must be very far away.

(E/D: I am offended because. Exp is Exp!!!!! We don't question the amount!)

Therefore the decision was...

"Your mission is over, right? Come on, let's rest at the evacuation site." Kouro said. 

Kiana and the others nodded their heads.

Kouro then looked at Higokumaru and Sakura.

They both looked at each other for a moment before nodding their heads to him.

"Yosh! It has been decided that we will go to the evacuation site."

They followed Kouro to the evacuation site.

He was hoping that Tianwu's parents were still alive, no matter how badly injured they were, as long as they were alive, he would definitely be able to heal them.

Thinking of this, Kouro sped up his run towards the evacuation site.

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