Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 173: It’s Time fo Round Two

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Meanwhile, at the same time outside the Lab tower.

"Hey Salome, are you hungry? Here are dried tentacles to relieve your hunger." Niggurath said with her mouth biting into a dried tentacle while offering a dried squid.

Salome looked at her sharply before shaking her head, "No, thank you. I'm still full."

"Eh... Though these dried tentacles are very tasty... Too bad they're frozen in this snow..." Niggurath said with a frown before turning to her side.

She looked at 'Kouro' who was staring in a certain direction with a calm expression.

"What about you? Do you want to?"

Hearing her question, 'Kouro' turned her head stiffly and looked at her.


 "...I take that as a no." Niggurath said after seeing her just stare at her with blank eyes.

'Kouro' then returned his attention and stared in a certain direction with both hands resting on the hilt of his black sword that had been stuck into the ground.

"That girl... She's strange..." Niggurath whispered as she stared at 'Kouro'.

"Is it because she never speaks? And her movements are stiff like a robot?" asked Salome.

"Both! I even found out that she hasn't blinked at all!" replied Niggurath.

They both initially thought that 'Kouro' was reinforcements sent by Schicksal, but when they approached her and saw her uniform, they finally realized that 'Kouro' was not from Schicksal.

They then questioned 'Kouro', only to... They only got a blank stare from (her).

Unable to get an answer from her, they then approached Einstein and asked if 'Kouro' was from Anti Entropy.

Einstein shook her head at their question.

There were no clues as to who and how the girl was here but the important thing was that the girl was very powerful and seemed to also have a mission to protect the Lab tower.

That was why Salome and Niggurath did not question her anymore and left it at that.

Currently, they were both staring at 'Kouro' who had just frozen the Honkai Beast horde and Einstein who was also helping to eradicate the other Honkai Beast hordes easily with her robots.

Seeing those who could actually easily eliminate the Honkai Beast horde as easily as 'turning a hand' made Niggurath mutter.

"Hmm... Our allies are all very powerful huh?"

Salome's eyebrows twitched slightly when she heard her murmur.

"With them, we can enjoy rare relaxing moments like this, right?" said Niggurath smiling happily displaying her jagged teeth.

"Hmph! That's why I'm angry!" shouted Salome, as someone who was very disciplined and dedicated to her mission, she also wanted to help in eradicating the Honkai Beasts.

Without paying any attention to their conversation, 'Kouro's' eyes suddenly narrowed as (she) stared in a certain direction and at the same time Dark Ji Xuanyuan also suddenly appeared over (her) shoulder and stared in the same direction.

Dark Ji Xuanyuan's brows furrowed as if she was currently talking to someone before nodding, "[I understand, I'll do it now.]"

She spoke to Ji Xuanyuan who was currently together with Kouro using telepathy.

Ji Xuanyuan said that plan A had failed, and Kouro ordered to start plan B.

After talking to her twin, Dark Ji Xuanyuan then gazed in a certain direction before muttering, "Hope you're okay, Kouro..."

(E/D: I changed all the "he" and "his" into "she" and "her". *Troll face. GIF*)


Inside the Pocket Dimension created by Sirin.

Theresa with a confused expression went back and forth looking at Kouro and Sirin who were currently facing each other.

She was previously somewhat inclined to side with Sirin but now...

Feeling the intense atmosphere around them, she didn't know whose side to take, one was a pedophile while the other was a Herrscher who wanted revenge on humans.

Her common sense told her to side with the masked man, because no matter what, a Herrscher was the enemy of mankind.

But her heart said otherwise and preferred to support Sirin because she had seen the sad experience that Sirin had gone through, moreover she hated all Pedophiles.

'Who should I choose?


Kouro looked at Sirin who had completely become the Second Herrscher.

Because plan A which was to persuade her or at least buy time to reduce Sirin's hatred towards humans had failed.

Kouro could only carry out plan B, which was to use 'violence'.

(E/D: You should have known by now Kouro that violence is not a question, it is an absolute answer.)

He then tried to remember all of Sirin's abilities that had appeared in the comics.

First, Sirin has the ability to manipulate space so that she can teleport and create pocket dimensions, she can also create a kind of space field that can protect her from various attacks.

Second, Sirin can also create a spear made of 'space' that can enter a 'ghost' state that can penetrate anything, the spear cannot be destroyed except by Soulium's weapon or a Herrscher's ability, she can also create transparent hands that she can control.

Then finally, Sirin also had the unique ability to speak with Honkai, this can be seen from the Seraph-type Honkai Beast as small as a fly that always follows her.

The Honkai Beast also has the ability to command other Honkai Beasts, Kouro even speculates that this Honkai Beast is the forerunner of 'Benares', the Honkai Beast Judgement class.

And all of those abilities were just the initial abilities Sirin had before she finally met the 'Will Of Honkai' which then gave her new abilities.

Kouro didn't have many ways to overcome all of Sirin's abilities, of course, it was another matter if he used the [Vapor of Serenity] ability, he could easily destroy this dimension.

However, it's possible that Sirin had anticipated this given that Kouro had already demonstrated his abilities.

But even that was to Kouro's advantage, Sirin didn't know that Kouro relied more on his physical abilities than his authority.

He still had a chance to win!

Well... Although he knew that Sirin herself was destined to lose from the start.

The thing he needed to do now was to get out of this pocket dimension, as it was impossible to defeat Sirin within her territory, except in certain cases...

Thinking of this, Kouro then glanced at Theresa with her Judah still shrinking.

"Which way are you looking, bastard!" shouted Sirin angrily when she saw Kouro glancing at Theresa.

*Swoosh!* x10

The surrounding spears were launched at high speed towards Kouro.

Seeing the spears, Kouro wore a serious expression before activating [Sprint] and running towards Sirin while dodging the spears rather than deflecting them.

"Theresa!" shouted Kouro.

Theresa's expression changed slightly, she didn't know how Kouro knew her name.

"You must remember your mission! If you don't! Siegfried and Welt will get in here!" continued Kouro while focusing on dodging all of Sirin's attacks.

Theresa's eyes widened, she seemed to pause for a moment before taking a deep breath, the Judah on the back of her palm then enlarged and returned to normal.

"Right... My mission as a Valkyrie is to eliminate threats that could threaten all of humanity..." she muttered before raising her head and looking at Sirin.

Seeing that all her attacks were evaded by Kouro, Sirin gritted her teeth and summoned hundreds of spears that appeared from various directions towards Kouro.

"Damn it!" No matter how great Kouro was, he could not avoid the hundreds of spears that appeared from various directions and always attacked his fatal point.

And sure enough, after dodging several times several spears had grazed Kouro's right stomach and left shoulder.

'I need to get out of this dimension quickly!'

Kouro who was thinking that then saw a spear aimed at his face, he wanted to dodge before his legs and hands suddenly stiffened and could not be moved.

His eyes immediately widened and glanced at his legs and hands that were being held down by dozens of transparent hands.

Kouro's pupils dilated at the sight of the spear that was getting closer to his face before...


With a blank face, Kouro looked at Theresa who was in front of him with the Oath of Judah as a shield.

"Sorry Sirin, but I can't let you kill him." Theresa said with a determined expression.

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

"...I thought that after telling my story you would join me... Huh... You gave me no other choice!" said Sirin before snapping her fingers.

"What?!" Theresa's expression suddenly changed.

A giant transparent hand appeared and caught her before sinking to the bottom of the ground.

"Now, with her gone, it's just the two of us. " Sirin said to Kouro.

Looking at Theresa who seemed to have been teleported to another place, Kouro then looked at Oath of Judah which was standing upright.

"You're right, it's just the two of us now. " Kouro said calmly before opening his status interface and adding his point to his status.

Name: Hanagami Kouro

Level: 55

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer [+]

Authority: Death and Life.

[HP: 42,130/44,000]

[SP: 15,480/18,240]

Fatigue: 2

Strength: 310

Agility: 210 --> 236

Vitality: 220

Senses: 190

Intelligence: 220

Honkai: 245 --> 285

Point(s): 0

After adding the points, he closed his status interface and then looked at Sirin with the golden Xuanyuan sword in his hand suddenly enveloped by a blue lightning bolt.

Sirin narrowed her eyes when she saw this, not knowing what Kouro was up to.

She then saw the sword in Kouro's hand suddenly change shape into some kind of long spear and then set up a stance.

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in her heart.

'He... Don't tell me-'


The spear was enveloped in blue lightning and travelled at speeds dozens of times faster than lightning.

It pierced through Sirin's protective field and scratched her cheek before penetrating the weak point of the pocket dimension's barrier to destabilize the dimension.

Seeing Sirin looking stunned, Kouro didn't miss the opportunity and quickly used [Sprint] and ran while carrying the Oath of Judah.

Judah's chains suddenly moved and slid into several places before Theresa suddenly appeared from underground.

"I'm back! You can't get rid of me Sirin! Eh?-"

Kouro immediately caught Theresa before carrying her in a princess style.

Seeing the exit getting closer, Kouro then shouted excitedly.

"Hastalavista Sirin!"


Outside the Honkai cocoon.

"Argh! These twin Honkai are too strong for me! Is this the so-called emperor-class Honkai?"

A pair of twin Honkai Beasts with their hands coloured pink and blue respectively were currently having their fists held down by Siegfried.

"Hey! I need some help here!" he said shakily while looking back.


Sakura was currently leaning against a certain tree and looking at him with calm eyes and folded hands, beside her was also Higokumaru who was playing in the snow.

While Welt was currently standing not far from Siegfried and looking at him with a calm gaze, seeing him asking for help, Welt then raised his glasses before saying calmly.

"I thought you told me to sit down and you said you could handle it yourself... I'd better not get in your way, hero."

"Well... Sorry about that, I got too carried away... Can you guys help me out here?"

Welt approached him and put his hand on the blue Honkai Beast's hand and said calmly, "Alright... Since you asked so nicely. But, remember heroes, you-"

Welt had not finished his words as his expression suddenly changed and pulled Siegfried backwards before rolling over and looking down.

Higokumaru and Sakura also seemed to have moved away and dodged to safety.


A faint blue silhouette suddenly passed by at a very high speed and passed through the twin Honkai Beasts.

The Honkai Beast instantly exploded into dust and the silhouette still travelled until it blew Welt and Siegfried's hair.

They both felt electrocuted before hearing a very loud explosion from behind them.


They felt their ears ring for a few moments before looking back and seeing an unforgettable sight.

The trees, and the snow, within a radius of tens of meters, had all turned into charcoal and in the middle of the place was a golden spear stuck in the ground that was devastated and burnt.

They stared at the spear with shocked expressions before hearing the sound of footsteps from behind them.

Welt instantly turned around to see a masked man carrying Theresa with the Oath of Judah on his back.

'Is this man Higokumaru's friend? Wait, if they can get out... Does that mean Second Herrscher...'

As if knowing his thoughts, Kouro then looked directly at him and said, "No, I haven't defeated her yet, she's still in there."

After saying that, he then lowered Theresa and the Oath of Judah before staring at the embedded golden spear.

He reached out his hand and used [Dominator's Touch] to pick up the spear from quite a distance.

And right at that moment...


A loud shout came from behind Kouro.

Kouro turned around to see Sirin who was looking at him with a look of great anger.

"I... swear... That I will definitely kill you!"

Seeing Sirin, Welt and the others immediately put on alert expressions and assumed attacking positions.

Kouro glanced at Welt and the others before looking at Sirin with a confident smile.

"Want to kill me? Try it."

Kouro's body was slowly covered by black smoke before fully entering [Herrscher form: Dark Knight].

He then raised his head and looked at Sirin who had a blank expression at his transformation.

With his purple Visor shining brightly, he pointed his spear at Sirin before saying in a deep voice.

"It's time for round two..."

(E/D: I need some name suggestions. The condition is that the name must have Abbadon in it.)

You can find story with these keywords: Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow, Read Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow, Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow novel, Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow book, Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow story, Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow full, Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow Latest Chapter

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