Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 174: Sirin Meet the ‘Gods’

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Kouro stared at Sirin calmly, paying no heed to the surprised looks from Welt and the others beside him. 

'What a horrible aura! Is this... The aura of a true Herrscher?' thought Welt with his heart racing as he felt the aura released by Kouro. 

Siegfried and Theresa were also looking at him with great surprise. 

Siegfried was both surprised and relieved that Kouro was on their side. 

As for Theresa, she was surprised because she did not expect that this pedophile youngster in front of her was a Herrscher. 

Sakura only glanced at him with a raised eyebrow before returning her attention to staring at Sirin. 

As for Higokumaru, her expression looked calm except that the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she was slightly impressed by Kouro's change. 

Well, this is not surprising, after all Higokumaru has already fought Herrscher of the End with the remaining MANTIS, the aura emitted by Kouro is nothing compared to some MANTIS and even Herrscher of the End. 

Sirin gritted her teeth the anger in her heart was already peaking, but even so, she remained silent and only looked at Kouro warily. 

After all, even though she was originally just a little girl, she was not stupid, in fact, she was smarter than most girls her age. 

Kouro's strength was completely beyond her expectation, she still remembered the time Kouro's golden spear grazed her cheek and even shattered her protective field and dimension. 

She didn't know if Kouro's spear throw was a deliberate miss or a mistake, but she was sure of one thing, that attack had almost taken her life. 


Kouro was a very strong man. 


Sirin had added this fact to her heart.


She did not feel too hurt, it was because she remembered Kouro was a Herrscher just like her, even more so because Kouro was older than her which meant he had more experience. 


She did not realize that her pride in being a Herrscher had been taken away by Kouro. 


Her temperament has also started to change from being a proud and haughty girl to a cautious girl. 


She is now cautious of Kouro who has transformed into his Herrscher form and is accompanied by his friends. 


Learning from her previous experience, she forced her head to stay clear even though her heart was burning with the fire of anger. 


That near-death feeling was really scary for her, Kouro had taught her a lesson that she was just a 'frog in the well'. 


'What should I do now...' Sirin racked her brain thinking of a plan. 


["Sirin..."] a voice sounded from her head. 


Sirin was not surprised by the voice, it came from a Seraph-type Honkai Beast or rather a 'god' who was using the Honkai Beast as a liaison to speak to her. 


["You must retreat immediately... You are no match for them... Especially that man in the black mask... You must retreat immediately... To the moon... "]


Hearing this, Sirin could be seen wearing a complicated expression, her hands also clenched very hard, although she was very unwilling... But her god's order was absolute. 


Sirin gritted her teeth before shouting, "Bella!"


Out of thin air, a Honkai Beast that looked similar to a Dragon suddenly appeared, that Honkai Beast was Benares. 


Benares had a black body with blue stripes, it also had some kind of silver-colored chitin armor, Benares' body was also very large probably around fifty meters or so. 


Benares' tail moved at a very high speed horizontally and was about to attack Kouro and the others. 


Seeing that, Kouro then shouted "Dodge!" before turning his spear into a large shield. 


Welt and the others jumped back before seeing Kouro holding back Benares' massive tail. 




Kouro's feet were seen shifting rapidly to form a mound of snow under his feet. 


*Sretttt! *


It may have only been a moment but Kouro's shifting feet were seen emitting sparks even though the ground he was stepping on was snow. 


He maintained that state for a few seconds before stopping completely unharmed. 


"This guy... His physical strength is very strong. " Welt muttered in the air looking at the unharmed Kouro. 


For Welt, no, almost for all Herrscher, they didn't have a 'godly' physique like Kouro. 


Siegfried whistled before saying, "This is a man."


"This boy... Does he want to show off?" muttered Theresa, after all he also had outstanding physical abilities. 


Kouro turned his helmet over, suddenly smiling, an 'absurd' idea crossed his mind. 


He was seen transforming his shield into a long spear before putting it into his 'Inventory'.


Benares who wanted to move suddenly stopped and turned to look at Kouro. 


It felt something strange that was an 'ominous premonition'. 


Seeing Benares motionless, Kouro didn't waste the opportunity, he immediately grabbed the tip of Benares' adult-sized tail with both hands. 


"He's... " Sirin muttered with an unsure expression. 


"Don't tell me... " said Theresa with widened eyes. 


"Humph!" Kouro grunted and the muscles of his hands suddenly bulged like those of a bodybuilder, he stomped his foot hard backwards before trying to lift Benares. 




Kouro used his [Dominator's Touch] ability and [Death and life] authority.


"That's impossible... " Theresa muttered, as someone who possessed extraordinary strength, she knew how much strength it would take to be able to lift such a large Honkai Beast. 


"No! Look! The dragon looks like it's starting to lift!" shouted Siegfried in amazement. 


"HAA!" Kouro lifted Benares as high as he could before spinning into a whirlwind.


"Bella!" Sirin wanted to help but the whirlwind was really bothering her. 


The currently innocent Benares felt so afraid of Kouro now, it tried to scream, but unfortunately it only made Kouro spin it faster. 


The snow within a radius of fifty meters with Kouro as the center had disappeared, even the trees also disappeared carried away by the whirlwind. 


"Back off! We have to get away from him!" Welt shouted as he moved away with both hands shielding his face. 


Siegfried and Higokumaru and the others had also moved away a few hundred meters, but finally moved away again because they felt the cold wind blowing behind them. 


After a few seconds, Kouro then threw Benares with all his might. 


*Swosh! *


Benares flew hundreds of meters away, causing several snow mountains to collapse from the fall. 


*BOOM! *


Looking at Benares who was lying stiffly on a mountain, Kouro wiped the 'illusory' sweat from his forehead. 


"Fyuuh... It was quite tiring too... " Kouro said in a bright voice, like someone who had just finished a workout. 


After that, he then glanced at Sirin who was staring at him dumbfounded. 


Sirin finally understood why the 'god' had said that she was no match for Kouro. 


Such that physical strength is completely beyond reason! That's just cheating! He also even had Herrscher's ability!


''God' why would you give your power to someone like him?'  


This question crossed her mind before Sirin quickly dismissed this question, she didn't want to blaspheme a 'god'.


She then used teleportation towards Benares before glancing at Kouro from afar. 


"You won.... But it's only for a while... I'll be back... And I'll make sure that I kill you... Sagaki!" 


After saying the words '3rd class villain', she then teleported away with the conscious Benares. 


"Hey! That girl is gone! Aren't we going to look for her? " Siegfried asked. 


Theresa seemed to have a complicated expression when she heard this. 


Welt dismounted next to her before glancing at Kouro, he felt that this person was deliberately letting Sirin go. 


But perhaps he was just thinking about it too much so he then said, "There's no need to worry, the girl definitely won't go far. "


"I won't chase after her." Kouro said with his eyes still staring at Sirin's place.


His mission was to change the 'future', and then whose 'future' was the most influential to his mission? 


Whether it was Sirin, Cecilia... Or even 'Hanagami Kouro'. 


Kouro felt that changing one of their 'futures' earned him very high points. 


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And he had a 'crazy' idea in his mind that would probably, no, definitely earn him a lot of points. 


Thinking about this, Kouro then glanced in a certain direction, from a very far distance, he was staring at a blonde man dressed in a formal white suit, dark blue pants, and a tall hat, with a white mask and a blue rose in his left pocket. 


The man was also coincidentally staring at Kouro. 


The two of them stared at each other for a long but short time, before the man walked backwards and bowed his head with one hand on his chest.


After doing so, the man was then covered in transparent feathers before disappearing as if he had never existed. 


Kouro's eyes narrowed when he saw this, he had been aware of the man's existence since Sirin's dimension was destroyed. 


A name flashed through his mind when he thought of that man. 


'Otto Apocalypse...'


Kouro didn't realize that Welt, Siegfried, Theresa, even Higokumaru and Sakura were looking at him with strange eyes when they heard Sirin say "Sagaki".


[Days remaining: 28 days]




Several hundred kilometers from Kouro's place, in the snowy mountains with a strong blizzard. 


Sirin and Benares suddenly appeared in thin air. 


"Hah... Hah... Hah... Shit! " Sirin bit her lip, she was feeling very frustrated now, she was frustrated because she realized how weak she was now. 


As if sensing her frustration, Sirin then stuck out her long head before lowering her head to comfort her. 


Seeing this, Sirin paused before sighing, she touched Benares' head and caressed it gently. 


After a while, Sirin's mood slowly improved before her movements seemed to suddenly stop. 


[ "Sirin... My dear, do you want power? Then come to me... "]


Her expression suddenly stiff before turning into a confident and happy smile, she raised her head and looked up at the moon. 


There was still a possibility to defeat Kouro! 


"Let's go Bella!" After saying that, she climbed onto Benares' back. 


Benares also spread her wings before flapping her wings and flying high into the sky. 


"The destination, Moon!"




In less than twelve hours, with the help of her 'Void' ability, she along with Benares had broken through the Thermosphere, she could already see the moon nearby. 


Fortunately after becoming a Herrscher, her body had a very high adaptation to being able to breathe in space. 


Sirin then looked down, she could not see white snow, green trees, or even buildings. 


All she saw was a continent with bright spots. 


"Humans... They're so small. "


The moon was not as it seemed to have hidden secrets that only a few people knew about. 


The Moon had a concentration of Honkai energy that was many times higher than that on earth, and not only that, on the other side of the Moon... 


One day later. 


"Is this the moon? " asked Sirin on Benares' back, looking at the monotonous scene in front of her where there were only gray rocks. 


But it didn't last long before he finally saw a circular building, no, a civilization, on the other side of the moon. 


The circular building was referred to as Selene's palace. 


Sirin looked at the 'civilization' which unfortunately had no living creatures at all, she even caught a glimpse of a giant broken girl-shaped statue. 


Benares then flapped her wings approaching the circular building, seen inside the building was a large altar with an orange cube in the shape of a hexogram. 


"There's a strange symbol on this stone..." Sirin muttered as she looked at the stone wall before flying closer to the cube. 


"What is this thing? Is this the thing that will give me power? "


When her hand touched the cube, a dazzling light burst out of the cube and caught her eye. 


"Hnggh! The light is so bright!"


"Huh?" Sirin realized something, she opened her eyes only to see that she had been in another strange place. 


The place was empty and endless no matter how far her eyes looked. 


"Where is this?" she mumbled before her expression suddenly changed and turned around quickly. 


"Who are you!? "


She saw a faceless and sexless white being sitting on a throne. 


"God? Is that you?" Sirin said uncertainly. 


It just stared at her calmly without moving at all. 


Sirin approached it slowly before suddenly kneeling in front of the creature. 


The creature changed to resemble Sirin. 


'Why am I suddenly kneeling? I'm the second Herrscher! But for some reason... I'm afraid to look at it... That's right! I'm nothing like a god! That's the real thing! God is here!' Sirin's thinking changed from confused to fanatical. 


"God... What is this place? Where am I?" she asked fearfully. 


The creature seemed to smile before snapping its fingers. 


God had heard her before giving an answer.


Countless foreign knowledge and memories suddenly appeared inside Sirin's mind. 


Like watching a movie, Sirin saw the history of the previous era from a third perspective. 


She saw how the Honkai were defeated by the human civilization of the previous era with their advanced technology. 


Because the human civilization became stronger, Honkai then summoned its highest disaster, 'Herrscher' , and it worked. 


Every Herrscher that appeared in that era caused fatal damage to human civilization. 


The sixth Herrscher, which killed a quarter of the human population, the seventh Herrscher which burned down a continent (Australia) in a week, the eighth Herrscher which crippled almost all of humanity's forces, the ninth Herrscher which wiped out a continent, and so on. 


But even so, humanity had defeated all of the above Herrschers at great cost. 


Sirin watched the remaining humanity that still wasn't even united in such a situation. 


Even if the brightest humans back then were able to always create weapons to fight the honkai, they would definitely lose. 


And she was right, she saw that all the strongest human warriors on the moon had been destroyed by the 'Herrscher of the End, but just then... 


Behind Herrscher of the End, there was a dark shadow moving. 


Behind the shadow was a pair of glowing violet-colored eyes. 


Sirin stared at the creature before feeling her body suddenly stiffen. 


She saw the shadow creature suddenly staring at her. 


Immense fear instantly rose in her heart, and before Sirin knew it, she realized that she was currently in a very dark place. 


She turned her head to look around before seeing a pair of giant purple eyes from the shadows. 


"KYAA!!!" Sirin screamed in fear, she immediately looked around before realizing that she was currently still in the place of her 'god'.


She clutched her chest which was beating extremely fast without realizing that her body was already covered in cold sweat by now. 


"What the hell is that... " Sirin muttered with lingering fear. 


She still remembered those violet eyes that were full of indifference, when she saw those eyes, her body was instantly filled with fear. 

That fear was purely from her heart, and her instincts even told her to kneel down. 

It was as if she had seen a real 'god',

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