Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 62: Ayame Past (1)

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'What's going on!? Didn't Higokumaru only appeared in the Stigmata dimension? How come she managed to appear here?'

Kouro's mind fell into utter chaos.

That's because, back when he was reincarnated into this world, Kouro was searching for various information to verify if this world is really the same as the one in the game. 

And after being completely certain that this world did have something in common with the game, he became a little arrogant that he has an advantage for having of information about the future.

Only, that arrogance was crushed after his encounter with Ayame, who had turned into a Pseudo-Herrscher, and meeting Higokumaru and Sakura.

Higokumaru who was being stare very intensely by Kouro then hid behind Sakura, "Sakura-nee! That man looking at me with scary look." 

Kouro who was still dumbfounded, when he heard Higokumaru's words then shook his head. 

"Ah… No I'm just surprised to see you, if you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry. " 

Kouro took a deep breath and thought. 

'Hahh.. Calm down O myself, didn't I prepare for this, moreover, sooner or later this is bound to be happen.'

He quickly calmed down, his mentality also changed slightly, even so, his current brain was thinking fast.

 'Sakura and Higokumaru, if I remember correctly, in their original timeline they were around this city when the Third Eruption disaster occurred, then they were defeated by Kiana, Mei and Bronya. ' 

'And because of the battle, Higokumaru (Herrscher of Corruption) was weakened, so that Sakura who was used as a vessel could control herself again. ' 

'Then, the Herrscher of Corruption induced the negative emotions of one of the students from Senba Academy, this making the Student (Yu Na) a Pseudo-Herrscher.'

'But in this timeline, it's not Yu Na who became the Pseudo-Herrscher, but my childhood friend, Akimitsu Ayame, instead. And if I add that Higokumaru in front of me, it doesn't seem like she's affecting Ayame's emotions, well... Or maybe it's just a facade?'

'Then what has changed about Higokumaru(Herrscher of Corruption) that made it different from the original timeline?'

Kouro was in deep thought, but suddenly opened his eyes wide as if realizing something.

'...The Herrscher of Corruption is RIN that is from the Previous Era 50,000+ years ago... Could something may have happened that changed the history from 50,000+ years ago!?'

Theresa, who noticed Kouro's dazed expression, asked worriedly, "Kouro, are you sure you're okay?"

Kouro heard Theresa's inquiry and answered half-heartedly, "Oh, Ah... Yeah, I'm fine."

After saying that, Kouro then turned his head towards Sakura and Higokumaru, who was peeking from behind Sakura's body, "As for how I noticed you, its because I sensed your aura, it's very unique."

'It's highly likely that the two of them are deliberately releasing their auras.' Kouro though as such.

"Is that so? Looks like you're strong enough to be able to sense our auras very quickly." Sakura spoke in an even tone. 

"What is your real intention when you started to follow us, miss?" Kouro inquired while having his hand on his greatsword, holding it tightly.

Earlier, Kouro felt like he was being watched by someone when they entered the Senba Academy, at first, he though that it was Ayame who was watching them, but when he was dragged by Theresa away from the Academy, Kouro could still feel that they were being watched.

Thinking for a brief moment about who was watching him, the only people that crossed his mind were Sakura and the Herrscher of Corruption.


Sakura saw that Kouro is ready to attack, so she replied, "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you." and as if to prove her claims, she raised her hands in surrender.

Seeing that, Kouro loosened his grip on his greatsword.

"My name is Yae Sakura, and this on is Higokumaru... My travelling companion."

Higokumaru slowly floated from behind Sakura and introduced herself, "Hello... My name is Higokumaru."

Kouro looked at Theresa, and feeling Kouro's gaze, Theresa nodded her head.

"My name is Hanagami Kouro."

"And I am Theresa Apocalypse."

After their brief intro, Sakura lowered her hands and spoke.

"First of all, I want to apologize for spying on you, my goal is actually that Pseudo-Herrscher. Higokumaru and I wanted to purify her so that she would not harm this city again."

"Purify?" Kouro asked in confusion, but as if he realized something, Kouro shouted and his purple eyes began to glow, "Do you mean kill her!?"

Theresa at the side raised the Oath of Judah and took an offensive stance.

Seeing that, Sakura wanted to explain, but was preceded by Higokumaru, "No! You misunderstand. We really only want to purify her so that she can live a normal life, we won't kill her, please believe us!"

Kouro stared at Higokumaru intensely, Higokumaru, even though she felt uncomfortable being stared at by Kouro's glowing purple eyes, she still forced herself to look into it with determination.

1 second 


4 seconds 

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10 seconds

After several second of staring at each other, Kouro then closed his eyes and sighed, "Fine... I'll believe in you."

"Eeh!!" x3

Theresa, Sakura and Higokumaru looked shocked.

"Etto... Are you sure about trusting us just like that?" Higokumaru asked confusedly, Sakura, who was at the side, also looked at Kouro with confusion.

After all, they had just met for the first time, and is only acquaintances at most, but Kouro put his trust in them instead. 

Kouro glanced at the two not-so-strangers and replied lightly, "My intuition tells me to believe in you guys, I knew you weren't bad from the start, I just did that just to see your true personality."

Hearing Kouro's reply, Sakura and Higokumaru felt like hitting Kouro in the face for toying with them.

Seeing Kouro like this, Theresa remembered the time he negotiated with herself in order to save the 3rd Herrscher.

Kouro, who didn't know what the other three were thinking, then asked Sakura and Higokumaru.

"By the way, if your real goal is the Pseudo-Herrscher, then why were you following us?"

Sakura thought for a moment to sort out her words and replied, "...That's because, you seem to have a special relationship with that Pseudo-Herrscher."

"...I do have a special relationship with her... Do you also want to hear her story?"

"...Well, we want to know who she really is and why she became like that." Higokumaru replied.

Kouro then passed his gaze at them who seemed very curious about the Pseudo-Herrscher, he can only sigh helplessly.

"Hahh... Fine, I'll tell you. But first, let's find a shelter to rest at."

Sakura and Higokumaru exchanged a look for a moment before nodding their heads.

"If both of you really believe in us, then follow us, well will take you to our resting place."

Kouro turned to Theresa first, and noticing his gaze, Theresa just sighed and said calmly, "I trust your intuition, Kouro."

Seeing that Theresa agreed, Kouro motioned for Sakura and Higokumaru to lead the way.

15 minutes later.

The four of them walked to a two-story apartment building that was still miraculously intact.

After entering the building, Kouro saw that the three of them were already sitting properly, waiting for him to tell his story.

Seeing this, Kouro sighed for the umpteenth time and stood up before starting, "That girl's name is Akimitsu Ayame, she is my childhood friend. When I was little, she and I because close friends because we were neighbors, her house being at the left side of our house, moreover, she is a tomboy, which made it difficult for her to make friends. She will always fight with me because she is jealous that I'm a boy, and back then, I would always lose when fighting with her."

Kouro paused briefly to catch a breath before continuing, "But it was because of those fights that my relationship with her became closer. Until one day... A strange tattoos appeared on her back."

"Strange tattoo? Could it be..." Theresa interrupted with a question.

"Yes, that strange tattoo is... A Stigmata." Kouro closed his eyes, no matter how many years had passed, he would never forget that incident.


"...Maybe for some people, having a stigmata is a blessing, but for me, having a Stigmata is a curse."


"When Ayame was caught bearing a Stigmata by her parents, Ayame was initially afraid that she would be scolded by her parents, but it turns out that her parents became happy the moment they found out that she has a Stigmata, Ayame also became happy when she saw her parents happy."

"Ayame also told me the news very happily. Until one day, I overhead Ayame's parents talking to each other."

"...Do you know what they were talking about?" Kouro's tone steadily became higher.

"They intend to sell their only child to a certain organization for money!"


"Hearing that from the mouths of Ayame's own parents, I couldn't believe it. And just as I was about leave, they said something unbelievable again."

"Ayame turned out to be a child that they adopted, And from the very beginning they adopted Ayame, they planned to sell her, and what's even more infuriating is that this isn't the first time they've done it. They're demons, demons!"


"Hearing all that, I only gave them a cold look and left quietly. I didn't tell Ayame or anyone else."

"I couldn'f allow them to do that heinous act again, so I started a plan, to impede them, no, to let them know not to play with a human's life."

Kouro's purple eyes shone with a cold gaze.

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