Horny Dragon

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Reborn

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Am I dead?

A question echoes in my mind. My eyes cannot see anything except endless pitch black darkness and I feel like I'm floating. I try to move my body but nothing happens, I can't even feel it. I am all alone with my thoughts. There aren't any other possibilities I can think of.

No! No! No! I can't be dead! That doesn't make any sense, I used to live a simple life in...
I can't remember!

All I know is that I used to be a boy and lived a peaceful life, but nothing more. I can't even remember my own name! What is this? Hell!? Limbo!? 

GAAAH!  I scream in frustration but I can't even create a sound due to my lack of a mouth, if I had hands they would be grabbing my head in despair right now.

Fuck! I got to calm down, nothing good is going to come from screaming into the abyss.
Is there anything I can do? Come on brain, think!

Well, I'm stuck in a void, my body won't move and the sensation of floating...
Wait, how can I feel something if I don't have a physical body? Do I actually have a body!?

I try to focus as I feel something else, a faint sensation of...
Warmth? Is that what I'm feeling?

Increasing my focus on the comfortable heat, it gradually covers my entire being. Almost as if waking up from a long nap, I regain control over my senses.

Well, I can safely conclude that I still have a body, but where the fuck am I? 

Now that I can actually feel my body I try to move it. At first all I can to is barely twitch with my fingers but slowly I manage to move my hands, then my arms. 

I'm not tied up at least.

Slowly moving my arms from out from the fetal position I am currently in they quickly collide with walls on both sides. The walls seem to curve around me, almost as if...

I'm in an egg?

Feeling around a bit more in the darkness I confirm my suspicions.

I'm in an egg. Or at least something egg shaped, that's the only thing I can think of right now.

Without any other I shifted my position slightly to put my feet against the perfectly smooth shell I start pushing against it. Putting all my strength into my legs the wall seems to flex slightly, but the moment I try to adjust my legs it seems to bend back as if nothing had happened. I tried again, this time pushing untill my stamina ran out. 

And still nothing. So I wait for my strength to recuperate and try again...

...And again...

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...And again...

Trying different positions to break down the immovable wall repeatedy, pushing with my legs, my arms, both at the same time. but I just can't get good leverage and the shell had no signs of damage retaining its pristine condition almost as if taunting me. 

I have no clue how long I've been trapped in this tiny space but I know it has been way too long.


Frustrated I slam my head into the shell and weirdly I feel the sensation of my nose piercing through the smooth inner membrane of the egg and cracking the outer layer. 


I press the advantage and use my entire body to push my face into the opening, slowly breaking past the barrier. The cool air of the outside world tickles my nose and I take a deep breath, making a fresh earthy scent assault my nostrils. 

The smell of freedom invigorates me and I push even harder as the egg breaks apart with a loud crunch. 

Blinded by the bright light of the outside world, I tumble forward, landing in a patch of what feels like grass. The high pitched sounds of birds chirping assaults my ears, louder than any birds I've heard before. Among the birdsongs I hear the wind rustling the leaves of trees around me. Breathing heavily after the exertion of breaking free, the scents I smell seem to intensify as the aroma of fresh air and moss fills my nose.  

I'M FREEE!!! - "GAAAHHH!" I shout while raising my hands up in celebration from my current position of lying on my stomach.

Squinting against the sunlight, I try to see where I am. It takes some time for my eyes to adjust to the blinding light. I find myself in a clearing in the middle of a vibrant forest densely packed with trees and various shrubbery. The trees tower above me, reaching towards the sky and creating a intertwining canopy causing the outside of the glade to be shrouded in darkness.  

I start to stand up, placing my hands below me to... 

What the?... - "Geh?" I exclaim in confusion.

Instead of the normal smooth skin of a human, my hands are covered in soft black scales, and instead of the normal fingernails my digits end in short sharp-looking claws in an even darker color than the scales. Turning my head around with ease as my neck is now both long enough and nimble enough to look at my own back, I am met with more of the same black scales. A pair of leathery wings lie folded above my shoulder blades accented with a blood red color, a trail of short blunt spikes travel in the middle of them from somewhere further up my neck. Continuing looking down my body I see a pair of powerful legs, or rather hind legs. My body continues into a thick tail almost as long as the rest of me, the trail of spikes ending their journey at the very tip of it. 

Bringing my hands to my face I gently explore the shape, careful to not cut myself with my own sharp claws. My head seems to be long and pointed, it starts with a sensitive snout that has some hard bone like protrusion, and below it a large mouth filled with small pointy teeth. The end of my head is decorated with a pair of small horns and between them I can feel the starting point of the spikes that run down my back. 

This is so weird. - "Gruoah." I say as the only noise that escapes my mouth is a weird garbling noise and I notice that my vocal chords are no longer fit for human language.

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