Horny Dragon

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: New Body

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I had a hunch that something about me might have changed by the fact that I woke up inside of an egg. But waking up as what I can only describe as a small dragon is not something that I had even considered. And to top it all off, despite the major changes, everything about my body feels... normal.

I mean, I didn’t even notice that my body had transformed into something this alien before I looked at it with my own eyes.

All the limbs I share with the human form I used to have move just like I want them to. And my additional appendages give the impression that they have always been there. But as my weight and skeletal structure is different from what I am used to, my balance and dexterity seem to have taken a hit. So maybe not that normal.

Some deep part of me is telling me that my current reaction to this situation is unnatural. That I should be panicking from the absurdity of my circumstances.

However, this sensation is overshadowed by the rising excitement from what possibilities this new body and environment brings.

Wanting to test out my new limbs, I turn my head and stare intently at my long, muscular tail. Slowly, I start moving it back and forth, then up and down. Trying to get an impression for how to move this new appendage.

When simple directions feel natural, I start trying to move it in circles, then bending individual segments instead of the entire tail. After barely managing to get the tip of my tail to wiggle, I shift my focus over to my wings. My tail was confusing, but my wings are way worse.

First of all, they are exhausting to use, just unfurling them makes my back muscles ache, it’s almost as if they are underdeveloped compared to the rest of my body.

Second, they take a lot of focus to move as there are two of them, flapping them at the same time is a mental workout of its own.

And third, folding them back is almost impossible, I end up spending almost ten minutes just trying to fold them back in again. 

Who made these damn things so hard to control? I question myself, as I finally manage to press my wings against my body in a comfortable way. Exhausted from the mental and physical exercise.

Although I can kind of understand how the arm-like parts of my wings move now, the leathery webbing part however, isn't as intuitive. It tends to get squished or bent in weird, almost painful ways when not stretched.

At least walking is going to be a lot easier.

Putting all four claws on the soft grass beneath me and pushing, I rise off the ground. As I stagger up into a standing position, I realize I severely underestimated how bad my balance has become. I am forced to keep my legs spread out to make sure I don't lose my balance and tip over like a drunk cow. If someone were to see me now, they would probably laugh their ass off at how dumb I look. 

As my confidence increases, I straighten my legs more, slowly pressing myself even further away from the ground.

Shifting my tail around I try to control my center of mass, which seems to help a lot with my balance. I stand as tall as my four scaly legs allow me to ready to begin walking.

I try to imitate how I remembered four legged creatures moved from my previous world, by moving one front leg and the opposite hind leg at the same time. At first my movements are very clumsy, as I practice walking in circles around the clearing. Several times I am tripped up by my tail swinging out to one side and completely throwing my balance off.

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When I finally get my tail under control, walking becomes a lot easier. I quickly get the hang of swinging it against the movement of my legs, like how a human would swing their arms when they walk to stabilize their upper body.

Over some ten minutes of practice, my leg-tail coordination has improved significantly to the point where walking on four legs have become like second nature to me. Confident I won’t faceplant when walking, I start to consider what I need to do next.

Without any clue of how long I will be stuck in this forest, I need to figure out how to survive here for an undetermined amount of time.


The rumbling in my stomach immediately tells me that food probably should be one of my first priorities. But, I have no clue what could be edible in this forest.

Looking around, all I see is green and brown occasionally contrasted by the vibrant colors of flower petals. Nothing that seems nutritious.

Movement in the corner of my eye attracts my attention, as I see a small bird-like creature land on a tree branch among the foliage.

Most of its body is covered in the same brown color of the tree it stands on, with a green accent on its underside like the leaves surrounding it, blending perfectly in with the environment. What separates this creature from a normal bird is the additional pair of wings it has.  

I guess that confirms that this isn’t Earth.

From my dragon body to this weird bird, there is no way this is fauna could be native to my world.

Thinking about it, something seems off about the flora as well, but I can’t really put my finger… I mean claw on it. Everything just seems more exotic.

I observe the bird for a while as it shifts its head around as it seems to look for something. 

Despite the distance and its camouflage, I can spot each individual feather of this weird bird in incredible detail. Most likely a perk of the eyes of my new body and sharper senses.

Suddenly the bird locks its head onto something in the distance and begins flapping its wings. With incredible speed it takes off, heading deeper into the forest. My eyes follow the four-winged thing as it expertly weaves between the branches before a tree trunk completely conceals it. The additional pair of wings seemingly giving it additional maneuverability.

Without any better thing to go off of, I start following the bird. Although I have lost sight of it there is still a lingering scent in the air that leads me deeper into the forest.

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