
Chapter 33: 32. Conversation by Candlelight

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Paul was lying in bed, trying not to worry, and most definitely not sleeping… He’d checked the train schedules, and even if Kiko and Inari had left it until the last train running to head back, then they’d be back at Kasumi station in Kami itself, by half past one in the morning.

It was nearly 4 am.

He’d checked; although there were no buses running this late, there was a 24/7 taxi service in town. However, it was entirely possible that they had decided to stay over night and catch an early train back the next day, in which case he wouldn’t see them until the morning.

He was trying not to think of all the things that could’ve gone wrong; starting with the department of monster hunters, or whatever they called themselves, kidnapping Inari while she was in Osaka, and ending with they’d gotten lost and missed the last train back. It wasn’t a short list either.

Not that Paul would’ve gotten much sleep anyway. Shoko had done her best to patch him up, but it really wasn’t her area of expertise. He’d down-played how much he hurt for her sake too; although he wasn’t sure he’d fooled her one bit. But he’d taken a handful of painkillers and retired for the evening.

Then spent the next few hours staring up at the ceiling.

Aimi-chan had put in an appearance around midnight to see if he was alright. Apparently feigning sleep didn’t fool ghosts one bit. They’d chatted for a short while about nothing much, and she’d fetched a snack for him that Paul hadn’t really felt like eating, but had made himself do so he could take more painkillers.

He’d also made Aimi-chan promise not to do anything to Tatsuo. He still wasn’t sure if that’d stop her though. Surprisingly Shoko had proven easier to persuade not to retaliate. Paul had said it was a matter of honour, and she’d readily agreed to leave the matter alone.

It was fifty-fifty if that was because most of her social skills came from an earlier era, or because she was plotting something and didn’t want him to know it.

Probably the latter, most likely in concert with Jiao.

Paul found that he really couldn’t work up much energy to care either. He was too sore, miserable and preoccupied about Inari’s absence to have much concern for Tatsuo. He could suffer the consequences of his actions.

There was a creak of a floorboard out on the porch, and Paul quickly shut down his laptop and pretended to be asleep.

He could hear soft foot-steps padding in the hall outside, and then the door slowly being slid open and closed. There was the sound of a pair of bare feet on the tatami mats approaching where he lay, which stopped by his bedside.

For a few moments there was silence… and then the soft rustle of cloth filled his ears, and the sound of a robe landing on the floor.

Paul felt the bed clothes being lifted, and as Inari’s perfume drifted on the air, he felt her sliding into bed next to him. He was slightly surprised to feel her warm, naked skin against himself, but Inari was Inari...

Without saying anything, Paul moved, allowing her to nestle against him, curled up in the crook of his arm, her head resting on his arm, her naked back against his side. Inari sighed happily as Paul turned on his side, and curled protectively around her.

“Thank you”

Inari’s voice was barely above a whisper. Paul smiled to himself, his lips inches away from the nape of her neck, and he murmured in return.

“You’re welcome Inari-san. Always.”

With a sigh Paul settled back down to sleep finally.

It was rather later than usual when Paul woke up, his arms still full of a soundly sleeping and, as far as he could tell, entirely naked Inari.

Paul lay still, just drinking in the sounds of the morning outside, the warm musky, slightly spicy, scent of Inari that was uniquely hers and yet never quite the same two days in a row, and way the low morning sunlight filled the room with a golden glow, making her skin seem to be a pale creamy yellow, like fine parchment paper.

Idly he wondered what had happened yesterday that had brought her to his bed like this, seeking comfort and closeness.

Perhaps because of the light, or perhaps due to some internal prompting, Inari stirred in her sleep, rolling over to face him. She wriggled closer, flinging one arm across Paul’s stomach as she rested her head on his chest and shoulder, moulding herself against him.

Paul sighed. There were days that really tried his resolve, and it looked like this was going to be one of them. Although, if it wasn’t for the fact that Inari was resting against his injured side, it would’ve been a lot harder to maintain his composure. Inari shifted, wrapping one long slender leg over his thighs… and Paul bit his lip. Ok, he thought, this isn’t going to be easy after all.

He was now quite sure that Inari was completely naked.

With a sigh, he bent his head, and blew gently into Inari’s ear. It twitched, but otherwise she didn’t stir.

“Hey, Inari, sleepyhead, wake up.”


“I appreciate the fact you need your sleep, but this is getting into ‘start of a porno’ territory here.”

Inari snuggled against him, her hips moving lasciviously. Paul froze as her uppermost hand slid down his stomach, heading towards his crotch slowly as she ‘walked’ her fingers downwards. With one arm pinned between them, and the other not entirely functional after yesterday, he was effectively helpless.

Inari softly muttered something. Paul gulped as her fingers dipped lower, and just as they encountered the bulge in his boxer briefs, Inari breathlessly gasped;


Paul’s eyebrows shot up… and he gulped as her fingers stilled. Then somewhat carefully Inari asked.



As quick as a fox, naturally, Inari dived out of bed, and was grabbing for her robes.

“I am so sorry Paul-sama I didn’t...”

“Inari it’s ok. You were obviously dreaming of someone else.”

“I...you could tell?”

“You talked in your sleep.”


Paul chuckled…

“You sound just like Shoko-san when you do that. Now I know where she gets it from.”

“You’re… not cross at me?”

“No. Might need a cold shower, but no, not cross. Like it or not, I can’t ignore the fact that your body at least is a healthy young girl with certain needs and desires. And I’m happy you and Kiko have found each other.”

“How did you... Oh! I said her name didn’t I?”

“Yes… although, does she know where you are?”

“Umm, no? Why?”

Paul sighed… as human as Inari sometimes seemed, he had to remember that she wasn’t at all, and didn’t entirely think the same way.

“Because, Inari, Kiko is human, and in case you hadn’t noticed, we do get a tad bit perturbed when our current amour spends the night naked in someone else’s bed.”

“But, we didn’t do anything! It’s not like that between us.”

“Yes, but does she know that? I mean, think about breakfast the other morning, and how it must have looked to her.”

“Oh… oh dear...”

“And now imagine for a moment she finds out where you spent the night.”

“Oh dear oh dear, she would be so hurt! Kiko’s in love with me, she said. She must not find out about this.. but… “


Inari sighed, and laid back down, outside the bed covers. Paul glanced over at her and sighed, and then kept his gaze firmly on the ceiling as she’d completely forgotten about her clothing again.

“Paul-san… would it be entirely too selfish of me to wish that we might continue our sleeping arrangement?”

Paul frowned, puzzled.

“Wouldn’t you rather be sleeping with Kiko? I mean, then there wouldn’t be any awkwardness if you wake up feeling… ah.. frisky.”

“I know… and yes, I would wish to spend time in her bed chamber too... but... even so...”

Paul moved, carefully, propping himself up to look at Inari, and hang the lack of clothing..

“Inari… you said Kiko is in love with you, but do you love her?”

“I.. don’t know… I am very fond of her.”

“But, not in love?”

Inari shook her head.

“No… I think not. I do not want to hurt her however. And I count her as a very dear friend I think, although it is very new still too.”

“But your heart isn’t hers alone, is it?”

Inari sighed, and nodded.

“I.. do not think or feel that way. I never have. Even when I AM in love with someone, I am never solely theirs alone. It’s not in my nature to do that. I am both generous of myself, and selfish in my desires. I’ve always known this… and...”


“And I find your company very appealing, even if it, ah.. frustrates me at times.”

Paul’s lips twitched in amusement.

“That probably hasn’t happened to you all that often.”

Inari darted an annoyed and exasperated look at him.

“No, no it has not! You are a very singular exception Paul-san..”

Paul blinked and raised an eyebrow.

“In all the long years, I’m the only exception? I find that hard to believe.”

“Most men have the good sense not to refuse a Goddess!”

Paul laughed and then winced at the stab of pain from his ribs, collapsing to lie gasping for breath on his back. In an instant, Inari had flipped the bed covers aside, and gasped at the sight.

Paul glanced down and winced himself… the bruises were quite lurid and covered most of his torso. He closed his eyes, partly because it felt like the room was swinging around queasily.

“Paul-san! Who has done this to you?! What happened?!”

“Oh, just settled matters with Tatsuo… and fended off a visit by some government agency monster hunters.”

“Tatsuo did this to you? I’ll….”

“You’ll do nothing Inari. It’s settled. And as they say, you should see the other guy. We fought, he lost… so Jiao is going to school.”

Inari stared at him, a mixture of outrage, exasperation and concern on her face.

“You fought an Oni, in his prime….”

“And won.”

Inari stopped, frowning.

“You won?! How?!”

Paul carefully shrugged.

“The usual way… I out-smarted him, which is what you do if you can’t out-fight.”

Inari sighed, shaking her head, and began to move her hands over Paul’s injuries, a fraction of an inch above his skin, the space between filled with a soft golden glow… smoothing away the bruising, re-knitting injured tissues.

“So… you said something about government monster hunters? What were they doing here?”

“Not sure actually, I didn’t give them a chance to tell me. Probably after you I think.”

“What did you do to them? You didn’t… kill… them did you Paul-san?”

Paul opened one eye to look up at her, and gulped. Now he wasn’t as distracted by the pain, he found himself instead distracted by the sight of Inari leaning over him. He closed his eye again, although the image seemed seared into his brain.

“Inari... you know my history, what I’ve done and where I’ve been. Would it surprise you to know, that I have never, once, killed anyone?”

Paul could hear her sigh, and for a moment her hands stopped in their stroking motion… even though she wasn’t touching him, he could tell where her hands were by the faint sense of heat from them, or that might have been the magic at work.

“Paul-san, knowing you now... No, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that. Although... I also wouldn’t be shocked to learn that you arranged for death to happen to someone, who most probably richly deserved it.”

Paul chuckled, grateful when his ribs didn’t feel like he’d been kicked by a mule.

“I like that qualification… and yes, you are not far wrong. There are some people whose demise was long overdue and eminently deserving, and yes I might have had a small part to play in arranging for their karma to catch up with them. However, not any time recently.”

Inari laughed musically, low and softly.

“I’m sure… so what did you do then?”

“Oh, not much, told them I was a member of a secret English Royal order of Knights, charged with working with Others, and here at the request of the Emperor to enlist your help in defending Japan against supernatural attacks by China or North Korea.”

“They believed you?”

Paul laughed slightly.

“By the time I was done, Shoko-san almost believed me! But, it doesn’t matter, all I was trying to do was sow confusion and delay them until we do get Imperial approval and backing. In that I was quite successful. They even apologised for bringing weapons into a holy sanctuary.”

Inari retorted hotly.

“Well I should hope so! The nerve! Not even the most arrogant Shogun would dare do that!”

Paul’s laughter rumbled though his chest, making Inari’s hands tingle, as well as other parts of her body tighten. Inari swallowed, her mouth abruptly dry.

“Probably just as well for them then, that they came by while you were out. I doubt you’d have been as forgiving.”

“Mmhm! They wouldn’t be leaving!”

Paul yawned…

“Why am I suddenly drowsy again?”

“Healing magic is not without it’s cost Paul-san.”

“Ah, yes of course. I think, since it’s Sunday, I’ll sleep late.”

Inari nodded… then hesitated. Paul opened an eye again, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Paul-san… might I express an entirely selfish wish?”

Paul didn’t need to ask what, he just held an arm out to her in invitation. Inari smiled and settled against him, sighing happily as he pulled her in a little tighter, tucking her into the circle of his arm before pulling the bed clothes over them both.

Paul yawned again and sleepily remarked.

“I could get used to this actually…”


“Although you’re going to have to talk to Kiko, Inari.”

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“I know Paul-san, but let’s not worry about that now. Who knows, perhaps I’ll just invite her to share our bed with both of us.”

Paul squeezed Inari, tightening his grip around her chest slightly.

“Like hell you will! I have enough trouble sleeping as it is. Besides, you’d scare her rigid suggesting that.”

“You mean you’re scared we’d do something to make you rigid.”

“Go to sleep Inari!”

Some time passed, filled with the soft sounds of sleep.

“Hoi, Paul-san.”


“If you’re going to cuddle me like that, either move a bit further away, or a bit further down, because ‘something’ is poking me in the back.”


“Yip! Not that way! Hey, are you you even awake Paul-san?”

Inari lifted her head, and peered over her shoulder… and saw that Paul was solidly asleep.

Inari buried her face in the pillow, biting it in frustration, as she found herself with the dragon at the gates of her rose palace, so to speak, … and unable to move just those final few inches in Paul’s arms.

“Sweet light of creation!” Inari muttered to herself, “I am either going to die of frustration, murder him... or cause Kiko to expire from exhaustion when I get out of here!”

It was just past midday when Paul stumbled out of the guest house, heading for the kitchen block. He’d awoken to find himself alone in bed, and if it hadn’t been for the fact that the bruising looked like it happened weeks ago, instead of yesterday, he would have suspected last night to be a dream.

He’d just finished investigating the fridge, and was deciding what to do for food, when a piercing shriek rent the air. Paul grabbed a large cleaver and raced towards the source of the noise, only to slow and stop as he realised that it was issuing from within Kiko’s guest house… Paul looked around, mostly to see if anyone else had witnessed him about to make a fool of himself.

Sitting up in a tree, legs draped over a branch, was a silver haired kitsune, wearing a rather modern looking white suit and deep red shirt. He was also smoking a cigarette. He stared down at Paul for a second, then pinching out the cigarette, he jumped down, landing with nonchalant ease.

Paul regarded him coolly.

“So… who the heck are you?”

“Oi, I could say the same.”

As the pair of them stared at each other, another cry shivered through the air. This one was unmistakably Kiko.

The silver haired fox spirit shook his head.



The kitsune cocked his head at Paul, raising an eyebrow. Paul blinked, he had no idea who this person was, but he’d bet good money he was one of Inari’s kin… the expression on his face was just like one of hers.

“Mating season for foxes. Inari’s in heat. Although it’s a little early.”

“Oh… well that would explain a hell of a lot. Um... are you..?”

The youthful kitsune shook his head.

“Nah, I’m good. It’s never affected me like that.”

“Ok. My name’s Paul.”

“Rin. So you’re her Herald then?”

“I am… and you are?”

“Her child. Which makes me very glad I’m not affected by that.”

“Yeahh… hey, we’ve got beer in the kitchen, want one?”

“Sounds good. Got any music? The louder the better.”

Paul nodded.

“That can be arranged. Laptop, bluetooth speakers… and the whole internet.”

“You have internet out here?!”

Paul nodded.

“Local Tenuki clan have contacts, hooked me up with a fibre hardline. The local mana field makes wifi spotty, but I have the guest house nearest the kitchen block, and the router is there.”

“Huh, guess this won’t be such a total drag after all.”

Paul glanced over his shoulder at Rin.

“Let me guess, Inari dragged you away from the bright lights of the big city… something about bad influences?”

“She told you?”

“Not a damn word, didn’t even know you were here. But I do know her.”

“Ha! You, Kiko.. probably half of the neighbourhood.”

Paul paused… and carefully put the meat cleaver down on the work table.

“Rin. I don’t know what your history is with Inari… but you are going to want to apologise for that remark.”

“Or you’ll what? Regard it as your duty to beat the hell out of me?”

“Well, I’m a little stiff still from fighting with the head of the local Oni clan, but yes. I would certainly give it a go.”

“You fought an Oni?! Yeah, right… at what? Chess?”

“Unarmed combat, no holds barred. Over a matter of honour.”

Rin scoffed at Paul disbelievingly.

“That most have been a puny weakling of an Oni! Or he let you off easily.”

Paul started to answer, then stared beyond Rin, smiling slightly in a way that made Rin’s hackles rise..

“Now how’s that for timing... that’s him now, heading this way.”

Rin turned… and stared. The Oni in question was formidable looking, about Rin’s age and in his prime. He was also walking with the aid of a cane, with one leg bandaged and splinted up, his reddish skin mottled with dark bruises.

Slowly Rin turned around to stare at Paul.

“That Oni? You fought him?”


“And won?”


Rin stared at Paul for moment, then swallowed, and bowed.

“I apologise for my earlier remark about Inari. It was unkind, untruthful and ill-considered. I brought dishonour to myself for saying it.”

“She’s your mother Rin, don’t forget it.”

Rin sighed, nodding.

“I won’t, I can’t… even as she seemed to have forgotten me for all those years.”

Paul frowned.

“We’ll talk later, but Inari’s memory has been damaged in some way... if she forgot you, it may not have been her fault.”


Paul was already walking over to Tatsuo, and silently offered his arm to help the tall Oni. Tatsuo regarded Paul for a moment, then with a sigh nodded, and leaned on the shorter human.

“I see Inari has returned.”

“Yeah, sorry... it was very late last night, otherwise I would have asked her to see to you as well.”

Tatsuo shook his head.

“I will keep my injuries for now, they hurt far less than my pride. I... I have come to apologise.”

“Hoo. Ok... do you want a beer with that? I find it helps humble pie go down easier.”

“Are you mocking me?”

“No. Far, far from it Tatsuo. I’m remembering the number of times when I’ve stood where you are. Trust me, you are NOT the only one who’s fucked up before now. If you’d ever met my father, you’d understand. The word ‘martinet’ could’ve been invented for him. Along with asshole.”

Tatsuo sighed again, and nodded.

“A beer, please. If I’m drinking, I’m not talking, and then maybe I won’t say as many wrong things.”

“The English have a saying for that, putting your foot in your mouth… beer means you’re doing something else with your mouth other than putting your foot in it.”

Tatsuo smiled slightly.

“That sounds like a good idea… Hoi, who’s this?”

“Oh yeah. Rin, Tatsuo. Tatsuo, Rin.. Inari’s son. Apparently been living in Osaka. Tatsuo’s the local Oni clan leader, so be polite. He beats up those that aren’t.”

Tatsuo snorted, but didn’t correct Paul. Rin smiled nervously at Tatsuo.

“Oni? Huh… how about that. So, you’re living here peacefully?”

Tatsuo scowled at Rin, as Paul made a so-so rocking gesture with his hand.

“It’s a work in progress just now. Hmm.. Rin, since Tatsuo and I are both kind of beat up right now, would you mind going and getting my laptop for me please? It’s in the sitting room of the guesthouse over there, you can just see the red roof from here. Speakers are next to it…. And please be careful, that’s my livelihood. I’m a writer.”

Rin nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off Tatsuo.

“Yeah, sure… velvet gloves. I got it.”

“Thanks, I’ll get the bacon on. Hey, how do you feel about fried tofu?”

Rin pulled a face.

“No thanks. I lived off that for a couple of years. I can’t stand it now!”

“Right. Any preferences, anything you’d like?”

“Pork soup? The spicy kind?”

“No problem. I have some pork stock in the fridge. Don’t hurry, and it’ll be ready by the time you get back. Just let your nose tell you when...”

Rin grinned, somewhat shyly.

“Hey Paul-san... you’re ok.”

“Wait until you’ve tasted my cooking...”

Rin laughed, nodding, before sauntering off.

Tatsuo watched him go thoughtfully, and then sighed.

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”


Tatsuo pointed a thumb in the direction Rin had left.

“That kitsune didn’t like you, was prepared to hate you… and you just… just.. I don’t know! But now he’s ... not a friend, maybe, but heading that way.

Paul shrugged as he set about preparing lunch.

“I don’t know, honestly. I just treat people like they are people, individuals. I listen to them, because they usually have something worth saying, I guess I just find people interesting, and generally if you give them your time and full attention, then they’ll open up. Of course, I say talking, but 80% of communication isn’t with words, but body language So, you really do have to pay attention to what isn’t said as well.”

“Huh? How do you communicate without words?”

“Well… ok, let’s take you for example. You’re sitting with your legs spread, back straight. You’re trying to dominate, but you’re a quarter turn away from me, towards the door, saying you don’t want to be here. Your arms are crossed, so you’re defensive, uncertain. You’re not making eye contact so you’re ill-at-ease and trying not to challenge me. Overall, you’re very nervous about me, you see me as a threat still, one you don’t want to meet. But your position as leader is at war with that, so you’re still trying to exert dominance even though your lack of confidence is undermining you.”

Tatsuo stared at Paul, open mouthed. Then sat up very straight, legs together and hands on his knees.

“Annnd now you’re trying not to give anything way. That always happens.”

“That’s... that’s witchcraft…!”

“No, just observation. There’s some minor variations but it’s mostly human-like behaviour. Although I’ve noticed if Oni are nervous, they toss their heads, displaying their horns. Not something humans do. I would think other Yokai have different behaviours too. So I’ve still got a lot to learn about it.”

Tatsuo shook his head, then stopped suddenly self-conscious. Paul grinned.

“Now you see why I don’t mention it… Everyone gets hyper-aware of what they’re doing once they know about body language, at least for a bit. But it’s a subconscious thing, they can’t help doing it again after a while. It’s like a cat’s tail, it’s a big flag for their emotional state, and they don’t even realise it’s there half the time.”

Paul shrugged.

“Thing is, once you can read someone’s mood.. it’s easy enough to put them at their ease and get them to talk to you.”

Tatsuo stared at Paul for a long moment, completely still, then bowed, holding his hands clasped above his head.

“Teach me Sensei!”

Paul laughed.

“Save the praise Tatsuo, I’ll happily share what I know, but I am by no means an expert, there’s plenty of instructional videos on the net.”

Tatsuo lifted his head, and in his grin Paul could see the young boy, before he was forced to grow up too soon.

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