
Chapter 36: 35. Unusual Holiday

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The number of days remaining until Niiname-sai, the ceremony of Thanksgiving for the harvest, or the rice-tasting ceremony, stood at 25 when Paul finally declared that the Mk4 ‘bomb’ mana generator was safe enough to use reliably, Mk1 through to 3 having failed explosively under continued levels of use. Paul had calculated that they would need to fire the generator a minimum of fourteen times to fully charge Inari’s cherry blossom mana battery, which meant it would take roughly 6 hours to ready the mana battery for use, as there was a 21 minute cool down period in between shots.

He’d carefully sorted and graded the number of smaller crystals which the Oni had provided, and they had forty suitable to use as a charge in the ‘bomb’ generator. After which, it would be useful as a paperweight, since the crystal charges were destroyed in the process.

Isao Kobe, head priest at the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto had managed to obtain passes for them all to the Imperial Palace, where the ceremony was held each year in Tokyo. Paul wasn’t sure that they really needed them, but it was probably better to have and not need it than the other way around.

He was trudging up the path from the workshop when he paused; someone had carved a jack’o’lantern out of a pumpkin, and placed it at the base of the torii gate in the temple complex’s wall. It was lit from within by a flickering blue fox-fire flame.

Paul blinked, and did a bit of maths in his head… and realised it was the day before Halloween.

He frowned, as far as he knew Halloween wasn’t celebrated in Japan, at least not outside the big cities with their Western influenced society. Standing on the threshold he called out.

“Hey, Shoko-san, you busy?”

Moments later Shoko’s voice came from the top of the Torii gate.

“Hoi Paul-san! You done for the day then?”

“Yeah, the generator’s finished, finally. What’s with the pumpkin?”

Shoko jumped down, aiming to land in front of him, but Paul snagged her out of the air, and swung her around much to her delight. Shoko squealed in surprise and glee, before he planted her feet on the ground in front of him.

Shoko took a moment, giggling, to regain her breath.

“You’re in good spirits Paul-sama!”

“Like I said, it’s finally done! Which means I’m ahead of schedule.”

Shoko beamed in happiness.

“Does this mean you can take a day off tomorrow?!”

“Yeah, why? Wait… is this something to do with it being Halloween? I thought that wasn’t celebrated here?”

Shoko-san shook her head.

“It wasn’t… normally, but this year there’s a Halloween festival in the town. Everyone is going in costume and we... Inari, me and... well everyone on the mountain… thought we should do something. Since it’s an English holiday and we thought, well... it would be nice for you and you’re working so hard!”

“Thank you! Okayyy… what did you all have in mind?”

“Well… the festival is in the afternoon, and it’s getting dark early now...”

“Did you want to go into town?”

Shoko nodded, then shook her head.

“Nu-uh... not just that. I mean that as well but I asked Inari if we could go as we are!”

Paul blinked, surprised.

“Wait... what?”

“Boss Hirohido has arranged us a private bus to go to the centre of town from here for those want to come. Everyone’s walking around dressed as scary stuff, we thought we could go see the festival… without costumes. Just… looking as if we are. Sort of in disguise but not.”

“So that’s why you, Jiao and Aimi-chan have been sneaking around, acting furtive… you’ve been setting this up, right?”

“Oi! You weren’t supposed to notice!”

“I didn’t, Yuri and Yuko did and mentioned it to me. I figured you’d come clean at some point, so I told them to leave well enough alone. ”

“Yup! We’ve been working on it for days! We’ve got costumes and everything! Inari also said she can use it to ‘test run’ some of the magic she’ll need when we go to Tokyo and the Imperial Palace for the ceremony.”

“Huh… yeah that’s a really good idea. There’s enough of a mana field built up locally now, so that it’s about the same level as we’ll be using in Tokyo. We could do with a dry run to make sure everything works.”

Shoko nodded and digging into the pocket like sleeve of her robes, produced a white kitsune mask. She pulled it on over her head... and even to Paul’s eyes her tail and ears looked like fake ones. Not bad, but obviously not real.

“Oh, nice touch! Inari’s work?”

Shoko lifted her mask, and her tail and ears went back to being real.

“Yup! See, this way we can ‘disappear’ after the ceremony by putting on the masks to make us look human and blending in with the crowd. We’ve all got one, even you Paul-san! But yours isn’t for use until during the ceremony. Inari said it would make you look like a proper Kitsune Herald.”

“Huh… that’s not a bad idea either. My face isn’t well known, but it is known.”

Shoko’s head bobbed as she nodded again, then looked doubtful...

“I’ve seen the picture on the back of your book Paul-san. It looks like you... but only just.”

Paul laughed.

“Yeah, I thought it looked bad too... that’s when I started to get myself back into shape. I... let myself go a bit after Kate died.”

Shoko’s small hand slipping into his, startled Paul. He looked down at the small serious face looking up at him

“Hey Paul-san, you ok?”

“Yeah. Now I am.”

Shoko-san smiled up at him, her serious mood gone like the shadow of a cloud on a summer day.

“Want to see what we’ve been doing? The costumes are all set up in the main hall… Inari made dress-makers dummies from straw for us!”

“Lead the way!”

Later Paul caught up with Inari at the kitchen block. He grinned at the sight of her in a perfectly ordinary apron, happily cooking the meal for that night. Coming up behind her, he leaned over her shoulder and murmured.

“So, what’s cooking hot stuff?”

Inari laughed, and swatted at him with the cloth draped over her shoulder.

“Shh, or my girlfriend will get jealous!”

Kiko, who Paul hadn’t noticed curled up in a corner reading, looked up from her book.

“No. She won’t… you can have her and save me from her unnatural appetite.”

Paul’s laughter rang through the kitchen. Playfully he asked.

“What? Things not going well for you two?”

“I’ve got NO work done today, and hardly any in the past week! She has ruined my work schedule! My academic reputation will be in tatters.”

Inari turned and smiled at Kiko, blowing her a kiss before turning back to her cooking. Kiko stared at Inari for few moments, a look of adoration on her face, then sighed.

“And that’s why… how can anyone say no to that?”

Paul grinned at Kiko.


Kiko pushed her glasses back up her nose.

“I prefer the term ‘besotted’. But yes. She is terrible for my self-discipline.”

“Probably just as well I’ve finished then… just in time to join in the Halloween fun it seems. Shoko told me what everyone else has been up to while I’ve been mired away in the workshop.”

Inari spoke up.

“It was Rin’s idea you know… said you might like something to remind you of home.”

“That’s good of Rin. It does sort of feel like being a kid again, which I think is half the appeal of Halloween for adults.”

“You don’t mind being volunteered to go with everyone? There are liable to be children in the party.”

“Mind? Heck no.. I think everyone needs a break. I sure do!”

Inari nodded.

“My thoughts too...”

“Right… in the meantime, need a hand?”

“Yes please, I don’t think I’ve quite mastered the modern magic of the rice-cooker...”


The following day, Halloween dawned bright and clear. It was the sort of crisp autumn day that one rarely saw outside of films. The air was the perfect temperature, just cool enough to make it invigorating but not chilly, with a breeze that was just enough to stir the leaves on the trees and occasionally send them scurrying like kittens across the cobblestones.

Paul thought that judging by Inari’s smugness, she might have had something to do with that. Perks of living with a Goddess, Paul thought.

He smiled down at the sleeping Inari, her skin gleaming in the early morning light. One of the perks, Paul corrected himself, admiring the view. Sitting up he reached for pencil and paper, and started sketching. He wasn’t much of an artist, but with Inari as a model, who wouldn’t be inspired?

Some time later Inari stirred, stretching, and smiled up at Paul.

“Good morning Paul-san, what are you drawing?”

“Good morning Inari.”

Paul turned his sketchbook around, showing Inari the drawing of her sleeping face, the sweep of her hair across the pillow like a splash of ink across the page. Inari blinked, and smiled shyly.

“You flatter me Paul-san!”

Paul shook his head.

“No, if anything I don’t do you justice. I readily admit I’m not the world’s best artist, not even close. There’s a subtle glow about you, a liminal luminosity, that I just can’t capture.”

Inari laughed softly.

“You make me sound as if I’m with child.”

Paul blinked, then raised an eyebrow. Inari’s eyes widened, and she shook her head.

“Paul-san! No! How could I be?!”

“Well, with magic there’s something of a greater range of options… although if you were I’d say it’s probably Kiko’s.”

Inari laughed, shaking her head.

“Paul-san, even for a goddess that would be a near impossible feat! No, I’m not. I would know it if I was. Although...” Inari grinned wickedly; “...it might be amusing if Kiko thought that was the case.”

Paul shook his head, smiling.

“Inari, Inari… your kitsune nature is showing again. Don’t even hint at the idea. The poor girl would just about die of a heart attack!”

Inari laughed musically, like a stream over pebbles.

“Alright Paul-san, I’ll try to restrain my mischief, and not frighten my lover into an early grave.”

Inari glanced again at the art, and sighed.

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“It has been an age though, since anyone has been inspired by me artistically. I used to have artists and poets begging me for inspiration.”


“Mm... I was one of the seven muses. Seven gods and goddesses said to inspire mortals. I was the Muse of passionate love.”

Paul looked at where Inari lay, heedless of her nudity, and remarked dryly.

“Can’t think why...”

Inari threw a pillow at him.

Sometime later, after Paul had gotten dressed and brought a breakfast tray through for Inari, as had become their habit, Inari was still studying the sketch he’d made.



“Do you paint?”

“I can, but haven’t for a long time… why?”

“Do you think you would if I was to ask you?”

Paul looked at her; Inari was staring pensively at the sketch book. He sighed and sat down tailor fashion near her.

“Ok, that’s not just some random request. What are you thinking?”

“Kiko is leaving after the ceremony in Tokyo, she has to go home. There are things she needs to take care of. She hopes she will come here in the New Year, but she has studies to attend to. I was thinking… could you perhaps paint a portrait of me, for her?”

Paul sighed, and looked doubtful

“I could try… there is quite a lot to do and I don’t know if I’ll have the time. I wouldn’t want to make promises I couldn’t keep. Also, honestly, I’m not the best by any means.”

Inari nodded.

“I understand, I was thinking, perhaps it could be a Christmas present. I gather that is customary now, isn’t it?”

Paul nodded.

“That sounds possibly do-able, and yes, Christmas has become a secular holiday here in Japan now. It’s all about friends and family, and although gift-giving isn’t as big a part of it as it was back in England, it is still a part. Giving Kiko a gift, especially one that reminded her of you, would be good idea.”

Inari smiled.

“Oh good! I was thinking a full length portrait, maybe not a big one because that would take too long, but one of me nude perhaps?”

Paul looked doubtfully at Inari.

“Ummm…. Do you really want to do that? I mean, firstly where the heck could she hang it? Secondly, that’s sort of rubbing her nose in the fact I’ve seen you naked...”

“So..? Kiko knows you seen me unclothed. Rin’s seen me naked, so has Shoko, Jiao, Yuri, Yuko and Tatsuo. So what?”

“Wait... Tatsuo?! When did that happen?”

“In the bath house of course, all of them. We were talking over plans for spring and it was easier than calling across the screen. Oni all bathe together anyway… Why?”

“Oh… never mind. Still adjusting, just a touch of culture shock that’s all. I just thought the onsen was divided?”

“Ah... no, we’ve got rid of that. It seems silly since there’s so few of us and we all know each other….”

“Right… thank you for the warning. How did Kiko take that?”

“Turned bright red at first of course...and even redder when Yuri and Yuko offered to do her back.”

Paul chuckled.

“I just bet she did… and I bet you and those two teased her something shocking.”

Inari’s smile, as she nodded, was reminiscent of the fox who has remembered where the loose board at the back of the hen house is…

Paul shook his head chuckling.

“Ok, ok... I’ll look around a bit in town, see if there’s somewhere that sells art supplies, otherwise it’ll take a trip to Osaka, or a side trip in Tokyo when we won’t really have the time. But two stipulations. I’ll pick the pose, or who knows what you’ll come up with. I’ve seen what they used to paint here, and I can well believe you inspired some of that! Especially if it was around this time of year. “

Inari giggled, and struck a lascivious pose that Paul was sure he’d seen somewhere before.

“Riiight.. stop that Inari. You’re just proving my point.”

“I wasn’t disagreeing Paul, I know how I am this time of year. You mentioned two stipulations?”

“Sorry, yes... got distracted. Second half of the first, it’s not going to show your face. There are too many complications if someone recognises you. Second stipulation, although it’s more of a disclaimer; I can only work so fast. I’ll try to get it done by Christmas, but it might end up being a Valentines day present instead… and for that reason, when I’m painting, don’t distract me please, or it will never get done!”

Inari pouted, then smiled and nodded.

“I agree… of course, this does give me all the more time to be with you, and if you’re not painting my face than we can talk, can’t I?”

“Yeahhh.. why do I have sudden misgivings about this project Inari?”

“You know me too well… now, go, so I can get dressed. Or have you changed your mind and want to remain?”

“Not if it means you’re going to reverse strip again… that was outside of enough!”

Inari’s face abruptly went serious as her mood took one of it’s sober swings. In a quiet voice she asked.

“Paul-san… do you really not like me flirting with you? I wouldn’t want to do anything to cause you pain and... well, if it is too much, please say.”

Paul sighed, and shook his head.

“Sometimes a little… but only because you remind me of Kate. She was a wicked tease at times… and highly inappropriately too. She was the sort of woman that would play footsie under the table in a fancy restaurant, and wait until half way though the dessert course to tell you she wasn’t wearing panties.”

Inari giggled.

“I think I would’ve liked her!”

“Yeah me too… and heaven help the rest of us, but yeah, I think you two would’ve got on like a house on fire.”

“Lots of screaming, and running around in a panic?”

Paul nodded chuckling, and then sighed.

“But, she’s gone… and I still miss her like it was yesterday. Well, minus the lingering frost-bite.”

Inari nodded slowly.

“I’ll stop then, for her sake.”

“The hell you will Inari! I would get such a scolding from her if I asked you to do that! No, you be you Inari, never mind me. Tell the truth, I do kind of enjoy it, even if you do exasperate me at times.”

Inari smiled, and reaching out, took Paul’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

“She was a good woman Paul-san. I only have to look at you to know that. I’ll honour her memory by keeping that tradition alive, but tell me if I go too far.”

Paul wasn’t too sure how he felt, and his face showed it… as wariness, trepidation and a glad smile warred for dominance. Inari collapsed sideways laughing, holding her sides. Paul settled on smiling ruefully.

“I am going to regret this, aren’t I?”

Gasping, Inari nodded, and managed to wheeze out,

“Not.. too.. much, I hope.”

Paul sighed and shrugged.

“Eh, no more than I did marrying Kate then.”

Inari reached out and grasped Paul’s hand, clasping it between her slim soft fingers, drawing it down to hold it over her heart.

“I promise you Paul-san. I will try to bring you more joy than sadness for as long as you’ll let me.”

Paul nodded, unable to speak for moment. He turned to look away.

“Th..thank you Inari.”

Inari giggled slightly, and before he knew it, she’d turned slightly, moving so her small breast nestled in the hollow of his palm.

“Of course, if you want to bring me joy in return...”


Paul glared at her for a second, then with mischief gleaming darkly in his eye, he quite deliberately and roughly pinched Inari’s nipple between thumb and forefinger, causing her to gasp and jerk away.

“Hoi! Rude!”

“Tit for tat! You tease me… I tease back, in my own way.”

“And what if I like it rough?”

Paul smiled, slowly… as he leaned towards her, and said in a low, dangerous voice.

“Then I turn you over my knee and spank your pert little bottom until it glows.”

Inari’s eyes went wide, and she hastily pulled the bed covers up around her hips, putting her hands firmly over them to hold them down.

“Alright! I take it back! Please don’t!”

Paul leaned back and smiled lopsidedly.

“At least you didn’t say ‘you wouldn’t dare!’..”

“Oh no! I learned that lesson already! You see it as a challenge, because there’s nothing you wouldn’t dare do!”

Paul laughed, a wicked roguish laugh that all but winked at Inari suggestively. Inari blushed all the way up to her ear tips and yanked the bed covers up to her neck.

“I’ll leave you to get dressed Inari.”

Inari nodded vigorously, not at all sure how she’d lost control of the conversation, or why she was suddenly overcome with maidenly shyness... but very aware that she was highly aroused, and desperately embarrassed by that.

Paul paused at the threshold, and looked back at her sternly.

“And Inari… no doing anything naughty to yourself once I’m gone, alright?”

“Yes Paul-san.”

Inari waited until Paul had left before flinging herself flat and screaming softly into the pillow as her fists clenched the bed covers, kicking her heels.

Curse him! She thought, he would choose today of all days to tease her, bringing her from a slight simmer to a roiling boil with just a few words and a devilish look… today when Kiko had made her promise to leave her alone so she could work!

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