How i got rid of my boring life

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Shin

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Hey so first of English  is not my strongest language, i had to write it in my language than translate it in English so I can't really fire new chapters out like nothing. So please keep that in mind, i will still try my best to release at least 1 chapter per week. Would also be cool if you could tell me if it is at least readable and now pls enjoy my story

How i got rid of my boring life   

....wakeup, eat, school, eat, play games, sleep, wakeup, eat.... Boring, isn't it? Always doing the same thing day in and day out without having any fun. I hate it, sure I have a roof over my head, always a warm meal and don't have to fear for my life every day. And yet there is this feeling that I have always had, the feeling of simply wanting to experience adventure, to have fun. I don't want a boring life, where school is only replaced by work. I don't want to have to think about my future all the time.   

,, And what do you want to be when you grow up? ''  

,, Come on, you are now at the age when you have to think about your future. ''  

Why should I? I know the whole thing sounds childish and of course I have to grow up sometime. But if growing up means living a boring life doing the same things all the time without having any that really a life worth living for? The only thing I want is to have fun and go on adventures like the whole anime Iskeai Main Character.   





I mean fighting monsters with a sword, adventuring, exploring dungeons, doing quests.  

,,  just the thought of it brings a smile to my face. ''  

I said while getting out of my bed, I went to my closet and put on my school unifrom while still engrossed in my thoughts.  

'' Fuck friends or a girlfriend, if I had to choose between becoming isekaid and a girlfriend/friends I would choose becoming iseaked without thinking. '' I said with a grin  

I went to the bathroom and washed my face after that I brushed my teeth and made my way to the living room.   

,, Mhh? ''  

On the table I saw a note that said.   

Had to get up early again today sry, here's your breakfast enjoy it ????  

This was written by my mom, we both live alone in the house, my dad died while I was still a baby so I don't really remember him. But I am sure he was a good man...I hope he was, I said and sat down and started to eat. After I finished I put the dirty dishes in the sink, grabbed my bag and headed to school.  

Hello Shin how are you.''  

,, mhh ? Who uahhh ''  

I turned around and saw my busty childhood friend running towards me with a smile on her face and.....  


You just thought that this was going to be a cliché story right? HAHAHA fucking IDIOT, as if I had some sort of childhood friend. To your surprise I'm actually not the most popular at our school.  

Readers GASP BUT THAT- THAT CAN'T BE the handsome and funny Shin isn't the most popular boy at his school!?!?!!?!   


I hope for your sake you just played along with this part and didn't leave me hanging, otherwise the whole thing would be pretty cirnge..ha..ha I said and noticed how the pedestrians looked at me with a strange expression. Unfortunately I have a bad habit of talking to myself, which has nothing to do with the fact that I have no one to talk to or anyone to talk to except my mother, so don't take this the wrong way.    

And while I was still talking to myself, I arrived at the school. It was a normal school that fit my normal life. I went into the school changed my shoes and made my way to the classroom. On my way I ran into many different characters. The classic arrogant bastard who thinks the world revolves around him, the smart ones who see the rest of us as stupid monkeys, the pretty ones who see the rest of us ugly humans as goblins and the NPCS who.... are just there to be there. It was a classic normal school and of course my classroom was on the last floor, would be too nice if it was on the first.  



I guess I forgot to mention that I'm not exactly the most athletic, I know a big shock to you, right? Right?. So I went to our door and opened it.  

Hey move aside. '' suddenly said a voice   

I turned around and saw one of my classmates.  

Didn't you hear what I said?! '' he said, nudging me with his elbow before walking past me.  

As I said, I wasn't exactly the most popular one at our school, so I gave him a quick look before going to my seat and finally being able to sit down. Fortunately for me, I was sitting in the last row and also at the window, which allowed me to pursue my favorite pastime. Putting my head on the table and looking at the clouds, what was also lucky was the fact that I was hardly ever bothered by the teacher. So I became a real pro at looking at the clouds and...  

,, Good morning Shin. '' suddenly said a female voice  

I turned around and saw that it was Hina, our class president and the girl I had feelings for. I wouldn't say in love right away or that I immediately started blushing or stuttering.  

,, Class president, good morning. '' As I said, I was quite cool when it came down to talking to girls. 

,, haha. '' She just started laughing before she went to her desk behind me, and shortly after that I heard the school bell.  

Our teacher came into the classroom and started with the lessons, which I of course listened to carefully, as it should be for a model student.  


Oh, this one looks like a monkey. '' I said while looking out of the window and thinking about what I remembered from before.  

I mean it's my dream, but if I'm honest, I get a queasy feeling at the thought. A strange world, real monsters maybe demons and of course a demon king that the hero (me) has to defeat. AS IF, if I'm going to be isekaid, then I want a quiet life a life as an adventurer and not as a slave, which is then betrayed at the end by the king or queen, because he or she is a power-hungry bastard and ....  

,, Hey, Sin, you must have listened to me, then you will be able to answer this question, right? '' Suddenly my teacher asked me out of nowhere  


Huh ?   


,, hey Shin c'mon get up and come to the front. Said the teacher annoyed  

Huh what the hell is happening, was I just called out?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  

,, Relax Shin you can handle it just go to the front and answer the question.'' said our little Shin.  

,, ... ''  

Shin, who was never bothered and ignored by the teachers, was confronted with a situation he had never been in before. But what he didn't know was that he has a certain talent.   

Click, Click, Click  

,, uhh...Correct. '' said my teacher in a shaky voice and with a look that said What the hell is going on here?!  

In stressful situations, a switch was flipped in shin's body that allowed him to stay cool and have a clear head even in those situations. His body basically switches to autopilot and shin just lets his body run unconsciously.  

,, Pew, I can't believe I guessed that question right. '' I said, feeling myself being stared at by the whole class.  

Ding, Dingo  

After the ambush it was lunch time and I went to the Cafeteria where I got something to eat and sat down at a table.  

,, Shin, why don't you sit with us? ''  

,,No, Shin, come sit with us. ''  


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As I said, I got my food and sat down at an empty the dark, cold corner. When I sat down, I saw a spider on the table in front of me.  

,, ,,Sigh, at least I have you Bro '' I said and was about to give the spider a fist bump with my finger when.  


,, May I sit with you? '' asked a girl banging her plate on Bro  


NOOOOO BROOOOOOOO. '' I said inwardly as I saw my best friend dead in front of me.  

While trying to hold back my tears of sadness, I looked up and saw that it was the class president. What did she want from me, the smart and beautiful class president who is loved by everyone in the school. She smiled at me, sat down in front of me and started to eat. She kept looking me in the eye before she started talking to me.  

,, We have never really talked to each other or Shin haha. '' she said and laughed loudly  

In which Shin flipped the switch again completely unconsciously  

,, Haha that's right class president it's not often that a celebrity talks to a normal person. '' I said and started to eat as well.  

,, Please, call me Hina, that's what my friends call me. ''  

Huh? Wouldn't that be a bit too much, I mean you and I are not friends or best friends or anything like that. ''  

,, Hey, Hina, what are you doing here? '' 

While Hina and I were talking, I noticed a group of guys and girls standing near us. I looked at them and saw that they were the arrogant characters I talked about earlier. As expected, Hina was a part of them and someone like me was their natural enemy.  

,, huh? Since when does Hina eat together with Shin. '' asked one of the boys with a look that told me ,, don't look at me with your dirty eyes. ,, ,, Hey, Alex, how am I supposed to understand this? '' said Hina with an angry voice.   

Well, I mean you are the most popular person here at school, don't you think people get the wrong idea when you talk to such a... well... thing? '' he said now with a dirty smile.  

ALEX, it's enou- ''  

,, sigh, thanks for the meal, I'm off then. '' I said and stood up  

,, ahhh, wait Shin. '' Hina said after me  

,, Hey, Alex was the name right? Next time you are together with others or in front of the person you love you should stop talking like that, it's really cringe. '' I said to Alex and left the cafeteria and heard only loud laughter.   

Ding dong, ding dong  

,, Finally, now let's go home. '' I said when I heard the school bells.   

I got up, left my classroom and went downstairs to change my shoes and as I was about to leave I heard someone calling my name from the distance. I turned around and saw that it was Hina running to me waving her hand.  

,, Uh, class president? '' 

,, ,, uh? '' she said angrily   

,, ..... Hina, what's up, is there anything I can do to help you? ''  

,, Oh, no, it's fine, I was just wondering if you wanted to walk home together. ''  

What is it with her, the last few years she hardly paid any attention to me let alone talked to me and now she wants to walk home together ?  I don't know why, but for some reason my gut feeling in that moment told me to be careful.  

,, Sure, if you don't mind. '' I said to her and we both went on our way. ''  

She is really beautiful I said to myself, not to mention that she is a beauty, she is smart and the daughter of a rich family. She is basically perfect, so why would someone like her talk to someone like me.  

,, Ok hina, what's going on here, why would someone like you start talking to someone like me out of nowhere. ''   

,, ... ha-haahahahhahahhahahah. '' 

,, huh? Hina- '' after I asked her that, Hina started laughing out loud, her smile turned into a creepy wide grin.   

Hey, Hina, what the hell is going on with you?  

Sorry Shin but would you please just die?   



,, What's happening here? ''  

Chu Chu   

Before I knew it Hina pushed me over the bridge we were on and as I fell I heard a train in the distance coming towards me fast.   

Ah yes 



So then it's Train-kun.... 



what's happening here?  

Chu Chu   

Before I knew it Hina pushed me over the bridge we were on and as I fell I heard a train in the distance coming towards me fast.   




So then it's Train-kun....  

Please be gentle with me-  



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