How i got rid of my boring life

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 A new Companion

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Thanks for the comments one my first chapter ^^ i really appreciate the help


Chapter 2 A new Companion

‘’ mhhh open inventory. ''  


‘’ OPEN. ''   


I must be able to open my inventory somehow. '' I said while I tried everything in vain to somehow open it.  

But no matter what I did, it was useless except to make me look like a complete idiot. Of course, I also thought that I didn't have an inventory, but as with Hina, my gut told me otherwise. I tried it for a few more minutes, but nothing worked, so I gave it up for now and looked around the hill a bit.   

‘’ Trees, trees, hills and more trees yep, I am here at the ass of the world ha... FUCK. I can't open my inventory, I don't know how to use my skills, I don't know where I am, and I have absolutely nothing on me. '' I said annoyed  

I pondered for a while what to do now before I just decided to explore the forest a bit. So, I closed my eyes, spun around in a circle and pointed my right index finger forward. 

Turn, turn, turn  

‘’ and STOP. ''  

I stopped, opened my eyes then went in the direction my finger was pointing at, maybe my luck in this world had increased. So, I stretched one last time, descended the hill and headed off in that direction. On my way I saw many different animals, and was surprised to find even squirrels, but also other animals that did not exist in our world. After a while, just a few meters in front of me, I saw a bush full of green and blue colored berries.  

.... I remember, I haven't eaten since school, uhhh my mind is telling me no but my belly, my belly is telling me FUCK IT. '' I said taking some of the berries from the bush.  

I looked at them closely and up closely they reminded me of grapes, I smelled them, squeezed them but everything seemed to be ok and then I remembered.  

Add resistance: fire, ice, light, darkness, shock, poison,  

'' I completely forgot that I have resistant to almost everything, so let's see. ''


'' They really taste like ordinary grapes, just a little sweeter, so I'd better pack some of those. '' I said and put as many as I could into my pockets.  

I ate 2 more and started walking again and after what felt like hours, I could finally see something in the distance. It looked like a camp, there were tents, sleeping bags and a campfire site.  

'' Finally, exactly what I needed. '' I said with a smile 

I observed the surroundings a bit more from a bush before I was sure the coast was clear. So, I jumped out of the bush and started began searching the camp, the campfire was out. However, to my surprise, it was still hot. That must mean whoever was here hadn't been gone long. After investigating the campfire further but finding nothing, I made my way to the tents. I went into one and looked around, in front of me was a kind of sleeping mattress, next to it a backpack.  

Well, what do we have here ohhhh a pan.... well better than nothing. '' I said frustrated and continued to search.  

Half an hour later  

‘’ mhh a pan and a gold coin. ''  


‘’ ah ‘’ I'm screwed. ‘’ I said, but then I noticed another tent, which was more remote from the other tents.   

Better to have no expectations and not be disappointed than to have high ones and then be disappointed I said and went to the tent. I opened it and there it was, In the corner of the tent it was lying on the ground.   

'' This-this is. ''  

I went to the corner and picked it up, it was an old...Rusty...Broken...Sword.  

‘’ ...Deep breath Shin everything will be fine at least I have a weapon now, though I have a feeling this thing will pulverize on the first hit but hey could be worse. '' I said with a forced smile.  



‘’ I want to go home, fuck this world I have worse luck here than in my world. '' I said, hiding myself.  



I risked a look through the slit of the tent and saw that there were two goblins. Both had spears in their hands and didn't look like they wanted to sell me anything.   

‘’ Fuck what now, I can't fight with this broken sword. ''   

Of course, now you're wondering why I don't just go out there and beat them, I mean, it's only two goblins. And considering what that female voice said, I'd have to beat them both with one hand, right?   

‘’ IDIOT. ''  

Can I use these "powers" at all? How strong are goblins in this world? Just because they were weak in the games, I played doesn't mean they are weak in this world. I had the idea of cutting a hole through the back of the tent with my sword so i could escape before I  remembered it again.

‘’ Why did I want to be isekaid to another world anyway, to run away like a coward? '' 

So, I mustered up my courage and went out before I thought of something, are monsters like goblins in this world really...monsters?I know from anime and games that just because you're a different race or because you're a monster in the eyes of humans doesn't mean you're a monster. Just because they are goblins doesn't mean they are some dumb mobs. They might be highly evolved goblins who can talk or have a family.  

,, I guess I'd better try talking first. ''   



‘’ Hello, my name is Shin and as you can see, I'm a human, I don't want to hurt you two, but unfortunately, I got lost in the forest- '' 


‘’ annnnnd they attack me. '' I said annoyed.  

The moment I saw them attacking me, I drew my sword and could see one of them running towards me. He stretched out his arm holding the spear as if he was going to pierce me, while the other goblin ran behind me.   

‘’ Could it be that they are trying to encircle me? '' I said confused  


The goblin pulled back his right arm and jumped up, holding the spear with both hands. At that moment, I noticed something because to me it looked like the two of them were moving in slow motion. I looked at the goblin that was about to attack me from above for a while before I took a step to the side. " 




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I could see how the goblin that wanted to attack me from behind pierced his buddy through his stomach with his spear. The goblin fell to the ground and the other goblin looked at me with a furious look.   


He pulled his spear out of his buddy's dead body and ran towards me, at that moment I finally understood that I could just use these superpowers by default. So, I put my sword away and looked the goblin in the eye. This made him angry, and he became faster, but that didn't matter at that moment, as he was about to strike with his spear, I took a step to the side, just like before.  




‘’uh...uh I guess I went a little overboard. ''  

The moment I dodged, I hit the goblin in the stomach with my right fist and it exploded, and only a loud explosion could be heard. There was green blood all over the place and nothing remained of the goblin itself. I looked at the other goblin and noticed that he was still alive. I went to him and saw him covering his wounds on his stomach with his hands.   

‘’ These are definitely not normal mops. '' I said with a cold look  

‘’ You were ready to kill me, weren't you? Then- oh what am I even saying you can't understand me anyways. '' 

I made my right hand into a fist and finished off the injured goblin, and just like his buddy, there was nothing left of him except a pool of green blood and a small crater in the ground.   

‘’ ... It's either you or me. '' I said and turned away from remains of the goblins 

I sat down by the campfire and thought about it, now that I knew I could use my superpowers like this, I had already solved the problem of running through the forest without protection. Now I only had to find out where I was and where the nearest town is.  

‘’ Well, let's get on with it. '' I said and left the camp further in the direction I pointed. 

But after a few meters I noticed that the sun was starting to set, so I wanted to test something. I got into starting position and ran and as expected I was much faster than usual. I ran for a few minutes before I noticed that I ran past some kind of cave. So, I hit the brakes and ran back and saw a hole in a wall. It was quite a big hole and as I approached it, I saw strange writing on the walls. They almost reminded me of cave paintings, but these were different, it was as if someone had chiseled them into the mountain.   

‘’ Why not, a look can't hurt. '' I said and went into the cave. 

The deeper I went, the darker it became, until I could see Nothing anymore, so I went to the wall and felt my way through the cave. It was a cold dark cave, of which every now and then drops from the ceiling dropped so an ordinary cave. I walked a few more meters before I could see a faint light that became brighter and brighter before I could see it. A large, massive door, and like the wall at the cave entrance, the same patterns were on the door. I approached the door and touched it, whereupon it opened, and I could see a staircase going down.  

‘’ So, this must be a dungeon. I said and carefully went down the stairs.   

Once I was at the bottom, I could see a long corridor with two doors in front of me, one on the left and one on the right. After thinking and considering my luck, I went to the right door and opened it ahhhhhhhhh. Just before that, I quickly ran to the left door and opened it, hoping to cheat fate. But to my disappointment, the room was empty except for a skeleton sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. 

‘’ Uh, is that? '' I said as I could see something silvery.   

Looking closely at the skeleton I saw it, a silver sword that was even sparkling. And as the sword sparkled, so did my eyes and I decided to take the sword no matter what. I approached the skeleton carefully and looked at it. It was a normal skeleton, I poked it a few times with my finger, but it did not move. I let out a pleased sigh and reached for the sword. The skeleton was holding it tightly with both hands, so I had to loosen it from the skeleton's hands first. I lifted all of his fingers one by one and after I did that with both hands, the sword slipped out of his hands all by itself.  


‘’ Phew, that was easier than I thought. '' I said and picked up the sword.  



But at that moment I could feel cold air on my neck, it almost felt like someone had blown on my neck. I took the sword and gripped the handle tightly with my right hand before slowly looking up.  



‘’ Huh- ''  


The skeleton, which I thought was dead, looked at me with blood red eyes before letting out a loud scream. And before I could do anything, the skeleton lashed out with his right hand and hit me from the right. I was able to block his blow and jumped back immediately. However, the skeleton didn't care and just as I landed on my feet, it attacked me again. 

This time it stretched out both arms and ran at me like this, almost as if it wanted to hug me. I waited for the right moment and ducked as the skeleton tried to hug me. I threw my sword, which I held in my right hand, into my left, so that I could hit the skeleton with my right hand.  



The skeleton flew into the wall behind it and the wall shattered, burying the skeleton in the rubble. But something worried me immediately at that moment, the explosion was loud and, in a cave, it's probably even louder, that means whatever is still here now knows that I am there. I turned around and ran to the door to see if any mobs would come running. But even after minutes of waiting, no monster came, so I turned around and went to the skeleton again. I removed the debris, but nothing was left of the skeleton except white powder. I looked a little further, hoping to find something valuable but unfortunately, I found nothing.  

‘’ I think I should stop nuking all the mops I see, so maybe I can loot something from them. '' I said and left the room.  

This strength is all well and good, but there must be a downside to it, I said to myself and decided to leave the cave. I walked the stairs and made my way to the exit. When I was finally out of the cave, I noticed that it was already night and so I decided to look for a suitable place to sleep next. But as I moved away from the cave, I heard a loud howl.  

‘’ mhhh? Could that be wolves? '' I asked myself and could see how my questions answered itself.  

Shortly after that I was surrounded by 6 wolves, at least I think they are wolves. Unlike the ones I know, these ones are much bigger and have pitch black fur.  




‘’ They seem to be pretty hungry" I said and drew my new sword. ''  

Thereupon one of the wolves attacked me, he ran directly at me before he jumped at me, I used my speed to run towards him. When I was right on top of him, I stabbed upwards with my sword and pierced the wolf's belly. The wolf only whimpered before sliding down my sword. I looked to the right and left and saw two wolves attacking me from the side. I waited for the right moment and jumped into the air whereupon the two wolves collided. Once I was in the air, I targeted one of the other wolves and shot the dead wolf that was still on my sword at it. The wolf flew back from the hit and was buried under the dead wolf. 

‘’ 2 dead 4 are missing. '' I said, dropping behind the two wolves who collided with each other. 

Shortly after I touched the ground and saw them regain consciousness, I decapitated them both with two quick sword strokes. Both their headless bodies fell to the ground and blood spurted from their necks. I looked forward again and saw the last two wolves. But they seemed to be afraid when they saw me decapitate the 2 so they ran away whimpering.  

‘’ sigh, so that would be done, too. '' 

Before I could even finish my sentence, I felt my whole body start to tingle and told me behind you. I turned around and saw them again, the blood-red eyes of a skeleton.   

‘’ so, there was another one of you after all, then-huh I'm going to.... '' At that moment I noticed how my vision was fading and my body was getting weaker.   

So weak that I could barely stand on my feet.....  



‘’ uhh Lvl...up? What- ''  

It's about time, leave the rest to me.   

‘’ Who...are you? '' I said as I realized that I was regaining my strength.  

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