How My Pretty Boy Cultivation Experience Got Screwed Over By Gods, Demons, and Protagonists~

Chapter 4: Violet and Registration 1.4

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I and the others quickly followed the elder and soon reached a huge ancient gate. The gate had several golden dragons riding a cloud so the visual impact was quite big. And in the uppermost part of the gate [Floating Cloud Sect] was written in huge bold words.

When I observed the words, I felt sharp pain so I quickly withdrew my gaze.

The elder who seemed to have sensed something quickly warned.

"Don't look at the carvings too much. This was written by the respected first sect leader of the floating cloud sect, Yuan Ze. You disciples who have yet not cultivated could not bear the residual qi left by the sect leader."

To be honest, I would have liked it if he had warned earlier so I did not have to suffer the sharp pain but this also serves as a reminder. A reminder, that this is not a game but the real world. If I become proud of having future knowledge from the games then the things that were not mentioned in the game will make me suffer a lot later on.

I quickly gathered my thoughts and looked at the elder talking to a guard and showing some type of card. The guard soon bowed and opened the door.

Then Elder turned towards us and introduced himself to us for the first time.

"You all can call me Elder Ye. I am the outer sect elder of the Floating Cloud Sect. You all are the privileged few who can step into the realm of cultivation. You must know that cultivation is not all about raising realms but also strengthening our hearts. I hope that all of your cultivation journeys will be successful. But for now, Welcome to the Floating Cloud Sect."

"Oh Wow." Several people gasped. They seemed to finally accept the fact that from now on they will start their cultivation.

I was also quite shaken by the speech of the now-known Elder Ye. He must have put qi in his voice to make his speech so effective. It was quite amazing, to be honest.

This also means that I have taken the first step to becoming Immortal.


I looked at the Floating cloud sect impressed.

The bilateral symmetry of the various buildings we passed seemed to signify balance. "noice."

While walking I looked at the various outer sect disciples. They were all wearing various Taoist robes and wielding several kinds of weapons from swords, and axes to halberds.

Soon, They reached a big building with a board that said [Registration Hall]

"This is the Registration Hall. All the new disciples will register here and then they will be assigned to different courtyards. All of you can enter and obtain your identification jade so that you will officially be a disciple of the sect."

Saying that Elder Xu turned toward them and motioned us toward the hall.

Soon, disciples started to move towards the Registration hall and formed a single line. I waited a bit and then joined the line at the end so that I could collect my thoughts.

I looked at the beginning of the line where Xiao Han, was staring hatefully at Xiao Tian, while Xiao Tian seemed to be closing his eyes and ignoring them. Was he communicating with his portable grandpa?

While my thoughts wander around, I felt a pat on the back. I looked back and in front of me was a grinning face.

I turned back coming face to face with a pink-haired girl...girls. The ones who called me were a pair of pink-haired girls. Their countenance was similar, so they were probably sisters.

Of course, while his thoughts were quickly running, I asked the girls. "Yes?"

The girl who seemed to be older of the two replied, "Hello. I'm Qin Yue and this is my baby sister liuli."

Qin Yue proceeded to pat liuli's head much to the younger sister's annoyance.

"Qin Yue! Stop it!" Qin Yue let out a smirk before stopping to tease Liuli.

I let out a sincere smile seeing the sister's interaction. Much to my amusement, the sisters seemed a little dazed.

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"Nice to meet you." I slowly said before continuing. "My name is Bai Yu."

"You are a real, cutie, you know that." Qin Yue said being enamored by my face.

"Not really," I said a bit drily.

Qin Yue seemingly sensing my mood changed the topic. "So, Bai Yu, you are not from the Blue Flame city, are you?"

"No. I am just a wanderer and happened to stumble on the recruitment." I say seeing a hint of curiosity in both sisters.

I was not that surprised by their curiosity. A beautiful person who appeared out of nowhere, possessing a rare spiritual root, just seems like a recipe to peak people's curiosity.

From my answer, Qin Yue's eyes seemed to flash a bit before continuing, "So, Bai Yu, how about we become friends? After all, all of us are going to be fellow disciples from now on."

I nodded at the sudden proposal, "Sure."

Pink-haired, twins, Qin clan. I remember that both of these girls were named characters in [Cultivation Online] so it seems wise to be acquainted with them. Not only are they from a major clan, but they both also seemed good-natured, at least on the surface.

The three of us chatted a bit, and from the conversation, I also realize that both of these girls have already cultivated. Of course, when asked about my personal details, I just avoided talking about them, diverting their attention.

Soon, it was my turn to enter the Registration hall, so I quickly bid farewell to the pair of girls but not before promising to wait for them.

I entered the Registration hall and walked toward the counter. There was a senior sister who was busily scribbling something on a paper.

"Excuse me! I am here to register as a new disciple." I said to the senior sister

The senior sister looked at me briefly before handing me a form and said, "Fill this out."

I looked at the form.

The question on the form was simple. They asked for a name, aptitude, address, and so on. On the back of the form was a note, allowing them to fill in other information they deemed as important.

I quickly filled out the form and handed it back to the senior sister.

The sister accepted the form and pressed it on the crystal ball in front of her as if registering something, then she looked at my form.

"Name Bai Yu, Top grade spiritual root...You are quite a lucky junior. A top-grade spiritual root is quite rare in the sect."

"Yes," I say as the sister continued to record my information before turning my form.

The sister seemed puzzled at first then looked at me then looked at my form.

"Sister? Is something wrong?" Is there any problem with the details I have provided...

Senior sister as if realizing her gaffe coughed and asked "You are a boy?"

I heaved a sigh of relief. It seems nothing went wrong.

"Yes, senior sister."

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