How the heck did we end up together?

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Blossoming Friendship- Part 2

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It didn't take long for Haruki to be able to walk on his own again. Within a short span of two days, his ankle had completely retained its normal shape, and it took two more for him to go back to being as active as he'd always been.

During that entire time, Ginger always visited. However, rather than just being straight-forward and admitting that he'd come to see Haruki, he'd make up excuses like "I can't trust you to be alone with a broken leg," or even, "I think I left this and that at your place..." even though there wouldn't be anything of the sort.

Truth was, he was slowly getting used to Haruki's company.

And Haru could say the same about Ginger.

"And that's another win for me!" Haru claimed proudly after beating Ginger in another round of a one on one combat game. Out of the seven rounds they'd played so far, he'd won five. The other two had belonged to Ginger, but that'd been mainly because of Haruki's sympathy.

Ginger threw down his controller and leaned back against the couch, feeling discouraged as he mumbled, "I'm no good at this."

"But you're really getting better. Three days ago, you'd have thrown a fit after losing three combat matches in a row," Haruki cajoled.

That first day, after offering to play some video games with Ginger, he'd discovered just how terrible the kid was in playing. He'd never even held a controller before in his entire life. It was a miracle he knew how to press some buttons at all.

Ginger scoffed after hearing that statement, as if to say, that doesn't make anyone feel better.

"Then you want to race instead?" Haru offered.

That was even worse for Ginger. He immediately sat upright, "Let have a few more rounds. I think I'm getting the hang of it."

"If you say so," Haru selected the rematch button on his controller and got his avatar ready, "Here goes?"

Ginger nodded, "I'm ready."

Haru's eyes fell on Gingers slightly trembling hands, causing him to snicker, "It's as if you're in a war zone all of a sudden— hold on," he took a closer look, "That's not right."

"En?" Ginger glanced down at his own hands and then back at Haru, seeming confused, "What?"

"You're holding it all wrong," Haru pointed out, then after a while on contemplating, corrected himself, "I know people hold these things differently but the way you're doing it is completely, sigh. Let me just show you."

With that, he paused their game and stood from his place, walking over to face Ginger before squatting on one knee and examining the situation. After a while, he tried imitating the way he held his own controller, but this time using Ginger's hands.

Ginger just sat there with an aloof expression on his face. He even raised a brow after a while, seeing that Haru's method was getting them nowhere, "Do you even know what you're doing?"

"Hmm," Haru seemed to be thinking hard.

Is he really going to exhaust all his brain cells because of this? Ginger was just about to speak again when Haru suddenly stood up, climbed up the couch Ginger was sitting on, and went behind him.

"W-what are you doing?" Ginger stammered, shocked.

"Eh?" Haruki saw nothing wrong with what he was doing as he came up from behind Ginger, "You've got some kind of touch aversion or something?"

As if Ginger would casually accept defeat, "N-no, like I'd be scared of a little touch from a weirdo like you! What are you even doing?"

"I was getting it wrong coz the controller was upside from where I stood," he explained, "So I thought 'what better way than to act like I'm the one holding it'. It'll only take a minute. But if you're embarrassed then—"

"As if that's anything embarrassing!" Ginger immediately focused ahead, ears already turning red, "Just get it over with."

I was only messing with him, Haru thought and took over from behind him, guiding Ginger's hands on how to hold the device right. At least now I can see what I'm doing more clearly.

Meanwhile, Ginger's mind seemed to be in complete turmoil. He had no idea why he felt so embarrassed. It was probably because he'd never gotten this physically close to anyone before. Anyone other than his mother of course. He'd kept most people at arm's length.

So he just sat there, feeling Haruki's warmth hovering so close to his entire back. Even the hands Haru was guiding had already gone numb.

"There, that's it," Ginger almost jumped when he heard Haru's voice so close to his ear, causing it to tingle, "I think you'll better holding it this way."

"Oh... yeah," Ginger mumbled as Haru finally withdrew from behind him and took his own seat, taking hold of his own controller.

"Now then, let's try it this way. See if it's any better," he pressed the 'start' button before the two got engaged in the game.

However, Ginger still lost in the end. Haru wasn't even sure if he'd gotten better. In fact, he felt as if Ginger had gotten worse. Thus he leaned back against the couch, releasing a disappointed sigh, "Well that sucks. I think I just worsened your situation."

Ginger just stared down at his hands and the controller, engulfed in his own thoughts.

Haru cast him a glance after receiving no response, and thought the kid was angry. He was just about to apologize when Ginger spoke before him.

"You didn't," he said, his eyes never leaving the controller, "My head wasn't in the game."

"Hmm?" Haru raised a brow, not quite understanding, when his mobile suddenly vibrated beside him. Even without looking, he knew who was calling.

After spending quite a few days at Haru's house, Ginger had a rough idea as well.

"Your mom?"

"Yep," Haru nodded before answering the call, "Hey old hag."


"But you are quite old," the two heard Akashi tease in the background, causing Maki to fume even more.

Haruki simply put the phone far from his ear, having grown used to this kind of bickering.

Ginger could hear their entire conversation, even though Haru's mobile wasn't on 'speaker', and the days he'd spent at his house had been enough for him to notice how close Haruki was with both his parents. He seemed to be never embarrassed when talking to them in front of him; not that he was being disrespectful either.

It just showed just how comfortable he was when Ginger was around.

Any other normal person would excuse themselves when attending a call.

"Alright then 'mommy dear'," Haru teased even more, causing Maki to release a defeated sigh.

"Whatever, just listen," she went back to the reason why she'd called before her usual time, "If all goes well at the meeting today, then it's safe to say that we might be able to make it home before dinner."

Haruki immediately sat up straight, his eyes suddenly brimming with hope, "You serious? I thought you'd take another day or two."

"Well, your dad made sure to work a little extra to make up for those other two days, almost never even getting an ounce of rest. It was all so that we could come back sooner and spent more time of the vacation with you," Maki explained.

"Old hag, if you're lying..."

This time Maki didn't refute, feeling a little glad that at least her son was looking forward to their return. She could hear the excitement in his voice.

And so could Ginger.

Even though he saw no reason for it, he still felt a little upset.

Still, he kept it to himself and even wore a small smile for Haru's sake. He'd known how much he'd missed his parents from how often Haru had always spoken admirably about them. He'd often told him that even though they were always busy, they'd always make up for it during the little time on leave they had.

I guess now that they're coming back, I won't get to see him as much, Ginger thought, his eyes falling back onto the controller. He'd had his fun while it lasted, and now it was about time he'd returned to his reality before he got too comfortable.

"And you're not kidding about coming today?" Haru asked excitedly.

"Of course," Maki proclaimed, "At most, the meeting should be two hours. After the deal is down, it'll take us another two or three to come back. No time wasted."

"When's this meeting then? It's already past two o'clock," Haru told her.

"It won't begin until three," Maki said but then heard Akashi in the background reminding her of how she'd gotten the time wrong again, "Oh, make that half two then. Your father's already rushing me here."

"Then go, you hag, or else you'll be late," Haru immediately urged. He'd already stood to his feet, and it seemed as if he was ready to jump into the phone. The sight was quite comic.

"Well this is a surprise, you're usually never this excited for our return," Maki noted. Of course Haru would be happy at times, but this was a little too much, even for him.

"Of course I want you guys to hurry coz you have to meet someone."

The statement hung in Ginger's ears, and for a brief moment he thought he'd heard wrong. It was only when he raised his head to stare at Haru when he found the other looking back at him, a cheeky grin spreading across his lips.

His heart suddenly beat faster. Me?

As if in response of his unspoken question, Haru threw a playful wink before snickering at his mother's amused reaction.

"You want us to meet someone? You want us to meet an actual person?"

"En, my friend."

Ginger's heartstrings got pulled at. He really wants me to meet his parents? Me?

"Now I've got something to look forward to," Maki sounded excited, "We're definitely making it today. You stupid kid, why didn't you tell us that you'd made a friend sooner?!"

"Uh," Haru awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. He looked genuinely embarrassed, "Can we just talk about that later, mom?"

"Eh? You sound embarrassed. Is that 'friend' in the room with you?" Maki curiously asked and before Haru knew what was going on, she yelled on top of her voice, "HARU'S FRIEND, ARE YOU THERE? SORRY MY IDIOT SON DIDN'T INTRODUCE YOU UNTIL NOW. I REALLY HAD NO IDEA—"

"Okay, see you later byeeee," and with that, Haru immediately hung up, his face a light shade of pink. He turned to see Ginger just as flustered, his eyes locked onto the huge TV screen, as if completely avoiding the other person's eyes.

"You mom really is interesting," he spoke after a while.

"Crazy's what she is," Haruki sat back down onto the couch, tossing his mobile aside and heaving a sigh, "I hope you don't mind staying for dinner. Ha, ha, I should've asked first before making the decision for you."

"It's all good," Ginger's tone was low.

Haru noticed and scratched his head, "Sorry I didn't tell them about you sooner. I just didn't think you'd be into that kind of stuff."

"Then, why'd you decide to do it now? What if we're not friends in the future?" Ginger asked, his tone still low. He played around with the controller in his hands, not really looking up. "Isn't that making them prone to disappointment?"

"What makes you so sure we won't be friends in even ten more years to come?" Haruki asked back with a hint of a smile. After witnessing Ginger's surprised reaction, he added, "At this point, they're just glad I was able to make a friend to begin with. So even if it won't work out in the future, at least they'd have seen how great a friend I once had."

Ginger was genuinely touched though he never expressed it.

"And I really want you to meet them. After all, you're the one who took care of me while I was hurt," Haru mentioned.

"I wasn't taking care of you, dumbass," Ginger mumbled.

"Aww, you were like my little concerned brother. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Screw you!" Ginger yelled out of habit but then toned down his tone after a while, "This feels more like you're guilt-tripping me into staying over for dinner."

"Is it working?"

At this point, Ginger didn't want to argue anymore so he ignored his question and said instead, "One more round."

Haru smiled, knowing that he'd already won him over. As they played, Haru suddenly asked, "Any suggestions for dinner?"

Ginger cast him a baffled look, "Why are you asking me this?"

"You're the guest after all," Haru reminded before saying, "You'll lose again, concentrate."

Ginger did so, but his mind was already wandering, "It's your parents who are coming, not mine. You know what suits their tastes."

"Isn't it the same for everyone?"


"Really?" Haru pondered on it for a while before saying, "Then it's just you."

Ginger, "???"

"Your tastes are very similar to Mom's. So just say anything that comes to mind," Haru told him, "I'm sure you've got something you feel like eating. Maybe a favorite food you miss?"

Ginger stayed quiet. He appeared to be thinking; even his hands paused in their movements.

Whoa, he looks like he might crack his skull like this, Haru thought.

"Curry rice," he spoke after a while, "If that's okay."

"Curry rice, huh? We haven't had that in a while now," Haru approved of the idea immediately, "Although, we'll have to go out and buy a few more of the ingredients to make it."

"You really know how to make it?" Ginger couldn't help but be amused. He only suggested it on a whim, guessing that it'd be too difficult for Haru to make, causing him to finally decide on his own.

Then again, he'd secretly hoped for this to happen. He did miss it after all.

"Yeah, it's not hard," Haruki answered his previous question.

Of course an abnormal kid like you would say that, Ginger thought. Was there anything this boy didn't know to make?

"Who taught you how to cook?" he suddenly asked. Despite seeing him cook for the past few days, he'd never bothered to ask this trivial question. He even surprised himself when he finally asked, since he hadn't intended on doing so before.

"The old hag did," Haru answered proudly, "You'd think she was a chef or something in her past life. She even says my cooking's a lot better than Mei's."


Oh crap! Haru laughed it off, "My sister. But it's really..."

"I didn't know you had a sister," Ginger seemed genuinely interested, which was a rare thing for Haruki to see. So of course he couldn't shut him off and pretend Ayame didn't exist.

He replied him honestly, a little glad that Ginger had shown interest in him for once, "I do have one, but she just recently went to study in the U.S."

"Whoa, how old is she?"

"Eighteen this year."

"She's still so young yet she's way out there already," Ginger wore a fascinated grin, showing just how childish he truly was, "You must brag about her a lot."

"Not particularly. But I am happy that she got the chance," Haruki sounded stiff but still wore a cheery smile.

However, what he didn't know was Ginger was a kid very capable of reading people's true feelings.

Despite seeing the smile, he thought, then why does he look so sad?

"What kind of juice will you buy with the curry?" Ginger changed the subject.

"Eh? I didn't even think of juice," Haru seemed relieved, "Good idea Ginger. Hey, since you really like curry, today's the day you finally learn how to make it."

"I-I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Don't worry, I'll be instructing you on what to do. You won't get the chance to burn anything since I'll be there to help you," Haruki promised.


The time Ginger had been dreading finally came. Meeting someone else's parents had never been part of today's schedule. He wasn't sure if they'd even like him, for goodness sake.

Haru's parents arrived about thirty minutes before the two boys had finished preparing an early dinner, and during that entire time, Ginger wasn't sure how to act.

Perhaps they'd notice that he was bratty and warn Haruki not to hang around him.

Maybe they'd find out who he really was and chase him away!

In the past, trivial things like these never bothered him. Then why now?

No, no, he didn't care what happened. Even if he'd never get to meet Haru again, that'd be fine. He was troublesome person anyway, so he didn't care.

Or at least, that's how he wished he could think.

In truth, this meeting would be his real hope of trying to make an actual friend, so of course he was nervous!

But who knew Akashi and Maki Fukuda would treat him as if they'd known him for a long time, as if he'd been acquainted to their son for even longer.

"I can imagine how much of a trouble he's been while we were gone," Maki commented at the dinner table, "It's good to know that he had someone to look after him."

Ginger couldn't help but think, these people do realize that we just met a few days ago, right?

"He wasn't trouble at all," Ken lied. After all, earlier when the two of them had been in the kitchen, Haru had practically begged him not to say a word about his ankle or head.

"They'll freak out as if I'm already on my death bed if they know. Just don't mention that incident, please!!!"

"He hasn't been forcing you to hang around with him all day and play video games?" Maki asked. The woman knew her son all too well.

"Hey, I don't force anyone, I didn't force him," Haru protested with his mouth still full, "He did all that voluntarily."

"Finish your food first, dear," Maki reminded, making Haru behave himself.

"Actually," Ginger answered after a while, "He did make me play video games with him, but it wasn't force."

Haruki nodded in satisfaction.

"You sure?" the woman asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Ginger humbly shook his head, "In fact, he was like an older brother I never had."

Maki, "..."

Akashi, "..."

Haru, "..." Aye?

Both parents threw glances at Haruki simultaneously.

You are reading story How the heck did we end up together? at

"What's with those expressions?" Haru had to ask, baffled.

"How much did you bribe him for him to praise you?" Akashi asked first.

"Or are you just blackmailing him?" Maki asked before turning a concerned look at Ginger, "Is he blackmailing you dear?"

"What do you people take me for?!!!" Haruki felt extremely wronged.

"That's not it at all, Mrs. Fukuda," Ginger waved a hand as if to try and sober up the situation. "I mean, no one's ever fussed over me like that in the past, so I was glad." And honestly, I just picked up some of the words he used on me earlier.

Still, Haru couldn't help but be a little stunned and stared at the kid for a while.

Maki on the other hand looked as if she'd explode because of the cuteness overload Ginger was currently displaying.

She waved her hands crazily at Akashi, "Do you see? Honey, look at this. Our Rue-rue actually made a kid his age happy."

Haruki felt insulted, "You make it sound like I'm some kind of monster."

However, Maki had her full attention on Ginger as she continued assuring him sweetly, "Dear, just call me aunty. No need for formalities, okay?"

Ginger flushed, then immediately glanced down at his food, feeling embarrassed.

This family wastes no time at all. What if I'm a bad influence on their son?

Akashi, who'd been staring at the kid for a while now, finally asked decisively, "Have we met somewhere before?"

Ginger gave him a confused look and thought long and hard before shaking his head in the end. "No sir, I don't think we have."

"Really?" Akashi slowly nodded then waved his hand with a smile, dismissing the subject. "Then I must have mistaken you for someone else. Forget I mentioned it."

"So Ginger dear, how old are you exactly?" Maki asked, casting her son another glare, "This idiot son of mine wouldn't tell me a thing about you."

That's because he wouldn't tell me a thing. I'm just as curious as you, Haruki complained internally.

Ginger seemed to hesitate before saying in a low voice, "Mrs. — Aunty, actually, my name isn't Ginger."

Maki, "..."

Akashi, "..."

Haruki face-palmed himself. I completely forgot about that.

However, while he was still thinking, he felt a sudden chill down his spine, and hesitantly cast a glance in his mother's direction.

Though she wasn't looking at him, he could tell that she was radiating some kind of dark aura directed towards him at this very moment.

I'd better find an excuse to leave the table quick before things go south for me, Haru thought and made as if to stand for him seat, only to get pinned down by his mother's hand under the table. She did this unnoticeably, that the other two present sensed nothing wrong at all.

However, Haru froze, feeling a cold sweat start to accumulate.

Maki was wearing a smile the entire time, "Is that so? I take it that he just came up with a random nickname just to spite you then?"

Ginger contemplated for a while, "That may be so."

"HUH? Don't pin this on me when you're the one who didn't— mph!!" he'd ended his statement with muffled sounds because his mother had suddenly turned and used her chopsticks to stuff a huge chunk of meat into his mouth with great skill and precision.

Ginger actually flinched at the sight, a little terrified.

Akashi was still as normal as ever, asking Ginger, "Our apologies, we didn't know. Then what is your name?"

"Kentaro. It's Kentaro Nomura," the kid said.

Kentaro... So that's it? Haru thought chewing on that meat piece. That guess had been far from his mind.

"Nomura?" Maki turned back to him, looking as if nothing had happened just now. She really seemed interested.

"What is it?" Akashi asked.

"Nothing, it just sounds a little familiar that's all," Maki smiled but said nothing more of it.

Now that she thought about it, there was something about Ken that seemed very familiar to her: his face, his actions... Perhaps that's why she'd been able to quickly get used to him within a short time-span.

She went on to ask, "How old are you?"

"I'm twelve."

"Ha, I knew it!" Haru shot up from his seat, grabbing everyone's attention.

At this point, Maki had completely given up on him. Hence, she asked Ken with a sweet smile, "Would you like to take Haru's place and be our new son? We can't deal with 'that' anymore."


After dinner, Haruki offered to accompany Kentaro part of the way home, since it was already going dark outside. Up to now, he still kept recalling what had happened at the dinner table, including the moment his own mother had attempted to get rid of him. But putting that aside...

"I thought you said you lived alone," Haru spoke as the two walked together in the direction of Ken's home, "I didn't know you had a nanny."

"She's a housekeeper."

"Aren't they the same thing?"

Ken sighed, "Well... yeah, that," Ken's voice was almost inaudible.

"But the last time I asked—"

"She was on leave," Ken cut him short, "She's back now so it doesn't matter."

Haruki, "Oh-Kay?"

"I like your parents," Kentaro spoke honestly. He had his head down the entire way as he spoke, as if he was constantly in deep thought. "They're so welcoming and warm."

"Even though they tried to replace me?" Haru snickered.

"My point exactly."

"Eh? What's that supposed to mean?"

Ken gave a slight smile, "I'm only kidding. What I mean is that they were quick to accept me."

"See, I told you there was no need to be so nervous," Haru told him.

The younger kid thought to himself, feeling an odd sense of relief, yeah.

"Hey, Ken," Haru started after a while, "I'm not sure if you were just messing with me or not but why'd you lie about your age?"

Kentaro didn't immediately respond.

"I mean, I could be wrong but you genuinely seemed like you wanted me to believe you were fourteen years old the first time we met. Why though? Is it because you thought I'd bully you if you were younger?"

He nodded.

"Does making yourself older make any difference though?" Haruki casually tucked his hands into his pockets as he walked, "You're still tiny."

"But if people thought I was older, then they'd respect me more," Ken said. 

Haruki observed him for a while before saying, "Hate to break it to you but, the older you get, the more of a victim you are to bullying."

"No, I don't believe you," Ken was determined to defend his theory.

"Well, do you know how to fight then?"


"I see," Haruki simply nodded his head but went quiet after that.

Kentaro could tell by the guy's tone that the guy believed his point of view belonged in the trash if he didn't know how to fight, so he could only defend his point.

"It's how I've lived this entire time," Ken said bluntly, "But of course you wouldn't understand since you've never been bullied."

"You think so?"

"Just say what you really want to say, Haruki."

"Well, first, your theory's absurd, coz if you want to play a fourteen-year-old while you look twelve (which you are), you'll only get more bullied. I don't think most kids would respect a senior who looks tinier, timid and weaker than them," Haru explained, "I get that there are older people out there with younger appearances but you're not one of them, so there's no point in acting like you are and only get bad outcomes in the process."

"As if admitting I'm young is any better," Ken's tone was a little raised now, as if he was slowly getting irritated, "I might even get the worst of it if they know I'm a little defenseless brat."

"Well, aren't you?"


"And you've got it backwards," Haru corrected, "Once they know you're just a little kid, they might decide to take it a little easy on you. There's no rush in trying to grow up."

"Just because you're taller," Ken muttered.

"Just because I'm taller than you, doesn't mean I'm the tallest person on earth," Haru puffed a laugh, "In fact, I used to get into fights a lot when I was younger, precisely because I was the shorter kid."

"You say that as if you know how to fight."

"But I do know how," Haru held up his right fist and patted his slender upper arm with his left hand, as if trying to show off a bicep, "And I'm badass."

As if anyone would believe that bull-crap, Ken thought, but in the end, this conversation lifted up his spirits after they'd sunken down.

"Speaking of, you lost a watch to some fatty, didn't you?" Haru remembered, "You said so that day."

"Forget it, it's all in the past," Ken told him.

"But if you want it back, I can go get it back for you. Just show me the way."

"I'd rather not," Ken shook his head. You'd just get both of us into trouble.

"If you say so," Haru replaced his hands in his pockets again, "How old is that fatty anyway?"

"He's big. Maybe a high school freshman."

"Ha? A person that old? He's got no shame," Haru clicked his tongue.

Ken didn't speak for a while for a while, but then later asked, "Just now, were you serious about being a good fighter, or were you just trying to sound cool?"

"Show me where the fatty and his gang are and I'll show you," Haru half-smirked.

Just forget it then, Ken thought.

"But seriously though, if someone bullies you again, I want you to tell me, okay?" Haruki didn't look like he was bluffing.

It almost gave Ken the chills. But being as self-conceited as he was, he wouldn't admit defeat.

"Why would I bother telling you?" he asked with a snort, "As if I've nothing better to do."

"We're buds, so of course I'll help you when you get into trouble," Haru said as he shook his head in disbelief, "Honestly, this kid."

Ken was quiet again. Who knew that in the next moment, he'd say something completely unexpected?

"I don't remember ever agreeing to be friends with you."

His voice was low, and his tone indifferent, as if he really didn't care.

Haruki was really at a loss. Again?

It wasn't like Ken was lying. He'd never agreed. He'd told him that he only came by his house because he'd felt guilty about being the cause of his injury.

But it still stung realizing that the kid had meant it.

Haruki awkwardly scratched his head and gave a little laugh, "Oh, that's right. You never did—"

"But I want to give it a try."

"Eh?" those words had come so suddenly, that Haru was sure he'd misheard.

Ken avoided his eyes with puffed cheeks, "You just seem like a good person. So whatever."

By now, Haru knew how embarrassed Ken would get whenever he spoke about his feelings. He knew he'd hesitate a lot too.

Ken turned back to look when the other person took too long to respond, only to find the guy staring at him with a huge grin on his face.

He became even more flustered, "What's with that look?!"

"You said I was a good person."


"I'm happy," Haru admitted, ruffling the kid's hair, "And I'm glad that you finally said 'yes'."

Ken tried hard to shake away Haru's hand as he retorted, "I didn't say 'yes' to anything, idiot. Don't make it sound like a proposal!"

"It's only weird if you make it weird."


Finally, once they'd reached a certain point, Ken decided that it was time for them to part ways.

"I can still walk you a little further," Haru offered but Ken stopped him almost immediately.

"I'll be fine on my own."

"Hmm, you scared I might see you run-down home?" Haru teased, "That's why you don't ever want me to visit."

"Trust me, my home is a lot bigger than yours," Ken flatly asserted.

Jeez, I already knew that much, but saying it straight to my face? So cold...

"Alright," Haru turned to leave, "Goodnight then. See you tomorrow, Ken."


Haru was sure there was something sad about that tone but decided not to pry on the matter. He knew Ken would just deny it anyway.

But I am a little curious to know more about him to be honest. He never tells me anything much. And when I mentioned his nanny he seemed a bit off...

Haru had just walked a couple of feet when he suddenly heard rushed footsteps from behind him, then a voice calling out for his name. He turned to see Ken standing opposite him, his breathing a little heavy.

"What, did you forget something?" he asked.

"I," the boy seemed a little abashed, even turning his gaze slightly away from his. It was evident he had something to say, but was too embarrassed to say it.


When he called his name, the kid seemed to be even more ashamed, his face reddening even more with the darkening sky, "T-that name... Does it mean you'll stop calling me Ginger?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Haru arched a brow, "I thought you disliked that nickname."

"It's just, I'm not used to you calling me by my real name, so..." he trailed off, unable to continue anymore. This really was an embarrassing situation for him.

However, Haruki already understood the situation, "I knew that name would grow on you. Isn't that right, 'G.I.N.G.E.R'?"

Ken looked away completely, feeling regretful already. He's going to remind me of this moment in the future, I just know it!

"Which reminds me, let's exchange contact info," he suggested but only received a weird look from Ken. He went on, "Sigh, it's finally official that we're friends right? What wrong with exchanging that information. So secretive."

"It's not that," Ken told him. "I don't have a phone."

Haruki thought, Oh. Then after a while remarked, "Huh???"

"Give me your email," Ken suggested, "I have a computer."

A computer-computer? Haru thought no more about it and just told Ken, who repeated it to himself a few times before nodding.

"You'd better check your mail when you get home or I swear I'm never talking to you again," Kentaro said and turned to leave.

No goodnight or anything.

Haruki just stood there speechlessly. Uh, okay?

But just as promised, about thirsty minutes after he'd returned home and retired to his room, he received his first email from Kentaro Nomura. 

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