How the heck did we end up together?

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Blossoming Friendship- Part 3

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The summer vacation Haruki had first started thinking it would be complete hell actually ended up being one of the best in Haruki's life. He dreaded having it come to an end, since it meant he and Ken wouldn't be seeing each other as much. For one, he'd forgotten to ask where Ken would be attending his middle school, which meant he wouldn't be able to visit his school when he wanted to.

But none of that really mattered since Kentaro always visited.


Even if schools did open, Haruki felt certain that wouldn't stop the kid from coming to his house.

Or at least, that's what he'd thought at first.

Who knew just a week before schools opened, Ken would suddenly stop visiting him?

He also stopped emailing, which was weird because the kid made sure to email every day.

Haruki wrote to him countless times, but none of his emails got replied.

This kind of behavior from Ginger worried him, but even if Haruki wanted to go confirm if things were okay, he had no idea where Ginger lived. That brat never told him.

It was as if the kid had just suddenly vanished into thin air.


Haruki had always dreaded the start of a new term. Most people would just be in groups, discussing about what they'd have done during the vacation.

As if that's any important. That time's already gone, so just get over it, he thought as he sat quietly at his seat by the window, minding his own business with his gaze outside.

Even some teachers wouldn't attend their respective classes during the first days, which only gave Haru more free time to hate it all.

"Hey, Fukuda, whatcha spacing out for?" a familiar voice suddenly called out to him, snapping him from his daze. He turned to see one of his classmates calling out to him, "Its lunch already. Aren't you coming?"

Takumi Shimoda. He was one of the few people Haruki ever had decent prolonged conversations with. The two of them had met during the first term when they had to do a biology project together, and since that time, they'd gotten along. In fact, if it hadn't been for the fact that Takumi lived way on the other side of town, Haruki was certain they would have been closer as friends. The reason why they never met up during the holidays was because Takumi, just like most of Haru's attempted friends, would always leave town to visit friends or family.

Takumi stood with another kid, Tadashi Matsui. Most of the time this guy was quiet and liked to mind his own business. At first, the only reason why he and Haru even spoke to begin with had been because of Takumi since they'd known each since childhood. However, after a long while of awkwardness, Haruki and Tadashi also grew accustomed to each other's company.

"You guys go on ahead," Haruki waved a hand, "I've got other plans at the moment."

"Cool," Takumi nodded before he and Tadashi left conversing between themselves.

Eventually, the entire class left to go to their respective lunch areas, leaving Haru alone in the empty classroom staring distantly out his window.

His mobile, which he'd long since placed on top of his desk, vibrated, informing him of yet another message he'd received. Ever since morning, texts from countless unknown numbers had been popping up on his screen, and it was starting to annoy him. Sadly, he couldn't mute them since he hoped at least one of them would be from Ken.

If he saw an unknown number on display, he'd immediately think of ignoring. But then a voice in the back of his mind would keep warning of the possibilities of Ken using a new number, so he'd have to browse through ever message which came his way.

This time, he did the same thing only to feel disappointed again.

It appeared he'd mistakenly opened a love confession.

This is only the second day people, he thought and finally gave up, muting his phone and shoving it into his jacket pocket before standing to his feet.

"I might as well just go home since there's nothing serious going on here," he mused to himself and slung his bag across his shoulder before stepping out of his class and into the hallway.

I can't believe that little punk decided to ghost me. Honestly, he could have at least sent an email beforehand, telling me what he planned on doing. I wonder which school he ended up attending.

"Fukuda-kohai," Haru hadn't even rounded the corner when he suddenly heard his name being called. He turned to see a familiar girl standing behind him, seeming a little out of breath. If it wasn't for the fact that he'd gotten acquainted with her in one of the school clubs he'd joined, he wouldn't have even remembered her last name.

"Suzuki-sempai?" he asked, unsure of himself as he gave a small bow of acknowledgement.

"That's right, but most people just call me Tsuu," she returning the bow.

Tsuu? Only then did he recall her name. Oh, Matsumi Suzuki from class 2-2.

"You're the Judo Club's manager, aren't you?" he confirmed.

She nodded.

"I see," he started feeling awkward, not quite sure of the reason behind her visit. Had he forgotten something? Was that why she'd personally come looking for him? In the end, he could only dumbly inquire, "I'm sorry, was there a club meeting today?"

"No, not at all," she suddenly shifted her gaze to the floor, all embarrassed. "I did say I had something to tell you earlier."


"To be honest, I didn't think you'd even get the message and stick around," she added, confusing the first-year boy even more.

Then he suddenly remembered the countless messages bombarding his phone.

Oh, I see. One of them must have belonged to her. What a coincidence.

"What did you want to talk about then?" he asked, completely unaware of the sudden change of atmosphere, "Is it about the club?"

"N-no, it's," she seemed even more embarrassed to say it out loud now, her face turning a deep shade of red, "I... I..."

"Say, sempai, are you okay?" he suddenly interrupted, causing the girl to flinch.

"W-why do you say that?"

"You're all red, it almost looks like you're coming up with something," Haruki said innocently, "A fever maybe."

Matsumi's hands flew to both her cheeks, causing her to blush even more, "It's nothing, really, I'm completely healthy..." she trailed off when he suddenly took a step towards her and placed a cool hand on her forehead. "???"

Adding to his look of concern, he offered her a sweet smile, "How about you visit the nurse's office just in case. You wouldn't want this underclassman to worry, would you?"

With a dozen butterflies fluttering in her gut, the girl quickly nodded her head without a second thought, "Yes, you're right. I should go and check. Goodness, I didn't even notice. Thank you, Fukuda-kohai."

"It's all good," Haru said and watched the girl float away.

As soon as she disappeared round the corner, Haruki breathed in relief and turned to leave.

He knew exactly what that girl had wanted to say.

Sorry sempai, but I'm really not interested in dating anyone right now.

He still had no idea why girls were so interested in him; even the Third Years. It wasn't as if he had extraordinary looks. And he wasn't exactly the tall and cool type in the school. Just one ordinary freshman student who'd somehow gotten the respect of some senior guys. Nothing special about that, right?

He'd just reached the exit of the building when something suddenly made him pause in his step and listen to what sounded like raised voices.

An argument?

It was more likely another bullying case. This usually happened during the first days of school so he wasn't that surprised. He'd even heard some of his classmates say that there were even 'victim's corners' at certain places of the school, including some of the corner hallways.

"It's as if these people don't have anything better to do," Haru couldn't help but scoff to himself and made as if to continue on his way. Yet he just stood there, listening as the argument grew a little more intense.

Finally, after a long while of contemplating, he decided to go and assess the situation in nonchalant steps.


"Ha, who would have thought that we'd meet again after such a long time? Have you been secretly following me, you pipsqueak?"

Jomei Sugimoto, a sixteen-year-old Third-Year spoke boastfully as he poked his finger at the forehead of their new victim, a small freshman wearing wide-rimmed nerdy black spectacles. 

A large black sun hat covered the Freshman's head, and one couldn't even see his face if the boy kept his head lowered.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other, and yet the first thing you dare say to me if that crap? I dare you to say it again," Jomei resumed with his unfriendly prodding, his expression smug.

"Sugimoto, you're the one who clearly provoked the kid first," Ryoichi Kojima, aged fifteen, another Third-Year stated, evidently supporting the person being bullied.

"Yeah, and it's not like he did anything wrong. Come on you guys, he's new, let's just leave him be," Kazuo Takagi, sixteen, and from the same class as Ryoichi timidly spoke up for the kid, "And didn't we say we weren't doing this kind of thing anymore?"

The fourth and final member of the group, Yasahiro Oihama, sixteen, from the same class as Jomei said nothing, simply enjoying the show with his arms crossed over his chest. He was the oldest of the four, being more than five months older than Jomei, and only two months older than Kazuo.

Jomei wouldn't stop bothering the kid he'd knocked onto the floor with a single blow, causing all the textbooks he'd been holding to scatter everywhere.

"I have a personal grudge to settle with this little punk. You heard what he just called me just now. Do I look like a 'dog turd' to you? And to think I was only trying to be nice to an old acquaintance."

"Then what's this thing about a watch?" Ryoichi asked.

"Oh, that old thing? It's something I gifted myself with before summer vacation started. The punk didn't mind when I took it from him," Jomei snorted and turned back to the kid, "Isn't that right? You gave it to me willingly, didn't you?"

The kid stood on both his hands and knees without a word, only keeping his face down as he wiped at his now sore cheek and quietly picked up the books which fallen onto the floor.

"See, he knows it's the truth," Jomei crouched down to directly face the kid, "Now let's try this again. I dare you to call me what you did before. I'm listening."

The kid: "..."

"What, I thought you liked using that mouth of yours to spout nonsense all the time. You did the same when you ran away from me and Yasahiro back then," Jomei said.

Both Ryoichi and Kazuo turned to their other member, who'd just been standing there without a word. They thought simultaneously, no wonder he's enjoying this a little too much. He holds a grudge.

"Okay, we get it. But even if he wronged you, he's still a little kid. He probably didn't mean it..." Ryoichi wanted to interject a bit more but paused when the kid finally spoke.

"No, I didn't do anything wrong."

Both Ryoichi and Kazuo were surprised. It was rare for them to see any of Jomei victims speaking up for themselves. After all, Jomei was a pretty big guy. He looked more like he belonged in High School and not Middle School.

"Eh? What did you say?" Jomei arched a brow. He thought for sure that the kid would immediately zip his mouth. He never would have imagined that he would speak up, acting even more daring.

"You heard me, and I didn't give it to you!" the kid yelled, "We both know you stole it from me! You took it by force—"

Jomei grabbed him by the collar and banged him against the wall, "Shut up. Don't get so cocky!"

"You think I'm afraid of you? Hit me all you want, you piece of dog sh—" he hadn't finished his statement when a cold hard blow landed on the other side of his face, making his head spin. But it was far from hard enough to knock him out.

Ryoichi, "Sugimoto!!"

Kazuo turned to the fourth person, "Please, Yasahiro, you're the only one he listens to."

Yasahiro simply shrugged and grinned. It was evident he wasn't going to take action any time soon.

This is bad, Kazuo thought, when Sugimoto loses it, he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings at all. What's more, I'm afraid he'll seriously injure this kid.

"Enough of this," Ryoichi stepped up and grabbed Jomei's shoulder, "Sugimoto, the kid's had enough."

"Takagi," came Jomei's grunt through gritted teeth, "You're just going to let this brat do what he want? I'm teaching him a lesson here and now. He should respect his seniors."

"He's already learnt," Ryoichi told him.

"Careful now, Ryoichi," Yasahiro finally spoke, his tone full of mockery, "Or you'll get caught in the crossfire."

Tsk, Ryoichi couldn't help but feel infuriated by such a careless statement, but still let go of Jomei, "Then do something about it! Tell him to stop!"

"This isn't any of my business," Yasahiro said again, "Let him quell his anger. You know he'll be our problem if he doesn't get what he wants."

After hearing this, there was nothing both Ryoichi and Kazuo could do about the guy. If they'd been stronger than him, they'd have subdued him and let the kid go. So in the end, all they could do was watch.

Jomei was infuriated beyond reason now. Being disrespected by a brat, a newbie to the school at that, had been too much for him to simply let go.

"Now that you've gotten your wish, want me to pound you some more? I'd be happy to comply," he shook the kid roughly, his hand still tightly gripping his collar.

The kid's head hung low, his glasses having been knocked slightly off the bridge of his nose, his hat almost falling off his head. He just sat there in silence, and for a split second, the four seniors thought he'd been knocked out. It was only when he mumbled something to himself that Ryoichi and Kazuo felt a little relieved.

"Screw this, I'm calling someone," Ryoichi turned to leave but Yasahiro grabbed him by the shoulder, stopping him. He threw him a glare, "I'm not going to be part of this, Oihama."

"Since when do we snitch on buddies, hmm?" though there was a clear smile on Yasahiro's lips, his eyes  were dark. Anyone who saw his expression would find it uncomfortable.

Ryoichi slapped away the guy's hand, but stood in place. For some reason, he just felt bound there and his legs feeling numb. Dammit!

"Huh, say something?" Jomei asked the kid, his tone full of annoyance.

The kid mumbled again.

Jomei inched closer to him, placing his pierced ear closer to the kid's face, "Speak up, I can't hear you."

"I said... THAT EARING MAKES YOU LOOK MORE STUPID, DOG SHIT!!!" the kid suddenly growled, and in a flash, his right hand had already reached the small earing dangling on Jomei's ear. He yanked!

Before anyone knew what was going on, they heard a loud hoarse bellow, and Jomei staggered back a few steps, clutching his left bleeding ear, while the kid just sat there on the floor, holding a bloody black stud in his hand before throwing it at Jomei's feet for all to see. He had the craziest grin across his lips, evidently satisfied with his payback, as he wiped away a trickle of semi-dried up blotch of blood from the corner of his lips.

It seemed he'd also had enough and taken a chance when the senior had inched closer to him to retaliate.

Jomei's bloodshot glare fell on the kid. His entire body trembled with rage.

"You punk, I'm going to freaking kill you!" Jomei roared and made as if to approach the half-beaten-up kid but stopped when someone suddenly stood between the two of them, blocking his path. He got even more infuriated, "Get out of the way!"

"Please upperclassman, I think he's had enough," the voice was that spoke wasn't familiar to any of the four seniors, so they just stared at the small person in surprise.

The half-beaten kid suddenly raised his head at the sound of that voice, his sparkling eyes wide and round behind those huge frames.

The guy who'd suddenly placed himself between them wore the same uniform as them, but was way shorter in comparison. Those third-years didn't need to be told to see that this was another first-year standing before them. However, unlike the tiny one on the floor, this one seemed a little taller in stature and clearly wasn't new.

Ryoichi muttered in pleasant surprise, "The freshmen this term are all confident for some reason. This one's actually confronting someone way bigger compared to him without a second thought."

Kazuo agreed pensively before adding, "I think I know this kid."

You are reading story How the heck did we end up together? at

Ryoichi looked at him, "Really?"

"Yeah, he's..." Kazuo suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, "I've heard about him from the other seniors. They said he's the only kid capable of pulling a reverse in bullying cases."

"Pulling a reverse?" Ryoichi didn't quite understand. He'd been just about to ask when Jomei suddenly growled at the 'new person', ruining his train of thought.

"Ha, the f*ck are you? What, you his little friend?"

Haruki sighed, "Please sempai, no need to curse or shout. Let's use normal words," he suggested. He remained calm and collected, completely unfazed by Jomei's massive built, "You wouldn't want to attract the staff here."

"So what if they do come? You just mind your own damn business," Jomei took a step towards Haru, his body towering over him threateningly, "Get lost unless you want some as well."

Haruki indifferently stared up at him as if he was just staring at a block of wood. Then he smiled, surprising both Kazuo and Ryoichi. Even Yasahiro's previous smile vanished upon seeing this kid's confidence, making him completely irritated.

"Want some? Is that so?" he cocked a brow.

Jomei subconsciously took a step back, bewildered. This kid, what's with those cold eyes?!

"Now then, since everything's been settled, I think it's about time we took our leave," he said and finally turned to face the victim, "You are...?" he trailed off the moment his brown eyes met an equally surprised yet familiar crystal grey gaze staring up at him.

The kid was the first to react and immediately scrambled to his feet, ignoring the hat which fell onto the floor as he stood. The mid-length bright ginger hair finally came into view.

If he'd had any doubts before, now they were confirmed.

"H-Haruki, it's me," the boy took off his glasses, as if afraid that the other person wouldn't be able to recognize him, "See?"

"Gin—" he remembered that they were at school, "Ken?"

The kid nodded frantically, "I almost thought I'd gotten the schools wrong."

Kentaro was actually here, at his school, standing right in front of him? Just a few minutes ago he wasn't sure if the kid was still in the same town as him. He would've immediately become ecstatic if his eyes hadn't fallen on Ken's bruised cheeks, as well as the dried spec of blood lingering on the corner of his mouth. His face immediately darkened.

"H-Haru?" having noticed something wrong, Kentaro felt a trace of unease. He was about to say more when Haruki suddenly raised a hand as if to touch his cheek, causing him flinch subconsciously.

Upon seeing the kid's reaction, Haruki slowly retracted his hand and let it fall at his side. He then spoke, his tone terrifyingly calm for an evidently pissed off person.

"So, which one of you was it?" he asked, "Who hit him?"

Ryoichi felt a tug at his sleeve and threw the person beside him a glance to be met with Kazuo's visible discomfort. It was as if he was silently passing on the message, this isn't good.

Yasahiro remained with his indifferent act, and even looked away as if he couldn't care less. Only god knew what was going on in his head.

Then came Jomei, the idiot of the group who didn't know how to read the current situation. He retook his step forward and loomed over Haruki once more, feeling as if his pride had been greatly wounded by such a tiny person.

"I already told you to get out of my way, twerp, can't you read the mood?" he growled.

Unfortunately, he was the one who couldn't read it.

"Sugimoto, just apologize and we'll leave," Kazuo told him, "Don't say anything reckless anymore."

Jomei laughed before growing forbidding again, "Apologize to who, this little punk?"

Kazuo, "..."

"Enough already, I told you to leave," Jomei had just reached out to grab at Haruki's shoulder only to touch nothing but thin air, the kid having already effortlessly dodged him. In the next moment, he felt a small yet shockingly strong hard fist connect with his nose, which sent flying a few feet away from the group as he landed roughly on the hard floor.

The three seniors stood there, eyes wide, baffled by the sudden turn of events.

That huge strong tower had been brought down effortlessly by this tiny house?

Kazuo had already had a rough idea of Haruki's strength but witnessing it first-hand was a completely different experience.

Even Kentaro was at a loss for words. But what scared him more right now was the dark expression Haruki wore as he examined his fist, checking to see if he'd done some damage to himself.

Is that really Haru?

Jomei lay on the floor wriggling and groaning in pain, his hands clutching his bleeding nose. Seeing such a big guy wriggling like this, none of the other seniors wanted to be in Jomei's position right now. Even the two punches he'd previously delivered to Ken seemed like a better fate than this.

Haruki turned to the other three, "So was that the guy, or was it a group effort?"

These words were being spoken by a kid two years younger than them, yet it felt as if he was their maker.

Kazuo immediately stepped up and offered a low bow in apology, "Please forgive our friend. He doesn't know any better."

Both Kentaro and Ryoichi were surprised.

Ryoichi hadn't felt it necessary for anyone to feel any kind of remorse for Jomei, since he'd brought it upon himself, but seeing his closest friend bowing to a junior for a fault that wasn't even his only guilt-tripped him into doing the same. Thus, he came to stand beside Kazuo, and offered the same apologetic bow.

"We're sorry," he finally added, his words a little forced. However, he still proved his sincerity by bowing as low as his friend.

Kentaro was even more surprised. He knew these two seniors had tried to help but he'd never expected for them to apologize for a fault they hadn't committed.

However, Haruki looked very unimpressed. Even though he seemed calm, he was already infuriated beyond words.

So he asked indifferently, "Doesn't know any better? Is he still a child?"

Both Kazuo and Ryoichi froze.

"And do you really expect me to believe you're sorry?" Haruki arched a brow, "You say that and yet you just watched as your friend did as he pleased. Aren't you all just bullies here, no different from that guy?"

Kentaro immediately interceded on their behalf, though some part of him still feared Haruki's reaction, "They really tried to help me, Haru."

Haruki stared at the two bowed heads for a while before throwing a narrowed side-glance at Yasahiro, "Even him?"

Ken hesitated but said in the end, "Y-Yeah. When their friend lost control, they all tried to stop him."

Haruki coldly glared at Yasahiro for more than a minute, as if silently judging him, before turning his attention back to Ken and ruffled his hair, "Alright then."

Ken nodded and crouched on the floor to retrieve his fallen books, but when he straightened again, Haru took them and carried them for him, "Let's go get you patched up."

And with that, the two juniors left the scene.

It was only once they'd reached far that Kazuo let out a relieved sigh. His eyes fell on Jomei who was still wriggling in pain on the floor.

"I still can't believe a small kid like that has such a strong punch. I don't think Sugimoto's nose will ever be okay after this," he commented and turned to Ryoichi, "And thanks for that, Ryoichi."

However Ryoichi didn't seem like he was in the mood to celebrate. He looked furious.

"What's wro—?"

"Yasahiro!" Ryoichi snapped, cutting Kazuo's statement short as he swung to face the fourth person, "You just stood there all high and mighty when you know you were just as guilty. No, you were worse than us! You're the one closest to Sugimoto yet you didn't contribute in helping at all!"

"So?" Yasahiro Oihama shrugged, "It wasn't my business."

"Why you!" Ryoichi grabbed him by the collar and raised a fist as if to punch him, only to get stopped by Kazuo.

"No, Ryoichi."

"The bastard's always like this," Ryoichi complained, "Remember when we were Second-Years? He'd influence us into doing horrible things then leave without feeling the dirt himself! He did the same right now. And Jomei's supposed to be his closest friend?"

"I'm sure he felt sorry but," Kazuo's tone lowered, "Maybe he just felt as if he's pride would get wounded. Bowing to a junior and all."


"No wait, Ryoichi, just listen," Kazuo tried to smooth things over, "This kind of attitude happens to all seniors. It's normal."

"Aren't we seniors just like him? Or is it that our own pride's just not that important?" he demanded to know.

Yasahiro smirked.

"You son of a—"

"Ryoichi!" Kazuo cried just in time before Ryoichi's punch had landed on Yasahiro's face.

Ryoichi hesitated, then let go of the guy's collar with a click of his tongue, feeling extremely frustrated and wronged.

Yasahiro casually fixed his jacket and shoved his hands pockets, his lips curling into a cocky grin, "Of course you can't hit me. Coz where would you be without me?"

"I didn't hit you just because Kazuo is here. He's the one I respect. I don't give a rat's ass about you," Ryoichi hissed coldly.

"Kazuo, the little saint of the group," Yasahiro bowed in mock-appreciation before scoffing, "Where would we be without you?"

Kazuo didn't take it to heart and instead told Ryoichi, "Let's go help Jomei and see if he has any serious injury."

"Always feeling sorry and concerned for others," Yasahiro's smile suddenly vanished, "The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. You're the second oldest of the group yet you're such a big soft-hearted freak. Why did I ever recruit a weakling like you to begin with?"

Kazuo pursed his lips in silence. Although he kept his focus on helping Jomei to his feet, he was still evidently stung by the words.

But that was only until Ryoichi said calmly, "Then you'll be glad to know he's leaving the group."

Yasahiro snickered, "Really? Good riddance then—"

However, Ryoichi continued with a, "Along with me."

Kazuo was surprised, "Ah, Ryoichi?"

"I've had enough. If you aren't willing to leave with me yet then I'll just have to force you," Ryoichi sounded stern. He wasn't playing.

"It's not that. When I told you that day, I meant 'I' was leaving," Kazuo gave him a sweet smile, "You don't have to for my sake."

"You're the reason I stuck around in the first place," Ryoichi stated and threw a look at Yasahiro, "I've long been sick of that guy."

Yasahiro was shocked when he first heard him but the puffed an incredulous laugh, "You're always like this Kojima. Honestly, I know you're angry and all but come on."

"Keep thinking that way, Yasahiro," Ryoichi spoke as if all his previous anger had suddenly disappeared, and even answered Kazuo who was asking about where they should take Jomei to get his nose fixed. "Let's wait a bit before visiting the nurse's office. I'm sure those freshmen are there too, and I doubt they want to see us anywhere near them right now."

Kazuo nodded and suggested, "He should still rinse out the blood though, so let's take him to the nearest faucet."

And with that, the three stood up. It was as if Yasahiro had suddenly turned invisible to them, since they didn't spare him a glance.

That finally made him snap.

He approached Ryoichi in big steps, his tone low and threatening as he swung his fist, "Ryoichi Kojima, you bastard!"

The guy didn't dodge. He met the blow head-on, its force driving him backwards two steps.

"Ryoichi!" Kazuo screamed in concern.

However, the fifteen-year-old simply straightened and asked Yasahiro, "Feeling good yet? I've already decided."

Yasahiro glared at him for a while, clicked his tongue, then grabbed Jomei's arm and led him away from the other two, as if officially breaking their ties.

Kazuo seemed as if he was about to go after them when Ryoichi stopped him, telling him to let them go.

"What about Jomei?" Kazuo asked, still feeling concerned.

Ryoichi wiped his cheek and winced a little due to the stinging pain, "Sugimoto's a big guy. He can choose to leave or stay by Yasahiro's side all by himself. Don't make the decision for him."

Kazuo smiled at that, "You made the final decision for me, yet I'm older than Jomei."

"That's only because you're so weak-minded and I couldn't take any decision you made seriously-" Ryoichi trailed off when he realized what he'd just said and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I..."

Kazuo chuckled and came closer to examine Ryoichi's cheek, "You're an entire year younger than me yet you act like the older one, always looking out for me."

"Somebody has to," Ryoichi avoided his gaze, seeming a little flustered but refusing to let it show. He flinched when Kazuo touched his cheek.

"Oh, so it did hurt after all?"

"Well, the guy did punch me."

"It doesn't look that serious though," Kazuo assured him, "Come on, I think I've got an unused band aid in my bag."







[author: I know it's long overdue ~sorrymasen, sorrymasen]


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