How the heck did we end up together?

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Flourishing Misconceptions- Part 2

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[author: *sweats nervously* Did I make it in time? I-it's still Tuesday where I'm at so I dunno....]



"This time, I'm really, really serious. I won't be able to accompany you to the gate."

Kentaro stood at his classroom exit with his satchel slung over his shoulders, an indifferent look on his face while he thought, this again?

Haruki had come to his class as soon as his last lesson for the day had ended, only to repeat what he'd done yesterday.

Thus, with an arched brow Ken asked, "Going to stalk me again today?"

"That was only a one-time thing," Haruki nervously glanced around them, having sensed the odd stares from nearby spectators. "I already got the info I wanted so there's no need for that anymore."

"How do I know for sure?"


"Fukuda, come on let's go," a voice sounded from behind them interrupted their conversation. Looking over, they found two of Haruki's classmates, a boy and a girl, standing impatiently at the end of the halls.

The girl spoke, "You know how sensei gets when you miss practice. You already did it yesterday."

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," Haruki responded before turning back to Kentaro, "See, I was being honest."

The ginger-haired kid was silent for a moment before snorting and turning to head his own way, "What I don't get is why you're telling me these things. So weird."

Thus the two parted at that point, with Kentaro heading straight home. While he walked, he couldn't help thinking, it's not like I'm his time-keeper. I don't need to keep track of where he is. He can be anywhere for all I care. So clingy.

But he still smiled despite himself, knowing that there was someone who still cared for his opinions.

Following his routine like the past four days, he took a path through an alley, too distracted to see a change in the usual surroundings he'd gotten used to. His thoughts were completely filled with his weekend plans with Haruki that he didn't even notice two figures up ahead, standing on either walls of the alleyway buildings as if to block the path.

When he did finally raise his head, all color drained from his face. He quickly made U-turn in hasty steps, hoping that the two boys wouldn't notice him.

Too late.

"Oi, you little squirt, where do you think you're goin'?"

Kentaro broke into a sprint, but the guys were too fast and caught him in no time before roughly shoving him onto a wall. Though the satchel on his back somewhat shielded him from the impact, his landing was still pretty rough.

He unwaveringly stared up at his adversaries with an expression which seemed to tell how he'd long since expected this kind of thing to happen. After all, these two had never stopped bullying him.

Yasahiro Oihama and Jomei Sugimoto; the first bullies he'd encountered ever since arriving in this town.

Truthfully, he'd never expected to meet them again at Ichihara Mid after his first unpleasant encounter with them. He felt even worse knowing that these kinds of wretched people were actually his seniors.

It was only the two of them this time. It seemed Ryoichi Kojima and Kazuo Takagi had long since defected from the 'group'.

Yasahiro crossed his arms and smirked, feeling proud of himself, "Did you really think you'd hide from us for long?"

The ginger-haired kid kept glaring daggers at them without a response.

Jomei grabbed him roughly by the collar and indicated at his own ear, "You see this? I won't stop pounding your scrawny ass until it heals."

Kentaro stared at the wound for a while then shifted his gaze to the big guy's bandaged swollen nose. He let out a snicker. 

" little," his face completely turning ugly and red, Jomei raised a fisted hand. But his punch didn't land since the other senior suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a moment, before you render him unable to speak, I've got a few things to ask him."

Jomei seemed unwilling before reluctantly letting Ken slump back onto the ground.

With a frown, Kentaro finally said something. "I've actually got something to ask you too. Why do you have a grudge against me? I understand that big guy, since I ripped his ear, but what about you? Why do you keep coming after me?"

Yasahiro smiled and crouched in front of Ken, his expression too unnatural.

"Because you're the perfect candidate for me to let out all my pent up frustrations."

He made it seem as if it was the most normal thing to do; as if bullying another kid to get rid of your own problems was a good thing.

How is that even fair?

"And it's also because you're different from all the other kids I've bullied," Yasahiro continued as he raised a hand to play with Ken's curly ginger locks, "For some reason, you still haven't dropped out."

Kentaro: "???"

"You made me lose my closest companions, yet it doesn't seem to be affecting you at all," Yasahiro said.

Is he talking about those other two?

"You're the ones who started bullying me first," the victim felt extremely wronged, "How is any of that my fault?"

"If it hadn't been you, then that Fukuda freshman wouldn't have come," Yasahiro stated before adding. "Then Kazuo and Ryoichi wouldn't have quit."

Ken was evidently confused.

"You don't understand? What I'm saying is that you seemed particularly buddy-buddy with that brat. You a close friend of his?"

"And what if I am?" a grin stretched on the kid's lips. "You know that and yet you still dared to come after me? He'll murder you once he knows, you know?"

"That's exactly what I'm waiting for," Yasahiro's smile suddenly vanished and he grabbed a handful of Ken's hair, pulling him closer to him, "So why aren't you telling him a thing?"

Ginger's eyes widened in genuine shock. "Hey, I already kind of knew you were a little crazy, but not to this degree. You really want to die that badly? You saw what he did to your buddy."

Jomei clicked his tongue, "Just because I got distracted. Don't get cocky, brat."

"You guys are so pathetic. I feel so glad that the other two ditched your sorry butts—"

His statement hung when he suddenly received a hard blow which connected with his left jaw, causing his head to ring. He hadn't expected to be suddenly punched like that, since the person holding him was Yasahiro. He'd never seen the guy get his own hands dirty before.

Even Jomei was surprised. Up to now, all the dirty work had always been his to deal with. Yasahiro would only watch from the sidelines.

With a malicious grin, Yasahiro spoke, "Sorry, I didn't get you there. What did you say?"

An iron taste filled the inside of Kentaro's mouth, but he still forced himself to force it all back down his throat. He tenaciously glared a the person in silence.

Yasahiro leaned closer and asked, "Not talking anymore?"


The sixteen year-old froze, having been suddenly spat on like this. Even if it wasn't much, it would be enough to make anyone reach their boiling point. Such disrespect made Yasahiro practically seethe.

But Kentaro just sneered.

"You brat!" Outraged, Yasahiro hauled the kid to the other side of the alley before wiping away the insult trickling down his cheek. "You thought that just because I hadn't been beating you up myself I wouldn't do it, huh? Well, today's your lucky day then. You've officially pissed me off."

Kentaro had landed heavily against that wall, before slowly supporting himself on one arm and took off his glasses. He hid them somewhere he was certain they wouldn't get broken, and prayed that these two get it over with fast. Of course he wouldn't just lay there lifeless and let himself get beat silly without at least trying to defend himself, so as soon as the two boys walked up to him, he shrank into a ball, protecting his face and gut before the boys engaged in kicking him endlessly.

"What are you hiding for? Where's all that smack-talk?" Yasahiro asked, kicking anywhere he felt like.

Only then did Ken realize that a single pair of feet were kicking at him, and those feet belonged to Yasahiro. He stole a peek at Jomei, who just stood there staring at his friend, as if he too thought he'd gone insane.

He's officially lost it, Ken thought and sighed inwardly. If Haru really were to see this, then these two would be dead.


Haruki threw his fifth opponent off his feet with ease and secured yet another victory in the dojo, which was by now already something the other club members had long gotten used to.

It was obvious that no one in the dojo could beat him in any practice match, whether it was a fellow freshman or a third-year. Even the instructor had trouble with him, yet the kid was only thirteen, dammit!

After his match, a first year girl from a different class went to the instructor and complained.

"It's fairly obvious that we're no match for him, he already knows too much. He never gives us any chances of victory," she said, "Then why isn't he in the senior's group, sensei?"

Haruki almost puffed a laugh when he heard that, you think I want to be dealing with you losers? And even if it wasn't me, you certainly wouldn't win either way. You're already one of the worst in class anyway.

"No matter how good he is, he still belongs your age group. Instead of complaining about it, how about learning a thing or two first," the instructor gruffly said, which earned a few suppressed snickers from the rest of the class.

Poor girl, doesn't she know sensei's in a bad mood today?

The girl puffed her cheeks, and as if sensing Haru's mocking gaze, turned to glare at him. Haruki stuck his tongue at her, which only pissed her off even more.

In the midst of laughing to himself, he rejoined his group and tagged in on the conversation. Most of the group members were Haru's classmates, which he was very much in good terms with.

"Damn, if I was such a badass like you, I'd be unstoppable," Akira Yoshida, who was the only one from the next class in their group of four, praised.

"Such good talent wasted on a buffoon," Takumi teased, bumping Haru playfully on the shoulder with a fist, "Have you ever considered teaching your friend from class 1-2 a few moves?"

"Ginger?" Haruki thought about it for a moment, "I didn't think he'd be interested. In fact, I know he wouldn't be interested."

"Was that his opinion?" Tadashi Matsui asked. "He hasn't picked a club yet right? I always see him head straight home after last period."

"That'd be such a great idea," Takumi said, "I mean, I've never even had a decent conversation with the dude but I'm sure he's cool since you talk about him so much. You two seem so close. Is he a childhood buddy or something?"

"Not even," Haruki broke into a huge smile, "I met him during summer vacation and we've been friends since then."

Akira and Takumi said unanimously, "Really?"

"Eh? Is that so weird?" Haru asked.

Takumi spoke, "Nah, just a little hard to believe. Up until the last days of the first term, I hardly knew your name. You were so closed off from the world. And the only person you did bring up if we ever had decent conversations was your older sister."

"Really?" Haruki couldn't remember.

The three nodded.

He scratched his head and chuckled, "Sorry."

Just then he heard someone call him from behind. It was a pretty first year with pig-tails.

"There're some seniors looking for you outside," she told him.

"Club members?"

"No. But they did give me their names," she stated, "Two of them. There's Ryoichi Kojima and Kazuo Takagi."

Haruki turned a little pensive. Why them?

"Wow dude, you're famous even out of the dojo," Takumi snickered.

I don't think that's the case, Haru thought and stood up from the group, "I'll be back in a few."


Kazuo greeted him with a smile the moment he walked out the door, "Sorry to bother you."

"Not at all," thought Haruki returned the smile, his tone wasn't at all friendly. It wasn't that he still held any special beef with them over what'd happened with Ken that time... Okay, maybe a little, but he wasn't completely hostile towards them. At least not these two.

"Do you remember us?" Kazuo asked, unsure.

"Yeah," he then looked around, "You seem to be missing two more."

Ryoichi spoke, "We're not with them anymore."

"Oh? So you used to be," Haru stated.

Ryoichi shifted his eyes to the side in silence.

Kazuo gave an awkward little laugh as he scratched his temple, "I guess that's true, and it makes sense for you to dislike us. We really are sorry for that day."

Haruki exhaled, "It's all in the past." It's not like you're the ones who beat Ginger up.

"And we're also sorry about Oihama and Sugimoto for causing you more trouble," Kazuo added with a small bow. "They really can be stubborn at times."

"Why are you apologizing on their behalf again?" Ryoichi muttered and crossed his arms, "They can handle their own messes."

Haruki thought for a while then asked, "More trouble?"

Kazuo nodded then seemed confused, "Some days ago, they started picking on your friend again. Did you not know?"

Haruki furrowed, "What?"

Kazuo and Ryoichi exchanged glances before Ryoichi asked him, "Didn't your friend tell you? Nomura's his name, right? The one with the ginger hair from that day?"

The corners of Haru's lips turned downwards.

His two seniors saw how genuinely shocked the kid was and started to explain the situation.


Kentaro sat leaning against the wall for support; one hand clutching his gut, his face bruised and bleeding. His throat hurt, and he knew talking would be a small problem for him to handle for a few days at least. Both his legs hurt, but he couldn't tell whether he'd fractured a few bones or not, since everything hurt either way.

This guy is really crazy, he thought and glanced back at Yasahiro who stood before him, a wearing a satisfied expression. Like really crazy. Does he not feel the least bit guilty at all?

His eyes went to Jomei who still stood in place, his expression complicated. He seemed a little guilt-stricken, but it appeared he didn't want to show it.

"Hey, uh, Oihama, I think we should leave," he finally spoke, "You know, before someone sees us here and reports—"

He trailed when Yasahiro threw him a glare, as if to tell him to just shut the f*ck up.

Ken opened his mouth as if to say something, but felt a dull pain down his throat which prevented him from saying a thing.

That's just great.

"Is there something you want to say?" with a grin, Yasahiro crouched in front of Ken and 'graciously' offered him his ear. "I'm listening, just go ahead and say it. I won't hit you."

Ken's lips curled up indignantly. You're so smug since you know I currently can't do that.

But when Yasahiro noticed the smile, he thought the kid was mocking him and felt irritated again.

With an ugly laugh, he sneered, "You're all busted up like this, and yet you're still pretending as if you have the upper hand here. Are you just asking for more?"

Now what did I do? I can't tell if he's mean or just stupid, Ginger thought.

"We really should go, Yasahiro," Jomei glanced frantically around, "There's still tomorrow and more days after that. If we get caught right now, we'll be in trouble."

"Tch, what a wimp," Yasahiro muttered to himself as he straightened and sighed. "Whatever, if you're so scared let's just go. There's always tomorrow... Hold on," he squinted his eyes to make out the figure that was headed their direction in the alleyway, "Who's that?"

Jomei looked as well, "Looks like a kid. Doesn't that attire look familiar?"

Kentaro had also curiously turned to look. He couldn't clearly make out who it was at first because of the strange uniform, but the moment he did realize who it was, all color instantly drained from his face. 

Jomei also seemed to have noticed, "Oihama, isn't that the first-year brat from that day?"

"Oh?" having finally recognized him too, a grin spread across Yasahiro's face. "Well isn't this just our lucky day."

Jomei seemed excited all of a sudden, smacking his right fist into his left palm, "Hell yeah, I can give that punk some payback for wrecking my nose."

However, all Haruki could see were two bastards and one friend slumping on the ground a few feet away, beaten and bruised. This was way beyond what he'd seen that day, so he couldn't help but be shocked at first, and Ginger's just as surprised expression only proved what he'd been told by Ryoichi and Kazuo.

This really had been going on for some time.

And each time, Kentaro had been quietly enduring this?

He let the strap of his bag slide off his shoulder and continued to approach the three, his expression unreadable.

Kentaro panicked. You'd expect the person who'd just gotten beat up so bad to wish for someone to help him, but it this moment, he wished Haruki hadn't come at all.

He opened his mouth to speak, and a hoarse low voice came out, "Go... run away..." He broke into a fit of coughs, feeling as if his voice hadn't reached anywhere.

You are reading story How the heck did we end up together? at

"Run? Us?" Yasahiro laughed hard. "The hell do you think you are?"

It reached them, Kentaro was relieved. He spoke again, "I-if you don't, then.... cough, cough... He doesn't look okay right now."

"Shut it! Are you really that dumb?" approaching the injured Ken and grabbing his collar, Yasahiro pointed at Jomei who'd already approached Haruki to make his first move. "Sugimoto will handle him just fine. Just look—"


The noise snapped the two from their little deadlock.

Both Kentaro and Yasahiro stared at the scene behind them, bewildered.

The 'Jomei' who'd been standing huge and immovable like a building had his head his entire body buried in some old wooden boxes which had been reduced to rubble by his heavy fall, and the impact had knocked him out immediately. Such a large person; one could only imagine how a small Haruki had easily flung him aside.

Currently Haruki stood over him, his left hand holding the other person's arm but his eyes focused on what was ahead.

And what he saw was a Yasahiro who was clearly had Kentaro by the collar as if planning on giving him a few more hits.

Letting Jomei's arm drop limply to the side, Haruki straightened and started to approach the two, his hooded eyes locked dangerously onto the third-year.

Meanwhile, Ken's wide eyes never left Jomei's unconscious body as fear shrouded over him. It's too late, this guy's done for.

"Oihama-sempai, please, just run while you still can. I'll even try... to stop him for you..."

"LIKE HELL I NEED YOUR HELP!" Yasahiro growled and tossed Ken back onto the ground. He then turned to face the oncoming Haruki, "Took you long enough, freshman."

Haruki stopped just a few steps short of him. It didn't look like he was going to say or do anything.

"What's wrong?" Yasahiro snorted and raised his chin proudly. "Scared? Come at me."

But the first year calmly stared him down.

Displeasure filled Yasahiro's entire being. Haruki wasn't doing anything, yet Yasahiro started to feel a little inferior. "What the hell? I told you to fight didn't I? Who told you to just stand there acting high and mighty?!"

And thus, the third year moved first with his fist aimed at Haruki's face and coming in full swing. 

Haruki waited until the fist was just in front of him before easily dodging to the side, causing his opponent to miss him by just mere inches. 

Yasahiro only saw the smaller person right beside him with his left hand wide open and hovering just in front of his face, and in the next moment he heard Haruki's simple words:

"You wastrel."

It was then that Haruki's hand completely covered the other's face as he shoved him straight down with unimaginable strength onto the hard ground.

The impact made Yasahiro's head ring excruciatingly, and even though he didn't quite understand what had just happened, he didn't submit to defeat that easily. He quickly recovered himself and grabbed the arm gripping his face with the intention of hauling Haruki away— except he discovered that Haruki's arm wouldn't budge at all!

"You're not a fighter, are you?" Haruki made a judgement through this senior's pathetic strength. "Then why are you even here?"

"Don't you mock me you brat!" Yasahiro kept tugging at that hand still gripping his face but it was fruitless. Just what kind of monstrous strength did this kid possess?!

"Senior has been idle these days, or do you just enjoy my friend's company that much," Haruki spoke calmly.

"Let me go, you bra—"


Yasahiro was struck silly after being released then suddenly punched, that for a moment he couldn't register exactly what had happened. And before he could even reacted, he'd already been lifted off the ground and slammed onto a nearby brick wall where he landed with a heavy 'THUD'.

"Hey now, is this really all it takes for you to feel as if your life is ending?" Haruki approached and crouched beside the guy who was already writhing in pain. "Look at you, groaning and whining like a baby. Compared to the guy you just beat up, you really are a disgrace."

WHAM- Another punch.

Yet Haruki went on as if he was having a normal conversation, "Hey, do you know how old Ken is?"

Yasahiro was too occupied with clutching his bleeding nose to even respond, the pain too insane for him to think clearly.

But the Haruki obviously didn't care about that, thus he gripped both Yasahiro's hands, exposing his face once more, and punched him again. Through it all, he still spoke calmly, "Hey, I'm talking to you. Do you know?"

"No, I don't know!" Yasahiro finally shook his head crazily, "I really don't know!"

Haruki, who'd already fisted his hand in preparation for another punch, withdrew his hands and used one of them to support his tilted head, "Yeah, I thought as much. Well, let me tell you then. He's twelve, not even a teenager yet. And how old are you guys?"

Yasahiro, "!!!"

This time, Haruki's arm diverted and he punched the other guy in the gut, since Yasahiro had brilliantly covered his face again. That made Yasahiro's hands immediately travel down to clutch at his stomach, feeling as if he'd throw up his lunch.

"Six-sixteen, cough, cough, cough, we're sixteen!"

"Whoa, that's even older than I thought," Haruki smiled insincerely, "That's four more than him. So you know what that means."

"What?!" but before Yasahiro could even defend himself, Haruki had already decisively sat on top of him, pinning his body to the ground so the he wouldn't be able to escape and trapped his hands. He was still wearing his black martial arts getup, so it didn't seem as if he minded getting it a little filthy.

He raised a fist and made the first punch...

Then the next punch, then another, then finally, the fourth one. By now, his smile had been tinged with a hint of maliciousness, "See, I'm being as fair as I can here. Aren't I sweet?"

"You.... You're crazy!!!" Yasahiro screamed and struggled to get himself free but failed. Haruki didn't seem as if he was going to stand any time soon either, so the guy couldn't help but yell, "AHHH, get off me!!! You're insane! CRAZY!!!"

Kentaro's bewildered expression seemed to express similar thoughts. He'd already guessed that Haruki was a 'no nonsense' type of guy, but this was simply insane.

Is this really because of me?

Haruki covered Yasahiro's mouth with a hand to prevent him from screaming out loud. People's attention was the last thing he needed right now. All that pent up frustration was going to be let out on this particular person today.

"Shh, you're being too loud and unreasonable."

"Mmmmffff.... Nmmmmphh!!"

"Let's move on to the next issue, alright?" Haru's smile suddenly disappeared, his look even more terrifying which almost made Yasahiro pee his pants, "How long have you guys been cornering him, hmm?"

His hand left Yasahiro's mouth for the guy to answer, but instead, the guy used the chance to scream for help.


"Wrong answer!" Haruki bashed him again.


But all of that was pointless.

Each time Yasahiro wanted to yell out, Haruki would punch him again and again.

And again and again...

Until his hands got bloody.

Until Yasahiro could no longer cry out.

Kentaro felt the chills seeing that happen and decided to do something. He'd been trying to stand this entire time, but after discovering he'd really sprained a leg, he'd waited for at least some of the pain to subside. But he knew if he kept sitting there then someone would really be in shit.

"H-Haru," he tried calling out but his voice failed him. The guy was just too far.

"How long?" he asked again, his fist hovering threateningly above the older kid's already buttered face.

It wasn't that Yasahiro didn't want to answer, but the intense pain had just rendered him unresponsive. All he could utter now were muffled groans of a sobbing child.

Haru felt no remorse. At the end of the day, all of them were a bunch of kids who'd gotten into a fight, right? 

He grabbed at his collar and shook him hard, "Hey, hey you! Don't you dare pass out, I'm not done with you!"

There was nothing wrong with what he was doing.

Yes, that's right. All of this was their fault—


He finally snapped out of his crazed daze and glanced over his shoulder to glance at the other kid who'd finally managed to stand on his feet.

"S-stop, that's enough," Kentaro's voice was a little hoarse.

"They did that to you," Haruki said bluntly.

"And you've, cough, cough, cough... already taught them a lesson. It's... fine now," Ken looked as if he was trying to assure him, but one could make out a bit of fear in his voice.

I'm only trying to help him, Haruki thought and glared back at the person he was still gripping by the collar. These guys deserve everything that's coming to them. I'm not the bad guy here.

He raised a hand again to punch the Yasahiro who no longer resisted and was only half-conscious.

"Haruki, don't!"

Yeah, it's their fault you're badly hurt. So I'll just...

Before he could make a swing, warmth suddenly wrapped around his arm before it was yanked back forcefully. Kentaro now stood behind him holding his arm with both of his in a death grip, his expression even more horrified.

Kentaro snapped, "Can't you see he's out of it already? If people were to come here we'd be in so much trouble, don't you understand?!"

Feeling sour, Haruki snapped back, "They started it!"

"They beat me up, not you! Why are you the one who's so angry?!" 

Haruki felt as if he'd been stabbed. In the end, the fact that Kentaro still saw him as a nuisance wouldn't change, and he became even more pissed, "Fine, let people find out then. I don't give a damn!"

That's not what I meant, Kentaro felt a little helpless, though he still tenaciously hung onto Haruki's hand. At least this way, he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone.

Well, at least that's what he had thought at first.

His blood ran cold when he heard Haruki warn flatly, "Get off before I throw you."



"I'm terrified, okay?!" Kentaro finally shouted while shaking his head madly, "I don't know what you'll do if I do let you go. You're scaring me right now!"

Haruki had already known that for a fact, but still hearing it out loud stung him. He said quietly, "If you're so scared then close your eyes so you don't have to see."

"No. Let's just go home!"

Haruki's arm relaxed when he heard that.

"I want us to go home," Kentaro repeated, desperate. "Please."

It was as if Haruki finally realized the state the other person was in, and his eyes widened a little.

Just what the hell am I doing?

"Haru?" Ginger wasn't sure what the other person was thinking. He almost thought the guy would go through with his plans and throw him.

However, Haruki simply breathed and stood to his feet, leaving the half-conscious Yasahiro in his muddled state of shock. In the end, he could only comply in Ginger's wishes.


The journey back home was filled with an stifling silence which made Kentaro very uncomfortable. He didn't mind the weird stares and attention the two of them had grabbed from strangers because of the piggy-back he'd been given, since he'd been more concerned about something else the entire way.

And that was Haruki's unreadable expression.

Whether the other person was resentful, or even regretful, Ken didn't want to think about it. What was scarier was how Haruki wasn't saying anything, even though they were alone.

So of course when they finally reached Ken's house, the situation was even more awkward. The only thing he was grateful for was that Haruki didn't leave soon afterwards, and even helped bandage him up after he'd taken a painful shower and changed into his pajamas.

Kentaro currently sat obediently on his bed with Haruki kneeling in front of him wrapping his ankle lightly with an elastic bandage.

"How's your throat now?" Haruki finally spoke first, his voice almost inaudible.

"It's..." Ken broke into a few unpleasant coughs before continuing, "It's better than before."


"W-what about my condition? Is it bad?" Kentaro returned a question, seeing that the other person had gone silent again.

"You don't seem to have broken any actual bones, except for that fractured ankle. You've got bruises here and there but they'll fade away eventually. Your chest doesn't seem to have any problems and I didn't feel any broken ribs. But just in case, the medicine I applied should make you heal faster, though I don't know much about that..." Haruki told him and trailed, thinking of a few more things to add on to his brief explanation. "You just need a bit of rest. I'd say give your ankle about three days, and you'll be fine."

And after that, he went mute again.

Kentaro let out a sound of acknowledgement and quietly watched the other packing away the First Aid kit's contents.

After a while, he finally asked what had been weighing on his mind the entire time, "How did you know about where I was? I thought you'd be having Judo."

Haruki couldn't help but let out a small powerless laugh, "You really didn't want me there, did you?"

"That's not what I meant..."

"Forget it. I was just feeling a little sorry for myself," Haruki told him as he pushed the box back under Kentaro's bed. "It's Ryoichi and Kazuo. They're the ones who told me about it."

The other person listened quietly as he explained.

"They said the first time they saw it, it was a few days ago, and that they would've told me sooner if you hadn't sworn them to secrecy, claiming that you'd tell me yourself," Haruki turned his eyes to Ginger, "But you weren't really going to, were you? If I hadn't found out myself today, would you have ever told me anything?"

Kentaro didn't speak.

"And I take it the nanny's fake too, right?" Haruki had already figured it out. "You only told me that to cover for those two buttholes?"

Kentaro primmed, not daring to look up. Even though Haruki wasn't yelling, his anger was evident even in that calm tone.

He rubbed at the back of his neck and stretched it a little, "You know, I've always known I was a sorry excuse for a friend but I didn't realize that it was to this undependable extent."

"That's not the reason," Kentaro finally spoke up.

"Oh, I forgot," Haruki suddenly remembered something and glanced to the side, a small sad smile dancing on his lips, "I'm terrifying. It only makes sense that you're too scared to face me."

Kentaro kept his silence, which only confirmed Haru's suspicions and stung him even more.

For a moment he didn't know what to say, but he felt certain about what needed to be done.

"Alright then, let's just forget it even happened and both quit."

Kentaro stared up at him, a little confused.

Haruki went on, "Remember when you said you wouldn't be my friend anymore? Maybe that was the best decision you'd ever made. Let's just end it here and now."




Mini Theatre for next chapter Preview (hehe):

Rue-rue: "Let's end this."

Ginger: ~Silence~

Rue-rue: "Hey, did you hear me? I said let's-"

Ginger: *grumbles* "Whiny little $%&..."

Rue-rue: "Bro, wtf?!"


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