How to platinum a Dating Sim RPG

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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“I know it's been painful Anna, but you need to look forward. You won't forget your family and for them as well, you need to live.”

The words of a foolish woman, pampered in a cage from birth, what do you know about pain and loss?

The stinging feeling you get all the time from your mind racing to find alternatives, to find the responsibility.

What have I done?

What if it isn't my fault?

Why didn't I die with them?

I shouldn't have used my <Utopian Will>, a selfish gift fitting for myself.

Now, I am not searching for the will to live, I wish only to atone for my cowardly act.

And this woman is my chance.

I nodded along and carried on with what they asked of me.

“Thank you Anna, I have just the right job for you and your <Will>.”

I will work to my bones as punishment if that is what it takes, after I’ve paid my sin maybe I can finally…


The job was different from what I thought.

I would be the caretaker of a newborn baby, their newborn baby if I heard correctly. I was rather surprised they chose something like that for me, even before the baby was born.


But it was, the cute baby who looked around the room without crying and intensely stared at his father's yellow eyes was indeed theirs.

They named him Tenka, the man had once a friend from which he took the name.

A single baby boy, his breathing was calm and controlled, betraying the fast pace to which his eyes moved.

They would only stop to stare at me after completely searching around the room, everyday, as if he was expecting something to happen.

I would assume he was afraid if I didn't know any better.

He was easy to take care of, most babies would spit the magic reagents after a single taste.

He simply distorted his eyebrows and breathed hard through his nose.

I couldn't decipher what made that face cute, but I was ready to find out with the pictures I took.

I wonder if he noticed the strange ways he was raised, he was smart and quick to absorb the knowledge his mother tried to teach.

He should know by now how kids his age would be running around freely instead of staying in their rooms, how they would have been carried around by their parents in a warm embrace.

And to that young master, I always tried to give him my everything.

A warm embrace, a fun everyday, I liked seeing him smile and the face he showed when he first ate the strawberry candy I prepared was deeply engraved in my heart.

Now I stayed with him almost all day, patiently expecting whatever he would ask of me.


One day the madam came, I still regretted how I had thought of her back then.

Not knowing her story and claiming to understand this woman is truly like the selfish me.

Her request was for me to travel and use my <Will> to find the survivors of some conflict in a planet under the empire.

It might take a long time to do that, no matter how proficient I am with my gift.

Tearfully saying goodbye to the young master, I departed for that planet.

Everything was going fine on the search until I felt my young master being hurt.

My whole mana was spent in a single wide search that moment.

I’m ashamed to say, that didn't speed up my return by a lot, there were only 13 survivors on that planet and they were close by.

We would have found them and spent about the same time searching around before going back.


Finally the day of his 5th anniversary came around, by the orders of Jeanne and that man. I planted one of my roots in the young master.

Personally I choose the smallest and most dense among them, one that could grow with little resources and would stay with him for all future to come, I hoped.


Later that man executed what he said, bringing the young master to his first true choice in life.

The young master could have refused, most childs would and that'd be acceptable, instead he was guided by that monster.


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After a short time, the monster came back from one of the pod rooms, specifically the one from which he threw the young master off.

His nickname was yellow dragon, fitting for one with such cold-blood as to eat his young.

“Oddar, any anomalies?”

“No sir, there isn't any other ship nearby as well. It’s completely safe from our view.”

“Good. Those in front keep checking his vitals, if you think there's a chance, warn Oddar immediately. If any of the nearby frigates is odd, I want you all ready to pick him up apace.”

““Yes sir!””

His commanding posture was fitting for his nickname as well, now that I see it first hand. When he visited the young master nothing of the sort would appear.

Turning towards me, he still speaks in that overbearing tone.

“Anna, when they warn Oddar. You show us Tenka, is that clear?”


“Have you any complaints about my orders?”

Those hateful eyes glint with a golden color, their pupil seems to contract, appearing as if a needle.

I wonder why Jeanne would love this man, any of his positive points are obscured by the abnormal amount of enemies he has made over the years.

“Nothing sir.”

“Answer me with clarity Anna, we aren't some noble house here. Will you fulfill your part or not?”

“I have no dissatisfaction with my orders. I simply don't wish to see the young master suffering.”

How could this man act like normal in this situation, he was the very one who put the young master in that capsule.

“I wish for the same, Anna. But I also wish to not see my family die. You spent time with him, you know we wanted to let him wander around, show him the galaxy while he grew. Maybe if we were in the empire, with all the time in the world for him to develop resistance to insta-death magic, I could have done that.”

I know that. Lady Jeanne also had to develop those resistances, and even the man in front of me paid a hefty price to develop them later on.

“Oddar, how many ships tried to track us down over the past four years?”

“About thirty a month sir, although I assume most of them had nothing to do with Tenka and more with you sir.”

“Oddar, if they wanted my head they would also go after my adorable son. Even more so if they wanted something from me. A lion throws its cub down a cliff to toughen it. Not because he's cruel, not out of pride, but because he knows that dying on that cliff is better than to be hunted down in the savannah.”

“Yes, sir.”

That would be a lot of ships even for a wanted criminal, but I assume most stem from the empire.

Thousands of fools calling themselves nobles and managing their riches in planets that oppress its citizens with brute strength and propaganda. They wouldn't look favorably on someone that blatantly scarred their reputation and even married one of their noble daughters.

“I said to let him die but we're doing this for the opposite reason, look at that planet.”

The planet on screen was far too unnatural to be called a planet, its entire surface was green colored, not a single other color sullied its surface.

“A perfect find, I called some of my contacts on the Union and this is what I got. His physical abilities were exceptional, so we needed somewhere like this for the test. Oddar, what's the threat level?”

“It’s an artificially terraformed planet sir, there are no dangers in the atmosphere and its temperature is kept safe as well. No sentient creature is there, at most creatures of a B level would contend with Tenka.”

“See, B-level won't even damage his suit, he’s gonna be fine. I’m certain of it.”

The man who spoke those words looked absolutely sure of himself, if not for the almost crushing strength which he gripped his chair.

“Very well, what about water?”

“He’s gonna find a way, it’s a planet made to be habitable. Only not for humanoids.”

True, everything should be alright for the young master.

Only his heart might be wounded after this experience, but I’m sure that positive little boy will stand back up again.

Possibly hating his father this time.


Ah, young master. I wish I could be your strength in this trial, unfortunately I can only stay here.

But don't worry, I finally understand what the peering waterstone meant when describing my <Utopian Will>.


<<Produce: Roots of the Desolate Verdant Tree>>

[The tree had thousands fell to be verdant yet desolate;
only for none was there to praise its beauty.]


I’ll watch over you so that you can prove I'm not alone, my young master.

May the king's grace be by your side.

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