How to platinum a Dating Sim RPG

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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Crash-landing, success!

Well, the capsule did decelerate near the end so I guess it's not qualified as a crash-landing.

Instead, my reality just had a direct impact with the ground.

This is too wild, father...

Hey, I got a new trophy at least.


<<Thrilling present of the Reptile Gorilla Race>>

[+Survival instinct.]


Survival Instinct, it should be a passive ability since I can’t use it.

I guess it fits with the trophy more than that Crybaby one, but I truly could have used an aggressive ability if possible.

Since it’s from the reptile gorilla race, I could have gotten the ability to turn into one of them?

I’m sure it's talking about my dad, or more specifically on how I imagined him to be while on the capsule.

Survival can mean anything from dodging blows to not walking down a path and instinct is something intangible that simply happens in life, I've no discernable way to test that.

Putting myself in danger, would be dumb and quite frankly meaningless seeing my current situation.

Not my greatest power right now I have to say, even if I only have two.

Instead of worrying about that, the fact that I got an ability outside of any competition is more important.

My power is not a trophy for competition or participation then, it might be a “celebratory” one.

I can’t say I’m happy about being dispatched here but it was shocking enough for me to warrant this.

The trophy at my birth which I don’t know about, for my first serious loss and now for being abandoned on a planet.

If it is how I think then I really can’t force myself to get any.

I can only work hard and wait for it to judge something I did to be a big event in my life.

But now my will to see the game in real life is solidified, any event from the game will be something big for me.

I’m certain of that.


Back to earth now, let's organize the situation.

I was thrown out on some strange planet to survive here as my final test, end goal currently unknown.

My father said he’ll come back someday, if I believe in him should I limit myself to not wander too far from this capsule?

I cant use it as a shelter, because of its size I would need to sleep standing or not sleep at all and there's no door to block the entrance since I don't know how to close the glass door.

Unfortunately I don't have the leeway to stay here, surviving the present comes before an uncertain hope.

There was no food, water nor weapons in the capsule. As expected this can't be that easy.

Digging the ground, dirt is below a strangely fine grass which I could sincerely confuse with hair if shown outside of here.

Looking around I’m surrounded by trees of varying shapes and colors, all of them equally tall though, making the sun above barely visible.

No fruits in sight yet, my best hope of food for the moment.

I start walking towards the sun, I might have read something about this back in my previous life.

I’m not sure how it applies in this world.


Walking was uneventful for the most part, I was curious about the small animals and insects that appeared and spent a long time watching every one of them as I passed by.

None of them was dangerous to me, or at least they didn't attack me on sight.

They kept to themselves or tried to avoid me when I got too close, guess that's normal for animals.

Animals won't simply try to rush you if they aren't hungry.

Like I was at least.

I can already envision my own stomach trying to devour itself just from the hunger I’m feeling.

It’s not my fault I couldn't eat breakfast today, since I was sent here exactly when I woke up.

All planned I assume, father.

Anyway, I need to think of something for me to hunt or try and find fruits like how I’m walking right now.

Maybe if I followed some bird I could find fruits?

Nah, I have no idea if they eat fruits and it might take quite a while to find a fruit even with that.

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Losing sight of the bird would be catastrophic and likely to happen as well.

“Ahhhhh, I need to find something to eat.“

My scream was heard by the flora, electing no response might I add.

There was one squirrel-like pink creature running away from the top of a tree.

Thank you, my public.

The path seemed to have repeated itself about 4 times now and I was starting to feel unsure about how I would survive, maybe eating the grass or leaves.

Just then I saw something that gave me hope, a beaver-like thing approaching a tree that spiraled upwards.

For convenience, let’s call him beaver.

Have I any idea what he's doing? Course not, but on the chance he falls asleep I’ll have my dinner.

Raw meat won't give me poisoning I hope.

Getting closer to the beaver while trying not to make a sound, quite the easy task when your ground is made entirely of soft silk bundles, might I say.

I can finally get a closer look at him.

It is still similar to a beaver in stature and shape, if only its mouth had less of a square shape and more of a… “mouth” shape.

Its fur is close to a mixture of yellow and brown, with a long beaver tail. Can you eat those?

Anyway, its alien mouth is currently biting hard on the tree and by the sound of suction being produced I can assume either this beaver really loves trees or he’s currently feasting on the tree’s sap.

A perfect chance for me to get closer.

Since I have nothing that can be used as a weapon, I didn't even see a stone in the path here, I’ll need to do this the hard way.

Weaving through the forest, I hid in the tree behind the beaver.

He still didn't notice or haven't reacted even if he did, carefully I step out of the tree as soon as he lowers his mouth to suck once again.

Moving at a sluggish pace, carefully dragging my feet with the minimal amount of pressure I could exert, I approached.

Three steps away was my mark, I would jump and catch the little guy in one motion.

The beaver still didn't notice, I was about five steps away.

I advanced a step.

He raised his head.

My breathing stopped, I was immobile, trying to stop every fiber of my body from the slightest display of presence.

Counting to one, two and three was enough.

The beaver once again lowered his head and started to suck the tree.

Surely this little guy never expected to be interrupted right now, moving the final step, when the beaver would be in my reach.

I lowered my knees and pounced towards the happily eating beaver.

He had a quick reaction, if only to turn around and stare at me with a surprised face before my hands got to him.

This guy still had sap on its mouth it appears, once I grabbed his neck he spit sap in my face.

I could feel his teeth trying to bite my hand but they couldn't pierce the suit it seems.

The struggle was easy enough to stop once I had it by its neck, I turned that monstrous mouth away from me first thing.

How did a beaver get a mouth that opened in four directions with four point, carnivorous teeth? That I won't know.

This thing might as well have been a monster dog and I would be far more intimidated and possibly less hesitant to eat it.


After a short meal I started wondering about this tree, its sap was still in that crevice the beaver had opened.

Could I drink that, such a question was soon denied in my mind for some reason.

When I tried to move and pick up the sap my body stopped, it wasn't that I couldn't move but the simple command of “picking the sap to drink” was ignored.

I was confused.

It wasn't poison, I was certain of that since my body could move outside of that single, specific action.

Was this my new passive, Survival instinct? I don't think stopping my body from doing something is called an instinct.

The need to test this passive became top priority right there, if my body stops moving at important times because of this. I’ll be dead meat with or without doing whatever it is that freezes me.

Better to find out early rather than late I guess.

Since it seems not all my rewards have only advantages, I wonder if a reward would ever give me a direct curse, like some <Utopian Wills> are.

It goes directly against the idea of a trophy in my opinion as well.

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