How to platinum a Dating Sim RPG

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

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I can’t stop worrying over just how bad my new passive can screw things up, alas I have no time to spend pondering.

Staying here and waiting for more beavers is not an option, I’ve already spent enough time waiting for a stomach ache that didn't come and even if another beaver came, there's no place to wait in ambush here.

If I stay behind a tree and anything half witted looks around, I’ll be found.

That guy was sure there was no threat, as his last mistake, and let his guard down to eat, giving me a literal perfect opportunity.

I can’t eat the sap since, presumably, my new passive stops me and I have nothing like a bag or container to use it later somewhere.

I’ll leave my leftovers regretfully, if I was a savvy survivalist I could probably make a bag right here.


Starting to walk down once more, the path seems unchanged to me.

I keep trying to follow the sun as I pass by trees and critters, each alien yet a familiar shape in my memory.

Guess staying cooped in a room since birth did make me remember my past life more clearly over the years, I had expected far less than what I currently remember.

I also remembered there being a lot more food in a forest according to survival shows.

Fruits and shelter are still my goal here, no matter how much I need to walk.

While it's doubtful whether it rains here, since the planet doesn't appear to have a body of water, a shelter is the basis for me to be able to sleep safely.

I should have trained like a certain duo to keep alert even while sleeping.

A strong ray of sunlight distracts me.

My surroundings changed, an open clearing with the trees that once blocked the sun now far apart and the ground gushing with flowers above that same green grass.

The flowers had different shades of blue, pink and green but most noticeably their petals were extremely thick and long, with each flower having five of those adorning their center.

You could compare them to tongues if you wish something gross or palm fronds if you wanted something similar but vastly different.

It is a godsend for me at least.

Marking an entrance here should be easy and give me a point of reference to go back in a straight line to that capsule, so that I can explore my surroundings after.

Now that I’m happy, I need the answer to a simple question.

Are these plants alive?

No, not in the sense of whether they are a living being but more in the sense of will they pounce on me once I get close.

It’s a whole new universe and a whole unknown planet here and knowing what type of monster is at the academy isn’t helping right now.

I create a Healing tear, just in case, and keep it in my mouth, if anything happens I’ll spit it on any wound I receive and retreat.

Now I create a Soothing tear and move to the side of a tree.

Seeking out the closest flower that's isolated from the others, I found one about ten trees to my left.

A single flower ostentatiously alone in a clearing, a prime target to aggro, a single opponent for me to farm.

If this was an RPG I mean and if they can communicate like an RPG, I will give up on the capsule and turn tail in any direction.

Better than to confront dozens of flowers in a clearing.

Calming myself I prepare to throw the marble-like tear inside the flower, which I assume would be a sensitive spot.

Readying my movement, I throw it in a clean arc and hide myself by the tree.

May nothing happen, Lord of dating sims.

And nothing happened.

It’s safe, Captain. Now, everyone onboard for arduous work!

Collecting their petals was easy enough once I got the hang of it, you need to angle them down first and pull them tenderly to not damage the petals.

Like that you can pick the leaves without pulling the flowers off the ground, we're trying to be environment friendly here.

Let me be honest, I couldn't pull the flower from the ground, it was like trying to pull a metal pipe from hardened concrete, not even a budge.

At least the petals didn't get damaged even as I tried to yank the flower from the ground, which was a happy setback since I could then try to do it with all my strength.

After collecting the petals from all nearby flowers I started to put them firmly on the ground, digging a little dirt in the process.

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Two straight lines of petals, followed by the same lines of flowers without petals and complete.

A perfect way to mark this place as an entrance and get back to the capsule.

As expected of me, Mwahaha.

I’ll mark that in my list, “Not suited for evil laughs.”

In particular when there's no reason to laugh, but at least now I can explore freely.


I need to explore this clearing now, walking left or right won’t matter here but lets go left first.

Since they say out of left field there must be an entrance there to some cave or something.

Going around the flowers seemed easier than through them, also less creepy since I still need time to adapt my aesthetics.

It was oddly silent as there was no creature near the clearing.

I don’t think there's anything to be avoided here, more likely most animals here can’t hunt in open terrain.

At least none of the ones I’ve seen so far would hunt well in these flowers from personal opinion.

Anyway, I’ll carefully explore this place and live a happy life!

It feels like that’s not my original goal but I don’t have much choice unless I conveniently find a manual called “How to build spaceships for dummies.”

I bet that’d be a bestseller back in my world, well anything that can introduce real magic would.

After what felt like an hour of walking I was nearing a fallen tree.

A bit late but my body is much stronger than before, inhumanly so might I add.

Unsure whether to blame or commend my father, the old tree comes into clear view.

The tree must have fallen ages ago with its trunk covered in moss and right beside that something more alien than anything I’ve seen this far.

The thing was cylindrical in shape with a round end on one side, possibly his face, and green colored fur covering his entire body except a concave extremity filled with holes, possibly his butt, on the other side.

He walked on four small legs to which there was no claw nor visible muscle, if you said his arms looked like sausages I would wholeheartedly agree.

His eyes and mouth made black dots and a big circle in its green canvas of a face, coupled with his appearance of slowly eating moss from the top of that tree and an inoffensive animal was the only thing that came to mind.

This thing would rub its body every now and then after eating a little.

It’s so cute I can’t eat it.

Should I try to see what it does after? Getting closer didn't feel likely to pose any danger.

On the contrary, the instinct to pet that thing was growing inside me.

Of course, any petting would need to be done later.

I had that Healing tear I didn't use, clutched in my palm.

Which reminds me, I should have asked for pockets instead of listening to my father mumble about presents and tests.

From previous experiments these things should last a few days, exactly 4 days was how long I kept a marble hidden without resorting to drastic measures.

I’ll make a slow approach this time, trying not to agitate the guy.

Tell you, that beaver was far easier to catch and eat being a monster than this cute little thing.

I’m sorry beaver, may you blame your ancestors for giving you such an obviously murderous mouth.

Stepping on the grass I slowly approach the moss eating thing, as I step closer and closer it keeps on eating moss from the tree.

Unfortunately, it seems more alert than the beaver as when I step too close, it growls in a small voice filled with caution.

Staring at me, it non-verbally indicates me not to approach.

“Calm down, calm down. I come in peace here, can I give you a name? I’ll call you Mos from now on.”

The little guy, Mos, must be feeling threatened by my presence since I’m already five and quite tall after all.

It soon goes back to eating and I try to close the distance once more, until a single step after as the sound of a whistle came from that green spot.

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