How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 1: 1. of Barimads and Dragons

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If you’re reading this, I’m probably dead.

Either that or I managed to get away with the cream of my harem to some remote, inaccessible yet gorgeous location to live out the rest of my days in bliss, unrestrained passion and comfort.

I’d give it an eighty-twenty chance.

But you must be wondering who could possibly want to kill me. Well, of course, you know about the obvious ones: Husbands, boyfriends, jealous friend-zoned cucks…

No. None of those guys have the balls, conviction or the social skills to murder me.

What about a girl, you say? Well, that is a far more interesting possibility. Yes. I imagine that if anyone was to kill me, it would be a woman.

A very particular woman. Fascinating, mischievous, dangerous, sexy beyond description, and likely very, very naked at the time of the act.

Yes. I know her well enough to even know when and how she would kill me.

But who is she?! Tell us!!

Patience, my friends. Patience. It’s all about the journey. A journey filled with the most memorable of adventures, the most wonderful of women, and the most tantalizing seductions and amorous encounters.

Let me start from the beginning.

My name is Ken Kouboku, and I am, or rather was, what you might call a professional seducer. Or a pick up artist if you want to be crass.



The starting town of Ratia.  Year: I honestly have no clue. Let’s just say X.


When I arrived in Ratia, a small town where fresh adventurers like me are sent, I found it in a great uproar.

See, a dragon, a red one to be precise, had migrated south on an unexpected path and decided to nest in a cave in the mountains just east of the town.

A creature of this level was far beyond the abilities of the lowly starting adventurers present, and pleas to the capital fell on deaf ears as the Demon King’s generals were launching simultaneous attacks on the continent.

Night after night the dragon would swoop down on the town and surrounding lowlands, stealing sheep, burning heroes to a crisp, and grabbing anything shiny it cared to get its hands on.

I, honestly, couldn’t care less.

As the adventurers grouped up to try and overwhelm the dragon with numbers while it slept, I was busy with more important work. It was my goal to keep the citizens calm.

The first of these citizens was the daughter of the baker from the river-side. The poor thing was so stressed. She really needed to be held in strong arms through the night, and I performed this duty for queen and country.

When the adventurers returned, or rather their charred remains floated down the river, many more nervous souls needed consoling.

I was kept quite busy.

So busy that I didn’t even notice when the dragon, angered by the attack on its lair, swooped down and began burning down whole swaths of the town.

There I was, deep in the embrace of a lovely guild clerk named Lera as the dragon began its rampage.

Oh Lera. Even now, I can see her smooth, white skin glistening from the light of the flames leaking out the nostrils of the great beast that tore off the roof of her house. I remember her delicious breasts swaying this way and that in hypnotizing rhythm as she ran away down stairs.

And I definitely remember the gaze of the dragon resting on me, naked as the day I was born, alone on the bed, a raging boner my only sword to fight with.

It was when I looked into the dragon’s eyes, that I realized… the dragon was a female.



Now, the world of Mithuna, what they call this strange world-dimension-thing, has some convoluted rules governing its magic and skills, strangely akin to a jrpg.

Everyone gets a card that shows their stats, affinities, skills, talents… the whole lot. It’s quite bizarre and unintuitive. Everyone also got skill points they could assign to their stats. Some chose strength to be strong warriors, some chose Stamina to be the mightiest of tanks, some chose intelligence to be the best of mages.

They were, however, all fucking stupid.

There was only one stat all the points obviously needed to go to.




As I stared down the dragon looming above me, I saw! I saw the flames of passion in her eyes.

Somehow, I’m not sure how, my body just knew what to do. And so, I cast a spell! An actual magic spell! The most powerful Charisma based spell:




“Wait, you fucked the dragon?!” Miya asked, the covers hugging her curves as she turned to lay sideways.

“A gentleman does not kiss and tell,” I smiled at her, my finger tracing the curve of her marvelous DDD cup breast.

“There is no way you could succeed in a Charm spell check against someone so powerful,” Miya said dismissively. “You know what you are?” she said, her hand sliding towards my groin. “You’re a fucking liar!” She grabbed my cock tightly with a hand used to holding multiple heavy mugs of ale.

“I never lie,” I said, wincing from both pain and pleasure.

“Then how did you do it?” Miya said, continuing to squeeze me for an answer.

“She had traveled south in search of a mate,” I replied. “I believe it was her lust that made her susceptible to my spell.”

“Her lust huh?” Miya said, giving me a sly look. “And how was it? How did you brave her flaming desire? How did you slay the dragon?”

I smiled again. “Oh, with my sword, honey. Naturally,” I said, giving her soft breast a lick.

 She gasped slightly but kept on pressing her attack. “How would that even work? Your sword is quite strong,” she said, squeezing my cock even harder with her hand. “But it’s made for humans, not great beasts of legend.”

I moaned as she began stroking me slowly with her iron grip.


“You win,” I relented, though her hand did not. “Dragons can transform into a humanoid form. She was only slightly taller than me, her skin a brilliant red, and still adorned with her wings, horns and tail.”

“Bullshit. I’ve read the monster guidebooks. There are no records of dragons having this ability,” she said, her hand picking up speed slightly.

I moaned again. “And yet…”

“And yet you’re the only one to see it happen?”

“She told me they only do it in private. They are completely naked once they transform. It would be embarrassing for them to do it in the middle of the street,” I explained.

Miya slowed down slightly as she eyed me suspiciously. “Gods, you’re such a fucking liar!” she laughed, beginning to stroke my cock in earnest.

I moaned loudly.

Her barmaid’s hand would easily make me cum at that rate.

But a gentleman never cums first.

“I never lie,” I said, and my lips went for her pink nipple. I pushed my teeth lightly into her areola and gently grabbed her nipple with them.

She let out the cutest of noises as I softly bit and pulled the delicious pink tip.

Her hand loosened slightly.

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And there I found my opening.

I rolled the distracted barmaid onto her back, still pleasantly munching on her lovely breast.

She tried to strengthen her grip again, but then released an uncontrolled quiet moan as I began my counter attack.

While one hand was gripping her large breast as to not allow her nipple to escape me, my other hand was already down between her legs, teasing her clit over the clitoral hood.

Her hand, which had already lost my cock, tried to grip it again, but she would not have time to recover.

Two of my fingers spread the skin around her clit to drag the hood covering it back, and the third finger…

“Fuck,” she mumbled as my lightly passed over her exposed clit.

I smiled.

She was already starting to get wet again.

But I wanted more.

Our second round for the night was only just beginning.

I slowly picked up pace, eliciting more and more lively sounds from the barmaid beneath me.

“Oh… fuck… fuck… fuck!”

She was positively writhing with pleasure. Her hips pushed up, pushing her into my finger, begging for more.

And then I stopped.

“W-what?! What the fuck!” She exclaimed, her hands bashing against the mattress in frustration. “Why did you stop?!”

I moved up and kissed her.

“W-why?” she managed through our interlocked lips.

I broke off the kiss and looked at her with a gleeful smile. “You hurt my feelings. I pride myself on being a man of my word. And yet you call me a liar.”

“Oh fuck you!” she said, trying to wriggle her arms under me to take a hold of my cock in the strongest of double grips. “You’re a liar! And a scoundrel!”

I took hold of both her arms trying to seize my cock and pinned them over her head.

She looked at me with the most sublime of expressions.





“You hopeless man,” she said.

I looked back at her with a look of equal passion, continuing to pin her arms as she tried desperately to break them free.

My cock had been rock hard since the moment she started stroking it, but it was positively pulsing with the desire she was demanding of me. I rested it on her pussy and began to rub it up and down.

“Gods, fuck! You assshole!” she yelled. “Fine! I believe you, ok?!”

“Believe what?” I asked, still pinning her down as she continued to struggle.

“You fucked a dragon! Now fuck me already like you fucked that magical beast!”

I let go of her hands and swung back to be on my knees, looking down at the gorgeous woman below me.

Golden blonde locks that went down to her shoulders that matched her golden brown eyes, milky-white skin that glistened in the candlelight, those huge breasts of hers that would always sway and jiggle as she served the tavern customers, her beautiful legs and the small lock of golden hair that adorned the top of what was between them…

But her beauty didn’t stop there.

Miya was the barmaid owner of the east-side tavern. Hers would be the place most travelers would find first when returning exhausted from their journey. And Miya would be there to greet them with a bright smile and a mug of ale.

It was just something about her… aura. The energy she sent out in every direction. Her mere presence lit up the room as she would smile and listen intently to the travelers’ stories. Genuinely listen with interest, too. She had the curiosity of a girl far younger, one who has never ventured outside the walls of the town.

The moment I set foot at her tavern, I couldn’t understand why nobody was hitting on her.

I had already met many a lovely lady in Ratia, but Miya was by far the most beautiful.

I soon realized why that was. In addition to her child-like curiosity, she also possessed the most motherly warmth.

Men would come in wounded, exhausted, angry, frustrated, horny… And she would welcome all. Sometimes she would touch your hand gently, sometimes kiss your forehead, and sometimes she would even give a hug to the bravest adventurers.

I have never seen a brawl or a fight in her tavern. It was almost as if she was casting Charm on the whole place.

Almost. I could feel magic as part of whatever senses this world has given me, and hers was quite the natural type of spell. The spell of a beautiful soul.

I, too, was bewitched by it for a time.

A normal man could probably just spend his whole life sitting there, drinking ale with her loveliness washing over him.

But I… I have a passion burning inside me. A voice calling me over the horizon no matter how far I go.

I wanted to see more, to know more, to experience all sides of her, all that she was.



And there Miya was, on the bed below me, completely naked for me to see. Baring all that she was to me. The greatest possible gift.

She gave me her warmest smile. “Come on, please don’t make me beg…”

Now the scorching desire she lit inside me was joined by the soothing warmth of her beauty. This, this was what I lived for.

“Turn around,” I said.

Her voice was beautiful as she moaned. Soft and feminine, yet dipped in lust.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that even though the main face she showed to the world was that of a positive but shy, almost meek, barmaid, she did not try now to deny or hide the parts of her that could go red hot.

Her pussy hugged my cock with all her warmth as I pushed inside again and again.

The sound of her ass crashing against my pelvis, of my balls hitting her with every thrust… it was music. It only needed one more touch of vocals to become a full symphony.

“Ken,” she gasped softly. “Yes, Ken… I’m cumming…”

That was it. The final piece.

“Yes… Yes! Yes! Ken! Yes!!” She yelled, her hands barely able to hold her off the bed, until they gave out. “I’m cumming!!”

We lost ourselves in the throes of orgasm, of ecstasy. The climactic crescendo to the symphony that my cock and her pussy, that I and her created together.

That was when the door slammed open behind us.

That was when the man shouted.

That was when a crossbow bolt went right through my ribcage.

That was when I died. Again.

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