How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 2: 2. Aphrodite

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To be fair, the second death was a step up from the first one. At least this time whoever killed me had the decency to let me cum first.

It was also considerably less intimidating the second time. Especially when you knew exactly where you were going.

It was the smell. The smell gave her away instantly.

Lavender… roses… touches of peppermint… and the nice twinge of lemon at the end.

I smiled and opened my eyes.

By god, or gods, she was the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love herself, sat on a throne made of pink clouds and flowers.

“Hello there,” I said, taking a step forward.

She smiled at me with her enigmatic smile.

Her hair flowed and floated by whatever magic filled her strange, pink, cloudy realm. The surrounding colors gave her smooth skin a sweet, majestic pink tint.

That skin… oh what I would give to glide my hands over it, feeling the softness of her curves. Perfect curves.

Many women thought that losing weight was all they needed to do, dieting and ending up looking like a bundle of twigs that would be broken by the next gust of wind.

Aphrodite, though, her body was perfect.

I consumed it with my eyes.

For Aphrodite was the goddess of love, all forms of it.

Long strands of her fair flowed down and over her breasts to conceal the nipples, while another flowed elegantly over her crossed legs.

She knew, she knew very well the power of strategic concealment, of teasing the living hell out of you.

“I’m pleased to see you again, Mr. Kouboku,” she said in her angelic voice.

My eyes were drawn up, past her long, smooth legs, past her delicious abdomen, past her ever teasing perfect breasts, past her glistening, soft, pink lips and finally to her eyes.

Those eyes. They were as pink as her hair, and they glowed, they glowed with the magic and charm of arbitrator of beauty, and yet if one stared long enough, one was drawn into their depths, to where raw, blazing lust lay.

I sure was drawn into their depths the first time I was here. But this wasn’t my first rodeo.

“I very much appreciate that you were waiting here, all alone, just for me to come back,” I said with, giving her my own enigmatic smile, before taking the metaphorical step back. “But shouldn’t you be guiding other men to the afterlife as well?”

“Oh, I have underlings that can handle lesser men,” she said, her eyes traveling up and down my body, which I definitely did not forget was naked at the time of my death, and thus very much naked now. “You deserve the special treatment.”

The vibration of her voice alone was enough to make my cock stand in full awe of her.

“Now look what you’ve done.” I shook my head. “Won’t the other gods be angry at you trying to seduce a mere mortal like me?”

Aphrodite giggled, her laugh adding to the lyrical atmosphere of her realm, which somehow managed to be both silent and musical at the same time.

“When a man looks at me with such sincere eyes, eyes that tell me you want to devour me with every last drop of your desire… I can't help it,” she cooed. “Though,” she added, swaying to lean on the flowery arm of her throne, her finger gently tracing her lip. “Do you really believe this is me even trying?”

“I could give you some pointers, if you’d like,” I said. “Tell you what you’re doing wrong.”

Aphrodite burst into majestic laughter that echoed through the clouds. Her breasts jiggled slightly as she did, the flowing locks of hair flowing with them to continue to conceal the delicious secrets beneath.

“Teasing the gods! The gods! Without missing a heartbeat! Truly, you still live up to your reputation,” the goddess said, staring at me with ever deepening, glowing eyes, the sheer lust and desire almost lighting me on fire.

“Still?” I asked. I guess we were done with the foreplay.

The goddess changed her smile to a slightly more serious expression. “I was worried about you, Mr. Kouboku. That your time in Mithuna might have made you dull, lazy even.”

A shit test from the goddess of love. I didn’t even know back when I was a clueless mortal, but this is something I’ve been wanting all my life.

And I would pass this test.

“Sadly, yes. The girls in Mithuna just throw themselves at me like I’m a piece of meat,” I said, agreeing and exaggerating. “Won’t even sit down and get to know me first. Create a real connection. The girls back home wouldn’t just fall into your lap like this. They made you work.”

Aphrodite hmmmed softly. “Then why did you use Charm on the barmaid?”

Well, fuck. 

The goddess smiled triumphantly. “Don’t get me wrong. I adored every moment of it.” She stood up from her throne slowly, her hair flowing as before to make the movement elegant, exciting and completely concealing from my mortal eyes that which men desire. “That wasn’t sex,” she said, spreading her arms wide as she walked down the few cloudy steps leading down from her throne. “That was art.”

“If I’d known I had an audience, I would have put on a better show,” I replied.

I could muse as much as I wanted, but we both knew she was now in control of this interaction.

“Why then,” she said, floating towards me from the final step as smoothly as one of the clouds surrounding us. “Why would a man of your skills and reputation need to force himself on her in such a crude manner?”

Well, I never lie.

“I couldn’t help myself,” I replied. “She was shy, but quite firm towards my direct advances. A girl like her would take time to warm up for the necessary comfort and trust. Possibly very long, if at all.”

The image of Miya dancing between the tables with mugs filled my mind. “And I wanted, no, I needed her. I couldn’t wait.”

Aphrodite stared deep into my eyes as she drew close enough for me to feel her breath.

Despite the awe I felt at this naked beauty so close to me, I knew a woman playing games when I saw one. I stared right back, unwavering.

“Such an honest man,” she said and began to glide around me slowly in a circle. “This is why I chose you,” her lyrical voice hummed into my ears. “A man so unapologetically willing to admit to the failings of his own character.”

She completed her gliding circle and came to a stop in front of me, floating just enough off the cloudy ground to stare me right in the eyes again.

I have looked into the eyes of many women. Beautiful young women, barely twenty, that would stare back at the CEOs and athletes twice their age with accomplishments that could feel whole books, without even a blink, unashamedly judging their character.

It was nothing compared to staring down Aphrodite.

Her gaze pierced your soul and saw everything.

Thankfully, I had nothing to hide.

“Well, I suppose...” the goddess said, long locks of her hair curling magically around my arms.

“Forced love is still a form of love.” The locks of her hair tightened suddenly and pulled my hands together above my head.

“We’ve only met twice, and you’re already tying me up,” I said. “I think we should be taking our relationship a bit slower than this.”

I expected to get at least a smirk, if not a giggle, but the goddess of love was no ordinary woman. She simply ignored my remark.

“And yet, such crass methods would never lead you to find the Light of True Love,” she said, her hand going towards my face slowly, enticingly, but stopping just shy of touching me.

She was such a fucking tease!

Not to mention she was on about that thing of hers again. “You’ve never even properly explained to me what this light of yours is, or why you want me to find it.”

Aphrodite scoffed as if to scold me. “Oh but you do. Deep in your soul you do. I can see it.”

Unlike her, I wasn’t a divine being or some enlightened monk.

“That which you have sought all your life, without even knowing precisely what it was,” she continued. “The voice calling romantic adventurers like you to pursue it beyond the horizon. Deep down, you know what it is.”

More locks of her hair grabbed my legs tightly in place and spread them slightly.

My cock was so erect by this point that it almost touched her. Almost. And she knew it. It aimed straight at the lock of hair obscuring her likely just as divine pussy.

She glanced down and smiled. A strand of that cock-blocking lock detached and brushed gently against my cock.

This damn woman could stimulate me in ways I could never even imagine back on earth.

“All that I wish is for you to reach it, to find this light,” she continued as that single hair coiled and glided round me.

Now, I was no stranger to reversing my role, connecting with my own feminine and surrendering to my partner. But I didn’t like the idea of relinquishing control to whatever agenda she had, which clearly wasn’t just for my benefit.

But I couldn’t hit back just yet. I needed more. So I would play her game.

“I could promise to look harder next time,” I said, feeling the flames she was lighting inside me grow ever stronger with every breath she took, with every tightening of her soft, silk-like hair around me.

She hmmmed softly again. “That is where, unfortunately, you have a problem.”

“A problem?”

“Yes.” Her expression changed to soft sadness again. “You see, the first reincarnation contract, it’s just standard procedure here. You remember what I told you last time, don’t you?”

“Reincarnate as a child on earth, all memories lost, go to the afterlife or reincarnate into another world,” I said. “I remember.”

It wasn’t even a choice really. Losing all my memories, all my experiences was tantamount to true death, while the afterlife, the afterlife is not what they advertised it to be.

“Reincarnating to the same world with your memories intact twice,” she began explaining, swimming through the air around me in a slow circle again, her silky hair still performing all of its duties, but now adding a wide coil around my entire body. “It destabilizes time and space, thus I can only offer to send you to either earth or Mithuna as a child, or to heaven.”

Heaven, the fancy name they gave to what was essentially an endless spiritual cloud drive where all you had left is your awareness, forever without a need for anything, without desire. Just a peaceful, blissful rest for all eternity. Boring as fuck.

“Send me to hell, then,” I said. “I would rather be in an eternal BDSM session than be part of the collective consciousness of the universe.”

Hell sounded much, much more interesting than heaven. Forever tortured physically and psychologically, but without ever breaking. But at least you felt something.

“Oh, you silly humans,” she giggled. “We don’t just decide to send you up or down. You determine whether your soul sinks or floats.” 

“Didn’t I just force myself on a kind-hearted girl with essentially a rape spell? If that’s not enough to be sent to hell then I don’t know what is.”

“While you have indeed sinned by giving in to the temptations of using mind altering magic for your own desires,” the goddess said, completing the elegant circle around me. “It is not a heavy enough sin to counterbalance the life you lived on earth.”

Of course it wasn’t. Why would the afterlife be any different than real life?

“And the priests in Sunday school would teach us that my hedonistic lifestyle was a fast lane ticket to hell,” I said, shaking my head. “Everything I knew was a lie.”

“What can I say,” the goddess shrugged. “I can’t force people to accept the true beauty of my songs.”

We stared into each other’s eyes for a good few quiet moments.

Blissful moments, I might say. Me in the embrace of her silky hair, my cock still being toyed with by a single strand, and the most beautiful being in the universe staring back at me with what I could only describe as sincere affection.

She leaned in closer, and for a moment I really thought we would be able to combine our flames into a raging inferno with a passionate kiss.

But the moment had to end.

“It’s time to choose,” she whispered.

I looked deep into her eyes, and then said what I knew she really wanted me to say.

“What do you really want?”

Aphrodite’s face beamed with an excited smile. “Such a gentleman!” she exclaimed. “Seeing into the true desire of the woman even while his own life balances on an edge!”

Her hair tightened around me as she grew excited, a faint hint of red emerged from the glowing pink of her eyes and she almost moaned as she spoke: “Oh, it’s been so long since I’ve had a true lover pass through my realm!”

For the first time, she touched me. Her finger traced a path from my neck to my nipple with the most soft and angelic of touches. “Trying to seduce a goddess, the goddess of love, like she was but any other mortal woman,” she said, as a single light touch of the tip of her finger made my nipple stand with intense desire. “Do you have no shame?”

“You keep tempting me, goading me on,” I said, groaning slightly from both discomfort and pleasure from her tight embrace. “I am but a mere mortal, I cannot possibly resist your power of temptation.”

She smiled an almost hungry smile, her slightly red-touched eyes still staring right at me as she pinched my nipple.

The sheer waves of pleasure I felt course through me from that simple act would have made me cum all over the beautiful hair obscuring her pussy, had I not practiced tantric orgasm delay.

She seemed especially pleased by this.

The magical silky hair locks finally released me as she turned back to her throne.

I used the time to gather myself, as even though she had literally barely touched me, it was one of the more intense experiences I had had. Such was the power of the goddess of love.

“A second reincarnation isn’t completely disallowed,” she said as she glided elegantly back to her seat. “It’s just heavily scrutinized.”

“And I am to be allowed this special treatment?” I asked.

She gave me a playful smile. “You must show true desire to perform the task you have been first reincarnated with,” she said as she stretched out a hand to her side which caused a tree branch to rise from the clouds below. She plucked a glistening golden apple from its vines. “And you will also have to form another contract, with a new, additional task.”

 “You want me to find two lights of true love?” I asked. “Or is there some other way you’d incur my payment?” This time I made sure to eye every curve, every smooth and gorgeous inch of her as I spoke.

“Nothing that complex,” she said, smiling and giving me a knowing glance. The touch of red to her eye had disappeared by now. “I would have you seduce a woman.”

I wondered. Could I tease Aphrodite with jealousy?

“She must be an extraordinary woman for the goddess of love to take notice,” I said. “How beautiful is she?”

Aphrodite raised a brow at my feeble attempt. “Oh, she’s absolutely gorgeous. But that is not the reason for your task.”

“And what is the reason?”

“One which you don’t need concern your lovely human head with,” the goddess replied, playing with the golden apple in her hand. “Do you accept my contract? Your second reincarnation task?”

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She looked absolutely… well, divine, as she sat on her throne, playing with her golden apple. The apple glowed, leaving soft golden touches on her skin to add to the already gorgeous pink-hued skin. The mere memory of her fingertip touching me was enough to keep my erection going like it was nothing.

I drank it all in, etching it into my memory before I finally struck back.

“No,” I said.

“No?” she asked in surprise.

“I’ve seduced enough women. Experienced enough. I think it’s time for me to move on,” I said, each word completely true and hammering away at the goddess’ defenses.

Aphrodite stared at me in silence, studying me carefully. “Are you trying to barter with a goddess?”

“No. I merely think I’ve lived well enough, and that I deserve some eternal rest,” I replied.

Aphrodite was no longer playing with her apple. She was staring straight at me, deep into my soul, and she clearly didn’t like what she saw.

The surrounding pink clouds seemed to darken as anger crossed their ruler’s face.

“There will be no coming back from heaven. Once you go, you are gone. Forever. A formless specter of a thought, floating in that abominable peace and serenity for all time,” she said, her lyrical voice taking a far darker tone.

“It honestly doesn’t sound that bad,” I replied.

She stared at me with the same piercing, glowing gaze for a few more moments, before finally leaning back in her seat.

“Fine,” she said. She put the golden apple on the flowery arm of her throne. “It’s your choice.”

“It is,” I said.

She raised her hand and a large beam of divine light shone down upon me from far up above.

“Such a waste, we could have done so many great things together,” she said as the light grew brighter.

“I know, but alas, we were simply not meant to be,” I replied and felt my body begin to rise slowly into the air.

“You’re wasted on heaven,” she said, shaking her head, locking her eyes with mine as I ascended.

“I know,” I replied.

We continued to gaze into each other’s eyes as I slowly went farther and farther, neither of us blinking.

“Thank you for giving me another chance at life,” I said with a smile.

How far would I need to float to reach heaven?

I would not find it out just yet.

Aphrodite shot her hand down in fury, the light disappearing abruptly, leaving me to fall back onto the pink cloudy ground.

“You insolent…” the goddess growled as she stood up, the clouds darkening again.

“Unashamed…” she continued as she stepped down the cloudy steps, pulses of red hue shooting through them with every step she took.


She drew closer to me as I pushed myself back to my feet.

“Helpless, puny, mortal man!”

Her eyes were no longer glowing pink. They were now crimson red, and so was the world around us. Only a faint hint of pink remained.

The glowing eyes stared right at me as she approached.

“You dare mock me?! Mock a goddess?!”

The eyes that stared at me were absolutely wild.






Truly, Aphrodite was the goddess of all forms of love.

She radiated it with every movement she made.

“Kneel,” she demanded.

I didn’t really have a choice in the matter, her command sent me down instantly.

She loomed over me. Stared down at me with everything. Lust, anger, hate, desire… and yet even joy, empathy, and happiness. She stared down at me with everything that she was.

And I stared back. Now that was a reaction I could not even dream of. Never before have I seen anything like it. All I could do was stare back at her with beastly excitement.

“You hopeless, mortal man,” she said, hungrily, her voice wanting to devour me with desire my mortal brain couldn’t even properly comprehend. “What do you really want?”

I looked back at her, and replied without a heartbeat’s hesitation. “I want you.”

She stared into my eyes for a moment before bursting into a laughter that was beautiful, charming and terrifying at the same time.

The whole cloudy world around us was a whirlwind of different red and pink hues.

“You are something else, Mr. Kouboku,” she said, returning to stare down at me.

“Do you accept my contract?” I asked with a cheeky smile.

“No,” she replied, with the same hungry voice. “Such relations are forbidden.”

“That’s too bad. Forbidden fruit does taste the sweetest.”

“The answer is no,” she repeated herself. “It will not happen.”

“I understand. It is your choice,” I said, looking back where the bright light shone before. “Will you send me to heaven, then?”

“I would send you to hell now if I could,” she growled. “But heaven will probably be worse for you.”

Her hands spread wide as a beam of light once again shone down upon me.

This time I began moving up immediately, and faster.

She stared at me with her flaming-red eyes as I ascended.

This was it, huh? Well, I shot my shot. I had no regrets.

I smiled gently back at her.

Higher and higher did I go.

I could feel my physical body begin to fade. So this was what heaven felt like.

“Fuck!!” Aphrodite’s voice boomed as the light exploded into endless sparkling shards and I was sent flying back down into Aphrodite’s realm.

Thankfully, the clouds were just as soft as their ruler.

I would not see heaven after all.

“It’s been a long, long time since a human made me feel this way.” The goddess of love bit her lip.

“You get one night,” she said, looming over me as I grunted my way back to my feet, then turned back to her throne.

I smiled. I smiled and looked at her perfectly shaped peach of an ass sway.

“One night with you in exchange for seducing one woman? I guess that’s a fair deal,” I said.

“Oh no, that deal is long off the table,” she said, turning back around. “You will seduce and fuck seven women of my choosing.”

“Shouldn’t I get seven nights then?”

“Your fragile mortal brain would not survive seven nights of sex with me,” she said, stepping towards me. “Trust me, I’m trying to spare your life here.”

“I’ve already died twice, how much worse could it get?”

“You’re going to be the first and only mortal to fuck me,” she said with more lust than I knew existed, stopping before me and looking up deep into my eyes. “The only mortal man who will be able to boast he claimed Aphrodite, the goddess of love, all for himself for a night.” Her hand suddenly went for my once more fully erect cock.

Her hand was soft as silk, and yet it made my cock pulse with so much pleasure, it took everything I had to not cum.

I couldn’t help but moan.

“You feel that? That’s just a taste,” she said, passing her hand from the base of my cock to the tip, very nearly making me cum. “Just imagine what everything else would feel like. She glided her other hand from her breasts down between her legs, moaning as she reached her destination.

“Imagine what my pussy would feel like,” she whispered into my ear. “What it would be like to fuck Aphrodite, the goddess of love, in my godly ass.”   

“Ah, fuck!” I managed. “You make a fair point.”

She released my cock, leaving me breathless from the sensation.

“One thing, though,” she said, smiling a heavenly sheepish smile. “You have been a rather naughty boy. And naughty boys get punished.”

Before I could react, one of her hair locks circled around me and shot straight into my back.

I definitely felt it inside me, yet it made my body pulse with both pain and pleasure at the same time. Even though I was pretty sure it went into my lungs, it could still speak. “Ugh. This is much better than the last time something penetrated my back.”

“I can make you feel many, many more things once you complete your task,” she said. “I would be taking this away, however.”

I felt like something… entered me. Metaphorically. Spiritually. Something entered my soul and rested inside.

The lock of her slid out of my back and returned to its master.

I clutched my chest as I felt a hint of something warm inside. “I do hope you didn’t just get me pregnant.”

Aphrodite smiled and placed her soft hand on my chest. “It’s a seal. It will prevent you from using any silly magic like Charm this time around.” She retracted her hand. “Also, you must seduce and fuck these women before the next alignment of the planets. If you fail, I will be sending you straight to heaven.”

So that was her play. The most powerful mind altering spell and she sealed it away like it was a cookie jar.

“Do you still insist on your version of the contract?” she cooed.

She would have me seduce seven women in Mithuna without any relevant spells, and with an impossible timeline to boot.

I breathed in. I breathed in deeply and smiled. I never needed the spells to begin with.

“Yes, I accept these terms,” I said, staring right back into her deep, red-pink eyes.

She looked at me with a hunger greater than any I’ve ever seen.

“So be it,” she said and suddenly drew closer, her soft hand grabbing my head and pulling it towards hers. She paused to look at me with her soul-peering gaze once last time for a second that seemed to stretch far longer. She bit her lip, closed her eyes and our lips met.



When my eyes opened, I was greeted me was a blurred vision.

I could still feel her divine lips, her tongue pushing its way into my mouth.

But she was gone.

As my vision came back into focus, I could only see a wooden roof.

I tried to move, but a sharp pain from my chest prevented me from making anything other than a wiggle and a pained grunt.

The face of… a healer? Appeared above mine.

“He’s awake!” she cried and ran off. “He woke up!”

The headpiece, it was the Ratia healing center emblem.

I was back in Mithuna.

I couldn’t move because of the pain, but I could smile. I could smile a wide, triumphant smile.

Everything was going exactly according to plan.

Aphrodite. The goddess of love. I would seduce you.

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