How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 11: 11. Pyra, Knight Captain of Ratia

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She wore stretchy but metallic looking fabric that covered her like gymnast’s clothes or a tight whole-body swimsuit, with the town’s insignia adorning her breasts.

If I knew the world of Mithuna considered something like this to be good armor, I would have reincarnated here much sooner.

Elbow length bracer-gloves from the same material as the rest encased much of her sweat-covered arms. They left more than enough of her beautiful, olive tinted skin exposed.

Finally, tight, yoga-pants-like black leggings hugged her ass and athlete-perfect legs.

The whole outfit did much to show off her toned, Greek goddess-like body (and I would, by now, very much know).

She was as marvelous as when I first saw her, a dinner in my honor after ‘driving off’ Anaestraza.

I didn’t have time to marvel at her sight for too long though, as the barn behind us made an ominous crack.

Midas and I ran out into the field just as the roof behind us smashed into the ground.

“You two alright?” Pyra shouted at us, tossing the rocket tube back over her shoulder.

I was about to give her my most heartfelt thanks when she pointed a gun in my direction.

A weird one too. It was like a revolver, but with six rotating gun barrels instead of just a drum of bullets.

Oh right. I was still feminist enemy number one.

I didn’t recall doing anything to slight her specifically though.

She wasn’t aiming at me.

She was aiming behind me.

“Get down!” she yelled.

I pulled Midas down to the ground with me.

The pistol fired.

A blur of darkness zoomed above us in the direction of the captain.

She dodged elegantly to the side just as the massive claw of the demon smashed into the ground she was just standing on.

His head seemed to take a beating, covered in strange purple blood and even missing half a horn. But clearly all the rockets to the face did was make him angry.

More shots echoed through the air as Pyra ran, jumped and twirled away, pursued relentlessly by the demon whose movements were so quick my eyes only registered them as a blur of black armor and wings.

Suddenly the demon reached her with a shockwave of impact.

When the momentary dust had settled I could see the demons hand in front of Pyra’s determined face, blocked by a sword I didn’t even see her carrying.

The gun fired.

The demon stumbled back, the bullet piercing clean through the middle of his plate chest-piece.

Pyra’s sword flashed and two of the demon’s severed sharp fingers hit the ground.

The monster leapt back.

So I take it you’re the boss around here,” the demon said, examining the stems of his missing fingers.

I take it you’re the boss here,” she repeated in a mocking tone. “And I take it you’re the boss’ main side-bitch.” She pointed her sword in his direction tauntingly. “I am Pyra, knight captain of Ratia. Now where’s your officer, demon sergeant?”

A knight captain? Interesting.” The creature grinned with a beastly hunger. He reached back to something tied to his waist. “Here he is,” he said, tossing it forward.

What lay between the black creature and the red-haired captain was a large, black, girthy… demon cock.

Pyra raised an eyebrow at it. “I have bigger toys at home.”

I’m sure. He was a pathetic weakling, after all.”” the demon said. “Now since you know how to read demon ranks. You must know how our power is measured, don’t you?

She twisted her face in disgust. “Ugh, please don’t whip it out in front of me.”

And yet that is exactly what he did. The demonic crotch plate piece hit the ground, there was a beastly grunt, and it was quite firmly out.

Apparently demons measured their strength by the size of their cocks. And if I thought the one he threw on the ground was large… his was the size of my leg.

There was a flash of steel and red hair.

The demon zoomed to the side.

A small trickle of purple blood flowed down the beast’s massive cock from a small cut.

“I did tell you not to do it,” Pyra said, turning to point her sword at the demon again. “I’ve castrated bigger than you.”

The demon’s momentary surprise turned into raw, beastly lust as he licked his lips. “I love strong females.

The demon disappeared into a black blur again, hurtling towards the guard captain who responded in kind, dashing forward to meet him.

There was a shockwave of a clash, and the two settled in the position previously occupied by their opponent.

They stood there for a tense moment.

Then the demon groaned and clutched his side, which had a deep cut right through the plate armor that was glowing and putting out smoke as though on fire.

Bloody holy swords,” the demon said through greeted teeth.

“Are you going to tell me how your portal penetrated the magical barriers so far away from your lands and what interest you have with our little town? Or do I need to cut your demon sausage off slice by slice for the information?”

The demon roared in laughter. “A human playing with her food? You have that much faith in the power of your gods?” He turned to face her. “I wonder, what face you would make once you realize they have abandoned you, when you’re completely defenseless…”

The huge black figure vanished.

It appeared again right in front of Pyra, who was caught off guard, but was still more than prepared enough to strike at the monster on instinct.

It was a precise, confident strike at the creature’s neck.

Pyra’s eyes went wide. “What?!”

Instead of being dead, the demon was firmly grasping her sword, smoke rising from the searing touch of the blade.

She tried to move her weapon but the demon’s hand would not budge. She was trapped.

Yes, that face. When you know you’re about to be penetrated and broken by your enemy’s magnificent demon cock.” The monster tightened his grip on her sword. “Stings doesn’t it?” the demon growled with a massive grin only slightly touched by the pain from the sword searing his hand. “That this is all they can do for you.” He pulled her towards him, pressing her body against his giant, pulsing member.

A guttural cry rang as Pyra’s clothes glowed and seared into the monsters cock.

The demon then roared in anger, pushing the woman back and swiping wide to hit cut her in half.

She jumped over it and planted her boots firmly into the monster’s chest armor.

Her sword was still firmly in the monster’s grasp.

But it didn’t matter.

Using the sword and the demon as leverage, she flipped into the air, letting go of her weapon, and then spun her head.

The long red-haired braid came swinging around, and its tip hit the demon straight in the face.

To said tip was right a small, spiked metal ball.

The demon roared in yet more pain as it seared into his face.

Pyra landed gracefully back on the ground and hopped back to increase distance and assume a fighting stance.

The braces on her arms and boots glowed with holy light, and she lunged straight at the large monster before her.

It was… a blur.

Red hair.

Flying fists.

The shine off holy light.

Spark after blinding spark of blessed, searing impact.

“Ugh… what… What’s happening? Am I dead?” Midas groaned beside me. He was out cold from hitting the ground after I pulled him down with me. Missing the martial display completely.

“We got some reinforcements,” I said, kneeling down to help him up.

“Reinforcements?” He still looked dazed but his eyes went wide when he saw Pyra. “The knight captain! We’re saved!”

Pyra stood there, looking at her handiwork and panting from the exercise.

The demon sergeant’s armor was almost completely gone, revealing skin just as black but now with countless glowing sear marks where the captain’s fists had hit him. He collapsed to his feet, smoke rising from his many wounds.

The knight captain cracked her fists and her neck. “The gods help those who help themselves, demon. Now help yourself and start talking, or I start jerking you off with my holy gloves on.”

The demon spat purple blood onto the ground.

“Not third rate demon can hold a candle to her,” Midas continued. “There’s no way he can beat her!”

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It was at that moment I resolved to nickname this idiot ‘Jinx’.

The demon spat purple blood onto the ground and slowly pulled back to his feet.

“You can still stand? I’m surprised you even have enough blood left to keep that stupid thing erect.”

The demon’s cock, though seared from direct contact with her armor and grazed by her sword, was still very much alive and pulsing. Actually, even more than before.

“He’s still alive?!” Midas exclaimed.

“I think she wants to take him alive,” I said.

Oh, I will enjoy listening to your wails as you’re forced down to the base of my fucking cock,” the demon said, coughing out more purple blood, but doing so with a menacing smile.

“You’re still on about that? Gods, fine, I’ll give you a holy-gloved handjob you maso piece of shit.” She resumed her battle stance.

I wonder. Would you scream like the adventurers we raped last night? Or would you cry, begging for mercy, knowing it was your contract that sent them to become demon seed-beds.

Pyra got her breathing under control and prepared for another lunge at her enemy.

But then the demon raised his hand.

The one with the recently missing fingers.

The move gave Pyra a hesitant pause, and then she yelled.

She yelled in pain as the two dismembered fingers from before flew out of the grass they were resting in and smack into the center of her back.

They sparkled and cracked as they pushed against the blessed elastic armor the captain wore.

And then the demon opened its mouth.

Not to talk.

A huge ball of flames blasted out of its mouth and at the debilitated captain.

Pyra’s screams of pain echoed above the heat and shockwave that flung Midas and myself back and onto the ground.

The demon smiled in beastly triumph and stepped forward.

Between the pillars of smoke from the explosion, there was a faint light.

The knight captain was lying on the ground, face down, completely naked. He armor was gone, but her skin was still immaculate, not a scratch on it.

Then the light surrounding her broke into thousands of little fragments and disappeared.

Covering yourself in a holy barrier to fight demons is smart,” the demon said as he approached his downed foe. “But you’re still just human. One good, and you’re done for.

He knelt down next to her and grabbed the long red braid to pull her up to face him.

This was neither the time nor place, but the beauty of her bare, sweat-covered breasts etched into my soul no less than her holy blows did into the demon’s chest.

You had a chance to kill me, but you were stupid,” the demon said, smacking the captain lightly across her face with his demonic member. “The name’s Gdol-Zayin, by the way, thank you for asking. You, however, will have to refer to me as Master.

He stood up, lifting her limp, defeated body by her hair as he did.

She really was extraordinarily beautiful.

The peak of fitness. Toned muscles, even a six pack, and smooth olive tinted skin.

I was surprised by her beauty when I first saw her, but now I was positively mesmerized.

First, I will spear you on my cock, so your forces can her you scream in defeat,” the demon said, sliding a sharp finger down the knight captain’s body. “And then I will use you as a cock sleeve as I make my triumphant march into your precious town.

Anger began to bubble inside me.

Then you will be placed on a stage at the main square, so you could see your precious temples burn, your townspeople ravished, and so that they could see you as you are made you are made to choke on the lowliest of demon cocks.”

While I was not averse to rape fantasies, they still needed to be consensual if performed in real life. One is judged for their actions, not their thoughts. Those were the rules I lived by.

We would whip you as well, make you scream, until you start begging for mercy,” the demon continued to detail to the captain what was awaiting her. “The sight of the proud, broken, knight captain echoing through the streets… oh, how wonderful your expression would be, how wonderful will the faces of the people you swore to protect will be.” The demon licked his lips and his sharp finger worked its way down past a small patch of red hair and in between the knight captains legs.

Knight Captain Pyra gasped and shuddered at the touch.

This would not stand.

This motherfucker. He would dare stain her inner beauty with these acts, and her physical beauty with the unwilling torture of the demonic cock and whip. Destroy everything that was beautiful about her. Her marvelous spirit and her marvelous body.

I would not allow such beauty to be harmed.

This. Would not. Stand.

The demon had long since forgotten about me and Midas. And it was time I reminded him.

“Hey you!” I yelled as I pushed myself up.

“What are you doing?!” Midas exclaimed, crouching down and covering his head in terror as the demon’s attention now turned to us.

“Yeah, you, you shrimp-dicked fuck-nugget!” I continued.

There was something different.

My words. It was like they bent the very air into which they were thrown.

Gdol-Zayin looked at me with an amused expression. “Oh, I forgot about you, god-slave. You’re going to have to wait until I break this woman with the power of demon coc—

The amused expression quickly disappeared, replaced with a coughing of purple blood.

“You meat tossing, double deckerred pig fart,” I yelled, each word almost bending the space between me and creature. “Why don’t you go back that hamster hole of a portal you got in your ass, give yourself a massive pacific rim-job, and beg your cum-bucket of a demon king to take you back in return for handjobs!”

Psychic… emotional… damage…” the demon groaned and contorted, dropping Pyra to the ground. Purple was flowing from his red eyes. Even his demonic cock seemed to be getting more and more flaccid. “Such… high… level…

“You know how to use cutting words?!” Midas exclaimed.

Gdol-Zayin coughed another mass of purple blood as I prepared for round three.

The demon wouldn’t wait to hear it. His big wings flapped and the beast zoomed up and out in the direction of the forest from whence they came.

I dropped to my knees in exhaustion.

What in the name of Aphrodite was that just now?

Around us rose cheers and cries of joy and victory. The lesser demons were retreating after their commander into the forest.

I was panting from effort I didn’t even properly understand. But then I remembered why I did it to begin with.

I rushed over to Pyra.

The readhead lay on her back, surrounded by scorched earth and demon blood. Some of it made it on her skin, but other than that and a few scratches she didn’t seem hurt.

I checked for a pulse.

She was breathing. Probably just unconscious.

Red hair strands were covering the beautiful warrior’s face.

I brushed them aside to look at her. Her olive skin was still smooth and glistening from the light of the fires, and her soft lips were parted slightly for air. A blush of fatigue made her look even more beautiful than before.

I wondered if I even had the strength left to lift and carry her to a healer.

“It’s the captain! She’s here! I think she’s been hurt!”

Good. Some helping hands.

A few guards and adventurers ran over to us.

One of them, probably a healer, knelt down and began to hover her glowing hands over the captain with some sort of spell.

I sighed. This was a close day.

“Wait! I know him!” one of them said.

I barely even registered that. I was too busy feeling relief and marveling at Pyra’s beauty.

“It’s that Ken Kouboku! From the posters!”

Now I was listening. Especially since the tip of a sword was now pointed in my face.

I looked up to see the surrounding guards and adventurers glaring at me.

“What have you done to our knight captain you monster?” asked the female adventurer pointing the sword at my face.



<Author’s Note: ngl, I’m suuuuper tempted to write a “bad-end” version of this chapter>

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