How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 12: 11.5. Pyra, Knight Captain of Ratia – “Bad End” – Part 1 [Content Warning]

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Since you asked so nicely, here it is, an alternate ending for chapter 11. May or may not do part 2 at some point.

WARNING: the following chapter contains considerably more depraved and un-consensual sexual content than present in the main story. Viewer discretion is advised. 

Seriously though, proceed at your own discretion! 


<In an alternate timeline, the barn did in fact collapse on Ken and Midas, leaving Pyra to fight Gdol-Zayin without a last minute heroic rescue>


The sharp demonic finger slid down Pyra’s pussy lips, parting them slightly as it did, before sliding back up to her clit, pressing onto it lightly with its sharp tip.

The Knight Captain let out the cutest of noises that made Gdol-Zayin smile ever wider. He brought his finger, that was now touched with a slight moistness from toying with this deliciously stupid female warrior, and tasted it.

I didn’t even imagine there would be something like this in such a backwater. I think you might just be my best catch yet.”

The demon turned to look around, the Knight Captain’s defeated, naked body swaying slightly.

A battle still raged around them, and it was about time the human’s saw their defeat with their own eyes.

Let’s show your people the fate of their most powerful warrior, shall we?” he said, lifting Pyra up and placing her between his very much erect demon cock and his still holy-burn-covered body.

Pyra, almost completely out at this point, simply collapsed forward and lay naked on the demonic cock that was almost half her size.

Tsk Tsk. This won’t do. Where’s that holy hand-job you promised me?

Gdol-Zayin grabbed the captain with his arm and began to slide her naked body up and down his shaft.

Pyra groaned softly as her pussy was grinded against the rough demonic cock.

The demon kept going, increasing speed until he heard what he wanted to hear.

The exhausted Knight Captain moaned.

Gdol-Zayin smiled a wide, demonic victory smiled. “You’re ready for it now.” He lifted Pyra again and pressed the tip of his enormous cock against her mere human pussy. “Show them!”

As the tip of the demonic cock began to split open her lips, Lyra woke up from her daze.

“What… What are yo—ahhh!”

Pyra screamed as the tip of the demonic cock forced its way inside her pussy.

“Yes! Scream! Scream so that all your followers can hear and see how easily their commander was defeated!” The demon roared and pushed her down harder.

“It won’t fit you insane basta—aaaaaaaaaah!!”

It hurt, but all Pyra could do in her state was scream as the entire giant head of the cock split her wide open and forced its way deeper into her pussy.

Her screams echoed over the battlefield, and were starting to gain the desired attention.

Listen well, humans, to the helpless cries of your defender!” Gdol Zayin roared as he began walking towards the thick of the fighting.

Pyra winced. Her first scream alone was enough to start turning the tide. Adventurers and guards looked at her with complete shock, distracted, and were cut down by the demons they were fighting.

The men at least.

Female adventurers and guards weren’t as lucky.

How do you like my cock, Knight Captain?” the demon taunted Pyra.

“I’ve… had… bigger…” she managed through greeted teeth.

She was lying, of course. She never even contemplated something this size being inside her, never imagined she would actually lose.

Gdol Zayin laughed. “That’s the spirit! I knew from the moment I saw you that you could take my entire magnificent demon cock!

“The entire…?” she managed, dazed and shocked by the thought that more was still coming. She already was at her limit.

The demon pushed her down.

“No! Stop! It can’t go any farthe—aaaaaaah!”

Pyra’s eyes were wide with shock, pain, and worst of all, a hint of pleasure. A third of the demon cock was inside her. You could see the outline of the monstrous appendage through her abdomen. No amount of training or leveling could steel her for this. It didn’t matter what level she was, how many classes she specialized in, her pussy was still a mere human pussy.

“Do you surrender, Knight Commander?” the demon taunted her again, moving his cock inside her to try and force her to moan again.

She managed to hold it back. “W-hat? N-never!” she replied defiantly.

But she was lying. She was past her limit already.

Gdol Zayin grinned and pushed her farther down

All Pyra could do was scream as more and more of the demonic cock pushed inside her. She would lose consciousness from the sheer pain by now, if there wasn’t something else as well.


Well?! Should I shove the other half inside you in one go? Or do you surrender to me?” the demon demanded again.

Half of the massive cock was already inside her, pressing heavily against her stomach. This was it.

“F-fine! Fuck! I surrender! Just kill me already!” she wailed in a way she never thought she would.

“Kill you? Why would I?” the demon sergeant roared in laughter and turned to her men. “Your commander has surrendered to my demonic cock!” he declared. “Surrender now, or face the same fate!

“N-no… They’ll never…” she managed weakly.

No? Order them to drop their weapons,” the demon demanded. “Order them to surrender to their fate, Knight Captain.

“I… can’t…”

She couldn’t do it. She had already dishonored herself. She could accept her own defeat. But to do so for her men, her town… it was too much.

The demon pressed her down, threatening to push even more of his cock inside her. “Order your town to surrender to my cock, like you have! Or I will push the entire magnificent length of it inside you!

Her eyes went wide again as she could feel the demon’s searing heat slowly moving deeper. Gods. How much more of it was there?!

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More and more of her distracted troops were being taken down, either by swords or by demon cocks. She could order them to retreat inside the town… but there weren’t enough of them, and they couldn’t possibly withstand a siege. Not to mention, some of them were already dropping their weapons of their own will.

Fucking cowards!

Order your troops to surrender, and I will grant you and your people a swift death, right here and now,” the demon whispered in her ear.

It was hopeless. They had lost their will. They were willingly giving themselves up. What in the fuck was she even protecting them so hard for?! Taking a giant, flaming hot demon cock inside her for…

“No one will help you… the town you have pledged to protect has already given up…” the whispers continued.

A mage adventurer she knew, level 10, had dropped her staff and was being stripped bare and forced to her knees by level 1 imps that she would normally be able to blast away with a mere thought.

The battle was lost. The town was lost.

And more importantly, Pyra, the Knight Captain of Ratia, could no longer hold herself back.

She moaned, loudly, in front of her troops.

“Surrender! Ahh! Everyone! Ughahh! Lower your weapons and surrender! Please! Ohh!”

The demon made sure to move his cock as she relayed her orders, to force her to moan even while she told everyone to lower their arms.

“Do as they say… Surrender… to their cocks…”

Tears rolled down her face as Gdol-Zayin walked through the surrendering adventurers, her once beautiful red hair dragging through the dirt.

Tears of pain.

Tears of humiliation.

Tears of defeat.

The worst part was, she knew the demon was lying.

She Knew it even before he began to slashing and stabbing the surrendering men as they passed them, almost as an afterthought, leaving them to be devoured by lesser demons.

And he was doing it with her holy sword.

The women… some were already being raped, while others were in the process of begging not to be.

The level 10 mage was already being fucked from behind by one of the level 1 imps, while another was shoving her broken staff into her ass.

Clearly to add to the humiliation, it was only the level 1 imps that were disarming, executing and raping Pyra’s troops, as if they weren’t even worth guarding or over-powering now. The higher level demons were rushing ahead into the town, where screams could already be heard.

And gods… every step Gdol-Zayin took… it moved his hard, flaming hot cock inside her.

“Captain Pyra! Help me!” cried a female guard from nearby. She was already naked and being forced down by an imp pulling her hair.

Pyra closed her eyes. “Just surrender. It will all be over soon,” she lied.

“Captain! Please! Ah!”

The imp had forced its dick inside the guard and the march of defeat continued.

Mages, brawlers, swordsmen and women… level 5… level 8… even a level 19… all were now subject to the whims and desires of the lowest demons, the cannon fodder of the underworlds armies.

And all Pyra could do was moan with each heavy step her captor and his infernal cock purposefully took.

Finally, Gdol-Zayin stopped.

He stabbed down at one of the deputy guard commanders who only looked up at his captain Pyra, naked and moaning on the demon filths cock.

All the men had been slaughtered around them.

The women were all stripped. All being raped in every way imaginable.

Pyra’s second in command, Lucina, was nearby, laying on her back and moaning helplessly like lowest of the tavern whores. Worse even. The tavern whores were being paid.

Ratia’s second highest guard was being paid with the shaft of the Ratia town guard standard being shoved in and out of her pussy as she continued to moan. A level 25 fighter, obeying her captain’s orders to be fucked by a single level 1 imp half her size with the guard standard she took an oath to never let fall in enemy hands.

The fighter’s eyes briefly met her captain’s.

“Did she have to obey your order…? Or did she choose to obey it…?” the whispers in Pyra’s ears wondered.  

Lucina came. A big, moaning climax rocked her body, and she squirted in her own disgraced face as the imp pushed her ass up to raise the standard up, lodged firmly into the guard’s pussy.

The imp barked something at the woman and the level 25 fighter used her lower back muscles and hands to raise her ass, and the wooden shaft filled pussy higher, holding it on her own as high as she could.

A wave of smoke from a nearby fire made the once proud, and now dirty and torn flag flap in the wind, being made to fly disgracefully high by the guard standard bearer, held in place by the tightening of her pussy, which made the second in command moan.

The imp cackled in pure demonic victory, joined by others like him nearby.

Beyond it lay the town itself, some buildings already burning.

“It’s your turn…” the whispers returned. “The last to truly break…”

“Just… push the whole damn cock inside me already…” Pyra said, lowering her head in defeat.

The demon grabbed her hands and pushed her down with inhuman strength.

The entire massive cock of the demon sergeant Gdol-Zayin forced its way inside the Knight Captain’s defeated human pussy.

It shoved deep into her abdomen, grotesquely bulging out from beneath her smoke, sweat and tear covered olive tits.

Pyra’s mind went blank.

For a brief moment, she didn’t feel anything.

But then it hit her, all at once.

Pyra, Knight Captain of Ratia, looked on, past her second in command holding their flag up with her pussy muscles, at the smoke rising from the town she swore to defend, listened to the moans and screams of the other subordinates and followers around her, felt the great hard cock she was so mercilessly speared on, just like the demon promised she would be while she mocked him, felt the shame of making her followers believe the demon’s lie…

And she came. She came harder than any other woman on that battlefield.

And her moan… an animalistic moan of pleasure, not defeat, echoed through the plain and over the town beyond.

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