How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 4: 4. A Fiery Encounter

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Ara ara… You’ve kept me waiting, lover boy.

“You told me you would come for me if I called. I had to run from three wolves and a troll to get here.”

I was asleep. A future mother of many baby dragons needs her beauty sleep.

“And you said you would live a torch for me, one of dragon fire, that never goes out.”

I forgot.


Or I think I might have misplaced it. Are you displeased with me?

“You’re goddamn right I am! You know long it took me to convince the town’s people that you took all their stolen stuff back north with you?!”

Well, I’m such a ditsy, clumsy, forgetful female. What ever are you going to do about it?

“Get over here!”

Dragons, you see, did not communicate in human speech. They spoke directly to your mind.


Her name was Anaestraza. She was a great red dragon from the north. Her homeland was, apparently, overcrowded with females, competing over too few males, who were also being hunted by high level adventurers, driving many of them to migrate.

She had to cross quite the distance, even for a dragon, to reach Ratia. By the time she arrived, she was tired, hungry and very, very horny.


I stepped toward her as she refused to move.

Oh my. I’m not doing what you say. I AM a dragon after all. Why should I listen to a mere human?

She was taller than me in her human form. But I’ve seduced tall girls before. And there was no mistaking the look in her yellow-red eyes.

Dragons apparently operated on a cycle of gathering loot for their lair, eating, fucking, and then sleeping, sometimes for months. Also not necessarily in that order.

Despite the fact I made sure she definitely did one of the above, the excited lust in her eyes told me she wanted more, much more.

I was also not deaf. I could hear and see in her eyes what she wanted. And I was going to give it to her.

Ah! She gasped slightly as I grabbed the black horns on her head. They were as sensitive for dragons in their human form as the nipples were.

“Get on your knees,” I demanded, pushing her down.

The dragoness complied.

Obviously, she was more than strong enough to send me flying across the cave, let alone resist my physical advances. But she was a powerful woman. And I have seen this before.

I looked down at her as she gazed upwards.

Her front skin was as glistening red as I remembered, her nipples a darker shade, and already quite erect from her excitement. Her back skin was a layer of smooth, black scales with a touch of red, going all the way down and to her tail and wings. Along it all ran long, mesmerizing flame-yellow hair

The lust with which she looked up at me, the ease and eagerness with which she dropped to her knees.

I have fulfilled such fantasies before.

I took out my very much erect cock.

You dare point such a filthy human appendage at the likes of me? I am a dragon!

I grabbed her horns tighter, making her gasp again, and pushed her face against my cock.

Ugh, human filth! You rub your disgusting scent into my skin!

She wiggled and resisted while looking up to me with the same beastly lust.

And I returned in kind. “Put it in your mouth,” I commanded.

I squeezed her horns harder. Her mouth opened for a slight gasp and my cock slid inside.

Normally, this would shut the girl up. But as I mentioned, this one was special.

A filthy human cock, forced into my glorious dragon mouth… I despise everything about it! The smell, the smoothness, the taste…

All the while I could feel her long reptilian tongue curling around my shaft and her sharp teeth safely away from it, just the way I taught her during our last encounter.

I’m a dragon, and yet this puny human is making me choke on his filthy human cock.

At first I was the one pushing her head down my cock, but she quickly couldn’t stop herself and began doing it on her own.

Apparently, dragons don’t have a gag reflex and I could feel my cock hitting the back of her throat.

She looked at me eyes wishing for even more, and so I grabbed her horns tighter and pushed her down to my balls.

The gagging sounds she was making were beautiful, even though fake, but far more beautiful was her face. It beamed with the pleasure from the experience that she couldn’t help but roll her eyes back.

Uh… it’s so deep… A mere human choking me… choking a being of legend and power… like she was nothing but a helpless whore…

That was rare slip for her telepathy. Clearly she was losing herself in the pleasure to the point where her real thoughts were being sent through.

I could see her eyes becoming a little glazed over, the mark, on humans at least, of not enough oxygen reaching her brain. I pulled her off my cock and pushed her back to the massive pile of gold, silver, gems and other valuables behind her.

She moaned and mumbled something in the dragon tongue.

Truly, dragon vocal chords had the important functions down.

She looked at me, gasping for air, her eyes still glazed, but the lust… the lust in them did not vanish for an instant.

This crazy bitch was actually fully ready to lose consciousness while sucking my cock.

“Have you learned your lesson, whore?”

She smiled, drool dropping from the side of her delicious obsidian lips.

Puny human. A being as powerful as I? Submit to a weak mortal like you?

Her pussy, bright yellow and orange like molten lava, was telling a different story. She was absolutely drenched.

I approached her, knelt down and pulled her up by her shining, soft obsidian hair closer to me.

She made a frightened face. Good god was she beautiful. A born actress.

“I’ll teach you where you belong, useless dragon whore,” I growled at her, projecting all my lust and desire for her through my eyes. Then I flipped her over, face down onto the pile of gold.

“Lift your ass, whore,” I commanded.

You will address me as Anaestraza, the flaming death of the north, destroyer of kingd AH!

I spanked her before she could start yammering about her titles. Dragons loved their titles.

She dutifully obeyed, raising her ass towards me, her face still resting on

I could smell her pussy.

It was much different than that of a human female. Dragons had a powerful sense of smell that could pick up faintest traces from incredible distances. As a result, their bodily fluids had a much gentler, softer smell, as to not overwhelm their senses when intimately close. It smelled of molten sugar, almost caramel like. Combined with the fact that her cum fluids were a golden white, her molten, almost glowing pussy looked hypnotizingly delicious.

I wanted to taste her again.

But if I did so now, it would be for my pleasure.

My hand glided over the smooth black scales covering her ass.

This fantasy was hers, not mine, and I would help hear experience it to the fullest.

I grabbed her tail at its base and pulled it up.

The dragoness yelped.

You dare?! A dragon’s tail is sacred! The symbol of our power and pride!

And, I found last time, the base of it was also sensitive enough to count as an extra erogenous zone when they were in heat.

Remove your filthy human hands from my most treasured spot at once! Or face my wra—ah!

I spanked her ass before she could finish. I could feel my mind tingling with the start of another sentence so I spanked her again, and again.  

Such humiliation! A great dragon like me punished by a human as if she was a petulant child!

I could feel from her actual movement that she probably barely felt my spanking on her smooth, ebony scales, but she was doing everything else to lovely perfection.

No dragon had ever let herself be placed in such a situation.

She yelped and moaned and grew wetter with every slap on her ass.

Her excitement was practically catching.

“Admit that you’re a useless dragon whore who allowed a human to desecrate her tail, and this can stop.”

Humiliate yourself or allow me to continue dominating you. A perfectly delicious choice for such a fantasy. It reinforced that both outcomes were her choice.

I am no whore! I am a great drago—ah! Don’t tug on my tail like that! Ah!

The moans from the spanking were theatrics. The cute dragon noises I got from pulling on her tail, those were quite real.

“So you’re still not willing to admit it?” I said and grabbed her ass, kneading it with my hand. Despite its smooth, scaly exterior, it was soft and perfect for my hand, perfect for squeezing.

She made more cute noises as she definitely felt the squeezing.

I leaned forward to also play with her very erect nipple.

Ah. Such a disgrace. A human… touching me like I was his… AH!

I grabbed both of her horns and pulled her up to me.

“You’re already mine,” I whispered into her ear. “My whore.”

She looked at me with a deliciously feminine gaze I hadn’t seen on her during our first time. It pleased me to see that even female dragons were, in fact, still female.

She tried to kiss me, but she wouldn’t get that from me yet. Not until I completed her fantasy.

I pushed her back down. “Get on all fours, whore.”

I am a great dragon! Not some sheep for you to fuck!

I slapped her pussy, something she was evidently not expecting, practically shuddering from the new sensation.

What… what was that?

So she didn’t want to surrender that easily? Fine. I grabbed her ass and pulled it towards me.

Ah… no… a human… a mere human is going to take me. Me! Anaestraza! The terror of Islagrad! The destroyer of – Ahhhhh!

The loud moan of the dragoness as I slid my cock inside her pussy echoed through the black cave.

A human – fuck! – a human is taking me! All the power I possess and a puny human is taking my sacred cunt!

This was not a fantasy for going slow and romantic. This was a fantasy for raw, animalistic pounding.

A female dragon’s pussy was similar in structure to that of a human, though slightly shallower and lacking a G-spot as dragons didn’t have a bladder.

But the amount of female cum and lubricating liquid she was letting out, she might as well have had one.

She also felt warm. Though her pussy looked like molten lava, its temperature was far more inviting. It was like the cozy blanket on a cold summer’s morning.

Dragon pussy so far was by far the best I have ever experienced. They deserved they legendary being status.

But it was the moans.

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Not the ones she was making with her mind. The ones she was projecting with her telepathy.

The moans she sent inside my mind shook me with the pleasure she felt down to my core.

A human cock… a human cock is trying to make me submit – fuck! To such a lowly creature – fuck!

“Not trying,” I said, grabbing both her horns again tightly and used them to push ever deeper inside her.

I almost came right then and there as I felt her screaming orgasm in my brain.


Anaestraza was forced onto all fours, like the whore she so wanted to be.

And I took her like the whore she wanted to be this night.

“This position suits you much more,” I said, picking up the pace.

I am a great drag— Ah! Fuck!

“Whore,” I corrected her.

Fuck! Ah! I’m a whore! A powerless, useless dragon whore who can’t even vanquish a human cock! Fuuuuuck!

I again had to stop myself from cumming as her second orgasm rocked my mind even harder, not to mention the feeling of her pussy contracting on my cock.

I probably couldn’t take too much more of this. It was time to end her fantasy with the bang it deserved.

I grabbed the base of her tail with one of my hands.

After an orgasm, her tail would be even more sensitive than before.

Ahhh! Fuck! Not my tail! Fuck! I – I can’t! fuck!

Her third orgasm rocked us both. I was at my limit.

But so was she.

Fuck! I surrender! I surrender! I can’t – fuck! I can’t stand against such a skillful human cock! Please, not my tail, it’s so – ah! Sensitive! Fuck!

But I was perfectly present in the moment. I felt every move, heard every sound she made. All of them deliciously beautiful and only making me want to go harder. Importantly, they told me she wanted more.

“You are mine now, whore!”

I squeezed her tail harder than before and pounded into her with all the stamina reserves I had left.

Ah! Fuck! Yes! Fuck! I’m your whore! Take my dragon cunt! It’s yours! Conquer me! Slay me! Fuuuuuck!

The screams of her fourth orgasm rocked the cave, literally, and her mental scream of pleasure sent me well past the edge.

I moaned as I came with the power of the orgasm Aphrodite so devilishly teased me with, with the power of the mental pleasured Anaestraza blasted into my mind, and with my human semen, straight into this gorgeous dragoness.

Fuck! Human seed… inside my cunt… again… fuck…

We both collapsed onto her pile of loot, which was more like collapsing on a bed of legos, but I couldn’t care less.

My body practically shivered from the power of a dragon’s orgasm.

Anaestraza too just lay there, panting. Not even projecting any thoughts to me. Her mind was blank from the ecstasy.

After a full few minutes to recover, she finally stretched and hummed in what I had grown to recognize as pleased dragon noises.

She wriggled around in her gold.

Dragons, and Anaestraza in particular, adored gold. They adored the feeling of the metal on their skin, and laying down on it was to them what turning to the cool side of the pillow was to us humans.

By the gods. I can’t believe a mere human can make me feel like this. 

She purred and turned to lay on her side to look at me.

I turned to look at her and smiled. “I couldn’t control myself. You light something primal inside me.”

I’ll say, she giggled. And I thought it was thanks to the Charm spell at first. But no, it was all you.

“A musician needs the best instrument to perform his best work,” I replied.

Mmmm. I like that one.

Then the true meaning of her sentence dropped on me like a very fine piano.

“You know about the Charm spell?” I asked. There was no use playing dumb with a being that could literally splatter me onto the wall if she pleased.

Yes. Whatever that thing you have inside you blocking it, it also dispelled all its effects, memory and cognition alteration included. She slowly glided her hand over my arm, and then gently placed my arm on her breast.

This dragoness was insatiable. She literally came 4 times!

“You don’t seem upset about it.”

I would have been upset if I found out the pleasure I felt was magically enhanced. She passed her sharp dragon scaled finger over my chest playfully. But I came down here to find a mate, and I found one. A lovely young boy. She leaned in and kissed me.

Looking at her, it was easy to forget she was 400 years older than me.

Also, if she wasn’t upset about it, might as well move off the subject as quickly as possible.

“You’d rather mate with a human than a fellow dragon?”

Oh yes. Male dragons are so boring. We mate for life. Do you know how impossible it is to find a male dragon that knows his way around a female’s body? It’s only the widowers, and even they are often boring, caring only for their own pleasure.

“You’d think creatures that live for hundreds of years would have time to learn better,” I said. “If only I had hundreds of years. I could truly master the art that is women.”

Oh, you are a greater artisan of your craft than any being I have ever seen, She said, tracing her finger back up my chest and stopping right where I felt the slight warmth of Aphrodite’s touch. Ever since our first encounter, I couldn’t think of anything else. I couldn’t sleep. The thought of being dominated by a lesser being… She looked at me with eyes glazed over with ecstasy and lust. Oh how I wish I could temporarily strip my own power away and feel it for real!

She practically moaned that last sentence into my brain.

“Allowed to let completely loose, without the fear of hurting me in the process,” I said. Now it was my turn to glide my hand, which was pleasantly fondling her chest, up to her head and through her obsidian hair.

Go completely wild and free, yes…

I didn’t check last time, but perhaps female dragons were the same as humans in this regard.

I gently scratched the base of her skull through her hair.

She purred, drawing closer to put her head against my chest. She looked at it longingly, right at the spot where the seal rested deep within.

How was the meeting with your goddess?

I continued to scratch Anaestrazas head, to purring satisfaction.

“It went as perfect as it could have. A few Charm spells and she immediately summons me to an audience. She now wants me to seduce and fuck seven women of her choosing. And you were right, she didn’t know anything we talked about.”

Summon. That’s a funny way to say she had you killed. I told you she has her limits. My power shields us from her jealous gaze.

“Well I can now say from experience that a bolt through the chest hurts like a bitch.” I stopped scratching her to raise her head towards me. “And now I have a better idea of what Aphrodite really wants from me. I thank you, Anae,” I said as I planted a deep kiss on her obsidian lips.

“I must ask you for another favor, Anae,” I said after our lips parted.

Mmmm… Just for how young you make me feel when you call me by this pet name.

“Can I borrow some of your gold? Apparently when I was killed, someone took all of my things.”

Take your pick, my love. Just don’t take the diamonds. I am especially fond of those.

“I’ll try to get you a nice one for next time.”

Oh, my lovely boy. There is no need for gifts. You are my life-mate. That is a far greater boon.

I wasn’t sure what this term meant for the dragons, or what mating for life meant, and I was frankly afraid to ask her at this point, now that I knew she was quite free to rip my head off whenever she so pleased.

But I had to ask. I’m a curious idiot.

“What does that mean? Is there a human equivalent to life-mate?”

I don’t think there is. She pondered. Perhaps, partner? Or spouse?

“So, you’re saying we’re married?”

She laughed. Both in my head and in reality. You silly humans and your rituals. When we dragons mate, we don’t make ceremonies or vows. We form a bond. And this bond is sacred. It makes me yours, and you mine.

That sounded exactly like marriage. And despite this being my third attempt at life, I was not, in fact, ready to settle down. Aphrodite was right. What I really wanted lay over the horizon. Wherever that was.

It was best that I would be honest with Anaestraza right now, even at the risk of having to have a fourth attempt.

I was fairly confident Aphrodite wanted her tasks done badly enough to bend the rules as many times as necessary.

The dragoness wasn’t wrong though. As we lay there, her head on my chest, my hand combing through her gorgeous, flowing hair, her hand sheepishly playing around the base of my cock. I did feel some strange connection that I’ve never felt before. Like her projecting all her thoughts and sensations into my mind allowed me to get to know her on a far deeper level than anyone I have ever met. It sparked a light of realization in me.

“You’re not jealous of my other lovers. You’re not jealous of my tasks.”

Why would I be? Jealousy is for the weak. What do I care of your little romances with lesser beings? They can never share the bond that we share with each other.

“But if I romanced another dragon…” I said

She looked up at me with eyes filled with fire, lust, desire and something I could only describe as 400 years of life. And smiled. I would find you, and I would rip both your heads off.

If I were back in my normal life on earth, this would be massive red flag telling me this bitch is psycho and I need to bounce immediately. But I already died twice. And dragon sex seemed worth a third.

Anaestraza hummed. It’s leaking out… She sent a hand down to pick up some gold coins that were now covered in cum, mixed in with her own golden white juices. She raised it to her obsidian lips and licked it sensually with her serpent tongue, making sure to not break contact with me.

“How does a human taste?” I asked.

She giggled. Laughing and moaning. Dragon vocal chords definitely had the most important features.  

I ate humans before, but this is… new. I think I’m developing a taste for it.

“Well, if you’re ever hungry, I’d rather you come to me than eat people. It makes me feel weird about kissing you.”

Oh, you silly human boy she hummed and handed me the gold in her hand.

I looked at the freshly cleaned piece of gold.

Humans claim dragon saliva is a potent aphrodisiac.

“They’re not wrong,” I said, pushing her on her back and planting a deep kiss on this lovely creature. No. she was a lovely woman.

I took her hand in mine. Scaly yet soft. “I must go,” I said. “The goddess’ tasks beckon.”

So soon… You love to keep a female wanting, don’t you, lover boy.

“It makes the romance so much sweeter,” I replied.

Mmm… that clever tongue of yours. Before you leave, you should put it to some good use.

Her hands gently pushed me down.

Oh, a true lover’s job is just never done, is it?

I’d get to taste her sweet pussy lips again. How in the hell was I even supposed to go back to regular human girls after all this?

At least it would also help me forget about an important piece of information for the time being.

Aphrodite sealed and undid my Charm spell.

ALL my Charm spells.

I was very, very fucked.

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