HP: The Dark Arts Master

Chapter 14: Chapter -14

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chapter -14

"Are you alright, Noah?" Olive asked, seeing Noah standing there in a daze.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, please continue." he said, Feeling a little startled as his thoughts somehow strangely drifted toward the unique property of those green flames.

even though he was interested in magic, But not to that extent where he would willingly stare into Flames risking damaging his eyesight.

'This is quite strange?' he thought as he felt a complicative urge to unfold the mystery of these Flames' property.

But the next moment he had to put those thoughts in the back of his mind and avert his attention toward Olive who stepped near Fireplace while throwing the pouch over the table.

"Now little Noah, from here on you'll have to listen carefully to my Instructions." Olive said as she didn't want Noah getting transported to any weird places.

"First we'll have to throw this powder and then step into the Flames which are summoned by this powder, and as you can see these flames don't have burning capabilities so step inside and yell clearly the name of the destination where you want to get transported." 

Noah already knew how this thing worked but still listened to it attentively as he didn't want to miss out any important Info she might drop.

"Now, repeat after me, Leaky cauldron." she said in a loud & clear voice.

"Leaky cauldron." Noah repeated while cringing himself as he felt like a nursery kid.




After giving Noah some extra safety instructions for emergency uses and then she sprinkled the floo powder on the Fire, an emerald green flame once again arose in the Fireplace like a coiling dragon, olive carefully stepped inside it and yelled,

 ‹ Leaky cauldron ›

Olive's figure instantly vanished as soon as she yelled her destination, Being amused by process Noah stood there for a second and then took a pinch of powder and copied Olive's Instructions.

< Leaky Cauldron >

The moment words escaped from his mouth he felt his physical existence getting absorbed into the Flames, as if those flames only wanted to carry a shred of his existence.

Luckily the feeling didn't last long as he found himself stuffed in small place while his clothes and face was completely covered in ashes.

Noah tried to get out of his Ahem * strange posture before someone notices him but to his bad luck he heard a concerned voice, "OH thank god, you've arrived safely."

Noah raised his head and saw Olive's figure in front of him while holding a pinch of Floo powder.

"Are you okay, does it hurt anywhere?" Olive asked, concern clearly visible in her eyes.

"cough, yes i'm fine." Noah muttered.

"Here, take my hand." Olive extended her hand toward him, helping to stand up.

"Thanks, cough..cough.." Noah coughed as a little amount of ash entered his mouth, "By the way sister where are we?" he asked as got out of the stuffy corner.

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"OH this, this is the wizard's standard meeting hub before they head toward Diagon alley, And Now that i'm talking about hub you must be feeling Nausea after that cranky Journey of ours so why don't we have a drink before we go do shopping?" she said while dragging him to an empty table.

"Mr. Tom one glass of Nojito & Bloody mary, please.'' Olive yelled cheerfully as she smiled at Noah.

It seems that she was enjoying this little shopping trip even more than Noah.

"Here, let me clean you up while we wait for drinks." olive said as she took out her wand and waved it toward him, Noah who was startled by her sudden offer didn't get any chance to react as suddenly a cool breeze engulfed him, he felt like something invisible was being brushed on his skin but a moment later all of that vanished leaving Noah's cleaned silhouette.

"What kinda magic was that sister?" Noah asked curiously as once again Olive casted another silent spell.

"That was a cleaning charm." She replied with a smile but suddenly an idea came to her mind as she asked, " do you want to try it?" 

"Of course, I want to." Noah replied while showing her the puppy's eyes.

'Urgh, How cute.' Olive couldn't help but think, either way she was planning to teach him some basic spell after this trip so she thought, 'why don't i just check now, can he succeed in casting this Normal spell or not?' 

"Okay, but you've to be careful alright." She said and handed over her wand to Noah.

Noah nodded his head as he understood her worries and asked, "sister, how do I do that magic?"

"It's easy, just say ‹ Emundare › while waving your wand and you're a wizard now." She replied masking it in simple logic.

'Eh! Is that really how you're supposed to teach?' Noah thought as he got a weird vibe coming from his sister, he had thought that this sister of his was a perfect & strict model figure but now it seemed like she was just your everyday funny, grumpy and little bit of idiot old sister.

Putting up a Farce Noah cleared his throat and raised the wand a sly smile appears suddenly on Noah's face as he turns it toward Olive.

"Um, Little Noah, W-why don't you try that spell on this table first?" Olive said as a drop of sweat ran down on her spine.

'Tch' Noah clicked his tongue inwardly as his joke failed even before taking a flight he said, "Oh, okay."

Closing his eyes while putting his focus on single thought he opened his eyes, waving his wand and circular manner Noah mumbled, ‹ Emundare ›

Noah felt a strange connection forming with the wand as his heart started pumping a little faster and then the same cool breeze shot out of the wand and landed over the table making it shake like an earthquake had just passed by.

"Here are your drinks, miss Maxmilian." The old Tom suddenly appeared beside them and placed the drink on the still trembling table.

"Waaahh." Olive who was in daze for a second yelled all of a sudden startling Tom and Noah.

"Ah sorry, mr.Tom, I got excited a little bit." olive muttered while putting up her thick face like nothing happened.



"I-It's alright, there's no harm done so its fine, enjoy your drinks." Old man Tom said and hurriedly walked away.

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