HP: The Dark Arts Master

Chapter 5: Chapter -5

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chapter -5

In an unlit immense chamber where numerous orbs were placed on the enormous shelves, a certain orb started emitting a white light all of sudden.

As the orb was going under tremendous shifts, the black fog which remained in the orb entirely turned transparent and a mess of scenes started revealing itself inside the orb but unexpectedly no one was there to see them.

The Ministry of Magic had kept these eccentric orbs in this repository room for security reasons, even the high officials did not know about it.

Anyone who knew about this confidentiality had to swear a blood vow to keep silent about this matter eternally and was called unspeakable.

The prophecy was just a pretense for the orb's true ability to keep hidden for a long time, as the truth of these orbs was something unorthodox that was still hidden from even the eyes of the ministry of magic.


It has been one week since Noah had awakened his magical abilities. He practised day-to-day trying to level up in the process because like everyone else he knew that once he levels up he'll attain more mana.

"I don't want to get unconscious again." He had thought, after getting the massive headache that assaulted him after he woke up from a six-hour sleep.

Noah continued his normal studies while waiting for the Hogwarts admission letter to arrive as he didn't want other children to follow in his steps and stop studying.

Currently, Noah was teaching little kids basic calculations and stuff but abruptly he heard someone calling him.

"Big brother Noah, matron is calling for you." Noah glanced back and saw a boy standing behind him. It was Jacob who was two years younger than him.

"Okay, Jacob, why don't you teach them this stuff until I come back?" Noah asked as he rubbed his hair.

"O-okay big brother." Jacob said and sat down on his chair and started instructing the children meanwhile Noah proceeded Toward the matron's office.


Matron's office.

Knock. Knock.

After knocking on the door twice he stepped inside the office and saw a young woman's back who was having a chat with the matron.

"Oh, Noah you're here, come sit here my child." She said while gesturing to him to sit near her.

Noah gradually sat down near the matron and saw the young woman's face as he was now seated in front of her.

"Huh" Noah got baffled as he saw her face. She looked like an identical copy of the mother he had seen in his vision but the one sitting in front of him looked very young.

"H-Hello Noah." She said stutteringly, there was a barrage filled with emotions being fenced in her heart, but she controlled them as she didn't know for now whether his Little brother would accept her or not so she didn't want to overwhelm him.

"Hello." Noha replied awkwardly as he didn't know what to say and he didn't want to make it more complicated by saying something unnecessary.

But the matron didn't think the same as them and decided to drop a bomb.

"Noah my child, she's your sister and has arrived here to take you back." 

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"What?" Noah acted like he didn't know where this was going by acting shocked.

"Why don't I give you two some alone time so she can explain everything to you." Matron said gently as she stood up and started walking toward the door.

"Thank you, Miss Helena." The young woman said suddenly while bowing toward her, she wanted to convey her appreciation toward her as she had taken care of his brother for nearly ten years and now she was providing her an opportunity to clarify the events instead of asking her any nasty questions.

"There is no need for that, Noah is also my child so I'm happy that he has finally found his family back." She said sweetly and left the room.


The door got locked and now only those two were left in the room who kept avoiding each other's gazes.

"Are you really my sister, because I only remember my mother's face?" Noah said, breaking the icy atmosphere in the room.

"You do?" She asked, visibly surprised by the good announcement.

"Yes, there is a lady who keeps coming into my visions, she always sings me a lullaby and advises me to live a happy life." Noah said, even though she didn't sing any lullaby but still some of it was true.

"Is she the one you see in your dreams?" The young lady showed him a photo of four people standing in a single frame.

"There she is, why didn't she come here with you to pick me up? Is she busy?" Noah felt a warm feeling surging in his heart as he saw his mother's warm smile in the photo while she was embracing a child who was trying to climb onto her shoulder. The photo was full of love and gentleness.

"She can't come." She mumbled in a low manner that even Noah, who was sitting close to her, couldn't hear it.

"What! Did you say something?" Noah muttered.

"She is dead, our parents perished in an accident some years ago." She whispered again but this time Noah could clearly hear her.

"Both of them died." Noah muttered as tears welled up in his eyes, evenn though he had never seen them or didn't have any close bonds, still his heart started aching and he didn't even know why? 

'Was that accident the reason for their death?' Noah thought as he couldn't ask her about that.

"And if you wouldn't have awakened your magic, I couldn't have possibly found you this soon." She dropped another bomb.

"What!" Noah got startled as he heard her.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm just excited to take you back to our home." She said dismissing the awakening matter which slipped out of her mouth.

"Me too." Noah said but his mind started wandering to something else.

"So do you believe me or do you want to know anything else?" She asked while clutching her hand as this was the final moment she has been waiting for.

"No, there is none and I trust you." Noah said with a smile.

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