HP: The Dark Arts Master

Chapter 6: Chapter -6

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chapter -6

The talk lasted more than an hour between his sister and matron after he walked out of her office.

Noah had already asked the matron to tell the other children that he was going to attend a boarding school and would come home only once in a year.

Although Noah wasn't that of a gentleman, he had developed a soft spot for those kids and didn't want their sad faces so he made up that lie.

After an hour.

Noah was packing his luggage which he didn't have much so it didn't take that much of his time.


After a knock on the door his sister came into his room and asked him with a smile, "are you ready?"

"Yes." Noah replied excitedly as he was hoping that he would get to see some apparition on his way to new home.

"Are you sure you don't want to say good bye to them?" She asked, while traces of worry clearly visible on her face.

"No there is no need as this is not really a goodbye." He said and walked out of his room with the luggage.

Both of them gradually walked out of the building where the old matron was already waiting for them.

"Noah my child, be a good boy." The Matron said as she warmly embraced him and whispered, " we'll miss you, our little chocolate supplier."

A drop of tear rolled down from his eyes as he tightly embraced the Matron.

"Now, Now, don't let your sister wait for you." The Matron said while patting his back.

"And miss olive, i would like to thank you again for the donation." Matron said.

"No need to miss Helena, this is the least thing I should do for this orphanage as you take care of all these children all by yourself. Olive said as she wiped Noah's tears.

"Okay then, Noah my child, I wish you the best for your new life." She said and the walked inside the building.

"Now little Noah, shall we go home?" She asked with a smile which to, he nodded.

Olive grabbed Noah's hand and started walking down the street and continued walking as there were many people on the street. She entered a silent alleyway far from those busy streets and looked back at Noah with a smile and said, "Welcome to our new world." 


With a loud sound two silhouettes which were standing in the Alleyway suddenly disappeared.

Meanwhile Noah, who was one of those silhouettes, his world soon turned dark, he felt like his insides were being twisted and crushed by something while someone was pulling him out of a small hole.

This feeling lasted more than two minutes and suddenly a rosy flowery smell assaulted his nostrils.


Noah suddenly kneeled down on the ground and emptied out all of his stomach.

"Ohh, are you okay little Noah." Olive asked as she patted his back to soothe some of his pain and whispered, "I'm sorry, I should've been more careful as this was your first time."

You are reading story HP: The Dark Arts Master at novel35.com

"W-What just happened?" He asked while huffing, even though he knew that they have just apparated now but keeping a muggle profile for now was a must in the beginning.

"We can do magic, noah." She said breaking the door of the hidden world.

"I am what?" 

"Cough, cough." Noah was lost in the excitement that he spoke out a wrong script.

A/N : just a joke

"I mean, we can do what?" He corrected his mistake.

"Magic, little Noah, come on I'll show you." She said while extending her hand toward him.

'Are you really now?' Noah thought as he took her hands and stood up, he raised his head high and a beautiful scenery unfolded in front of his eyes.

A high tower manor stood tall on the grassland while it was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of beautiful flowers.

'is this a fairy land or something.? Noah thought while a frown appeared on his face.

Both of them gradually walked down to the manor where some maids were waiting for them patiently.

"Sister, are we rich?" Noah asked in sweet tone, Noah was letting out his potential of acting by expressing himself as cute little boy.

There was a chance that olive didn't care about how his brother reacted about all of tthose things but still he done his part accordingly.

"Yes, we are soo rich." She said as they arrived infront of the manner.

"Welcome back young master Noah." The maids said while bowing their heads toward him.

"Have you done the preparation?" Olive asked in orderly manner meanwhile Noah was lost in his thoughts after seeing the maids.

"Yes mistress, we've prepared young master's room." A young maid replied.

"Let's head inside, little Noah." She gestured and walked inside.

The interior of this manor was more beautiful then facade, Noah would've never thought that he could be a young master of rich wizard family.

"Noah, why don't you take a shower and get comfortable before i explain everything about our new world to you." 

"Mia, show young master his room and prepare a hot water bath for him." Olive said as she smiled at noah who was still staring at the interior of the house with his mouth wide open.

"Young master, please follow me." Mia said as started walking toward the stairs.

Getting out of his daze Noah follwed behind Mia as Olive nodded at him.

After asceding the stairs mia took a right turn while Noah increased his pace and caught up to her as he asked.

"Excuse me miss mia?"

"Mia is fine, young master." Mia said while glancing at him 

"Okay then mia, Are you a magician too just like sister olivia." Noah asked looking like a kid who was excited after seeing many amazing things for the first time.

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