HP: The Eastern Dragon

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – Fury, Practice, and Occlumency

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In the Kun-Lun mountains stood Ka-er-daxi a volcano whose tip stood almost 6000 Meters above sea level, adorning it was a massive complex of pagodas, villas, and Palaces which were built into the volcano side. This was the Huǒshān family Fief, the grandest and biggest of all of the nobility beating even the emperor, who found little need of such grandeur beyond his palace. Deep in the complex a meeting between the head and his trusted lieutenants.


“Fools, every last one of you!!!” He hysterically yelled “twelve years!!! Twelve damn years! Of! Planning! And you kill two unimportant nobodies without even injuring a guardsmen!”.


It was only after tearing apart the room with his magic before burning the whole wall with conjured flame that he finally sat down “but…but every story has two sides” he breathed deeply “What is yours?”.


“Those african bastards sent students while the intelligence on the amount and skill of the guards was off by multiple times” the same man with blue hair at the wand shop spoke up first. Almost instantly the neck of a elderly man off to the side broke while everyone flinched at the body banging on the floor.


“He will know we are behind it” He sighed extinguishing the flame behind him “He is no fool, nor are those who surround him”.


“Then what shall we do?”.


“What is there to do? He has to firm a grip on the Aurors and military wizards, while also having public support. Thankfully even he in such a powerful position won’t be able to do anything” The family lord spat “he won't be willing to risk civil war over two dead servants, but he will also never allow such things to ever happen again, what a wasted opportunity”.


Due to the attack on his palace, security had been boosted in many different locations such as Gringotts, The Senate, along with a few strategic muggle locations. The emperor also placed a few of his own personal guards around his daughter and her husband while security around Alex was suffocating.


Once again he was practicing on the field yet overhead there were multiple massive wards of different colors, around the field were almost a hundred Aurors and guardsmen all watchful and waiting for another attack.


Reducto” Alex said confidently while pointing his staff at a tree, which quickly snapped in half sending the top part flying a few feet after a blue bolt hit it. Quickly another wizard flicked their wand and the tree reformed perfectly.


Magic was easy for him, it came naturally such as breathing to a baby. This was amplified due to the more easy nature that came with staffs and their more intent focused approach, while he had no doubts that he would be able to memorize wand movements and their spells to someone like him bringing intent into a word was easy.


After three hours and 50 pages of the spell book for year one dueling at Fenghuang he got a little tired of constant copy and pasting spells into reality, he also had a few questions he would like answering.


Reducto” He once again said however his staff was pointed up as if a walking stick, smashing into the tree the bolt of blue split the tree sending fragments everywhere, and once again the wizard reformed the tree with a little bit of shock in their eyes. Walking up to the tree for one last question he flipped through the book until he found a spell similar to one he was looking for.


Grabbing his staff as if a lumberjack ready to split wood be slapped the staff against the tree after saying “Inpulsa fluctus”, the tree once again split in half yet this time the area that the staff touched turned into a fine sand like substance. Levitating the tree so it wouldn’t fall on their protectee they walked over only to see a pile of sand, however, each one of them were sorcerers in charms and Inpulsa Fluctus was no transfiguration spell.


‘He found another use in such a basic spell, and a fatal one too, what a monster’ They all thought. Looking down at his work he smiled proudly before walking back into the palace for his etiquette classes, thankfully today should be the last if he proved worthy of such gifts.


Wandering the halls after all of his daily responsibilities he once again stumbled into an area he never had been in, admiring the art and artifacts strung on the walls like common items he found peace exploring the history of such items simply by looking at them, of course such peace couldn’t last long.


“Your Highness, Your mother requests your presence” a servant slightly bowed and declared her business before showing the way to the room where his mother was currently in. Once he got there he instantly noticed the stacks of mail on the desk.


“Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Koldovstoretz, Mahoutokoro, Damavand, Kalale, almost every school in the world accepted him” Xie uttered while flipping through the stacks of paper.


“Hello Mother, Father” Alex made himself known after she was done talking.


“We called you here to choose your school” Augustus calmly explained “While I wish for you to go to Stati Magia or Beauxbatons and she Fenghuang, the choice is yours”.


“What is wrong with Fenghaung?” he asked in confusion as he had heard great things about the school and was quite excited to see it in its full glory.


“Nothing is wrong with it, it is the best school in the world” Guo proudly declared entering the room before continuing “while I have absolute power, its slipping, soon the country may just slip into civil war, and you shouldn’t be anywhere near that so you will be going to a foreign school”.


“Which is the best then?”.


“There is no best, Stati Magia the one he mentioned earlier has world class Astronomy classes, Beauxbatons, however, would not only respect your bloodline connecting to charlemagne but is also very good at alchemy, potions, and transfiguration, hogwarts is best at charms with flitwick at the helm while being decent in everything else, Durmstrang and Koldovstoretz are very good at dark arts and combative magic, Damavand and Kalale are good at most areas and finally Mahoutokoro the worst of the great schools who aren't really good at anything”.


All of their eyes rested upon the boy for his decision yet he could find a logical choice from the information he was given “Deciding on opinion alone will not provide good outcomes, may I have the year one textbooks and provide a answer tomorrow”.


“Of course” Guo said while Augustus and Xie both nodded in agreement “I'll have them delivered to your room”.


After excusing himself to his quarters Xie asked “Will he really read 50 to 120 textbooks in one night”.


“Considering he learned 45 spells in three hours and not only changed a spell thousands of years old but changed it to deadly effect, I don’t doubt it” Guo replied.

“What are you talking about? When?”.


“Today when he was practicing against a tree he used the shockwave spell to turn whatever his staff touched into powder” Guo regurgitated what his guardsmen told him “if it could turn a tree into dust what of a magical ward, shield, or a person? He made a fairly harmless spell and turned it into one of danger similar to the killing spell in 2 minutes, as I really doubt you could heal your arm if it turned to powder. What if he learned apparition? If used properly he could bring even the most powerful of foes to their knees”.


Before Alex even got to his room a hundred and five textbooks were placed on his desk or next to it stacked high. Starting with Mahoutokoro he flipped through each book, and page by page he digested the knowledge.


As word about the textbooks spread along the staff and servant bodies, they were amazed at the dedication of their newly gained ‘master’ as the light coming from the torches in his room remained until the light of the sun rising over the mountains overtook it.


At 8 in the morning a servant holding a platter knocked on the door before a small voice sounded out from the inside of the room “Come in”. Sitting at his desk half of the textbooks rested on the right of the desk opposite of where she had placed them yesterday signaling to her that he had gotten through that many of them.


With panda eyes he looked up and asked what she needed which was to give him Invigoration Draught “Thank you” Alex said to the servant who bowed and politely left.


Closing the book he was reading he made a decision to which he left the room and went to find a servant.


“Excuse me, but do you know where my parents are?” he asked the first person he saw.


“Of course your highness, your highnesses are with his majesty in the grand hall” he respectfully replied “Thank you”.


Following the path he remembered to the grand hall he smoothly found himself across the palace in mere minutes entering a hall fitting its name while his parents and grandfather were talking at the main table.


“Ah we were just talking about you” Guo said while beckoning him over to sit next to him “So have you figured out the school”.

You are reading story HP: The Eastern Dragon at novel35.com


“Yes, I'd like to go to Beauxbatons”.


“Why is that?” Guo asked as he thought the boy would go to a Russian school or one that specializes in charms at his skill and talent.


“Well hogwarts is too traditionalist, their dueling class hasn't existed in a hundred years and after the attack from voldemort the school is still in shambles and lacks good teachers beyond flitwick and Mcgonagall, while the russian schools are too focused on combative magic and dark arts tunnel vision on anyone thing is a bad thing; the indian, middle eastern, and italian schools were really good options, however, they are were beaten by Beauxbatons with the good variety of classes”.


“And you got all of that from a few textbooks?”.


“No, of course not, I asked a servant at night for the general situation of each school” Alex innocently replied.


“Then you shall go to Beauxbatons” Guo said as matter of fact before muttering lightly out loud his thoughts “since there are only three weeks left we will have to start that class immediately”.




Stepping forward a middle aged butler stood at attention behind the emperor.


“What is the status of Mr Babbeley?”.


“He arrived three hours ago, and is ready to instruct” The butler declared.


“Good, have him taken to an empty room with whatever he needs then come and get Alex” Guo ordered.


“As you wish” he bowed and disappeared with a crack.


“Starting today you will focus on Occlumency” Guo said while looking at his grandson “It's an incredibly important field of magic, especially one such as you whose heritage already has many enemies”.


“What is Occlumency?” Alex asked as none of the text books he did read mentioned it, and if it was so important he would expect it to be mentioned at least once.


“It is an advanced subject of magic that would allow one to protect their minds from attack using Legilimency, which is important because it is impossible to heal someone who is attacked like that” Guo answered “it also stops people from reading your mind like we did at the police station”.


“Your majesty, Mr. Babbeley is ready to instruct his highness” The butler said while bowing deeply after reapparating into the great hall to which Guo simply nodded allowing the butler to apparate with Alex to the outside of the room.


“Do you really think he will be safe in Beauxbatons?” Augustus asked.


“Of course he will be, Beauxbatons isn't some small time random location” Guo replied “even for someone such as myself that place would be slightly difficult to dismantle, that’s not even considering i'll have my own eyes in and around the school; no harm will be coming to my grandson of that I swear”.


“He is in this room your highness” he politely said while holding the door open.


“Hello your majesty” Mr. Babbeley said while standing above a sofa opposite to a leather chair “And I will be your Occlumency instructor for the next few weeks”.


Bowing slightly to the middle aged man Alex sat on the leather chair prompting the middle aged man to sit as well.


“Now let's start with what Occlumency is” Mr. Babbeley started “Occlumency is the art and practice of protecting your mind against a Legilimens or someone who practices Legilimency, Those who study this art such as myself are called Occlumens”.


“While important to understand, it's even more important to understand what a Skillful Legilimens could do to a unprotected mind” He continued “Those of a lesser skill can skim the surface thoughts and emotions, these are the least dangerous foes as while intrusive that’s all they can do with the capability to do little to no damage to the mind”.


“Those of a higher skill can begin to read deeper memories less important to the mind such as where they live, while any important memories or memories with strong emotions that you would not tell a stranger are more subconsciously protected and thus require some one of higher skill, these people are the more dangerous foes as they can also perform more permanent damage to the brain and mind.


At the highest caliber of Legilimency, men and women who have dedicated themselves to it can implant memories, change perceptions and control them with subtle suggestions even reading the minds of skilled and practiced Occlumens”.


“Now there are two things that I will teach you, A mindscape, and its defenses” Mr Babbeley continued “A mindscape is a useful tool to organize memories and thoughts into a hard to understand to any but you organization, well organized ones like mine allow for perfect recall, I can even remember what it was like to be in my mothers womb, while the defenses are multiple layers such as a detection layer and a defensive layer for basics”.


“This is a Draught of Peace” he explained while handing the potion that was resting on the table between them to him “it will calm your mind and help with the crafting of a mindscape”.


“Now there is something that you must understand beyond all else” he pulled the potion back and warned “do not under any circumstances, ever, ever, ever! Craft something incomprehensibly abstract as a mindscape such as infinity, or something never ending, you will wander it for the rest of your life forever stuck in the mindscape and nothing will be able to save you, do you understand?”.


“I do” Alex thought while grabbing the potion and downing it.


“Now this process will take a few days so here is this potion as well” Mr. Babbeley said while handing another potion to him “this is a potion of everlasting satiation, it will provide enough water and nutrients for some time”.


”Now imagine a drop of water dripping on to a black liquid sending vibrations across your whole body” He instructed.


After an hour Alex was in a semi meditating state he finally slipped deep into his mind, looking around he saw nothing but white balls far away from him.


‘To think he would do it so quickly’ He thought “What a monster”.


Doing as the teacher instructed he began to conceptualize his mindscape, first he created a simple but finite plane of grass which he placed a exact replica of his old house on but quickly decided against it, thus he erased it out of existence and instead placed to his memory a replica of the Imperial palace which had a few dozen rooms he had not been to thus he simply closed off those gaps with doors.


Finally understanding that those balls must be his memories and experiences otherwise he couldn’t understand what they could possibly be he pulled one of them towards him, looking at it he realized it was a recent memory, it was of him learning the fire making charm.


Deciding such a memory was best left unchanged he pulled ball through ball until he found a fairly useless one and tried to change its form from a white ball to a book or something like that, again at the mere thought it changed to a book which he actually liked. Pushing the book back into the sky he decided that it was time to leave judged by the increasing fatigue threatening to devour him.


Watching from the outside three days later Mr. Babbeley was neutral at the decent speed of him crafting a mindscape, while curious of its structure the binding contract he signed with the chinese emperor was thorough and any possible action that could result in harm was impossible or he would die at the spot and because of the fatigue the boy’s mind was no doubtably feeling after its whole structure had changed could strain under he Legilimency.

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