HP: The Eastern Dragon

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – School and Duel

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For two whole weeks, Occlumency training has been nothing but categorization, organizing a decade of memories and experiences is no easy task. Thus, millions upon millions of books stacked high in front of the palace where he toiled for hours upon hours categorizing and remembering. Unsurprisingly that world-ending fatigue only occurred when he changed the structure of his mindscape or defenses.

looking up he saw his detection layer which was an ocean of liquid completely still, if anything touched it then it would send ripples across the whole sphere, while it was only the thickness of a piece of paper and would be ripped to shreds like one, its purpose was to mostly detect intrusion not defend against it. While below it was a clear glass also fairly thin mere inches wide, yet when it was first created it was miles thick and over the weeks he had been compressing it.

While impressive progress had been made, Mr. Babbeley had ripped through the layers like they were wisps of smoke that, however, did not stop the teacher from praising his quick progress and ingenious detection layer.

Yet between the day when he was researching the school he wished to go the three days he was crafting his mindscape and the two weeks he was refining it he only had a few hours left before he was whisked to France and then to Beauxbatons to start his first year of magical schooling as a second year.

Due to the year that magical parents are given for more personalized magical teaching in china he had already ‘wasted’ his first year that most go to school in Europe, thus along with the few hours of organization in his mindscape, a trip to the mind healer twice a week and spell practice he had been studying the theory aspect taught in Beauxbaton while he was told that he was advanced in the practical aspect.

Waking up from his meditation he began to prepare, starting with a shower, shaving the very slight stubble, and using a simple spell pushing his hair to the side he finished dressing in a blue suit with a white shirt and a similarly colored blue tie, which was the male uniform he would be wearing in school, which was given to him by His mother who went to Maison Capenoir for that very thing.

Taking one last look around the room he made sure that he was forgetting nothing and it was all placed in his spatial ring he made down the hallway for the grand hall where both his mother and father along with grandfather waited for him.

“Are you excited?” Guo asked while placing his hand on Alex’s shoulder.

“Of course, new culture, new history, new people” He replied with a smile “What is there to not like”.

Down the hall there was a coil of rope on a pedestal which immediately bought Alex’s attention, pointing at the coil of rope he looked at Guo with slight confusion.

“Oh, that is a portkey” He explained, “it will take you to the french ministry of magic where a carriage is awaiting to take you to the school”.

“Do you have everything?” Xie inquired “Staff? Clothing?”.

“Yes I have everything” he laughed, conjuring his staff out of his ring which stood a mere two inches taller than he did before stuffing it back into the ring. Seeing his wife so anxious he gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before making way for his son to touch the coil of rope, which he did just after looking back.

Reappearing in a foreign building he looked around inquisitively, on the vaulted roof there were depictions of naked men and women with white wings soaring in a cloudy landscape.

‘Magnificent painting, a little shameless, but to each their own’ He thought before walking to the door held open by a French Auror. Outside of the ministry, there was a carriage sitting in the middle of the road while two or three dozen feet away a line of guards kept out thousands of people all with cameras pointing at him.

Looking around he noticed a senior man wearing the same uniform the Aurors wore holding a newspaper, it was the headlines on the front page that immediately caught his eye.

Grandson of the Chinese emperor not only Heir to the Royal house Charlemagne but is also attending at Beauxbatons

In deadly explosion at Castle Nurmengard man was seen fleeing by Austrian and Aurors from the United States

While extremely interested in the explosion at Castle Nurmengard so heavily mentioned in Hogwarts history books he moved along towards the Carriage which was, like, the ministry door opened by another French Auror.

Entering the cabin he looked around and was slightly taken back at the amount of gold there was, everywhere you looked there was almost definitely see that shine. Rubbing his finger across the golden-plated corner of a piece of furniture he was surprised when an arrogant but elegantly sounding female voice pierced the air from the staircase at the end of the cabin.

“Finally, you certainly kept us waiting. For hours!” she berated in french. Not understanding why he was just staring at her nor did he understand what she was saying, they just stared before he shrugged and walked to a chair where he conjured two books titled, ‘Basic Grammar in The French Language’ and ‘Basic Necessary French Words’.

Starting with the dictionary he began to memorize each word. For two hours the woman stayed on the second floor while he memorized words which he soon got tired of after 14 thousand words, so he switched to the grammar book which was easier to look at. After another hour the carriage stopped abruptly signaling the end of the trip also prompting three women in uniforms to walk down the stairs completely ignoring Alex who stood up and walked out after them.

Atop a cliff about 3 thousand students made their way down a path, carrying himself as his etiquette teacher had beaten into him he calmly and elegantly made his way closer to the school earning an eye raise from the three who were in the carriage.

After a few minutes, they all reached the front of a Late renaissance early baroque-style castle with a few dozen towers sticking up like spears. standing in front of the gate were a few staff members, settling down the pairs of friends, couples, and new students alike all stopped talking.

“Welcome,” The giant woman at the head of the staff members said while her wand was placed at her throat “students from years two and above may go to their towers and dorms, however, you must not forget to show at the ballroom; first years and those not sorted follow me” she finished while looking straight at Alex, who didn’t look out of the normal due to his European father. Around 300 people all followed the giantess through the gate.

Moving around the castle to the front they smoothly made their way to a giant open area filled with roses and lilies alike named Beauxbatons park, a favorite place to study due to its peaceful nature. Stopping in front of a massive elegant and masterfully crafted fountain named Le Fontagne de Flamel, a fountain named for Beauxbatons' most famed alumni, Nicolas Flamel as the giantess explained.

Entering from the main entrance they walked past a small foyer filled with french wood paneling, flooring, and roofing, along with a massive oval mirror rimmed in gold and platinum hanging over a set of massive doors leading into the ballroom called the Grand Ballroom. With a polished white marble floor, three grand glass chandeliers lit the room up while a grand staircase at the end led to dorms, classrooms, and many extra rooms.

Following the headmistress, they explored each wing of classrooms while older students were sitting on chairs against the wall talking to each other or discussing things with the teacher in the classroom. Finally, they swung back through to the grand ballroom much to the delight of Alex who believed it would have been better to have students explore themselves which he would do during the introductory first week as it is called in Beauxbatons.

Entering the Ballroom with three thousand students along with the 300ish new students it wasn’t tight at all with each student having plenty of room. Stepping up on the raised platform the grand staircases led to, the room once again went silent.

“Now that the tour is now done, the new students must be sorted into their respective houses” the giantess spoke out “which are Papillonlisse, Ombrelune, and Bellefeuille represented by Purple, Dark Blue, and Green respectively. Now first years line up along the stairs, wait for your name to be called, once called you shall stand here while shooting an arrow inscribed with your name which will burst into the color of your house”.

Quickly the first years shuffled into four people walls on each step on each of the staircases. After almost 30 minutes of students pulling back a golden bow before letting loose an arrow inscribed with their name that blew up in a colorful smoke, Alex had finally gotten to the top.

“Alexander Caesar Zheng Charlemagne”.

Stepping up the last step he walked confidently before getting handed a bow and arrow with his name glowing and releasing white motes of light like a fire. Under the judging gaze of everyone in the room, he placed the bow into his left hand before nocking the arrow above the handle, pulling back and raising it at the same time he released while pointing forward. Zipping across the room like the other arrows released from that same bow it exploded into a cloud of dark blue smoke as if someone threw blue flour into the air, it quickly disappeared after he had handed the bow back and walked down the opposite staircase.

Looking for a quiet corner away from the eyes he could feel boring their judgmental gazes into his skull. Finding that peaceful corner he observed the other students firing their arrows before his gaze turned to a group of women making their way toward him.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Charlemagne” The woman leading the group started “I am Sylvie Borbón”.

“Do you not speak french? Deutsch? Español? Italiano?-” Sylvie continued.

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“French will do” he calmly replied hoping they would leave soon.

“He speaks,” one of the other girls scoffed.

“When he wants to”.

“Well when he wants to I’ll most likely be in the park, I sure hope you show” Sylvie cooly replied before leaving with the others.

‘Stay there please’ he thought while noting her confidence in everything she does, her popularity, the spotlight almost fictitiously shining on her, the attention that he had spent a decade learning to avoid ‘far away from me, you are danger’.

Staying in the corner he avoided the act that was almost forced upon them, socializing. Being around people where he could act more naturally and less fake was liberating like his parents and Guo until Sylvie once again appeared this time alone.

“Don’t worry, the extras aren’t around” She said while sitting down next to him “You know you are very interesting, while you ooze confidence from every action you do, are heir to the sole military superpower on the planet, and could probably declare yourself king of the franks similar to your ancestor you hide away reading a book”.

“The fact that Madame Olympe Maxime hasn’t come over here to berate you for that is in itself interesting, you've broken multiple rules, your wand isn't visible, the exam required for admission was waved, you will automatically be getting your own dorm on the seventh floor” she listed “For one and half thousand years the kings and queens that blessed these halls had to follow those rules, yet you don’t”.

“Regardless your room is floor seven room 43 in the eastern wing above the Ombrelune common room” she laughed a bit at his silence before standing up unfastening her white glove covering her hand and handing it to him “Alexander Caesar Zheng Charlemagne, I challenge you to a duel if you lose you must tell me your deepest secret if I lose what shall you demand?”.

‘There she goes again’ he thought while he could practically feel the spotlight widening to include him as well ‘demand? if I demand something she could never possibly accept then she should resend it, I hope that's possible. She is most certainly royalty or similar, she conducts herself with perfect confidence in both herself and her actions, she gets what she wants and the arrogance and pride oozing off of that smile is suffocating’.

“Hand me the complete and original Bamboo Annals and I will duel you, only then, and if you lose you must marry me,” He said confident in her inevitable shock followed by a cancellation of the duel or confidence followed by an exit where she would try to fulfill the demands yet fail, either way, peace, and quiet.

‘Check’ he thought while looking back at her who was in shock 'unfortunately for you that text lies deep in the imperial palace covered in wards that would require armies to pierce surrounded by an army of imperial guardsmen’.

Leaving the grand ballroom with thousands of shocked eyes resting upon him he decided breaking another rule wouldn’t be of any harm so he just decided to go to his room hoping that would be the last of Ms. Sylvie and her endless attention.

Back at the grand ballroom with many eyes resting on the second star of the debacle who was still shocked in his approach to denying her, duels could simply be denied while this was a move to shift the light from him back to her by setting a humiliating demand. Regaining her senses she smirked a little before also leaving the ballroom, however, she would be going not to the dorms to hide under the covers away from the shame like many thought, she would be going to the owl nests to write a letter.

After a brief time of looking for his room in the massive 7-story colossus of a palace similar in size to the imperial palace, he unwinded by placing a few books onto the desk before placing a stone at the bottom of the door, it was a duel enchanted artifact. While able to lock doors with a magical spell it was so weak that it wouldn’t be able to withstand more than a dozen of his novice spells, its other purpose thought is to alert, with an explosion loud enough to wake the whole castle up shaking it in the process and bright enough to temporarily blind someone that was its main purpose.

Next, he waved his hand, and the mattress, pillows, sheets, and blanket all disappeared into his ring while a new mattress, eight pillows, two layers of sheets, and a blanket all took its place, these were true luxury items made of Acromantula silk in combination with wool straight from a magical strain of Gossypium that if fluffed correctly would create the most magical of feelings as if you were sleeping on a firm cloud. All in all very few people could afford its minimum price of 30,000 galleons for a simple set of sleepwear, and that was before the cost of an enchanter who would place cooling and heating, fluff and comfort charms among a few others.

Taking off his clothes he got ready for bed in his underwear all the while thinking back to that challenge, conjuring a book called Beauxbatons rule book he scoffed at its unoriginality before looking for a table of contents, which he found quickly, he also found the page number that titled ‘Dueling Conducts Page 156’.

“No student for any reason can be compelled forcefully to participate in a duel, and student or staff member caught in such conduct will immediately be expelled from the school grounds never to return, likely no punishment proposed by either side can be enforced unless backed by magical contract signed by both parties and their magical guardians and is to be verified by 3 members of the staff as legitimate and True” He read out loud “well at least I won’t be forced to tell her even if she somehow pulls those documents out of nowhere”.

Falling asleep after reading a few more pages of the rule book realizing one Ms. Sylvie was correct in his naughty behavior; he planned on correcting that in the future.

Waking up he prepared for the day which was lackluster as it is, as it was the weekend where classes wouldn’t start till Monday, wearing a nice set of informal tang-style robes he prepared to exit the castle and spend some time in the park, while required to wear a uniform on days of learning students could wear whatever pleases them on the weekend as long as it was appropriate.

Walking around the park he noted the bees two times larger than normal, the thousands of flowers being attended by them, and the pristine tiled floor, around the park, were hundreds of students wearing more formal clothing than him.

Noticing trouble in front of him he quickly sat down on a bench only to be swarmed by bees who walked all over his arms and body, hoping that that group of women that Sylvie led wouldn’t notice him while simply thinking he was another black-haired European forgetting about the exodic robes he wore.

Closing his eyes he started to forget about those problems and he slipped into his mindscape, a place of actual peace and quiet beyond the touch of those novice wizards, not unlike the previous times he was here he began to sort his memories in the form of books, which due to yesterday had gotten larger.

Over three hours the boy sat in perfect stillness while in his mindscape he sorted memory by memory at blistering speed yet while he had only gotten through around 3 months of memories he was anything but disappointed at what took him a day only taking an hour.

As students began to pour into the school for lunch Alex remained still enjoying the less noise now around him, yet one unexpected fly bused around his ear once again.

“Wake up,” she said.

‘Once again this sun-kissed, black-haired, big-breasted Spanish flea has taken upon herself the god-given task of annoying the shit out of a random person’ Alex thought while in his mindscape unwilling to ‘wake up ‘haven’t you ever been told waking up a meditating chineseman is extremely bad luck’.

“Occlumency” she muttered out loud “you are getting more interesting by the minute, even I only just started that for a second year to use such advanced magic”.

It was as if a snake was tickling his eyes with its tongue, he fought to not open his eyes but when she opened her mouth again he was forced to look.

“I have fulfilled your requirements” she giggled a bit before continuing “do you accept?”.

In her hands was a hefty scroll of bamboo slips tied together with an ancient-looking string, grabbing it out of her hands he carefully read it realizing that it was authentic as he had read it before “How?”.

“Well for a very huge favor there are few items the heiress to the Spanish throne is unable to get, it does help to have an ecstatic owner jumping with joy at his grandson throwing around ‘marriage’ so soon”.

‘Bastard’ he thought while imagining Guo who was probably already privy to his predicament “Fine, however, I want your and your parent's signatures in a contract of enforcement” he said hoping this one last bluff would work and his world would regain its peace and quiet.

“If that is what you wish then I'll have the headmistress administer it” She conceded before provocatively blowing a kiss at him while walking away.

‘Not good, not good at all’ his thoughts speed.

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