Human Supremacy

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: A Lesson in Survival

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One year had passed since that fateful day when I learned that humans were not able to wield magic. I had come to accept that fact, though it still stung a little. Instead, I had focused on developing other skills and interests, determined to make the most of my life in this strange world.

Today, I was out exploring the village and its surroundings with my sister Artemis.

My goal was to complete a map of the area, so I could better understand the resources and dangers that lay beyond the village borders.

Over the past year, I had worked with my father to create basic weapons such as spears and small knives, made from stone and wood, to protect ourselves from potential dangers during our excursions.

I had also learned to make paper from wood and a simple pencil using sharpened charcoal instead of lead. However, my drawing skills were not the best, so I had asked my sister Artemis to help with the map. She had a talent for drawing and was able to produce a detailed and accurate representation of the area.

As my sister drew out the last part of the map she looked at me with a smug smile streachted on her face expecting to be praised. I have to admit it she really has been helpful through this project, but I would never tell her that.

The map was a testament to the hard work and dedication that I had put into understanding my surroundings. The detailed representation of the land revealed the various geographical features that made up our village, from the towering mountain to the south, possibly a volcano, to the lush forest that surrounded its base. There is also a hot spring in the forest and when I asked my father about it I found out that it is apparently the reason our ancestors migrated here. The hot spring is said to have therapeutic properties and is used by many in the village as a place to relax and rejuvenate.

To the east, the map showed a series of tall hills that seemed to stretch on as far as the eye could see. And to the north and west, the vast expanse of an ocean could be seen.

But the most striking thing about the map was the natural barrier that seemed to protect our village from the rest of the continent of Elora. The terrain acted as a kind of shield, keeping the elves and other intelligent species at bay and allowing us humans to live in relative peace and isolation.

However, there was a downside to this isolation. Because the other species did not clear out the surrounding areas, many monsters roamed rampant, posing a constant threat to our village.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as I looked at the map. It was a tangible representation of all the knowledge and understanding that I had gained over the past year, and it gave me hope that I could continue to learn and grow in this strange new world.

I carefully rolled up the map and placed it in a skin bag, determined to keep it safe and protected.

"Well, that's it," I said, turning to my sister. "We've mapped out the entire village and its surroundings. Now we just have to present it to the village council and hope they find it useful."

Artemis grinned and gave me a playful punch on the arm. "I'm sure they will, brother. You always come through in the end."

I smiled back, feeling grateful for my sister's support and encouragement. Together, we set off back towards the village, ready to share our hard-won knowledge with the rest of the community

Suddenly a rustling noise from a nearby bush caught my attention. I tensed, preparing myself for the worst, as a small, green humanoid with ugly features emerged from the bushes.

I knew immediately what it was - a goblin. I had heard stories about these vicious creatures, but I had never encountered one in person.

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Without thinking, I reached for the spear that I had brought with me, ready to defend myself. The goblin let out a bloodcurdling shriek and charged at me, its sharp teeth bared.

I took a deep breath and tried to steady my shaking hands as I prepared to face the creature. I knew that I had to be quick and precise if I wanted to come out of this alive.

The goblin charged at me, its sharp teeth bared and its eyes gleaming with malice. I braced myself for the impact, determined to defend myself and my sister at all costs.

As the goblin swung its club at me, I sidestepped and thrust my spear forward, aiming for its chest. The goblin let out a cry of pain as the spear pierced its shoulder, and it fell to the ground.

I knew I had to finish this fight quickly, before more goblins arrived. I charged at the goblin, driving my spear into its chest and ending its life.

Breathing heavily, I stood there for a moment, trying to catch my breath. Artemis rushed to my side.

"Adam, are you okay?" she asked, her voice shaking.

I nodded, still in shock at what had just happened. "I-I think so. I don't know what happened. I just swung my spear and it... it just fell down."

Artemis stared at me in disbelief. "You killed it! You killed a goblin!"

I looked down at the motionless creature, my mind racing. I had never taken a life before, and the realization of what I had just done hit me like a ton of bricks.

But I didn't have time to dwell on it. Artemis grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the goblin's body, her eyes wide with fear.

"We have to get back to the village," she said, her voice urgent. "The council needs to know about this. And we have to warn the others."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Goblins were not known to wander this far from their territory, and their sudden appearance could mean only one thing - trouble was brewing.

Without a word, we turned and fled, leaving the goblin's lifeless body behind. I knew that we had to tell the others about what had happened, and make sure that everyone in the village was prepared for any future attacks.

But as we made our way back to the village, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me. The encounter with the goblin had reminded me of the dangers that lurked beyond the village borders, and I knew that we needed to be more careful in the future.

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