Human Supremacy

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Council’s Decision

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We set off towards the village at a fast pace, our minds racing with fear and worry. As we approached the village gates, we were greeted by a group of armed guards.

"What's happened?" one of them asked, eyeing us warily.

"We were attacked by a goblin," I said, panting. "We killed it, but there might be more out there. You need to warn the others and send out a search party."

The guards looked at each other in alarm, then nodded and set off towards the council hall. Artemis and I followed, our hearts heavy with fear and worry.

As we entered the council hall, we were greeted by the council members, who looked at us with concern.

The council is made up of a variety of members, including the village elder, who is a respected and wise member of the community, and other members who are chosen based on their skills, knowledge, and experience. The council members work together to ensure the safety and prosperity of the village, and they often hold meetings to discuss and vote on important matters. In times of crisis, such as the goblin attack, the council plays a crucial role in organizing and leading the community's response.

"Adam, Artemis, what brings you here in such a hurry?" asked the village elder, his wise eyes studying us intently.

I took a deep breath and explained what had happened, including the details of the goblin attack. The council members listened in silence, their faces grim.

"This is grave news," the elder said, his voice heavy with concern. "Goblins have not ventured this far from their territory in decades. Something must have provoked them to attack."

"We need to send out a search party to find out what's happening," said another council member. "And we need to strengthen our defenses in case of further attacks."

I nodded, feeling a sense of determination growing within me. I had always known that humans were not the dominant species in this world, but I had never realized the full extent of the dangers we faced.

"I volunteer to join the search party," I said, looking around at the council members. "I have experienced fighting the goblin and I know the area well. I can also help fortify the village defenses."

The council members looked at each other, then back at me. "Adam, we appreciate your enthusiasm," the village elder said, "but you are still too young and inexperienced to join the search party. It's too dangerous."

I felt a surge of frustration and disappointment, but I knew that the council members were right. I wasn't ready to face the dangers of the outside world, not yet.

"I understand," I said, trying to hide my disappointment. "But I want to help in any way I can. What can I do?"

The council members looked at each other, then turned to me with a thoughtful expression.

"You can gather information and help us prepare for the possibility of further attacks," the elder said. "Talk to the people in the village, see if anyone has noticed anything unusual or out of the ordinary. And help us gather supplies and strengthen our defenses."

I nodded, feeling a sense of purpose and determination. This was my chance to make a difference, to prove myself and show that humans were just as capable as any other species.

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"I'll do my best," I said, determination in my voice.

The council members nodded, satisfied with my response. Then they turned to Artemis and asked her to help gather supplies and prepare food for the search party.

“We believe in you, Adam," the village elder said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You have the heart of a true leader, and we know that you will do great things in the future."

The council members nodded in approval, and I knew that I had made the right decision. Even though I couldn't join the search party, I could still contribute to the safety and well-being of the village in other ways. And who knows, maybe one day I would be ready to join the search party and face the dangers of the outside world head on.

As we left the council hall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and determination. I might not be able to use magic or fight on the front lines, but I could still make a difference in my own way. And I was determined to do everything in my power to protect my village and the people I cared about.

As I walked through the village, I realized that the council had made the right decision. The villagers were in a state of panic, It seems the news of the goblin attack had spread from the village gate guards who saw us, and I could see the fear in their eyes. If I had been allowed to join the search party, I might have ended up causing more harm than good. After all a child in the search party wouldn’t really inspire confidence.

As the council members emerged from the council room and made their way to the town square, I followed closely behind, eager to hear their announcement. When they reached the center of the square, they called for the villagers to gather around and listen.

The village elder stepped forward and spoke, his voice carrying across the crowd. "My fellow villagers, I have grave news to share with you. This morning, Adam and Artemis were attacked by a goblin while out exploring the surrounding area. Although they were able to defend themselves and kill the creature, it is clear that there may be more goblins in the area. We must take precautions and strengthen our defenses in case of further attacks."

A murmur of concern ran through the crowd as the elder spoke. Goblins were known to be vicious and dangerous creatures, and the thought of them attacking our village was frightening.

"We will be sending out a search party to investigate and gather more information about what may have provoked the goblin attack," the elder continued. "We need volunteers to join the search party and bravely defend our village. Who among you is willing to step forward and serve your community in this time of need?"

A number of villagers stepped forward, including some of my friends and neighbors. I felt a surge of pride and admiration for their bravery and willingness to protect our village.

But as I looked around at the council members, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Despite their assurances, I knew that the search party would be facing great danger, and as I looked at the faces of the villagers who had volunteered, I couldn't shake the feeling that I should be doing more to help.

I glanced at my father, who was standing nearby, and saw the same worry etched on his face. He knew as well as I did that the search party would be facing great danger, and he was torn between his desire to protect me and his duty to defend our village.

As the council members called for more volunteers and began to organize the search party, I knew that I had to do something. I couldn't just sit by and watch as my friends and neighbors risked their lives to defend our village.

I closed my eyes, focusing all of my energy and concentration on the task at hand. In my mind's eye, I saw a glimmer of an idea, a device that could raise everyone's combat capabilities and give us a fighting chance against the dangers that lurked beyond our village gates.

I knew that I had to act fast if I wanted to turn this idea into a reality. With a sense of determination, I set off towards the workshop, determined to bring my vision to life.

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