
Chapter 54: Volume 8 - CH 6

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– Wait, we are going to bring the Air Ride?

– That’s the instruction of the President. It’s for the sake of time.

– Was there any kind of prediction that a Savage’s attack would occur during the tournament?

Hayato asks, surprised.

– If we assume so, then didn’t Liza kind of predicted it? Or, was it Pope-sama?

– You guys, get ready. This isn’t the moment to talk, understood?

Liddy said so, she already had the Outer and the Air Ride equipped on her.

– Understood.

In answer, Emilia also equips the Air Ride.

Hayato also equipped it in the same way.

– …even though, it’s a great strategy. Using the songs of Sakura and Karen to draw the Savage to this place…

– Liza said that it could be possible, but will this really do?

– As a matter of fact, we won’t know until we try it, that’s what Dr. Charlotte said. Of course, there’s the matter of safety too. Only that, don’t lose your focus――

– Of course.

Regarding Liddy, Hayato answered firmly.

Currently, the ones with Air Rides that are on Calbrera Island, combined with all the organizations, are only Hayato, Emilia and Liddy.

The mission given to those three is to protect Sakura and Karen who will sing at the most prominent place in the stadium.

– Well then, let’s go.

Following Liddy who said so, Hayato and Emilia also flew into the sky.

At that time, and after changing clothes to their Variable Suit, a communication from Charlotte entered to Sakura and Karen who were waiting at the wing of the battlefield.

「The preparations are ready. Move to the center of the battlefield」

– Let’s go, Karen-chan.

– Yes.

They joined their hands, and walked out.

The voice of Carol, the narrator of the World Martial Arts Tournament, arrived on their backs.

– You two, sing with confidence, okay?

– Carol, you…

– Why are you here?

They looked back with a surprised expression.

– People have already evacuated to the shelter, you know.

– Isn’t this a crisis of the earth? Even I want to do something about it. That’s why I decided to cooperate with you.

– Cooperate you say… don’t tell me, you are going to sing too? That’s――

– To be honest, I want to do so.

Interrupting the words of Sakura, Carol laughed in self-deprecation.

– But, because I’m not a Slayer, then singing wouldn’t make any sense, right? You are under the influence of the Variant Virus, isn’t it?

– Why would you…?

– Carol-san contributed with the experimentation.

Souffle appeared from the control room and answered Sakura’s doubt.

– Whether the song of an ordinary human will reach the Savage or not.

In other words, it seems that it was explained at that time.

The secret of Sakura’s song.

The story of the Variant.

– But, it was useless, you know. My song didn’t reach the Savage. It’s very frustrating.

– Carol, you…

– I’m annoyed, I’m losing in popularity against you. Now that there’s a global crisis, it means that there’s nothing that I can do.

Saying that, Carol continues.

– I, I want to protect my fans. If the people who listen to me disappear, then there’s no point in singing. So, even now, I asked Souffle about how I can cooperate, even if it’s the smallest thing. And because of that, I’ll help you with the sound.

– Thanks, Carol.

– I’m expecting a wonderful stage, you know.

Carol smiled and patted Sakura’s back.

– Now, go.

– Yup. Let’s go, Karen-chan.

– Yes.

Sakura and Karen joined their hands again and started to run, then reached the center of the battlefield.

「Guys, can you hear me? The stage is going to be created in a few moments. Be careful to not fall」

– To not fall you say…

When Charlotte’s communication ended, the battlefield began to shake in a short and repeated way.

– Wawah, what, what is this?

Karen raised a surprised voice, noticing that her feet were elevating.

(Come to think of it, that…)

Sakura recalls that similar equipment was used when Judal Harvey was giving his speech at the opening ceremony.

And after being around 30 seconds in that condition, a part of the battlefield raised above the ceiling.

The circular sky stage is completed.

– It’s amazing, this is so high…

「What do you think? It’s the best stage, isn’t it?」

– Seeming that we can fall, I’m a little scared…

Looking down, the legs of Karen are trembling.

– Moreover, won’t we be in plain sight from the Savage?

Without thinking, Sakura makes a bitter smile.

It can’t be said that there’s no possibility that the Savage will fall in this place while they are singing or that they won’t be targeted by a bombardment.

「Don’t worry about that. The prince that’s going to protect you will arrive soon」

– Prince?

– Wait, is he…

Sakura and Karen looked around restlessly.

Then, flying in the sky using the Air Ride, 3 approaching figures come into view. Looking at the figure of the man within them, Sakura and Karen had a bright facial expression.

– Nii-san!

– Hayato-kun!

「Exactly. Kisaragi Hayato, Emilia Hermit and Liddy Steinberg are expected to protect you. With these guys, do you feel safe now?」

– Yup!

– Very safe indeed!

「If so, we are expecting a live worthy of its name」

The following voice they heard is from Souffle.

「Sakura, Karen, are you ready? Fight with your songs, fight with your feelings!」

– Of course. Karen-chan, here we go――

– Yes!

– <<Arrival of the Diva>> HUNDRED ON!

– <<Deployment of the Sacred Amulet>> HUNDRED ON!

They are in their respective Hundred――

<< Spinning Story of a Fairy >> Fairy Fairy Tale and <<Miracle of the Sacred Amulet>>Divine Card are deployed.

Carol’s voice reaches them there.

「It seems that you are ready」

The voice heard after that was once again from Carol.

「Okay then, let the <Strategy begin!> music start!」

「Charlotte-sama, there was movement!」

It was around the time when part A was about to end.

Communication arrived from Little Garden to a room where Charlotte is on Calbrera Island.

「The majority of the predicted falling points of the Savage have been changed to Calbrera Island. In addition, the current predicted falling points of the Savage who will fall in a couple of hours later have also changed to Calbrera Island!」

It’s the voice of Chris that she heard, followed by Mei Mei’s report.

「Dr. Charlotte. This is what you meant?」

– Yeah, exactly.

Nodding in satisfaction, Charlotte continued.

– I don’t know the means but, it might be in response to the songs of Kirishima Sakura and Kisaragi Karen that the Savage are adjusting their falling points. It appears that the strategy was a success. Immediately let the Slayers around Calbrera Island to take an interception stance.

Charlotte switched the line and decided to contact the Slayers.

「Informing to all the Slayers in the surroundings as well as the ones in Calbrera Island. The strategy for the first stage is a success. Within a few minutes, the first group will get to this area. Once you deploy your armaments, enter in an interception stance. Repeating it one more time――」

– Apparently, the first stage of the strategy was a success.

Latia said, listening to the communication from Charlotte.

– Listening to the songs of Sakura and Karen, a lot of spectators are coming from the space, huh. As it was told by Dr. Charlotte, we must go with our deployed armaments at once.

– Yup.

Fritz, Latia, Noah and Shuemei, as well as Tsudura Mirai, Kurumi Sango, Kirikagure Yumina and the other Slayers of Yamato, along with Douglas,Claudia and the rest of the Slayers of Gudenburg, together with the Slayers that participated in the Savage subjugation battle, each one of them deployed their Hundred.

Hayato and the others who are using the Air Ride, are looking at the state of the situation from above the roof of the stadium.

– It seems that it’s beginning.

It’s exactly as Emilia muttered.

When they looked up at the sky, they saw the Savage falling to the ground.

Slayers with long range guns begin to shoot the Savage without stopping.

– We will also cooperate!

Liddy shouted.

Following her, Hayato and Emilia fired shots from the two turrets on the Air Ride.

Most of the falling Savage seem to be normal type.

However, there seems to be huge types as well, such as giant type and dreadnaught type.

In a simultaneous communication from Claire, Hayato understood that.

「Shuemei, Noah and Alphonse are going to mainly fight the common type. If you think that it is dangerous, request help immediately or run away desuwa」

Then, he heard the voice of two girls.

「I am Wendy Velvet, member of the Army of Liberia. We will support them so they will be phine (fine). 」

「I am Aly Harlech, I belong to Al Salaam. Latia Saint-Émillion asked me to support Little Garden」

「Thank you very much to you two masuwa. Our comrades will be under your care masu」



They also heard the communication from Kirigakure Yumina, a Slayer belonging to Motomatsu Base, a branch of Warslan Company in Yamato.

– Mirai, Sango. We’ll also focus on the normal types.

– Huuh, the normal type desuno!? Defeating the big types and dreadnaught types will give magnificent results, so after entering Little Garden, I could immediately be put in the Selections――

– Sango, it’s impossible, forget about it…

Mirai muttered, displeased.

There are also Slayers of the Army of Britannia a little away from that place.

– Douglas-sama, are you really going to fight?

Claudia was anxiously asking to Douglas who deployed his armament.

– This is a serious affair. I will do it as long as I can move my body. However, I can’t be rash. Claudia and everyone will mainly focus to defeat the large type and dreadnaught type. The frustration in the semifinals that we couldn’t get to the finals, we will release it here!

– Understood!

Of course, the Slayers of other countries and organizations also started to move and commenced to fight with the Savage.

A time has passed since that.

– …what’s, that…?

Without thinking, Hayato stopped bombarding the falling Savage.

It isn’t a Savage but, a stone-like sphere came down from the sky.

Around 10 of them fell to the ground.

– Could those be Variable Stones?

Stopping the bombardment as well, Emilia said.

– No, they look different.

Without a moment’s delay, Hayato advocates a different opinion.

Looking it closely, it was a perfect sphere.

And, different from natural objects like meteorites, these look like artifacts.

Similarly, Tsudura Mirai, a Slayer belonging to the Motomatsu Base of the Army of Yamato, was wondering that, looking at the second group of Savage that was falling.

– Really, what kind of things are those? I have a bad feeling――

Tilting her head, she looks at the spheres that look like white eggs that fell nearby.

– So, the experience tells me that the victory goes to the one who makes the first move――

Sango, who had just slaughtered an ordinary Savage and was free, turned into particles the 4 floating batteries of her Dragoon type Hundred <<Crimson Dragon Knight>> Drag Red――.

She creates Buster Cannon, and aims at a mysterious sphere.

– Wai-, Sango! Don’t be hasty, sto――

Mirai comes to stop her, but it was too late.

– Teeee―――h!

The beam emitted from Sango’s Buster Cannon hits spectacularly the mysterious sphere.

The result, it got cracked…

– …huh? Wha-, what is that desuno? That’s a!?

Out of nowhere, Sango raised a surprised voice.

It’s because of what appeared from the sphere, it was a huge fly-like Savage with 4 wings on its back.

As expected, that thing floated in the sky while making a buzzing sound, then started to bombard from its mouth to the ground.

– See, I told you so!

Mirai uses her Shooter type Hundred <<Ice Pillar of Exorcism>> Hamanotsurara to try to shoot the mysterious flying thing with arrows of energy.

(But, from here down it won’t be easy to aim at the core…)

Because the core is on the head like all the other Savage.

It’s complicated to aim at it from the ground.

– But, I can’t stand here without trying!

Shouting, Mirai fired an arrow of energy towards the lower body of the big fly type Savage.

She thought that, if the body leant forwards because of it, then she could destroy the core with a second arrow.

But the big fly type Savage didn’t receive damage.

It developed a wide area barrier around its body and pulverized the arrow.

And on the contrary, now the big fly type counterattacks towards Mirai.

– …kh, a close call.

Mirai dodged the bombardment released from its head, her breathing was leaking.

The big fly type aims for another Slayer, the bombardment continues.

Sango looked at the situation, and muttered while her body was trembling.

– That, was my fault desuno?

– No, I don’t think so.

Yumina immediately defended her.

– Look carefully around us. Even if you didn’t do it, those big fly type would have born anyway.

– Oh…

A big fly type was born from another egg that fell in a different place and started to bombard.

Everyone is trying to cope with them, but it seems that Mirai’s blocking barrier as well as the arrows fired do nothing.

Vexing, Yumina grind her teeth.

Even if she throws the sickle of Orochimaru, it’s difficult to aim at the core from the ground.

For Latia and Nakri is the same.

– Damn, those are really a nuisance!

Even if Nakri throws Dio Varga, they dodge them nimbly, they are very hard to hit. That also applies to Latia’s knuckles.

– As far as I can see, those annoying things were born from the eggs.

That said, Hayato was staring at the situation of the battle from a distance.

He can see that the ground troops are at mercy of the big fly types that born from the eggs.

However, shooting a beam from this place won’t do any good.

Standing there, he received a help request from Latia.

「Hayato, can you guys take care of the flying things? They are a hindrance, there’s nothing we can do」

You are reading story Hundred at

– Liddy-san, what shall we do?

Hayato asks Liddy.

– Let me see…

Liddy was troubled, and thinks, knitting her eyebrows.

The result is that she couldn’t decide by herself.

She opened a communication with Claire and asked her.

– Claire-sama, we have received a support request from Latia Saint-Émillion. They want us, the Air Ride unit, to destroy the fly-like Savages that are flying in the sky.

「…roger desuwa. In fact, those big fly types are quite troublesome and can’t be defeated by bombardment. If you conclude that you can support them, then I would leave them to you masuwa」

– Understood.

In answer, Liddy said to them.

– It’s as you heard. I will destroy the big fly type on the continent side. Kisaragi Hayato, you take care of the Calbrera Island side.

– Roger.

– What should I do?

– You are going to wait for orders here. Your Arms Shroud is best suited for defensive battle than us.

– Understood. But if those things get too close, I’ll be moving from here.

– Now let’s go, Kisaragi Hayato.

Hayato and Liddy started to move.

With only them, the war situation changed completely.

They approached the big fly type Savages using the Air Ride.

While diverting them with the beams, Hien and Midgard Schrange destroy the cores one after another.

– I wonder if we destroyed all the big fly types…

Hayato muttered, while confirming the surroundings.

He can’t see a big fly anywhere anymore.

Because the first stage is completed, he could relax.

「Hayato, this is bad!」

A sudden communication from Emilia.

Hayato checks his left and right.

However, he can’t find the figure of a big fly type.

Once again, a communication from Emilia enters.

「Down, down!」

Those words finally reached Hayato.

A super dreadnaught type Savage on the ground opened its head wide in order to bombard him.

Emilia got impatient, of course, since Hayato is being targeted.

(This is bad!)

The bombardment was fired.

Hayato managed to block it with E barrier.

– Whoa, that was close…

If it wasn’t because Emilia called him out, it would have been a direct hit.

And that eventually would be a serious matter.

It ended up accelerating his heart, he was really glad.

「…Hayato, are you okay?」

– Yeah, thanks to you.

Looking, Emilia was standing to the side of the Savage that was aiming at Hayato a few moments ago.

Immediately after the bombardment, she approached the Savage――.

With the spear created with Arms Shroud, she destroyed the core.

– …hey, it’s no good if you leave your position. Sakura and Karen are in danger and――

– But, there are no big fly types at the moment…

Looking there, passing by the side of Karen and Sakura, he noticed that a big fly is drawing near.

It appears that one was born from an egg just now.

– This is dangerous!

Hayato accelerates quickly, and moves to defeat the big fly type.

– It’s fine, Hayato-kun!

Sakura shouted.

Then, Hayato stopped moving.

– It’s fine you say… what do you mean?

The big fly type was already approaching the side of Sakura and Karen.

He can’t catch the intention of the words of Sakura.

Sakura said to the confused Hayato,

– This young one, it just wants to listen to our songs near us. That’s why, it’s fine. It’s a fan of us.

Now that she mentions it, it surely doesn’t seem to attack Sakura nor Karen.

It wasn’t even showing interest for Hayato nor the other Slayers.

– But, in case that something happens…

Hayato can’t help worrying.

If something happens, he won’t be able to save them.

– It’s as Hayato-san says.

Together with those words, a thunder that fell from the sky hit directly the big fly type.

Then it falls to the battlefield.

A spear of light was thrown to the core.

– That just now…

Hayato is dumbfounded.

Sakura and Karen were equally dumbfounded.

– It didn’t seem to be harmful, but the other party is a Savage. Don’t show gaps.

The voice of the woman was thrown again.

It was from a woman who wore a white sutan standing on the roof of the stadium, around 50 meters from the stage.

– Pope Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III…

Serivia said to the surprised Sakura.

– I understand your feelings. However, that is something we cannot afford to do now.

– …..

It doesn’t matter who they are, if they listen to their songs, and if they like them, then there’s no mistake that they are important fans for them.

Sakura thought that that thing was everything but a monster.

But Serivia’s words were reasonable.

– There are still some Savage that are closing in so we will deal with them, you resume your songs at once ――now, the invasion continues.

Receiving the words of Serivia, Sakura asked.

– …Karen-chan, can you sing?

– Ye-, yes. Of course!

Karen and Sakura.

Their concert continues.

– Serivia-san is merciless…

Without thinking, Hayato mutters.

– But, if Serivia-san protects them, then we don’t have to worry about them, we can fight.

Certainly, Emilia’s words were true.

He’s concerned about those two, but he doesn’t think that Pope-sama is going to fail.

Looking closely to the ceiling, there are four people with particularly strong response values, they are Maruko, Luka, Matthew and Johanne, the Slayers of Puritaria.

There will be no problems.

Liddy seemed to notice them too.

「Kisaragi Hayato, Emilia Hermit――leave the guard to the guys of Puritaria, we will join the suppression of the Savage on the ground」

– Understood.

In answer, Hayato started to move with Emilia.

The resume of the songs rises the morale of the Slayers.

The songs are gallant, and somehow give an inspiring feeling to fight.

– Somehow, listening to this song, makes me feel as if my fatigue was blown away.

Saying that, Latia smiled.

– It does really look like that. I don’t feel like losing at all.

Smiling in the same way, Fritz nods.

That’s also the same for the other Slayers.

Nobody talked about being tired.

They don’t think about losing.

To save this world, and mankind――-

They fight with all their strength to take the victory.

But, the limits were about to come to the duo that was continuously inspiring the Slayers.

It’s been an hour and a half since the live began――.

Although it’s during the battle, it’s like an ordinary live, but singing without a MC*.

Not only the physical strength of Karen, but also the expression of Sakura are showing signs of fatigue.

– This is terrible!

Carol shouted, watching the two people from the control room.

Karen’s legs were staggering.

If this keeps like that, Karen will collapse from the waist to the stage.

Carol stopped the music, and asked Karen.

「Karen-san, are you okay?」

Following Carol, Sakura also asks.

– You okay, Karen-chan? If you are at your limit, I can continue by myself…

– No.

Swinging her head to the left and right, Karen continued.

– I still can sing. Nii-san and everyone are also fighting. I want to sing with Sakura till the end!

– …got it.

Karen stands up, grasping the hand extended by Sakura.

There, a communication from Souffle entered.

「Sakura, Karen, do you hear me? The attack of the Savage seems to have ended already. From here, they will end defeating all the Savage that are in this place. So, this is the last song. Can you do it?」

– Of course!

– Absolutely!

Looking at them who gathered their voices, Carol said.

「You both are really cool! Okay then, we will resume the live!」

– Claire-sama, it looks like Krovahn and the others have floored a super dreadnaught type. What remains is another super dreadnaught type――

Hayato and Emilia are in the middle of the battle with that super dreadnaught type.

– Now, Hayato!

– Uoooooo――h!

The last brandish of Hien.

Kisaragi Hayato destroyed the core of the super dreadnaught type.

– …we, did it?

As soon as the song is over, Sakura asks Souffle.

<<Yeah, Hayato-kun did it>>

– Hooray!

– We did it!

Sakura and Karen were delighted, they embraced each other.

– It’s done, we managed it somehow…

Haa, haa, while his shoulders were shaking, he adjusted his posture using the thruster of the Air Ride.

There, Emilia got closer to him.

– Good job, Hayato.

– Did it end with this?

– The Savage, at least. But, the fight continues.

– …what do you mean?

– The continuation of the finals.

– Oh, right…

Hayato had completely forgotten about it.

– But, I used too much energy, so I can’t keep fighting.

– That’s the same for me.

*Tehe*, Emilia stick out her tongue.

– Thinking about the consequences, won’t make this the President angry?

– I don’t think that may happen.

Emilia replied immediately.

– Winning the tournament is also important, but the main duty of a Slayer is to save the Earth from the Savage――and to save mankind. So, I say that there’s nothing wrong with it.

「I hear you masuwayo」

– Uwaa, Prez!

Next, they heard the voice of Mei Mei.

「Thank you for your hard work, everyone. This is the International Integrated Army Headquarters. We have confirmed the annihilation of all the Savage. Please return to Calbrera Island. Repeating once again――」

– Hayato, shall we go back?

– Yeah.

– This, this is really a wonderful result.

From the rooftop of the stadium, Serivia muttered, staring at the mass of dead Savage.

– There is no doubt that humanity has grown so much, it’s on par with the Savage――no, that they could fight more than that, it is truly amazing.

The smile she expresses while saying that, it’s quite a deep emotional one.

– With this encounter, we got a considerable number of cores. And with this, not only Project Lunaltia, but also the time expected to arrive is drawing near, isn’t it?――

Serivia looks up at the night sky with a distant look. There, the moon and many stars were shining.

– Eh, we, Little Garden team won the championship desuno?

Serivia nods and replies to Claire that has a dumbfounded look.

– Yes, as you said.

An hour and so had passed since they confirmed the inaction of the Savage.

After finishing the subjugation of the Savage, the Slayers, who have changed to their uniforms from their Variable Suits, were gathered at the food and drink space for authorized people within the stadium.

Unlike before the sortie, there’s no anxiety.

On the contrary, most of them have a cheerful smile.

Even though it was a large-scale invasion and on top of it with unknown Savage, there were no casualties, nor severely wounded, so a thing like that was expected.

Once the words of gratitude from Charlotte who was the commander ended, and as a matter of course, they were talking about what to do for the finals.

Even if they start from the beginning, it was impossible to do it immediately.

If so, then it would be tomorrow――

Or, if it was done two, three days later, will they wait for the energy to recover?

What are they going to do with the format and the members?

They were about to begin a consultation if they should do it as it was.

Serivia raised her hand and announced her withdrawal.

– Are you really sure? Rather, it is our side that should withdraw…

Claire said that in the match before the interruption, they were at the mercy of Serivia, they were pressed by her, and that the energy consumption of the members of Little Garden team was in fact intense.

It doesn’t matter if they are resuming the match tomorrow, because Hayato, Claire and Emilia are in a state where they can’t fight.

– I am telling you. The battle results of the Slayers of Little Garden who didn’t take into consideration the interruption of the finals and fought to save humanity are incredible. It is very different from us, who thought about resuming the finals, and only took the role of protectors. I was very moved by that, and I thought that Little Garden is worthy of taking the championship. Don’t you think so too? Those who think so, pleas applaud――

At first, it was sparse.

Commencing with Claudia, Douglas and the Slayers of Britannia, only the Slayers who were fighting against the Savage and were saved by the Slayers of Little Garden applauded.

But gradually it got bigger――.

– It’s decided.

Those words of Serivia were released with a smile. Claire couldn’t understand at all what she was thinking. However, this isn’t a situation to insert an objection. They were driven to that situation and had no choice but to flow with it.

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