
Chapter 55: Volume 8 - Epilogue

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The day after the subjugation battle.

After the closing ceremony at the stadium, that was held at 3pm on February 14th.

A closing party is ongoing with all of those who participated in team battles and in the subjugation battle of the Savage, as well as the rest of the Slayers that remained in Calbrera Island.

The place is the hotel that Hayato and the others are staying, and the one where they went to the first friendly reunion. Now it’s being used as a celebration party for the anti-Savage battle.

Speaking of the tournament, Little Garden team won due to Puritaria team’s withdrawal, but that doesn’t mean that voices of dissatisfaction didn’t come from the spectators.

But, the war results of Little Garden from the anti-Savage fight and the devolution of the seat fees――in addition to Judal’s announcement, where benefits will be added to preferential ticket seats for the next tournament, which is planned to be held in four years, made the angry voices to calm down.

– Although I cannot say that this went safe due to the invasion of the Savage and the terrorist incident, it is thanks to all of you that we finished all the program of the tournament. I am truly grateful to you.

The closing party, which started with Judal’s greetings, was already in the middle of its development.

Then, in that situation.

– Claire-sama… did something happen?

After all the greetings of the authorized people ended like always, Claire was with her head hung down at a corner of the meeting place, looking absentmindedly.

It’s very rare for Claire to be in such a state.

That’s why Erika was worried and called her out.

– Eh, ah…. No, not at all…

That was the answer of Claire.

Her appearance looked like as if she was denying something.

Because of that, Erika attempted to pursuit further into it.

– Rather than telling me that, why you looked like you had a depressed expression…?

– Is that so desuno? If so, I guess it is because I am a little tired…. The semifinals, the finals, and the anti-Savage battle, although these things took place in different days, they were a series of battles in the end.

– Then, don’t push yourself, and return to your room――.

– Starting from tomorrow I can take a good rest, so there is no problem.

– If that’s so, then I won’t insist…

As a matter of fact, she’s tired.

Leaving that aside, it’s the thing that became a heavy burden of Claire, just before this meeting began.

She was summoned by her brother, Judal Harvey, so he could explain the contents of a conversation.

There were no bodyguards.

It was a conversation of just two people.

– Congratulations for the championship. You did a good job, Claire. With this, I’m one step closer of my objective.

They are in Judal’s waiting room prepared at the hotel.

That was the very first thing he said to Claire who arrived at that place.

– I plan to move to the base in the moon as soon as possible. In this regard, I would like to have around 10 Slayers from Little Garden. Charlotte Dimandius too.

– It is quite quick, desuwane.

– Puritaria will provide money as well as working force. To Improve development without rest.

Hearing the answer, Claire inadvertently knitted her brows.

– Onii-sama, just one advice masuwa.

– …an advice? About what?

– I don’t think that you were careful enough about Pope-sama. I don’t know that well what she is planning, nor how high her ability as a Slayer is.

She believes so after it was decided that Little Garden won the championship.

Serivia approached the spot of Claire, Hayato and Emilia and made a prediction.

– This time it couldn’t be settled, but someday, I will fight you. I have that feeling. So, let’s settle it at that time.

She doesn’t get the intention of her words.

It was really a prophecy?

Will they really see her in the finals of the next tournament?

Or maybe, it’s something else――?

– But, without Puritaria’s power, it’s impossible to do things quickly.

Judal continued speaking as he remembered something.

– Oh, I see. You fought that man――Cezary Gravin alias Vassily Tynyanov, but under the cooperation of Pope-sama, we dealt with him.

– Dealt with him…?

The facial expression of Claire becomes stern.

– What is that supposed to mean desuno?

– Just what it means. His purpose on life was to become a hindrance to me. There was a high possibility that he would become an obstacle in my future plans, so I had to eliminate him from this world.

– Doing such a thing, if this is leaked to the UN…

– If that’s the case, will you be quiet? Besides, there is nothing wrong with it. This is being carried forward as if they were dealing with a terrorist crime. We were really saved because the security was strict, and that we weren’t lodging at the hotel where we prepared that.

– …!!

Claire asked Judal, while biting her lips.

– Onii-sama, why are you so impatient desu?

– You are just like mother.

– That’s――

– I don’t know how much time I have. I might be saved if new medicines are made in the moon, but I might die before then.

– …are you kidding?

– I’m not kidding. It’s true.

– ……

Claire was lost for words.

Why will such cruel things happen around her?

His brother isn’t very fond to tell the truth, but that talk was enough to give weight to the heart of Claire.

– But if I could go to the moon, then that would be fine for me. For that reason, I’ll do anything. After that, if I die, then you can do whatever you like. In case Puritaria tries to capture the lunar base, and if there are Slayer troops that you are commanding, then you’ll be able to stop them.

– You saw the final match that we fought, right? How can you say so after that? To be honest, the strength of Pope-sama was far beyond our imagination wayo.

– But still, you guys――that Kisaragi Hayato and Emilia Hermit, they weren’t serious, isn’t it?

– We are of equal status in this regard desuwa.

– Besides, you will be going to the moon with me. Even Liza is planning to migrate to the moon within the year.

– ……

That’s also in accordance with the plans.

Little Garden is like a test case of Lunaltia Base――.

Without Liza, the power of Lunaltia Base would be insufficient.

– Anyway, I’ll leave the selection of members to you.

From there, Claire has been worrying all the time.

If she goes to the moon, she will be separated from Kisaragi Hayato.

When she thinks that, her heart hurts.

It’s painful and unbearable.

(I see, as expected I――)

Clare confirms her own feelings.


She can’t lie herself anymore.

To the point she can’t endure it.

She fell in love with Kisaragi Hayato.

She remembers the thing while fighting with Cezary Gravin.

His Variable Virus exists inside her.

The moment she knew so, she was very happy.

Still, is there something left?

She wants to believe that there’s something left.

It seems like a bond that links herself with him, she finds it lovely.

But, that may disappear someday.

If possible, she doesn’t want that.

She wants him to exist forever inside her.

For that reason, he and――.

(What am I thinking masuno?)

*Shake* *Shake*, Claire shook her head to the left and right.

She mustn’t think about that now.

The moon――.

Lunaltia Base.

(Should I ask Kisaragi Hayato if he wants to come to the moon together with me?)

Claire became unable to contain herself, she couldn’t resist but to meet Hayato, and began to look for him.

Shortly before Claire started looking for Hayato.

The launching party with a line-up of Slayers was on its final stage.

After this, the members of Little Garden decided to do a celebration.

By the time it ends, it’s very likely that the day has changed.

So, before that, you should do what you have to do.

Hayato searched for the figure of Emilia from inside the meeting place and tap her shoulder from behind.

– Hey, Emilia. Do you have a minute?

– Oh, Hayato.

Emilia looks back and answers. Then she turns to the front once again,

– I’m sorry, everyone. I got something to do.

– Ah, Emilia-sama!

– I’m sorry, i’ll be leaving my seat for a bit.

Saying that to Claudia, Emilia leaves that place with Hayato.

– Just right in time. A little more and I was planning to look for Hayato.

– Is that so?

– Yup.

Nodding, Emilia runs.

– Please wait outside. I have something prepared.

– O-, okay…

Emilia who jumped out of the meeting place on a half run came back around five minutes later.

In her hands was a small paper bag.

– What is that?

– What’s with that question. When you know about what it is.

Emilia puffed her cheeks.

Certainly, she’s right.

– There are some public gazes here, shall we go that way?

Despite the embarrassment, what Hayato pointed out with his line of sight is the terrace on the mountainside, on the opposite side of the meeting hall of the friendly reunion.

– Yeah, let’s do that.

Hayato and Emilia moved to the terrace.

– It’s a bit cold.

– Ye-, yeah…

Is it because of that?

Emilia’s distance was closer than usual.

It’s a distance where shoulder and shoulder are likely to bump into each other by a slightly shake of their bodies.

At the same time, due to the fact that he was nervous, the heartbeat of Hayato’s chest was accelerating.

– It seems that we’ll catch a cold if we stay here for a long time, so I’m handing this to you.

Emilia presented the bag that she was holding with both hands to Hayato.

– This is a present from me. Of course, it’s a Valentine Day one.

– I-, I see…. Thank you…

– Take a look.

– …okay…

Hayato opened the bag.

The chocolates inside are small, so you can eat them in a single bite.

There are many kinds of colors, and all of them have a diamond-like shape.

– …this, is…?

– …you noticed? They are modeled after our Hundred. Mainly Hayato and I.

Like she said, there are many red and light blue ones, but there are deep green and orange ones in there――in other words, some of them are modeled after the Hundreds of Claire and Latia.

– They are well made, don’t you think?

– These chocolates, in what moment did you do them?

You are reading story Hundred at

– The day before yesterday. After we lunch together with Sakura and Karen.

– Oh…. So this is the thing that you said you had to do!

– That’s right. Come on, try to eat one.

– …eh, here?

– I want to hear Hayato’s impression as soon as possible. All of them have a slightly different flavor. Since the ones of the Prez are bitter, eat mine. Those are very sweet, you know?

– O-, okay I’ll try it…

Hayato decided to eat one chocolate.

As he was told, it was one modeled after the Hundred of Emilia.

– You are right, it’s delicious…

It was really sweet.

– Really? Yay! It’s fine if Hayato eats me more, you know?

– What is with that way of saying it…

– Do it, do it ♪.

– But, because they are too good, I’ll do it later. There’s something that I want to give you too.

– …Hayato is giving me something.

– This, a birthday present.

Hayato took out a white ring case from his pocket.

– I also received a present from you, and I thought in a return gift, so please accept it.

He opens the lid and presents it to Emilia.

– This is…

Emilia’s eyes, seeing the contents, opened wide.

– It’s the one that Latia received from Fritz, right?

– At that time, you wanted this, isn’t it? That’s what I thought. But, there’s only one difference in it.

– Where would be that difference?

– Here.

Hayato indicated the inside of the ring with a finger.

There, in front of her eyes,『Emilia』, and the date of her birthday, are carved.

– The rings for the commemoration of the tournament weren’t available. Instead of those, I went for a custom made. Still, did you like it?

– …of course that I liked it. There isn’t anything better than this. Thank you, Hayato…

Tear drops emerged in the outer corner of the eyes of Emilia.

–  I’m happy…. I really, really appreciate it, Hayato…

– Emilia…

Looking to Emilia who’s overcome with emotion, Hayato was overcome with emotion too.

– ….ah, I’m sorry. This is not like me. It’s just…

Emilia continued, wiping off the area around her eyes with the sleeve of her uniform.

– Can I try this on?

– Of course, go ahead.

Then Emilia elevated the ring from the case and passed the ring finger of her left hand through it.

– …huh, that’s n―

It seems that Hayato was about to say something, but he decided to not do it.

It was because Emilia was enjoying it a lot.

It would be insensitive to stop her now.

– Uwaa…. It’s really wonderful, I’m happy…

Emilia raised her left hand, the one that has the ring, in the sky.

With the light of the stars, the ring shines beautifully.

– If so, it’s the best that you received it like that, with pleasure.

Those words came from the bottom of the heart of Hayato.

– Hayato doesn’t have one?

– …huh?

– Don’t men and women have engagement rings in sets?

– Well, engagement, you say, what are you saying――

Hayato didn’t anticipated those words, he became speechless.

– Well, in the first place, this isn’t that kind of type. As I said earlier, it was because you wanted it, and it doesn’t go in the ring finger of your left hand――

– Ahaha, I’m joking, I’m joking. But, I’m really happy. This is the second time that I got an accessory from Hayato.

With that said, Emilia took out the pendant from her chest.

Hayato bought it when we went to the Old Town of Zwei Island.

– You were wearing it?

– Don’t tell me that you didn’t notice?

– I thought that you were wearing something but not that. But it was indeed that one…

– Good grief, remember that you bought it for me.

– My bad, sorry.

…and so, there was a girl standing in a place slightly away from Emilia and Hayato who seemed to be having fun.

It’s the Queen of Little Garden, Claire Harvey.

(What is this desuno?)

She saw that Emilia was just giving chocolates.

But in return Kisaragi Hayato gave her a ring.

Of course, Claire understands that that’s not a return gift but a birthday present.

Still, the present is a ring.

Moreover, to put the ring that he gave on the ring finger of the left hand, as if…

(…I am overthinking it, desuwayone…)

She wants to believe so.


They are childhood friends.

There’s a bond between them from more of a decade ago.

Thinking that way, it’s inelegant to go before them.

She thinks that her existence won’t be more than a hindrance.

(From the beginning, there was no room for me to enter between those two――)

(Besides, it’s possible for them to be hooked on a love affair, as for me――)

There are a lot of things to do, for her sister, and for the world.

Claire turned her back to Hayato and Emilia, and while holding a bag containing handmade chocolates in her hand, she left that place.

Teardrops, different from what Emilia had, were floating in the outer corner of the eyes of Claire.

She wipes them with the sleeve, and makes a decision.

(I made up my mind shitawa)

(I will go to Lunaltia Base masu)

(With Nii-sama, and with Liza――)

Both Hayato and Emilia, of course they didn’t notice her.

– Hayato.

– Wha-, what is it?

– I love you .

Emilia took Hayato’s chest and pulled his body towards herself, and kissed his cheek.

– Listen, Vitaly. Good news.

「What’s the matter? You’re really cheerful, isn’t it?」

Judal, who projected the figure of Vitaly on the monitor of the room, was quite in a good mood.

Sitting on the sofa, he spreads his hands in a big way, and continues his delightful words.

– Whatever, Claire gave me chocolates. I mean, how many years have passed since then?

「What, are you pleased with such a thing? Even if the other person is your sister, I’m jealous, you know」

– Hahaha, I’m sorry. By the way, this wasn’t the good news.

– Judal-sama, excuse me――

Neveah poured brandy into a glass placed in front of Judal.

– Thank you, Neveah.

Judal took one of the chocolates from the bag and tossed it into his mouth.

– Oh my, it’s very good. I thought that she was growing up as a tomboy, but she’s a skillful cook.

He’s saying that because the chocolates were handmade.

Judal poured into his throat the brandy poured by Neveah in one gulp.

Vitaly asks, with an exasperated expression.

「So, what is the good news?」

– Oh, right, I forgot that.

Judal picked again a chocolate with one finger and tossed it into his mouth.

– Claire said that she will go together with Liza and I to the moon. If Claire comes, then not only Little Garden, but also Slayers from other countries and organizations will do it as well. One less thing that I have to worry about.

Judal is really in a good mood.

He also drank it in one go the second cup of brandy that Neveah poured in it.

– What’s wrong Neveah? Can you pour me a third cup?

But, Neveah didn’t move.

– What is it? You won’t pour another one?

Judal asks, because she became irresponsible.

– If you keep drinking too much, it will be harmful for your health. Shouldn’t this be enough for today?

– Let me be, Neveah. You are acting like my mother.

Judal operated the PDA and made the figure of Vitaly disappear, then stood up and embraced Neveah, as if she was his mother.

– Judal-sama, what is this…

He continues his words, burying his face in her chest.

– A little more, and I can achieve my goal. You can do anything you want after that. That’s something even you know about.

– …Judal-sama…

Neveah was in a posture like she was holding him, and kept supporting Judal’s body that was leaning on her.

– ……

A moment of silence that lasted for several seconds.

– …Judal-sama?

– I’m sorry, without a doubt I drank too much. I’m sorry for causing trouble to you.

Judal apologizes and smiles quite indifferent while separating from her.

– No, that was…

While her heart beats fast, Neveah returned the words.

But, she knows.

Judal isn’t embracing her now.

But his first love, the woman in his memories.

In fact, he was embracing Est Steinbelt, his mother’s substitute.

Judal said, giving proof of that.

– Anyway, all the preparations are ready. This year I’ll head to Lunaltia Base and independence the moon――I will be the first president of the moon. For that purpose, I’ll do anything. Because all my life has been for that――

In a pure white room there’s a bed on the floor, a past middle-aged man lays there, his physique is good.

The half upper body on the bed is raised so that his head is raised too, and a device is attached to his head――and apart from the machine connected with several cables that extend from it, there’s nothing else in the room.

The man opened his eyelids and muttered.

– Research completed.

Nobody would believe that he, who wore hospital gown-like clothes and that has a long-stretched bear is Bill Harvey, the president of Warslan.

When Bill removed the head device and operated the panel on the bed, the atmosphere in the room changed.

He brought in the outside air, the temperature of the room raised.

– Liza, at a certain degree is awake as well. What remains is, the Lunaltia Base of Judal.

He murmured again, going down from the bed.

– ――Linis――.

That’s the name of his loving woman――.

Judal and Claire. It’s also the name of Liza’s mother.

– Soon, I will be able to fulfill your promise. Surpassing God, I’m going to meet you. So, please keep waiting.

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