
Chapter 76: Volume 12 - CH 1

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Serivia and Liza are in the middle of their confrontation in the《Central Room》in the underground of the Holy Church.

The speech of Judal is reaching its final stage.

It was at that time where he thought that this would end safely like this.

And suddenly, an attendant stood up.

A woman wearing a white dress.

– Hey, Elena!

A high official man of the Empire of Rasiya who was sitting next to her stands up in a hurry and tries to restrain the woman, stretching his hand.

However, by shaking off that hand, the woman started running towards the stage.


The woman shouted that name, takes one gun from her dress and rushes over in a straight line to where the man is standing in the back of the venue.

Three consecutive——

While running, the woman fired 3 bullets.

However, Judal wasn’t perturbed by that.

He never tried to escape.

A transparent barrier employing energy was deployed in front of him in preparation for unexpected attacks like this.

Therefore, the 3 bullets fired continuously from the gun of the woman were prevented by the barrier.

– Stop that woman.

Judal gives orders while expressing a dissatisfied expression towards the one who stopped his speech. Then two men who were standing by on the left and right wings of the stage started to move.

They are Slayers belonging to Warslan and who were standing by for security.

In the unlikely event where they have to deploy their Hundred, both men were in an armed state and confront the woman with a Chevalier type sword and a Crusher type long sword, respectively.

Of course, they aren’t aware that the opponent, the woman, is Elena Skalnikore who was one of the representatives of the Empire of Rasiya at the World Martial Arts Tournament.

Not only Judal, the spectators are the same.

What they came to notice was that she threw away the gun and deployed the armament.


She shouted, grasping tightly the Hundred that she took out from her pocket.

Then, her body is wrapped in light blue light.

When that light disappeared, her appearance changed to something like a centaur that exists in myths.

It’s a fully armed form of a Raider type Hundred, 《Ice Silver Warhorse》Red Chariot.

Her eyes emitted a golden light.

– You killed my beloved Vasily, so I will kill you!

Elena accelerated all at once using energy and gets closer to the position of Judal in a straight line, blowing away the two guards who approached to capture her.

The other guards also tried to move, but it was too late.

– Haaaaaaa!

The spear of Elena stabbed the transparent barrier deployed in front of Judal.

The sound that echoed right after that was the sound of glass breaking.

And at the same time——.

Not only those who were in the ceremony venue.

Everyone in the world became speechless too.

It’s because the huge spear of Elena who destroyed the barrier stuck into the chest of Judal.

Puah! Blood begins to overflow from the mouth of Judal.

With blank eyes, Judal saw the face of the woman who stabbed him.

– I see, you are…

– Guah!

When Judal recognized the presence of the woman and tried to say her name, a slashing line was mercilessly drawn by a short sword on the back of Elena.

It’s Neveah Grauss——the bodyguard of Judal who did the attack.

– Guuh!

Although she’s flooded with blood that gushed out like a spray, she pulls the body of Elena away from Judal and knocks her on the ground.

Then she ran over to Judal, lifted up his body and spoke.

– ——Judal-sama!

But she couldn’t do anything else.

A large quantity of blood is overflowing from the hole opened in his chest.

At this rate, he will die.

That’s the situation that can be understood at a glance.

– Someone, someone please, hurry the rescue——

– … it’s fine already…

Judal said to Neveah who shouted.

– It’s fine already? Judal-sama, what are…

– Neveah… I… I built Lunaltia Base like this and became the representative of it. The promise from my very young days——I was able to achieve my goal, the dream of my life. So, there’s no point in living anymore. Anyway, I was destined to die sooner or later. This is also an appropriate end for me——

He has sacrificed a lot of people to reach his goal.

That’s the thing that he understood very well and better than anyone.

However, Neveah denies that.

– There’s no way that’s true.

Grasping tightly the hand of Judal while crying, Neveah continued.

– … there’s a meaning to live. Please, live for me. For me, and my child——

– … child?

In a surprised state, Judal asks.

– Yes…. I will never be your number one. But, I only wanted to leave what I can leave now. So, I——

– That means that you weren’t keeping the promise with me, isn’t it?

He didn’t plan to leave a child or anything like that behind.

As the successor of the Harvey family, she knew that he couldn’t take her even if he was responsible of her, because he couldn’t bring himself to take responsibility for her as she was the same thing that he was burdened with.

– … after all, I wanted your child before you passed away. So, I——

– … how foolish…

Judal continues, saying amazed.

– How many months already?

– It will be two months soon.

– I see… I won’t be in time for them, huh…

After a little silence, Judal said.

– That child holds a curse and it will become a curse for you too. So——

– ——I disagree.

Before Judal said something there, Neveah said clearly.

– I am going to prove to be successful to you. I will dedicate my life for you, my beloved. The moment I declared so, I intended to accept curses and everything, therefore——

So, I didn’t have the intention to accept your proposal.

Neveah expressed her own intention.

– … haha, is that so…?

Judal spontaneously laughed at himself.

– It seems like I have been loved by you more than I thought.

– You noticed that now?

Neveah gently smiled.

– Since always, I have loved you more than anyone else.

For the person in question who has been taught about her romantic feelings, she didn’t have a single interest but to fight for him, but Neveah was in love from the bottom of her heart.

Those feelings never changed.

– … I am really sorry, Neveah. If that’s the case, it’s fine if you do as you like…. I also did whatever I pleased. I’m not in a position where I can blame or condemn your way of doing things….

Judal had just said so to Neveah who wipes her tears accumulated on the area around her eyes with her fingers.

– Onii-sama!

What he heard is the voice of Claire who was observing the ceremony at the audience seating.

Behind her who rushes over to her older brother, he can see the figures of Erika and Chris who were observing the ceremony next to her.

Claire wears the uniform and badge as the president of Little Garden Lunaltia Branch——Erika the uniform as the vice president——and Chris the uniform of Little Garden Lunaltia Branch respectively.

At the same time, Hayato and Emilia who were guarding dressed in their Variable Suits, rushed to Judal.

First, Judal opened his mouth with his eyes on Claire.

– … Claire, I caused quite the troubles to you, didn’t I…? I am truly sorry.

Speaking of the state of Judal who says so, it’s like she wants to avert her eyes.

Nevertheless, Claire just stands there, and listens carefully the words of her older brother.

She was feeling that these may be his last words.

– … I won’t be able to tell them directly. So, please tell Liza and our father. That I am really grateful for going along with my selfishness, okay——

– .. I, understand…

It’s not like she loved her older brother.

But, why?

Even if she tries to endure it, tears rise from the outer corner of her eyes.

Claire sits down and covered the right hand of her older brother, it’s warm but she couldn’t feel strength at all.

– But, it’s fine if you don’t say those words, just rest for a bit——

– That won’t do, Claire. Anyhow, I won’t survive. So, won’t you let me speak out whatever I please, like I usually do?

– Onii-sama…

– Please apologize on behalf of me for the troubles I caused to Chris, the maids and Charlotte. As well as other people, please. That’s right, Vitaly too——

Claire felt doubt with the name he said like murmuring at the end.

(… Vitaly?)

Is his memory starting to get cloudy already?

Although she felt doubt about why he said the name of the woman who was supposed to be dead, Claire didn’t say anything.

Only Neveah and Chris could understand that in this place.

Judal continues his words.

– … and——Kisaragi Hayato-kun.

– Ah, yes!

Judal looked at Hayato, smiling with a puff——.

– You will think that these things are too much, but I entrust Claire, Liza——Chris and Little Garden to you——

– Err, well…. I don’t know if I can do it, but I will do all that I can!

– … although it’s an unreliable answer, I will rely on you…

From the mouth of Judal who smiled as he was saying so, *Cough*, blood was overflowing.

– Judal-sama, if you speak any further, then…

If he keeps speaking, then that time will really come.

Her slight wish will be shattered.

Thinking so, Neveah tried to stop him from talking.

Judal is showing a delightful smile and slowly raised his hand high in the sky and said, like reaching out towards something.

– Fufuh, it seems that the call of fate has arrived.

– Onii-sama, I won’t forgive you for saying such a thing masenwayo. The rescue team is already here, so until then…

The words of Claire that thinks of her older brother.

However, it doesn’t seem that they reached Judal.

– … I have always been waiting for a moment like this.

Judal muttered as he stared at the void.

He was assembling words as if he was calling out to someone.

– … long time no see, Est… I fulfilled the promise…

Hearing those words, Claire was convinced.

She was sensing it a little, that her older brother continued loving Est, who had been taking care of them as a substitute for their mother since he was a very young child.

Her older brother has lived for the sake of the promise that he made in his childhood with Est, and——.

– Est… you are going to praise me, right…?

At the same time he finishes saying those words.

The arm of Judal who was smiling, fell to the ground.

– Onii-sama!

– Judal-sama!

Both Claire and Neveah raised their voices at the same time and leant against Judal.

And right after that——.

– Wha…!

Suddenly, the lights of the ceremony venue went off with a violent sound.

Screams and noises dominated the ceremony venue.

Before the next change that has occurred, Claire stares in wonder.

– Wh-what, is… th… kuh…!

The floor was mysteriously shining faintly.

… is that perhaps having an effect on them?

Her body gets hot and the heaviness increases.

With that much, she ends up collapsing from her knees.

And a headache started hurting sharply.

(What really is this desuno, is this…?)

When looking, Neveah was also at wit’s end.

The other Slayers were the same, including Hayato and Emilia.

They collapsed from their knees like Claire, holding their heads.

(No way, is this…)

Claire recalled the time of the Gardens Festa almost a year ago.

Vitaly Tynyanov emitted sound waves from Replicant Savages.

– Don’t tell me than this is also your…?

Claire turned a sharp look to Elena.

However, Elena seems to be experiencing the same pain.

– Y-you are wrong… I, have no… guh, aah…

Elena’s body twitched.

Thereupon, she looked like her consciousness was completely coming to an end.

Elena has stopped moving.

(If that woman didn’t do anything, then who on earth…?)

At that time, the figure of a person was pictured in the head of Claire.

The woman who rushed the establishment of Lunaltia Base together with Judal——the Pope of the Holy Church, Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III.

With the unusual phenomenon that occurred unexpectedly, the ceremony inside the venue was in chaos.

Naturally, those who guarded outside the venue also realized the abnormal event.

That’s the same for Nesat, Krovahn and Nakri, the Olfred brothers who wore their Variable Suits.

– … what’s that light?

It was Krovahn who questioned so while looking up dumbfounded at the ceremony venue that is continuously emitting a thin light immediately after the illumination went down.

– It’s energy…

Next, it’s Nesat who muttered so.

– … energy? What do you mean, Nee-chan?

– Even if I say so, I don’t get it. But, I feel in my body a lot of people’s energy…

– Yeah, me too——

That’s what was said by Latia who came approaching to their side.

Fritz was also next to her.

Both Latia and Fritz, those two, were also guarding outside the venue like Krovahn and company.

Therefore, they are wearing their Variable Suits too.

– I also feel something similar, you know. This is something absolutely strange——

Something abnormal is occurring inside.

Believing so, Latia said.

– I’ll check for a bit!

– Hey, wait!

It was Fritz who restrained her in a hurry, grabbing the arm of Latia who tried to move towards the ceremony venue.

– Don’t stop me, Fritz! If something is happening inside, we must go and help, don’t you think!?

– You could say that, but if you act arbitrarily, then the damage may spread out needlessly, isn’t it? First of all, I’ll get in touch with Dr. Charlotte.

Because of that, they should ask for instructions and when Fritz touches the arm’s communication device, at the same time, the rings of everyone’s arms who were at that place made a sound.

The timing is perfect, an emergency call has arrived.

『Can everyone hear me?』

– This voice…

Nesat stares in wonder.

Following her, Nakri raises her voice happily.

– Mei Mei!

『Yes, it’s Mei Mei. I am glad that the communication connected. A thing like an interference signal was being emitted, the communication wasn’t possible with the ones in Lunaltia Base, so it took some time』

In other words, this communication seems to be transmitted only to the Slayers of Little Garden——it’s using Little Garden’s private communication line.

– … hey, Mei Mei. What on earth is happening in the ceremonial venue right now? There’s something absolutely strange, you know?

It seems that she couldn’t control her impatient feeling.

Latia immediately went straight to the issue at hand.

『Well, there are a lot of things that it’s difficult to start from which one, but I will go to the main subject only. Apparently, there seems to be a device installed in the ceremonial venue that steals energy. Because of that, the Slayers inside can’t move…』

As expected, like confirming it, Latia and Nesat looked at each other’s face.

– Who’s the one doing such a thing?

Fritz was the one who asked so.

『Uhh, it hasn’t been confirmed yet, but Dr. Charlotte is thinking that it’s very likely that the device was set by the Holy Church』

Mei Mei added that it’s because the believers of the Holy Church took the initiative to finish the ceremony venue. That they set the trap during that period, which is similar to the conjecture of Charlotte.

– In other words, we were fooled by Puritaria?

That’s what Krovahn said. He continues.

– Then the hell is their purpose? Are they going to steal Lunaltia Base or something?

『In relation to that, there’s also the possibility of not being able to say that it won’t happen, but…』

– Huh? What do you mean with that?

『Anyhow, let’s leave the whole story for later』

Stopping the doubt of Krovahn who had a surprised look, Mei Mei said.

『Krovahn-san, Nesat-san, Nakri-san, we have a request for you three. In order to set free the ceremony venue, we want you to go and destroy the control unit. Can you do it?』

– Yeah, no problem.

Krovahn gives an immediate reply and calls out the other two people.

– That goes the same for Nee-chan and Nakri, right?

– Yup.

– … of course.

Following Nakri, Nesat nodded.

– … so, where’s the aforementioned control device?

『We don’t really know where the trap installed inside the ceremony venue is yet, but when you get inside, your energy will be stolen. Therefore, regarding everyone, we want you to head to the control center of Lunaltia Base which we suspect is operating the ceremony venue』

– If we get to that place, we’ll know.

In the eye at the other side of the eyepatch, Nesat was projecting a map.

The distance can be reached in about 10 minutes from here.

– … so, are we the only ones who are going? We aren’t going to touch computers or anything like that, are you okay with this?

Nakri’s the one who asked so.

Even if they arrived there, it’s unlikely that she can cancel the trap of the ceremony venue.

That also goes for Krovahn and Nesat.

『As it was said earlier, the strategy is destruction. According to Dr. Charlotte, she wanted to destroy the control system herself. It’s like the idea of Dr. Charlotte, that it would be better to do that in order to not misuse the energies gathered and stolen』

– I see, so that’s how it is. Then, all is good.

– ‘kay then, let’s move. You guide us, Nee-chan.

– … got it.

With the call of Krovahn, Nesat nods.

It was Latia who called them out there.

– Hey, wait. If you go, then let us go too! We don’t know what might be there, and it would be better to have a lot of people with fighting power!

Becoming rushed, she declared so.

What she meant for us is her and Fritz who stands next to her.

However, there was a voice who stopped her.

『Please wait』

It’s the communication from Mei Mei.

『Latia and Fritz are going to wait there for the time being. It’s possible that something else will happen in the in the future. And there’s a possibility that the strength of both of you may be needed separately』

That’s also an instruction of Charlotte.

– Alright, if so, let’s be on alert.

It’s unfortunate, but it can’t be helped.

In order to wait for that time at this place, Latia accepted the order obediently.

『Thank you very much. If the state has been understood or if the situation changes, we will contact Latia-san and Fritz-san right away. Thank you very much for listening』

Saying so, Mei Mei disconnected the communication.

– Well then, shall we go?

You are reading story Hundred at

– Yup.

– … let’s go.

Krovahn and company start.

After they saw their retreating figures until they disappeared.

Fritz muttered, turning his line of sight to the ceremony venue that shines dimly again.

– They are okay, right…?

They are, of course, Hayato and Emilia.

And, President Claire and everyone.

『Guys, can you hear me?』

At that time, Charlotte Dimandius, the main technologist of Little Garden, had a simultaneous communication with the members of Little Garden who are in the ceremony venue.

– … Charo! What the heck is this!?

The first one who replied was Emilia.

Although she is in pain and at wit’s end like Hayato, Claire and the rest of the Slayers, Emilia asked Charlotte.

『I don’t know yet, but I presume that the ceremony venue was turned into a device that absorbs the energy of the Slayers』

Following Emilia, Claire asks.

– …you can’t stop this somehow?

『Unfortunately, that seems to be impossible. I immediately tried to access the control system of Lunaltia Base, but someone blocked me. Currently, I can’t do anything from the Earth. Even the door at the entrance of the venue can’t be opened』

Mei Mei who remained in Little Garden section was also being challenged, it doesn’t seem to be easy to regain control and release the block, but Charlotte added a few more words.

『That’s why I issued instructions to destroy the control system to Krovahn, Nesat and Nakri who were guarding outside』

– In short, that means that they will destroy the system that is controlling everything——or something like that desuno?

『In that situation, the device set up in the venue should also be stopped』

Using the solar power generation and the like, the auxiliary system of each section and facility will continue to operate the entire Lunaltia Base, but in this situation, it can’t be helped.

The judgement of Charlotte seems to be that is also to defend against them, because they don’t know how they are going to use the stolen energy.

『… in the first place, now that the heart of Lunaltia Base is similar to stopped…. Even if it’s destroyed, the situation won’t change that much』

– The heart of Lunaltia Base is stopped… you say? Charlotte, what do you mean with that desuno!?

It’s understandable that Claire is upset.

The heart of Lunaltia——.

It’s the younger sister of Claire, Liza Harvey herself.

『… Claire, calm down and listen to me』

Prefacing so, Charlotte said.

『The energy response of your younger sister——of Liza Harvey, has disappeared from the capsule of the《Central Room》』


『Since the control system isn’t in our hands, the details can’t be confirmed but when looking and limiting at the remaining logs, the energy response of Liza disappeared just before the system was hijacked. And, there are traces of Pope Serivia who appeared at Liza’s location』

– In other words, the Pope appeared where Liza is and took control of the base desuno?

『If I have to say to be precise, it would be correct to say that Liza was an obstacle to take over the control. But, I don’t think that the Pope approached Liza to do only that. There’s another unfortunate news for you now』

– Is that also related to Liza desuno?

『… no, it’s about another member of your family. The body of Bill Harvey, your father, was found. It was found in the section that is the laboratory of the time machine』

– Wha…

Following her older brother and younger sister, her father too was——.

As is obvious, the inside of her head becomes pure white.

『There’s evidence of being shot by a gun, but we don’t know who did it. However, there’s evidence that Pope Serivia also appeared there』

– Summing up, it’s very likely that Pope Serivia also did that… that’s what you mean desuno?

This is not the case to be shocked.

Telling herself that grasping the situation as a representative of Little Garden section is priority, Claire regains her mind.

『Yeah——I think that there is a reason about why she killed him——. She stole the research results』

– That’s, no way…

It’s not Claire who raised her voice.

It was Chris.

『It appears that Chris seems to have noticed it』

– It’s about the time machine… correct?

『As one would expect of you. You are correct. Even though it’s pretty much a guess, the Pope seemed to be trying to get them for some reason. I can reach that conclusion because of the device of the ceremony venue and that she laid her hands on Liza』

– In other words, a colossal energy is needed to move using the time machine. Does that mean that she must create a huge wormhole——a huge space-time tear in outer space with, of course, the motive power energy of that device?

『Uh huh…. This is why the Pope set that in order to obtain that colossal energy and set the mechanism of the ceremony to lay her hands on Liza』

– ——!!

The expression of Claire who heard the words of Charlotte changed to a grimmer one.

『If you release an enormous energy in outer space and open a big wormhole, there’s a probability that a massive amount of Savages will appear, and not only the moon, but also the Earth will fall into a crisis』

Which means that even a crisis of mankind can develop.

At any rate, there are few Slayers on the Earth.

『That’s why I thought about it and I want to get back Liza from the hands of the Pope. If she uses all the energy in her body, that will affect the life of Liza. Therefore, I’m planning to send someone to head towards Liza——』

That was when Charlotte tried to name Latia and Fritz.

– There’s no need for it masenwa.

Claire declares, making sure to stop the talk of Charlotte.

– I will go to Liza’s location masu.

『But Claire, now you are…』

– We will be fine if we go outside, correct? I am the《Absolute Invincible Queen》Perfect Queen——something of this degree, I will endure it and I will be able to go outside masuwa.

Saying so, Claire shouted, grasping tightly the Hundred from the neck case.


Her Hundred was deployed.

It’s her Dragoon type《High Noble Battle Princess》Alisterion.

… however, now she’s wearing the uniform as the representative of Little Garden Lunaltia Base unit——she’s not wearing her Variable Suit.

Therefore, she only created six floating batteries.

Claire immediately transforms them into Buster Cannon.

– If I remember correctly, the passage behind the stage should be able to lower the barrier wall. It’s facing outside, so we’ll be able to make that section independent, correct? If so, and by opening a hole in the wall, problems shouldn’t occur inside.

– In short, Claire-sama will destroy the outer wall and go outside?

– That’s what I meant desuwa.

She answers, nodding to Chris who asked. Claire continues speaking.

– Chris, you aren’t affected by the mechanism, correct?

– Correct, because I am not a Slayer.

– If so, protect the suffering Slayers together with the other people desuwa. As the leader, I will leave everything to you masu.

– Understood.

– Well then, I’m off masuwa.

Saying so, Claire starts moving her feet towards the passage in the back of the stage.

Hayato and Emilia call out to her on her back.

– … president!

– We’ll go too!

Although they show a painful look, the two of them fall to their knees on the floor and slowly stood up.

Following them, Erika stands up as well.

– I will also go.

– Guys…

– If the opponent is that Pope, it will be tough for the prez alone. Hayato thinks the same, right?

– ——yeah.

Hayato pointed his eyes to Emilia and replied, nodding firmly.

– Besides, I can’t stand the unpleasant feeling that my energy is being used by the Pope.

– … understood mashitawa.

As she jested and looking at Emilia who points the palms of both hands to the sky, Claire smiled with a puff.

– Well then, let’s go together.

– Everyone, good luck in combat*1.

Four people started walking while gaiting unsteadily.

Chris starts talking on their backs.

– Everyone, good luck in combat*2.

Unexpectedly there, a voice resounded in the venue.

– Please wait!

Little Garden Senior High School Martial Arts Department 2nd Year.

It’s the voice of Kenzaki Touka.

– You, why…

It seems natural that Hayato who turned around looked surprised.

At any rate, she came cheerfully running down the audience seats.

– Why you say…? Well…

It appears that she guessed what Hayato tried to say.

With a nonchalant expression, she said.

– All the Slayers-san are suffering but, I’m completely fine, yes?

– Ah, I see.

Being told so, Hayato realized.

– Now that you mention it, there’s no Variant Virus in your body.

Therefore, she’s not receiving the effect of the trap set in this ceremony venue.

The expression of Touka who heard the words of Hayato became bright in a flash.

– In short, that means that I can be of help in the present situation, right? So, please, take me with you, Shinshishō! Undoubtedly, I can become a fighting force!

– That can’t be masenwa.

It’s Claire who butted into the conversation.

– Certainly, you are in this place now, an important fighting force——for this reason, it would be better for you to remain here now and prepare for a crisis of this place. Besides, the current role of Kenzaki Touka is to protect the daughter of the king of the Empire of Yamato, isn’t it?

– Well, that’s right, but…


Kenzaki Touka is visiting Lunaltia Base due to a mission.

… however, unlike Hayato and the others, her task isn’t to defend Lunaltia Base.

By a request from the Empire of Yamato, she’s visiting Lunaltia Base as a guard of Princess Luli, the Imperial Princess.

– … that being said, Kenzaki Touka. You are going to remain here and you are going to accomplish your duty. Are we clear desuwane?

Certainly, that’s how it is.

– Understood.

And Touka withdraws obediently.

– I will protect this place properly.

– Well then, Erika, Kisaragi Hayato——and Emilia Hermit. Let’s go masuwayo.

Obeying the words of such Claire, Hayato and the others are in the back of the stage. They started moving to the outer circumference of the ceremony venue.

– … although we came to the outer circumference, it looks like we are receiving the effects of the trap inside the venue.

It was Erika who said so.

Certainly that’s true, Hayato thinks that as well.

They felt a little relieved after coming to the outer circumference, but they cannot say that they are in a healthy condition.

Their head hurts as ever, and their bodies are sluggish too.

In order to escape completely from this state, they have no choice but to come outside of the ceremony venue completely.

– Alright then, shall I destroy it at once?

Emilia said, turning her gaze to the wall.

Then, she asks Charlotte, using the communication device.

– Charo, it’s impossible to lower the wall barrier from there, right?

『Give me a minute. Mei Mei, can you give it a try?』

『It’s useless. The barrier wall isn’t accepting the controls』

Following the words of Charlotte, Mei Mei immediately answered.

『… it looks like that. Like the other systems, the control system is blocked and it seems that there’s nothing that we can do now. Naturally, the door of the back gate doesn’t open either』

– Is that so…

Naturally, they don’t have the option of waiting in this place until control is regained.

– Then, let’s do it manually.

After coming to Lunaltia Base, all kinds of countermeasure meetings and measure trainings were done in order to face whatever could happen during the ceremony of the space advancement of mankind.

Erika participated in all of them, she was well-informed about this venue.

Certainly, there’s a way to manually lower the wall barrier in case of emergency when the system is interrupted.

Erika invoked the map data on the other side of her glasses and confirmed the place where the handle was located——she headed to that place and opened the panel.

When she turns the spigot, the wall barrier starts to go down.

Thereupon, the block became independent.

– Claire-sama, you shouldn’t have a problem to make a hole in the wall with this.

– Affirmative desuwa. Well then, here I go masuwayo. You guys, step back.

Hayato and Emilia step down, then Claire tried to charge with energy her Buster Cannon.


– … kuh!

The very moment when Buster Cannon emitted a fierce brilliance like usual.

The color of her energy immediately——.

The emerald green brilliance became thin and extinguished.

– … kuh, the energy hasn’t stabilized masenwane…

Claire muttered with frustration.

It looks like it’s impossible for her to do a full power bombardment due to the influence of the mechanism set up at the ceremony venue.

Because of that, it will be complicated to destroy the wall.

When Claire reached such a conclusion, it was Emilia who took out her Hundred.

– If so, I’ll give you a hand. If we bombard at the same time, then we may be able to destroy it even if it’s not with all our strength, right?

– No, that’s not necessary.

– … Hayato?

Emilia looks at Hayato with a surprised-like look.

– maybe, I can destroy it. I just thought of a measure.

– A measure? I don’t understand it well, but if Hayato says so, then I’ll leave it to Hayato. Prez thinks the same, right?

– Yes, I guess that’s not a problem…

Hayato took out the Hundred from the neck case while Claire is pointing curious eyes as to what he was going to do.


Following the brilliance of a red energy, the Chevalier type Hundred in the hand of Hayato.

Hien, appears.

– Uh-oh…

It seems it’s the effect of the mechanism.

It’s the consequence that it felt weightier than usual.

Hayato unexpectedly lost the balance of his body, trying to have Hien at the ready.

– … Hayato, are you okay?

Emile asks, supporting the body of the flustered Hayato with both arms.

– Certainly, if it’s the usual Hayato then that may be destroyed, but if it’s this condition…

– It’s fine. Besides, I said that I thought of a measure, didn’t I?

Hayato said so and faced the wall, recovering his stance.

(… yeah, it’s alright…)

Telling that to himself, Hayato readies Hien in an overhead position.

Looking at that figure, Emilia understood what Hayato is trying to do.

– Ah, that’s right! Even if we can’t grant energy, Hayato has that!

– Uh huh——

That sort of thing, Hayato nodded only at the neck.

And then, taking a big breath——.

– Kenzaki Style Secret Technique——《Tracing Slash》Zaneizan!

While shouting, Hayato swings downward Hien.

Zaneizan is a technique that unleashes a series of instantaneous slashings created by Hayato’s master, Kenzaki Ryūsei.

By using natural vibration, it has the effect of doubling the power.

Fuu, Hayato said, breathing a sigh.

– It looks like I managed somehow.

There was a magnificent hole in the wall.

Its size is enough so that people can pass through it.

– Hooray! As expected of Hayato!

– Hey, stop!

Hayato tries to separate from Emilia who’s clinging to him. Looking with a sidelong glance, Claire had a sullen expression as expected.

– Emilia Hermit, this is not the moment to be flirting masenwayo.

After she reminded Emilia of that, Claire moves forward with her feet to the position of the hole.

– Kisaragi Hayato, you did it well.

Looking back, and after she said that to Hayato.

Stopping her feet in front of the hole, Claire looked outside.

The height to the ground surface is around 5 meters.

– … in this case and with this much, even if the energy isn’t stable, we might be able to jump down desuwane. Let’s go masuwayo, Erika.

– Yes.

Erika jumped out of the hole with Claire.

Using energy, they make a gentle and clean landing.

– … if you come outside, you will really have no problem masenwane.

Claire muttered so.

It seems that the strangeness was completely lifted the moment they came outside of the ceremony venue.

– Well then, shall we go too??

– Yup.

As Claire did with Erika earlier, Hayato and Emilia jumped out of the hole.

– Ah…

The weight that they felt in their body disappears instantly.

The sluggishness was cleared in one go.

– Looks like we returned to our original state, huh.

Hayato said, landing softly.

– Yeah.

Emilia answers.

There, they heard the voice of Fritz who was guarding outside.

– I heard that you’ll come outside, but oh man, to think that you’ll appear outside destroying the wall.

Behind him is also Latia.

– I was really surprised, you know.

Hayato replied towards the approaching duo.

– Otherwise, we couldn’t be able to escape. It was turning a little troubling inside…

– We heard from Mei Mei the general circumstances. Anyway, because you were in such a state, we were also worrying about you.

Latia was saying so and turned her gaze to the ceremony venue.

Looking at the ceremony venue, Hayato and the others also noticed.

The ceremony venue continues emitting a faint brilliance.

A golden brilliance.

It’s the brilliance of energy.

– … kh

Claire bites her lips tightly.

It was vexing that things were going forward as the Pope wanted, it couldn’t be helped.

– Oh right! For the time being, take these.

– These are…

Saying so, Latia handed something to Claire, it was a handbag.

Inside of it are the Variable Suits of Claire and Erika.

– A little while ago, Mei Mei told me to fetch them up. I went to Little Garden section at full speed and fetched them. There’s nothing but a place with a sort of shade of rocks to change clothes, but it’ll be better than how you are now, isn’t it?

– Latia, thank you very much.

– Eh… ah, yes! Allow me to accompany you!

– ?

Together with Erika, who seemed a little excited, Claire went towards the shade of rocks.

Of course, there’s no time to lose.

The two of them come back immediately after finishing changing clothes.

– Well then, let’s go.

Hayato cancelled his armament temporarily.

Claire also cancelled it to change clothes.

Therefore, following the call of Claire, the four men deployed their armaments.

And rushed out towards the Holy Church section.

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