
Chapter 77: Volume 12 - CH 2

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After Claire and Erika changed into their Variable Suits.

Hayato, Emilia, Claire and Erika, the four of them, deployed their armaments, left behind the ceremony venue and rapidly headed to the Holy Church section where Liza is.

Thereupon, the building is immediately in sight.

They arrived near the gate which is the entrance from the surface.

Before that, they can’t see the figures of the believers.

– I don’t think they are going to open it by saying to them to open it, isn’t it? So, there’s no choice but to do this.

Emilia stood before the gate and created Buster Cannon using Arms Shroud that floats around her body.

Looking at her, the flustering Erika raises her voice.

– Wait, Emilia Hermit!

– … wait? And why?

– There are two doors. If you destroy them, the atmospheric pressure inside will be extreme and if someone is there, it will turn into a serious thing!

– If that’s the case, then what are we going to do, huh…?

– By cutting open the top glass, we get inside.

From the top of the top glass they can confirm the situation inside as well and because the management system of Lunaltia is functioning, it will repair itself even if it’s destroyed.

Since the idea of Erika was the best, as this will keep at the minimum the damages inside the section, they’ll do so.

– … ah, those…

Hayato raised his voice all of a sudden.

The double door gate opened abruptly.

– Eh…

Similarly, Claire, Emilia and Erika also noticed it.

What appeared from the other side are girls with dark brown skin.

They wear black learning clothes and seem to be bilaterally symmetrical, holding a sickle in their hands, and were standing to the opposite of each other, as if they were gatekeepers.

– From here onwards.

– You won’t advance.

The two say so, one after another.

– It looks like they didn’t come to pick us up, don’t you think?

It was Emilia who spontaneously cracked a joke.

The door behind them is starting to close already.

– Besides, those two…

– Yes, I remember those two desuwane.

Following Erika, Claire said.

That’s the same for Hayato and Emilia who remember them.

At the final of the World Martial Arts Tournament, they are the ones who stood together with Serivia.

– … IIRC, you are Maruko and Luka, right? It’s a shame but, you’ll let us pass even if it’s by sheer strength.

Saying that, Emilia returned Buster Cannon to particles that she was holding in her hands——and created a rapier in its place.

– Hey, Emilia——wait!

Hayato stops Emilia with words, as she tries to strike Maruko and Luka, kicking the ground at any time.

– What are you doing, Hayato!? Those guys, as longs as they aren’t with the Pope, we should win. Even the Prez understands it since we fought them once, right?

Those words were heard by Maruko and Luka.

– … don’t underestimate us.

– About that, we weren’t even trying.

The two people who said so one after another have no expression, but their voices were including anger.

Still, Emilia doesn’t move back.

– That goes for us too. Besides, you have one less person than at that time, so we have one more person this way. We’re not going to lose.

– Good grief, you really are…

Looking at Emilia who’s provoking them over and over again, and after she sighed as if she was amazed.

Claire said, giving one step forward with her feet.

– Is it impossible to let us go inside without fighting?

– No one is going to pass through here.

– Because, that’s an order.

As it was natural, the two answered.

– … it was Pope Serivia who ordered you desuwane?

Regarding that query, the two don’t answer.

They just glared fixedly at Claire.

– What is Pope Serivia doing inside?

They didn’t answer that question either.

– Then, there is no choice but to do this masenwane.

Claire pointed to them the muzzle of the floating batteries that are floating around her body.

– ——by defeating you, we will pass through here masuwa.

– What? In the end, we are doing it, isn’t it?

Saying that, Emilia shows a smile and has the rapier at the ready.

– If it comes to this, then there is no other choice, I guess?

– … however, 4 vs 2. As this side has more people, it should be easy to hit a gap. And when looking after that gap, please head first, Claire-sama.

Erika said so with a small voice.

Because it was the best to head to the《Central Room》and since it’s their first priority, it was a natural strategy.

There was no reason to refuse to Claire.

– … Erika, I feel myself indebted to you masuwa. Emilia Hermit, Kisaragi Hayato, you are fine with this too, correct masenwane?

– I’m fine with it. Hayato also says that it’s fine, right?

– Yeah, of course.

At the same time Hayato answers.

The battle began.

Splitting to the left and right, Maruko and Luka dodged the chain that Erika released and the beams that were fired from the floating batteries of Claire.

In order to follow that, Hayato attacks Maruko with Hien——and Emilia attacks Luka with the rapier, unleashing a series of attacks without taking a rest.

Maruko and Luka deal with them with their sickles, but it seems that’s the best they can do.

As planned, the attention has driven away a little from Claire.

『Claire-sama, at once!』

– Understood mashitawa.

Claire answered the communication from Erika who’s covering Hayato and Emilia and tries to head over the top glass of the Puritaria section, but Luka noticed her on the way.

– You are not going!

– ——kuh!

After she warded off the rapier of Emile with the sickle that she swung with all her might.

Luka jumped high and swung the sickle towards Claire.

Then two blades of energy appear and fly, aiming at Claire.

Claire, who was aware of them turned only her neck, and by confirming them, she tries to turn around her body to deal with them, and there, Erika shouted.

– Claire-sama, head to the top of the top glass without stopping!

Erika, who kicked the ground and jumped high, created a huge barrier between the energy blade and Claire and became a shield.

– Kuuh!

Erika blocked the blade and landed on the ground.

– Damn, wait!

Using a propulsion device, Luka flies out chasing Claire who’s heading to the top of the dome of the Puritaria section.

However, there was something twisted around her leg.

——it’s a chain.

With that, Luka was thrown to the ground.

– Kuh, this is…!

Luka glares at the end of the chain.

She thought that it was Erika who was there.

But, who was there is——.

– Hehehe, you can’t chase her, you know.

Emilia was showing a smile on her face.

Although it’s similar to Everlasting of Erika, the chain that Emilia created was with Arms Shroud.

Only that, it was shedding a blue light.

– It gives an “offense and defense change” feeling, isn’t it? Vice president, I think that Hayato and I can manage somehow or another, so go with the Prez!

– Are you sure?

– Go fast!

There was no reason for Erika to reject that proposal.

– Emilia Hermit! I give you my thanks!

Getting up, and after saying those words of gratitude.

Erika began to run, going after Claire.

(With this, I can get inside masuwane…)

Claire landed on top of the top glass barrier of the Holy Church section, created Buster Cannon in her hands and fired an energy shot with the muzzle facing her feet.

Of course, there’s nothing on the ground.

And when she’s about to confirm that no one is there.

A big hole opened in the top glass.

(There’s a person ahead)

(Still, I will definitely save Liza masuwa!)

She will also respond to the favor of Emilia Hermit, Kisaragi Hayato and Erika that made her go first.

– Claire-sama!

– Wha…

Resolving herself, Claire tried to jump into the hole, but a voice echoed.

Stopping her feet and looking back, what was reflected in the visual field of Claire was the running and approaching Erika.

She ascended to the top of the top glass using Everlasting.

– You came following me?

– Yes, thanks to Emilia Hermit.

– … is that so? I must give my thanks to her and Kisaragi Hayato masenwane.

Erika is next to her.

The uneasiness of Claire, to some extent, was softened.

– Well then Erika, let’s go masuwayo.

– Yes!

The barrier of the top glass begins to repair automatically.

If they act slowly, the hole will close in no time.

Together with Erika who replied, Claire jumped into the hole she opened herself.

『Kisaragi Hayato——Emilia Hermit——do you hear me?』

It was a communication from Claire that reached the position of Hayato and Emilia who are confronting Maruko and Luka and are glaring at each other.

『Erika and I got inside mashitawa. It is thanks to you desu. I am sorry, but I leave the rest to you mashiwatayo』

Receiving that communication, Emilia murmured to Hayato who’s next to her.

– It looks like they were able to successfully trespass it.

– With this, the first phase of the strategy is a success.

– What’s left is to defeat these two and follow after Prez and the Vice Prez.

Maruko and Luka had their scythes at the ready while showing a fed-up expression towards the words of Emilia.

– That’s.

– We are the same.

– By defeating you.

– We will go after those two right away.

– You asked for it.

Using Arms Shroud, Emilia created floating batteries. Being sure to follow her, Hayato has Hien at the ready.

Hayato and Emilia.

Maruko and Luka.

Unlike before, their numbers are equal.

It’s a fight of two versus two.

– Let’s go, Hayato!

Emilia fires beams from the floating batteries.

The curtain of the battle raises again.

Claire and Erika who trespassed the Holy Church section, entrusting Emilia and Hayato the battle with Luka and Maruko, headed towards the 《Central Room》——the place where Liza was supposed to be without looking aside.

Although it’s a hidden room, Claire has been to that place many times.

So, she remembered the way.

Besides, there are no believers who obstruct the path of the two.

On the contrary, even though no human figure was found anywhere, Claire and Erika could reach the entrance of the hidden passage that connected with the 《Central Room》.

However, the door in front of them is tightly closed and it’s unlikely that they can open it.

– … as one would expect, we won’t know until the door opens masenwane.

It was because Liza and Serivia always opened the door.

(There is no method masenwane….)

They don’t have time to lose.

There’s only one option they must take——.

If the door that is in front of them doesn’t open, then Claire should only blow it away by filling energy into Buster Cannon.

– Erika, step back.

At the same time as Buster Cannon finished the filling of energy, Claire fired an energy shot and blew up the wall, including the door.

– Alright, let’s go masuwayo.

– Yes.

Towards the call out of Claire, Erika nods.

The two started moving towards the inner part of the passage, but they decided to stop their feet immediately. That was because two shadows were getting closer from the front of their eyes.

It’s a big shadow and a small shadow.

Claire instantly understood who they were.

The big shadow is Serivia and the small shadow is——.

– Liza…

Stopping her feet, Claire calls out to the small shadow.

However, she looks strange.

Looking at her, there was no light in the eyes of Liza.

She doesn’t know what the cause is and why she’s looking like that.

Her eyes are just stained in golden color.

– … Claire-sama…

Erika murmured, and of course, she also noticed the unusual phenomenon.

She’s somewhat unusual.

She’s dangerous.

She shouldn’t be addressed as Liza anymore.

Showing her affection, Erika called out Claire.

Of course, Claire should understand it, right?

Still, Claire calls out her again.

– … Liza, please reply.

Remaining the same, Liza didn’t respond to the call of Claire.

While just slowly walking forward, she approaches the position of Claire and Erika.

It’s the big shadow that is walking in order to lead such Liza.

She’s the Pope of Puritaria, Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III.

Claire and Erika. Serivia and Liza.

And the moment they approached until the distance was around 10 meters.

The first that the Pope did was to stop her feet.

Then, Liza also stops her feet.

– Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III. What did you do to Liza mashitano!?

Claire asked the Pope who stands next to Liza, turning her eyes that show hostility towards her.

– Regarding her, she became my piece.

Serivia answers with a nonchalant look.

– A piece… you say?

– Exactly, she is an important piece concerning my plan.

– … kh.

It seems those words inflicted pain.

Holding her temper with effort, Claire laid bare her anger and created six floating batteries surrounding her body and turned all the muzzles towards Serivia.

– Claire-sama!

– Erika, it’s alright desuwa. I am calm desu.

Claire answers Erika who was calling out to her.

– I also understand who the other party is masuwa. Still, we can’t avoid fighting masen.

Clearly saying so, Claire charges the floating batteries with energy.

– Whether the opponent is my older brother, my father, the king of a country, the Pope, God, if, if you try to steal my dear little sister, then I will fight to protect her——however, I’ll do no more than that desuwa.

Those words are for Erika, but they were also a declaration of war against Serivia.

Nevertheless, Serivia suddenly started laughing with a loud voice.

– Fufu, fufufu, ahahaha! Ahahahahaha!

Claire was involuntarily shaking due to the behavior that she wasn’t expecting.

– … what, what are you going to do mashitano?

– Just now, you said that you were going to fight God, don’t you?

While chuckling and showing a smile on her face, Serivia asks.

– Ye-yes… if it’s to protect my little sister, I will fight masuwayo.

– I heard that your mother, Linis Harvey, was saying so often. She herself performed researches to win the fight against God——and that God, is me.

The facial expression of Serivia did a complete change, it transformed into a one filled with madness.

– Wha——

The eyes of Claire are wide open.

– What on earth are you saying——

Being shaken, the charged energy was growing pale.

– That’s right! The Pope is not God but a proxy of God——a spokesperson, yes? In fact, claiming to be God and the like is——

While Erika says so, she closes her eyes partly behind the glasses and urges Serivia.

– A Pope like that existed too. But, I’m not like that. I am the 『God』itself who has given wisdom, who nurtured and who developed the human race and who was watching over those figures that live on the Earth.

Serivia turns her eyes, like looking down on Claire and Erika.

– Well, it’s obvious that you can’t understand what I’m talking about. Besides, since this is special, shall I tell you a little old tale? A very distant old tale of a very unsightly and pathetic woman——

When Serivia started the old story.

The battle that was starting again in front of the section of the Holy Church.

Hayato and Emilia, the Slayers of Little Garden are fighting with Luka and Maruko——the apostles of Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III, the Pope of Puritaria.

– Let’s go, Hayato!

– Yeah!

At the same time Emilia fires beams from the floating batteries, Hayato started to move.

– Uoooooooo!

It’s Maruko who Hayato launched an attack with his own Hien.

For Maruko who blocked it with her sickle, Hayato unleashes a series of attacks.

– Maruko!

Looking at Maruko who seems to be pressed by the series of attacks, Luka tries to head there, but Emilia stood in the way, before her.

– You aren’t going.

– Kuh…!

Emilia reduces the floating batteries to particles——.

Continuing with it, and by creating a rapier, she declared to Luka.

– Your opponent is this me!

Hayato and Maruko.

Emilia and Luka.

While their weapons collide with each other, it’s evident that the superiority was on the side of Hayato and Emilia.

Both keep pushing their opponents.

And then, at that moment, it came almost instantaneously.

Hayato and Maruko——-

Emilia brought down Luka.

– This will settle it!

Emilia points the rapier towards Luka who fell on her backside.

– We are more than glad if you give up soon and get out of the way.

However, those two girls didn’t comply with those words.

– We haven’t lost yet.

That’s what Luka said.

Continuing, Maruko said.

– We haven’t gone serious yet!

The eyes of the two shed a violent light at the same time.


Maruko and Luka who shouted all together commenced an attack on Hayato and Emilia respectively.


You could say that it was a roar rather than a scream.

And the attack of the two who were rushing on, as well as their speed and weight were remarkably different from just now.

Hayato had to do his best effort just to stop the attack of Maruko that she swooped down.

Still, because she completely lost her self, he had to manage it with all his strength, so he would be able to deal with her.

However, and as expected, her power is considerable——.

– Guh…! Uah…!

Although Hayato was able to defend against the attack, he was sent flying to the back and fell on his backside.

– Hayato!

– I’m okay.

Hayato stands up and has Hien at the ready.

(… if it has become to this, then it can’t be helped!)

Although he didn’t receive it this time, at this rate, sooner or later he might receive damage.

There was no room to think about leaving the strength for later.

If he suffers damage here, then they’ll lose everything.

(Against a Variant, there’s no choice but to face it with the ability of the Variant!)

Hayato decided so and his eyes emitted a radiant golden color.

– Don’t tell me, Hayato…

Emilia who was confronting Luka seems to have noticed the change of the nature of the energy released from Hayato.

Looking at him, the body of Hayato was covered with a thick armor.

Releasing the ability of the Variant, it’s full armament.

She instinctively understood that the situation is dangerous for themselves.

Maruko and Luka started to move at the same time.

Maruko was the first, she slashed at Hayato.

About the gap of Emilia who was having her attention caught on Hayato who deployed his full armament, she brushed away the rapier with the sickle.

And Maruko from the opposite side slashed at Hayato with the sickle.

Maruko and Luka——.

Hayato caught with the two blades on the left and right the sickles that were swung downward. But the brilliant eyes of the two light up all together, align their voices and try to swung downward the sickles, putting their strength into them.


At that moment, the roars of the two overlapped. In the mind of Hayato, the voices of Maruko and Luka can be heard.

『We fight』

『Strength was given to us』

『Revenge was given to us』

『『——for the sake of Serivia-sama!』』

(This is——)

Up to now, several things like this have happened.

It’s the empathy between Variants.

It was the appearance of two children left behind in the collapsed town that subsequently passed by the mind of Hayato. Both have dark brown skin. They look like they have 5 or 6 years old.

They were investigating the situation of their surroundings, turning up from rubble where they were hiding.

(These two, maybe they are….)

——there’s no doubt.

Obviously, this is the childhood of Maruko and Luka.

Apparently, their names seem to be Amanda and Miranda.

Speaking of other things, he understands that there was a fierce battle in the village where they live.

And most of the people in the village were murdered.

Apparently, they seem to be one of the few survivors of the village.

Three people came, approaching them.

They are the people of the tribe that attacked the village.

Amanda who’s later called as Maruko and Miranda who’s later called as Luka put their strength into the knives they held in their hands, holding their breath.

– What the heck is this?

One of the three marauders raised his voice.

The language of the tribe is different to the one of Amanda and Miranda.

At the same time, the expression of the man became precipitous.

It’s because he found a corpse of a fellow that is rolling on the ground.

– If you thought that we weren’t coming back… who did this?

Turning his eyes to the left and right, the man shouted.

– Hey, who’s there? Where are you hiding?

Of course, Amanda and Miranda didn’t answer.

When looking closely, blood was sticking to the handle of the knife of Miranda.

The corpse at the feet of the man who came was the one she murdered with that knife.

– Hey, come out if you are hiding.

The man shouted again and surveyed the situation of the surroundings.

Eventually, they come closer to where Manda and Miranda are.

It can’t be helped.

There’s no choice but to do it.

They moved, nodding and looking at each other’s face.

Although they are children, they were good at hunting.

As usual, they move like hunting beasts.

– AAAAAA————!!

It was Miranda who moved first.

From the left, with knife in hand, she attacked the prey.

The one she aimed at isn’t the man who approached.

But the man on the left who was having a gun at the ready behind him.

Using the opportunity, Mirada succeeded in stabbing the knife in his thigh as she was also looking at the two remaining guys who were there.

Looking at that chance, Amanda started moving and stabbed the knife in the heart of the man from behind.

Of course, today is the first time they kill people.

Still, there’s no mercy or the like.

This is revenge.

That’s what they said to themselves.

For their father, mother, friends——.

It’s revenge for killing everyone in the village.

– Fuck!

One of the men tries to fire the gun towards Amanda.

It’s there that Amanda displayed her quick wittedness.

Lowering herself, she tackled the man.

The bullets that the man fired were passing a little above the head of Amanda.

The strategy of Amanda is a success.

Knocking down the man and getting on top of him, she stabbed with the knife aiming at his heart.

Two persons with this.

What’s left is——.

Miranda points her eyes to the man she pierced his thighs with the knife.

Perhaps Miranda thought that she disposed of him already, but that’s not the case.

– Fuhe, fuhehehe…

The knife of Miranda was stuck in the leg of the man.

But, holding down Miranda, he thrusted at her the muzzle on her head.

– Guh…!

Under the man, Miranda grinds her teeth in vexation.

The man put his strength on the body, so she can’t pull out the knife, during that time he knocked down Miranda and held down her body.

– Don’t move, you piece of shit. If you move, I’ll kill you!

The man said while pushing the muzzle to the temple of the forehead of Miranda.

– Throw away the knife.

The man orders Amanda.

– … kh…

If she throws away the knife, the man will surely shoot her.

After that, Miranda will surely be killed.

Of course, there was no option to escape.

Because it’s meaningless to survive by herself only.

If the sisters die together.

That would be on their own accord.

– Hey, throw it away quickly.

It’s no use, Amanda throws away the knife.

– Okay, now die.

The man pointed the gun at Amanda.

(I knew it, it’s just as I thought)

Amanda prepared herself for the worst and closes the eyelids.

The interior of her chest was full of regret.

It wasn’t regret because of dying.

But regret that she was unable to take revenge.

As well as all the people who attacked their village——.

No, she wanted to die after killing all the inhabitants of that village.

Tears overflow from the eyes of Amanda, spilling over and falling along the cheeks.

Suddenly, they heard the scream of a man.


What on heart happened?

While wondering, Amanda opened her eyelids.

Then, the man that was supposed to be on top of Miranda wasn’t there.

On the contrary, the man fainted by the wall.

——Miranda was safe.

However, she immediately realized that Miranda didn’t do anything.

The dumbfounded Miranda was looking at a certain point.

Amanda turns her gaze to the direction Miranda was looking.

What was standing there was a woman wearing white vestments.

There are two women in black vestments behind her.

– Those who tried to conquer this village, all of them were exterminated.

Saying that, the woman wearing white vestments smiled at Miranda and Amanda to appeal that she was a safe presence.

While still being on guard, Amanda inquires.

– … who, are you?

– I am a person of the Holy Church.

A woman who wore white vestments while she showed a smile that didn’t vary——.

The Pope of Puritaria, Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III, answered.

– The Holy Church, what’s that…?

The moment she heard that name, Amanda with a look similar to a demon, raised her voice and turned the knife to Serivia.

– It’s your fault. Because of you, this village was attacked!

– Certainly, I think that’s correct.

Without discomposure, Serivia admitted.

– This village was attacked because we, the people of the Holy Church, have entered the land where the pagans are sacred——a sanctuary.

There was a church of the of the Holy Church in this village.

That’s why they attacked.

A revenge on the Holy Church who violated what must be avoided.

That’s the only reason that this village was destroyed.

– Why, did you, such a thing…

You are reading story Hundred at

– They moved and took the《Gem that is called God》with my order. Because we violated the sanctuary, the church of the Holy Church of the village was attacked. But, it wasn’t my fault that this village was destroyed, you know? It was because you were weak.

– What!?

Amanda overflowed with indignation, listening the words that were like hitting a cadaver with a whip, shirking their responsibility.

– Don’t screw with us! While saying things to your own convenience!

Amanda kicks the ground and tries to attack Serivia.

However, Serivia wasn’t perturbed.

– You don’t have to move.

Saying so to the two bodyguards that started moving to subdue Amanda, Serivia turned her left hand to Amanda.

Then, the body of Amanda is blown backwards.

– Amanda!

Miranda raised her voice.

She rushes over in concern to the position of Amanda who fell on her backside.

– What was that force just now…?

With a surprised look, Amanda was staring at Serivia.

(The man of a while ago was hit by an ability just now?)

Thinking to the best of her ability, she could only think so.

To the dumbfounded Amanda, Serivia said.

– If you were as strong as me, this village should have been saved.

Certainly, that may be.

But, they don’t have such strength.

So, with a belligerent attitude, Amanda had no choice but to return the words.

– But why are you saying that!? We don’t have such strength!

– No, you have it.

She didn’t think that she would be denied all of a sudden.

That’s why Amanda is overcome with surprise.

Continuing, Serivia said.

– Don’t you want to become strong like me?

– … yes, I want.

It’s not Amanda who answered.

It was Miranda.

She continues.

– I want to be even more stronger.

And then, she looks at Amanda.

– That’s goes for Amanda too, right?

– That’s…

She’s right.

– I want to be stronger…

Amanda also said so.

– If we become stronger, then we can take revenge on those who raided this village.

– That goes for me too.

– … I see.

The answers of the two satisfied Serivia.

She said delightfully.

– Whatever your purpose is, if you have that resolution, then you can become stronger. You can have strength like me.

– But, such a power, how do we…

Amanda said.

She can’t imagine how they can get it.

– I can give it to you.

– Is that true?

Miranda said so and she with Amanda who’s next to her stare at the face of Serivia.

– Yes, it’s true.

Nodding, Serivia continued.

– So, you two, come to my place.

– To my place…?

Miranda asks.

– The head office of the Holy Church.

Serivia replied clearly.

– You won’t be able to live in this village anymore, so it’s just right in time. If you come to my place, I will give you power.

Amanda and Miranda had no reason to oppose that.

If it’s a lie, they can escape at any time.

Because they were thinking like that.

But, what Serivia said wasn’t a lie.

By giving them a strange ore called Hundred, they were able to use incredible abilities and by persevering on training, Serivia would kiss their foreheads.

It’s something called a favor.

Every time it was done, they felt that mysterious powers come from the depths of their bodies.

So, they continued doing their best on special training.

And each time they received her favor, they were realizing that they were getting stronger.

Originally, their physical abilities were high like their fighting ability.

In the blink of an eye, the two quickly became prominent among the Holy Church Slayers unit they belonged to.

– Good, very good.

Serivia, who was watching the overwhelming two who are having a sham battle with other Slayers, had a very satisfying smile.

And then, after a short time——.

Amanda and Miranda joined the Slayers unit of the Holy Church, two years and a little have passed.

Serivia said, summoning them.

– You have become quite strong. For that reason, I want to test your strength now.

– You want to test our…

– … strength?

– For that, I want you to take a test.

After saying so and broadly grinning.

Serivia told Amanda and Miranda that they were going to fight with 20 Slayers.

Amanda and Miranda already have overwhelming strength in the Slayer unit of Puritaria.

Even though two others have the same capability as them, this test is dangerous.

Those two want to cherish them, they don’t want to use it.

Therefore, Serivia decided to use 20 Slayers of the Holy Church.

Because this won’t be a test if it’s not at least that much.

– I wonder, what are you going to do?

– If we win, will you give us your favor?

The one who asked was Amanda.

– Of course.

– If so, we’ll do it.

Continuing, Miranda replied.

If they receive her favor, they can become stronger.

There was no reason for the two of them to decline.

And thus, the test started.

A fight of 2 vs 20.

Although the two had outstanding ability, the battle against 20 opponents was tough.

Moreover, the only weapon of the two were sickles——.

The other Slayers attacked them with various weapons.

It was possible to fight in various ways using energy, but it wasn’t easy to deal with them.

Amanda and Miranda have already defeated eight people in the first 2 minutes.

Still, 12 people remain.

The two of them are already running out of breath.

Their vital also fell by a half or so, and the remaining energy is less than half.

At this rate, it will be impossible to defeat the rest of the members.

Everyone who are seeing them should have thought so.

That’s the same for the remaining 12 people.

They heard that this will last forever unless the duo gives up.

If they defeat them, it’s their victory.

They can receive the favor from Serivia.

– Let’s do it.

– We are going to defeat them!

Many people didn’t think well about Amanda and Miranda because they had preferential treatment.

Therefore, they aren’t going easy on them.

– Now, let’s finish it soon, okay?

One of the remaining 12 people.

A man of the Martial Arts type Slayer who had the highest response value and a large body said while hitting his fist with the palm of his hand.

He has a calm and composed attitude.

To his side, four Slayers with sufficient vitality and stamina have their weapons at the ready, while Amanda and Miranda are in a state of breathing heavily.

Amanda and Miranda are in a state of being completely cornered.


– No——

– We still can’t lose!

They shouted.

– It’s revenge.

– By overcoming this battle——

– What…?

Serivia was watching the figure of the two whose eyes shone with golden color and started emitting a violent energy from their whole body, then muttered with a smile on her mouth.

– ——it seems the time of their awakening has come.

After that, it took them less than a minute to win.

During that short time, the two defeated all the Slayers.

Towards the position of those two, Serivia appeared while clapping.

– Congratulations. You passed the test. You are awakened.

– … we are…

– … awakened…?

They don’t understand yet what happened to them.

To the two who murmured with a dumbfounded look, Serivia continues her words.

– That’s right, by awakening, you obtained a great power. If you can master that power, then you shouldn’t lose to anyone, don’t you agree?

– We won’t lose against no one.

– We will have our revenge.

– Good. So when you can master that power, I will give you the opportunity to take revenge.

In response to those words, Amanda and Miranda looked at each other and nodded to one another.

The strength the two have is big——.

It took them less than 6 months to master the ability of the Variant.

That was far beyond the expectations of Serivia.

Serivia was in a very good mood.

– Can we take revenge with this?

Amanda asked Serivia.

– Yes, of course. Go and take revenge to your heart’s content.

And then, the day they decided to take revenge came.

With the intelligence unit of Puritaria, they identify the people who attacked the village.

They also identified the village where those people live.

A moonless late at night.

The power of Amanda and Miranda who invaded the village and launched a surprise attack was overwhelming.

The two dyed their eyes in golden color then one, two, three, four people——.

As their family members and friends have been killed, they kill the villagers one after another.

There were Slayers among them, but they aren’t rivals to Amanda and Miranda who reached the point to use freely the ability of the Variant.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them massacred all the inhabitants of the village, it was a complete revenge.

It was Serivia who appeared while applauding there.

– With this, you were able to fulfill the revenge of your very young days. How do you feel know? Do you feel a weight off your shoulders, perhaps?

– We did it.

– We are very satisfied.

The two answered consecutively.

– So…

Broadly grinning, Serivia continues.

– So, what are you going to do from now on?

– What are we going to do?

– From now on?

– Yes. After all from now on, your lives continue.

– Life.

– Continues.

With a blank look, they mutter.

Up to now, they were living only for the sake of revenge.

Only that, regarding Miranda and Amanda about other things, there was none.

– You are empty, correct? If so, I will give you a new life.

Saying so, Serivia looked at the eyes of the emptied two with her eyes dyed in golden color.

Then, the eyes of Amanda and Miranda also dyed in golden color, their hearts beat in a big way.

– You are not Amanda and Miranda anymore.

– I am not Amanda.

– I am not Miranda.

The two people repeat with a tone similar to a robot.

– From now on, I will give you new lives and sacred names. So far you were Amanda and now you are Maruko, so far you were Miranda, you are now Luka.

– I am Maruko…

– I am Luka…

– Yes, I think there is no problem with this?

「「No problem」」

The two gathered their voices.

– If that’s the case, then I will command Maruko and Luka. You shall devote for my sake with the power that you obtained from me.

– Yes, as I am Maruko.

– As I am Luka.

– With this power that we obtained thanks to Serivia-sama.

– We will devote for the sake of Serivia-sama.

「「From now and forever——」」

The brainwashing is done.

Amanda changed to Maruko and Miranda changed to Luka.

Serivia, who heard the words of the two, had a very satisfying expression on her face.

– Wonderful. Let me grant you the favor from me to the beginning of your new lives.

A new life given to the two, empty people.

And thus, they became the apostles of Serivia.

At the same time the image in his mind is interrupted.

Once again, voices are heard in the head of Hayato.

『With the power given by Serivia-sama』

『To serve Serivia-sama, that’s the reason we exist in this world』

『Even if the world meets the moment of its end——』

『We will eliminate the enemies in front of us, as ordered by Serivia-sama!』

『『You will absolutely not force through this place!』』

Hayato was bewildered, receiving the voices of the heart of those two.

(What’s the right thing to do?)

The feelings of Maruko and Luka towards Serivia are powerful.

Aside from this, there’s nothing good to say.

These two are different from Krovahn and co.

The two who have fulfilled their revenge have no reason to live other than moving according to the orders of Serivia.

Because they are completely brainwashed.

With that much, Hayato had no way to persuade them.

– Hayato!

Emilia returned the rapier to a floating battery and tried to shoot at Luka.

Luka who noticed it decided to fight Emilia again, getting away from Hayato while showing a vexing look.

With this, they are 1 vs 1 again——.

However, this is not the same as before.

The battle between Hayato and Maruko was between Variants.

The two swords collide with the sickle.

Even though she’s a half-rampaging Luka, it looks like the side of Hayato who was bearing the damage is the one that looks superior.

It’s evident that in skill, Hayato is winning.

Even as Variants, Hayato’s strength is superior.

That would be natural too.

Maruko hasn’t received proper combat training.


Maruko raised the sickle way above her head.

Hayato didn’t pass up the gap, the chance to win, that was made there.


Hayato repels with the sword of one of his hands the sickle that was swung downward sharply and with the other sword he hit the abdomen that was full of gaps.

(This was the, only way to do it…)

Hayato muttered in his mind, looking at the defeated Maruko on the moon’s surface who lost consciousness after receiving the attack.

He can’t make excuses.

After all, that person couldn’t be persuaded by him.

However, there was no choice but to experience it personally.

Emilia calls out Hayato who was breathing roughly while staring fixedly at Maruko.

– Hayato, are you okay?

Looking at her, Luka was collapsing behind her.

– Did you finish over there?

– Yup. I had to go serious, but only for a bit.

– Does that mean that you used the power of the Variant?

– … pretty much.

– More than that, Hayato. Are you really okay?

– I got a bit of damage, but that was all…

Hayato cancelled the armament and turned again to Maruko and Luka.

And after a brief silence.

Hayato called out to Emilia.

– Hey, Emilia…

– What?

– I felt it. These fellows.

– The empathy between Variants, right?

– Emilia also felt it?

– … yup.

Nodding, Emilia continues.

– Besides, I understand what Hayato is thinking now. However, this is the empathy of the Variant, isn’t it? Aside from knocking them down, there was no way that we could help them, don’t you agree? I think that probably not.

– … I see.

– I’m sure both of them can find something new on their own. But you can’t do that if you die or break as a person, isn’t it? So, we did what we could now——we did our best. I guess there’s no choice but to think so. If we didn’t do that, we would have been killed.

– … certainly, that’s right.

Hayato smiled, looking at Emilia.

– Thank you. Thanks to you, this went somewhat easier.

– I’m happy that I’m being told so by Hayato.

Emilia returned a broad smile and,

– Well then, shall we carry these two inside? If we leave them here as they are, they will be mistaken as dead. Hayato, give me a hand——

Following Emilia who’s carrying Luka, Hayato held Maruko.

Then they jumped using energy and moved onto the top glass.

– Haha, that story really sounds like a joke…

Charlotte unintentionally smiled bitterly in her laboratory of Little Garden, listening to the old tale that Serivia talks about to Claire and Erika.

– To think that Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III was an alien that descended on the Earth million years ago and that it was a divine existence who raised humans on the Earth——

That looks foolish——.

It was Vitaly in the monitor set in front of her that wanted to speak, doing it for someone else.

『Good grief, that’s truly foolish』

Saying so while displaying her figure on the monitor, Vitaly continued.

『Although it’s truly an absurd story, if the story of the Pope is true, then a lot of things can be understood』

– One of those things is the《Super Evolution》of mankind.

『Uh huh』

50,000 years ago——.

All of a sudden, mankind evolved at such rate that it cannot be compared with up to that time.

It’s what’s called the《Super Evolution》from 《Old Mankind》to 《New Mankind》.

Which means that aliens were involved in it——.

『Although there were various theories such as the meteorite theory and the virus theory attached to it, to think that the answer was something like this. It makes me laugh』

She really has no choice but to laugh.

The earthlings were raised and nurtured to then be used by her.

And finally, the time of harvest has——.

It was harvest time, just like with crops and livestock.

– In short, her objective is to return to Planet Notre Dame, the planet where she was born and raised using the time machine and making use of evolved earthlings as energy.

『Yeah, most probably. Exactly when the《Harvest Time》came up, isn’t it?』

– I’d like to say that it’s fine if she’s going to do as she likes as long as she doesn’t harm humans, but she came to the Earth millions of years ago——if she’s going to use the time machine to return time to that point, she’ll need to open a huge dimension crack with enormous energy.

『… if that’s going to happen, then it’s probable that a lot of Savages will emerge, aren’t they?』

– I think so. Even unknown things may come along. If so, the Earth will likely fall into a crisis. That’s why we have to stop Serivia. To protect this Earth——

『To fight God, huh…』

– Those are the words that Linis frequently said.

『It surely sounds like a prophecy, huh』

– Totally.

Charlotte smiled bitterly and murmured, turning her line of sight to a thin flat object that was affixed on the wall of the laboratory—— to the picture where she was photographed as a rookie researcher together with a woman in white robe.

– … Linis… how closer were you to the truth of this world?

– In other words, you, who is what we call an alien, came from a different planet to the Earth millions of years ago?

At the same time that Serivia finishes talking.

Erika asked Serivia who stands in front of them.

– Exactly.

Slipping out a smile, Serivia replies.

– I have stimulated the evolution of human beings on the earth. All to accomplish my plan——

– That means that we, the earthlings, were nothing more than tools for you to return to your planet——am I correct desuno?

– Once again, you are correct.

Serivia answered the question of Claire and continues her words, showing a sudden smile.

– Among the tools, however, your father and your older brother were outstanding tools. If those two put everything they had into it and weren’t carrying forward their own plans, my plan wouldn’t have taken a little more time. Your mother was an exceptional and superior scientist, just like the first Variant of the earthlings——

– Even so, for the sake of the time machine, you stole and killed my father and on top of that, you went so far as taking Liza…

– You discerned it. Did you realize it?

– If you use Liza to open a space-time gate, you must understand that there’s a possibility of attracting a lot of Savages desuwa.

– … of course, there’s a possibility. And that the number is colossal. They will be a great threat not only on the moon but also on the Earth.

– If the story just now is true, then you are like a mother of the earthlings, don’t you? Don’t you feel anything about exposing us to that danger masenno?

– I don’t.

Regarding the question of Claire, Serivia declared flatly.

– You are saying that if I raised the earthlings with affection, then I should have such a feeling, right? But, that’s not it. From my point of view, earthlings are the same as livestock and crops. Even if it’s a partner who communicates in the same language. Because you are necessary for my goal, I did no more than develop you. That’s why you are just a tool.

Although she seems to be speaking frankly, Claire was feeling a repulsive madness from Serivia.

– In the first place, I don’t believe in other people anymore. Even if the other party comes from the same Notre Dame as me, nothing will change. It’s the same——

– … !!

Quivering, Claire noticed that energy was beginning to rise like steam from the body of Serivia

Erika is the same.

– Thousands of years ago from now, I couldn’t believe anyone else——I can only believe myself. The goal is revenge——no more than that!

Serivia’s eyes shine in golden color and a strong energy was emitted from the body.

Nevertheless, Erika said without moving back.

– If you say that you are opposing us as a result of revenge, then we, we will have to fight to protect what’s important to us!

Erika released Everlasting towards Serivia.

However, it never coiled around the body of Serivia.

– Eh——?

There’s a reason why Erika showed agitation.

In addition to the two eyes of Serivia, when considering the four eyes attached to the pointed end of the left and right wing respectively——for a total of six eyes which emitted an intense brightness, the color of the chain changed to a golden color and the direction of its tip changed.

– Kuh…!

Instantly, the chain wraps around the body of Erika.

The instructions of Erika aren’t obeyed even if she gives an order.

She can’t move it and she can’t extinguish it.

On the contrary, it strongly tightens her body.

(This is bad…!)

Erika senses danger, watching the figure of Serivia who turns the palm of her hand towards her.

– ——ah!!

The sense of danger wasn’t wrong.

Erika receives a shock wave emitted from the palm of Serivia, she was sent flying.

– … Erika!

Claire, rushing over the collapsed Erika, embraces her.

Unfortunately, Erika lost her consciousness.

– Kuh…!

Liza was manipulated, and Erika collapsed as well.

(… what should I do desuno?)

Claire turns her eyes to Serivia.

Serivia turns a more than a calm look to Liza who is standing upright without moving.

But then——.

Dimly, Serivia showed a disturbed-like look.

And right after that.

A voice is heard by bone conduction.

『Do you hear me, President Claire?』

It’s a communication from Kisaragi Hayato.

She wanted to avoid being perceived by Serivia so Claire didn’t answer and touched with her finger the ring of her arm.

It’s because she can reply that『I can’t answer now』with that tracing method.

It looks like it reached Hayato successfully.

『Is this an encrypted communication?』

『I replied 「I can’t answer now」』

Following Hayato, the voice of Emilia is heard by bone conduction.

『By any chance, something happened to the Prez——』

Continuing, there was a call from Hayato.

『… President Claire, we managed somehow to knockdown the two of outside. We’ll be heading there soon after this. If you agree, please reply』

To say they managed somehow, maybe they had problems in their own way.

Probably is damage and energy consumption.

However, rather than being one, if it’s three, then maybe they can manage somehow or another against Serivia, the opponent. Claire thought so and sent 『Roger』through the encrypted communication.

– Truly, the two of outside were dealt this fast, huh.

All of a sudden, Serivia muttered.

Apparently, she seems to be receiving the reports from her partners.

If that’s the case, then she grasped the same situation.

– That means that my companions will come here soon desuwane.

Claire continued her words to provoke her.

– If I was by myself, then perhaps it wouldn’t be easy to separate Liza from you. But if my comrades are——

– You appear to be quite self-confident, don’t you?

Even though it immediately became a 1vs3, Serivia didn’t change her calm and composed attitude and stopped the words of Claire.

– Reinforcements might come who knows when. The ones coming and approaching this place and who defeated my adorable subordinates are the one who fought with you at the World Martial Arts Tournament, Kisaragi Hayato and Emilia Hermit, correct? Those two are very intimate.

– …kh… what are you saying so suddenly…!

– Ufufu… what an interesting reaction. But it wasn’t a surprise.

– I said, what are you saying…!

– For me who I am God, I see through everything. I grasp that you are physically communicating with Kisaragi Hayato——one of the two people who are getting closer to this place, right?

– Physically communicating, you say…!?

That reminded her of the night in Liberia.

When they were having passionate kisses in the bed——.

Serivia said as if to sink the boot into Claire who had her face dyed deep red.

– So, I said that I see through everything, yes?

Giggling and showing a smile on her face, Serivia continues her words again.

– But, I feel the same Variant Virus inside Kisaragi Hayato and within you. That’s the proof that you have connected with him——

– Saying that we are connected, what’s with that way of talking…!

– However, Emilia Hermit also possesses the same type of Variant Virus as you and——but it’s also is a thicker Variant Virus than yours——. Apparently, Emilia Hermit seems to have a deeper connection with Kisaragi Hayato than you.

– T-that’s, what’s wrong with that, huh!? Besides, there are other reasons that…

Claire answers while in a hurry.

Then, she was taken aback.

She was just being led by the nose with this.

– A-and, that’s what you want to say masuno!?

Claire stares at Serivia.

She’s trying to take a dignified attitude as usual, but it was obvious that she couldn’t hide that she was agitated. Looks like she’s trying to prick that. Serivia tortures her even more.

– Your loved man is deeply connected with another woman. Aren’t you regretting that as a woman, I wonder?

– ——Shut up!

In the end, she took the provocation.

Claire turns towards Serivia the muzzle of Buster Cannon that is in her hands.

However, Serivia isn’t perturbed by that.

– Ufufu, you are showing a lovely reaction.

She showed a grinning and smiling expression and like that, Serivia continues her words.

– For you, Emilia Hermit is a disturbing companion——isn’t this a partner you want to erase from this world? I can understand your feelings well.

– .. understand? My “that” is understood well by you masuno!?

– Hatred stands above all——. That’s why, I will never die, and you can say that’s how I came here so far——.

The eyes of Serivia shine in golden color even more violently.

*Ba-dump*, the heart of Claire beats fast.

– Come now, Claire Harvey. Be obedient. And now, that power, please lend it to me——

Claire was unable to separate her eyes from the eyes of Serivia.

(This is bad… desuwa….)

Serivia is getting closer, but she couldn’t do anything.

It’s because her body doesn’t move.

Serivia stops her feet in front of her.

Claire could only accept the lips of such Serivia.

And immediately after their lips overlapped.

*Ba-dump*, the heart of Claire beats fast again.

And then the eyes of Claire are dyed in golden color.

(My true feelings regarding Kisaragi Hayato and Emilia Hermit…)


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