
Chapter 79: Volume 12 - CH 4

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Around the time when Krovahn and co. are trying to withdraw to Little Garden section.

In the plaza in front of the temple in the grounds of Puritaria, Emilia and Claire deployed their armaments and were glaring at each other.

– … so, what do you want to talk with me?

– I want to talk about after I came to the moon desuwa. During that time, did you have any progress with Kisaragi Hayato?

– … progress? What do you mean?

Emilia said taking that as provocation and knitted her brows in curiosity.

– There are no reasons to progress and the like, you know. Since the olden days——nothing has changed from 10 years ago. Hayato and I were always connected by destiny.

– Destiny… you say?

– That’s right, destiny.

Emilia continues her words showing a smile with a grin in regard to Claire who knits her brows in irritation.

– I was able to meet again with Hayato. And to be together with him like this.

– … that is, in what way is that okay masuno?

– In what way…?

What on earth are you saying? Emilia stares at the dissatisfied Claire.

Thereupon, the eyes of Clare shone noticeably furious and emitted a fluorescent color.

– What kind of destiny are you talking about!?

Together with the shout.

A strong energy was released from the body of Claire.

– I was born in the Harvey family and sacrificed myself for the Harvey family. And then I lost my mother, my father and my brother, then my little sister and the person I love were snatched away by someone else… if my destiny is that sort of thing, then I will go beyond my own destiny masuwa!

Declares Claire while staring at Emilia as she is.

Emilia was taken aback when receiving the energy released from her body.

– … no way, this energy…

– You finally realized?

Claire said showing a smile that was elated with success.

– Now, as you thought, it’s the energy of Kisaragi Hayato desuwa.

Emilia who heard that answer enquires Claire with a bewildered expression on her face.

– Since the president got the ability from Hayato before, it should have passed a considerable time, right? At that time, you were using that power, so the reason why there’s so much of it remaining is…

– … I got it before coming to the moon desu.

– Before coming to the moon, you say?

– Yes, it was when Kisaragi Hayato came to my parent’s home desu. At that time, Kisaragi Hayato and I spent a hot night in the same bed desuwa.

– Wha…

Claire continues her words with a calm and composed look in response to Emile who showed discomposure towards those words.

– … lately, when Kisaragi Hayato is with you, hasn’t he been distant in front of me?

– That’s…

– Kisaragi Hayato didn’t want you to sense that he spent a hot night with me, isn’t it?

– Kuh…

With a lot of anger, Emilia asked while gritting her teeth and clenching the fists of both hands strongly.

– … so, what does the prez want to say? That the advantage is on your side or something?

– Why desuno? Are you jealous desuno?

– No, that’s not it! I’m asking why the prez is doing this. If the prez has the advantage in the first place, then there’s no need for you to talk to me or to have a fight with me, right?

– Kuh…

In response to the words of Emilia, Claire unintentionally showed a vexing expression.

Because of that, Emilia said, showing a triumphant smile.

– Oh, bull’s eye. After all, the prez is more flustered than I am. Then, is it possible that you got possessed by the Pope? And that’s why the prez is in that sort of state n——

– Shut up desuwayo!

– … ah.

Emilia stopped with an E barrier deployed in the palm of her hand the beams fired from the six floating batteries that float around the body of Claire.

And then, she declares to Claire.

– If you feel like that, then even I have something to say.

The eyes of Emilia shine in golden color and a strong energy is released from the whole body.

– In the first place, whatever the relation between the prez and Hayato is, I won’t change anything. Even if Hayato likes the prez, I’ll never give up. Because I only have Hayato. Since 10 years ago, I’ve continuously lived thinking just that about Hayato. If it’s about the feelings towards Hayato, then I won’t lose to anyone. Never!

That said, the body of Emilia released even more energy, a sky-blue energy was enveloping that body.

(Is this, no way…)

Looking at Emilia who appeared from inside the particles, Claire becomes speechless.

Even though her appearance almost didn’t change, the energy released from the body is quite powerful.

That energy is transmitted to her body.

(This is Emilia Hermit’s full armament——)

Chills ran through the spine of Claire.

(Am I feeling terror masuno?)

The power of that energy is to that extent that she feels so in her whole body.

– ——now that it has become to this, let’s fight each other with all our strength——. The only thing is that if I go all out, I’m not sure that I can control myself.

If she releases her full strength, then that means she’s going to unleash the ability of the Variant.


– That’s, you are the same as me now desuwa!

Despite being overawed by the strong energy released from the body of Emilia, Claire is clad in full armament.

Both have unleashed the ability of the Variant.

And then, full armament.

It’s an all-out battle without excuses.

– … okay then, shall we begin?

– Yes, let’s begin desuwane.

They wagered Kisaragi Hayato——.


This is the battle of two women to prove the strength of their own feelings.

That curtain is now opened.

– Well then, allow me to go as I declared! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA———!

Emilia is the first to attack.

She strikes Claire with a huge blade attached to the sword she created in her hand as she releases a golden light from her eyes.

Claire fired beams in succession from the six floating batteries that float around her own body to counter her.

Emilia approaches Claire while dodging the beams.

She projected the big sword, but it was dodged by Claire who made a jump.

Claire turned behind Emilia as she is and took her back, then fired beams from the gun of her right hand.

Emilia turns around and sticks out one hand, causing the beam to extinguish.

It looks like Emilia has deployed an N barrier.

Then Emilia swung downward the large sword on the spot.

– Yaaah!

What she released is a big blade of energy.

– … hmmm.

Claire pushes out both hands before her to stop the blow with an E barrier.

To Emilia, it went as she supposed.

Emilia accelerated with energy and gets near Claire.

She raises overhead the big sword.

– Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

It’s a direct attack with the big sword that is clad in energy.

An E barrier might not defend against it.

Claire thought so and rapidly flew very high in the sky using the propulsion device.

(What the desuno, that speed… and also, that power is…!)

When looking, there was a huge hole in the trace where Emilia swung the big sword.

If she receives a direct hit of that thing, there’s no mistake that the battle will end with a single blow.

Even if she deploys an E barrier, it’s probable that she’ll have to bear a lot of damage.

Thinking so, she was shuddering.

(Still, I can’t lose——I can’t lose desuwa!)

The eyes of Claire strongly released a golden light again.

– Petals!

Twelve small floating batteries are shot from the 6 floating batteries.

Like at the time of the duel with Kisaragi Hayato, if she can penetrate the N barrier that is deployed surrounding the body of Emilia, then Claire got what she was wishing for.

For the time being, she attacks Emilia, thinking that she would like to gain time by disturbing her.

However, it didn’t go as she expected.

– Wha——

Emilia reduced the large sword into particles and duplicated the 12 small floating batteries that Claire released with Arms Shroud and deployed them around her body.

– Go!

Together with the cry of Emilia, her 12 small floating batteries start to move.

12 flying objects collide with 12 flying objects in midair——.

A total of 24 small floating batteries shoot lasers to destroy each other, and immediately after they are extinguished.

Emilia creates a rapier in her hand once again and attacks Claire who just landed.

She unleashes attacks one after another.

Claire continued dodging those slashes and by seeing a gap using the ability of the Variant she accelerated instantly——and dealt a roundhouse kick to Emilia.

It was a fantastic direct hit.

The body of Emilia is blown away to a distant place.

(I can’t let go of this opportunity masenwa!)

Claire immediately went after her.

– Petals!

She released the small floating batteries from the six floating batteries once again.

Flying to the side of Emilia who hit a distant wall, the 12 floating batteries start to shoot beams.

Unlike before, there shouldn’t be enough time for Emilia to create small floating batteries.

On the contrary, it should be difficult for Emilia to move in that situation where she’s continuously struck by beams——.

In the meanwhile, Claire replaced the six floating batteries with Buster Cannon and began to charge energy.

Of course, the muzzle of that aims at Emilia.

(I don’t want to lose to Emilia Hermit——no, to Emilia Gudenburg——! I will absolutely decide this masuwa!)

Clare thinks in her mind.

Indeed, she herself never thought of falling in love so strongly and this much.

She remembers about the day when the data came from Charlotte for the first time and that day of the entrance ceremony.

And of course, the battle of the next day, the time of the《Operation: Bird in Cage》and the ones after that.

And then, when they returned together to her home.

At first, she wondered to herself why is that she feels her heart palpitating with such a guy.

Still, no answer was found.

She tried to tell herself many times that it wasn’t like she was in love or something like that.

But, when she stands in front of him, her heart accelerates, feels suffocated, her body gets hot——.

And then a day she naturally realized that is herself who’s not able to suppress such a condition.

So, she had no choice but to understand.

That she fell in love with him——and.

After meeting him, Kisaragi Hayato, a lot of things truly happened.

So many things that she doesn’t know which one the direct cause is.

It may be that several things came one after another.

But, she likes him, she wants him for herself only, she wants him to look at herself only.

She doesn’t want other women to take him.

She absolutely doesn’t want to lose.

Those feelings, there’s no doubt they are——.

– Yes! I am the《Absolute Invincible Queen》Perfect Queen! Be it a battle or love, I will never lose masenwa!

Claire once again bombarded with all her strength towards Emilia.

(This one should be able to go through the N barrier!)

However, the desire of Claire isn’t delivered.

The thought of Claire was that she destroyed the barrier.

– It’s a shame, prez.

– You, endured the bombardment——

Her body is worn-out.

The N barrier was penetrated.

Still, Emilia endured the bombardment.

– I’ll finish it with this.

The figure of Emile appears in the soaring cloud of dust.

There’s no weapon in her hand.

But, approaching in an instant——.

The figure of Emilia with her arm drawn back is reflected in the eyes of Claire, the color of despair spreads.

(I lost masuno?)

I lost my father.

I lost my mother.

I lost my older brother.

Even my sister and Kisaragi Hayato were taken by someone else.

(If that happens, to who am I going to rely on, how am I going to keep on living after this…?)

Everything was——.

I lost anything and everything.

The things I loved, the ones I loved.

I lost everything.

(Is this my destiny desuno?)

I hate——that destiny.

I want to go against it.


『I’m sorry, prez』

She heard a voice in her head.

It was the voice of Emilia Hermit.

『The feelings and the pain of the prez, I pretty much understand them. Still, I can’t lose. Unlike me, there are people who support the prez a lot. And some of those yearn for you, isn’t it? So, you’ll never lose everything. But, for me, Hayato is everything——so I can’t lose this fight!』

The heavy fist of Emile who released a violent golden radiance from her eyes was stuck into the abdomen of Claire.

(Persons who yearn for me, and support me…?)

Erika and Chris——.

The figures of her comrades of Little Garden cross her mind.

The body of Claire, which was sent flying vigorously behind, strikes a wall of rock.

(I didn’t lose every…thing…)

The eyes of Claire return to their original color——.

Her consciousness was interrupted.

(Looks like she calmed down, huh)

Haa… haa… and the eyes of Emilia who cancelled the armament while breathing repeatedly were regaining their original color.

She approaches Claire who fell down, lying face down.

Although her armament state was cancelled, it seems she still has a little of energy remaining.

The ring of the arm sounds, it’s an emergency alert regarding her vital.

(There’s breathing, so will she be okay in this state for a while?)

Since her energy is completely cut off and the effect of the oxygen capsule became limited, there’s a possibility that oxygen deficiency will immediately occur and die by suffocation.

… however, if there’s energy left, the effect should last to a certain extent.

In the meanwhile, as a result of thinking that someone would come to retrieve them, Emilia decided to contact Charlotte who is the easiest person and the best to explain.

– Charlotte, can you hear me?

『Yeah, I hear you』

– The prez was brainwashed by Serivia, it turned into something serious. I was able to manage somehow to suppress her. So now, the prez, Hayato and Erika-san have fainted…

『We already grasped the state of Queen-sama and Hayato-kun. Incidentally, Emilia——you used the power of the Variant——and full armament, didn’t you?』

– If I didn’t do that, I couldn’t have done anything.

『Well, I don’t have the intention to reproach you. Rather, I’d like to compliment that you could control it well』

– Really, I did it just barely… but a little more and I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Leaving that aside, come to get us fast. The remaining energy of the prez is already a very small amount and if the effect of the oxygen capsule expires, she’ll die. Even I’m staggering, so I think it’s the best if a person brings back Hayato who lost consciousness like the prez.

– In that case, it’s fine.

– Vice prez!?

– Why are you so surprised?

– Well, I was thinking that you were regaining your mind. When did you regain it?

– … a bit ago. I also saw your fight with Claire-sama. But, I couldn’t do anything to help…

– Vice prez…

– But, thank you for stopping Claire-sama.

Saying that, Erika approached Claire and carried her body.

– It’s my duty to protect Claire-sama at times like this. I will bring you back, Claire-sama, in a hundredth of a second and faster.

– … you say that, but the prez is worn-out too, isn’t she? In this state, you won’t last till Little Garden section.

– That, might be true but, both of us are like that, don’t you think?

– Well, I can’t object that.

『Both of you, feel at ease. We are already coming closer to pick you up』


Gathering their voices, they turned their gaze to their surroundings.

It was Emilia who found the one coming there first.

– It’s Nesat! And…

Emilia raised her voice, looking at the figure of Hayato held on the shoulder of Nesat, then began to run, kicking the ground.

– Hayato! Are you okay, Hayato!?

She got close to his side and called out to him, but there’s no reply.

Hayato is completely fainted.

– … Hayato…

Taking him away from Nesat, Emilia holds his body tightly.

Nesat was fixedly staring at their figures with a slightly sad expression on her face.

In the middle of that, Erika asks.

– By the way, why is Nesat here?

– Oh, um… when we finished our duties, and when consulting it with Mei Mei, I came to see the situation. Because we didn’t know the situation over here…

『As I was able to grasp the latest situation on the way, I told her about it and requested her the withdrawal of you』

– It was that kind of thing?

Erika understood, listening to the complement of Charlotte.

– In other words, Nesat is going to bring us back?

Nesat nodded and murmured, turning her line of sight above her head.

– Trace On.

It was a manta type flying device that golden particles overflowing from her eye created.

Looking that, Emilia raises a happy voice.

– Oh! It looks exactly like the one I always use!

– … I saved it when I saw it before.

– That’s how it is! Thank you, thank you very much for coming, Nesat!

– … not, at all…

– Then, let’s hop on, Hayato.

Emile gets on the flying device, carrying Hayato on her back.

Looking at them while embracing mixed feelings, Nesat departed towards Little Garden section, floating the flying device, carrying Erika who carried Claire on her back and Emilia who carried Hayato on her back.

– Hey, Fritz. Look that!

– Ah…

With the words of Latia, Fritz noticed that the brilliance of the ceremony venue is fading.

It looks like other Slayers who were outside also noticed it with the voice of Latia and the gazes and voices of other people who noticed it.

– It seems like those guys did it well, huh.

Those guys that Fritz mentions are of course Krovahn, Nakri and Nesat.

– Yup.

Latia nodded with a joyful expression.

Thereupon, the venue recovers the light.

– Oh, the electricity is back!

It appears that someone in there has restored it.

– Will we also get in and check the situation?

Saying that, Latia steps forward, and the wireless ring sounds.

It’s not an emergency call.

It’s just a call.

– Looks like it’s from Mei Mei.

Saying so, Fritz opened the communication line.

Following him, Latia also opens a communication line.

『Can you hear me, Fritz-san, Latia-san?』

– Yeah, we hear ya, What’s wrong?

It was Latia who replied.

『This is a status report to everyone』

Saying so with a cheerful voice, Mei Mei continues.

『I think you are aware of that already, but we finally regained about half of the control of the whole Lunaltia Base including the ceremony venue. However——』

– … however, what?

The color of anxiety shows on the expression of Latia due to the voice of Mei Mei that in a sudden transformation turned dark.

『Pope Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III is believed to be the mastermind of the incident and is currently missing——and the ones who went after her——Hayato-san, Emilia-san, President-san and Vice-president-san received serious injuries and withdrawn to Little Garden section』

– WHAT!?

– How bad are their serious injuries?

Fritz asked, following Latia that raised a surprised voice.

『President-san, Hayato-san and Emilia-san lost consciousness… It’s not something that will be harmful to their lives, but I think they can’t return to the front for some time』

– Those three only received that amount of injuries? No way, their opponent was the Pope?

Continuing, it’s Latia who inquired.

『Well, not directly, I think that’s how you can say it, but it doesn’t mean that it’s something like that』

– Not directly, huh? What do you mean with that? I don’t understand well the meaning of what you are saying, so can you tell me in detail?

『Err, apparently Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III has a certain ability to brainwash and control people. Because of that, the president was brainwashed…』

– Brainwashed? The Pope can do such a thing!?

『… However, it’s not like she can brainwash and control at ease everyone at all times. Besides, it’s a temporary and not a complete brainwashing based on direct contact——it seems that Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III must directly pour her Variant Virus』

– In other words, that means a kiss, huh…?

『That is correct』

Since they understood this and if they deal with her with multiple people, they’ll be able to prevent it.

That’s the idea of Dr. Charlotte and Mei Mei added another thing.

『Since you understood, there’s a request for the two of you. I would like you to go back to the location of the time machine at the laboratory of Bill Harvey』

– Is that where the Pope is aiming at?

『… yes. So, in that place we had security guards dispatched from Warlsan, but we suddenly couldn’t contact them. Therefore, I want you to go and see the situation』

They aren’t able to take images of the surveillance cameras, and the satellite isn’t under control of Little Garden.

It means that they don’t know at all what is going on right now.

– Thinking from that situation, the probability of the Pope or a companion of hers being there is high, or something along those lines.

『We think the same too』

– Mei Mei, can I say something?

Fritz cut into the conversation when the talk of Latia and Mei Mei reached a stopping place.

『… what is it?』

– I thought that the conversation ended midway with Krovahn and the girls, but why is the Pope after the time machine…?

『Well, that’s…』

『That’ll be explained by me』

It was Dr. Charlotte who cut in the communication from the side as Mei Mei showed a troubled expression due to what would be the best way to explain it.

『However, please don’t tell this to anyone yet, got it?』

You are reading story Hundred at

Her tone is more serious than usual.

With that much, Latia and Fritz nodded with tension.

– Yeah——

– Of course.

『If so, allow me to explain. We already have a clear reason. She, Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III, it’s an alien that came from a distant planet onto the Earth millions of years ago——moreover, her existence is like god itself of this world』

– Wha——

Latia is completely dumbfounded.

With an implausible look, Fritz asked back.

– … Dr. Charlotte, that’s not a joke, right?

『Even I find it unbelievable, but it looks like it’s the truth. I heard through the communication device talking she herself with Queen-sama and the glasses vice president, and I’ve found and examined the evidence materials as well』

Charlotte informs them that there are paintings of more than a thousand years ago that depicted the Pope which is the same appearance of the present Serivia.

『I’ll talk to you about the goal of the Pope based on what I mentioned. The time machine was completed by humans, so she can use it to return to the past——to her own planet』

Charlotte explained that the Pope has raised mankind over tens of thousands of years and that she handed out the Variant Virus to accelerate its speed.

– That’s, in other words, in case that a person who was handed over the Variant Virus directly from Serivia was one of our ancestors, then the reaction value of the Hundred of those descendants is high?

『There’s a high possibility that such a tendency is——just a tendency, after all. The higher your reaction value is, then the possibility is even higher』

Somehow, that doesn’t make them feel better.

Fritz thought so with honesty.

– Nevertheless, to think that the Pope was an alien…

The body of Latia shivers.

It looks like the excitement and the fear of the encounter with an unknown person are mixed.

– But, we won’t win fighting like we do, right? Even Hayato and the president suffered damage, didn’t they? Then what should we do?

『The strategy to beat her is currently under planning. After all, the operation is monitoring… although, depending on the situation, there’s a probability of fighting to keep her at bay』

『So, Latia-san, Fritz-san——and Aly-san and Wendy-san, the four of you who took action in an operation together,  please head to the laboratory of Bill Harvey, the company president of Warslan Company』

Following Charlotte, Mei Mei said.

– What, together with Wendy and Aly you say!?

Latia raises a voice in happiness.

『Yes! If we think about the moment, 4 people are better than 2——so we were thinking that it would be better for the members of the operation to be together. We have already obtained approval from the United States of Liberia and Al-Salaam Company, and so they were reported about it』

– It’s been a while since we acted together, Fritz-san, Latia-san.

It’s Wendy who came closer while saying so.

– … certainly, that’s right, huh…

While answering, Fritz recalls.

Their first encounter was at the time of the《Operation: Bird in Cage》around a year ago.

There, they fought together.

The second time was at the time of the Third Attack several months after that.

And so, this time will be the third time.

– I’ve heard the circumstances. I look forward to working with you.

– Yeah, me too.

– Yes!

Wendy nods towards Latia.

Continuing, Fritz calls out to Aly.

– We’ll be under your care too, Aly.

– … yeah, likewise.

After they shook each other’s hands.

The four of them started moving towards the laboratory of Bill Harvey.


Around 30 minutes have passed since Hayato and co. were brought to Little Garden section by Nesat.

Kisaragi Hayato dressed in his Variable Suit was in a room of Little Garden section.

Emilia is sleeping in a small room.

It’s one of the relief rooms, he’s sitting on a folding chair.

Hayato heard from Charlotte when he woke up in the next room about what happened while he was knocked down.

A battle between Emilia and the brainwashed Claire.

And after that concluded.

Emilia, along with Nesat who came there, and Erika who regained consciousness, carried him to this place——to Little Garden section.

However, Emilia collapsed almost at the same time they arrived at Little Garden section.

He heard from Charlotte that the reason is that she put into operation the ability of the Variant and the full armament.

This means that it’s Variant Virus’s fault.

Speaking of other things he heard, thanks to Krovahn, Nesat and Nakri, the Slayers of the ceremony venue were saved and released during the hour he was knocked down by Claire.

It’s only been 30 minutes since they came back to Little Garden section.

——nonetheless, a lot of things made progress during that time.

The biggest of those things is that Latia, Fritz, Aly and Wendy who were guarding the front of the ceremony venue headed to the laboratory of Bill Harvey where the time machine is, the supposed place that Serivia headed to——together with Liza.

Their primary objective is to destroy the time machine, preventing the goal of the Pope.

The second objective is to get back Liza.

The ultimate objective is the capture of the Pope.

Although they are four world-class Slayers, they aren’t Variants and the opponent is that Pope.

On top of that, they were told that the Pope isn’t human, it’s an alien.

It’s unbelievable, but that sort of story is real.

That being the case, aside from the first and second objective, it will be difficult to accomplish the ultimate objective.

There, Dr. Charlotte sent Nesat and Touka to that place just before Hayato woke up.

Touka, who doesn’t get attacks by energy and has no Variant Virus in her body, it’s thought that she will become the trump card to have the advantage on the fight with the Pope.

Hayato who heard such thought of Charlotte on the bed unexpectedly stood up,

– I’ll go too.

He declared.

– Everyone are fighting, putting their lives on the line and yet, I can’t just sleep in a place like this. So——

『Unfortunately I can’t authorize that. Certainly, you’ll be a great fighting power if you come out, but only if you are in a perfect condition. We don’t know what’ll happen hereafter. For the time being, leave it to your comrades and let your wounds to heal a bit here』

– … understood.

Hayato withdrew obediently.

As Charlotte says, it’s obvious that he should heal the wounds he received in the battle with Maruko and Luka and recover the depleted energy——and also the wounds he received with the blow of the attack of the brainwashed Claire.

Like the small room where Hayato was sleeping, the place where Emilia is sleeping now is also adjusted for indoor environments in such a way that the injuries and the energy of the Slayers are easy to recover.

There’s no doubt that being here is the best.

『… well then, till later. If there’s any change in Emilia or the situation changes, please call me. If there’s something from here, I’ll contact you form this communication device』

Saying so, Charlotte smiled with a grin.

『I forgot. There are no cameras installed in the room. So you can kiss or do whatever you like. If you do so, your recovery will speed up and your health will stabilize』

– Wh-what are you talking about, Dr. Charlotte! I’m not going to do such things!

『Hahahahaha, I’m joking, I’m joking. See you later』

Charlotte went out of the room while laughing pleasantly, looking at Hayato whose face was turning deep red and raised his voice.

Before long, he reached this moment.

(A kiss, huh…)

Remembering what Charlotte was talking about, Hayato turned his eyes to the sleeping Emilia.

Because he was told of kissing and the like, his line of sight is fixed to her lips.

He heard that the reason why Emilia collapsed was that she released the power of the Variant and used up her energy when fighting the brainwashed Claire.

In other words, it means that she’ll recover with a kiss.

(… ah, what am I thinking?)

Shaking his head, he decided to change his thoughts.

(Which reminds me, the president is sleeping in another room now…)

He’s concerned about the condition of her injuries, but he heard that Erika is at the side of the president. Although he feels that he wanted to go and see her condition, Hayato decided to stop, as he would be a hindrance if he goes.

Those aren’t large rooms, and if Emilia wakes up in the meanwhile, she’ll give him some words of complaint.

And if he leaves the side of Emilia, it’s because there are other things he should do.

(… after all, with what Charlotte-san told me, I should also go…)

That’s the conclusion of Hayato.

There’s no point in staying here, doing nothing.

He ended up feeling ridiculously conscious of Emilia and strange if he stays here, and he’s also worried about Fritz, Latia, Wendy, Aly, Touka and Nesat.

At any rate, the opponent is that Pope Serivia.

If he can be helpful, then he must be there.

Deciding so, Hayato stands up and tried to walk towards the door.

Then, on the direction of his back, the bed raised a creak.

He tries to turn around, then his arm is grabbed.

– ——Hayato.

That word reached his ears.

Looking back, Emilia was raising her upper body from the bed.

– Hayato, you woke up.

– That’s my line.

Saying so, Hayato shows a smile.

Hayato was happy that Emilia woke up and is safe above all.

– Certainly, we are of equal status in this regard.

After saying so and smiling sweetly.

Emilia tried to go down the bed.

– Hey, are you alright? Don’t push yourself.

– I’m, fine don’t worry, ah… uwaah!?

Unfortunately, she wasn’t exactly as she stated.

Emilia tried to go down from the bed and lost the balance of her body.

– Hey, you’re not okay at all, isn’t it…?

Catching the body of Emilia in his arms, Hayato said, exasperated.

She thinks from the bottom of her heart and is glad that he started moving, trying to help her.

– Ehehe, sorry…

Dyeing her cheeks feeling embarrassed, Emilia put out her tongue a little.

– To think that I completely exhausted my energy to this point…. It’s embarrassing…

Looks like Emilia is in a state where the Variant Virus is still activated.

Cold sweat runs on her forehead, her breathing is rough too.

– But, the opponent was the president who rampaged, correct? I heard that from Dr. Charlotte that you worked hard to calm her down.

– Ah…

Listening the words of Hayato, Emilia remembered and asked.

– … which reminds me, what about the prez?

– She’s still unconscious. But Dr. Charlotte said that it wasn’t a severe injury or something of that degree. Now Erika-san should be looking after her state at her side.

– … is, that so…

Emilia, who heard the explanation of Hayato, turned down her eyes and put a serious look.

Maybe she succumbed to the feelings of remorse because she overdid it?

If so, it maybe it would be better to change the topic.

「Hey, Emilia」「Say, Hayato」

Unexpectedly, their voices overlapped.

– Wh-what is it?

– …Hayato… what…?

– Well, it looked like you were tormenting yourself or something like that. I was trying to ask if you want something to drink. There was a vending machine outside, so I’ll go and buy one.

– No, there’s no need.

After she shook her neck to the left and right,

– More importantly, Hayato…

– Wh-what…?

Hayato makes his heart accelerate because Emilia was fixedly looking up at him with a flushed face.

– Won’t you… kiss me?

– Wha… what are you saying…

Dyeing his face bright red, Hayato raised his voice.

– Because it’s the best to do so to recover…

– Well, you could say so, but…

What crosses his mind are the words of Charlotte just before cutting the communication.

You can kiss or do whatever you like. If you do so, your recovery will speed up and your health will stabilize.

Or something like that.

It looks like she was losing her patience because Hayato continued faltering.

– If you don’t do so, then I’ll do it.

Saying so, Emilia approached Hayato.

– No, wait!

In a panic, Hayato kept back Emilia with both hands.

– Why are you refusing me?

– E-even I have to prepare my heart, you know!?

– Then, prepare it.

– Eh——

– If preparations can’t be done, then prepare it.

– If you tell me such a thing all of sudden…

… however, the situation is a situation.

He doesn’t know what’s happening now and what’s going to happen from now on. There’s no doubt that an early recovery of Emilia, the strongest fighting force, is an important matter.

Although Hayato himself exhausted his vital and energy, so the Variant Virus isn’t activated.

Therefore, there’s nothing wrong with the kissing itself.

(If it’s something that I can do, then should I do it?)

Also, Dr. Charlotte said that there’s no surveillance cameras.

In the end, there’s no problem to kiss.

– … f-fine.

Hayato declared, resolving himself.

– Hayato… is going to do it!

Making a cheerful expression in a flash, Emilia clung to Hayato all of a sudden.

– Hey, if you hug me like that, then I can’t kiss you…

– Oh, sorry…

Emilia raises her face, looking up at Hayato.

– You can kiss me with this, right?

Saying that, Emilia closes her eyes.

– Y-yeah…

Putting both hands on both shoulders of Emilia.

Hayato piled up his lips on the lips of Emilia.

– Hn… mmw, *kiss*, mmwh… *kiss*, mmw…

Tongue and tongue entwine, they continue a long kiss.

– Hnn…. Hayato… *kiss*, mmmwh, … hnn haaa…

Before long, their lips separated.

What meets the eyes of Hayato is the drawing thread between their lips and the appearance of Emilia who’s continuously breathing roughly beyond that.

– … Emilia…?

– … haaa, haaa…

Even if he calls out to her, the situation doesn’t change.

Moreover, she looks very excited.

(I feel that this situation is a little dangerous…)

Maybe she’s in a condition close to run wildly?

Even though he thought that she might calm down if they kissed, it appears that this ended up changing to the bad way.

Such a bad presentiment passed through the mind of Hayato.

– Say, Hayato…

– Hey, Emilia! Ah——

Out of nowhere, and pressing the switch, Emilia put the Variable Suit in a removable state.

– What are you doing…?

Panicking, Hayato took off his eyes.

It’s because the Variable Suit of Emilia that was hanging and covering the breasts, was being stripped off.

Because of that, the two jellylike swellings on the chest of Emilia were exposed.

Those were faintly reflected on the sidelong glance of Hayato.

– Hey, Hayato…. let’s do more.

Saying so, she pulls him, grabbing his arm.

– Let’s do more? What are you saying… hmm…?

Then, when he looked at her, the eyes of Emilia were dyed in golden color.

(This, after all, she’s running wildly…)

He recalled when he went to the parent’s house of the president.

At that time, it was really difficult to suppress it.

(Nevertheless, for Emilia to be in a state like this is…)

The battle with the president was probably difficult to that extent.

(Hmm, this is not the time to think about that. For now, I must do something with this situation…)

… but, what should he do?

– Hey, Hayato… are you, looking at me properly…?

– No, I’m not looking at you!

Hayato said, taking off his line of sight again.

– Why aren’t you looking at me!?

– Because that’s impossible!

– If so, hug me. If not, I’ll push you down.

– What, push me down…?

If he’s pushed down in this state, he doesn’t know what’ll happen.

– If so, hug me!

Emilia said strongly again.

– … o-okay…

It’s better than being pushed down.

(Besides, if I’m hugging her, I won’t be able to see her boobs)

Thinking so, when hugging her, there was a problem with this.

He felt a soft sensation on his chest.

Even if he doesn’t see them, it can’t be said that he’s not conscious about them.

Or rather, he’s way too conscious.

(Something stiff is touching me…)

It looks like those are sitting on the breasts of Emilia.

*Gulp*, Hayato swallowed saliva.

The more he becomes conscious, the more his thing ends up becoming stiff.

(Calm down, Kisaragi Hayato…)

Hayato tells himself so.

Calming Emilia is the priority now.

If they keep like this for a while, Emilia will calm down.

He thought so, but it didn’t happen.

Like Hayato, Emilia was also excited about this situation.

– Hayato… are you getting big?

– Huh?

– I noticed. Because it’s hitting me.

– No, that, ah…

– I can’t endure it anymore…

– WHA!?

Emilia started to move all of a sudden and pushed the body of Hayato down to the bed.

With that, Hayato receives an impact on his back.

– Hey, Emilia… more than this and…

Hanging over the fallen Hayato, Emilia brings her face closer.

Her pupils were stained in golden color.

Looks like Hayato ends up swallowing deeply with those eyes.

The distance between face and face was around 10 centimeters.

At that time.

– I’d like to hear in detail when you went to the house of the prez.

– …what?

– … how far did you go with the prez?

– Well, that’s…

– Why are you hesitating to say it? You can’t talk about that with me?

– No, well… or rather, you are strange. Calm down.

– Talk… if you don’t——

– … ah!

Emilia pinched and raised his right breast, Hayato raised his voice unexpectedly.

– Hayato, speak.

– Why, such a thing, so suddenly…

– I felt it. While fighting the prez——the energy of Hayato from inside her…

– Ah…

At the same time as he hears the words of Emilia.

The night of the day when he visited the mansion of Claire passed through his mind.

Like the current Emilia, the eyes of Claire were dyed in golden color——.

– … it was that kind of thing, huh. Okay. Since I’m going to talk, then first of all, calm down. Also, hide your chest properly.

This is bad for the president, but it can’t be helped.

If he doesn’t speak, the Emilia in her current state won’t calm down and won’t back down.

– … really? If I calm down, you’ll speak?

– It’s true! Now, your breasts!

– Got it.

Emilia smiled nimbly.

Hayato felt relieved, seeing that her eyes regained their original color.

– Then, speak.

Emilia said so and properly wears her Variable Suit and sat down on the bed.

Sitting next to him, while remembering, Hayato starts talking.

– Well… there were a lot of tricks of Liza, resulting in me sleeping with the president. And then, the chairman became in a running wild state like you just now… and then, we kissed…

– Did you perhaps… do it…?

The expression of Emilia stiffens, and her pupils released a strong golden light.

– No, we didn’t do it!

Hayato answers, shaking his head.

– I see, I’m glad.

Emilia showed a smile as if she was relieved from the bottom of her heart, then piled up her lips on the lips of Hayato, returning her eyes to their original color.


It’s a light touch kiss.

– … say, Hayato.

– W-what…?

– That means that I’m still the first of Hayato——can I be your first?

– No, hey, what are you really saying——ah, hey…!

– Hayato, I*——accept me*——and take me, Hayato.

– Uwaah!?

Emilia pushed down Hayato again and whispered in his ear.

– I love you… Hayato…

After Emilia kissed his cheek.

Their lips were united once again by Emilia.

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