
Chapter 78: Volume 12 - CH 3

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At that time, Krovahn and co. were heading to the underground control room in the common section of Lunaltia Base.

– Ah, Krovahn, over there!

Stopping her feet, Nakri shouted.

Ahead of their line of sight are many believers of Puritaria having weapons at the ready——like swords, spears and guns. Everyone, the 20 or so of them, are Slayers.

– … these mere guards are tough as Mei Mei says and it looks they are controlling the venue from here…

– The control room should be in the back.

It’s Nesat who said so.

She’s confirming it with the map projected on her eye.

– Alright then, shall we go through in one go?

Saying so, Krovahn deployed his Crusher type Hundred——Orthros Liberio. Subsequently, Nakri also deployed her Dancer type Hundred Duo Varga.

And Nesat opens the eyepatch, a golden eye is behind that——with her Trace type Hundred, Truth Eye, she takes a glance to Krovahn’s Orthros Liberio——.


Simultaneously with those words, golden particles begin to overflow from the eye, forming a twin sword similar to Orthros Liberio.

And when Nesat picks it up.

The believers were closing in all at once.

– ‘kay then, shall we go——?

Krovahn, who took a step forward, swung downward Orthros Liberio loaded with energy.

– Eat this!

Several believers are immediately blown away to the back by the blade of golden energy that was released.

– Nee-chan! Nakri! You go first, I’ll be warding off all these guys!

– Okay!

– Got it!

Nakri and Nesat, who answered one after another, began to run following the order of Krovahn.

– Yaah! Haa!

– Haaaa——!

Nakri is using two rings——.

Nesat, using the twin sword, mows down 1 person, then 2 persons who are in front of their eyes attacking them with an ax and a sword, and heads towards the control room which is ahead.

Nesat is the one leading the way.

– Krovahn, Nakri! This way!

– Ok!

As they follow the lead of Nesat, they immediately reached the control room.

There was a woman of thin eyes who wore a white cape like a habit on her body and who holds a big harp in her hands.

– You are…

Stopping his feet, Krovahn mutters.

It was because they remembered that woman.

Continuing, Nakri stopped her feet like Krovahn did and said.

– If I remember correctly, she participated at the World Martial Arts Tournament——

– … Johanne…

Stopping her feet like they did, it’s Nesat who said so at the end.

On the eye behind the eyepatch, she’s projecting her personal data.

The woman of thin eyes whose name was called answered, making sound the harp that she’s holding in her hand.

– Yes, I am Johanne… one of the four apostles led by Serivia-sama—and now that you mention it, you participated at the World Martial Arts Tournament——

– That’s right. So, we aren’t going to introduce ourselves, we don’t care about it——

Krovahn declares, readying Orthros Liberio on his shoulder.

– The machine that is behind you is the device that controls Lunaltia Base, isn’t it?

It was Nakri who raised her voice after him.

She says so readying Duo Varga.

– If we destroy it, that’ll stop stealing energy from the Slayers at the ceremony venue, right?

However, Johanne doesn’t reply to that question.

– It’s fine if you don’t answer. Because we’ll destroy it anyways!

Shouting, Nakri threw Duo Varga that was in her hands.

Then, by sighing, Johanne started to play music notes, strumming with her fingers the strings of her Bard type Hundred——《Angel’s Harp》Johanne’s Harp.

Thereupon, a barrier appeared before the eyes of Johanne and the two rings flipped.

– … come to think of it, you fought with that strange weapon.

– That is correct. It’s a beautiful timbre, don’t you think?

Johanne smiled with a grin and played notes, strumming the cords with her fingers again.

Looking at Krovahn and co. who put themselves on guard as to what is going to happen, Johanne smiled.

– Ufufu, I just played some notes normally. But, as you have thought, I can do various things with the timbre and songs that I play. But it’s not easy to play a musical instrument like this. Of course, I sing songs too.

Saying so, Johanne turned her line of sight towards Nesat, strumming with her fingers the strings once again.

– … so, even if you duplicate this Hundred, you won’t be able to play it proficiently, don’t you agree?

– …

With those words, Nesat understood that she was comprehending her special characteristics.

Besides, she’s indeed right.

Even in the lessons of Little Garden, there was no harp practice as one would expect.

Even if she copies it, she doesn’t feel that she can handle it properly.


– It doesn’t matter, there’s no need to duplicate——such a thing!!

Opening the eyepatch, Nesat shouted.


What she duplicated is the twin sword that resembled Orthros Liberio of Krovahn.

(If I load this with energy, then I should break the barrier into pieces …!)

And then, she can just knock off the harp from her hands as she is.

Kicking the ground, Nesat attacks Johanne.

– Nakri, we’ll go on too!

– Yeah!

Following Nesat, Krovahn and Nakri tried to attack Johanne. Johanne strummed a cord of Johanne’s Harp.

Then that timbre turned into a wave and attacked them.

– Guah!

– Uuh!

– Kyaah!

Krovahn, Nakri and Nesat, those three, were blown away by the sound wave.

– … shit!

Krovahn fell on his backside on the floor, then tries to get up as he picks up Orthros Liberio that fell from his hand while spitting out a swear.

Thereupon, Johanne touched Johanne’s Harp.

What flowed out is different from before.

It wasn’t just a sound, it was a proper melody.

In line with that, Johanne began to sing.

It was just like a concert.

A voice calls out to Krovahn who knits his brows as if saying what the hell is she planning?

– Krovahn, behind us!

It’s the voice of Nesat.

– Huh…?

What was there when looking back were the believers of the Holy Church that should have been defeated.

They raised the maces overhead, turning towards Krovahn.

– Uooh!!

Krovahn dodged that, rolling rapidly.

There’s a lot of believers in the surroundings now and they noticed that they are being surrounded.

The followers approach the position of Krovahn and the others while swaying their bodies to the left and right in an eerie way.

– What the hell, these guys…!

– They are almost like zombies…

Following Krovahn who said so, Nakri put out her tongue in disgust.

She said zombies because their eyes don’t feel alive.

However, there’s something like murderous intent.

Each of the weapons they held swooped down on Krovahn, Nakri and Nesat.

– … agh!

This time, with Orthros Liberio, Krovahn repelled the blow of the mace and said while pushing it back.

– Really, what the hell is this kind of thing!?

– … they are being manipulated…

It was Nesat who said so as if muttering.

Nesat responds to the attacks of the believers with the twin sword, turning her gaze to Johanne’s Harp that is in the hand of Johanne.

– I think the song and music of that woman are the cause of this, probably.

That voice seems to have reached Johanne.

– Ufuh, ufufuh, ahahahahah! That’s correct.

Looking at the bewildered Nesat and the others, Johanne gave a loud voice and laughed.

– Those people, even if they fall and fall again, they will continue to rise until they kill you. Until my song and my music stop. Ahahahah, ahahahahahah!

Claire and Erika——.

And then, Hayato and Emilia who were running inside the grounds of Puritaria towards the hidden passage where the 《Central Room》is and where Serivia and Liza seemed to be.

The two of them stopped their feet almost at the same time.

It’s because they caught the figure of a woman walking from the front.

– President Claire!

Hayato stepped forward towards Claire.

Claire, who’s walking slowly towards Hayato and Emilia, isn’t different when they parted.

Deploying her own Dragoon type Hundred Alisterion, she covered with thick armor her body.

– Wait, Hayato. Something’s wrong.

Grabbing the arm of Hayato, Emilia said.

– Wrong, you say…?

Hayato stopped his feet and turns his eyes to Claire.

What met his eyes behind her was the appearance of Erika as she ran.

She gave a loud voice.

– Kisaragi Hayato, Emilia Hermit!

When looking closely, Erika isn’t armed, unlike Claire.

However, her body is full of bruises.

Her glasses got cracked as well, and her body staggered too.

– Erika-san, what happened!?

As soon as Hayato instinctively called out her, Erika lost the balance of her body and ended up falling to the ground. Still, she raised her face and shouted to Hayato and Emilia.

– Both of you, run away! Claire-sama is, now——

– Silence.

Claire turned her arm to the back and fired, she emitted a shock wave to Erika.

– Kyaah!?

– Vice prez!

Erika, who bounce backwards and rolled over the sandy ground of the moon, didn’t answer the call of Emilia.

She can’t move, she’s in a facing down state.

– President, what are you!!

– Shut up desuwayo.

– Huh?

What met the eyes of Hayato who gave a step forward in the direction of Claire are the eyes of Claire that shine in golden color.

Immediately after that, the body of Hayato was blown away with a force that opens a number of holes in the walls inside the grounds of the Holy Church.

– Hayato!

Emilia screams, but there’s no reply from Hayato.

Emilia couldn’t confirm his condition from her actual position.

She wanted to check his state right away, but she can’t move imprudently.

Because if she looks back, she doesn’t know what will be done by Claire.

(Although I’m considerably exhausted because of the fight with Maruko and Luka, if it’s an attack of that degree, I think I’ll be okay… but still…)

Emilia shouted, glaring at the front of Claire with sharp eyes.

– Not only the vice prez, but even Hayato——why are you doing this!?

– Because they were a hindrance desuwa.

– … a hindrance? wha——

At that time, Emilia finally noticed.

The eyes of Claire are dyed in golden color.

– Prez, by any chance, were you brainwashed by the Pope and became strange?

– Brainwashed? What are you saying masuno? I just wanted to talk with you desuwayo, Emilia Hermit.

Saying so, Claire smiled with a grin.

At that time, the Earth was in the middle of a mess.

The ceremony of the space advancement of mankind——.

As a matter of course, Judal Harvey, the representative of Lunaltia Base Cooperative System, was suddenly attacked by a mysterious woman during his speech and the video was interrupted.

The chaos wasn’t different even inside Little Garden that anchored in a place a little away from the harbor of the Sunshine State district in the United States of Liberia.

At any rate, the one who was also attacked is the company president of Warslan, the operating company of the school to which they belong to.

Including the anxiety about what’s going to happen, it’s unavoidable that commotion is spreading.

– This has really become a problem…

It was Charlotte who was in her lab inside Little Garden who said so amazedly.

What is displayed on the screen is something like a dubious document that was sent to countries and organizations around the world.

There’s a site on the net in which the same sentences as those written on it are found, and it’s said that it’s spread in various places.

Those contents are:

——Currently, the moon base is under control.

——If they launch an attack or anything like that from the surface, immediately use satellite weapons and make them commence an attack on the surface.

And something like that.

(No no! “Satellite weapons”…)

Of course, there are reasons why Charlotte had an unexpected wry smile.

The idea of placing those laser weapons on the few satellites that float around Lunaltia Base was already proposed at the meeting of Lunaltia Base Cooperative System, thinking of them as anti-Savage forces above all.

It was cheaper than launching from the ground, it was easy to do and one of the reasons is because its feasibility is high.

In some cases, however, the satellites can attack the ground as much as they want, that’s why many countries opposed it at the UN and so it wasn’t put into practice by Lunaltia Base Cooperative System.

However, that writing had a link to a certain video.

It’s called the〘Hammer of God〙.

(Somehow, I have a bad feeling…)

Clicking on the link while feeling that uneasiness, a video is played where a beam of light comes down from the sky and crashes into the ground——.

The video that shows the destruction of a base that was underground was played.

(Hahaha…. With this, rather than being used as anti-Savages, isn’t this perfect as a ground attack weapon?)

It’s a beam attack with considerable power.

Whether it was actually fired from a satellite attack weapon or not, she didn’t understand it properly since the video is blurred.

She can’t discard the possibility that it’s from energy or it’s an edited video.

(… actually, if those shoot, can the current Little Garden stand against them?)

Without thinking, Charlotte makes a bitter smile.

Liza isn’t in Little Garden now.

(It may be better to raise the strength of the top glass for a while, right?)

The barrier of the top glass uses a lot of energy.

As a result, the strength was considerably lowered, but just in case, Charlotte decided to return it to its original state.

The next thing to do is to investigate the location of the base destroyed by the beam.

If that place really exists, there might be eyewitness information or something. Considering so, when checking the internet, there was a lot of eyewitness information and possible places where that was done.

There are also clips of beams and photographs of the “actual place”.

There were fakes of course, but there were also many authentic ones.

By collecting this information and making calculations from a positional relation, it was possible to estimate the place that was attacked in a matter of seconds, and it wasn’t difficult for Charlotte to infer which artificial satellite fired the beam.

It quickly became clear that the satellite was one of the launched from Lunaltia Base as a communicator to Puritaria which is on the surface.

(After all, it’s Puritaria, isn’t it…?)

Speaking of what is expected, the development is as expected.

There is more than a dozen of satellites that Holy Church has launched from Lunaltia Base.

If all of them become attack weapons, the entire earth will be targeted——nonstop.

(It’d be nice to destroy all the satellite weapon attacks at the same time, or to take control of them at once, but that doesn’t seem to be easy…)

At any rate, since they are still deprived of the control of Lunaltia Base, that problem comes before the satellites.

Next, Charlotte decided to contact Shuemei who’s in the Strategy Analysis room.

Speaking of why Shuemei is in the Strategy Analysis room, Charlotte asked her for monitoring and communications as a person who can protect those——she’s a person who can convey confidential conversations.

Based on her experience so far, and by thinking about it, if it’s her, then she can play that role.

– Shuemei, what’s the situation? Has something progressed?

『No, nothing yet! All of the students of the Intelligence Department are beginning the analysis to try regaining control, but the present condition is uncertain!』

– I see…

That’s inconvenient, right——.

After she muttered a small voice, Charlotte continued.

– In any case, there’s no other way but to regain the privilege of the control of Lunaltia Base. Cooperate with Mei Mei and Chris who are on the moon and do your best with your body and soul.

『Yes』and just when Shuemei replied.

The 《emergency alarm》sounded abruptly.

Looking at the monitor, Charlotte spontaneously raised her voice.


It’s Shuemei who raised her voice in succession.

『A direct hit comes!』

After the sky shone furiously for an instant.

A big tremor hit Little Garden.

– Haha, to think they attacked here.

It’s definitely an attack from a satellite weapon.

Charlotte was understanding so.

– I’m truly glad for increasing the strength of the top glass.

There was a voice hanging on Charlotte who muttered so.

『This seems to be a very bothersome situation, huh?』

When looking, the figure of Vitaly was displayed on one of her available monitors.

She herself appeared.

Charlotte replied to Vitaly.

– I know. If we don’t regain control quickly, Little Garden might be attacked again.

It’s a threat now.

Charlotte was thinking about the possibility that the crucial moment might be the next.

However, she didn’t intend to yield.

Besides, it should be necessary to have time to accumulate energy before it fires the next beam.

(In the meantime, I hope we can manage somehow)

Charlotte knew that this was no more than an idealistic though after all.

As if natural, Vitaly points out that.

『… but you can’t get regain control so easily, hmm? Breaking through that security wall isn’t that easy. It’s possible that it’ll take at least half a day ——even several days, you know?』

– Cutting into the conversation like that, does that mean that you have a plan or something?

『… speaking of a plan, there might be a plan, yeah. However, it’s a desperate one』

– What do you mean?

『This is what I mean』

– Wha——

Three of the symbols on the monitor displayed in front of her changed from red to green.

Red indicates an out of control state and green indicates a controllable state.

In other words, it means that they have regained the control of three of them in an instant.

Charlotte asks while showing an astonished look on her face.

– What on earth did you do?

『As you can see. I got over the barrier and grabbed control』

– However, that’s too fast. Such a thing isn’t that simple.

『Yes, of course』

Charlotte noticed that the color of fatigue can be seen on the expression of Vitaly who answered so.

Then, an alert sounded.

It’s because her brain monitoring values are showing abnormal values.

With that, Charlotte is convinced.

– Vitaly… don’t tell me that you…

『As you guessed, I used almost all the parts of my brain. In that situation, it’s this much easy. Anyhow, it’s because of the brain of a genius』

– That is, you did brain computing, am I right?

『… that’s right』

In other words, the brain directly connected to the computer was fully utilized as a computing device and regained control.

Charlotte said, with a perplexed expression.

– … if you do such a thing, then won’t your brain burn off? It’s even possible that you’ll die.

『There’s no lingering affection in this world without my beloved Judal. Besides, because I kind of died once. I’m not afraid of death. Besides, if I did this was because I just wanted to protect his sisters and Lunaltia Base that he left behind』

– Risking your life, this means you are taking sides with justice…

『Taking sides with justice? Don’t say stupid things. I was just trying to do as I like. Therefore, I’m not showing signs of accepting your orders』

– … Vitaly…


– You are already a wonderful member of Little Garden, you know.

『Those words, I wanted to hear them from the mouth of Judal』

Vitaly on the monitor continued her words, dropping a smile in self-deprecation.

『Now, let’s try concentrating a little』

Along with those words, the figure of Vitaly disappeared from the monitor.

Then the reds on the screen change to green one after another.

It was proof that they were regaining one by one the control of Lunaltia Base.

– What do we do with these guys? If we don’t cut their bodies right in half, they don’t look like they’ll stop.

While forcing back the attacking believers with Duo Varga, Nakri raised her voice as if she was troubled.

– Fuck! If it has become to this, we have no choice but to do it, right!?

Although they are enemies, they are just being manipulated, after all.

The want to avoid killing as much as possible, but since there’s no other way, Krovahn tried to prepare himself for the worst.

– There’s a way——to stop them.

It’s Nesat who affirmed so.

Her eyes are gazing at the musical instrument that Johanne has in her arm——her Hundred Johanne’s Harp.

– I think that the believers are moving with the sound of that harp.

That song should be just a support to it.

– Ugh, as if she was like a Necromancer…

Nakri muttered with an expression like biting a bug.

After her, Krovahn said.

– … in short, by stopping that sound and song, those guys will stop moving, huh. If so, Nakri.

– Yup, I got it! Haaa!

After Nakri knocked down the surrounding believers, she saw a gap and threw Duo Varga towards the harp of Johanne.

The distance is 100 meters approximately.

The two weapons approach rapidly.

… however, Johanne isn’t showing an agitated look.

On the contrary, she stopped her hand for a moment and smiled, then strummed the strings of the harp with her fingers again.

And then, a wide area barrier is deployed to wrap her body and sends Duo Varga flying.

– Damn, that being the case——

Krovahn, who thought it was a direct attack, accelerated using energy——and tried to assault with Orthros Liberio, approaching Johanne.

When Johanne strums the strings again, the body of Krovahn suddenly stopped in the air.

– … wha, what’s this?

– Ufufu.

While laughing scornfully, Johanne strums the string with her fingers once again.

Thereupon, waves of energy are released from her body and end up sending the body of Krovahn flying.

The body of Krovahn hits the wall.

– Shit, how am I unable to get near her!?

Saying that, the opened eyes of Johanne shine in golden color, she began to play a different melody than before.

Going along with it, Johanne begins to sing.

And then——.

– Wha…

– What, is this…?

The feet of Krovahn and Nakri have stopped moving.

– … kuh… me too…

Apparently, that was the same for Nesat.

– Dammit, move!

Shouts Krovahn.

He tries to move, putting strength into his whole body, but he doesn’t move.

During such thing.

– Kyaaah!

The shriek of Nakri went up.

– Hey, what’s wrong!?

Because she wasn’t in his line of sight, he doesn’t know what happened.

Because of that, Krovahn could only shout.

– Hey, Nakri!

– Hyaah! Aaah!

Then again, he heard screams.

Receiving a direct hit of a believer’s swung mace, Nakri fell on the floor.

Other believers continue to swing their maces, aiming at Nakri.

However, Krovahn doesn’t understand the situation.

– Hey, what are you doing!? Stop!

Still, the believers didn’t stop their hands.

Johanne never stopped singing or playing.

– Aaah! Uaah!

Nakri continues screaming as she’s kicked and beaten with weapons over and over again.

(Shit, it can’t be helped if this continues!)

As things are, it’s unlikely that they can get in touch with Mei Mei.

Even Nesat seems to be the same.

(… if it’s the me of now, then I shouldn’t rampage)

He’s sure that he can control the ability of the Variant.

Believing so, Krovahn decided to release the strength of the Variant.

– Uoooooooooooooooo!!

Simultaneously with the yell.

The pair of eyes of Krovahn dye in golden color.

– … Krovahn…

Immediately after Nesat turned worried eyes towards Krovahn.

– Ufufu, doing such a thing is useless, you know.

Stopping the song, Johanne said.

– In the first place, my songs and melodies are things that influence your Variant Virus. The more you manifest your strength, the stronger the power of my music becomes.

– Guuh… uuh, dammiiit…!

Looking at Krovahn who shows a vexing look, Johanne lifts the corners of her mouth to provoke him.

– Fufufu, you want to save her, correct? In that case, be my slave.

You are reading story Hundred at

Saying so, and at the same time as her eyes shine.

– Wha——

The melody played by Johanne changed again.

Going along with it, Johanne begins to sing.

Then, the arms of Krovahn started to rise arbitrarily.

– What the…?

It’s not just Krovahn.

Nesat goes through the same.

– No way, she’s manipulating…?

– Ufufu, that’s right.

Stopping the song, Johanne answers.

– Devote yourself completely to me. Then you two and that girl too will be saved. If you don’t, then that girl will die.

– Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuーーーck!

If he loses focus, not only his body, but also his consciousness will be taken for real.

If that happens, then hell’ become a puppet of Johanne like the surrounding believers.

That’s the same for Nesat.

(… what’s the right thing to do?)

Should I do this rather than let Nakri be killed like this?

The moment went such thought passed through the mind of Nesat.

A dense-like sound sounded in that place.

(… what, was that just now…?)

It wasn’t the sound of an explosion.

It’s a big noise.

Nesat isn’t the only one who had her attention attracted to that sound.

Johanne also stopped the music and the song, looking around the room with a dumbfounded appearance.

Her eyes are thin again and regain their original color.

The next thing they heard was music.

At first, it’s a small sound, but the volume gradually increases and gets louder.

– … is this…

Nesat is amazed due to that sudden thing.

Staring in wonder like her, Krovahn mutters.

– Kirishima Sakura and Kisaragi Karen… right?

– Yup…

Nesat nodded.

There’s no doubt that Kirishima Sakura and Kisaragi Karen were singing a song at the ceremony of the space advancement of mankind and was being heard now.

It’s the same song they were listening while guarding.

– Moreover, the body…

Following Nesat who said so, and unlike a while ago, his body was free to move.

– Yeah——if it’s like this, then I can defeat her!

Krovahn glares at Johanne.

– What the, why is this…

Johanne was showing an upset look.

The song as well as the fingers playing the strings of the harp stopped, and of course, the movement of the believers was also stopping.

The voice of a woman that covers that song is heard.

『Can you hear me, everyone!?』

– This voice is…

– … Mei Mei…?

Following Krovahn who raised his voice, Nesat muttered.

『That’s right, it’s Mei Mei!』

Unlike the song that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, that voice comes from the receiver attached to the Variable Suit.

Krovahn asks.

– This song, did you do it?

『It wasn’t just me. It’s the effort of Dr. Charlotte and everyone of Little Garden!』

It was the voice of Charlotte on Earth that came after Mei Mei.

『Sorry for the late. Although I was grasping the main situation, it took a while to regain control of the system of Lunaltia Base and steal it from Puritaria——but, with this, the song and the effect of the harp should be suppressed to the minimum』

– … that’s right. In short, that music is crushed by the other music.

『Something like that』

Krovahn who heard that reply gazed at Johanne one more time, showing a smile with a grin.

– That saved us. I guess this wouldn’t happen in a tournament or the like, but in this situation, anything goes. Let’s go, Nee-chan!

– Got it——TRACE ON!

Nesat creates a floating battery with Truth Eye and shot continuous beams from there.

– Kuh…

Johanne dodged them with hair’s breadth jumps and after she landed, she touches Johanne’s Harp again.

It’s Krovahn who approaches there.

– … I am not going to lose in a place like this.

The eyes of Johanne are widely opened and got dyed in golden color.

At the same time, the strong feelings of Johanne flowed into Krovahn.

(This is…)

That’s her——.

It was a memory when Johanne was 12 years old.

– Millis, come over here.

– Yes.

It appears that the real name of Johanne seems to be Millis.

Millis liked to listen to music.

Eventually, she came to like singing songs and playing instruments.

Especially her favorite instrument, the harp, which was her grandmother’s specialty.

Millis took lessons in harp with her grandmother and started to strum it quickly.

And Millis was frequently singing songs while doing musical performances.

Even after her grandmother died, she always——.

The holidays where her father is at home——.

When she was singing and doing musical performances in her room, he ended up getting mad because she was noisy, especially when he was doing remaining work at home, so she went outside in days like that, singing while doing musical performances.

Her audience is empty.

Her songs and performances weren’t that good.

It was Serivia who was on a pleasure trip in various countries as an executive of the Holy Church at that time who happened to pass by chance there.

Serivia, who heard by chance the song of Millis, stopped her feet on the spot and didn’t move from that place until the songs were over.

And then, at the same time as the songs are over.

– Your songs had an immense effect in my body.

Smiling sweetly, Serivia said.

– What is your name?

– It’s Millis…

– I see… Millis, if you like, would you please sing at my place next time?

Then Serivia told her that she’s an executive of Puritaria.

Several days later.

Visiting the church of the Holy Church, Millis sang in front of Serivia again.

It’s a hymn what she sang.

It’s what she thought of to delight Serivia.

After the song was over.

Serivia said with a satisfying smile.

– Millis. Your songs are really the best. I wonder, would you work here, if you like?

That is, to become a musician of the Holy Church.

– Of course!

Deep down her, she was considering that it would be great to do music all the time.

In fact, it came true like this so quickly.

It’s inevitable for Millis to be happy.

– I will do my best for you!

Doing her best for the person who said to her that her songs and musical performances are the best.

Millis thought so from the bottom of her heart.

The father and mother of Millis didn’t think that the musical performances and the songs of their daughter were that good.

They were that much surprised, and regarding that invitation, of course they didn’t oppose to it.

Because they were believers of the Holy Church.

They were pleased to that extent that it was a great joy for them that their daughter could become an employed musician of Puritaria.

After becoming a musician of the Holy Church.

Millis sang songs while performing with the harp at meetings and the like.

At first it wasn’t that much, but as she gradually sang, people started to gather.

Among them, there were people so moved that shed tears.

She moved people who weren’t believers that ended up becoming believers.

Millis had grown to the point she was praised extravagantly by the miracle musicians in the Puritaria headquarters.

– Today was very good too.

As soon as the meeting ended, Serivia said so and kissed the forehead of Millis.

– In that case, a reward.

She sang. She performed.

As she continued and continued further, her ability went up.

People are fascinated by the songs and music of Millis.

It was as if looked like brainwashing.

It was very pleasant and satisfying to Millis.

(More, more, I want to fascinate a lot of people with my music)

When will that day be? She was thinking so.

That day came when a couple of years have passed since Millis became a musician of Puritaria

The eyes of Millis who’s playing the harp were shining in golden color.

The mouth of Serivia who was watching that figure moved.

——Finally, the time has come.

Thereupon, Krovahn came to notice.

(I see, this is, that kind of thing…!)

That reminds him of the song of Kirishima Sakura.

Kirishima Sakura was transformed into an artificial Variant by Vitaly, and because of that song, he heard that she can have an influence on the Variant Virus.

The same thing happens right now.

In other words, Millis was given little by little the Variant Virus from Serivia with kisses on the forehead, increasing her ability as a Variant.

That’s until a certain day.

All of a sudden, Serivia asked Millis.

– Why do your songs attract lots of people? Do you know the reason?

– Eh…?

Before the sudden question, Millis stares in wonder.

That would be natural as well.

It was because she never thought she would be asking such question.

– That’s because my songs touch the heart of the people——

– Your songs are certainly beautiful. However, originally it wasn’t possible for you to attract so many people to this extent.

Serivia said so, interrupting the words of Millis.

– Please wait, Serivia-sama. What are you saying…?

Naturally, Millis was feeling shaken.

Mercilessly there, Serivia tells the truth.

– Millis, your songs can attract a lot of people because you own the《Miraculous Power》and not because you are a musician. And, is this me who gave you the 《Miraculous Power》.

Saying so, Serivia kissed the forehead of the dumbfounded Millis.

– By giving favor to you in this way, my《Miraculous Power》was spread to you. Through that power, you mesmerized many people.

– In other words, if I don’t receive that《Miraculous Power》, then I can’t attract a lot of people with my songs and performances? Is that what Serivia-sama wants to say?

– Yes, I guess it’s impossible now.

– That sort of thing——.

Can’t be, is what she wanted to say.

Because she also had pride.

So, Millis decided.

– If so, then please let me try it.

Telling her thanks to the person she was indebted up to now, Millis decided to leave from the Puritaria headquarters on that day.

While touring around the country, she sang songs, she became a minstrel.

When she sang, a lot of people gathered.

Some people were deeply moved and shed tears.

However, one month, two months, three months, four months, as times goes forward, the reaction gets worse.

When Millis sang, even at the big square of the castle town that was crowded, the audience was becoming sparse now.

(Is this reality? Without the miraculous power, is this what I am?)

When the audience disappeared, she covers her face that is with too much despair with both hands, then began to shed tears.

A woman approaches here.

– … how unsightly.

It was Serivia who said so, standing in front of Millis.

– But, I said it, right? “The power of your songs is because of the miraculous power”.

– Serivia-sama…

Serivia kisses the forehead of Millis who raised her head.

And then, she gently started talking to her.

– If you want to be in the limelight again, then come back to me. If you do that, then I’ll give you the miraculous power again.

– … Serivia-sama.

– Instead, you are going to listen to what I say from now on… do you agree?

The eyes of Serivia who asked so were dyed in golden color.

Millis nodded after staring absent mindedly at the eyes for a few seconds.

– … yes.

– Then, from this day onwards you are Johanne.

– Johanne.

– Yes, Johanne…. You will serve me as one of the big four of Pope Serivia as Johanne… understood?

Johanne answered, nodding again to that question.

『I already have no choice but to continue receiving the favor and follow the orders of Serivia-sama! 』

『If I don’t do so, then I will feel despair like that day!』

『That’s why, I cannot afford to lose…!』

He can hear the voice of her heart.

(She’s completely brainwashed, huh)

It doesn’t matter he says, he won’t be able to persuade her.

Therefore, he has to defeat her.

– I don’t know what you heard, but even if you protect her here, Serivia’s going to disappear before you no matter what, you know.

The accelerated Krovahn instantly approached Johanne and slashed at her with Orthros Liberio before she touched the instrument.

With that, the body of Johanne is blown away to the wall.

– Kuah!

Thereupon, Johanne ended up losing consciousness.

– It looks like it ended with this.

– … yup.

Nesat was looking at Johanne with a complicated look.

– She’s a very pitiable person.

– Nee-chan, could you see it?

Nessat nodded.

– The one who’s bad is the Pope.

– I agree. Therefore, we’re not going to kill her. Even though Nakri suffered damage.

Saying so, Krovahn turns his eyes to Nakri who collapsed.

– … by the way, Nee-chan. I entrust to you the rest. If it’s Nee-chan, then this person won’t be able to run away even if she recovers consciousness.

– Yup, got it. Krovahn will, to the machine——

– Oh right. That goes first.

Nesat creates a chain of energy using Truth Eye and restrains Johanne.

Following that, Nesat was also restraining the other believers of the Holy Church in the same way.

There, with a sidelong glance, Krovahn swung Orthros Liberio that was loaded with energy downward the control machine.

Because of that, the machine is blown off instantly.

– This settles it, right?

And Krovahn who was surrounded by the believers of Puritaria headed to the position of Nakri who continued receiving attacks.

Nakri lied face down on the floor.

Still, her shoulders were still moving up and down weakly.

– Hey, Nakri. Are you alright?

– Yeah, somehow…

In response to the call of Krovahn, Nakri answers raising her face.

Nonetheless, her body is exhausted.

Looks like she can’t stand up with her own strength.

– It’s not thanks to me. It’s thanks to everyone of Little Garden. At any rate, if it wasn’t for the song of Kirishima Sakura and Kisaragi Karen, there’s no mistake we’d have died.

While talking about that, Krovahn makes sure to embrace and rise up the upper body of Nakri.

– … you’re right. We’ll have to thank everyone properly when we get back.

– Yeah, that’s right——

Krovahn answers while nodding.

– Before that, let’s report to Mei Mei first.

– ——this is the last of them.

Right after confirming that Nesat finished restraining the last believer, Krovahn decided to contact Mei Mei.

– Hey, Mei Mei. Can you hear me? Somehow, thanks to all of you, we finished here.

『Yes, I hear you』

When Krovahn sent the transmission, a reply from Mei Mei returned immediately.

『Everyone, we really really appreciate what you’ve done』

– Has the ceremony venue been released with this?

『Yes! However…』

– … however, what…?

『We haven’t got a call so far of Hayato-sama and the others who headed towards Liza-sama who’s being chased by Pope Serivia…』

Mei Mei informs that when they got in touch last time, Kisaragi Hayato and Emilia Hermit defeated Luka and Maruko, the apostles of Pope Serivia in a fight.

『However, because there is evidence that a part of Puritaria section has been blown away for some reason, I think that it may be due to that that communication can’t be done. Mei Mei is very worried that in addition to that, something has happened…』

– Hey, Krovahn. Can I leave Nakri to you?

Nesat was listening to the story of Mei Mei with a sudden quiet expression.

– Nee-chan, what is, so suddenly… ah, don’t tell me that you are going to see the situation, huh?

– Yup.

Nodding, Nesat answers.

– I still can fight and I think I can go and take a look.

– … uh huh. I see.

Krovahn dropped an astonished-like smile with a puff.

– In other words, Nee-chan is concerned about that guy, right?

– Th-that guy…?

– Kisaragi Hayato, you know.

– … that’s…

Looking at the figure of Nesat who’s at a loss for words and hangs her head as it dyes deep red, Krovahn hurriedly said.

– Ah, sorry. It’s not like I intended to make fun of Nee-chan or anything. I think it’s fine if you do as you like and leave Nakri to me. However——

– … however?

– Be careful. That Pope is unmistakably not ordinary.

– … yeah, got it. Krovahn, take care of Nakri.

– Sure. Take care, nee-chan.

– … yup.

Nesat realized while she nodded so.

– Mei Mei, can I go?

She hasn’t taken the acknowledgement from Mei Mei yet.

『Well, certainly Nesat-san has barely consumed her vital and energy, so there’s no problem. Or rather, that really helps us, but as Krovahn-kun said, please be really careful, okay?』

– Yes, I know. Is there data of the place where the last communication took place?

『Yes, I will send it now』

Nesat confirmed the data sent by Mei Mei and created an external floating device that resembled a Space Ride using Trace Eye.

She’s considering that she can arrive faster with that.

– Well then, I’ll go.

Saying that, Nakri murmured in the arms of Krovahn while fixedly staring at the flying figure of Nesat who kicks the ground using energy.

– … Nesat, she went to where Kisaragi Hayato is.

– Yeah.

And, Krovahn replied, nodding.

– We are going to return to Little Garden section after this. Because we regained control of Lunaltia Base. The recovery equipment should be moving as well.

– … it’s love, right?

– Huh?

With those sudden words, the eyes of Krovahn turn into dot.

– What are you talking about, Nakri? Why are you saying something so weird?

– … it’s about Nesat.

Saying that, Nakri smiled sweetly.

– Nesat never moved like that except for us. Which means it can’t be other thing than love, that’s what I think.

– … oh, that’s what you meant. Well, I guess you are right.

Nakri, who heard those words, said to tease him, showing her white teeth.

– Even the dullard Krovahn is aware of the feelings of Nesat.

– Who are you calling dullard!? But still…

His older sister has an obvious strange look in front of Kisaragi Hayato.

No, she gets weird even when the name of Kisaragi Hayato comes out or they talk about him.

Even Krovahn is already aware of it.

– So, has Krovahn noticed that I like you?

– What?

A sudden confession.

As is obvious, Krovahn didn’t understand that.

Because of that, he can’t understand the meaning of the question.

He can’t catch up with his thoughts either.

– Ah, err, wait a moment. What are you saying so suddenly?

He finally understood the meaning of that question, it seems.

In a twinkle, the cheeks of Krovahn get dyed red.

– As I thought, that reaction…. You didn’t notice. Well, I knew that.

*Tee-hee*, Nakri said, smiling with mischief.

– I. From long ago——. I always loved Krovahn since the day he came to save me to the mansion of the Mayor of Chenan city who bought me, you know?

– I’m telling you… what are you saying…?

– Say, Krovahn. Does Krovahn like me?

– Well, that’s something…

Being embarrassed, he can’t match his eyes with hers.

Krovahn continued his words while touching her cheek.

– … it must be remembered that you are my cousin, you’re like my younger sister, so things like boyfriend and girlfriend, I don’t know that well yet, I mean…

– Things like that are good too, but do you like me or dislike me——just answer that——

– That’s so cunning, you know…

– Come on, come on. Do you like me? Or dislike me?

– Well, of course that I… love… you… but…

– Ehehe… thanks, Krovahn.

In the arms of Krovahn, Nakri smiles very happily.

– … I’m satisfied now that you answered just that…. with that, let me show you how I like you more from now on…. And… being… real… lo…vers…

– Looks like she used all her strength, huh.

Feeling relieved, Krovahn sighs and looks at the face of the fainted Nakri.

– … why is she having such a happy face?

It’s a happy face that seems to be unlikely to be thought that the cause is that she fainted because she suffered damage from the enemies.

While showing a shocking appearance, Krovahn stands up with Nakri in his arms.

A sudden communication enters there.

『Did you finish your conversation?』

– No way, Mei Mei was listening to our conversation——

The calmed down Krovahn was taken aback with the voice of Mei Mei and raised his voice as his face is dyeing bright red.

『Ufufu, what a lovely girlfriend-san has made Krovahn-kun, Mei Mei is very happy, you know. That is also true for Nakri-chan if I say so』

– We aren’t that yet, you know!?

『But, do you intend to do that, correct?』

– Intend to do that, you say…

Unintentionally, Krovahn ended up being at a loss for words.

And then he said, pouting his lips.

– … even if we are together, such a thing is too soon for us.

『Well, I am saying this since I am an automata, but I don’t think you have to go slower or faster or anything like that. Because you don’t know how and when life is ——』

Those words come from her own circumstances.

She suddenly lost her life.

The very things she could do and wanted to do.

Everything ended up suddenly being taken away.

Krovahn probably doesn’t know about that at all.

But there was something that was transmitted that was backing up those words, and even from the current situation, he could understand the meaning of those words.

Nakri may have conveyed so because she had that sort of feelings.

For some reason or another, he thinks so.

Krovahn said with a tender smile, looking at the face of Nakri.

– … certainly, it might be so.

『I am glad if you understand. And as for your wedding, please invite me to it』

– Hey, Mei Mei. What are you saying…!!

『Ah, I am sorry, I went a little over the top』

*Teheh*, while sticking out her tongue at the other side of the communication device, Mei Mei continues.

『But the two of you are like my family. That blessing makes me very happy and I want to celebrate that as much as possible』

– Family, huh…. Good grief, saying something like that when you are looking after us arbitrarily.

He suddenly thought what he said.


It doesn’t feel bad, just a little embarrassing.

『Ahaha, I am sorry. But but, this feeling is genuine』

– Okay, okay. We’re returning at once.

『Roger. Please come back safely you two. Because we have properly prepared futons waiting for you』

– Alright.

Krovahn answered and rushed out towards Little Garden section as he held Nakri in his arms as she is.

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