
Chapter 84: Volume 13 - CH 2

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Near the laboratory of Bill Harvey.

A strong light covers the entire area.

And after that light faded.

When he looked at Serivia floating in the air with the space-time gate behind her, Hayato became speechless.

– That’s…

He can no longer see the reserve stone, the broken pieces of the time machine——and the Hundred of the collapsed Fritz, Latia and the others that flew high in the sky while emitting a golden radiance together with Serivia. What is floating in the air is Serivia who did a turn in a big way, her whole body is covered with armor of the same color as the steel shell of the Savages——and the color of the time machine.

She no longer looked like a human.

Her skin is dyed black as if fusing in the darkness, but her pair of eyes, hair and a part of her skin are shining in a fluorescent color.

Serivia changed into a sinister figure that looks like a humanoid Savage.

Emilia mutters with a trembling voice.

– Did she just absorb the Hundred and the reserve stone?

– I guess, but that’s not all…

Nesat shook her head.

– She also incorporated a part of the time machine into herself. With that, she may be a bit like the me of that time——

Hearing that talk, they recalled the day of the Gardens Festa around 2 years ago.

They certainly feel that she was kind of similar to Nesat who ended up copying the Savage when cornered in the middle of the battle.

——But, this is not just copying.

Serivia is taking in everything and her consciousness is clear as well.

– The Hundred respond to your feelings. And apparently, my Hundred Providence, the reserve stone——as well as the other Hundreds also responded to my feelings, yes?

Opening the eyes that she had closed, Serivia laughed with a chuckle.

– … however, this was a bet. Because even the possibility that I can be myself was low. Besides, to end up turning into an ugly figure like this——it’s really, really vexing.

Seeing her body covered in armor, Serivia spat out appearing to be frustrated about it.

– Although I became like this, since I’ve become a living warp, the energy will be needed in large quantities than using the time machine. That makes the success rate to be low as well. In reality, it wasn’t supposed to be like this——that’s also because I was half-hearted. In order to not cause damage if at all possible to the earthlings that I raised, I ended up having affection——love towards my children. Therefore, I won’t have mercy anymore——

Serivia shouted with her arms wide open.


The pupils of Serivia emits a strong light.


The heart of Hayato made a sound.

– What is, this…?

The abnormality that happened, Hayato wasn’t the only one.

Emilia and Nesat experienced the same.

Their bodies are hot, they can’t stand it.

They also noticed that their whole bodies are shining dimly.

The collapsed bodies of Latia, Fritz and the others are in the same conditions.

– Is this…

– Yeah…

Emilia nodded.

– Our energy is being absorbed by Serivia.

He remembered what happened at the ceremony venue.

This situation is very similar to that one.

– The Hundred respond to your feelings. So, it appears that they responded to my feelings.

Serivia said while smiling in an eerie way.

That body is shining fiercely——.

Then, Emilia noticed something there.

– Look, Hayato! That’s——

– Eh…?

Due to the shout of Emilia, Hayato points his line of sight to the point she’s looking at.

Then, he could see each of the facilities of Lunaltia Base which shine dimly.

– Moreover, that way too…

– … eh?

Continuing looking ahead of the line of sight of Emilia, he discovers that the Earth is also shining dimly.

– Ufufu, it’s gathering. A lot of energy is! On me!

Putting his right hand on his head and looking at Serivia who’s showing a smile of satisfaction, Hayato muttered as his voice trembles.

He gets that the particles that are gathering are absorbed by those hands.

– No way, she’s absorbing energy not only from us but also from the whole Lunaltia Base as well as from the Earth…?

『It appears that that’s the case』

It was Charlotte who’s observing the situation using the communication satellites from the Earth who replied to the murmur of Hayato.

『… be that as it may, that’s the most that I can confirm, as she is just trying to absorb the energy that is drifting in the atmosphere after all…. That’s similar to you guys, since it doesn’t mean she’s sucking it out directly. But if she gains any more strength than now, then she may end up absorbing the energy directly not only from the Slayers at Lunaltia, but also from the Slayers on the Earth and even from common citizens. If that happens, then she’ll definitely be able to return to her planet. Accompanied by a lot of sacrifices』

– But that’s, what should we…

– It’s decided, don’t you think?

Emilia answers towards the confused Hayato.

– It would be great if we defeat her before she gathers a lot of energy!

– Hey, Emilia!

Emilia created a sword using Arms Shroud.

– It’s okay, if it’s with an impulse of this level, then I can bear it!

– No, that’s not what I meant.

He wanted to say that it’s dangerous to do a kamikaze attack recklessly, as they don’t know the strength of the current Serivia.

However, Emilia doesn’t stop.

Having the sword at the ready, and unleashing the ability of the Variant, she launches an attack towards Serivia in a full-body armed state.

– … how nice. It’s a very strong and wonderful energy. That’s why, if only I steal the energy from you, then I shouldn’t be defeated by anyone in this place——and I will evolve further from you, and eventually my body will be a perfect time machine——and I will take revenge on that man!

The pair of shining eyes of Serivia are pointed to Emilia.

Then, a change appeared in Emilia.

– Kuh…

She has a headache.

The movement of her body grows dull.

Her full-body armed state cancels, she can no longer move.

Page 62

It felt somehow as if someone else gave an order to her brain.

– Ahahaha, didn’t you understand that it would be like this, I wonder?

Serivia moves towards Emilia who stopped moving.

It’s to steal the energy from her body.

– Dam-mit…

Emilia bit her lips appearing to be frustrated.

As things are, she can’t do anything.

Hayato was becoming aware that Emilia is in such a state.

(I must save Emilia, and fast…!)

The moment when Hayato tried to move.

– Wha——

Staring in wonder, Hayato stopped his feet.

It’s because 6 beams passed by, as if weaving their way between Emilia and Serivia. Thereupon, the legs of Serivia that started moving, stopped completely.

– That’s…!

The instant Serivia turned her gaze to the direction the beams were fired.

A purple chain twined around her body.

– It’s my Arsene type Hundred Everlasting!

– Erika-san!

– And…

Hayato and Emilia turn their gaze to Erika Candle, the glasses girl standing at the end of the chain.

Behind her, a blonde-haired woman wearing a red armor, Claire Harvey, was standing there in a full-body armed state.

It appears that the previous beams were fired from the 6 floating batteries of the Dragoon type Hundred of Claire——Alisterion.

But they have already transformed into the Buster Cannon which is in her hands.

– ——kuh, I won’t allow you!

Serivia charges strength in both arms to try to escape from the chains.

Then, a golden light was emitted from the pupils, but the chain wasn’t destroyed.

– Fufu, you won’t be able to easily cut it, no matter even if it’s you, because I’m pouring the majority of my remaining energy into the chain.

Erika who said so proudly, put a knee on the ground. Exactly as she stated, it seems that she really used the majority of her energy. She also has cold sweat on her forehead, and it looks that she’s going to collapse at any moment.

– I’m glad we made it on time desuwa.

Next, it’s Claire who said so.

– President…

– You’re back…

– I’m sorry to have kept you waiting masenwa.

Claire showed an embarrassed-like smile on her face towards Hayato and Emilia who greeted her.

As for the Buster Cannon in her hands, the energy seems to be replenished, it’s already considerable.

It fired a strong emerald green brilliance, which is the color of the energy of Claire.

Claire said, turning her eyes to Serivia again.

– In that state, if it’s not stealing energy, of course, then what else can you do, I wonder? Naturally, I will not go easy on you masenwa. The price of toying with my heart, you will experience it with your body masu!

– Kuuh…!

The pupils of Serivia that are showing impatience, shone even more stronger.

Erika yelled, looking at the radiance flowing into Everlasting.

– Claire-sama, I’m reaching my limit!

– Then, how about this!

When Claire pulls the trigger, the intense light brightly illuminates the surroundings, a cloud of smoke rises.

– Did that do it!?

Emilia yelled inside the revolving cloud of smoke.

– No, she’s still standing!

The answer was of Erika who confirmed the appearance of Serivia with the monitor displayed on the other side of the glasses.

– However, the damage received is considerable!

– If so, then another hit will do!

Claire aimed again at Serivia while showing an expression similar to vexation when receiving the report from Erika.

And then, she starts charging energy into Buster Cannon.


– The chain is already destroyed! We’ll be in trouble if she absorbs it, so I’ll go!

– Wait, Emilia Hermit!

At the same time, an energy shortage alarm resounded from the Buster Cannon.

(Kuh, did I use too much in the first shot masuno!?)

To begin with, her energy hasn’t recovered more than half.

Naturally, the full-body armed state was cancelled.

Even so, Emilia doesn’t stop.

In the hands of Emilia who jumped into the cloud of dust that is whirling up, there’s a sword she made with Arms Shroud that was unaltered till a while ago.

(——I saw her!)

Emilia caught the figure of Serivia breathing with difficulty beyond the cloud of smoke.

Not surprisingly, the chain was destroyed, but the white vestments worn by her are tattered and it looks as if she’s going to fall to the ground at any moment.

It seems to be true what Erika was saying, that she received substantial damage.

Emilia swung downward the sword, aiming at Serivia.

– This is the end!

As she declared, she should be able to finish her off——.

Emilia was thinking that she should definitely be able to slash at Serivia, but Serivia pushes out her left hand at the very limit and deployed an E barrier——and stopped the slash of Emilia.

– Don’t underestimate me! If it’s this a damage of this degree, then I can still move!

– Wha——!?

At the same time she released the barrier and pulled the arm attached with the gauntlet, she struck Emilia.

Naturally, it’s not an ordinary punch.

It’s a powerful one that is using the energy stolen from Nesat.

Hayato yelled, turning his line of sight to Emilia who was blown off vigorously.

– Emilia!

– This is not a situation to be looking away!

That’s the shout of Serivia.

From the mouths of the twin-headed dragon that exist on the left and right side of her body, four bombardments were fired in a row, aiming at Hayato, Nesat and Claire.

– … Erika, are you alright desuno?

– Yes.

With the shield that she created, Claire defended against the beam towards Erika and herself.

Hayato also deployed an E barrier to defend against the beam.

Then, he tried to check the condition of Emilia, but when he noticed it, Serivia was approaching before his eyes, she had a brilliant golden sword in her hands.

– Hey, didn’t I tell you to not look away!?

– … kuh!

Dodging the slash done with the golden sword with a horizontal leap, Hayato attempts to recover his stance immediately.

He thought of trying to launch an attack on the back of Serivia.

However, Serivia was more skillful.

– Wha——

An energy light sphere was fired from the palm of the right hand that is facing Hayato.

– ——guhh!?

Hayato received the light sphere with his chin, but he didn’t collapse.

He managed somehow to stay on, then raised Hien overhead to counterattack.

But Serivia was faster and skillful, once again.

Lowering herself to slip into the bosom of Hayato, she slashed at him with the golden sword.

– Guahh!

Hayato was struck by the blade that was raised overhead and swung from top to bottom and because of that, he was sent flying to the back and fell over the moon’s surface from the back of the head as he was.

Emilia who stood up from inside the cloud of smoke, raises her voice, looking at that figure.

– Hayato!

Emilia managed to get up at the very limit and defended against the bombardment of Serivia with an E barrier.

The Hayato that is reflected in her eyes isn’t moving.

Although his armed state isn’t cancelled, it looks that he’s in a state where his consciousness is hazy.

As things are, if Serivia gets closer, his energy will be absorbed.

There’s a possibility that Hayato will die as well.

That’s bad.

——Absolutely bad.

Because of that, Emilia launched an attack on Serivia again.

– Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa———!

Given that she was charging energy into the sword she was holding, she also unleashed the ability of the Variant.

But she’s still in a full-body armed state.

However, that attack cannot destroy the barrier that Serivia deployed on her right hand.

– Dammit, dammit, dammit!

Emilia slashes the barrier with the sword in succession, but nothing changed.

(Such a thing can’t really be, and yet…!)

It may be because her energy is declining due to the fight with the president.

She could only think so.

– Give up.

– Wha!?

Serivia, who rescinded the barrier by looking at the timing, sweeps aside the sword of Emilia with the golden sword she was grasping in the left hand.

Because of that, she attacked Emilia in her unguarded moment, and grabbed the base of the throat with the gauntlet attached to the right arm.

Without a pause, the body of Emilia is elevated——

– Well then, shall I have the energy from you?

– Ah——

Her body gets hot, the strength comes out from her whole body right away.

With that, the sword falls from the hand of Emilia, touching the moon’s surface then disappeared, becoming particles.

At the same time, her full-body armed state is also cancelled.

(Th-this is bad…)

At this rate, all the energy will be absorbed by Serivia.

Then not only she won’t be able to move, as that will end up strengthening Serivia even more.

(That’s, bad…!)

That also becomes a trouble to the rest of the Slayers.

They must absolutely avoid that situation.

Emilia does slight movements over and over again in desperation, trying to escape from the arms of Serivia.

– If it keeps like this, it will be troublesome desuwa!

The one who said so was Claire as she approached the fallen Hayato.

Nesat said at the same time she got to his side.

– ——I, will go!

She doesn’t know what to do.

But since she has no choice but to go, she attempted to generate a sword with Truth Eye that she is projecting.

Serivia transformed the sword she was holding in the left hand into a small knife——.

– Act obediently.

She stabbed the abdomen of Emilia deeply.


The scream of Emilia resounded as far as the eye can see.

The moment he heard that, a memory appeared and quickly disappeared in the mind of Hayato.

It was when Emilia was caught by a Savage——at the time of the invasion of the Savages in the Kingdom of Gudenburg, the Second Attack that occurred more than a decade ago.

(I have to save her… I have to save her…!)


His hear pulsated in a big way.

(Is this——)

It’s a sign that the ability of the Variant is activating spontaneously.

At this rate, his body and mind will be taken over.

But when he thought so, it was already late.

The pupils of Hayato emit a fluorescent light——.

– ——Kisaragi, Hayato!?

Immediately after Claire noticed that change.


Grasping Hien tightly while getting up, Hayato accelerates and attacks Serivia. While being particularly and naturally surprised, Serivia deploys an E barrier with her left hand to try to stop the slash, but——.

– ——wha!?

Hayato never swung Hien downward.

With the momentum, he rams Serivia.

Because of that, Serivia lost the balance of her body, and ends up falling down with Emilia.

– Kuh…!

Raising her face right away, Serivia tried to stand up, but she couldn’t do so.

Hayato’s standing before her eyes and was pointing the tip of Hien that he held with both hands towards her.

Emilia isn’t in the hands of Serivia anymore.

So, as if there’s no need to hold back, Hayato tries to stab Hien into the body of Serivia.

– … kuh!

As she is, and without difficulty, Serivia falls over sideways.

She stands up, dodging the tip of Hien at the last moment.

Even there, Hayato started to pursue her, but the slashes never hit Serivia.

That’s the same for the following slashes.

Serivia continues to skillfully dodge the attacks of Hayato.

However, due to the assistance of Claire and Nesat, a change born in the situation.

The beams of Claire were perceived before she fired them, so she had been decided to dodge them, but the beams of Nesat that were fired afterwards were splendid direct hits.

The body of Serivia becomes unstable, her feet stop.

Hien, which was swung down as if aiming for that gap, slashed at the top of the shoulder of Serivia.

– ——guuh!

Serivia steps back as she holds down the right shoulder that received the attack.

And took distance from Hayato.

– Haah, haah…

Hayato breathes with difficulty.

Finally, his consciousness became clear.

(… for an instant, my consciousness was flying, but somehow, it seems I was able to control it…)

Speaking of the results, he saved Emilia and was able to deal damage to Serivia, so it can be said that this was a good performance.

Rather, he has to thank the ability of the Variant.

– Emilia, are you okay!?

While running towards Emilia, Hayato confirmed the state of Serivia with a sidelong glance.

Her right arm, he observed that it got in an atrocious condition.

Because she has the appearance of a person, his heart aches when he thinks that sort of thing.


(… I had no choice but to do it like this——)

Hayato told himself so.

They will never win if they consider their opponent is a human.

Even if their opponent has her circumstances, he can’t forgive her.

And to not lose someone important.


Such opponent.

In such a situation.

– Yeah, I’m okay. Something this much will heal right away. Not even a scar will remain. However, being in a full-body armed state is a bit difficult.

Upon arriving, Emilia stood up by grabbing the hand of Hayato that he presented, then stood by herself while pressing the wound of her abdomen.

– … more importantly, Is Hayato alright?

– Well, I’ve been better.

There’s a bit of pain, but the blood of the wound done by the golden sword had already stopped.

That also seems to be thanks to the ability of the Variant that had activated.

Then, Emilia said, turning her gaze to Serivia.

– With that arm you can’t absorb energy anymore, isn’t it? Then why don’t you give up?

She speaks to her as the provocation itself, but Emilia herself is exhausted too.

Her body feels giddy, and she’s also showing a painful-like expression on her face.

She wants to avoid fighting beyond this point.

The real intention of Emilia says that she doesn’t want to continue.

However, that didn’t mean that Serivia gives up.

– … give up? There’s no way I’m going to give up! I’ve been preparing for this day for tens of thousands of years, and now that I just got here, there’s no reason for me to give up, don’t you think!? I’m not giving up! I still can fight——I can fight!

– Wha!?

Shouting, Emilia exclaimed, looking at the figure of Serivia who tears off the wounded right arm with the left arm that isn’t injured.

Everyone else is the same.

Claire shouts.

– What are you planning to do desuno!?

– ——haaah!

Along with the screaming. The right arm of Serivia regenerated itself like a regenerator Savage——no, at a speed higher than that type.

– No way, that’s…

It’s Erika who let leak a voice of surprise.

Serivia raises her voice while laughing loudly.

– FUFUH, AHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAH! This is my strong will. My strong wish. I will steal it away from you, to return to planet Notre Dame…, and then the revenge——!!

From her whole body, Serivia releases a strong energy.

Hayato and everyone are sent flying to the back and end up striking hard the ground.

– … she’s, no longer restraining herself, huh…

His body hurts a little, but it’s not a significant damage.

And when Hayato raised his face to stand up.

What was reflected in his field of vision was the figure of Serivia floating in the air.

Raising high her right hand, she absorbed the energy dispersed in the surroundings.

– Ufufufu, all the energy that was dispersed in the fight is mine. Do you think that you can win against such me? AHA, AHAH, AHAHAHA!

Serivia was laughing with an expression full of madness.



Suddenly, the body of Serivia pulsated.

While Serivia floated in the air, her neck, arms and legs hang down languidly, she ends up looking as though she was a drowned body.

– … what the hell is this?

It’s Emilia who spoke to Hayato while standing up as he had merely stood up.

Following her, it’s Erika who stood up and talked to Claire as if murmuring, turning towards her who had just stood up like the others.

– Isn’t this perhaps our chance to attack?

– … chance?

It was Serivia and not Claire who reacted to those words.

– Aha, ahahaha, a chance to attack? What are you saying? AHAHAHAHAHA!

Serivia does a great laughter, bending to the back and just like that her raised body.

– ——kuh!

Towards such Serivia, Claire pointed the 6 floating batteries that float around her body.

However, and again, there’s no change.

Serivia does a forward-bent posture again, then holds her face with the fingers of the right arm that she had just restored and started to grumble.

– … what is she doing masuno?

Feeling strange, Claire stopped bombarding from the floating batteries.

When looking at her, the expression of Serivia wasn’t elated with success, and it wasn’t a completely complacent either.

It was a distressed painful-like expression.

Serivia continues grumbling.

– Yeah… there’s no way that lowly people as you the earthlings can win against me… I will not lose. By defeating you, the revenge——THAT’S RIGHT! REVENGE!

– Hayato! Something is wrong… maybe she…

– Yeah——

Hayato nods towards Nesat.

The Variant Virus going around his whole body by blood flow told him that it was dangerous.

What came to his mind where the two characters of 暴走 (rampaging)

The facial expression of Serivia gets immediately colored in madness itself——.

– I——will go beyond space-time and when I return to Notre Dame, I will take REVENGE, REVENGE, REVENGE! REVENGE on that man! TAKE! REVENGEEEEEEEEEEEE! AAAAAA————!!

Following the fierce roar, a golden light was emitted from the body of Serivia.

Once again, Hayato and the others were blown off to the back due to the torrent of extreme energy.

Her power was stronger than the previous time, and so the fallen Slayers were blown off in the same way, they were rolling on the moon’s surface.

– As I thought, she’s——

Placing both hands on the ground, he finally stood still there, then raised his face and body.

When looking at her, from her mouth, hands and the heads of the dragon that were like wings——she started firing beams in all directions as if she was a fixed turret, while raising a roar.

– Over there, at the Empire of Weimar’s section…!

Erika, who got up, raised her voice, looking at the fragments of the base spreading to the air.

Then, Nesat also raises her voice.

– … it seems the section of François was damaged too…

– How can that be desuno…!

Like Erika, Claire murmured with a shocked look while viewing the scene of the fragments of the base spreading to the air.

It appears that the fired beams of Serivia were enough to destroy the barriers of the sections and directly damage them.

Emilia mutters.

– … that means, that as expected, she’s rampaging?

『Well, I’m pretty sure of it』

It was Charlotte who came and thrusted herself into the conversation through the communication device.

『Apparently the anger and the fact that she absorbed too much energy ended up making Serivia to rampage. Because of that, and to an extent, it should be possible to say that she turned into a real God. This means she simply became a God of destruction』

Immediately after Charlotte fired a triumphant joke.

Serivia bombarded from the mouth again.

It seems that that destroyed a building again as fragments whirl up in the space.

– Charo, this is really bad so that joke won’t make me laugh. As things are, the damage of Lunaltia Base will only spread. We have to attract her attention this way…!

Emilia creates Buster Cannon with Arms Shroud. By shooting a beam, she thinks of attracting the attention of Serivia to herself.

Then, it was Claire who rapidly raised her voice.

– Wait, Emilia Hermit! If she attacks towards our position, there’s a possibility that damages will come out, even to the fallen comrades masuwa!

– If so, then what should we do!?

– I’ll go!

It was Hayato who said so, stepping in.

– It seems that you can still use the Space Rides, and I’m not good at defending. So, the president and the rest, protect everyone here please.

Hayato points his line of sight to the fallen Slayers.

– But, it’s dangerous, isn——

– If and as long as I use the ability of the Variant, then I’ll have the N barrier. It’s not that I won’t take damage of the not so simple beams, but if you say that even Serivia is in a rampaging state, then she won’t be able to think with normality, right? If I do it cleverly, then I might be able to knock her down on the ground. I’ll entrust the rest to you after that.

If the current Serivia has the same level of intelligence as the Savages, then that will definitely go well.

Hayato, who jumped up, kicking the ground while thinking so, accelerated using the thruster of the Space Ride.

He approaches Serivia.

Then Serivia, who noticed his presence, tries to fire beams from the mouth towards the moon’s surface to eliminate the hindrance.

As things are, Emilia and the others are of course a hindrance.

The collapsed and fainted Slayers as well, it will be practically a direct hit to them.

– President! Nesat!

– Got it masuwa!

– … yeah.

Emilia, Claire and Nesat, those three, started to protect their companions as told by Hayato.

In line with one another, the three people were trying to create a shield in the air.

Claire combines the 6 floating batteries.

Emilia uses Arms Shroud.

Nesat copies the shield of Claire.

By arranging in a horizontal line the three giant shields that were created one after another, the three of them blocked the bombardment of Serivia, they thought of protecting themselves as well as the fallen comrades.

Then, Serivia fired the beam.

– HAAaaAAh!

The beam was approaching before his very eyes, but Hayato didn’t dodge it.

Changing the color of his pupils, he rushes into the beam.

And then——.

– Take thiiiiiiiiiis!

– ——!?

Hayato, who pierced through the beam using a N barrier, slashed at Serivia who was full of gaps, and who was showing a surprised expression.


It’s an all one’s strength attack with an energy-loaded Hien.

Red particles are drawing an arc in the air.

However, Serivia pushes out her right hand at the very limit and deploys a barrier.

She blocked the Hien of Hayato.

Nevertheless, Hayato doesn’t give up.

He pours even more energy into Hien to try to destroy the barrier.

Serivia, who vanished the barrier by herself there, immediately dodges Hien by lying down her body then grabs the hair of Hayato who lost the balance of his body.

And with an ominous smile, she tossed Hayato lightly, then swung downward both arms with force onto his head.

The result was that Hayato was thrown to the moon’s surface with enough momentum to make a huge crater around his falling point.

– ——Hayato!

Emilia rushes over the position of Hayato.

Serivia began to fire beams in all directions again while roaring above their heads.

– Hayato, are you okay, Hayato!

– Y-yeah…

His consciousness was at the very limit.

But, when he replied and tried to get up, he tumbled down from his feet.

That means that the damage his body has is to that level.

(… what, to do…?)

They had a hard fight with Serivia before she turned into her current condition and yet, she’s getting even more stronger.

It really seems that in no way that’s going to happen.

To rebel against God.

Was that perhaps the error itself?

Should they have talked wisely about it, without fighting, and let her fulfill her revenge in such a way that damage to earthlings won’t occur as much as possible?

(No, that’s not it——it’s no good if I think like that——)

Well, in fact it’s not entirely true that it turned out well, and even now he can’t help thinking such a thing.

Perhaps a little attachment has been made, but essentially the earthlings are merely tools to Serivia that she has created in favor of her revenge.

That’s why whether it’s directly or indirectly, she has stolen the lives of many earthlings to achieve her goal and she also exposed them to danger.

And even if Serivia is the mother who made the earthlings evolve, that doesn’t mean at all that she will be forgiven. Moreover——.

(To defeat her, I must not give up…!)

If I don’t believe I can defeat her, then I can’t defeat her.

And by not believing I can defeat her, then it’s sure that the Hundred won’t help me out.

The moment when Hayato tried to stand up again, saying so to himself.

『… Kisaragi Hayato…』

A voice was heard at the side of Hayato.

Whose voice is that?

Hayato was able to comprehend it immediately.

– Liza…?

Hayato muttered that name.

Emilia asked Hayato with a surprised-like look.

– … what’s wrong, Hayato? Liza’s nowhere, you know?

– No, but now, I heard her voice…

The moment Hayato answered so.

In an instant, what is before his eyes turns blank and his consciousness ended up flying to another place.

– … this is…?

It was a pure white world.

Besides Liza standing before his eyes and himself, there’s nothing in that world.

However, Liza is the same as the real world——just like when becoming the motive power of Lunaltia Base and Little Garden, she’s naked and ivies are entangled on her whole body.

– I’m sorry, I just wanted to talk with you alone.

Liza said, smiling sweetly.

– If it is in this way, then we can talk longer than in real time.

This isn’t reality, but just a world of consciousness that Liza made.

The flow of time is also a different space, it seems.

– … and what do you want to talk?

– A strategy meeting to defeat Serivia, of course.

– Is there like a way or something!?

– There is.

Towards the impatient Hayato, Liza answered clearly.

– However, with the strength of you all, it will be impossible to defeat the current Serivia. Supposing that you are in perfect conditions, it would be the same thing. But, if I lend you my strength, then that possibility might be there——

– But, Liza is now…

– Yes, now I’ve run out of energy, so I won’t be able to do it directly. Still, there’s a way.

– Then, what do you…?

– As Dr. Charlotte said, it’s fine to believe when looking at the current Serivia that she’s in a rampaging state. Even though she’s an alien that received physical modifications, the infrastructure of her body and the earthlings is almost the same. With such a body, there’s no way that she is able to handle the enormous energy stored in the reserve stone. She can’t even think straight already——

In other words, by absorbing the excessive energy inside her body, the Variant Virus ran wildly——.

Then it means that it won’t reach an end, or so it seems.

– If you stab her there, then It will be easy to start an attack, don’t you agree? Nonetheless, if you launch an attack on Serivia poorly, then the energy will run wildly even more, and there’s a possibility of causing a great explosion even if you defeat her. And that will be a very huge explosion, by the way. And that amount would destroy this moon base——no, it’s possible that even the Earth may be damaged——that’s why I stopped Emilia Hermit.

– If so, what should we do…?

– Defeat her inside the space-time gate.

– … eh?

– If so, there will no damage to the moon and the Earth.

– Such a thing…

– I judged that it’s possible if we combine our strength. You will push Serivia into the space-time gate and defeat her. I will protect you. That’s all there is to it. However, if we fail, we might get caught in the explosion, and we will probably die. And if we survive, we won’t be able to get outside in many years——no, we may be wandering inside the space-time gate and somewhere in the universe for tens of thousands of years——

That means that they may be in a state similar to Serivia who had spent tens of thousands of years on Earth.

And there’s also the possibility of the situation becoming more severe.

– Still, are you——

– … I’ll do it.

Hayato affirmed so before Liza finished saying everything.

– If that’s the only way ——if that saves the world and everyone, then I’ll do it!

– Kisaragi Hayato… I thought you would say so if it was you. That’s why I bet for you. We will do it as we discuss it. However, are you really okay with this? It’s natural for me who had already lost her life once, but you are different.

– … of course, I’m afraid of losing my life…. But, since this is something that I clearly ought to do——I reckon that it’s Noblesse Oblige.

– Noblesse Oblige, huh… The words that my older sister——that Claire frequently uses, aren’t they?

– At first, I didn’t get the true meaning of them, but now I kind of understand them… no, I don’t understand them completely, but I feel like I’m getting to understand them——

The number one reaction value between all generations——.

Although he was barely handed the Hundred, he brought to a draw the duel with Claire Harvey, then he was the hero who saved the Zwei Islands and earned military gains in his first battle.

He was one of the members of the winning team of the World Martial Arts Tournament

He gained great war results in the Operation: Bird in Cage and in the Third Attack as well as being one of the members of the winning team of the World Martial Arts Tournament.

He has really been called with various titles.

As for Hayato, he was thinking that all of that was heavy.

He thought that it was impossible for him to be something like a hero.

He thought that being called a hero was inappropriate for him.

He thought that it was a coincidence that he obtained a great power, that he obtained so by trying to save Emilia.

Hayato tells that to Liza.

– But I was thinking, that it’s different after all.

Because the reason is that he’s not the one regulating himself.

Because he noticed that he is another person.

Because he knew that the himself at that time was weak, that he didn’t have any strength.

Because he knew that himself was pathetic, that he couldn’t do anything.

Because he was scared of failing and betraying other’s expectations.

He just kept running away from the titles.


That’s over now.

– So, now I’m thinking of wanting to fulfill everyone’s expectations——to fulfill Noblesse Oblige, to not mention Liza-san who has chosen me and started talking to me like this. I want to save the world with the ability I have. And also, I’m considering that I want to go back to Little Garden——to live on the Earth again. If I wish strongly for it, then the Hundred will surely grant my wish. I think that I can be the hero——that everyone is expecting me to be!

He went this far, after all.

If there’s a strong feeling, the Hundred will respond to it.

– You have finally accepted becoming a hero, Kisaragi Hayato.

Saying so while showing a satisfactory smile, Liza continues.

– Then, would you please give me your Hundred?

– … eh?

Hayato is completely surprised, as might be expected from such a request he didn’t imagine.

– By receiving a kiss from you, I will recover… it would be great if we can do a thing like that here, but that’s certainly not enough. That’s why I want you to let me eat the Hundred. With that, strength can be granted by me.

– Let you eat it…? Moreover, if I hand over my Hundred, I won’t be able to fight, isn’t….

– … It’s okay, believe in me, please.

– Understood.

If Liza says so, then he has no choice but to believe her.

– Well then, I will rely on you.

Together with the words of Liza, Hayato returned to the real world.

– Hayato, what the!?

It seems natural that Emilia gave a surprised voice.

Hayato, who stood up, detached the worn-out Space Ride and cancelled the armament.

Looking at him, Claire, Nesat and Erika are showing a surprised expression.

– It’s fine, look carefully.

Hayato was moving his feet forward to the position of Liza while saying so, then he put the Hundred on her mouth and tried to eat it as she told him.

Thereupon, one question was born.

(She can’t eat it with such a small mouth, right…?)

At any rate, the Hundred is about twice the size of the mouth of Liza.

Though opening her mouth forcibly, should I really make her to eat it?

The moment he thought he wanted to tell so to Liza.

The Hundred that touched the lips sheds light and transformed into particles, it was being sucked into the mouth of Liza.

Claire, who was observing the situation, asks Hayato.

You are reading story Hundred at

– Kisaragi Hayato, what was that just now…?

– Liza told me to do this.

– ——Exactly.

Immediately after Hayato replied, it was Liza who was collapsed as if she had been lost consciousness until a while ago who said so.

– Eh?

Emilia is astonished, looking at Liza who got up abruptly.

Everyone other than Hayato are the same.

– Thank you, Kisaragi Hayato. Thanks to you, I was able to stand up like this.

After she gave Hayato her thanks.

Liza stretches her right arm towards Serivia and opened the fight fingers.

– This is the start of the retaliation. I’m going to restrain you for now.

The pupils of Liza shine in golden color.

Then, a vine of roses appears surrounding the body of Serivia and restrains her body.

– Why, you bastard!!

With that, it seems she noticed the presence of Liza.

The line of sight of Serivia is directed to Liza.

– Why? What kind of reasons do we have apart from defeating you?

– ——guh!

When Liza clenched her first tightly, the body of Serivia was restrained even more strongly.

– She won’t be able to move for a while with this.

– In that case, if we start attacking now——

Emilia creates Buster Cannon with Arms Shroud and turns its muzzle to Serivia. However——.

– That’s not good, Emilia Hermit.

– Eh…!!

The pupils of Liza shine together with those words, the Buster Cannon was reduced to particles.

At the same time, Emilia ends up losing the freedom of her body.

– What’s the meaning of this!?

Scowling at Liza, Emilia raised a displeasured voice.

When she notices it, her body emits a faint golden radiance.

– It’s dangerous to give stimulus to Serivia now. Since there’s a possibility that all around here will be blown away with an explosion if an attack is poorly done.

– … in that case, what do we do?

– There’s a plan for us.  As such, please don’t disturb us, neither you nor Onee-sama.

Saying that, Liza stretched her right hand towards the space.

The pupils of Liza shine again, golden particles of mass scatter around from the right hand.

Besides Hayato——the particles wrap up the body of all the defeated Slayers including Emilia and Claire.

– Liza, is this——what do you mean with disturb us desuno? Respond!

Such Claire became unable to move just like Emilia.

Both Erika and Nesat are in the same conditions.

– Liza!

Even if Claire calls out to her again, Liza doesn’t reply.

Turning her gaze to Hayato, Liza told him as if ordering.

– Kisaragi Hayato, deploy the armament——

– Deploy the armament? The Hundred is…

Hayato ends up being confused because he doesn’t have it now.

– It’s okay. Please try shouting Hundred On like when you do full-body armament as usual. Let me become your weapon and armor.

– Understood.

Hayato shouts as he was told while feeling out of place as he doesn’t clasp anything in his hand.


Then, the body of Liza shines strongly by turning into particles and that light creates an armor and the weapon on Kisaragi Hayato’s body——even the flying equipment on his back.

He’s not in a normal state, but in a full-body armed state.

Furthermore, his injuries were healing too.

– Liza!

The moment the deployment finished, Claire screamed.

Looking at Hayato who finished arming, the body of Liza who showed a satisfied smile fell from the front to the ground.

She wanted to go and hold her up in her arms, but inside the head of Claire who can’t do so, the voice of Liza was heard.

『Onee-sama… please take care of my vessel for a while』

– Liza, you…

『I will absolutely come back alive. Together with Kisaragi Hayato——』

– Come back…? What are you guys thinking about masuno!?

However, Liza doesn’t answer Claire’s question.

Hayato either.

– President Claire, please wait and believe in us!

Turning back and saying that——.

Claire, who saw Hayato drop a smile, became speechless.

That smile seemed to be the one of Hayato as well as the one of Liza.

– Emilia and everyone too, of course.

The moment Hayato continued so.

『Hayato-kun, can you hear me?』

A communication from Charlotte has arrived.

Hayato was somewhat puzzled as to whether he should respond or not, and asks Liza in his head.

『… what do I do, Liza?』

『It’s not an issue. Because I have something I’d like to ask』

That was the answer of Liza.

Hayato accepts the communication.

– Yes, I can hear you.

Hayato replied.

Then, Charlotte asks again.

『If so, then Liza can hear me too, right? This strategy was planned by Liza——and you, am I right?』

『… that’s right』

Hayato answered, listening to Liza in his mind.

– Liza is replying so.

『Is that so…』

After a brief silence, Charlotte continued.

『I get the main idea of what you’re trying to do. That’s very dangerous. If you fail, not only you but also everyone in that place may lose their lives, and there’s a chance that the entirety of Lunaltia Base will be damaged』

– Considering that possibility, we’ll protect all the Slayers in this place with energy. Liza’s saying that.

Next, Hayato was requested to tell this to inform Charlotte from Liza——

They will try to prevent any damage to occur to the Slayers inside Lunaltia Base, however, and if they consider so when it happens, he tells Charlotte that they want everyone to take refuge in the basement.

『… got it. This communication is only between you who are there and me. I’ll issue instructions to Mei Mei and Chris immediately』

He hears the sound of Charlotte typing on the keyboard.

He guesses that she’s giving instructions to Chris and Mei Mei.

『Even if you can defeat Serivia inside the space-time gate, it’s possible that you can endure the explosion and survive——』

– Although it’s very little, we may get trapped inside the space-time gate. That’s something I also heard from Liza.

『And you’re still going to do it?』

– There seems to be no other way. Did Dr. Charlotte come up with something?


Charlotte is at a loss for words.

There’s no doubt that this is the best option in the present condition and it’s certain that there are no other options.

– If so, it cannot be helped. But, we’ll surely be fine. If I have a strong will to live, the Hundred will respond.  I believe that I’ll surely survive. After all, I also want to live and to this far, the Hundred has helped me. If I end up dying, then I can’t protect those I want to protect.

Broadly grinning, Hayato continued.

– I’m particularly glad that there is people who will mourn me if I die. I don’t want to make those people sad. So, I’ll never die. If I have that feeling, then I’ll surely be okay. The Hundred will help me. I believe so.

– … Hayato…

While fixedly looking at Hayato, Emilia muttered with moistened eyes.

『——got it. If you guys are like that, then I’ll believe in the miracle of 0,00001%』

No matter what she says, it seems she was convinced that Hayato’s and Liza’s preparedness won’t change.

Immediately after Charlotte said that with an amazed voice.

– I also, believe so…

A voice reached his ears.

– Eh…?

Hayato, who turned his eyes to the direction of that voice, doubted his eyes.


Hayato’s not the only one.

Everyone in the place was doubting their eyes, looking at her.

Emilia, who dyed her pair of eyes in golden color, was approaching Hayato with a slow gait.

– … Emi, lia…?

The voice of Liza echoed in the head of Hayato who unconsciously muttered her name.

『No way, my technique was disrupted!——』

It was a voice full of surprise.

The behavior of Emilia was also beyond the imagination of Liza.

And the same as the gait, Emilia slowly assembles the words.

– … if Hayato believes so, then I, also believe it… if it’s Hayato, then he’ll surely can… no, he will definitely defeat Serivia and come back to us. I believe, so… But, just let me say you this one selfish thing of mine——

– Selfish? What do you…?

– I also want you to take me with you.

Emilia who finally stood before the eyes of Hayato, put her hands on his cheeks, then kissed him as if clinging to him.

– Hmm… *kiss*, *smack*… *smooch*, *kiss*…

Entwining tongues, they exchange saliva——.

——It was long.

It was a very long kiss.

– Fuah…

They separated their lips while letting leak a hot sigh.

Emile said, smiling with an “Ehehe”.

– … you feel somewhat different from usual. Maybe it’s because Liza is inside you…?

– What are you saying… or rather, why you, at this time…

– Why you say? This was a take care kiss , I’m joking… But I told you earlier, didn’t I? That I also want you to take me with you——

– That, what do you…

– Now, I poured myself into Hayato, no? I might not be a fighting force now, so there’s no way you can take me along with you, but if it’s this way, then I can also fight with Hayato, don’t you think? So, in the other hand, where you aren’t holding Hien, take me with you——

Emilia cancelled the armament and handed over the Hundred to the left hand of Hayato——to the one that isn’t holding Hien.

– … so, this is, what you meant…

Finally, Hayato was able to understand what Emilia is requesting.

– I understand, I’ll try it.

What is in his fist is purely the Hundred of Emilia.

… however, the Variant Virus of Emilia that was transferred with a kiss told him that he can do it inside his body.

From the moment he received the Hundred, a strange feeling exalted him.

Liza doesn’t reject it.

Hayato shouted.


Then, a white sword appears on the left hand of Hayato.

It’s a sword generated by the Variant Virus and the Hundred of Emilia.

– Thank you, Hayato.

Emilia, who couldn’t move, just said so——.

While shedding tears, she smiled happily.

『Kisaragi Hayato, it’s almost time!』

– … got it.

Hayato turned his gaze to Serivia who’s struggling to undo the restraints.

It’s the voice of Emilia in tears that hung up on his back.

– Take care, Hayato.

– Yeah——

With a nod, he looks back towards the immovable Emilia.

Hayato answered firmly.

– See you later.

Hayato points his eyes to Serivia again then heard the voice of Liza in his head again.

『There are no more regrets』

『There aren’t』

Hayato continued his words, showing a smile with a puff.

– I’ll definitely come back.

『That’s right. I was in the wrong now』

Liza apologizes with a voice mixed with a laugh.

『Well then, Kisaragi Hayato. The time of God hunting came. Let’s go』

– Yes!

Answering, Hayato who kicked up the ground using the thruster of the Space Ride made by Liza, flew out to the position of Serivia who has the space-time gate on her back.

(… Liza… Kisaragi Hayato… I beg for your victory and your safety masuwa…!)

While Claire prayed, the eyes of Hayato dye in golden color.

The tail of particles that continued being released from his whole body and armament is a mixture of three colors: the red of Hayato, the sky blue of Emilia and the golden of Liza.


Noticing the approaching Hayato, Serivia shrieked.

She finally releases herself of the restraining wild roses and tries to bombard from the mouths.

She’s aiming at Hayato, of course.


– Guuh…!

Hien was faster and went through the abdomen of Serivia.

But, that doesn’t mean it’s the end with that.

He can’t let her explode here.

Hayato accelerates with his eyes shining more intensely.

– Uooooooooo———!

And along with Serivia, he plunged forward into the space-time gate.

『Kisaragi Hayato! What comes is just the final blow』

– Roger!

There’s not even a single shining star, it’s a pitch-dark world.

Hayato who went into the space-time gate pulled out Hien from the body of Serivia.

– Ack…!

The body of Serivia shook in the air.

Blood overflows from her mouth.

Still, of course, he can’t go easy on her.

– This is the end———!

Hayato has Hien and the white blade he created with the Hundred of Emilia——.

He raised overhead the two swords greatly.

– Guu…!

Serivia stretches out her hands towards the imminent two swords and tries to deploy a barrier fast but she doesn’t make it in time.

– Uooooooooooo————!

The black and white swords which are emitting particles mixed with 3 colors of energy slash at the giant Serivia.

(With this I can be a hero——and be everyone’s expectations——)

Hayato was convinced of the success of the strategy——of the victory with both arms.

– … you’re kidding…

However, Serivia muttered so.

The light from the dashed lines drawn by the two swords are——.

An enormous amount of energy is overflowing.

The rest of the words were heard directly in his head.

『This kind of thing can’t… be. You’re just tools… to the earthlings, I’m their parent——their God… and defeating and winning against me is…!』

– Don’t say such stupid things.

The one who said so was Liza as she formed her own body with the particles of energy scattered around and appeared there.

She throws cold words to Serivia.

– In the end, you aren’t a real God, you know? You’re just a fake God who imitated the God of Planet Notre Dame as a reference——such things should be known very well by you after all.


– Besides, have you even prayed to a real God, I wonder? “I want to return to my planet of origin——”

『But, it didn’t respond! That’s why I became God!』

– God doesn’t become himself, nor does he reveal himself as such. This may be a punishment from a real God to you who have been pretending to be God himself.

Saying that, Liza hugged the body of Hayato.

– … Liza…

– The time has come——. Protect me, Kisaragi Hayato.

Turning into golden particles, Liza covers the body of Hayato.

『Farewell, fake God——I give you my thanks as one of the people of the Earth. Thank you for raising us up to now』

The words that Liza spoke at the end.

Are towards Serivia——.

Words of gratitude towards the fake God.


Finally, the limit has come.

And it’s not only from the dashed lines drawn by the two swords of Hayato.

From all over her body the energy is overflowing.

The passage is gradually stretching——.

Serivia made a big explosion inside the space-time gate.

– … Hayato…

– … Liza…

The light leaking out from the space-time gate was also reflected in the pupils of Emilia and Claire.

However, it ends up disappearing soon.

It’s because the space-time gate ended up being blown off by the giant explosion of the energy of Serivia.

Now, what they can see is only a rain of energy that falls like falling stars, scattering into the void of space——.

– …

– …

Emilia and Claire are in the place where Hayato and Liza disappeared——.

They continued just fixedly staring at the spectacle that resembled to fireworks after being launched.

What continues is a moment of silence.

It was Emilia who shouted as if to break so.

– … Hayato…!

In response to that voice, Claire asks promptly.

– What is it, Emilia Hermit!? Could you see the appearance of Kisaragi Hayato mashitano?

– No, that’s not it.

Emilia replied, shaking her head.

– I heard the voice of Hayato. The prez didn’t hear it?

– … eh?

Being told so, Claire listens carefully.

『Emilia, can you hear me?』

Then, she heard a voice.

That voice unmistakably belongs to Hayato.

Emilia raises her voice once more.

– Yeah, I hear it properly! The voice of Hayato!

Subsequently, Claire gave a happy voice as well.

– Certainly, I also heard him mashitawa!

The voice she hears next.

『… I wonder if you can you hear me, Claire?』

Claire instinctively recognized that that’s the voice of Liza——her little sister, she opened her eyes wide and raised her voice towards the complete-dark space.

– Liza! Where are you masuno!?

However, Liza doesn’t respond to that question.

She just continues talking, unilaterally.

『This voice is only a small residue of energy that I sent flying to the other side just before the space-time gate was blown off. In this way, all I can do is to place my voice in it. I can’t talk so much. So, only a couple of words——we’re safe. We’re alive. We’ll absolutely come back to the Earth together. Believe that, and you, do what you have to do——』

– I, understand mashitawa…

Wiping the tears that fall from her eyes, Claire answers.

When they come back, they aren’t going to be ashamed of her.

Claire tells herself that that’s what she ought to do.

What they heard next was the voice of Hayato.

『What I want to tell is something that I share with Liza. We’ll absolutely come back. It’s a promise. That’s why, Emilia. Until then. please take care of Karen and everyone of Yamato——』

– … okay, I’ll do it. Leave it to me. I will definitely protect everyone instead of Hayato. So——

Because of the sobbing, it was impossible to speak beyond that.

Emilia stared at the empty space and calls Hayato from the bottom of her heart.

So, Hayato.

You will absolutely come back to me (Boku)——.

Come back to me (Watashi).

Because I absolutely hate saying goodbye like this.

– ——it’s a promise then.

The last few words, she murmured what was conveying.

A communication enters there.

It’s from Charlotte.

『… Emilia? Can you hear me, Emilia? What happened to Hayato-kun? Would you inform me about the situation?』

But Emilia didn’t reply.

——Nor Claire.

In the first place, the voice of Charlotte seemed to get Erika even if it didn’t reach the other two.

They are just fixedly staring at the place where the space-time gate had been until a while ago.

– I am sorry, Dr. Charlotte. She’s not in a situation where she can talk now. That also applies to Claire-sama. Because of that, I will inform you instead.

Erika replied instead of Emilia.

– If so, then also tell us what happened, please.

Erika was surprised with the voice that suddenly reached her.

Nesat too, she was next to Erika.

The two immediately turn their eyes towards the direction of that voice.

– Fritz Grantz… and Latia Saint-Émillion… and also——

Wendy and Aly——.

Even though everyone who lost consciousness there still had a lot of damage on their bodies, they were standing up though staggering, including Touka.

Opening her eyes wide at the other side of the glasses, Erika spilled words as if muttering.

– … why, is everyone…?

– Somehow, my body got hot and all of a sudden, I was able to move.

Nesat, who heard the answer of Latia, murmured while looking at her body.

– … now that you mention it, I also feel a little restored… is this perhaps…

Nesat, whose eyes are pointed high in the space, continues her words while catching the rain of light with the palms of both hands.

– … is this perhaps thanks to this rain of light…?

– Maybe, that’s the case?

Erika looked up high in the space as well and confirmed the state of the other Slayers.

Certainly it’s a little, but their vital and energy seem to be recovered.

– Us alone won’t get to comprehend that, that’s why we also——it hurts!

Fritz, who tried to demand an explanation towards Erika and Nesat, presses down the injured arm in the middle of his words and crouches.

Becoming disconcerted, Latia asked looking worried, supporting the body of Fritz.

– Hey, Fritz, are you okay?

– Sorry, it just hurt a bit…

– … good grief, the small injuries have vanished, but the big injury remains the same. Be careful.

– I know that.

Fritz, who answered so, continued his words, turning his line of sight to Erika while enduring the pain.

– I ask for an explanation, vice president.

『I also ask for an explanation』

It was Charlotte who said so after Fritz.

– … understood.

Replying, Erika starts to explain.

– Frankly, I don’t feel like I can explain everything well…

Although that’s the introduction, Erika tells that Kisaragi Hayato and Liza Harvey pushed Serivia into the space-time gate and defeated her. As the explosion when they did so blow away the space-time gate, she also tells them that Kisaragi Hayato and Liza Harvey ended becoming missing.

– Then, what are they going to do? At this rate, won’t they be unable to come back!?

The conversation reached a stopping place.

Latia asked as if pressing Erika for an answer.

– Well, that’s…

『I can’t say anything yet, for now』

After she took a fleeting glance to Claire and Emilia who still looked up at the emptiness without moving.

Charlotte was the one who threw a lifeboat to Erika who was wondering how she should answer.

『However they are safe now, both Hayato and Liza were saying that they will definitely come back. We have no choice but to believe those words』

– … is that so…?

Latia dropped her shoulders.

– As for us, there’s nothing we can do, huh…

『… but we’re not going to stand here doing nothing while waiting for them to come back. Because I am me, I intend to search them. Because a big space-time gate was opened, the surroundings of the space-time are becoming unstable. Several new space-time gates are opening, so there’s a possibility that more Savages that can be confirmed now are going to attack, meaning there’s also a possibility of being able to recover Hayato-kun』

『Oh, that’s how it is!』

Chris raised his voice unintentionally.

『Certainly, that might be possible!』

Following him, Mei Mei also raises her voice.

『Yes! Let’s do it』

『… as for the ones who grasp the situation of the Savages, let’s leave it to the groups of the intelligence department who are in Little Garden and Lunaltia Base and to the guys of Warslan. However, and tentatively, please send me a report if a match with more than 10% is found with the energy pattern that Kisaragi Hayato and Liza Harvey are giving. When you do so, hide the names of those two… do you understand, Chris, Mei Mei? Even though there are persons who are aware of who that energy belongs to, please tell them that they must never let their names come out. It’s a secret matter of high grade』

The people who understand it may understand it.

However, it’s a measure to avoid such a matter leaking out or making a fuss of it. It’s possible that the turmoil spreads out, affecting the morale of the troops, and also because there are people who must be reported so before it becomes a rumor.

At any rate, even Kisaragi Karen, his little sister, hasn’t been told about Hayato yet.



Chris and Mei Mei replied all together.

『The last thing is… oh right. You guys, come back to Little Garden section to take a rest for a moment. We’ll judge by seeing the situation that is yet to come whether you’ll participate in the battle against the Savages from now on or not. That’s all. Start to move, everyone』

After she said so.

By letting pass a few seconds, Charlotte continued her words.

『——You too, Claire and Emilia』

After she gave instructions to the Slayers of Little Garden who finished the fight with Serivia.

Charlotte, along with Mei Mei and Chris, began the search of the energy of Kisaragi Hayato and Liza Harvey.

(However, it’s a troublesome thing…)

Most of them are noises, they are too numerous.

The Savages who were at the other side of the space-time gate that was blown off, are also looking for an exit somewhere.

Due to the massive energy reaction, it was extremely difficult to search the energy of the two people.

There are hundreds of numbers, the energy responses become stronger over time.

That’s a nuisance that it can’t be helped.

(At times like this, If Vitaly was here…)

Charlotte ends up putting that into words as if involuntarily complaining about it.

If it’s Vitaly, she thought that she might be able to figure out how to find the energy of Kisaragi Hayato and Liza Harvey and rescue them faster than herself by making free use of brain computing.

But unless she speaks to her, and even if she tries to summon her, there’s no reaction.

Vitaly continued being in permanent silence after she recovered the core system of Lunaltia Base.

It seems to be a side effect as she used her brain beyond its limit.

The busy situation continues so she can’t stop working to confirm her situation in detail, but she doesn’t know if she’s going to wake up again.

Anyhow, given that her recovery is still indispensable, it didn’t seem that she’s able to borrow her power.

Even if she’s alive now, if she puts even more burden on her, her brain will definitely stop functioning completely.

The conclusion is that she must find them with just her own strength.

Charlotte continues searching desperately while spreading a lot of nets in outer space.

Suddenly there, several large energy reactions emerged.

(These are…!)

The emergency alarm sounded, a single window opened on the monitor in front of her.

It’s an emergency call from Chris.


The expression of Chris displayed on the monitor had a lot of panic.

In response to that, Charlotte replied with a calm look.

– I know. Space-time rifts appeared, right?

『As one would expect, you noticed them. Many space-time rifts have spring forth several tens of kilometers ahead in the space. IT seems that around 300 Savages have showed up through the gates. We have three hours until they reach Lunaltia Base——and we have confirmed hundreds of other small energy reactions』

– The first part is 300——and in 3 hours in addition to that, huh…. Got it. If their numbers have reached to that extent, then there’s no issue to call this as the Fourth Attack now, don’t you agree? Therefore, they——

『… what is it?』

– “They” are Emilia and Claire. If they are okay, then I’m thinking of get them fight at a more distant place rather than on the moon.

『Does that mean that they are going to fight in outer space?』

– I want them to knock down the Savages that have just appeared as much as they can. That makes it easier to find Hayato-kun and Liza.

『But the bodies and hearts of the two are damaged so…』

– Like I said, that’s only if they can fight. I’ll take care of that and confirm it after this. For the time being, prepare the Space Ride of Claire and the replacement Hundred of Emilia.

After she finished saying so.

Charlotte switched the line and decided to get in touch with Emilia and the others.

『Do you hear my voice, Slayers?』

The Slayers of Little Garden who were gathered at a resting place inside the section and were standing by while having a meal or drinking tea, showed a nervous look when receiving the call of Charlotte.

It’s because the call of Charlotte shows that, for some reason, the situation has progressed.

It’s Emilia who raised her voice before she issued the next words.

– Did something happen to the search of Hayato, Charo!?

Because there hasn’t been any information, it’s inevitable that she’s being anxious.

『… unfortunately, there’s no progress. The energy reactions of the Savages have become way stronger, making the search of the energy of Hayato-kun and Liza harder』

– That means that the Savages are getting closer, huh…

『We’re estimating that it will take them around 3 hours to approach Lunaltia Base. But I want you and Claire to sortie immediately』

– The prez and me? Why?

Charlotte informed Emilia and Claire that she wanted them to defeat Savages as much as they can in outer space for the sake of the search of Hayato and Liza.

The place she wanted them to head is the place where is the easiest for the Savages to appear——a place that is several tens of kilometers away from Lunaltia Base.

Since there are going to be encounters with the Savages on the way to that point, it’s probable that more Savages may appear.

『What do you think? Will you do it?』

– Of course.

Emilia answered immediately.

– I’ll defeat the Savages who’ll appear at once. If by doing so the chance of Hayato being found increases, then I’ll do so.

『Both your vital and energy are recovered to some extent, and if you say so, then you’ll perform that without fail』

– Which reminds me, do you have my Hundred? I gave mine to Hayato, so…

『That preparation is complete』

Replying, Charlotte continues.

『What about you, Claire?』

– Naturally, I will go masuwa.

Standing up, Claire replied.

– To help my little sister and important comrade. There’s no reason for me to not go, don’t you agree? Certainly, I will come out too masuwa.

Claire recalls what Liza was saying.

『You do what you have to do——』

And that means to carry out Noblesse Oblige.

『I was thinking you would answer so. Your energy is also trending to recuperation. There’s no problem』

Then, Charlotte informs them that she was preparing the Space Ride of Claire ahead of time.

Emilia generates one using her Innocence type Hundred Arms Shroud, so preparation isn’t necessary.

『Well then, I entrust the rest to the two of you. The rest of you, please stand by for a little bit. The battle will be long. It’s already late at night, so it’s a good idea to keep sleeping even if it’s just a bit, so consider that from now on』

Within five minutes, the preparation of the sortie of Claire was ready.

When Emilia received the news, she went outside of the section and there she saw the figures of Mei Mei and Claire who equipped the Space Ride. It appears that Mei Mei helped her to wear the armor.

– Well then, should I also prepare?

– Yes, this is the new Hundred of Emilia-san.

– Thanks, Mei Mei.

Emilia shouted, grasping tightly the new Hundred she had just received.


A bluish-white light wraps the whole body of Emilia.

And when it disappeared.

The figure of Emilia with the same Space Ride was there.

– Prez, follow me closely, okay?

– Naturally desuwa.

Claire replies with a smile full of confidence towards the provocation of Emilia.

They nodded to one another, and when they tried to sortie.

– Wait——I will go too.

Emilia and Claire turn their line of sight to the direction of the voice.

An eye-patched girl was standing there.

It’s the figure of Nesat who just came out from inside the Little Garden section.

– Nesat!?

– Why, you?

Emilia and Claire raise their voices unintentionally.

– Because I can fight too.

That was the answer of Nesat.

Touching with her hand as if stroking the eyepatch of her right eye, she continues her words.

– Even if the armor isn’t prepared, I can duplicate it with this eye——with my Trace type Hundred Truth Eye. That’s why I can go with you. Since the weapons can be deployed at the same time, there won’t be problems. Because I’ve been practicing too.

In other words, she’s saying that she wants to go to the battlefield with them.

Understanding that, Emilia said with a cheerful voice.

– Oh, I see! If so, then let’s go together. That’s fine, right prez?

– I don’t have any issues, but…

『Me neither』

It was Charlotte who was hearing the conversation of the 3 who replied through the communication device.

『It would be way better even if one more person can go out. Do your best, Nesat-kun』

– … yeah, in that case…

She opens the eyepatch.

And by looking at the armor of Claire with the opened eye, Nesat muttered.

– … Trace On…

Then, particles of golden energy overflow from the eye and create a Space Ride in the back of Nesat.

– With this, the preparations of everyone are ready, isn’t it? Please be safe and take care.

– Yeah.

– … let’s go.

Nesat and Emilia nod.

– Well then, let’s go out masuwayo!

Shouting, and following Claire who took off, Emilia and Nesat also took off into the outer space.

The moment when Claire, Emilia and Nesat, the three of them flew away to the locations of the Savages in outer space.

Similarly as Little Garden section, in the section of the Kingdom of Gudenburg, the Slayers belonging to the army were carrying forward their preparations to fight with the Savages that drew near before their eyes.

(… Is Emilia-sama alright, I wonder…?)

Claudia has been concerned about that the whole time while wearing her Variable Suit in the changing space of the maintenance room.

The fact that the fight against Pope Serivia, the main culprit of the chaos in Lunaltia Base has ended, has already been reported from Kilfelthar, her superior officer.

However, she hasn’t heard yet about the safety of the Slayers of Little Garden who have defeated Serivia.

It seems that only rumors that say that someone suffered serious injured or that someone died are circulating.

– Claudia… Claudia!

– … eh? Ah, what is it?

Being called twice, Claudia finally noticed that a voice was calling her out and turned around.

Who was standing there is a female Slayer of Gudenburg.

Her rank is captain just like Claudia, and she’s three years older than her——A very, very serious girl with a beautiful short blonde hair and almond-shaped eyes.

Her name is Stella Ansecom.

– I know that you are worried about Emilia-sama, but you are the only one who hasn’t finished changing clothes yet, you know. Right now, you and I are the same ——we are in a position that leads the Slayers, so we will be troubled if you don’t take it levelheadedly.

– Ah——

Claudia noticed with what she was told.

Certainly, there are only two people, herself and Stella, in the changing space.

– I-I am sorry. I will change my clothes immediately. You should go to the meeting place first!

– … understood. Don’t make me wait too much, okay?

Stella tries to leave the room after she fired those words so coldly.

However, she looks back at the door and,

– Claudia.

– Yes?

– You are worried about Emilia-sama, but you aren’t the only one, you know? But, everyone believes in her. Because she’s Emilia-sama after all.

Leaving those words with her, Stella went out of the room.

(Because she’s Emilia-sama after all, you say…)

It was anger that was making her boil up at the same time she ruminates those words.

(I know that! In comparison to Stella or anyone, I am the one who knows Emilia-sama the most!)

Claudia, who finished changing clothes and pulled her self together, left the maintenance room and started walking towards the meeting place.

– ——err, what’s the meaning of this?

Claudia stopped her feet without thinking at the same time she enters the briefing room that is the meeting place.

It’s because it was quite boisterously noisy inside.

Looking inside of it, the Slayers are gathering in one place, making something like a circle.

(Really, what on earth is this?)

While wondering, Claudia gets closer to that ring.

It was quite cheerful and exciting.

That being the case, she knows that they aren’t gathering for negative reasons.

– You finally came, Claudia!

It was Stella who spoke to her in the changing space of the maintenance room a while ago who came to her, approaching with an excited look when she spotted the figure of Claudia.

– Umm, Stella. This is…

While being confused by her attitude as if she was a complete different person till moments ago, Claudia asks her but,

– Come on, follow me!

– Wait, Stella ——hey——!

Stella pulls the hand of Claudia and drags her into the ring.

And then——.

– Look, look at this!

A mid-air projector is placed on a table in front of her.

The moment she saw the video it was playing.

– That’s——!

The expression of Claudia blossomed.

It was because the figure of Emilia heading to the outer space wearing a Space Ride was displayed on it.

She can also see the figures of Claire and Nesat wearing similar Space Rides.

It seems they are heading to subjugate Savages.

– Look, it’s like I said it, right? Emilia-sama is absolutely fine.

– S-such a thing, of course I know it well! But——

Claudia once again turns her eyes to Emilia displayed on the image projected in the air.

– As expected of her… Emilia-sama was really fine after all, huh…

Wiping the tears that overflowed unexpectedly with her fingertips.

Claudia shouted full of spirit.

– Everyone! We can’t lose to Emilia-sama! Let’s exterminate the Savages that have fallen on the moon’s surface! Who is with me!?

Following the words of Claudia, the Slayers of Gudenburg raised their fists and gathered their voices with a「YEAH!」

Stella was looking at the situation with satisfaction.

And thus, not only Emilia and the others are heading to outer space.

The battle against the Savages on the surface of the moon was about to begin now as well.

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