
Chapter 85: Volume 13 - CH 3

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– The fight has already begun not only beyond the clouds but also beyond the Earth——

The time is before dawn.

The moment of the Savages approaching the Earth——.

Ahead of the fourth large-scale Savage invasion in the history of mankind——the Fourth Attack, the Savages who were sleeping soundly in unreachable areas and places where the earthlings had never stepped into, woke up and began to rampage, reacting to the strong energy released in outer space.

Among them are 《UNKNOWNS》——

Liddy informed the Slayers scattered throughout the world with her voice and image from the briefing room inside Little Garden about an information that arrived that says that there are types of Savages that the earthlings have never fought until now.

– It’s very probable that《UNKNOWN》types of Savages are invading the Earth from space. Many of you are already experienced fighting against the Savages. However, never lose your focus!

On the monitor in front of them, the figure of the Slayers belonging to Little Garden who are already scattered and being in charge of their areas are shown.

Everyone is listening to the words of Liddy and answered all together.

Among them are Slayers belonging to Little Garden who are going to sortie at the same time after this ——those are the members of Selections who are standing by at the deck of the ship wearing their Variable Suits, commencing with the figures of Tsudura Mirai and Kurumi Sango and the freshmen of the Martial Arts Department Aila Ersvady and Isurugi Ryuuto——and the second-year students of the Martial Arts Department Ryu Shuemei and Noah Sheldon.

– I suppose there are people who weren’t able to sleep that much, but please bear with it. Well then, everyone, execute operation! To not disgrace our fellowmen who are fighting on the moon, we are going to protect the Earth completely! Show the willpower and pride of the earthlings to the Savages! And after the battle, and when everyone returns to Little Garden, let’s have a victory party!

At that time, Sakura and Karen who are on the moon, were returning to the stage of the ceremony venue where the live concert was ongoing a few hours ago.

Unlike that time, the stands are empty.

Most of the spectators have evacuated to the shelters and each one of the Slayers are stationing themselves for the fight against the Savages that is expected to occur.

What is reflected in the eyes of Sakura who took a quick look at the stands from the wing of the stage are only the figures of the Slayers she became acquainted with, including Krovahn, Nakri, Latia and Erika.

Those are the people gathered to guard the two Divas who will sing to attract the Savages in this place.

That’s why everyone is wearing their Variable Suits and deploys their Hundred in case anything happens.

… however, no more than a few hours have passed since the battle with Serivia.

Although the Slayers are fast to heal their injuries, everyone is far from being completely recovered.

Some of them have taken a rest in rooms and others entered in capsules adjusted to accelerate the recovery, but neither their vitals nor energies have recovered more than half.

Still, they couldn’t stand doing nothing.

There’s something they wanted to do.

And so, they rushed to this place together with Slayers of Little Garden who are in this place and Slayers of other countries that protect the exterior of the ceremony venue and suggested to guard Sakura and Karen who will attract the Savages just like the last few large-scale invasions.

But Fritz who was seriously injured and Touka who’s not a Slayer weren’t able to come to this place. The right arm of Fritz was severely injured, so he’s not in a state where he can fight and Touka isn’t in a state where she can swing the sword normally either.

They are receiving treatment by the medical team inside Little Garden section.

– Are you alright, Karen-chan? Can you do it?

Sakura sat down on one of the folding chairs placed on the wing of the stage and asked Karen who folded her arms as if supplicating, hanging her head without moving.

All the things that happened in the fight against Serivia have already been told to them.

Hayato, the older brother of Karen, disappeared inside the space-time gate together with Liza, the little sister of Claire and ended up getting missing.

No more than just 2 hours ago the two of them heard that story from Charlotte.

It was a measure to avoid being asked by those who shouldn’t know that yet, so they were called to the laboratory of Mei Mei.

– That’s… Hayato-kun is… it’s a lie, right…!?

The mind of Sakura who heard that story turned pure white.

Naturally, she can’t hide her commotion.

– Say, Mei Mei. Is that true!?

She asks that question, pressing Mei Mei for an answer, who was at her side.

– … yes, it’s true.

– No way…

Sakura sat down and basked on the ground helplessly as if her strength came out from her whole body.

The person who used to sustain her heart suddenly became missing——.

Naturally, tears overflow too.

But, she cannot afford to cry.

Because there’s a person who’s bound to be sadder next to her.

That girl is——.

Comfort Kisaragi Karen who’s the little sister of Kisaragi Hayato, this is what she should do now.

Telling herself to do so, Sakura stands up and turns her eyes towards Karen.

She was considering that it’s an inevitable situation if she’s crying and sitting on the ground like she herself did a few seconds ago.

But, that wasn’t so.

Karen was loudly bursting into laughter while drops of tears float in her eyes.

– Ahah, ahahahah…

– Karen, chan?

She at least thought that she ended up broken due to that level of shock.

But, that’s not so either.

– Is that so? For Nii-san to do such a thing…I feel that’s so typical of Nii-san.

Saying so while wiping the tears with her fingers, Karen continues.

– Nii-san said that he will definitely come back, didn’t he? In that case, he will definitely come back with Liza-san. Because Nii-san is a person who keeps his promises——


What Sakura thinks is as Karen said.

Because he said that he will definitely come back.

Besides, Liza Harvey, the first human-Variant, is with him.

It can be said that the possibility of a miracle happening is not low.

That’s why, Sakura said.

– … yeah, let’s believe that. In the return of Hayato-kun and Liza——

– Yes!

After the report, they also heard from Mei Mei and Charlotte about the strategy that they will do from now on.

Like at the World Martial Arts Tournament and the invasion that occurred the day before the ceremony of mankind’s moon advancement, they also received a request that they wanted them to lure the Savages with their songs.

『The reason is also the same as the attack on the day before the ceremony. Even though everyone is exhausted to a greater or lesser extent due to the fight against Serivia, a lot of excellent Slayers are on the moon now. I don’t want the Savages to fall to the Earth, if at all possible』

– Naturally, I understand that.

Sakura, who heard the explanation of Charlotte, said with an “it’s probably so” attitude.

『Will you sing?』

– Of course!

Replying immediately, Sakura turns her gaze to Karen.

– What about you, Karen-chan?

– I will sing too.

Karen replied firmly.

– With Sakura-san.

Sakura showed a satisfying smile upon hearing that answer.


Two and a half hours after carrying out the operation——.

And only 30 minutes before that, they decided to take a rest in the rooms prepared for each of them.

– … Hayato-kun, you’re fine, right…?

Sakura, who went back to her room and lay down on the bed, muttered while looking up at the ceiling.

——He will definitely come back.

She wanted to believe in those words like Karen, but she was unable to suppress the anxiety crossing her chest.

(If she’s alone, then she must be somewhat depressed, so maybe I should go to the room of Karen-chan)

If it’s to calm them, then they may be able to sleep even if it’s a bit.

Sakura left the room thinking so and when she tried to knock the door of the room of Karen.

She hears a voice similar to sobbing from inside the room.

With that, Sakura stopped her hand.

(… Karen-chan…)

Although she pretended to be tough earlier, she guessed that, as expected, she had heart-breaking, sad feelings

Her voice saying「Nii-san」is slightly mixed with sobbing.

(That’s right…. Since it’s only the two of them of their family…)

She hesitated a little, but Sakura went back to her room immediately.

She might have been able to comfort and distract Karen.

But that’s temporary.

Concerning the results, Karen has to solve those feelings herself, and Sakura herself as well.

Otherwise, they won’t be able to sing songs after this.

(I was trying to rely on Karen-chan. But that’s no good. Because I’m the one who has to pull Karen-chan——)

What she should do now is not to be depressed nor crying.

And neither meeting and comforting other people.

It’s fine if sad and painful feelings are included in their lyrics and songs.

Because I unmistakably am Kirishima Sakura, the Oriental Witch.

——It appears that the decision at that time seemed to not be wrong.

– It’s okay.

Karen called out to Sakura at the wing of the ceremony hall, relaxed her stiffened expression and answered with a smile. Then she raises her eyebrows, looking at the face of Sakura and continues her words with an earnest expression.

– I will fight. Because I think that’s what I should do now. If I don’t do it, then I can’t face Nii-san who protected this world risking his life.

Listening to those words, Sakura felt relieved.

Karen was able to overcome it herself well.

– Karen-chan has truly become strong. As expected of my favorite pupil.

– … thank you very much.

She gently smiled at Karen who smiled as if feeling embarrassed, then continued her words.

– Also, if we sing putting our feelings into it, then our singing voices may reach Nii-san, don’t you agree? I’m sure that the Hundred will make our wishes come true. After all, the Hundred made my dream come true——of becoming a singer like this.

Karen took out the Hundred and grasped it tightly with both hands.

– … you’re right.

The Hundred answers the feelings of its owner.

(That goes for Karen-chan and it goes for me as well)

So ——.

– Karen-chan ——let’s sing putting our hearts into it properly.

– Yes!

Sakura and Karen.

Their feelings became one.

It’s at that time.

– Do you have a minute, you two?

It was a girl who got close to them that let them know she was there.

She’s not a Variant.

She’s not a Slayer either.

She’s just a human.

Still, her popularity as a Diva is at the same level of “Oriental Wizard” Kirishima Sakura——she’s Carol “Charming Angel” Caroline.

– Carol-san, didn’t you evacuate with everyone else…? Why are you here…?

– Moreover, that appearance——

Sakura doubted her eyes because Carol wears a lovely orange costume that looks like an angel which is also the one she wears when she sings on the stage.

– Hearing that you are going to sing after this, I came out from the shelter. And thus, I changed my clothes to this one.

– Changed clothes, you say…

What’s the meaning of this? Sakura asks.

– I want to help you again.

– Does that perhaps mean like that time…?

Next, Karen asked.


That time refers to the World Martial Arts Tournament.

When Sakura and Karen sang to attract the Savages.

Carol helped Souffle to adjust the sound.

Karen remembered that thing of that time.

– Nope, it’s a bit different from that time. If it’s with you, then shouldn’t I come out wearing a costume like this?

– Then in other words, what you want is to sing with us as one of the Divas representing the earthlings, am I correct?

– Yes, exactly that.

Carol answered firmly to the question of Sakura and continued her words with a serious look.

– I’m not retaining almost anything the Variant Virus. That’s why the songs I sing can’t make an appeal to the Slayers and Savages. I understand such a thing. But, I want to fight together with you ——I want to sing with you. That’s why I came here.

– Err, Sakura-san…

Karen, who felt a strong desire concentrated in the gaze of Carol, thought that she wanted to sing with her if possible.

But she doesn’t have the right to decide that.

After all, she’s only and no more than an existence that accompanies Sakura.

But, Karen saw the face of Sakura as if she appealed to her, as if she wanted to do so.

Then, smiling with a puff like being happy, Sakura——.

– You have some nerve, don’t you? If you aren’t going to hold us back, then we give you a warm welcome.

– Sakura-san!

The expression of Karen that was uneasy, becomes bright.

– … or perhaps I should say, in the first place, can you sing our songs?

– How many times do you think we were on the same program or concert? Of course that I can sing them. I also got 95 points in karaoke!

– Oh, thank you for the royalties*. However, if you say so proudly, then get 100 points. What’s that “95 points”, huh?

– If it’s 95 points in karaoke then that’s enough, you know!?

– By the way, I got 90 points in your songs. But didn’t Karen-chan get 96 points before?

– Ah, err… I got that…

– Tsk… well, that’s not something worth worrying about. So, what’s the order of the songs? Can you tell me please?

– Yes but, now that you have joined, the program must be changed a bit. Mixing neatly my songs, Karen’s songs, then adding our duet songs and Carol’s songs——that’s only if the Slayers and the Savages don’t get tired of us. Souffle, you don’t mind, right?

『If you are fine with it, then I don’t mind』

Souffle in the operation room responded while showing a expression similar to being amazed.

– It’s decided then. When it’s our part, we should do eye contact or something, don’t you think? Since we are pros, whatever will do. And, that’s right——since this is a rare chance, shouldn’t we name this operation as Operation Live 『Trinity』?

– Operation Live

– Trinity…?

Karen and Carol said the full name of it as if continuing so.

Trinity is a word that represents the meaning of 『3』

– How about it? It’s a good operation name, no?

– Yes, I think it’s good!

Karen replies immediately.

Next, Carol also replied.

– … we-well, it suits the occasion, isn’t it?

Carol doesn’t seem to be wholly about it.

– If so, then that’s also decided. Souffle, how long will it take to change the live program, I wonder?

『Well, I guess I can do it in 5 minutes or so』

After she replied, Souffle contacts Mei Mei in the briefing room in Little Garden section.

『Mei Mei, there’s no problem to extend the start by 5 minutes, correct?』

『Yes, no problem. If it’s to that extent, then I think it’s fine』

That exchange was heard by Sakura too.

– 5 minutes, huh. It’s barely nothing, but in the meantime… since this unique, there’s only one thing that I want to do.

『Don’t tell me that you intend to do something unnecessary again?』

– Ufufu… 

The intuition of Souffle who got used to be manipulated by Sakura hit the mark.

Sakura who smiled mischievously beckons towards Carol.

– Carol-san, do you have a minute?

– … eh?

– Come on, come over here.

– Kyaa!

What the hell? Carol showed a surprised expression as Sakura pulled her to the changing room.

『What on earth is happening?』

– I don’t know.

Souffle and Karen didn’t understand the intention of Sakura at all.

Exactly 5 minutes later——.

The door of the changing room opened and Sakura came out, raising her voice.

– Souffle, are the arrangements completed?

『Yes, they are done now』

– It took time to persuade her, but it seems I made it just in time. Hey, come out.

– *Sniff*…

– … eh?

Karen doubted her eyes, looking at the appearance of Carol that came out, embarrassed.

It’s because Karol was wearing a basic type used by the Slayers of Little Garden——the Variable Suit of Sakura used for practice.

Naturally, Souffle was surprised too.

『Sakura, what’s the meaning of this? Carol-san isn’t a Slayer…』

– I thought of making the production a bit interesting. So I also updated the live costume data. You can confirm it.

『Confirm it you say…』

Souffle turns her eyes to the machine at hand.

『Certainly, it’s updated… err, wait a minute, Sakura. A thing like this is——』

– It’s not impossible. I’ve done similar things numerous times, so I was sure of my success.

『But why such a thing…』

– Whether there’s 100,000 spectators or just one person, nothing changes. To surprise the audience in any stage, we will do our utmost to entertain them. That’s the pride of Kirishima Sakura as a Diva. That’s a thing that Souffle is fully aware of, right?

『… now that you mention it, it was like that, huh…』

Souffle sighed as if being amazed.

『Understood. Do as you like』

– Let’s go, Karen and Carol.

Following the words of Sakura, the three of them appear on the stage.

The first thing they noticed was that Latia was in the stands.

– Oh, it seems it’s starting.

Following those words, the Slayers in the ceremony venue turn their eyes to the stage.

– … eh, why is even Carol coming out and wearing a Variable Suit?

Naturally, Latia showed surprise.

The other Slayers also begin to murmur.

Because everyone knows that Carol isn’t a Slayer.

(Ufufufufu, everyone is surprised)

It is tremendously fascinating to Sakura that the spectators are surprised and showing wonderment.

(I’m going to surprise them more from here on!)

The voice of Souffle is transmitted to the earphones the three of them had put on.

『Well then, let’s get started. Show them the best stage, girls!』

Receiving the words of Souffle, Sakura, Karen and Carol nodded to one another, exchanging glances reciprocally.

In each of their hands, a Hundred is being grasped tightly——.




The bodies of the three girls are covered with shining particles, and their respective costumes are created.

A cherry-colored shrine maiden costume for Sakura.

A lovely purple fairy-like costume for Karen.


(Alright, it turned out well!)

The surprise is a huge success.

The costume was made properly even for the body of Carol.

It resembles the one she originally wore.

It’s an orange dress that imaged an angel.

– Phew… if it failed it meant that I would be stark-naked, so I was scared.

– Ahaha, I hastily made it, but I’m glad it turned out well.

Sakura smiled satisfactorily towards Carol who showed a relieved look.

Certainly, Carol hasn’t become a Slayer.

Sakura didn’t kiss her or delivered the Variant Virus to her either.

The Hundred that Carol was grasping tightly was purely an illusion.

It’s a virtual image created with images.

If so, then what is the costume of Carol?

That doubt is surging, as a matter of course.

It’s made of a hybrid image that altered from a distance the Variable Suit which is done by the ability of Sakura.

This is what Sakura wanted to do.

A makeover of Carol, the Charming Angel——.

A surprise of the armament deployment of the three.

The result was a huge success.

The Slayers were surprised too.

To the extent that they are in a very good mood.

The small drowsiness they had was being blown away as they come to the stage.

The sleepiness of the Slayers who are here undoubtedly was blown away with the surprise just now as well.

Of course, even with their singing voices after this, they intend to blow away the sleepiness.

Sakura shouted extraordinarily full of energy.

– Now, let’s sing!

Their feelings to Hayato and Liza.

And, their feelings to the Slayers fighting with the Savages.

Putting each of their feelings into the melodies.

Singing along with the melody.

The cherry Sakura, the purple Karen and the orange Carol, the three of them, began to sing all together.

– It seems that it finally started, huh.

It’s a Slayer of the Kingdom of François who turned her gaze towards the ceremony venue while being struck by the music that reached her ears——she is Muriel ”《White Lily Princess Knight》Princess Lily” Chanteur, a beautiful noble woman who has a light brown wavy hairstyle and white lily hair ornaments on top of it——and who also participated at the World Martial Arts Tournament where she played the role of the team leader.

She wears a Variable Suit for the purpose of fighting with the imminent Savages and was standing by outside the section of the Kingdom of François.

It’s a communication from Lunaltia Base Joint Headquarters that arrived there.

It’s a news of the approaching Savages.

After she listened to it, she calls out to Louise Crocel, the subordinate standing next to her——and who filled the position of subleader of François team at the World Martial Arts Tournament.

– It appears that the Savages will also fall near our section soon. Louise, we will go into combat readiness.

– Yes, Muriel-sama!

Louise replied, she was grasping tightly the Hundred in the palm of her hand.

Muriel also holds tightly the Hundred like her.



Louise shouted first, she held her Chevalier type Hundred——《Flashing Sword-Axe》Luxion, which is a huge blade similar to an axe in her hands.

Next, Muriel shouted and deployed her Phalanx type Hundred shaped as a giant lance——《Spirit of a Pure Guardian Knight》Lily Franca.

The two head towards the fight with the Savages.

The same is true to the other Slayers preparing for battle at Lunaltia Base.

Everyone deploys the Hundred and goes to the battlefield with the singing voices of Sakura, Karen and Carol on their backs.

It’s not different for the ones who participated at the World Martial Arts Tournament as well as the ones who didn’t.

For everyone on Earth——.

In order to protect their loved ones, they will fight putting everything they have into it.

Of course that’s the same for the ones in outer space who were dozens of kilometers away from the base.

Thereupon, Emilia, Claire and Nesat, the three of them, were unfolding a battle with the Savages.

– Yaaaaaaaa——!

The giant blade of Emilia destroys the defensive wall, core and all of a normal Savage.

In a place 50 meters apart from there, the huge blade of Nesat is swung, the body of a single normal Savage bursts open.

That Savage stops its movement, spreading the pair of wings that produced with particles then opens its head and tries to counterattack Nesat, but at the same time with that, there were two other Savages that launched an attack on Claire. Looking at that, it was Claire who spilt a meaningful smile.

– This is exactly what I wanted desuwane.

Saying that, she changes the shield that blocked the bombardment into Buster Cannon and charges energy into it.

– I will instantly shoot you down masuwa!

The thick and powerful beam fired together with the shout wraps up the three giant Savages, destroying their defensive barriers, cores and everything.

– 37 kills in total with these desuwa.

*Phew*… she sighs. Claire spilt so as if she was elated with success.

Emilia calls out to her with a tone of voice to banter with her.

– Hmm, just 37 kills?

Claire said, glaring at Emilia with an offended attitude.

– What is it desuno, with that way of talking?

– I suppose I still have more kills on my siide*.

With a grin, Emilia showed a smile elated with success.

Claire, who was fed up looking at her appearance, asked Emilia.

– If so, how many of them have you defeated masuno?

– At the moment, 42 of them. But I’m still all right. I can still defeat another 50 or 60.

– Then I will defeat another 60 or 70 of them after this masuwayo!

– Then I’ll defeat more! What about you, Nesat?

– Eh, me…?

She wasn’t thinking that they would bring up the topic to her.

Nesat showed a bewildered look on her face.

(W-what do I do…?)

Nesat has defeated 12 Savages so far.

That’s why she can’t say that she will defeat more than them, and in the first place she didn’t really plan to compete with them.

– Eh, err… I-I will also do my best to not lose against you!

That’s the answer given by Nesat.

– Yeah, that’s the spirit!

Emilia broadly smiled, listening to the reply of Nesat.

Looking at that expression, it seems that her answer wasn’t incorrect, and so Nesat took a breath, feeling relieved.

『Good grief, you girls are…』

It’s Charlotte who interrupted the communication while sighing as if she was amazed.

Judging from the situation, it seems she was listening to the communication of the three.

『… but, that’s the spirit, right? The number of invading Savages has also decreased. Please continue with this rhythm』

– Charlotte, please take care of the search of Hayato.

– Please take care of the search of my little sister as well masuwayo!

『Of course, I know that. I’m in the middle of the frenetic search of them together with Chris and the others, you know. Well then, allow me to go back to wo——』

– Wait a minute——

Nesat suddenly raised her voice she tried to cut the communication, so Charlotte asked surprised.

『How unusual. Stepping in like that. What is it?』

– Well…

Dyeing her face appearing to be a little embarrassed, Nesat said.

– Are Krovahn and Nakri safe?

『Oh, that’s what you meant. They are properly guarding the Divas. A dreadnaught Savage fell near them but cooperating with the Slayers who were at that place, they have defeated it already. There are no problems so far』

– I see——

I’m glad, and when Nesat was just smiling.

– Ah, Nesat, look ahead!

She was called out by Emilia.

Next, she’s called out by Claire as well.

– The next group of Savages has arrived mashitawayo.

With that, Nesat looks ahead of the line of sight of Claire.

Around 10 Savages were floating there.

– … I’ve never seen those before.

Nesat muttered spontaneously.

Most of them are the same as the other Savages.

She can’t see them on the ground——.

The figures of the Savages flying around in outer space with a pair of particle wings.

She was surprised when she saw them at first, but their movements are the same as ordinary Savages.

So, as they were fighting in the space in this way, she ended up getting used to them.

However, only one of them——.

There was a Savage that wasn’t a regular Savage, it was shaped like an eagle.

– Then what do we do? Since the core is in sight, then it’s fine to just go and destroy it. Isn’t that right, prez?

– Ye——s

Claire smiled, showing a meaningful smile.

– Then I will destroy it at once masuwa!

And thus, Claire accelerates towards the Savage.

– Ah, cunning prez! Waaii——t!

Emilia accelerates and tries to pursue Claire who headed first.

Charlotte, who was listening to the exchange of the two in Little Garden smiled wryly with「yareyare」

– For the time being, they are healthy and safe. Doesn’t Nesat think so as well, hmm?

『Err, but…』

– Isn’t fine to want to put on a brave face? Still, it’s way better than being depressed and missing your attacks. I’m sorry, but can you support them? I’m counting on you.

『… got it. In that case doctor, about Hayato——』

– Yes, I know.

After she cut the communication, Charlotte spilt words as if murmuring.

– Your feelings towards Hayato-kun are the same as the other two, huh.

On the other hand, at that time——.

The fight against the Savages was about to begin, even on Earth.

At the outside training grounds of the Imperial Army Slayer Forces of Britannia.

– On the moon, Emilia-hime and the others as well as our brothers are fighting, risking their lives. It seems there are people among countries and organizations who didn’t sleep well. So us, who were blessed with lucky conditions, cannot afford to have an embarrassing fight. Now is the time to show the fruits of our daily training——to show the power of the Imperial Army Slayer Forces of Britannia! Don’t you think so as well!?

It was Edward Douglas Wenz, the leader of the Imperial Integrated Army Slayer Forces of Britannia who motivated the Slayers standing in a row before him, and raised the sword in his hand high in the sky.

Then, the Slayers of Britannia gathered their voices with a 「YEAH!」vigorously.

Around 200 Savages are expected to fall on the Earth at the present time.

It’s estimated that 10 of them will fall on the Empire of Britannia.

– Each of you, to your positions! Begin the battle!

6 hours have passed since they were informed in advance of the invasion of the Savages.

And during the first attack approaching the Earth.

Inside one of the Slayers forces of Little Garden——.

The A team led by Liddy Steinberg, the second Student Council President, was in a dense forest along the river a little away from the Sunshine State district.

It’s because there are estimations that the Savages will fall in this place.

It’s already morning in Liberia.

However, the visibility is limited in the dense forest.

Therefore, by moving to a high ground with a nice view, Liddy was looking at the sun that just revealed its face.

Moving to the high ground and looking up at the sky in the same way than her, they are the freshmen of Little Garden who were deployed in the same A team as Liddy——they are Isurugi Ryuuto, a black-haired boy with a pretty face and short height who comes from the Empire of Yamato and resembled Hayato somehow and the other is Aila Ersvady, a silver-haired girl with two ponytails that self-proclaimed to be a blood relative of the vampires and who comes from a noble family of the Kingdom of Souveria.

Of course, the task assigned to the three of them is the extermination of the Savages that will fall in this place.

For that reason, everyone is wearing their Variable Suits.

Closing the eyelids and after a few seconds——.

Liddy murmured.

– It seems that they came.

– They came? The Savages?

Showing a surprised look, Ryuuto looks at the face of Liddy who just opened her eyelids.

Next, Aila said.

– Where are they? They aren’t visible to me…

Holding her right hand on her forehead, she continues looking at the sky while blocking the sun.

– Don’t confirm it just with your eyes like that.

After she sighed as if she was amazed when saying so, Liddy begins to advise them.

– You feel the energy of the Savages in your whole body.

– Feel the energy of the Savages…

– In your whole body…?

While blinking their eyelids incessantly, Aila and Ryuuto repeated what was said by Liddy.

– That’s right. Closer your eyelids. Clear away the idle thoughts. Then concentrate, sensing the energy in your whole body. When doing so, you can sense the presence of a mass of energy that gradually approaches from outer space. Give it a try.

– U-understood.

– Okay…

Following Ryuuto who replied, Aila nodded and closed her eyelids in accordance with what she was told.

Around 10 seconds passed since then.

– How is it, did you feel it?

A few seconds after that question.

Aila replies.

– … I finally felt it——I grasped it!

After her, Ryuuto also replies.

– Me too. I felt a creepy energy! Moreover, they are two!

– Alright. If so, open your eyelids. They should be visible by naked eye any time now.

– Ah…

– It’s true.

According to the words of Liddy, when opening the eyelids, they are shaped as grains of rice, but what they saw are two Savages approaching them.

Immediately after, the rings equipped on the arms of the three make a sound.

It’s a communication from the operation headquarters.

『Does everyone hear me?』

What they heard is the voice of Charlotte.

『The first part of the attack is approaching gradually, but were you able to catch their presences?』

『We’ve already confirmed 2 of them by naked eye』

It was Liddy who answered.

Next, she asks.

– It’s fine that only two of them are falling down in this place as planned?

『Yes, it’s fine. It is expected that two of them will fall as well on the direction of Mirai and the others of B team. Nonetheless, that’s only the first part. Since there’s an estimation that a second wave of three will come soon. We don’t know the exact place yet, but they shouldn’t fall in a distant place from where you are』

– ——Roger. I think that we should head to exterminate the two we confirmed by sight first, but both of them are normal type… isn’t that correct?

『As expected of Liddy. You felt them with energy? Because you’re correct』

One of them is a dreadnaught type and the other a normal type.

However, Charlotte said that the other just had a largish body build.

Their expected time of arrival is near the same.

It’s said that the offensive plan of missiles and the like from aircrafts and the surface isn’t good over the attacks against other Savages falling at the same time.

That’s also a proof that the abilities of Liddy and the others as Slayers were trusted.

– I understand the situation. Thank you very much, Dr. Charlotte. We will split into two from here and exterminate the Savages.

『I will leave the detailed strategy to you. Since you are already the president』

– … please stop, don’t put a pressure onto me like that.

『I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I wish you good luck』

Together with those words, Charlotte cut the line.

– Good grief…

After she sighed so.

Liddy immediately informs Aila and Ryuuto of the strategy.

– Wel then, the strategy… rather than a strategy, this is nothing like that, if you ask me.

It was probably because of the pressure put onto her by Charlotte.

While scratching the temple of her forehead with a bashful look, Liddy continues.

– Well, I will go towards the dreadnaught. So, you two head towards the normal one and dispose of it.

Like the preamble said, it isn’t a strategy at all.

Aila and Ryuuto.

The strategy of believing in the strength of the two——.

——.No, it was an order.

– If it’s a normal or whatever, then you should be able to deal with it instantly——nonetheless, don’t get too cocky. You don’t know what will happen on the battlefield.

– Yes!

– Of course I understand such a thing.

Following Aila and Ryuuto who reply, Liddy said.

– Well then, the strategy beings!

Parting with Liddy, Ryuuto and Aila begin to move towards the predicted falling point.

And not even two minutes since then.

Aila said, stopping her feet.

– It’s almost time, huh…

– Yes, are we going to standby around here?

Ryuuto also stops his feet and says so, closing his eyes.

Then, Aila also closed her eyes.

Even if they look up at the sky, they can’t grasp its figure due to the leaves of the clustered trees.

But, the thunderous roar and the wind pressure heard by their ears——.

And with the size of the energy, it was understood by them that the Savage is approaching to their side right away.

You are reading story Hundred at

– It’s coming!

Shouting, Aila lie flat on the ground.

Likewise, Ryuuto also lie flat on the ground.

Immediately after——.

*Boom*! Following the shocking sound, the ground shook, the trees rustled.

– Over there!

Aila jumps out, sensing the Savage that fell in that direction.

Ryuuto also runs after it.

Then, they instantly saw the appearance of the Savage.

Seeming that it just recovered from the impact of the fall, it raises its upper body while lighting up a golden pattern of its whole body, then starts probing the situation of the surroundings with the antenna of its head.

– … certainly, it’s slightly larger than a normal type, but it looks like a normal Savage——such a thing never happened before, right?

That’s the impression of Aila when she saw the Savage.

– … that seems to be, Ryuuto. Take a look around adequately. We’re putting our lives into it. Let me kill that alone.

– Eh!? Alone? ——wait, Aila-san!?

Without listening to the reply of Ryuuto, Aila accelerates in one go using the energy from the flying device shaped like wings on her back——and approaches the Savage.

– Eeee…

Certainly, the Savage is exactly as she heard from Liddy, a slightly larger normal type——.

There isn’t a great difference from the Savages she has defeated many times up to now.

Even though there’s not too much to worry about, and as Liddy said at parting, one really doesn’t know what will happen.

So, Ryuuto started running after Aila.

– Please wait, Aila-san!

Still, it’s impossible to catch up with Aila who’s going ahead.

– Go, my familiars!

Aila, who got near the preceding Savage, jumped and got on an elevation nearby, then created 4 bats that surround her body.

Of course, they aren’t just bats.

They are floating batteries of her Dragoon type Hundred——《Queen that rules the darkness》Darkness Queen.

– Fire!

The four bats that surrounded the large build of the Savage started bombarding from the mouth in accordance with the orders of Aila.

The strategy of Aila is to try to stop the movement of the Savage with that damage.


– ——what!?

Aila raised her voice without thinking.

The beams turned into particles as if dispersing when they touched the steel shell of the Savage then disappeared.

About dealing damage to the Savage, naturally she couldn’t do so.

(What’s the meaning of this? Is it more resistant against the beams than the other Savages?)

And so forth, but she doesn’t have time to be confused.

The Savage finished opening its head, then raised its body, keeping its posture.

That’s the sign of a bombardment, and of course Aila knew about it.

It was also aiming at Aila.

(This is bad…!)

The moment Aila thought so.

A shadow passed next to her…

It’s Ryuuto who brandished his own Chevalier type Hundred 《Dragon Fang》 Ryuuga.

– Te———ii!

Ryuuto slashes at the Savage with Ryuuga.

He couldn’t give that much damage with it, but he was able to stop the bombardment and was able to attract the Savage to himself.


The Savage seems to be irritated, especially for being attacked.

While rising a sonorous roar, it swings downwards the pincers, aiming at Ryuuto.

– … whoa.

Stopping those pincers with the sword, Ryuuto raised his voice.

– Aila-san! It appears that this Savage is more resistant to energy-based attacks——don’t you agree!?

Ryuuto forces back the pincers, loading energy into Ryuuga as he is and slashed at the Savage.

With that, the large build of the Savage becomes unstable.

– I did it! It seems that its resistance is only a bit high. If we do an attack with all our strength and loaded with energy, then we should penetrate both the defensive barrier and the core!

Certainly, it seems to be as Ryuuto says.

Now, the trajectory that his sword followed was firmly carved into the steel shell of the Savage.

– In short, you’re saying that it’s only a thin barrier that is deployed throughout its body?

– That’s right! That’s why, Aila-san. I will send flying the Savage and once it crashes into the cliff ahead, bombard the core with all your strength, aiming at that gap! If we do so, then surely that should defeat the Savage!

– Ngggh… I wanted to do everything by myself, but it can’t be helped now that it’s turning into this! Getting orders is annoying, but I’ll have to try and do so!

– Thank you very much——okay then, let’s go!

Ryuuto brandishes Ryuuga loaded with energy in a big way and launched an attack on the Savage that tried to swing downward the pincers again while recovering its stance.

In accordance with the plan, the Savage is sent flying to the back.

– Now, Aila-san!

– Got it!

Opening the five fingers of her right hand that pointed to the Savage, Aila gave an order to the 4 bats.

– Go, my underlings!

The four bats flew to where the core of the Savage is together with those words and combined on the way——.

Turning into a giant bat, it reached the core.

– Hahaha——this is the end!

When Aila raised a loud voice, the giant bat fires a thick, powerful beam that penetrated the defensive barrier of the Savage with its core.

– How was I, you watched it, right?

The Savage is silent.

Showing a smile elated with success, Aila threw out her chest, putting both hands on her waist.

Suddenly there, the rings attached on their arms resounded.

– … what, what does this mean?

Aila knits her brows in suspicion.

What she heard from the ring is the voice of Liddy.

『What’s the situation, guys?』

– Ah, is it Liddy? I’ve just defeated the Savage. It wasn’t Ryuuto, it was me——

Emphasizing that proudly, Aila laughed loudly.

A huge shadow fell there.

Immediately sensing something there, Ryuuto shouted.

– It’s dangerous, Aila-san! A Savage is behind you!

– … huh?

Aila looked back with the appeal of Ryuuto and realized that there’s a Savage on the back.

Moreover, the Savage reflected in her eyes is trying to swing downward the pincers——.

– ——Whhaa!?

Aila dodged the pincers jumping backwards just in time, but there’s no foothold there.

The height to the ground is several tens of meters.

– Uwaaaaaaaaa—————!?

At this rate, she’s going to end up striking the ground from the back.

She has to manage somehow using the wings on her back which are also flying devices.

While she thought so, the voice of Ryuuto reached her.

– Aila-san, at that rate!

– … wha!?

There’s no time to think about what on earth he is trying to say with that.

The ground is approaching very closely.

– … kuh…

Receiving a shock on her body, Aila let leak a shriek.

Nonetheless, the scream isn’t a big thing and the impact isn’t violent either.

Even the pain was hardly there.

What she feels is the warmth of a person.

– … Are you okay, Aila-san?

Aila felt relieved with the voice that reached her next.

– W-what are you…!?

What is reflected in the eyes of Aila who’s in a surprised state is the face of Ryuuto which is right next to hers.

With that much, Aila understands that she was saved by Ryuuto who caught her.

With the momentum and making a sound, the face of Aila suddenly dyed bright red.

– … what, you say? I just saved Aila-san, but…?

While blinking incessantly, Ryuuto answers.

– E-even if you didn’t save me, I’d have done that with my own strength somehow——anyway, what I mean is! I appreciate that… well, I do… B-but your hand is…!

– … my hand?

While enduring the shame, Aila turned her eyes towards her own chest.

With that, it seems that Ryuuto finally noticed that his hand was touching the chest and her small butt of Aila.

– Ah, I’m sorry!

Dyeing his face red like Aila, Ryuuto shows a surprised attitude.

– Ah, err… as you know, I’m devoted to Touka-san… besides, this is more like an accident…. Or rather, umm… it feels harder than I thought, so I didn’t notice that those were such places…!

– Hey, that’s impolite towards a maiden! Besides, you’re dull! First, put me down, and fast. I’ll do something to that Savage!

– Ah, that’s right!

Ryuuto put down the flustered Aila and decided to get in touch with Liddy again using the communication device of his neck immediately.

It’s to resume the interrupted conversation.

– I’m sorry, President Liddy. Another Savage appeared again now——

『… so that’s how it is. I didn’t notice that either during the battle, but the second group seems to be falling already. I was about to inform you that just now…. Since one of them has already fallen here as well, I will exterminate it immediately to join you. Can you guys destroy the Savage that has fallen?』

– Yes, we’ll try!

Replying that, and after the communication is over.

Ryuuto picks up Ryuuga that was on the ground and had it at the ready, turning it towards the Savage.

– Err, Aila-san, this doesn’t have the meaning of an apology, but please have a rest for a bit.  This time, I want you to leave the finishing blow to me. There’s something that I want to try——

– Huh? You bastard, what are you saying…

– It’s because I’ve been training for something like this, for the sake of this day.

– Training… you say?

Looking at the back of Ryuuto, Aila caught her breath in one gulp.

It’s because his back looks bigger than usual and he seemed to be full of confidence.

Fuu… and, breathing in in a big way, Ryuuto concentrates.

And then, he grasped tightly and strongly the hilt of Ryuuga.

The thing he should do after this.

That is, his beloved woman’s——.

The technique taught by Kenzaki Touka who’s also his Shishō——Kenzaki Style Secret Technique Zaneizan.

– Even for me was possible. Your sword’s ability is very good, so you should be able to do it.

While receiving training of the sword.

Touka said so easily, but he couldn’t do it very well.

However, it’s been a month since they started that training.

He was finally able to succeed at it.

That is when the princess of the Empire of Yamato——.

When Touka headed to escort Princess Luli a few days ago.

At that point in time, Zaneizan was done right only once.

Certainly he hasn’t used it in actual fighting.


(I feel that I can do it…!)

No, he must be able to do it.

(And then, by defeating the Savage, if Touka-san comes back from the moon, then I will be praised!)

Ryuuto cheered up himself, then kicks the ground and jumps towards the Savage.

Deciding to aim at the core of the Savage, he swung Ryuuga downward.

– Take this! Kenzaki Style Secret Technique——Zaneizan!


The blow of Ryuuto destroys the defensive barrier of the Savage and pulverizes the core as well.

Crumbling down from its legs, the Savage stopped moving.

– How was that, Aila-san!? It was flawless, right?

– Yeah, I think——.

The moment the defensive barrier was destroyed.

「Wow」, she ended up revealing a surprised voice from her mouth unintentionally.

Because of that, Aila praised Ryuuto with honesty.

– Won’t Touka-senpai be surprised too if she saw your appearance of a while ago? Perhaps she might fall in love with you.

– Eh… y-you think so? Ehehe…

Ryuuto shows an embarrassed behavior, putting both hands on his cheeks that were dyed deep red.

Looking at that appearance, Aila said as if being amazed.

– I take back what I just said…. Are you a maiden or what…? As one would expect, any would draw away of that. Even if Touka-senpai looks at you, there’s no mistake she would draw away from such way of behaving.

– Wha! If that’s the case, if the unattractive Alia-san of a while ago had to be shown to Sango-senpai and naturally to Claire-sama, then won’t they also draw away from your actions, huh!?

– S-shut your trap, you bastard!

Baring their teeth, Ryuuto and Aila glare at each other.

A voice arrived there.

– You guys, why are you quarreling…?

It’s Liddy who came to join them after finishing the battle with two Savages.

– Ah, President Liddy! We are sorry!

As they look at the figure of Liddy, Ryuuto bowed his head in panic.

– Come on, Aila-san, apologize too!

– Kuh… why do I have…

He’s not satisfied with it.

While showing an expression that says that it’s their fault, Aila also bowed her head.

Looking at these two, Liddy took a breath as if she was amazed.

– Good grief…. Since the battle will continue beyond this point. It’s too early to let your mind wander.

– Certainly, we are aware of that. We’re really, really sorry.

– … it’s fine already. So you have already defeated two Savages, correct? Since it doesn’t seem to be serious damages, let’s try to move to the next point. I have already received the designated location from Dr. Charlotte. Aila will also go.

– Yes, of course!

Following the leadership of Liddy, Ryuuto and Aila started moving towards the next battlefield.

– Both Aila-san and Ryuuto-kun seem to be doing great with President Liddy. Two enemies at first, then other two——they overcame the battles against four of them in total and they are heading towards the next point.

After they finished the communication with Liddy.

It was Tsudura Mirai, a bob-haired girl who acted as the leader of Little Garden Slayer Forces B team that talked to her comrades who are near.

The members of B team who are located slightly away from A team composed of Liddy, Aila and Ryuuto, are 4: Tsudura Mirai and Kurumi Sango who are wearing Variable Suits that followed the design based on the white of the Empire of Yamato, a branch of Warslan Company——and also Noah Sheldon and Ryu Shuemei who are wearing Variable Suits that are the basic design of Little Garden.

Like the A team, the members of B team were also engaged in a battle with the Savages till just a moment ago, so everyone had deployed their Hundred.

– Alright, we will do it masuwane. But the numbers are equal for now.  We can’t lose either masenwa.

It was Sango who said so, listening to the report from Mirai.

Mirai replies while giggling.

– That’s because you’re the Onee-sama of Aila-chan?

– Y-… you are wrong masenwayo. It’s because Claire-sama and the others are doing their best on the moon as well. We must do our best too——that is what I meant desuwa!

– Certainly, that’s the case huh.

It’s Noah who butted into the conversation.

She continues.

– Hayato-kun and Emilia-san are doing their best on the moon, so we also have to work hard.

– … yeah, let’s work hard.

Nodding to Noah on her side, Shuemei murmured with a small voice as if saying so to herself.

– It can’t be that we are always holding back our senpais from achieving results.

Noah and Shuemei have appeared on the battlefield many times so far, making war on the Savages and defeating them.

Nonetheless, the fear of coming out to the battlefield is still a great deal. They have encountered and battled with 4 Savages so far, but Noah and Shuemei couldn’t do almost nothing.

The war results were obtained by their two kouhais who became members of Selections as soon as they enrolled——they are Kurumi Sango who fought using her Dragoon type Hundred Drag Red and Tsudura Mirai who fought using her Shooter type Hundred Hamanotsurara.

Although they are first-year students, the two trained as Slayers earlier than Shuemei and Noah, so they had abundance combat experience with the Savages.

At any rate, during the Third Attack as well, they fought in Yamato with Kisaragi Hayato, getting battle results.

So it’s natural that their side is in a lower position, but it’s embarrassing and miserable as their senpais of Little Garden to always rely on them.

They feel like they want to be dependable as well.

So, Shuemei began to talk.

– Mirai-chan, Sango-chan. I wonder if you would let us take care of the next Savages.

It seems that feeling was the same for Noah.

– If we rely on you indefinitely, then we won’t be able to grow. So, please!

Noah said so and bowed her head, piling up both hands in front of her chest.

Then, and making sure to do the same, Shuemei also bows her head.

Mirai and Sango showed a bewildered expression as the two senpais bow their heads then looked at each other’s face, thinking what do we do?

It’s Mirai who opened her mouth.

– Well, that’s not an issue. We also got a bit tired with the battle just now. Isn’t that right, Sango?

– Eh, ah, yeah, that’s right desuwane. We will leave this to our senpais masuwa.

– Thank you, both of you.

– We’ll do our best!

Saying so, Shuemei grasped tightly and strongly the hilt of her own Phalanx type Hundred《Snow, Moon and Flowers》Setsugekka——and Noah did the same with her Chevalier type Hundred《Silver Cutting Sword》Kuroukashisu

– It seems that the side of the imperial capital is getting serious.

The one who muttered so while watching TV on a bed for medical use and sat up keeping such posture is Kizaki Ryōko, the institution manager of the orphanage that exists in Motomatsu district of the Empire of Yamato.

– It looks like a few have just descended again, huh.

The one who replied that is a man who went into the room of Ryōko inside the institution ——.

He’s Kenzaki Ryūsei, the instructor of the fencing dōjō that is near the institution.

– Well, the Slayers will do something, don’t you think? There are many of them in the imperial capital.

Saying that, Ryūsei continued.

– The children have finished the evacuation to the shelter. It’s your turn, baa-san. Come, hop on.

–  Oh, thank you.

Carrying Ryōko who turned off the TV on his back, and turning off the lights of the room, Ryūsei started walking. There’s an anti-Savage shelter in the basement of the orphanage. Warslan Company built it together with the institution.

– How’s the neighborhood?

– Nothing has changed, for now. Nonetheless, the chances that the Savages will fall to places that they have fallen in the past it’s high, or so it seems. Well, it’s bedtime after this. It’s better to stay on guard*.

Why is that the chance of the Savages falling to places they have fallen in the past high?

Ryōko and the general public don’t know the specifics.

It’s only a rumor but it’s said that there’s something that attracts the Savages to those places.

So, by omitting the explanation of those details, Ryūsei continues.

– Well, if the Savages get here, I’ll do something about them.

Ryūsei finally reached the underground shelter and made Ryōko lay down on the prepared futon and turned his eyes to the sword that is leaning against the wall.

The sword made by Kenzaki Hokuto, his late older brother——.

The inscription of《Hokuto》, the name of his older brother, is carved but inside of the long cylindrical thing, and it was made by improving it with a Variable Stone. Naturally he has a high swordsmanship skill, but if it’s about using that sword, then he can fight the Savages, even if he’s not a Slayer.

– I can’t do anything good like cooking and looking after a brat. But what can be done by me is teaching swordsmanship and at least to fight.

Since the First Attack was the reason for the earthlings to recognize the existences of the things named Savages.

Before the Hundreds were developed and the Slayers subjugated them.

Using that sword, Ryūsei was fighting the Savages with his older brother.

– … however, how many years have passed since your last battle? What about fighting the Savages and the years that passed by, won’t those things be unreasonable as one would expect?

– Whaaat? I’ve been diligently doing practice-swinging from the morning in case something happens. My lower back is a bit done for, but I’m still in my forties. I’m at the prime of my manhood——hmm, what’s going on?

A sound resounded from the pocket of Ryūsei.

It’s a call request to his PDA.

After taking out and confirming it, he noticed that it was from Motomatsu Base, the Yamato branch of Warslan Company.

– … no way, the Savages appeared?

Ryūsei sent words to Motomatsu Base to contact him in case an abnormal event occurred in the vicinities of the institution.

As the color of anxiety spreads on the expression of the children, Ryūsei starts talking with Mika, the commander of Motomatsu Base.

– As I thought, the Savages have appeared, huh… Alright. In that case, I’ll head to that place. What? I’m not pushing myself. It’s not a problem.

After he cut the call, Ryūsei picked up Hokuto.

– It appears that the Savages have fallen to this side, deviating a little from the calculated place. It will be troubling if the institution and the dōjō are destroyed. So I’m going.

– Can’t you leave it to the Slayers of the base?

– It’s faster to get to that place from here. Whether I can defeat them or can’t defeat them, since I’m the first who will come out, then I expect to finish them suffering little damage.

– … I’m sorry. And please be careful. Because if you don’t the children will be troubled too.

– Yeah——

Calming the frightened and shivering children by stroking their heads, Ryūsei said 「Don’t worry」, 「I’ll deal with them in no time」and「Go to bed at ease」to them then left the shelter.

– Then, I’m going.

It’s said that the Savages have fallen in the forest that is one kilometer or so away to the east from the institution.

Since the sun has also sunk long ago, he can’t confirm their appearances with his eyes.

Ryūsei runs and heads to that place.

(… did I get near them now?)

After running for about 5 minutes.

He stops his feet and close his eyes then concentrates so as to not fail to hear even the small sound.

It’s to search for signs of the Savages.

– This way, huh.

A sound was heard slightly.

Ryūsei began to run, concluding that that sound was caused by the Savage.

Apparently, such decision seems to have not been wrong.

After a short time, he was able to catch the brilliance of the Savage in his field of vision.

(That sensation, its size isn’t that significant… it’s a regular——a normal type, huh…)

From his past experiences, there’s no doubt about that.

Ryūsei drops his speed slowly while getting close to the Savage then stops at around 50 meters.

The standing Savage moved its long antenna to the left and right while rotating its body.

It’s a gesture to explore the situation of the surroundings.

However and fortunately, it seems that it didn’t notice Ryūsei yet.

(… looking after that gap, I’ll launch an attack…)

The moment the Savage turns backwards, he’s going to launch an attack from behind and throw down the body, then he will destroy the core with a single blow ——that’s the strategy planned by Ryūsei.

However, stopping its movement unexpectedly, the Savage opened its head in a big way.

It’s the signal of bombardment.

(This is bad…)

Luckily, it’s not facing the institution, but there are settlements that way too.

Although the distance is considerable, there’s a high possibility that damages will come out.

The strategy is revoked.

Ryūsei started moving right away and decided to launch an attack.

– Haaah!

First, he rushed over the Savage and jumped.

Then, while twisting his body, he gathered momentum and struck with the sword from its side.

It’s one of the secret techniques of Kenzaki Style——Senbuuzan.

Although he couldn’t damage the steel shell, the body of the Savage was sent flying to the back with that hit and crashed into a wall of rock.

About the result, he was able to prevent the bombardment of the Savage, and that being the case, its head is also going down now.

It wasn’t in accordance with the plan, but as for the situation, it is satisfactory,

(The sensation of the battlefield——how nostalgic!)

Ryūsei was noticing that his blood was getting worked up, going around his whole body.

He remembered that sort of feeling that rewound the time to those days.

– This is——the end!

Ryūsei runs up to the Savage again and jumped, aiming at the core of its head.

And just like the previous blow, even if he slashed at them normally, he couldn’t destroy the defensive membrane, much less the core.

But this attack is different.

– Take this, Kenzaki Style Secret Technique ——Zaneizan!

The destructive technique devised by Ryūsei destroys the core of the Savage——it caused those impacts to expand more than twice with the series of attacks that used vibration.

It was magnificent, Ryūsei destroyed the core and each defensive barrier with a single hit.

The Savage who collapsed from its feet stopped its activity with that.

– Ooouch, as I thought, my lower back is long gone…

While bending and patting the lower back that hurt, Ryūsei notices the sound of footsteps approaching from afar.

The next he saw is the light of a flashlight.

As he turns his eyes to that direction, he immediately saw the figure of three girls that wore white Variable Suits of the Slayer Forces of the Yamato branch of Warslan Company.

– … Ryūsei-san?

At the same time they hold the flashlight against Ryūsei, they stop their feet and the leading figure of the girl standing in the center of the three called out to him.

– Oh, it’s been a long time… if I’m not mistaken, you are Warslan’s——

Ryūsei had been called to Motomatsu Base several times to teach swordsmanship.

Conversely, the Slayers of Motomatsu Base came to the dōjō and orphanage as patrollers.

When they did so, he had a memory that he had greeted the bobcat girl before his eyes, but he had completely forgotten her name.

– It’s Ibuki Rinka.

– Ha ha ha! Oh, right. Rinka. I’m sorry, to forget the name of a beautiful girl, that’s not like me.

– … err, that’s not a problem but… more importantly…

Rika who ended up being agitated because she was told that she was a beautiful girl although she knew that it was the flattery of a womanizer, she recovered her nature by clearing her throat with an *ahem*.

Then by pointing the flashlight to the corpse of the Savage, she asked Ryūsei.

– Did Ryūsei-san do this?

– Yeah——

While dropping a meaningful smile, Ryūsei replied, turning his gaze towards the Savage.

– What do you think? Even if I’m not a Slayer, I could defeat the Savage. Incredible, right? I used my experience from the past on this guy. So, did you fall in love with me?

– Whether I fell in love or not, in any case, I expected you would say so, but… well…

– … hmm?

– What’s the meaning of, that posture…?

There’s a reason why Rinka turned a bewildered look.

It’s because Ryūsei is in a forward-bent posture, he was pressing his lower back.

– Well, as expected, it seems nobody can struggle against advancing age, don’t you agree? My lower back hurts and I can’t move. Besides, the Savages aren’t falling down, right? If it’s okay with you, wouldn’t you carry me on your back until the institution?

– … carry you on my back? You’re going to sexually harass me, don’t you?

Rinka is aware that Ryūsei is that sort of human being.

She has heard many stories saying that he has done so when teaching swordsmanship in the past.

– Hahaha, you got me. But seriously, I can’t move. That’s why I beg of you.

– Good grief… If you touch any strange place for a little, I will knock you down on the spot.

Of course, on the way back to the institution, it is needless to say that Ryūsei was knocked down on the ground by touching the breasts of Rinka who carried him on her back with his hand.

The Slayers belonging to Al-Salaam Company, which is a Private Military Company unlike Little Garden, were fighting the Savages in the desert area of the Khmer region.

They began fighting from the time the sun had sunk and the battle had continued at intervals of a few hours.

The time was already becoming late at night.

– Woohoo! This is the fifth one!

The one who destroyed the core of the Savage with a fist and slaps the fist onto the palm of his hand in front of his chest then roared with energy is a muscular man that uses a Martial Arts type Hundred who also acted as the leader of Al-Salaam at the World Martial Arts Tournament——he’s Melec.

Next to Melec are the ones who fought with him against Krovahn, Nesat and Nakri at the World Martial Arts Tournament, they are Bekher, a hot-blooded man that uses a Chevalier type Hundred and Amir, a silent, long-haired and slender woman who uses a Shooter type Hundred.

And finally there was Zia who uses a Crusher type Hundred that resembled the one of Krovahn——he was injured when fighting with Krovahn during the《Operation: Bird in Cage》and the boy recovered from there.

Originally the Hundred of Zia was a crescent moon sword of the Chevalier type that is the same as Bekher’s, but its shape and nature have changed since recovering from the injuries.

Melec said that it might come from his admiration for Krovahn, and Zia himself thought so.

– … what’s wrong, Zia?

– Well, I’m thinking that Krovahn-san and the others are still fighting over there.

Zia replied to Amir who started talking to him.

There’s a moon beyond his line of sight.

It’s a very beautiful full moon.

– Hmm, I see.

Bekher said, turning his eyes to the moon like him.

– At any rate, those guys are fighting against the terrorists and got big battle results, right? Then we can’t lose either.

– You guys, this doesn’t seem to be the case to be talking relaxed. Look at the opposite direction.

Melek comes in from their side.

They could see something like a shooting star falling from the sky ahead of their line of sight.

Zia shouts.

– A Savage!

– Exactly.

Nodding, Melek continues.

– In the information from the headquarters, the attack will last only a bit more. You guys, don’t lose focus till the end!

– … yeah.

– Yes.

– Naturally!

Amir, Bekher and Zia, the three of them, replied firmly to the call of Melec.

– Okay then, let’s go!

Kicking the ground, Mele heads towards the Savage.

Following the instructions, Amir and Bekher also started moving.

Looking at the moon once again before his turn, Zia murmured in his mind.

(Krovahn-san, I will do my best too to not lose against you!)

Zia kicks the ground and started moving, following after the three people.

With this——

– It’s the end desuwa!

Emilia and Claire shouted one after another, and the beams fired from the Buster Cannons held in each of their hands destroy the core of the flying Savage that was shaped like a giant butterfly.

The flying Savage was silenced.

– …  there is no Savage reaction in the surroundings…

Confirming the surroundings, It’s Nesat who muttered.

A pitch-dark world.

Only the stars are visible.

The lights that the Savages release can’t be seen anywhere.

– Is that so.

Listening to the report of Nesat, it’s Clare who sighed with a *phew*…

– There were only 《UNKNOWNS》and they were troublesome opponents, but we managed to do it mashitawane.

– … so, who’s the one that defeated more now? Me, or the prez?

– Since we were together, isn’t good that we defeated them at the same time masenka?

– If so, then what if we don’t merge the numbers of kills? My total now is 122——so, what about you, prez?

– Isn’t a thing like that something trivial by now masenka? Besides, wasn’t decided that it’s not over ye——

A communication entered there.

It’s from Charlotte.

『Hey girls, thank you for your hard work. And well done! The response of Savages isn’t perceived at all, for now. It’s fine to think that there is no continuation to the attack of the Savages』

– Are you really saying that it concluded just now desuno?

『For the time being, yes. So, please return to Lunaltia Base. Regardless of your vitals, the stock of oxygen capsules and energies are near your limits, aren’t they? It was just right in time』

– Roger desuwa. Well then, we will return after this——

– Wait a minute, prez.

– … what is it desuno?

– Charo, what about Hayato?

『Unfortunately, we haven’t found him yet』

– I see…

『Naturally, we don’t intend to give up. We intend to continue exploring』

Those words of Charo didn’t reach Emilia.

– … Hayato…

Emilia is just still, murmuring so——.

For a short while, she just continued looking at the pitch-black universe and the brilliant celestial bodies.

– ——I’ll end it with this!

The Midgard Schrange of Liddy penetrates the core of a dreadnaught and destroyed it.

The dreadnaught tumbles down from its feet while screaming, then quieted.

– With this we sum 15 of various sizes, isn’t it? And as you see, it seems there are no more of them.

Liddy pulls out Midgard Schrange from the core and looked out over the surroundings.

She sees very well till far away just because the damp area had just cleared, but she can’t see the figure of Savages anywhere.

– Nevertheless, it got radiant and very hot…

The season is summer.

And because it’s also near noon, it’s natural to be like that.

There, Ryuuto and Aila of the same team approached her.

Just before Liddy defeated the dreadnaught Savage, they defeated two normal Savages.

– What President Liddy defeated just now was the last Savage, yes?

– Yes, that’s right.

Liddy replied the question of Ryuuto.

Aila asks as if keeping on it.

– If so, then did it end with this?

– More or less, for now. Nonetheless. There are ones on the side of Mirai and the others. If they haven’t finished over there, we should go and help them…

Saying so, Liddy decided to get in touch with the team of Mirai, Sango, Shuemei and Noah who are fighting in a place a little far away from them using the communication device.

– How’s the situation over there, Mirai?

『Oh, Liddy-san. We are battling with the last normal Savage——ah, Noah-san has just delivered the coup de grace. With this, it’s completely finished』

– I see, we have finished all of them here as well.

『It’d be great if the attack has ended with this, but——』

– But, there’s no contact saying that the attack has stopped yet. Therefore, standby there just like——

『Thanks for your hard work, Liddy』

A communication from Charlotte came, interrupting right when Liddy tried to tell them that it was too early to take a breath.

While surprised, Liddy asked.

– … why so sudden, Dr. Charlotte?

『Oh, sorry. It appears you were communicating with Mirai-san just now. I’ll apologize to her later. Then, to the real issue at hand. You found out that Noah Sheldon defeated a Savage right after communicating with Mirai-kun, right?』

– I heard that story just now.

『It seems that that was the last Savage』

– By last you mean the ones in this area?

『No, it includes the whole earth and the moon as well. It’s been half a day from the beginning of the operation. We have overcome the greatest attack of the Savages in the history of the earthlings. The series of battles that started from the terrorist incident by the Pope of Puritaria Serivia Notre Dame Paulo III——and the murder of Judal Harvey done by the former Slayer of the Empire of Rasiya, Elena Skalnicore——was now put to an end』

– … is that so.

Showing a relieving smile, Liddy started talking to Ryuuto and Aila who are at her side.

– Guys, there’s no problem to cancel the armaments.

– Eh, does that mean——

– Yes, it means that the fight is over.

Liddy replies while cancelling the armament.

Then, the expression of Ryuuto became bright in a flash.

That’s the same for Aila.

While looking with a sidelong glance that the two of them are cancelling the armaments, Liddy regains her serious expression and asks Charlotte.

– So, what are the final casualties of Little Garden?

『Three slightly injured persons on Earth. And only two severely injured persons so far』

– Is that so…

It’s sad news that severely injured persons had come out of this. However, she’s frankly delighted that no casualties emerged in the biggest attack to date.

『There are organizations that have had more victims. And countries where the victims that appeared were ordinary citizens. The information about that is being organized now, so return to Little Garden first. I’ll have a detailed report after that』

– Understood. Since everyone didn’t have enough sleep, and there is a lot of people dispersed in various places. A holding will be done tomorrow evening, but please take care of the preparations of the victory celebration. I have promised that to everyone.

『A victory celebration, you say…?』

– Yes, although it’s unfortunate that we can’t do it with the people of Lunaltia Base.

『Liddy, that may be, but…』

– …?

Obviously, Charlotte wasn’t enthusiastic.

Her voice changed to a dark tone.

Becoming anxious with that much, Liddy asked.

– No way, did something happen at Lunaltia Base…?

In the previous report, there was nothing telling about damages at Lunaltia Base.

Then what if that it’s something unthinkable?


Passing around 5 seconds of silence.

Charlotte opened her gloomy mouth.

『Well, I was thinking of telling you this after you came back to Little Garden, but——』

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